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Chemicals of Life 1 3

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These are building blocks of life. Organisms are made up
of both inorganic and organic molecules.

Biological molecules
Living organisms are made of atoms that combine to form
molecules which are the building blocks of life. The Hydrogen bond
molecules vary from being simple to large molecules.
Many simple molecules are soluble and can easily be
transported within the cells. Large molecules are used for Water molecules have negative and positive ends so they tend
storage or structural purposes. These molecules are either to be pulled together by hydrogen bonding
organic (fats, starch, proteins) or inorganic (carbon
dioxide, water, nitrogen).
Water is a universal solvent
The dipolar molecules make water an excellent solvent. It
Water is referred to as a universal solvent because it dissolves
Water is a vital chemical constituent of living cells and it many things. Polar and ionic substances have an
also provides an environment for those organisms that live electrostatic charge, so they are attracted to the charges on
in water. water molecules. They dissolve readily in water and are
Water has unusual properties which are mainly due to its therefore called hydrophilic (water-loving). Non-polar
small size, polarity and the hydrogen bonding between its substances, such as oil, have no charge on their molecules.
molecules. Polarity is the uneven distribution of charge They do not dissolve readily in water and are called
within a molecule. hydrophobic (water-hating). When any salt or ionic
compound dissolves in water, the ions separate and layers
of water molecules form around the ions. These layers of
Arrangement of atoms in a water molecule water molecules stop ions or polar molecules from
clumping together and keep the particles in solution.
Hδ+ Hδ+
Water is a good solvent because its molecules form around
ions or molecules. In a solution of sodium chloride, the
O2δ+ positive (hydrogen) ends of water molecules point towards
the negative chloride ion, and the negative (oxygen) ends
The oxygen atom has a tendency to draw point towards the positive sodium ion.
electrons closer it. This gives the oxygen end of Layers of water molecules form around many non-ionic
organic substances such as sugars because they contain
a water molecule a slightly negative charge and polar side groups.
the hydrogen end a slightly positive charge.
Chloride ion, Cl- Sodium ion, Na+

In water one part is slightly positive while the other is

slightly negative. This is known as a dipole. It occurs
because the oxygen atom has a greater electron attracting
power than the hydrogen atoms. As a result, the oxygen
- +
atom tends to attract the single electrons of the hydrogen
atoms. This gives the oxygen atom a slightly negative
charge relative to the hydrogen atom. Water molecules,
therefore, have a weak attraction for each other, with
opposite charges coming together and causing them to The biological significance of water
behave as if they were ‘sticky’, like magnets. These Water is an excellent solvent for polar substances. These
attractions are called hydrogen bonds. Although include ionic substances like salts, which contain charged
individually weak, their collective effect is responsible for particles(ions), and some non-ionic substances like sugars
many of the unusual physical properties of water. that contain polar groups (slightly charged) such as the
slightly negatively hydroxyl group.

Properties of water than in water. This is why water expands when it freezes.
High heat capacity. Heat capacity of water is the amount Although individual hydrogen bonds are weak, combined
of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water in their thousands they make ice as solid rock.
by 1 0C. Water has a high heat capacity. A large increase
in heat energy results in a relatively small rise in Other properties of water
temperature. This is because much of the energy is used in  It is difficult to compress water. This enables
breaking the hydrogen bonds which restrict the movements water to form an important structural agent,
of the molecules. Temperature changes within the water forming hydrostatic skeleton in worms and turgor
are minimized as a result of its high heat capacity. in plants.
Biological processes, therefore, operate over a smaller  It has a relatively high density compared with
temperature range, proceeding at more constant rates and air. Water supports organisms as large as whales;
are less likely to be inhibited by extremes of temperature. it also supports and disperses reproductive
structures such as larvae and large fruits such as
The high heat of vaporization. The latent heat of coconuts.
vaporization is the amount of energy required to vaporize  Water is colourless and transparent.
a liquid, i.e. to overcome the attractive forces between its Transmission of sunlight enables aquatic plants to
molecules so that they can escape as a gas. A relatively photosynthesize.
large high amount of energy is needed to vaporize water.  It conducts electricity. However, pure water has
The energy transferred to water molecules to allow them to a low conductivity but dissolved ions make it a
vaporize results in a loss of energy from their surroundings good conductor. This enables the transmission of
causing cooling. This is made use of in the sweating and impulses in organism.
panting of mammals. A large amount of heat can be lost  Water is a liquid at room temperature. This
with minimal loss of water from the body. provides a liquid environment inside cells and
aquatic environments for organisms to live in.
The high heat of fusion. The latent heat of fusion is the  Water is the universal solvent. It dissolves more
amount of heat energy required to melt a solid, in this case, substances than any other solvent. This enables
ice. With its high heat capacity, water requires relatively chemical reactions inside cells to take place in
large amounts of heat energy to melt it. At the same time, aqueous solution; water also forms the main
liquid water must lose a relatively large amount of heat transport medium in organisms.
energy to freeze. Contents of cells and their environments  Water has a low viscosity. It flows freely, its
are therefore less likely to freeze. Ice crystals are molecules can easily slide over each other. This
particularly damaging if they develop inside cells. makes water to freely flow through narrow
vessels. Watery solutions also form lubricants for
High surface tension and cohesion. Cohesion is the force example mucus which allows food to move easily
that makes water molecules stick together. At the surface down the oesophagus.
of a liquid, a force called surface tension exists between  Water has a high tensile strength caused by
the molecules as a result of cohesive forces between water combined hydrogen bonds between its molecules.
molecules. This forms a firm ground for some organisms It therefore continuously flows in columns through
which can rest on the water surface. Such organisms can the xylem vessels up to the top of a tree during
exploit different niches. transpiration.
The cohesion of water molecules is also important in cells
and in translocation of water through the xylem in plants. Importance of water
 Structure: high water content of cells (70-95%).
Density and freezing properties. The density of water  Solvent and medium for diffusion.
decreases below 4 0C. This makes ice to float. It first forms  Reagent in hydrolysis.
at the surface and the bottom last. Ice insulates the water  Support for aquatic organisms.
below it, thus increasing the chances of survival of  Fertilisation by swimming gametes.
organisms in the water. This is important in cold climates  Dispersal of seeds, gametes and larval stages of
and cold seasons and must have been particularly so in the aquatic organisms, and seeds of some terrestrial
past. species e.g. coconut.
 Osmosis and turgidity (important in many ways,
In liquid water hydrogen bonds are constantly forming and such as growth (cell enlargement), support, guard
reforming. When water freezes, each molecule forms cell mechanism).
hydrogen bonds with four other molecules. This makes a  Reagent in photosynthesis.
rigid lattice, which holds water molecules further apart  Transpiration.
 Translocation of inorganic ions and organic Carbohydrates
compounds. These are substances which contain the elements carbon,
 Germination of seeds; water causes the swelling hydrogen and oxygen and have the general formula
and breaking open of the testa and further Cx(H2O)y, where x and y are variable numbers; their name
development. (hydrate of carbon) is derived from the fact that hydrogen
 Transport in the blood vascular system, lymphatic and oxygen are present in the same proportions as in water,
system, excretory system. namely two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom. They are
 Osmoregulation. all aldehydes or ketones and all contain several hydroxyl
 Cooling by evaporation, such as sweating, panting groups.
Lubrication, as in joints. Carbohydrates are divided into three main classes:
 Support. A hydrostatic skeleton of e.g. annelid monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
worms Protection, for example, lachrymal fluid
(tears), mucus Migration in ocean currents. Monosaccharides. These are simple sugars. They have the
general formula (CH2O)n. Letter n can be any number from
Acids, Bases and Salts 3 to 7. They are grouped according to the value of n.
When n=3, trioses; n=4, tetroses; n=5, pentoses; n=6,
Acid is a substance that ionizes in aqueous solution to hexoses.
release hydrogen ions as the positively charged ions. It is a Aldoses and ketoses
proton donor. The strength of an acid is determined by the In monosaccharides, all the carbon atoms except one have
easy it can release hydrogen ions; strong acids ionize a hydroxyl group attached. The remaining carbon atom is
completely while weak acids partially ionize in aqueous either part of an aldehyde group. This monosaccharide is
solutions. called an aldose or aldo sugar. For a keto group then the
H2SO4(aq) 2H+ (aq) + SO42-(aq) monosaccharide is called a ketose or keto sugar. All
A base is a substance that accepts protons from the acid. monosaccharides are aldoses or ketoses.
Sodium carbonate dissociates and releases hydrogen The simplest monosaccharides are the trioses,
carbonate ions. These ions accept protons from the acid. In glyceraldehyde, and dihydroxyacetone. Glyceraldehyde
this way, it acts as a buffer by resisting change in pH. has an aldehyde group and dihydroxyacetone has a keto
Na2CO3(aq) H+(aq) + HSO4-(aq) group.
Even if moderate amounts of the base are added, it accepts Aldehyde
the OH- ions to form water and carbonate ions. C O group H C OH
In the human body, many substances play a role in
H C OH C O keto
buffering the body. This is important to enable chemical group
reactions to proceed without alteration of pH. H C OH H C OH
Phosphate salt is one of the salts used during the regulation H H
of blood pH by the kidney. Organic substances like glyceraldehyde dihydroxyacetone
proteins and haemoglobin also accept ions. Classification of monosaccharides
The biological importance of this is that cells and tissues Category Example
can only function properly at round neutrality; they cannot Aldotriose Glyceraldehyde
tolerate fluctuations in pH. Aldopentose Ribose, deoxyribose
Aldohexose Glucose, galactose
Macromolecules Ketohexose Fructose
A macromolecule is a giant molecule made from many
repeating units of simple molecules. Molecules built like The carbonyl group on all monosaccharides readily
this are known as polymers. The individual units are donates electrons. This is the property that makes
known as monomers. The units are joined by a process monosaccharides reducing sugars. When heated with
known as condensation polymerization, which means loss Fehling’s or with Benedict’s reagents they reduce copper
of water occurs. (ii) ions to copper (i), forming a brick-red precipitate of
They can be broken down again by the opposite process copper (i) oxide.
called hydrolysis. Macromolecules may include
polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Hexoses. Glucose is the most abundant hexose. Its
chemical formula is C6H12O6. Glucose exists in different
shapes. This phenomenon is known as isomerism. Each
isomer has the same chemical formula but a different  Used in the synthesis of Ribulosebisphosphate, a
structural formula. carbon dioxide acceptor in photosynthesis.
α and β glucose are the common isomers of glucose. Ring
structures are the same but only the positions of hydrogen Hexoses (C6H12O6)
and hydroxyl groups on carbon atom 1 are different. In
three-dimensional, glucose structure -CH2OH group is  Source of energy when oxidized in respiration
above the ring in both alpha and beta glucose. The -OH (glucose).
group is below carbon atom 1 in alpha glucose but above  Synthesis of disaccharides; two monosaccharides
carbon atom 1 in beta glucose. units can link together to form a disaccharide.
 Synthesis of polysaccharides.
1C O These are formed when two monosaccharides combine by
means of a chemical reaction known as condensation. A
water molecule is given off during the reaction.
C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 ↔ C12H22O11 + H2O
H 5C OH The bond formed between two monosaccharides as a result
of condensation is called a glycosidic bond and it normally
forms between carbon atoms 1 and 4 of neighbouring units.
Open chain form The process can be repeated many times to build up the
giant molecules of polysaccharides. The monosaccharide
units are called residues once they have been linked. A
maltose molecule contains two glucose residues. The most
H 5C O H common disaccharides are maltose, lactose, and sucrose.
1 Maltose. This occurs mainly as a breakdown product
3 2 during digestion of starch by enzymes called amylases.
H OH This commonly occurs in animals and in germinating
seeds. In seeds, it is made use of in brewing beer when
α-glucose barley grain is used as the source of starch. Germination of
the barley is stimulated and this results in the conversion
6 CH2OH of the starch to maltose, a process known as malting.
H Lactose, or milk sugar. This is found exclusively in milk
4C OH H C and is an important energy source for young mammals. It
C H is digested slowly and steadily releases energy.
Sucrose, or cane sugar. This is the most abundant
β-glucose disaccharide in nature. It is most commonly found in
plants, where it is transported in large quantities through
The different arrangements of glucose have important phloem tissues. It makes a good transport sugar because it
biological consequences for example; alpha glucose is very soluble, and can, therefore, be moved efficiently in
molecules combine to form starch whereas beta glucose high concentrations. It is also chemically unreactive.
molecules combine to form cellulose. It is consumed in large amounts to sweeten many foods.
Functions of monosaccharides
Trioses. C3H6O3e.g glyceraldehyde, dihydroxyacetone. It is formed when one α-glucose and one β-fructose join in
They form intermediates in respiration and photosynthesis. a condensation reaction. A bond is formed between the
Pentoses C5H10O5 carbon atom 1 of the α-glucose ring and carbon atom 2 of
 Used in the synthesis of nucleic acids, ribose is a the β-glucose. It is thus called an α-1, 2-glycosidic linkage.
constituent of RNA, deoxyribose of DNA. It is at these atoms that the carbonyl groups occur in both
 Used in the synthesis of some coenzymes, e.g. glucose and fructose. There are no free carboxyl groups in
ribose is used in the synthesis of NAD and NADP sucrose which are therefore a non-reducing sugar. Sucrose
 Synthesis of ATP. This requires ribose. can be easily hydrolysed into monosaccharides by boiling

