Project Execution Plan: R-Series 5 Well Platforms & Pipeline Project
Project Execution Plan: R-Series 5 Well Platforms & Pipeline Project
Project Execution Plan: R-Series 5 Well Platforms & Pipeline Project
Revision B
Item Rev. No. Content of Revision Date of Revision
1 A Issued for Internal Review 28 June 2017
2 B Re-Issued for Internal Review 10 July 2017
1.0 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................6
1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND........................................................................................................6
1.3 DOCUMENT’S OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................9
1.4 ABBREVIATIONS.....................................................................................................................9
1.5 PROJECT PLANNING............................................................................................................11
Ratna-R series field’s part of Neelam & Heera Asset are located about 130 km south-
west of Mumbai and about 41 km from Heera field in the western offshore at an
approximate water depth of 40-50 meter. At present, there is one well cum process
platform, R 12A. The R 12A platform is not in use since long and is not in operation.
ONGC shall carry out the revival/revamping (by others) of the R 12A platform and
removal of the redundant items and convert as well-head platform.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) intends to take up development of Ratna
– R Series fields for production of well fluid and transport to Heera Process Complex.
The Development Scheme envisages installation of four (04 Nos.) Well head platforms,
one (01 No.) well head cum riser platform, intra field submarine pipelines for intra field
well fluid transportation and for evacuation to Heera. The handling/separation/pumping
of well fluid shall be carried out on ONGC hired jack up mobile offshore processing
unit (MOPU-by others), which shall be Bridge, connected to existing R-12A platform.
R-7A 09 04 03 04 02 01 09
R-9A 09 04 02 04 03 01 09
R-10A 09 03 02 03 04 04 09
R-12B 06 03 NIL 03 03 01 06
R-13A 09 05 NIL 03 04 01 09
R-12A * 05 03 02 03 01 01 06
* Existing Platform.
(*) Liquid draw down through electrical submersible pump. At R-13-A out of 05 nos.
planned producers, 02 nos. on self-flow and 03 nos. through ESPs.
(**) Production manifold shall include provision for free slots. Also, well flow arms
for free slot wells complete with piping and instrumentation similar to that
provided on new well fluid flow arms. These shall be terminated in well head
area near respective well locations, 300mm above cellar deck, with flange and
blind flange connections.
(***) I/J tube for Composite Cables. The scope shall include - design, engineering,
supply, installation and testing etc. of composite cables and I/J tubes.
platforms shall be done from R-10A. Well fluid line and power cables from/to R-12B
will be independently connected with existing revived platform R-12A.
Since R-13A platform has high H2S, suitable process & facilities are to be designed for
scavenging H2S.
These well platforms to be designed for remote as well as local operation with
electrically operated valves & control elements. Also, these well head Platforms shall be
integrated in network through optical fiber network.
The Ratna & R-Series field is planned to be developed as per the below given
Conceptual schematic.
This document provides the general methodology and activities, organization, roles and
responsibilities of various groups/ individuals to carry out pre-engineering survey,
design & detail engineering, procurement of all materials, inspections, testing,
fabrication /onshore preparation, load-out, tie-down, transportation, pre-installation
survey, installation /modification, post-Installation /construction survey, site acceptance
test, pre-commissioning, commissioning, as-built, over-all quality assurances & quality
control and all warranties/ guarantees related to the following including video recording
of underwater surveys. which comprises the following:
- Project Management,
- Detail Engineering,
- Procurement,
- Construction Engineering,
- Onshore Fabrication /preparation,
- Onshore Testing, Pre-commissioning,
- Modification works,
- Load-out and Sea-fastening of Project items,
- Offshore Transportation & Installation of Project items,
- Offshore Hook-up, Commissioning New Platforms.
PROJECT R-Series 5 Well Platforms & Pipeline Project
Level-I Schedule - describes high Level (generally one page), based on the work
breakdown structure (Installation Engineering, procurement, Construction, Mechanical
completion and handing over asset to client)
For Construction: Detailing all construction activities using quantities, production rates
and completion milestones.
The Project Manager reviews the planning documents and prepares a Project
Deliverables Control Register (MDR) detailing required in design documents &
drawings, Plans, Procedures, MS, ITPs and associated submission dates.
The detailed plan, based on above criterion and the contractual dates is prepared by
Planning Engineer with the assistance of other discipline engineers and submit to
Project Manager for verification and approval. Later it shall be reviewed by Project
Director for final correction and submission to client for approval.
The Project progress shall be measured based on Project progress measurement and
review procedure. If any particular activity as per planning package is behind the
planned dates, then necessary steps to be taken for achieving the progress at that point.
Overall completion date of R-Series 5 Well Platform Project will be 15 Apr. 2019.
Tentative schedule Milestones of the Project are as below:
shall report to their leaders; leaders shall report to project discipline managers; and
finally, these project discipline managers shall report to project manager.
With the purpose of completing project work safely, timely and effectively, the
CONTRACTOR ensures providing sufficient and competent personnel for this project
on the full-time basis. Depending on various functions in the project, the contractor
shall allocate skilled, competent, experienced, suitably qualified personnel in their
respective fields.
