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A Brain-Machine Interface Using Dry-Contact, Low-Noise EEG Sensors

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A Brain-Machine Interface using

Dry-Contact, Low-Noise EEG Sensors

Thomas J. Sullivan, Stephen R. Deiss Tzyy-Ping Jung Gert Cauwenberghs
Division of Biological Sciences Inst. for Neural Computation, UCSD Division of Biological Sciences
UC San Diego and National Chiao Tung University UC San Diego
La Jolla, CA Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC La Jolla, CA
Email: tom@sullivan.to, sdeiss@ucsd.edu Email: jung@sccn.ucsd.edu Email: gert@ucsd.edu

Abstract— Electroencephalograph (EEG) recording systems of- and measured signals are daisy-chained from one board to
fer a versatile, non-invasive window on the brain’s spatiotemporal another. The system is also easily adapted to work with a
activity for many neuroscience and clinical applications. Our wireless module.
research aims to improve the convenience and mobility of EEG
recording by eliminating the need for conductive gel and creating In this work, we report on experiments performed with our
sensors that fit into a scalable array architecture. The EEG dry- system containing seven non-contact sensors (characterization
contact electrodes are created with micro-electrical-mechanical of an individual sensor was previously reported [3]). The
system (MEMS) technology. Each channel of our analog signal experiments take place in an electrical engineering laboratory,
processing front-end comes on a custom-built, dime-sized circuit not the more typical Faraday cage. The magnitude of sixty
board which contains an amplifier, filters, and analog-to-digital
conversion. A daisy-chain configuration between boards with bit- hertz noise and influence of reference location within the
serial output reduces the wiring needed. daisy-chain are reported. Additionally, data from two EEG
A system consisting of seven sensors is demonstrated in a real- experiments show the successful collection of useful EEG data
world setting. Consuming just 3 mW, it is suitable for mobile in this environment.
applications. The system achieves an input-referred noise of 0.28
μVrms in the signal band of 1 to 100 Hz, comparable to the best II. SENSOR DESIGN
medical-grade systems in use. Noise behavior across the daisy-
chain is characterized, alpha-band rhythms are detected, and an
The analog front-end circuit is shown in Figure 1. It consists
eye-blink study is demonstrated. entirely of off-the-shelf components, which keeps the overall
system cost low. The circuit amplifies the incoming EEG
I. I NTRODUCTION signal, filters out frequencies that are not in the band of
Electroencephalograph (EEG) systems record electrical po- interest, and digitizes the signal. The gain over frequency of
tentials from various locations on the scalp. These potentials this circuit was previously reported [3], as was the noise level
are generated by neural activity within the brain and may of 0.28 μVrms and power consumption of 423 μW.
ultimately shed light on the its inner workings. The EEG
electrodes are typically made of metal and make contact
with the skin through an electrically-conductive gel. They are
mounted on a cap that the subject wears on the head. These
systems have many research and clinical applications ([2], for
Two issues limit the use of these systems. The first is that
electrically-conductive gel is required for a good connection
between the sensors and the scalp. This gel takes a lot of time
to apply, it limits the realizable density of sensors on the scalp,
and it tends to dry out, which limits the recording time. Here,
we use electrodes that were created in a MEMS technology
and do not require gel [1]. We follow this by a circuit that Fig. 1. Analog Front-end Schematic. The circuit consists of an off-the-shelf
amplifier and analog-to-digital converter. The mid-band gain is 1000 with
processes the signal. The second limiting issue with typical noise filtered out below 1 Hz and above 100 Hz.
EEG systems is that they are not mobile. They have high power
consumption and a mass of wires connecting the cap to a base The low-noise LT6010 operational amplifier is configured
station that processes the signal and records them. Our seven- for a mid-band gain of 1000. A 100 μF capacitor is used to
electrode system (which can be easily expanded) consumes cut the gain to 1 at frequencies below 1 Hz. This is important
only 3 mW of power making battery power feasible. Also, in since the sensor/scalp interface often generates significant DC
our system the number of wires needed to interface with a offset voltages up to 25 mV. A capacitor in the feedback path,
large number of electrodes is reduced since the power, clocks, C1, creates a low-pass filter with a -3dB cutoff at 100 Hz.

978-1-4244-1684-4/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 1986

Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif San Diego. Downloaded on July 29,2010 at 04:49:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 2. Photographs of EEG system. (Left) Seven electrode circuits are mounted onto a baseball cap. This is not a traditional approach to building EEG
recording devices, but may be feasible with the latest dry sensors. (Right) The dry sensors are mounted onto the inside brim of the baseball cap to get EEG
readings from the forehead of the subject.