with dilute hydrochloric acid or by incubating it with the Formation of glycosidic bond in sucrose by condensation
enzyme sucrase (invertase)
H 5C O H H 5C O H
+ 4C
3 2 OH OH 3 OH
α-glucose α-glucose

H 5C O H H 5C O H
4C OH H C1 4 C C maltose
2 3
O 2
1,4-glycosidic bond

α-Glucose β-Fructose Sucrose

6 6
4 Condensation 4
OH 1 2 5 1 2 5
2 HO 2 O HO
OH 3 4 OH 3 4
1,2-Glycosidic bond

Test for reducing sugars

All monosaccharides and some disaccharides, including Polysaccharides

maltose and lactose are reducing sugars. They can carry They are used as food and energy stores and as structural
out a type of chemical reaction known as reduction. materials. They are convenient storage molecules for
Sucrose is the only common non-reducing sugar. several reasons:
 their large size makes them more or less insoluble
Benedict’s solution and Fehling’s solution are used. or less insoluble in water, so they exert no
Reducing sugars reduce copper contained in these osmotic or chemical influence in the cell,
solutions, from a valence of 2 to a valence of 1. In both  they fold into compacts shapes,
tests, the alkaline solution of copper (ii) sulphate which is  they are easily converted to sugars by hydrolysis
reduced to insoluble copper (i) oxide is used. when required. They are polymers of
Functions of simple sugars in living organisms monosaccharides.
 Lactose forms the main sugar in milk.
 Glucose forms the major of energy in most living Starch. This is a polymer of α-glucose molecules. It is the
organisms. major fuel in plants but is absent from animals where the
 Maltose is produced by the breakdown of equivalent is glycogen. Starch has two components,
amylose in many germinating seeds. amylose, and amylopectin.
 Sucrose is the major form of the transport of  Amylose has a straight-chain structure consisting
carbohydrates in plants. of several thousands of glucose residues joined

by 1, 4-glycosidic bonds. These bonds cause the
chain to coil helically into a more compact shape.
Plants store glucose as amylose or amylopectin, 4 1 4 1
glucose polymers collectively called starch. o o
Glucose storage in polymeric form minimizes 1-4
osmotic effects. o 1-6
 Amylopectin is also compact as it has many
branches, formed by 1, 6-glycosidic bonds. It has 4 1 4 1 4 1
O o o O
up to twice as many glucose residues as amylose.
A suspension of amylose in water gives a blue- 1-4 1-4
black colour with iodine-potassium iodine
solution, whereas a suspension of amylopectin The long chains in starch are coiled into a helix and the
gives a red-violet colour. This forms the basis of orientation of the glucose sub-units is such that most of
the test for starch. The branches produce a the OH groups potentially capable of forming hydrogen
compact structure & provide multiple chains ends
bonds projecting inwards. So there are no cross-linkages
at which enzymatic cleavage can occur.
in starch making it not suitable to form structures. The
chain is coiled into a helix forming, in effect a cylinder in
which most OH groups capable of forming cross-linkages
projects into the interior. There are six glucose units for
every complete turn of the spiral.

Helical molecule with hydroxyl groups pinting inwards

Starch molecules accumulate to form starch grains. These to provide energy in the form of ATP. Starch is
are visible in many plant cells, notably in the chloroplasts never found in animal cells.
of leaves. It is used in storage organs such as the potato Test for starch
tuber, and in seeds and legumes. The grains appear to be
Starch is easily detected by its ability to turn the iodine in
made of layers of starch and are usually of characteristic
potassium iodide solution from a yellow colour to blue-
size and shape for a given species.
black. The colouration is due to the iodine molecules
becoming fixed in the centre of the helix of each starch
Suitability of starch as a storage substance
molecule. It is important that this test is carried out at
 It is insoluble and therefore does not have any
room temperature (or below), as high temperatures cause
osmotic effects within cells, i.e. it does not tend to
the starch helix to unwind, releasing the iodine, which then
draw water into the cells.
returns to its usual yellow colour.
 Being insoluble, it does not easily diffuse out of
 It is compact, so a lot of it can be stored in a small
This is the animal equivalent to starch. It is a
 When hydrolysed it forms glucose, which is both
polysaccharide made from α-glucose and stored by many
easily transported and readily used in respiration,
fungi. In vertebrates, glycogen is stored in the liver and
muscles, both are centers of high metabolic activity, where
it provides a useful energy reserve. Its conversion back to When two β glucose molecules line up, the -OH group on
glucose is controlled by hormones, particularly glucagone. carbon atom 1 can only line up alongside the -OH group
on carbon atom 4 if one of the molecules is rotated at 1800
Cellulose. This is made up of many straight chains each to the other. This is because of the -OH group on carbon
containing as many as 10,000 sugar units. Each chain is atom 1 projects below the ring and the -OH group on atom
made up of many β glucose units joined together in such a 4 projects above the ring. This rotation of successive
way that the OH groups are on both sides of the chain. residues is the underlying reason why cellulose has a
These are capable of forming hydrogen bonds with different structure to starch.
neighbouring OH groups resulting in the formation of
bundles of cross-linked parallel chains.