Interface management consists of internal interface and external interface with the
overall Interface Management process consists of the following:
- Interface planning
- Interface identification
- Interface agreement
- Interface monitoring & control
- Interface close-out
a. Interface Management Plan
Upon the Contract award, CONTRACTOR shall immediately develop and submit to
COMPANY its detailed Interface Management Plan for COMPANY’s review and
prior written approval. Upon its approval, CONTRACTOR shall manage interfaces
with all parties for the Work in accordance with the approved Interface Management
b. Internal Interface
The Project Manager shall organize and attend regular interface meetings to assure
all work activities be coordinated and executed smoothly. CONTRACTOR shall
designate a project Interface Coordinator in its organization to assist the Project
Manager in this aspect of work if necessary.
c. External Interface
Project Manager or his designated Interface Coordinator shall be the main contact for
any external interfaces. He shall nominate Interface coordinator to assist him in each
part of Work. There shall be an Interface Procedure issued to control the interface
information. All external interfaces shall be monitored and controlled by
COMPANY’s CSR and shall be updated in timely basis. COMPANY’s CSR shall be
the single point with CONTRACTOR’s project Engineer/ Coordinator for all
CONTRACTOR external interface information.
Upon the Contract award, the Interface Management Procedure shall be developed
and submitted to COMPANY for approval. As part of interface management,
- Keep COMPANY fully informed at all times regarding any matters related to
interfaces that could affect COMPANY, the Contract Schedule, and/ or the
Contract Price, or require a decision by COMPANY.
be the key point of contact between Contractor and Company with respect to Document
Upon the project start, Project DCC shall set up the document control system for the
project in accordance with the requirement of Project Document and Data Control
Procedure/ Document Numbering and Coding Procedure.
Project DCC shall also create the folder trees and level of access on the FTP Server. All
necessary documents shall be uploaded to server and divided by distinguished folders.
A matrix shall be produced to formalize documentation distribution, determine
individual levels of access and establishment of appropriate security protocols and
administered by IT department.
All Project Documents shall be registered by the Project MDR for each stage. The MDR
shall continuously update by the project DCC.
Generally, the QC team will be acting on each phase of the project as follows. At each
phase, QC team will be set up properly to assure that the quality of the project will be
complied as per requirement of international standards and project contract
The quality management of the work for the entire Project shall be governed by the
respective existing quality system in place and the approved quality plan developed by
All Main Subcontractors are required for developing their quality management system
and plan to meet requirements of CONTRACTOR and COMPANY in quality
management system. All document, procedures and activities shall be submitted and
informed to CONTRACTOR and COMPANY for review/ approval and
acknowledgement before implementation.
Project internal audit shall conduct as approved audit plan to make sure that work is
being implemented to comply with project contract requirement, project specification
requirement, approved fabrication procedures, quality plan, quality control procedures,
ITPs, testing procedures.
Project external audit shall conduct as approved audit plan to make sure that
Subcontractors work is being implemented to comply with project contract requirement,
project specification requirement, approved fabrication procedures, quality plan, quality
control procedures, ITPs, testing procedures.
- Repair rate for Structural Welding of less than 1% (linear length base)
- Repair rate for Piping Welding of less than 0.5% (linear length base)
- Zero construction punch list prior to sail away
- Meeting all project Scheduled Key Dates
The Project Quality targets are set to motivate workers to always focus and have the
mind set on quality improvement. So that, the Project Quality Plan objectives can be
CONTRACTOR and its sub-contractors all have their owned documented Health,
Safety and Environmental systems that are applicable to all projects they carry out that
Local HSE supervisors shall be empowered to make decisions to ensure that HSE
targets are attained, and to strive towards continuous improvement. Progress towards
HSE targets shall be a key indicator of Management performance at each work site and
shall be monitored regularly throughout the Project execution.
The Project HSES Manager, Project Manager and CONTRACTOR Board of Directors
have the authority and responsibility for implementation, monitoring and initiating any
improvements required to ensure the HSEMS is effective in all work locations both
onshore and offshore. They shall be supported by:
- Company representatives for the performance of the Work and tasks that
meet Company standards and project HSE objectives;
- The Fabrication Worksites’ Health, Safety and Environmental Coordinator(s)
who has the responsibility to monitor implementation and advise
Management of the status and effectiveness of the System and any
suggestions for improvement;
- The Senior HS&E Board shall regularly review the Yard Health, Safety and
Environmental performance information and recommend actions for
- Yard Line Management and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all
employees, sub-contractors and visitors understand and comply with
Company procedures;
- The Employees HS&E Committee who are responsible for raising and
communicating any unresolved Safety issues to Management;
- Multi-function team to ensure all employees, on site sub-contractor personnel
and visitors understand and comply with not only HSES requirement but also
Contractor’s other regulations;
- All employees are responsible for working in accordance with Company
procedures and policies.
- Contractor including its senior management is aware that working safely is
one of the important of the scope of work and commits to provide a safe
working environment to all persons and equipment in the project execution
Integration of the schedules is carried out through the use of interface links in the form
of deliverables between the CONTRACTOR operating groups. Each CONTRACTOR
operating group will submit their schedule and/ or deliverables list to project planning
for integration, which will identify the type of receivable, the required issue date or the
required on-site date etc. to be met in order that the schedule is maintained.
