Camera-Ready Instructions Laar (Times New Roman - 14 Pt. ALL CAPS BOLD FACE CENTERED)
Camera-Ready Instructions Laar (Times New Roman - 14 Pt. ALL CAPS BOLD FACE CENTERED)
Camera-Ready Instructions Laar (Times New Roman - 14 Pt. ALL CAPS BOLD FACE CENTERED) 1
Latin American Applied Research vv(n):ppp-ppp (2021)
Each file inside the zip should be named “table x” being figures, however, will be available in color in
x the table number. This material will be used if the the online version.
camera ready is of poor quality.
Manuscript file: H
A word document with the manuscript file without H R2 H
formatting can also be uploaded. This file should C R1
contain equations in an editable format but not figures C C
and tables. Instead, just the figure or table captions H
should appear in the text. H
Supplementary files can also be submitted when
uploading the manuscript. These files will be made double bond O
available to readers for downloading.
E. Example of second page Figure 1: Example of figure.
(Caption Times New Roman 9 pt.)
Bear in mind that due to the journal layout, headers and
footers are different in first, odd and even pages. In this
Avoid the use of vertical lines in tables.
template this is taken into account.
Do not change font size in tables to allow them
Header contains bibliographical information. Please
to fit in one column. They can be prepared in
do not change any settings in order of speed up the
two-column width. Do not interrupt text with
publication process. Distance of header from top should
changes of section to include two column
be 0,99 cm (0.38”) and distance of footer from bottom
drawings or tables unless placed at the top or
2,03 cm (0.8”). This is already set up in this template.
bottom of the page. Use column breaks if
Please verify that these settings are not changed during
your production of the camera ready manuscript. Page
number is centered in the footer, using font Times New Figures should use the same font type and size
Roman 10 pt. than text (Times New Roman 10 pt.)
If using sections (which is not advised but The layout of text is responsibility of authors but editors
sometimes unavoidable), please be sure that you adhere can change it to improve readability and appeal of the
to this rules by setting “same as previous” in the header manuscript. It is the author´s responsibility to check the
and footer formatting. galley proof to verify that everything is correct before
printing the article in the journal.
F. Other formatting details
Please: Table1. Example of one column table (Caption Times New
Avoid “widow or orphan” sentences. Roman 9 pt.)
Avoid titles at the end of a column with text in Identification #10 #15 #20
the following column or page. Titanium dioxide (rutile) 10.0 10.0 10.0
Also, do not leave large blank spaces in the Calcium carbonate 40.0 40.0 40.0
document. Dispersion (50 % w/w) 10.0 15.0 20.0
If possible place figures and tables at the top or Additives and water to get 100.0 100.0 100.0
bottom of the pages. Properties
Do not use color in figures unless unavoidable. Solid content (% w/w) 55.0 57.5 60.0
LAAR is printed in greyscale only, so color Solid content (% v/v) 22.8 25.7 27.8
figures could be unreadable after printing. The
X.X. ALPHA, Y.Y. BETHA (please include your names here)