β- glucose β- glucose β- glucose

2 H
H 5 O OH
4 H 1 4
OH H 1 4 H
H OH H 1
3 2 H H 5 3 2 H
Condensation reaction

3 2 H
H 5 O H 5 O OH
4 H 1 4 1 4 H
3 2 H 3 2 H
OH H 5 O O




Straight chain molecule with hydroxyl groups pointing on alternate sides

The strength of the glycosidic bonds, together with the In the cell wall, the cellulose microfibrils are embedded in
cross-links between adjacent chains, makes it tough like a gel-like organic matrix containing hemicellulose.
rubber. Cellulose is found in chains massed together to Hemicellulose is a short polysaccharide that binds tightly
form ribbon-like fibres. They are laid down in layers, the to the cellulose microfibrils, linking them together into a
microfibrils of each layer run roughly parallel with each complex three-dimensional network. This forms a material
other but at an angle to those in other layers. of great strength which prevents the cells from bursting

when water enters by osmosis and also helps to determine They are not broken down by human enzymes, but instead
the shapes of cells. can be metabolized (or fermented) by bacteria present in
the large intestine. Pectin is a fiber made of galacturonic
It is fully permeable to water and solutes. This is because acid and other monosaccharides. Because it absorbs water
the matrix is made up of minute water-filled channels and forms a gel, it is often used in jams and jellies. Sources
through which free diffusion of salts, sugars can take place. of pectin include citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, and
The molecules of the matrix are hydrophilic. carrots. Mucilages and gums are similar in structure.
Cellulose is also an important food source for some Mucilages are dietary fibers that contain galactose,
animals, bacteria, and fungi. manose, and other monosaccharides; and gums are dietary
fibers that contain galactose, glucuronic acid, and other
monosaccharides. Sources of gums include oats, legumes,
Lignin. This is a polymer of various sugars and amino guar, and barley
acids. It is deposited in the spaces between the cellulose
molecules which makes the cell wall rigid rendering it Other sugar compounds
impermeable. It serves as a waterproof cement. This is
called lignification and occurs in plant cell walls Sugars like hexoses and pentoses readily link up with other
concerned with providing strength and conducting water. molecules to form more elaborate compounds. Some
Once lignification is complete the protoplasm can no sugars contain nitrogen: they are called amino sugars. A
longer absorb materials from outside the cell, which polysaccharide that contains amino sugars is called a
therefore dies. The lignified tissue is always dead. Its mucopolysaccharide. They are found in the basement
function of providing mechanical strength is entirely due membrane of epithelia, the matrix of connective tissue, the
to its lignocellulose composition. It can transport water and synovial fluid in vertebrate joints, and in the cell wall of
salts, this is because lignification involves loss of the prokaryotes. They also occur in chitin.
protoplasm, resulting in the formation of a hallow-
waterproof tube. Chitin. This is a strong carbohydrate chemically related to
cellulose. It is a polymer made up of many glucosamine
units (glucose in which one –OH is replaced by –
The commercial importance of cellulose NHCOCH3).
 It is used in the manufacture of paper, cellophane, Glucosamine is one of the simplest amino sugars. The OH
celluloid, rayon and various plastics. group at position 2 is replaced by an amino group (NH2).
 Cellulose derivatives such as cellulose nitrate are Amino sugars can form long chains like other sugars.
used in the manufacture of lacquers, films, and Chitin is a polymer of acetylglucosamine.
explosives. Glucosamine
 Cellulose in cotton is used to make fabrics.
Dietary fiber. They don’t undergo digestion. Fibers H 5 O OH
contain sugars linked by bonds that cannot be broken down
4 H
by human enzymes. OH H 1
3 2 H
Pasta and whole-grain pieces of bread contain complex OH
carbohydrates, which are long strands of glucose H NH2
molecules. A fiber derived from plant sources contains
polysaccharides such as cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin,
Chitin forms long, straight chains similar to cellulose.
gums, mucilages, and lignins.
Chitin is the second most abundant carbohydrate. Chitin is
The indigestible fibers do not provide energy. Cellulose, found in the exoskeleton of insects and other arthropods.
hemicellulose, and lignin make up the structural part of Chitin is also found in the wall of fungal hyphae.
plants and are classified as an insoluble fiber because they
usually do not dissolve in water. Hemicellulose is a non-
starch carbohydrate polymer made of glucose, galactose,
xylose, and other monosaccharides; it can be found in
whole grains.

In contrast, pectins, mucilages, and gums are classified as

soluble fibers because they dissolve or swell in water.

LIPIDS chief constituent of olive oil and is liquid at normal
These are water-insoluble organic substances. Lipids are temperatures (melting point 13.40C), whereas palmitic and
formed by condensation reactions between fatty acids and stearic acids (63.1 0C and 69.6oC) are solid at normal body
alcohol. temperatures.
Classification of lipids
1. Simple lipids (Fats & Waxes). Essential fatty acids. These are fatty acids that cannot be
2. Compound or conjugated lipids. synthesized in the human body and must be taken in
3. Derived Lipids. adequate amounts in the diet. They are required for normal
4. Lipid-associating substances. growth and metabolism. They include linoleic, linolenic,
arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic.
Constituents of lipids
Fatty acids. These contain the acidic group –COOH and The location of the first double bond in unsaturated fatty
are so named because some of the larger molecules in the acids affects omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.
series occur in fats. They have the general formula R- Omega-3 fatty acid, the first double bond is between the
COOH where R is hydrogen or a group such as –CH3, - third and fourth carbon from the omega end, Example:
C2H3. The long chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms forms Alpha-linolenic acid, one of the two essential fatty acids.
the hydrocarbon chain. Omega-6 fatty acid, the first double bond is between the
Many of the properties of all lipids are determined by this sixth and seventh carbon from the omega end, Example:
tail, including their solubility in water. The tails are said to Linoleic acid, one of the two essential fatty acids
be hydrophobic, meaning water-hating (hydro, water, Omega-3, Linolenic found in coldwater fish, dissolves
phobos, fear) blood clots, lowers blood pressure, dilates the arteries.
Fatty acids contain one or more double bonds, such as oleic Source: vegetable oils such as corn oil, linseed oil, peanut
acid they are then said to be unsaturated. Fatty acids and oil, olive oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, and many other
lipids lacking double bonds are called saturated. plant oils, cod liver oil and animal fats.
Unsaturated fatty acids melt at much lower temperatures Name and occurrence of some fatty acids
than saturated fatty acids. Oleic acid, for example, is the

Name of fatty acid General formula Saturated/ unsaturated occurrence

Butyric C3H7COOH Saturated Butterfat
Linoleic C17H31COOH Unsaturated Linseed oil
Oleic C17H33COOH Unsaturated All fats
Palmitic C15H31COOH Saturated Animal and vegetable fats
Cerotic C25H51COOH Saturated Wool oil
Arachidic C19H39COOH Saturated Peanut oil
Stearic C17H39COOH Saturated Animal and vegetable fats

Glycerol The carboxyl groups of fatty acids react with the hydroxyl
This is an alcohol that contains three carbon atoms each groups of glycerol to form acylglycerols (glycerides) and
linked to a hydroxyl group. water. The bonds formed between the two components are
called ester linkages and the process is known as
H esterification. If only one hydroxyl group is esterified,
the product is a monoacylglycerol (monoglyceride), if
two a diacylglycerol (diglyceride), and if three a
H C OH triglycerol (triglyceride).
H Most lipids are triglycerides. They are made from the
alcohol glycerol.
Formation of lipids Glycerol has three hydroxyl groups, all of which can
combine with a fatty acid. Usually, all three undergo
condensation reactions. And the lipid formed is therefore
called triglyceride.



H C O H HO OC (CH2)nCH3Condensation H C O OC (CH2)nCH3
H C O H HO OC (CH2)nCH3 H C O OC (CH2)nCH3
H C O H HO OC (CH2)nCH3 Hydrolysis H C OC (CH2)nCH3
Ester bond
3H2O 3H2O

Properties of triglycerides  The molecule consists of a phosphate head with

 They exist as fats (solids) or oils (liquids) at 20oC. two hydrocarbon tails from the two fatty acids.
The higher the proportion of unsaturated fatty  The phosphate head carries an electrical charge
acids, the more likely they are to be liquid at a which makes it soluble in water (hydrophilic).
given temperature.  The tails are insoluble in water. One end of the
 They are non-polar. They do not form hydrogen molecule is soluble and the other is not. They are
bonds with water molecules and therefore do not therefore amphipathic. This is important in the
dissolve in water (they are hydrophobic). formation of membranes.
 They are less dense than water and therefore float. Illustration of a phospholipid
 Their tails vary in length according to the
particular fatty acids used.
Two fatty chains Glycerol

Functions of triglycerides

 They are energy stores. They have a higher Phosphate group

calorific value than carbohydrates. A given mass
of lipid yields more energy on oxidation than an
equal mass of carbohydrates. This is because
lipids have a higher proportion of hydrogen and The fatty acids which make up phospholipids have a
less proportion of oxygen compared with consistent length which allows them to form neat bilayers.
carbohydrates. Phospholipids usually have fatty acids that are saturated
 They insulate the body against heat loss. Animal or unsaturated. The unsaturated fatty acids add fluidity
store extra fat below the dermis of the skin when to a bilayer because tails do not pack tightly together, they
hibernating. also allow faster transport of substances across the
 They provide buoyancy in aquatic animals such bilayer.
as whales, they have lipids in the form of blubber.
 When oxidised, they provide metabolic water Glycolipids
useful to desert animals such as kangaroo rats. They are an association of lipids with carbohydrates. The
carbohydrate forms a polar head to the molecule.
NB. Plants usually store oils rather than fats. Seeds, fruits Glycolipids are also found in membranes.
and chloroplasts are often rich in oils and some seeds are
commercial sources of oils, for example, the coconut, Steroids
castor bean, soybeans, and sunflower seed. Steroids are lipids characterized by a carbon skeleton
consisting of four fused rings. The steroid nucleus is a
Phospholipids fused ring system consisting of three cyclohexane rings
These are lipids containing a phosphate group. They are and one cyclopentane ring. Attachment of different
usually formed when one of the three -OH groups of groups to the core steroid structure leads to a wide variety
glycerol combine with phosphoric acid instead of a fatty of steroid compounds, including cholesterol, bile salts,
acid. The other two -OH groups combine with fatty acids. and steroid hormones.

Simplified steroid
Waxes are esters of long-chain saturated and unsaturated
fatty acids (having 14-36 carbon atoms) with long-chain
alcohol (having 16-30 carbon atoms).
They are low- melting, stable solids which appear in
nature in both plants and animals.