Critical Path Network (CPN) technique is used for planning the project. A project
scheduling software, “Primavera P6”, is used for analyzing the network. Initially the
entire scope of work is divided into a number of activities and their inter-relationship is
determined. Activities are then broken down further or combined together to get the
optimum number which best shows the sequence of activities either serial or parallel
which need to be performed to complete the project. Based on Contractor norm and
current documentation from Company, the quantum of work involved and estimated
man-hours are worked out for each activity.
CPN network is then drawn indicating the preceding activity (PA), the succeeding
activity (SA), the activity description (AD), the duration (DU) and the manpower
The next stage is to code all information to suit “Primavera Project Planning” software
inputs and then analyses the network using the software. The software essentially
calculates the early start (ES) and early finish (EF) dates during the forward pass and
late finish (LF) and late start (LS) dates during the backward pass. The process of the
critical path is determined together with the project completion date.
The Work activities shall be developed to level 3 details, such that the activities
required to execute the work can be monitored on daily basis. The Level 3 schedule
shall clearly identify all the detailed activities along with all of the milestones of the
project. The detailed activities shall all be weighted. The level 3 detailed network shall
also clearly identify and/ or allow time for Company review activities. The activities in
respect of project management, supervision, planning administration and quality
assurance shall be shown as separate “hammock” activities without a specified duration.
Each activity in the network shall show as a minimum, the following:
- Activity number.
- Activity description.
- Planned activity duration taking into account holidays, facility shutdowns and
the like.
- Budgeted Quantity
- Bar chart
- Early/ Late Start & Finish dates.
- Total float.
- Actual start, actual finish dates.
- Percent Complete.
The project calendar adopted shall be based on a normal working hour of eight (8) hours
per day and seven (7) days per week. All approved public holidays and Sundays are
observed as holidays in the project calendar except for loadout, transportation, offshore
installation/ removal, HUC and start-up activities.
The first target CSB Level 3 plan shall be circulated to all departments including
Project, Contract, Engineering, Procurement, Workshops and Quality Control. An
interdepartmental review meeting shall be held and comments from these departments
shall be incorporated. Once agreed internally the plan (i.e. Revision A) shall be
submitted to COMPANY for their review, comments and approval.
The comments from COMPANY shall be incorporated into the target CSB Level 3 plan
and issued as part of the CSB Package Revision 0. After approval from COMPANY,
that target plan shall be distributed to all internal departments.
The approved CSB Level 3 plan forms the basis for progress reporting for the project.
From this target plan, all derivative outputs like bar chart, S-curve and activity listing
with dates shall be generated.
CONTRACTOR shall evaluate, update and forecast the progress of the Work no less
frequently than weekly.
The Planning Engineer is responsible to the Project Planning Manager for overall
coordination of scheduling activities.
Please refer to Attachment 2.7 –Overall Project Schedule for further information
(*) Work location can be changed subject to final decisions after contract award.
The duration for Detail Engineering is estimated to take about 08 months. All Detail
Engineering activities will be performed to meet the requirements of the contract,
applicable specifications, statutory regulations and good engineering practice.
During the kick-off meeting, DETAIL DESIGN engineering requirements for project
will be discussed in detail. The project deliverable list and schedule will be
discussed and agreed with the COMPANY, prior to being issued to PMT. The
deliverable register and schedule will be used to keep track of activities and
deliverables with emphasis given to establishing and achieving critical project
- Introduction
- Project organization chart
- Brief scope of work/ expectation
- Review/ update project schedule
- Correspondence, documentation and invoice procedures
- Format of progress report
- Confirmation of dates for disciplines’ technical kick-off meetings
- Any other business
During the technical kick-off meetings, all the required design input data from
CLIENT will be requested via technical query. All formal document received from
CLIENT will be logged into the Client Supplied Data Register.
All key personnel will be fully mobilized within two (02) weeks after the contract
award. CONTRACTOR will utilize a Project Task Force where an Engineering
Manager, a Senior Project Engineer and a set of PMT will be dedicated till the
completion of the engineering works. Prompt and effective mobilization of the team
is critical to the overall success of the Project and its timely completion.
CONTRACTOR will, during the initial weeks upon award of the Contract, ensure
that the following mobilization activities are adhered to:
Within 02 weeks, the Engineering Manager and QA Engineer will submit a draft
PEQP to the Client for approval. The PEQP will define the responsibilities of project
personnel, the procedures used for the project and the project audit plan and also
covers all matters related to project engineering design management such as
CLIENT/engineering team representatives, correspondence addresses, project design
organization, project communication, documentation and distribution, preparation of
project reports, cost control, invoice procedure, coordination and safety. The
commented PEQP will be updated and issued to all key personnel and lead engineers
and also to the CLIENT as controlled copies.
This user-friendly CPN is developed to assist the engineering disciplines for planning
the work activities in a timely and orderly manner. The CPN provides an easy
reference for key milestones and linkage of interdependent CTRs. From the CPN, the
lead discipline engineers will develop the deliverables register based on each CTR.