A second pole is set up at 1 kHz by R2 and C3. After the III. E XPERIMENTS
filtering the voltage is sampled at 2 kS/s by the LTC7691 Often, EEG experiments are performed in a Faraday cage
analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which has 18-bit resolution that significantly reduces electromagnetic interference from
and consumes only 20 μA. While EEG signals generally do outside sources. This is not practical for many situations and
not extend beyond 100 Hz, noise from muscle movements is thankfully is not always required in order to get useful data.
often found in frequencies up to 1 kHz. The signals in this Several experiments were performed in an unaltered electrical
band are digitized because this muscle noise may be a valuable engineering laboratory in order to measure the noise produced
signal for researchers doing EEG experiments in which the and the type of useful data that can be obtained.
subjects are moving around and interacting with the world.
A. Noise Characterization
Fig. 3 shows the power of the noise around 60 Hz. In this
The circuit was built on a custom PCB (seen in Figure 2 (left
seven sensors were employed in the system. Sensor 7 was
panel). The circuit is roughly the size of a dime. The signal is
placed behind one ear and used as a reference. This is a typical
connected to the sensor with a pin extending from the bottom
reference position in EEG experiments since little EEG signal
of the board in the center. The two ICs are in MSOP and DFN
can be detected there. The time-varying voltages of each of
packages. The passive components are all in 0603 packages
the remaining sensors were subtracted from the reference in
(measuring 60 mils by 30 mils) except for the large 100 μF
order to cancel some of the common noise picked up from the
capacitor in a 1210 package. The two connectors on either side
environment. From the figure, it is apparent that a strong trend
of the boards connect to other EEG sensor circuit boards and
exists in that the sensors further from the reference record
serve two purposes: (1) to share the power, reference voltage,
more 60 Hz noise (as well, presumably, as noise at other
and ADC clocks, and (2) to daisy chain the digital outputs.
frequencies). This is evidence that the noise picked-up from
Configuring boards into a daisy chain means that the output of
the environment is unevenly distributed across the scalp and
one circuit will be passed to another board. All the outputs are,
shows that more noise can be canceled when physically closer
in effect, concatenated into one long serial bit-stream and read
to the reference. The noisiest sensor reports a 60 Hz power
by the data acquisition system. When many electrodes are used
level roughly ten times the useful 10 Hz signal reported in
on one EEG cap (256, for example) passing all these signals
experiments below.
from one board to another drastically reduces the number of
In order to test the effects of reference location further
wires that are required for control and read-out.
another experiment was performed. The sensor inputs from
8 sensors were all connected to the same reference voltage on
The signal is obtained from the dry electrode reported a PCB. Data was recorded from the outputs for 30 seconds.
elsewhere [1]. They are located on the inside brim of the A notch filter at 60 Hz was employed in software after the
baseball cap as shown in Fig. 2 (right panel). These pieces data was collected in order to eliminate the dominant line
of coated silicon, measuring 4 mm on a side, are made using noise source. Fig. 4 shows the measured noise from each
a MEMS process. The microscopic needles that jut out from sensor integrated over the 1-100 Hz frequency band. The
the silicon plane increase the surface area of the electrode and calculations were performed three different times, each time
achieve a lower contact resistance than typical dry electrodes. with a different sensor used as the reference (Sensor 1, 4, or


Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif San Diego. Downloaded on July 29,2010 at 04:49:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
x 10 EEG signal which is currently being investigated by the brain
Sensor 1 research community.
Power (V2/Hz) (dB)

Sensor 2
2 1
Sensor 3
1.5 45 0.9
Sensor 5
1 40 0.8
Sensor 4
35 0.7
0.5 Sensor 6

Frequency (Hz)
30 0.6
58.5 59 59.5 60 60.5 61 61.5
25 0.5
Frequency (Hz)
20 0.4
Fig. 3. Power of 60 Hz noise. Sensor 7 was placed behind the ear and
used as a reference. The power in the frequency range of line noise is shown 15 0.3
for the other 6 sensors. The sensors closer to the reference have lower noise
10 0.2
5 0.1

0 0
8). It is obvious once again that lower noise is obtained when 5 10 15 20
closer to the reference sensor. The measured noise when near Time (sec.)

the reference compare favorably to the 0.28 uVrms reported

previously using a one-sensor system [3]. Fig. 5. Spectrogram of Closed Eyes Experiment. The power in the 8-13 Hz.
alpha band decreases when the eyes are opened at around 15 seconds. The
higher frequencies appear to increase slightly.
0.6 Ref=4 −11
Ref=8 x 10
0.55 Eyes Closed
4 Eyes Open
Noise (μV rms)

Power (V2/Hz) (dB)