Plants produce waxes on the surfaces of their leaves,

stems, and fruits to prevent water loss and protect against
pests. Animals produce waxes on their fur or feathers to
provide a water-proof coating.
 Cholesterol is the most abundant steroid in
animals. It’s a major component of cell Functions of lipids
membranes and affects the fluidity of the  Lipids are a concentrated source of energy. One-
membrane. gram fat gives 9 K calories.
Cholesterol is called a sterol because it contains an  They serves as a cushion for the vital organs and
alcohol group. protects them from external shocks or injuries.
The liver can synthesize all the cholesterol that animals  Lipids are the structural materials of cells and
need. It synthesizes more cholesterol when dietary intake membranes.
is low. Excessive blood cholesterol is associated with  Lipids are the carrier/reservoir of fat-soluble
atherosclerosis, the formation of gallstones and other vitamins
cardiovascular-related diseases. Cholesterol is a precursor  In food preparations, lipids serve as a binding
for the synthesis of many steroids. agent. It also enhances the palatability of foods
Cholesterol and testosterone are almost identical except  Cholesterol is used in the formation of plasma
for the side groups on C3 and C17. membranes and is also used for the synthesis of
adrenal cortical hormones, vitamin D3, and bile
 Electrical insulation. Myelin sheath in the
membranes of Schwann cells, which form the
Cholesterol sheaths around the axons of neurons, electrically
CHCH3(CH2)3CH(CH3)2 isolates the cell plasma membrane. This makes it
CH3 possible for the nerve impulse to pass down the
CH3  Heat insulation. Fats conduct heat slowly and
are therefore useful insulators in endothermic
animals such as mammals. They are stored
beneath the skin nest to for subcutaneous fats. It
HO retains heat in the skin. Some aquatic animals
have a subcutaneous fat called blubber which
 Bile salts are synthesized from cholesterol in the forms an effective heat insulator.
liver, they are stored in the gall bladder and  Buoyancy. Because they are less dense than
released into the upper small intestine to help water, lipids aid buoyancy in aquatic vertebrates
break down fats and oils. When cholesterol such as sharks, seals, and whales. Sharks have
accumulates in the gall bladder can lead to fatty livers that make up to 25% of their body
gallstones. Presence of a gallstone in the bile duct volume and contain a lipid, squaline with a
can cause severe pain. specific gravity of only 0.86.
 Oils on bird feathers are important in keeping
Lipoproteins aquatic varieties birds on the surface of water.
They are water-soluble complexes of lipids. They are  Waterproofing. Animal skins produce oil
soluble in water because their surface is polar. The polar secretions, e.g from the sebaceous glands in
head groups of phospholipids and the hydroxyl groups of mammals, which waterproof the body. Oils also
cholesterol form a polar layer on the surface of the coat the fur, helping to repel water which would
lipoprotein. otherwise wet it and reduce its effectiveness as an
insulator. Birds spread oil over their feathers,
from a special gland near the cloaca, for the same
purpose. An insect has a waxy cuticle to prevent
evaporation loss in the same way that plant leaves Structure of amino acid
have one to reduce transpiration. It is made up of a central carbon atom, known as the α-
carbon. Attached to it are four components.
 Wax is used by bees to construct their  an acidic carboxyl group, -COOH,
honeycombs.  a basic amino group, -NH2.
 Some plant scents are fatty acids or their  a hydrogen atom.
derivatives. They aide the attraction of insects for  R-group is a variable part of the molecule. This
pollination. gives each amino acid its uniqueness.
Structure of an amino acid
Test for lipids H R

The test for lipids is known as the emulsion test. Using a N CH COOH
completely dry and grease-free test tube, 2 cm3 of the H
sample being tested is added plus 5 cm3 of ethanol. The The simplest amino acid is glycine, where R is simply
contents are mixed thoroughly to dissolve any lipid in the hydrogen.
sample. When 5 cm3 of water is added and the mix shook
gently, a cloudy-white colour is formed. This confirms the The table below shows the 20 common amino acids
presence of lipids. Essential amino Non-essential amino acids
For the control, the procedure is repeated using water Leucine Alanine (R-group is -CH3)
instead of the sample; the final solution remains clear. Arginine Asparagine
Lysine Aspartic acid (R-group is
Methionine Cysteine (R-group is CH2-SH)
The cloudy colour is due to any lipid in the sample being Phenylalanine Proline
finely dispersed in the water to form an emulsion. Light Threonine Glutamic acid
passing through this emulsion is refracted as it passes Tryptophan Serine (R-group is CH2-OH)
Histidine Glutamine
from oil droplets to water droplets, making it appear
Isoleucine Glycine (R-group is -H)
cloudy. Valine Tyrosine

They are polymers from amino acids. Some proteins form Rare amino acids. A small number of rare amino acids
complexes with other molecules containing phosphorus, occur in proteins of an organism. They are made from
iron, zinc, and copper. There are 20 different amino acids some of the common amino acids. For example,
that are commonly found in naturally occurring in hydroxylproline is made from proline, and is found in the
proteins. protein collagen, hydroxylysine is made from lysine, and
is also found in collagen. There is no DNA code for the
Amino acids rare amino acids, and they are made from their parent
Amino acids are the basic units from which proteins are amino acids.
made. There are over 170 amino acids in cells and tissues,
but 20 are commonly found in proteins. Plants make all Amphoteric nature of amino acids
amino acids they require from a simpler substance. They contain both an acid and a basic part. They exist as
Animals are unable to synthesise all the proteins they ions and can carry both a positive charge on the basic part
need. They obtain some amino acids directly from their and a negative charge on the acid part. They form a dipole
diet. These are termed essential amino acids. and therefore described as zwitterions.
Non-essential amino acids can be synthesized by animals The acidic property is derived from the carboxyl group
from essential amino acids by the transamination which can donate a proton so the molecule becomes
process. negatively charged when in an alkaline solution.
Essential amino acids are only described as essential The basic properties are derived from the amino group
because they cannot be synthesized. which can take up a proton so the molecule becomes
positively charged in an acidic solution. They buffer the
Illustration of ionic bond
body because they can donate or receive protons.

Ionic bond
Formation of a protein COO-
A protein is formed by condensation polymerization of
amino acids bonded by polypeptide bonds. Two amino
acids form dipeptide, and more than two amino acids Polypeptide chain
bonded together for a polypeptide. A polypeptide forms
the primary structure of proteins; the linear arrangement
of amino acids bonded together by only peptide bonds.  Disulphide bond. This is formed when amino
acids containing sulphydryl groups are close to
Formation of a dipeptide each other in a protein. When two molecules of
H R cysteine line up alongside each other,
neighbouring sulphydryl are oxidised and form a
N CH CO OH H N CH COOH sulphide bond.
H Formation of a disulphide bond


-2H (oxidation) +2H (reduction)

Dipepetide bond

disulphide bond
 Hydrogen bond. The hydrogen part of the -OH
or -NH groups are usually slightly positively
Bonds used in protein structure charged. This is because the oxygen and nitrogen
atoms pull the bonding pair of electrons leaving
Apart from the peptide bonds which are formed from the hydrogen atom positively charged. The hydrogen
carboxylic and the amino groups of amino acids, other is then attracted towards a neighbouring
bonds exist as a result of variations in the R-groups. They electronegative oxygen or nitrogen atom, such as
include the following: the O of a C=O and NH groups, contained in
 Ionic bond. Acidic and basic R groups exist in an another amino acid in the protein. Hydrogen
ionized (charged) state at a certain pH. The bonds are common in the alpha-helix and silk
negatively charged acidic R groups and the protein.
positively charged basic R groups in protein,
attract each other forming ionic bonds. These
bonds are much weaker than a covalent bond Formation of hydrogen bond
(peptide bonds). They can be broken by changing
the pH of the medium. Therefore, changes in pH δ+ δ-
can disrupt the structure of a protein. N H O C

Polypeptide chain

Polypeptide chain
 Hydrophobic interactions. These are formed
when a polypeptide contains amino acids with Hydrogen bond Hydrogen bond
non-polar (hydrophobic) R groups. For example,
those in the amino acid tyrosine and valine. When
a polypeptide chain containing a number of these
groups is in aqueous solution, the chains tend to
fold so that the maximum number of hydrophobic
groups come into close contact and exclude
water. The hydrophobic groups tend to point
inwards towards the center of the roughly
spherical molecule while thee hydrophilic groups
face outwards into the aqueous environment,
making the protein soluble. This is how many
globular proteins fold up.
Illustration of hydrophobic interaction

R Two non-polar α-helix Beat-pleeated sheet

R R groups

Tertiary structure. This is determined by interactions

between R groups, rather than interactions between
Protein structure backbone constituents. The polypeptide chains bend and
fold extensively forming a precise, compact globular
Synthesis of proteins takes place in the cytoplasm by the
shape. These interactions between R groups include
free ribosomes or ribosomes attached to the endoplasmic
hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions,
reticulum. During the process, the linear arrangement of
and van der Waals interactions. Strong covalent bonds
amino acids takes place to form the primary structure of
called disulfide bridges may reinforce the protein’s
proteins. However, this undergoes further folding as it
passes through the Golgi apparatus to form complex
structures. Each protein possesses a characteristic three-
Quaternary structure. This results when two or more
dimensional shape, its conformation. There are four
polypeptide chains form one macromolecule.
separate levels of structure of proteins.
Collagen is a fibrous protein consisting of three
Primary structure. This is the linear sequence of amino polypeptides coiled like a rope to form a triple helix.
acids in a protein. It is determined by inherited genetic
information. Hemoglobin is a globular protein consisting of four
polypeptides: two α chains each contain 141 amino acids
Secondary structure. The primary structure coils and while the two β chains each contain 146 amino acids.
folds using hydrogen bonds between repeating The hydrophobic side chains of haemoglobin point
constituents of the polypeptide backbone. This forms an inwards to the centre of the molecules, and its
alpha helix and a folded structure called a beta-pleated hydrophilic chains face outwards making it soluble in
sheet. Keratin is α-helical and fibrous. It is found in water. A mutation that causes one of the hydrophilic
hair, wool, nails, claws, beaks, feathers and horns and amino acids to be replaced by a hydrophobic amino acid,
vertebrate skin. Some α-helical proteins are not entirely reduces the solubility of haemoglobin causing sickle cell
α-helical because of certain R groups bond together anaemia.
using other bonds other than hydrogen bonds.
Insulin is made up of 51 amino acids. It has two
Fibroin a protein that makes up silk is β-pleated. It is polypeptide chains held together by disulphide bridges.
made up of more extended adjacent chains than α-
helices. The sheets are arranged parallel to each other,
running in the same direction or in the opposite