The dates in the deliverables register are derived from the CPN for consistency.
The planning, scheduling and schedule control activities will ensure all phases of the
scope, and will ensure a detailed work plan is prepared based on the key dates. The
detailed work plan will identify all critical paths with all restraints and
interrelationships clearly indicated. The PMT will ensure workable realistic approach
for monitoring and controlling purpose throughout the various phases of the project
are prepared and established.
Planning, scheduling and reporting will be carried out in accordance with the Project
requirements. Suitable planning tools and software will be utilized to meet specified
category and time schedule.
The baseline schedule will be established based upon the WBS, the logiest sequence
of work. The total schedule will be developed in three level and lower level
summaries will roll to next higher levels. The PMT will ensure all planning,
scheduling, quality assurance, quality control and reporting of services are performed
according to the project requirements.
CTR and its deliverables are part of internal monitoring process. The benchmark for
monitoring of each deliverables progress is given as follows:
- Start = 10 %
- Document/Drawing Check (DDC) = 30 %
- Inter Discipline Check (IDC) = 50 %
- Issue for Review (IFR) = 70 %
- Issue for Construction/Issue Final (IFC) = 100 %
The progress for each deliverable will be multiplied by its weight factor, and the sum
of this result for all deliverables under the same CTR will be the total progress of that
At any stage except deliverables stage, each progress will have the associated
planned progress to be compared with. This planned progress was derived earlier
during planning stage.
The following list defines the major types of engineering information relevant to the
internal co-ordination function:
All documents received from CLIENT will be registered in the Client Supplied Data
Register. The purpose of this Register is to disseminate the controlled document with
the current revisions to the recipients who are required to perform the work.
Preliminary Vendor Data are required to provide useful information and ascertain the
preliminary detailed design.
A project Interface Document Register (IDR) will be used as part of the project
management system. It is used as a follow up tracking document for all project
interfaces. The Interface Document Register consists of Item Description, Action
Parties, Plan Issue Date, Revised Issue Date, Actual Issue Date, Revision and
Remark Columns. All action items will be registered in the IDR and reviewed/
updated weekly. Action items that are closed out will be shaded and new items are
expected to be added as the project progresses. The IDR is an effective coordination
document, which was extensively used presently within the organization and it was
very successful in closing out all Interface Design matters.
These include:
The Engineering team will first review the FEED package deliverables and any
addendums received from the COMPANY to ensure changes after the FEED stage
have been incorporated.
Process Engineering
The detailed engineering phase will commence once the Pre –Bid Engineering phase
has completed. The client data is used to update Process Design Basis which contains
all the key input data for the process design including compositional and
characterization data, reservoir conditions, production profiles, environmental data
The process simulation model will be updated using Aspen HYSYS®. The fluid flow
rates and physical properties will be extracted from the simulation model for
producing heat & material balance, equipment sizing calculations, line sizing
calculations and process datasheets for equipment and instruments.
Process Flow Diagram (PFD) and Utility Flow Diagrams (UFD) will be updated to
cover all necessary changes during detailed design. Utility requirements for the
platforms will be updated. Utility systems such as instrument air, chemical injection
and service water systems for the platform will be updated.
The Relief, Vent and Blowdown systems will be updated and evaluated to ensure it
can cater the emergency release requirements. The Start-Up, Control and Shutdown
philosophy will be developed.
Safe Chart and Cause & Effect Matrices will be updated for safe control and
Process will participate in HAZOP/ HAZID/ IPF Study to ensure complete review of
operation requirements and operability of facilities. Recommendations and findings
from the safety review will be incorporated in the P&IDs.
Throughout the design, process team will review the design deliverables prepared by
other disciplines to ensure the design intent is correctly implemented. Process
engineers will take an active role in providing data to other discipline engineers.
deliverables are within the specified project schedule and with the expected design
quality. The lead mechanical engineer and the lead piping designer will be in-charge
to ascertain that all requirement of the work scope is properly identified and assigned
to the respective engineers and drafting personnel. Both lead mechanical engineer
and lead piping designer will also ensure smooth interface and flow of information
between engineers and designers and among other disciplines. The lead piping
designer will be totally responsible for the preparation /release of design drawings
and will report to the lead mechanical engineer.
Existing mechanical and piping drawings and document will be reviewed and further
updated based on the latest design development during Detailed Design Stage.
Mechanical will prepare the master equipment list to reflect the latest information
based on the latest P&ID and information from equipment vendors. The master
equipment list is a live document and will be updated based on latest information
from Vendor and P&ID update.
Mechanical/ Piping will prepare/ update specifications and issued them for
procurement purposes.
Piping will prepare the equipment layout to show all the equipment location and
elevation, access way for operation and maintenance, escape route, safety and fire
protection equipment based on latest Detailed Engineering Design development. The
drawings will be prepared using AutoCAD.
Once the layout is confirmed acceptable to client, Piping will develop the 3D PDMS
piping model based on latest P&ID. Piping will reroute any piping routes to optimize
the piping routing layout. The 3D PDMS catalogue will be available from client, and
will be further reviewed/updated to ensure it is based on the latest piping material
class specification.
