Water Resources & Irrigation Engineering Question Bank Part - B Unit - I Water Resources
Water Resources & Irrigation Engineering Question Bank Part - B Unit - I Water Resources
Water Resources & Irrigation Engineering Question Bank Part - B Unit - I Water Resources
3. What is the importance of water resource survey for the development of the country?
4. Mention the importance of various data required for water resource development and how will
you collect
5. What are the management strategies for excess and deficit water imbalance? How will you
implement a
7. Discuss about single and multipurpose reservoir with its advantages and disadvantages.
12. Differentiate between structural and non structural measures for flood control?
13. What are the factors affecting sedimentation and control measures for sedimentation?
3. Discuss the points about water allocation priorities in National Water Policy.
5. Briefly discuss about consumptive use of water and the factors affecting consumptive use of
water. How
7. What is Master Plan in water resources? Explain the scope and aims in detail.
10. What are the different characteristics of water? Briefly discuss about it?
11. What are the different equations for determination of consumptive use? Briefly explain it?
8.Explain, in detail ,as to how will you proceed for determining the approximate value of design
discharge of
9. Explain the various methods of ‘surface irrigation system’, bringing out clearly merits and