Protein Conformation
This is determined by the primary structure, physical and
Renaturation of proteins. A protein can
chemical conditions. Alternations in pH, salt
spontaneously refold into its original structure after
concentration, temperature, or other environmental
denaturation, provided conditions are suitable.
factors can cause a protein to unravel. This loss of a
protein’s native conformation is called denaturation. A
denatured protein is biologically inactive. Classification of proteins according to structure
Denaturation is the loss of the specific three- dimensional Globular protein. They include enzymes, haemoglobin,
shape of a protein molecule. The change may be hormones, and antibodies. Tertiary structure is the most
temporary or permanent, but the amino acid sequence of common in globular proteins. The polypeptide chains are
the protein remains unaffected. During denaturation, the folded to form a spherical shape. They carry out metabolic
molecule unfolds and can no longer perform its normal functions.
biological function Fibrous proteins
They form long chains that run parallel to one another.
Causes of denaturation of proteins
The chains are linked by cross-bridges and so form very
Heat or radiation. e.g. infra-red or ultraviolet light. stable molecules. An example is collagen and keratin.
Kinetic energy is supplied to the protein causing its atoms Collagen is found in tissues requiring physical strength,
to vibrate violently, so disrupting the weak hydrogen and e.g tendons, and walls of blood vessels, bone and the
ionic bonds. Coagulation of the protein then occurs. fibres that hold teeth in place. Keratin is found in nails,
Strong acids and alkalis and high concentrations of hooves, and hair.
salts. Ionic bonds are disrupted and the protein is Intermediate proteins. These are fibrous but soluble.
coagulated. Breakage of peptide bonds may occur if the They include fibrinogen which forms insoluble fibrin
protein is allowed to remain mixed with the reagent for a when blood clots.
long period of time.
Comparison between fibrous and globular proteins
Heavy metals. The positively charged ions of heavy Fibrous proteins Globular proteins
metals (cations) form strong bonds with the negatively Repetitive regular Irregular amino acid
charged carboxyl groups on the R groups of proteins and sequences of amino sequences
often disrupt ionic bonds. They also reduce the protein's acids
electrical polarity and thus increase its insolubility. This Insoluble Water-soluble; form colloidal
causes the protein to precipitate out of the solution. suspensions
Organic solvents and detergents. These reagents Support and structural Metabolic functions
disrupt hydrophobic interactions and form bonds with functions
hydrophobic (non-polar) groups. This, in turn, causes the Stable structure Relatively unstable
disruption of hydrogen bonding. When alcohol is used as Polypeptide chains Polypeptide chains folded into
a disinfectant it functions to denature the protein of any form long parallel a spherical shape
bacteria present. strands
Examples include Examples include all
collagen and keratin enzymes, some hormones(like
insulin) and haemoglobin

Classification of proteins according to composition

1. Simple proteins, only amino acids form their structure
2. Conjugated proteins, complex compounds consisting of globular proteins and tightly-bound non-protein
material; the non-protein material is called a prosthetic group.
Name Prosthetic group Location
Phosphoprotein Phosphoric acid Casein of milk, Vitellin of egg yolk
Glycoprotein Carbohydrate Membrane structure, mucin(a component of
Nucleoprotein Nucleic acid Component of a chromosome, ribosome
Chromoprotein Pigment Haemoglobin, phytochrome, cytochrome
Lipoprotein Lipid Membrane structure
Flavinoprotein FAD Important in electron transport
Test for proteins  Elastin gives strength and elasticity to ligaments.
1. Biuret test. This detects peptide links. To a test  Keratin provides tough protection, eg in scales,
sample, an equal volume of sodium hydroxide is nails, hooves, skin.
added at room temperature. This is followed by a  Lipoproteins are used to form structural
few drops of very dilute (0.05%) copper (ii) components of all cell membranes.
sulphate solution and the mixture is mixed gently.  Sclerotin provides strength in insect exoskeleton.
A purple colouration is formed which indicates
the presence of peptide bonds and hence a
protein. If no protein is present, the solution Respiration and transport
remains blue. A control can be carried out using
water as a test solution.  Proteins form Haemoglobin, haemoerythrin,
2. Use of Millon’s reagent. This is a solution of haemocyanin and chlorocruorin which transport
mercury(ii) nitrate in nitric acid. Mercury reacts oxygen in organisms.
with the thiol groups of amino acids, such as  Proteins form myoglobin which stores oxygen in
cysteine which is found in many proteins. At the muscles.
same time, electrostatic forces in the protein  Proteins form prothrombin and fibrinogen which
molecules break due to the high concentration of are required in blood clotting.
hydrogen ions from the acid. The protein  Form mucin which keeps the respiratory surface
becomes denatured and a white precipitated is moist.
formed. When heated the precipitate takes on a  Form antibodies that are essential for the body’s
red colouration if the protein contains the amino defence against bacterial infections.
acid tyrosine. Growth
3. Ninhydrin reaction. When a protein is heated
with ninhydrin, the α-amino group forms a blue  Proteins form hormones like thyroxine which
complex. Proline gives a yellow colour in this control growth and metabolism.
reaction. Excretion

Functions of proteins  Proteins are used to make hormones like urease

and arginase which catalyse reactions in ornithine
Reproduction cycle which forms urea.
 Proteins form hormones like prolactin which
induces milk production in mammals.
 They form Histone which gives structural support Nutrition
to chromosomes.  Proteins are used to make digestive enzymes
 They form Gluten which is a storage protein in which catalyse hydrolysis of food during
seeds that nourishes the embryo. digestion.
 Keratin forms horns and antlers which may be  Proteins form mucin which assists in trapping
used for sexual display. food in filter feeders. Mucin also prevents
autolysis and acts as a lubricant in the gut.
Sensitivity and coordination  Casein forms the storage form of proteins in milk.
 Used to make hormones used are used to transmit  Proteins form toxins which may include snake
information in the body in the form of chemicals. venom and Diphtheria toxin produced by
 Used to form Rhodopsin/opsin which is visual diphtheria bacteria.
pigments in the retina, sensitive to light.
 Proteins are used to form Phytochromes which
are plant pigments important in control of
flowering, germination, etc.
Support and movement

 Actin and myosin are used in muscle contraction.

 Ossein (collagen of bones) forms structural
support in bones.