Piping will prepare the piping GA, pipe support location plan, pipe support details,
tie-in index in AutoCAD. PDMS 3-D model will be used to produce the piping GA,
isometric and pipe support location plan. Stress analysis will be carried out on the
identified critical piping using Caesar II software.
Mechanical will carry out material handling study to ensure sufficient material
handling equipment i.e. crane, monorail, chain pulley block, trolley hoists and lifting
lugs are provided to cater for the installation and maintenance requirement of the new
equipment installed on the existing platforms.
The mechanical design generally will be based upon project documents, client
standards and relevant recognized international standard such as API, ASME, BS,
Pressure vessel basic sizing (shell thickness, weight estimation, etc.) will be done
using in-house calculation spreadsheet and/or PV elite software.
Pipe stress will be done in-house using recognized pipe stress analysis software
Caesar II.
Equipment list will be updated, which will include the equipment tag number,
quantity, equipment name/description, location, duty, capacity, design parameters,
Dimensions, weight, etc. Essential equipment that affect other disciplines such as
weight, foot print, power and other utility consumption and area classification will be
firmed at earliest possible to minimize the multidiscipline changes at later stage. Inter
disciplines meetings will be called to resolve interfacing issues.
The work will start with reviewing the existing package. Philosophies for Integrated
Control and Safety System (ICSS) and Telecommunications will be updated.
Safeguarding System philosophy will cover impact of SIL. Block diagrams will be
updated which will depict the overall concept. The block diagrams will include
overall instrumentation scheme, shutdown, fire and gas and remote operation. The
updated philosophies and block diagrams developed will form the basis for further
detailed engineering.
Process data will be obtained from the Process group for metering package that
requires sizing calculation.
Specifications/ TRPs and datasheets will be updated for instrumentation items that
have been identified as per the P&IDs. New datasheets will be prepared if required
based on latest P&IDs at detailed design stage. Input will be provided to other
Instrumentation inputs like electrical power supply load requirements, instrument air
supply/hydraulic supply requirements and weight estimates will be reviewed and
updated, and input provided to other disciplines for their design. Location and space
requirement for instrument cable trays, etc. will be coordinated with other disciplines
and inputs provided to equipment layout drawings.
Sizing calculations will be carried-out for control valves, relief valves, flow elements,
etc. Engineering datasheets shall be prepared for various instruments. Specifications
and requisition for instrument items and equipment will also be prepared and
updated. These will include ICSS, wellhead control panel, field instrument, etc. Input
will be provided to other disciplines for their specifications.
The instrument group will also participate in various reviews e.g. HAZOP, SIL study,
and etc. Inter discipline coordination will be carried out for information exchange
within the disciplines.
Electrical Engineering
Upon award or kick off meeting, the engineers will start work on data gathering and
reviewing all electrical existing documents such as all available design calculations,
reports, drawings and specifications. The team will then start preparing the
calculation worksheets for this project. At first, the calculation worksheet will be
based on data from existing documents.
Once Process department has firmed the P&ID, the latest data shall be input into the
spreadsheet and calculation reports can be produced and submit to client together
with drawings required. We will then proceed with power system study (load flow
analysis and short circuit calculation) once electrical input data is provided. At the
same time all relevant drawings and specifications, as required by this project will be
prepared as well.
The completed existing packages for topsides will be reviewed and optimized for
preparation of detailed engineering documents.
During detailed design stage, complete structural analyses will be performed for
topsides during in-service and pre-service conditions.
The detailed design activity will be commenced by generating the topsides design
basis and design brief. The design basis will cover all codes, standards, references,
construction material, design data, environmental data, meteorological data etc. while
the design brief will cover assumptions, simplifications, approach and methodology
employed for the specific analysis of design.
The activity will be continued by firming the layout. After the final layout is
approved, topsides modelling and load formulation will be commenced and followed
by detailed in-service and pre-service analyses.
The in-service analyses for new platforms comprise of Foundation design, Dynamic,
Fatigue, Seismic, etc. while the pre-service analyses include but not be limited to
loadout, transportation and lifting analyses, On-bottom stability, Pile Drivability. If
required, Dynamic lift study will also be performed to define exactly dynamic factor
applying for offshore lifts.
Miscellaneous design such as joint design, plating/ grating design, etc. will also be
performed using in house software in addition to topsides global analysis design.
The analysis software to be used is SACS for member/ joint stress check. The
miscellaneous design will be performed using in-house excel spreadsheet.
Over the course of design, the weight control report for new Platforms’ items will be
prepared and updated to ensure that structures are feasible for lifting and installing
(NTE weight).
The design reports will be produced based on respective analysis to present the
analysis results. The design reports will contain the summary of load sums, load
combinations, member/ joint code checks, deflections, safety factors, model plots,
SACS computer input and output files, etc.
The structural drawings will be prepared and updated based on the analyses results.
All relevant drawings for detailed design will be produced. AutoCAD software will
be used for all drawings while BOCAD software will be used for 3D modelling and
to generate MTO/Cutting plan.