0.3 −1
0.25 −2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0.2 Frequency (Hz)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sensor Position
Fig. 6. Alpha Waves. The power spectral density of two time blocks are
shown. During one period the subject kept his eyes open, during the other his
Fig. 4. Effect of reference position. Noise was recorded with the sensor eyes were closed. The characteristic bump at 10 Hz is a result of α-waves
inputs were connected to a reference voltage on a PCB. The noise from each that typically appear when subjects close their eyes.
sensor integrated over the 1-100 Hz band is shown. The three lines correspond
to the use of three different sensors as the reference. Sensors closer to the
reference record lower noise. In another test, the subject was asked to blink his eyes
in a specific pattern. Four typical blinks of both eyes were
followed by alternating between blinking left and right eyes.
B. EEG Data
The resulting EEG patterns of 6 EEG channels are shown in
A test was performed in which EEG data was taken from Figure 7. The first four deflections in the EEG voltages are
a human subject. In one test, the subject started with his eyes typical of eye blinks. The voltages following this are different
closed for a 15 second block of time before keeping his eyes for the six electrode locations. The difference between the
open for 10 seconds. The power spectral density of a voltage voltages from the left-most and right-most electrodes are
recorded by one of the electrodes is shown for both blocks of shown in Figure 8. It is obvious from this plot when a left-
time. With the eyes closed there is a marked increase in power eye blink was performed (large upward voltage deflection)
around 9 Hertz. This increase in what is called the alpha band and when a right-eye blink was performed (large downward
is typical when eyes are closed. A normalized spectrogram of deflection).
the whole 25 seconds is also shown in Fig. 5. The decrease
in the alpha band, as well as a slight increase in higher IV. DISCUSSION
frequencies, is noticeable around the 15 second mark when Experiments using a new EEG system are described here.
the subject’s eyes were opened. The power spectral densities Noise across a daisy-chain of sensors is shown to depend
of the two blocks of time are shown in Fig. 6. This is a typical on the sensor location relative to the reference. Low-noise


Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif San Diego. Downloaded on July 29,2010 at 04:49:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
operation is achieved, comparable to current medical-grade
systems. Two experiments were described that show robust
Voltage (μV)

EEG data collection even in a noisy lab environment. First,

alpha waves around 10 Hz were seen to increase in power with
closed eyes, which is a commonly reported finding. Second,
−500 eye blinks from left or right eyes were detected with electrodes
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
500 place on the forehead.
The sensors used in the system use MEMS-based, dry elec-
Voltage (μV)

trodes that create a good contact with the skin without requir-
ing gel. This makes for a much more convenient experiment
setup and enables experiments requiring long-term recording.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
An additional feature of our front-end circuitry is that it can be
500 used equally well with dry sensors or gel-based sensors. We
address the need for mobility in EEG recording equipment by
Voltage (μV)

creating a daisy-chain of digital outputs consisting of all the
electrode boards. This way, the wiring requirements for power,
control, and read-out are reduced making a wireless solution
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 more feasible. Also, mobility is possible because only a small
500 amount of power is required for the whole signal processing
system. Small batteries can be employed to power the system
Voltage (μV)

0 for an extended period of time.

Future work could extend the system to a larger number of
sensors and demonstrate long-term recording. We would also
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 like to take the system wireless by adding a small module
to the cap. Additionally, we would like to investigate the
Voltage (μV)

requirement of contact with the skin [4].

The authors would like to thank Ruey-Song Huang for
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 help in the testing of this circuit and Scott Makeig for
stimulating discussions. We would like to thank Dr. C.T. Lin,
Voltage (μV)

Dr. J.C. Chiou, and the members of the National Chiao Tung
0 University Brain Research Center for use of their dry MEMS
sensors. This work was supported by DARPA.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 R EFERENCES
Time (sec.)
[1] J. C. Chiou, Li-Wei Ko, Chin-Teng Lin, Chao-Ting Hong, Tzyy-Ping
Jung, “Using Novel MEMS EEG Sensors in Detecting Drowsiness
Fig. 7. Blinking Experiment. Sensor data from six locations is shown from Application,” IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 2006.
an experiment. The subject blinked his eyes regularly 4 times, then alternated [2] T. P. Jung, S. Makeig, M. Stensmo, and T. Sejnowski, “Estimating alert-
between blinking his left and right eyes. ness from the EEG power spectrum,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
Engineering 44:60-69, 1997.
[3] T. Sullivan, S. Deiss, T.P. Jung, and G. Cauwenberghs, “A Low-Noise,
Low-Power EEG Acquisition Node for Scalable Brain-Machine Inter-
faces”, In Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Bioengineered and
400 Bioinspired Systems III, May 2-4 2007.
[4] T. Sullivan, S. Deiss, and G. Cauwenberghs, “A Low-Noise, Non-Contact
Voltage (μV)

200 EEG/ECG Sensor”, IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conf., 2007.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (sec.)

Fig. 8. Left/Right Blinks. The difference between the output voltages from
the left-most and right-most sensors is shown. Upward voltage deflections
correspond to a left-eye blink, while right-eye deflections correspond to a
right-eye blink. When both eyes blink, the sensor voltages are roughly the
same and cancel each other out.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif San Diego. Downloaded on July 29,2010 at 04:49:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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