VITAMINS paralysis and circulatory failure, whilst lack of B5 results

Vitamins are organic constituents of food required in in disorders of the nervous system and gut.
very small amounts for a variety of metabolic purposes.
Plants synthesize them, but animals require them in their Vitamin E (tocopherol). This plays a part in the transfer
of hydrogen atoms in cell respiration. Lack of vitamin E
diet. However some vitamins are synthesized by bacteria
can cause sterility in animals.
in the gut, and others manufactured by the animal itself.
Vitamin D3, for example, can be synthesized in the  Vitamin A (retinol). The proper chemical name
human body and is then activated in the skin by ultra- of vitamin A is retinol. It is found in food of animal
violet rays. origin. The orange pigment carotene, familiar in carrots,
and similar pigments called carotenes, are found widely
If a given vitamin is lacking, a characteristic set of
in plants and can be converted to vitamin A during
symptoms develops in the individual known as a
digestion. The structure of carotenes and vitamin A is
deficiency disease. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-
particularly well adapted for light absorption, both in
soluble whereas the rest are water-insoluble.
plants in the form of carotenes and in animals where
Role of vitamins in metabolism vitamin A is converted to the light-absorbing molecule
retinal. The three groups of animals that possess eyes
Some vitamins form coenzymes which play an (mollusks, arthropods, and vertebrates) all use retinal as
important role in various metabolic pathways. the light-absorbing part of their photoreceptor molecules.
Vitamin A is also needed for healthy skin and other
Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin)
epithelial (surface) tissues and is required by young
This combines with certain phosphate compounds to children for growth.
form flavine adenine dinucleotide (FAD), an important Deficiency disease. A deficiency of vitamin A affects the
coenzyme concerned with the transport of hydrogen rods (which react to light intensity) in the eye much more
atoms in cell respiration. It is found in leafy vegetables, than the cones (which react to colour) and leads at first to
fish and eggs. Lack of vitamin B2 results in lesions of the a condition known as 'night blindness'. This is a poor
mouth, eyes, and skin. adaptation to conditions of low light intensity when
vision is mainly dependent on the rods. Night blindness
Nicotinic acid is caused by a deficiency of retinal in the rods.
Eventually, the rods themselves become damaged. At the
It is used to make two coenzymes: nicotinamide
same time, the conjunctiva and the cornea become drier
adenine dinucleotide (NAD), and nicotinamide
and uncomfortable. This can lead to a condition known
adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP). In both
as xerophthalmia (Xero, dry; ophthalmia, eye) with
cases, the nicotinic acid amide forms an effective group
ulcers occurring on the cornea leading to blindness
that carries hydrogen atoms. They both occur in
respiration, but NADP also occurs in photosynthesis
Young children are particularly susceptible to vitamin
where it is used to transport hydrogen atoms derived
A deficiency because it also reduces growth. Prolonged
from water for the subsequent reduction of carbon
deficiency can lead to death. The condition is still
dioxide. Nicotinic acid is found in meat, fish, and wheat.
common in some developing countries and is the most
Lack of it in the diet causes pellagra.
common cause of blindness in children. About 3 million
Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) and B 5 (pantothenic acid) children under the age of 10 years are blind as a result. A
person with a healthy diet could be expected to have up
Both combine with phosphate compounds to form to two years' supply in the liver, where it is stored.
coenzymes which are involved in the formation of acetyl Average daily consumption in Britain is about twice that
coenzyme A, an important intermediate in cell
respiration. Both are found in most animal and plant
tissues, but the husk of rice and wheat is particularly rich Excess vitamin A. Rare cases have been reported of
in B1 and eggs particularly rich in B5. Lack of B1 results vitamin A liver poisoning resulting from intake of excess
in beriberi, characterized by wasting of the muscles, amounts, often from prolonged consumption of large
amounts of vitamin pills. Bone damage, hair loss, double Vitamin K (Phylloquinone). It is essential for the final
vision, vomiting, and other problems may also occur. stages of prothrombin synthesis in the liver. It is a
High intakes (in excess of 3300 pg per day) during necessary factor for the blood-clotting mechanism. Its
deficiency causes delayed blood clotting.
pregnancy may cause birth defects. In the UK, pregnant
women are generally advised not to take vitamin
supplements containing vitamin A unless advised to do Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine). It is converted to a coenzyme
so at antenatal classes or by a doctor. for amino acid and fatty acid metabolism. Its deficiency
Regular intakes should not exceed 6000 jig per day for causes depression and irritability, anaemia, Diarrhoea,
adolescents, 7500 |g per day for adult women and 9000 and Dermatitis.
jig per day for adult men.
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin). Required in synthesis
of RNA proteins, prevents pernicious anaebia. It is found
Vitamin D (calciferol). It can be made by the action of in meat, milk, eggs and cheese.
sunlight on the skin. Folic acid. It is required for formation of red blood
The light-absorbing molecule found in the skin is made corpuscles and synthesis of nucleoproteins. Its deficiency
from cholesterol. The active part of the light is ultraviolet causes anaemia particularly in women. It is found in
liver, white fish, green vegetables.
(UV) light. It can be obtained from oily fish, such as
mackerel, sardines and herring, fish-liver oils and egg
yolk are exceptions. Test for vitamin C
Vitamin D is converted in the liver and the kidney (and
placenta in pregnant women) to an active form which Using 0.1% ascorbic acid solution. Add 1 cm3 of DCPIP
promotes calcium and phosphate absorption from the solution to a test-tube. Add a test solution containing
intestine. ascorbic acid drop by drop gently into a test-tube
containing DCPIP until the blue colour of DCPIP
Deficiency disease. In infants, the deficiency disease is disappears to form a colourless solution.
called rickets and is caused by too little calcium and Basis of the test
phosphate being added to the bones. This makes the DCPIP is a blue dye which is reduced to a colourless
bones too weak and soft to support the weight of the compound by ascorbic acid, a strong reducing agent.
body, causing bowing of the legs and bending of the
In adults, it leads to a condition known as osteomalacia. These form the genetic material of all living organisms,
Bones are weakened and soften, becoming less including the simplest virus. They are called nucleic
mineralised with calcium and phosphate. acids because they are mainly found and made in the
nucleus. They include DNA and RNA. Nucleic acids are
Excess vitamin D. This leads to excess calcium uptake.
made up of units called nucleotides. These are arranged
Excess calcium if not excreted is deposited in the kidneys to form extremely long molecules known as
where it causes damage. polynucleotides.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid). It is concerned with the Structure of nucleotides

metabolism of connective tissue and the production of A nucleotide has three components, a 5-carbon sugar, a
strong skin. It is also essential for collagen fibre synthesis. nitrogenous base, and phosphoric acid.
Its deficiency causes scurvy, characterized by weak and
1. Sugar. The sugar has five carbon atoms;
bleeding skin of gums, failure of wound-healing, failure
therefore, it is a pentose sugar. There are two
of connective tissue formation.
types of nucleic acids, depending on the pentose
they contain. Those containing ribose are called
Vitamin H (Biotin). It is used as a coenzyme for a
ribonucleic acids or RNA and those containing
number of carboxylation reactions. Involved in protein
deoxyribose (ribose with an oxygen atom
synthesis and transamination. Its deficiency causes
removed from carbon atom 2) are called
dermatitis and muscle pains.
deoxyribonucleic acids or DNA


4C C1
3C 2C
Ribose sugar Purine


4C C1
3C 2
Deoxyibose sugar
3. Phosphoric acid (H3PO4). This gives nucleic
acids their acid character.
2. Bases. Each nucleic acid contains four different
bases. Two derived from purine and two from OH
pyrimidine. The nitrogen in the rings gives the
molecules their basic nature.
Purines are adenine (A) and guanine (G).
Pyrimidines are thymine (T) and cytosine (C) in DNA,
with uracil (U) in place of thymine in RNA.
Thymine is chemically very similar to uracil (it is 5-
methyl uracil, that is uracil with a methyl group, -CH3, on
carbon atom 5).
Purines have two rings and pyrimidines have one ring in Formation of nucleotide
their structure.
These bases are commonly represented by their initial The combination of a sugar with a base occurs with the
letters A, G, T, U, and C. elimination of water and therefore is a condensation
reaction. A nucleotide is formed by further condensation
with phosphoric acid. Different nucleotides are formed
C N according to the sugars and bases used.

H2O 2 O C N
2 1C
4C N C
4C C1 H H C
H H OH 3C 2C
3C 2

Simplied nucleotide 5' end

Phosphate group


Nucleotides are not only used as building blocks for
nucleic acids, but they form several important coenzymes,
including adenosine triphosphate (ATP), cyclic AMP,
coenzyme A, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)
and its phosphate NADP, and flavine adenine dinucleotide

Formation of dinucleotides
and polynucleotides
Two nucleotides join to form a dinucleotide by
condensation between the phosphate group of one with the
sugar of the other. The process is repeated up to several
million times to make a polynucleotide. An unbranched
sugar-phosphate backbone is thus formed 3' end

Structure of DNA
DNA is made up of two helical chains of polynucleotides
held together by the pairing of bases between
neighbouring chains. The bases are held together by
hydrogen bonds. Adenine pairs with thymine, and guanine
with cytosine; the adenine-thymine pair has two hydrogen
Each chain forms a right-handed helical spiral and the two
chains coil around each other to form a double helix. The
chains run in opposite directions, that is are antiparallel.
Each chain has a sugar-phosphate backbone with bases
which project at right-angles and hydrogen bond with the

bases of the opposite chain across the double helix. The 5' 3'
width between the two backbones is constant and equal to
the width of a base pair that is the width of a purine plus a

Along the axis of the molecule, the base pairs are 0.34 nm
apart, accounting for the regularity indicated by X-ray anti parallel chain
diffraction. A complete turn of the double helix comprises 3.4 nm
3.4 nm, or ten base pairs. Basing on the rules of base
One complete turn =
pairing, the sequence in one chain determines that in the
bases ten base pairs (0.34
other. The two chains are thus said to be complementary.
nm between base
Diagrammatic structure of DNA pairs)
Complementary base pairs 3' backbones
A T 3' 5'

2 nm

Structure of RNA
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a polymer made up of
repeating mononucleotide sub-units. It forms a single
strand in which the pentose sugar is always ribose and the
organic bases are adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil.
There are three types of RNA, all of which are important
in protein synthesis:

C G  ribosomal RNA (rRNA),

 transfer RNA (tRNA),
3' 5'  messenger RNA (mRNA),
Hydrogen bonds
 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA).
Ribosomal RNA. It is a large, complex molecule which
is a major component of ribosomes, making up over half
of their mass. It has a sequence of organic bases which is
very similar in all organisms.

Transfer RNA (tRNA). It is a relatively small molecule

that is made up of around 80 nucleotides. It is
manufactured by DNA and makes up 10-15% of the total
RNA in a cell. It has a single-stranded chain folded into a
clover-leaf shape, with one end of the chain extending
beyond the other. This extended chain always has an
organic base sequence of cytosine-cytosine-adenine. This
is the part of the tRNA molecule to which amino acids are
attached. There are at least 20 types of tRNA, each able to
carry a different amino acid. At the opposite end of the
tRNA molecule is a sequence of three other organic
bases, known as the anticodon. For each amino acid,

there is a different sequence of organic bases on the Messenger RNA (mRNA). It is made up of thousands of
anticodon. During protein synthesis, this anticodon pairs mononucleotides. It is a long strand that is arranged in a
with the complementary three organic bases that make up single helix. It is formed by the DNA in the nucleus in the
process called transcription. There is a great variety of
the triplet of bases on mRNA, known as the codon.
different types of mRNA according to the part of DNA
being transcribed.
Clover-leaf structure of tRNA
Once formed, mRNA leaves the nucleus via pores in the
A nuclear envelope and enters the cytoplasm, where it
binding site for
C associates with the ribosomes. There it acts as a template
C anamino acid upon which proteins are built. It possesses the correct
sequence of many triplets of organic bases that code for
specific polypeptides. It is also easily broken down and
therefore exists only for as long as it is needed to
manufacture a given protein.