Safety Engineering
The Safety Team will be led by a qualified and experienced Lead Safety Engineer
which will be responsible for the work execution and required deliverables.
The Lead Safety Engineer will be in-charge to ascertain and ensure that all
requirement in the scope of work as stipulated on the bid documents are properly
itemized and identified. The Lead Safety Engineer is responsible to carry out a
systematic work distribution allocated to each work force and interface work between
each discipline. He will be supported by a qualified team engineers.
The work methodology will be followed and it is assumed that all the data will be
available before kick-off meeting.
All applicable design engineering standards will also be reviewed to ensure that basic
design complies with the specific requirement.
For the topsides, PDMS will be used for modelling 3-D model equipment and piping
layout. A PDMS review session with the presence of CONTRACTOR personnel and
CLIENT representatives will be carried out prior to issuance of major milestone i.e.
Approved for Construction. A complete PDMS catalogue will be prepared prior to
any modelling with intelligent linkage for producing Isometrics, piping general
arrangement and sectional drawings and material take-off at Issued for Construction
stage. AUTOCAD software will be fully utilized in developing and updating any 2-D
drawings as required.
- Equipment modeling
- All piping as indicated in P&ID
- Structural modeling will be imported from BOCAD.
- Equipment skid will be model as block, component within skid, valves,
piping will not be modelled.
- Piping isometrics
- Piping MTO
- Review model
- E&I cable/ladder/tray modeling
In conjunction with other departments i.e. QA/QC and Engineering, the Project
Procurement Team shall be responsible to ensure the Goods are delivered to the right
place in accordance with quality requirements and within schedule.
Project procurement team also plays role in communicating & expediting the vendor
to clear all the matters regarding the OS&D of Goods when they are delivered to
fabrication site.
Project Procurement Team shall develop a specific Procurement Plan which shall be
updated periodically by the procurement team in order to reflect the actual condition
of the procurement works for the Goods.
The following sections provide a detailed description of each step and the interface
amongst the related parties in the procurement process. All procurement activities
shall be conducted in accordance with the schedule detailed in the Project
Procurement Plan.
CONTRACTOR shall inform Company not less than forty-five (45) days in advance
of shop tests or Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) events of CONTRACTOR ITEMS.
d. Logistic
During the fabrication stage, surplus material as well as scrap material will be
quarantined for the reconciliation purpose after the project completed. A procedure
will be developed and getting approval from COMPANY for control of the
material including scrap and surplus material.
Project materials shall be divided and separated into distinct storage areas
following Method of Material storage mentioned in Material Control Procedure.
The parties involving in the Onshore Fabrication /Preparation and the respective
scope of works are as tabulated below:
Besides, CONTRACTOR shall use its in-house resources and services from
specialist sub-contractors to carry out Fabrication, Assembly, Erection, Outfitting,
Load-out and Sea-fastening.
All vendors and sub-contractors shall initially be sourced from the “Approved
Vendors List” and any potential vendors not on the list shall be proposed to Company
for perusal and approval.
All individual functional groups in the team shall work under the supervision of
and report to the Construction Manager. An organization chart for fabrication has
been developed.
for direct instruction, supervision and monitoring of the fabrication works on site.
All Project Objectives with their facilities shall be basically fabricated at 03 (three)
locations including:
Skidway No. 0
- Length : 216m;
- Width : 2.2m;
- Spacing : 16m;
- Bearing Capacity : 130 T/m2.
Skidway No.1
- Length : 183m;
- Width : 2.0m;
- Spacing : 16m, 20m, 24m & 28m;
- Bearing Capacity : 170 T/m2
Skidway No.2
- Length : 167m;
- Width : 5.0m;
- Tread : 18m;
- Bearing Capacity : 212 T/m2.
Fabrication Yard:
- The Length of Quayside: 750 m
- Yard soil bearing capacity: 60T per sq.m (Physical Test Load up to 95T per
- Bearing capacity of concrete pad (19m spread along quayside): 320-410T per
- Maximum Loadout Capacity : 30,000 Tons per year
- Water depth at quayside (LAT) :8m
- Fluctuations of sea level :4m
- Depth of construction base harbor : 10 m
- VSP’s port has 9 wharves (1,278 m long), including a jetty 120m length, 8 m
water depth for 13,000ton deadweight vessels. The port is equipped with facilities for
loading and unloading of materials.
Cutting machine:
j. Warehouse
Two buildings with three levels each, with total area 2800 m2 are available for
fabrication yard main office and client representative office.
There are also some offices (permanent and portable) located nearby the
construction area.
k. Fabrication Shops
- Workshop #1 : 92 x 16 m2
- Workshop #2 : 90 x 30 m2
- Workshop #3 : 43 x 26 m2
- Workshop #5 : 140 x 30 m2 + 84 x 17 m2
- Workshop #6 : 55 x 24 m2
l. Fixed equipment in those fabrication shops are:
- Overhead traveling cranes which can run along the whole shop length,
- with various capacity (5 ton, 10 ton, and 40 ton).
- Davit Cranes with 1-ton capacity inside the piping shop (Shop 1).