C GU Differences between RNA and DNA

anticodon RNA DNA

Single polynucleotide Double polynucleotide
chain chain
Small molecular mass Larger molecular mass
Pentose sugar is ribose Pentose sugar is
It contains uracil Has thymine
The ratio of adenine and The ratio of adenine and
uracil to cytosine and thymine to cytosine and
guanine varies. guanine is one
Found both in the nucleus Found in the nucleus
and cytoplasm except in prokaryotic cells
Amount varies from cell The amount is constant for
to cell all cells of a species except
gametes and spores
Chemically less stable Chemically stable
May be temporary, Permanent
existing for a short period
Three basic forms Only one basic form


An enzyme is a biological catalyst protein in nature that
Energy level
speeds up biochemical reactions in living cells. The
without enzyme
chemical (or chemicals) which an enzyme works on is
called its substrate. Enzymes control and catalyse all
Energy barrier
metabolic processes. with enzyme

Free energy
Metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions Energy level
Substrate of substrate
going on in cells. It is divided into two types: anabolism
and catabolism. Catabolic reactions involve the Lower activation
breakdown of molecules and usually release energy.
Anabolic reactions involve the synthesis of molecules and
usually require energy. Energy level
of the products
Properties of enzymes

 All are globular proteins. Time

 Being proteins, they are coded for by DNA.
 They are very efficient. A small amount of Brfore a reaction take place, it mist overcome an energy
catalyst brings about the change of a large amount barrier by exceeding its activation energy. Enzymes
of substrate. operate by lowering this activation energy and thus
 They are highly specific, an enzyme will permit the reaction to occur more rapidily.
generally catalyse only a single reaction.
 The catalysed reaction is reversible.
 Their activity is affected by pH, temperature,
substrate concentration, and enzyme Naming and classifying enzymes
concentration. Enzymes can be divided into two main groups:
 Enzymes lower the activation energy of the intracellular and extracellular.
reactions they catalyse
 Enzymes possess active sites where the reaction Intracellular enzymes catalyse reactions inside cells.
takes place. These sites have specific shapes Extracellular enzymes are produced by cells and catalyse
reactions outside cells. They include the digestive
Activation energy. This is the energy required to make enzymes that break down food in the gut.
the substances react. Enzymes work by reducing the
There are usually two types of nomenclature
activation energy required for a chemical reaction to take
place. They speed up the overall rate without altering, to  Named by adding attaching a suffix -ase to
any great extent, the temperature at which it occurs. the name of the substrate on which it acts.
How enzymes lower the activation energy Thus, maltase acts on maltose, lipase on
lipid, urease on urea. Pepsin and trypsin, both
found in the mammalian gut, attack proteins
and are hence known as proteases.
 Named according to the type of reaction they

1. Oxidoreductases. This group of enzymes oxidizes substrates. There are two kinds of these enzymes.
Oxidases which catalyse the transfer of hydrogen to molecules of oxygen. An example is the cytochrome
oxidase which catalyse the oxidation of reduced cytochrome.

Dehydrogenases. These catalyse the oxidation of substrates by transferring hydrogen to coenzymes such as
NAD and NADP. An example is alcohol dehydrogenase which controls the rate at which ethanol is oxidized
to ethanol.

Ethanol + 2NAD+ ethanal + 2NADH

In reactions catalyzed by oxidoreductases, substrates are oxidized whereas oxygen or coenzymes are reduced.

2. Lysases. These catalyse the addition of a group across a double bond. For example pyruvate
decarboxylase. Pyruvic acid is converted into ethanal and carbon dioxide by breakage of its double
bond and the addition of a new group to the ‘freed’ bonds. Ethanal is then converted to alcohol.

pyruvic decarboxylase
Pyruvic acid ethanol + carbon dioxide

3. Isomerases. These catalyse rearrangements within a molecule, converting one isomer to another. Isomerases
control the conversion of one isomer of a compound to another isomer of the same compound.

Glucose-1-phosphate Glucose-6-phosphate

The interconversion of sugar isomers in glycolysis is catalysed by isomerase enzymes such as


Glucose-6-phosphate fructose-6-phosphate

4. Ligases. These catalyse bond formation between two compounds. The reaction uses energy that comes from
hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and phosphate.

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase + ATP

Amino acid + specific tRNA Amino acis tRNA complex + ADP + Pi

5. Hydrolases. These catalyse the splitting of a large substrate molecule into smaller products in the presence of
water. For example, a disaccharide is broken down into two monosaccharides by the addition of water by the
enzyme lactase.

Lactose + water Glucose + galacose

6. Transferases. These catalyse the transfer of a group from one compound to another. For example

Glutamic acid + pyruvic acid α-ketoglutaric acid + alanine

The R group on the amino acid, glutamic acid, is exchanged with the R group on a keto acid. A new amino acid, alanine
is formed along with a new keto acid, alpha-ketoglutaric acid. This specific type of process is called transamination and
it is used to make non-essential amino acids from essential amino acids.

Another example of transferases are the phosphotransferases which control the transfer of phosphate groups in

Glucose + ATP Glucose-6-phosphate + ADP

Transferases can also be transaminases which control the transfer of amino groups from one substrate to another.
Summary of classification of enzymes

Enzyme group Type of reaction catalysed Enzyme examples

1. Oxidoreductases Transfer of O and H atoms between Dehydrogenases
substances, i.e oxidation-reduction
2. Transferases Transfer of a chemical group from Transaminases
one substance to another
3. Hydrolases Hydrolysis reaction Peptidases
4. Lyases Addition or removal of a chemical Decarboxylases
group other than by hydrolysis
5. Isomerases The rearrangements of groups within Isomerases
a molecule
6. Ligases Formation of bonds between two Synthetases
molecules using energy derived
from the breakdown of ATP

Mechanism of enzyme action

There is usually two mechanisms which tries to explain products
enzyme activity
Lock and key hypothesis. Enzymes have a particular
shape into which the substrate or substrates fit exactly. The
substrate is imagined being like a key whose shape is
complementary to the enzyme or lock. The site where the
substrate binds in the enzyme is known as the active site
and it is this which has the specific shape. The substrate enzyme-substrate enzyme
fits into the active site and forms the enzyme/substrate complex
complex, reactions than occur to form an enzyme-product
complex, once formed, the products no longer fit into the Induced fit hypothesis. Some enzymes have active sites
active site and escape into the surrounding medium, which are flexible structures that can be modified. The
leaving the active site free to receive further substrate active site is modified as the substrate interacts with the
molecules. enzyme. The amino acids which make up the active site
are moulded into a precise shape which enables the
substrate enzyme to perform its catalytic function most effectively.
Active site
Factors affecting the rate of enzyme
When investigating the effect of a given factor on the rate
of an enzyme-controlled reaction, all other factors should
enzyme enzyme-subtrate be kept constant and at optimum levels wherever
complex possible.

Enzyme concentration. Provided that the substrate

concentration is maintained at a high level, and other
conditions such as pH and temperature are kept constant, This is because the secondary and tertiary structures of the
the rate of reaction is proportional to the enzyme enzyme become disrupted, and the enzyme is denatured.
concentration. The enzyme unfolds and the precise structure of the active
site is lost. When the temperature is reduced to near or
Relationship between enzyme concentration and the rate below freezing point, enzymes are inactivated. They can
of an enzyme-controlled reaction regain their catalytic influence when higher temperatures
are restored.
Most mammalian enzymes have an optimum temperature
ranging from 37oC to 40oC. Enzymes of bacteria living in
catalysed reaction

hot springs may have an optimum temperature of 70oC.

Rate of enzyme-

Optimum temperature

Rate of reaction (V)

Enzyme concentration

Substrate concentration. For a given enzyme

concentration, the rate of an enzyme reaction increases
with increasing substrate concentration. More substrates
occupy the active sites to produce more products. There 10 20 30 40 50
comes a point when any further increase in substrate Temperature/oC
concentration produces no significant change in reaction
rate. This is because at high substrate concentrations all pH. Under conditions of constant temperature, the
the active sites of the enzyme molecules at any given enzyme works efficiently over a particular narrow pH
moment are virtually saturated with substrate. Any extra range. The optimum pH is that at which the maximum
substrate has to wait until the enzyme-substrate complex rate of reaction occurs.
has released the products before it may itself enter the
active site of the enzyme. When the pH is altered above or below this value, the rate
of enzyme activity reduces. As p.H decreases, acidity
increases and the concentration of H+ ions increases. This
Saturation of increases the number of positive charges, in the medium.
active sites
An increase in pH increases the concentration of OH- ions
Vmax in the medium. Changes in pH alter the ionic charge of
the acidic and basic groups and therefore disrupt the ionic
Rate of reaction (v)

bonding which maintains the specific shape of the

enzyme. This alters the enzyme shape and its active site.
If extremes of pH are encountered by an enzyme, it is
Active sites not denatured.
all occupied
pepsin enzymes phosphatases
Substrate concentration
Relative rate
of reaction

Temperature. An increase in temperature increases the

kinetic energy of both the substrate and enzyme. They
move more quickly and chances of the substrate bumping
into the active site increase. As a result, there is a greater
probability of a reaction occurring. The temperature that 2 4 6 8 10 12
promotes maximum activity is referred to as the optimum pH
temperature. Above this temperature, enzyme activity
decreases despite the increasing frequency of collisions.

Apart from the effect in denaturing enzymes, changes in H+
can alter the ionisation of the amino acid side chains at the
active centres of enzymes. Ionisation of substrate molecules Enzyme inhibitors are substances that reduce the activity
can also be affected. The formation of enzyme-substrate of enzymes. Inhibition is a normal part of the regulation
complexes sometimes depends on the active centres and of enzyme activity within cells. Many drugs and poisons
substrate molecules having opposite electrostatic charges. If are enzyme inhibitors. Inhibition may be competitive or
the charges are altered by changes in pH, some enzymes fail non-competitive.
to work.
One way in which pH affect an enzyme 1. Competitive inhibition. This occurs when a
compound has a structure which is sufficiently
similar to that of the normal substrate to be able to
fit into the active site. The inhibitor occupies the
active site and prevents the true substrate from
entering the active site. The genuine substrate and
the inhibitor, therefore, compete for the active site.
positively A characteristic feature of competitive inhibition
enzyme with charged Enzyme-substrate
negatively- substrate complex formed is that if the substrate concentration is increased,
charged active the rate of reaction increases.

+ +
+ inhibitor
+ unused
enzyme hydrogen ions substrate

+ +
+ enzyme Enzyme-inhibitor
+ substrate complex

active centre Substrate repelled


Immobilising enzymes 2. (a) Non-competitive inhibition. This can be

Enzymes are used as catalysts in many industrial divided into reversible and irreversible.
processes. The enzymes are often immobilized by fixing Non-competitive reversible inhibition. The
them onto or inside a gel or other substance, which inhibitor has no structural similarity to the
prevents the enzymes from dissolving in the reaction substrate and combines with the enzyme at a point
mixture. This means that the product is not contaminated other than its active site. It does not affect the
with the dissolved enzyme, and the enzymes can be ability of the substrate to bind with the enzyme,
repeatedly reused. Immobilisation also enables enzymes to but it makes it impossible for catalysis to take
work over a wider range of temperature and pH than they place. The rate of reaction decreases with
are in free solution, probably because the trapped enzyme increasing inhibitor concentration. When inhibitor
molecules cannot easily change shape and become saturation is reached, the rate of the reaction
denatured. One way of immobilizing enzymes is to trap becomes nil. An increase in substrate
them inside little balls of calcium alginate. concentration does not affect the rate of reaction.

Non-competitive inhibition Comparative effects of a non-competitive and
competitive inhibitor of an enzyme-catalysed reaction
substrate molecule
occupying the active
site of the enzyme no inhibitor

Rate of reaction
enzyme molecule
shape is changed competitive inhibitor
due to presence of
the inhibitor
molecule non-competitive inhibitor

enzyme molecule Substrate concentration

inhibitor molecule
attached to
enzyme molecule
Allosteric enzymes. These are enzymes which are
designed to change shape. They are regulated by
Non-competitive irreversible inhibition. Some compounds which act as non-competitive inhibitors. These
chemicals permanently attach on enzymes. Their compounds bind to the enzyme at specific sites away from
attachment is irreversible and this reduces the ability of the the active site. They modify enzyme activity by causing a
reversible change in the structure of the enzyme's active
enzyme to combine with the substrate. Chemicals such as
site. This in turn affects the ability of the substrate to bind
heavy metal ions like mercury (Hg2+), silver (Ag+) and to the enzyme. Compounds of this nature are called
arsenic (As+), or certain iodine-containing compounds allosteric inhibitors.
completely inhibit some enzymes. They combine
permanently with sulphydryl (-SH) groups. These may be
in the active site or elsewhere, leading to alteration of
enzyme structure. They cause the protein of the enzyme Active site
molecule to precipitate. Cyanide is another non-
competitive inhibitor. It blocks the action of some
enzymes by combining with iron which may be present in
a prosthetic group or which may be required as an enzyme
activator. Allosteric complex
Example. DFP (Diisopropylfluorophosphate) is a nerve
gas which was used in warfare. It combines with the amino
acids of serine at the active site of the enzyme
acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme deactivates the active site changed
neurotransmitter substance acetylcholine.
Neurotransmitters are needed to continue the passage of
nerve impulse from one nerve to another across a synaptic
gap. When the impulse has been transmitted,
acetylcholinesterase functions to deactivate acetylcholine allosteric inhibitor
almost immediately by breaking it down. If
acetylcholinesterase is inhibited, acetylcholine
accumulates and nerve impulses cannot be stopped, Some allosteric enzymes exist in two different forms, one
active and the other inactive. The inactive form of the
causing prolonged muscles contraction. Paralysis occurs
enzyme is shaped in such a way that the substrate does
and death may result since the respiratory muscles are not fit into the active site. For the enzyme to work it must
among those affected. Insecticides like organophosphates be transformed into the active form, and this involves
such as parathion have similar effects .
changing its shape so that the substrate fits into the active inhibition is the use of sulphonamide drugs such
site. as prontosil to combat bacterial infections.
 Enzyme having very high optimum temperatures
Allosteric enzymes can be inhibited by certain molecules are used in biological washing powders.
which combine, not with the active site, but with some
other part of the enzyme. The inhibitor prevents the
enzyme from changing into the active form. Substances Enzyme cofactors. These are non-protein components
which have this effect are known as allosteric inhibitors. required for efficient activity of enzymes. They may either
Other substances are known to combine with allosteric remain unchanged at the end of a reaction or be regenerated
enzymes in such a way that they react more readily with by a later process. There are three types of cofactors.
their substrates.
1. Inorganic ions (enzyme activators). These
Allosteric enzymes are used to regulate metabolic mould either the enzyme or the substrate into a
pathways. An example of this is provided by one of the shape that allows an enzyme/substrate complex to
reactions of glycolysis, the series of reactions that forms be formed, hence increasing the chances of a
the first part of cell respiration. Cell respiration produces reaction occurring between them and therefore
energy (ATP). When ATP is at high concentration, it increasing the rate of reaction catalysed by that
inhibits one of the enzymes of glycolysis allosterically. particular enzyme. For example, salivary amylase
When cell metabolism increases and more ATP is used activity is increased in the presence of chloride
up, the overall concentration of ATP decreases and the ions.
inhibitor, ATP, is removed. This is also an example of 2. Prosthetic groups (for example FAD, haem).
end-product inhibition. These are tightly bound to the enzyme on a
permanent basis. Prosthetic groups are organic
molecules. They assist the catalytic function of
End-product inhibition (negative feedback inhibition). their enzymes, as in flavine adenine
This is the type of inhibition where the end-product of the dinucleotide (FAD). This contains riboflavin
reaction pathway inhibits some of the enzymes in the (vitamin B2), the function of which is to accept
whole process. The end product of a metabolic pathway
hydrogen. FAD is concerned with cell
accumulates and allosterically inhibits some of the enzyme oxidation pathways and is part of the
controlling the first step of the pathway. Therefore, the respiratory chain in respiration.
product switches off its own production as it builds up. As
the product is used up, its production is switched back on Haem. Haem is an iron-containing prosthetic
again. This is an example of a negative feedback group. It has the shape of a flat ring (a
mechanism. 'porphyrin ring' as is found in chlorophyll)
with an iron atom at its centre. It has a number
Ilustration of end-product inhibition of biologically important functions. Electron
end-product inhibition carrier. Haem is the prosthetic group of
cytochromes, where it acts as an electron
(negative feedback) carrier. In accepting electrons the iron is
end product
inhibits reduced to Fe(II); in handing on electrons it is
enzyme 1 oxidised to Fe(III). Oxygen carrier.
Haemoglobin and myoglobin are oxygen-
T carrying proteins that contain haem groups.
Q R e2 S T Here the iron remains in the reduced, Fe(II).
e1 e3
initial end Other enzymes. Haem is found in catalases and
substrate product peroxidases, which catalyse the decomposition of
compounds hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. It is also found
in a number of other enzymes

Application of enzyme inhibition

 Inhibitors of this kind can be used as drugs to
reduce the rate at which undesirable reactions 3. Coenzymes (for example NAD, NADP, coenzyme A,
occur in the human body. Inhibiting such ATP). Coenzymes are organic non-protein molecules not
reactions is one of the ways of treating some forms bonded on the enzyme. They do not remain attached to the
of cancer. Another application of competitive enzyme between reactions. Many important coenzymes
are derived from vitamins. Nicotinamide adenine
end-product inhibition
dinucleotide (NAD) and its phosphate ester nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) are derived (negative feedback)
from nicotinamide, a B-group vitamin. Riboflavin end product
(Vitamin B2) forms part of flavine adenine dinucleotide inhibits
enzyme 1
(FAD). NAD, NADP and FAD are hydrogen acceptors in
reactions catalyzed by dehydrogenase enzymes.
Q R e2 S T
Control of metabolic pathways e1 e3
initial end
substrate product
A structured system is used to control metabolic pathways. intermediate
This is because many reactions take in any single cell. compounds
Metabolic pathways inside a cell are regulated to avoid
one pathway interfering with another pathway. Because The end product T, inhibits enzyme 1 which
different enzymes need different conditions, it is therefore catalyses the initial reaction. When the end
necessary to have a structured system for each pathway. product T is used by the cell metabolism, its
The following are some of the ways how enzyme- quantities reduces, and the inihibition is stopped.
controlled reactions are regulated. This mechanism is also termed as negative
feedback because the output has a negative effect
on the pathway.
 Enzymes are enclosed inside organelles like
vesicles. This increases the chances of them
coming into contact with their appropriate Commercial application of enzymes
substrates, and leads to efficiency. These
organelles also have varying conditions to suit the  Used in biological washing powders. The
specific enzymes available, the cell can then powders usually contain proteases which remove
control the metabolic pathways within it. food stains such as food, blood, allergens and
 The use of the end-product inhibition. The end bacteria.
product accumulates in excess quantities which  Used in meat tenderizers to soften meat.
inhibit some of the enzymes involved in the  α-amylase is used in baking industry.
pathway.  Used in sweeteners. Glucose isomerase is used to
make the soft drinks and cakes taste sweet.
 Many are used in industry to make cheese and
other dairy products.
 Used in photographic industry. Protease ficin is
used to digest the protein coat on the film when
developing the image.
 Used in paper in paper industry. Amylase is used
to remove starch from the raw materials.


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