- CNC Tubular Cut & Profiling Machine, capacity up to 1000mm diameter
- Automatic plate cutting machines (optical trace) plan to be replaced by the CNC
- Roll Bending Machines with capacity to roll up to 40 mm thickness and 3,000
mm width, minimum diameter 26 inch.
- Lathe Machine and Line Boring Machine.
m.Open Area for Construction
This area has an average soil bearing capacity 35 ton/m2. If required, portable
concrete foundation can be installed to spread the load from module to the ground
within its bearing capacity.
This open construction area is equipped with underground power cable system and
removable distribution panel (can be removed when required).
Siphon drainage system is recently constructed to drain the rain water collection.
n. Skidway System
The skid-ways are 1.2m (width) x 1.5m (depth) embedded, spacing 12.19m &
20.00m between left and right at skid-way toward Jetty #1, and 15.24m at skid-
way toward Jetty #2.
Skid way toward Jetty #1 has 300m length from the jetty tip, the one toward Jetty
#2 has 153m length from the jetty tip.
The skid ways were designed to bear load for 500 t/m at the first 4m from the jetty
tip, then 400 t/m at the next 4m, then 350 t/m at the next 5m, and then 250 t/m
along the rest of skid-way.
o. Jetty
Jetty #1 has a bulkhead of 136m length x 15m width and minimum water depth
7.5m below chart datum (the lowest tide ever occurred).
Jetty #2 has a bulkhead of 80m length x 15m width and minimum water depth 7m
below chart datum. Maximum difference between the high tide and the low tide is
about 1 meter.
The Jetties were designed for up to 10,000-ton module weight. The proven module
weight had ever been loaded out was 5800 ton.
Currently the blasting and painting activities are performed at open area. PTG
plans to construct new Covered Blasting Painting Chambers, consist of 2 bays area
of 18 x 25 m2 each. Equipment has received at Yard.
The new Blasting Painting Chamber will be equipped with Dehumidifier, Dust
Suction, Abrasive Material Recycling System, and Gantry Crane.
Besides above area, there is one Thermal Spray Aluminum (TSA) Coating area
(1000 m2) complete with equipment.
PT Gunanusa is under Custom Bonded Zone. Material are stored mainly at Yard
#2, and some area at Yard #1. Open area storage having 16,981 m2 area at Yard
#2. There are 2 (two) covered warehouses:
The welding school is available for training and qualification of all the welders
before assigned for project activities.
s. Power Supply
Fix power supply from government electricity supplier (PLN) has capacity 1,730
kVA. For back up of electricity power shortage or shut down, PTG has 30 diesel
generators with various capacities (up to 1000 kVA). It is possible to rent
additional diesel generators whenever required.
t. Material Handling
All workshops are equipped with various capacity of overhead traveling Cranes.
PTG has own traveling cranes to support the construction activities at open area,
i.e.: 3 units Crawler Crane 250-ton capacity, 2 units Crawler Crane 150-ton
capacity, 5 units Rough Terrain Crane 45-ton capacity, 3 units Rough Terrain
Crane 25-ton capacity, and 2 units Truck Mounted Boom Hoist 5-ton capacity. It
is possible to rent from local crane rental company up to 550-ton capacity.
Clinic with permanent doctor, assisted by some paramedics (nurses) are available
at Yard for immediate medical treatment of any accident or illness occurred at
Yard. 2 (two) ambulances are stand by at Yard for quick action to deliver victim
which requires further treatment at hospital.
COMPANY/ CONTRACTOR will provide markings specified for the Project. The
materials will be lately (at that time) purchased, there will be no issue of them mixing
up with other project supplied materials.
No materials shall be issued until documents are cleared and approved. Materials
requiring protective coating shall be inspected prior to sending for blasting and shop
The Jackets are fabricated on their respective designated skidway locations then site
moved to the quayside and loadout onto transportation barges using strand jacks or
SPT/ SPMT trailer.
installed in - 4 - 02x213
(*) Installation methodologies had been proposed preliminarily and shall be finalized
in Detail engineering phase.
(**) (***) Jackets and Pile configurations had been studied based on input data
provided in ITB and shall be finalized in Detail engineering phase.
The Topsides are fabricated on their respective designated skidway locations then
loaded out onto transportation barges using winches skidding methods or SPMT/SPT
Static/ de-energized tests: carried out on equipment to ensure the quality of critical
components. This “cold” testing concern all disciplines, e.g. calibration of ESD
instruments, machinery alignments, setting of safety valves, pressure testing of
piping, cables continuities, etc.
Piping cleaning/ flushing and piping leak test: carried out on pipe work and vessels,
using air or water or nitrogen with helium tracer.
Any further requirements for the pre-commissioning shall be detailed in the specific
- Bolt tightening
- Reinstatement
- Leak test
- Close punch list
- Ready for Commissioning
w. Pre-commissioning of E&I Systems
After each instrument and components of a loop have been installed and hooked-
up it is necessary to check that the work has been carried out in satisfactory
manner in accordance with the hook-up drawings.
- Verify nameplate data, tagging and numbering of cable, relays, and devices.
Except for launch Jackets, lift-installed Jackets may be weighed using hydraulic
jacks/ loadcells in order to finalize WCR after weighing and prepare for Loadout.
The Jackets shall be sailed-away only when all T&I document obtained approval
from COMPANY/ MWS and all punch lists closed on site by CRS/ Surveyor.
Refer to Attachment 2a- Jacket Fabrication Method Statement for further details.
Once Topsides were completed of weighing, the Weigh Control Report (WCR) after
weighing will be performed in order to calculate the accurate Weigh and COG of the
structure. The results will be used for verifying of Loadout and T&I methodology.
Estimated Weights of Topsides /Deck Modules derived from Preliminary Design are
summarized as below:
(*) Loadout beams/ frames and Installation aids are not included.
After all related Loadout documents verified as per weighing results and approved by
COMPANY/ CA & MWS, the structure will be loaded out from fabrication yard onto
Transportation barges by winches skidding / SPMT and then performed sea-fastening
as per designed.
The Topsides shall be sailed away only when all T&I document got approval from
COMPANY/MWS and all punch lists closed on site by CRS/ Surveyor.
All T&I documents will be Submitted to COMPANY/ MWS for review/ approval
prior to T&I Campaign.
installation seabed survey will be conducted to verify that the proposed anchoring
location is free from debris. Debris removal might be required if the presence of the
debris is a hindrance to the offshore installation work.
The fabrication of Grillage and Seafastening will only performed once T&I
document had been approved from COMPANY/ MWS.
The offshore campaign is expected to be performed from Oct. 2018 to Apr.2019 with
main installation concepts as below:
No. Description Installation Methodologies Main Vessel Performing
1. R-12B Jacket Option 1: Lifting by 02 - Hoang Sa CB
crane barges, then upending - Truong Sa CV
2. R-10A Jacket and positioning by Hoang
- K1
Option 2: Lifting, upending - KP1
and setting down at final
3. R-9A Jacket position by 01 sufficient
crane barge.
Notes: The Installation methodologies shall be finalized and updated in Detail Design
Engineering phase.
All offshore activities will run continuously for 24/7 policy: 24 hours per day (taking
consideration of COMPANY working restriction for certain operations), 7 days per
week. All necessary resources will be provided to ensure safe working days during
day and night.
Upon completing the statutory clearances as stated in the above paragraph and obtain
necessary permissions to move to the offshore field location. The vessels shall obtain
CLIENT permission before entering the field. Upon arrival in the field, the Vessels
will be moored as per the Company approved anchor pattern near to the intended
All the Staffs and crew of foreign nationality should obtain work visas, MOHA from
the Indian authorities prior to mobilizing them offshore.
General Installation activities /methods and the Vessel responsible for them are
summarized in the table below:
The proposed Marine spreads consists of Survey spread, Transportation barges (flat
barges, launching barges), Installation barges (Crane barges, DLB) and ACC Barges.
Based on Detail Design Engineering in later stage, the Marine spreads will be revised
accordingly in order to suit with structures configurations.
The transportation plan from Vietnam/ Indonesia to field in India will be developed
and detailed in Project Schedule.
The Offshore installation for 05 new WHPs shall be generally performed step-by-
step as below in terms of 02 options:
The tentative work sequences for associated Pipeline and subsea Tie-in spool
installation are as follow:
VSP will mobilize 01 ACC to perform part of the Modification works after
completing the Installation of 05 R-series Platforms including:
The lifts required for the work will be done by ACC’s crane.
All other modification works shall be performed by DNV LLP. Refer to Attachment
5b – DNV’s Scope of Modifications & HUC Method Statement for further details.
Upon completion of the above work, a work boat will be mobilized to close out any
pending punch-points and for as-built.
The Construction Contractor has to provide all commissioning spares along with
Decks with proper Manifest per each package or Tagged Equipment.
The following isolated systems of existing platform need to be inspected for their
integrity prior to connecting the Tie-in points.
y. Pipeline Commissioning
Confirm that the pipeline is ready in all respects for the commissioning as per the
approved pre-commissioning checklist. Ensure adequate product Hydrocarbon is
available and that the process complex is ready to receive the Hydrocarbons for the
The pipeline or a section of the pipeline is pressurized with air (2 to 3 Kg/cm 2). Pump
a water column of about 500 KL to 1000 KL. Launch a Bi-Directional Pig followed
by 1000 KL to 2000 KL water. Launch second Bi-Directional Pig behind 1000 KL to
2000 KL water.
Introduce Hydrocarbons (Gas/ Well fluid) at minimum flow. Track the movement of
Pig. Vent the air at receiving end and maintain back pressure 3 to 4 Kg/
Monitor receipt of water at Receiving end, it may be disposed directly in to a
protected pit or in a designated tank. Receive 1st Bi-Di Pig. Monitor the quantity and
quality of water at receiving end. Receive second Bi-Di Pig. Once Hydro Carbon
mixed with water arrives, switch over to designate Process flow line. Observe flow
and pressure, once these become stable, the operation may be made normal and the
pipeline may be declared as commissioned and handed over to Operation.
All the final documentations will follow the requirements of the CLIENT as per the
contract or it will be prepared following a standard set out by CLIENT.