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Camera-Ready Instructions Laar (Times New Roman - 14 Pt. ALL CAPS BOLD FACE CENTERED)

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Latin American Applied Research vv(n):ppp-ppp (2021)


(Times New Roman – 14 pt. ALL CAPS BOLD FACE CENTERED)


(Initials and Surname in ALL CAPS, Font Times New Roman 12, Centered)
† Chemical Engng. Department, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
‡ Dto. de Ing. Mecánica, Univ. Nac. del Litoral, 7500 Santa Fe, Argentina

Authors affiliation Times New Roman 10 pt italics, centered.

Abstract These instructions are presented to C. Illustrative Materials

assist authors in preparing a typescript which is Illustrations must be originals or photographic prints of
suitable for direct photo-offset reproduction. The originals; if reproduced from an external source, it is
abstract should not exceed 200, 150 and 50 words for required to have a permit and explicitly included in the
Review Papers, Articles and Notes respectively. manuscript. Arrange them throughout the paper and do
Keywords Up to five keywords should be not group them together at the end. Figure captions must
provided. No keyword has to be in the title, they be typed beneath a figure.
should be different words to help readers to use the Tables can be typed directly onto the sheets. Table
search engine. headings should be as brief as possible and typed
directly above the table.
The words “Figure” and “Equation” should be
The authors are fully responsible for the printing quality shortened to “Fig.” and “Eq.” whenever they occur
of their papers, and are kindly requested to observe within a sentence. They should, however, be written in
carefully the following instructions for the preparation full when they appear at the beginning of a sentence and
of their manuscripts. This document is itself an example in captions. Equations, figures and tables must be
of the desired layout for camera-ready papers. numbered in Arabic numbers. The number of the
LAAR publishes Review Papers, Articles and Notes equation should be aligned to the right margin
which should be limited to a length of 10, 6, and 4
pages, respectively. Authors requiring to submit longer ẋ=f 1 ( x 1 , t)+α x 2 sin(¿ θ)¿ , (1)
manuscripts should contact the Editor, who has the right
and the equation itself should be centered.
to accept them or not depending on the value of the
Regarding punctuation, there should be a comma after
the equation if the following text continues the sentence,
II. METHODS and a period if it ends the sentence
A. Typing Instructions
ẋ=f 1 ( x 1 , t)+α x 2 sin(¿ θ)¿ . (2)
Manuscripts must be typed in a two column format
within a box of 165 mm  245 mm. Column width D. Additional material to provide after acceptance of
should be 80 mm with a 5 mm space between both the manuscript
columns. Margins are: top and bottom 27 mm, left and Apart from the camera ready file submitted initially, we
right 22.5 mm. Authors should provide a Word (or are now asking authors to provide additional material as
compatible with Word) file, as well as an electronic soon as the article reaches the copyedit stage in order to
version (in *.pdf or *.ps files) of their revised final produce the best possible quality articles. For initial
version. submission, only the camera ready file and the list of
potential reviewers must be provided. The following
B. Font Size and Spacing Lines
material must be provided when the article reaches the
Manuscripts must be typed with single line spacing. status “accepted” - only if the copyeditor requests it.
Increase line spacing only when necessary for subscripts Illustrations:
and/or superscripts. Font size in text and any drawings
Please provide large size illustrations reproducible in
should be, at least, of approximately 2 mm high. The
greyscale all together in a separate zip file. Names of
minimum font size for the body of the text is 10 point (1
each file inside the zip must be “figure x” being x the
point=0.35 mm). Use font Times New Roman.
number of the corresponding figure.

https://doi.org/10.52292/j.laar.yyyy.nnn 1
Latin American Applied Research vv(n):ppp-ppp (2021)

Each file inside the zip should be named “table x” being figures, however, will be available in color in
x the table number. This material will be used if the the online version.
camera ready is of poor quality.
Manuscript file: H
A word document with the manuscript file without H R2 H
formatting can also be uploaded. This file should C R1
contain equations in an editable format but not figures C C
and tables. Instead, just the figure or table captions H
should appear in the text. H
Supplementary files can also be submitted when
uploading the manuscript. These files will be made double bond O
available to readers for downloading.
E. Example of second page Figure 1: Example of figure.
(Caption Times New Roman 9 pt.)
Bear in mind that due to the journal layout, headers and
footers are different in first, odd and even pages. In this
 Avoid the use of vertical lines in tables.
template this is taken into account.
 Do not change font size in tables to allow them
Header contains bibliographical information. Please
to fit in one column. They can be prepared in
do not change any settings in order of speed up the
two-column width. Do not interrupt text with
publication process. Distance of header from top should
changes of section to include two column
be 0,99 cm (0.38”) and distance of footer from bottom
drawings or tables unless placed at the top or
2,03 cm (0.8”). This is already set up in this template.
bottom of the page. Use column breaks if
Please verify that these settings are not changed during
your production of the camera ready manuscript. Page
number is centered in the footer, using font Times New  Figures should use the same font type and size
Roman 10 pt. than text (Times New Roman 10 pt.)
If using sections (which is not advised but The layout of text is responsibility of authors but editors
sometimes unavoidable), please be sure that you adhere can change it to improve readability and appeal of the
to this rules by setting “same as previous” in the header manuscript. It is the author´s responsibility to check the
and footer formatting. galley proof to verify that everything is correct before
printing the article in the journal.
F. Other formatting details
Please: Table1. Example of one column table (Caption Times New
 Avoid “widow or orphan” sentences. Roman 9 pt.)
 Avoid titles at the end of a column with text in Identification #10 #15 #20
the following column or page. Titanium dioxide (rutile) 10.0 10.0 10.0
 Also, do not leave large blank spaces in the Calcium carbonate 40.0 40.0 40.0
document. Dispersion (50 % w/w) 10.0 15.0 20.0
 If possible place figures and tables at the top or Additives and water to get 100.0 100.0 100.0
bottom of the pages. Properties
 Do not use color in figures unless unavoidable. Solid content (% w/w) 55.0 57.5 60.0
LAAR is printed in greyscale only, so color Solid content (% v/v) 22.8 25.7 27.8
figures could be unreadable after printing. The

Table 2. Example of two-column table (Caption Times New Roman 9 pt.)

Sample V (wt %) Theoretical Sg (m2 /g) V 2p3/2
Monolayer BE
coverage a (%) (eV)
Al2O3 - - 132 -
V1.4/Al2O3 1.4 12.7 133 515.7
V2.7/Al2O3 2.7 24.9 131 516.0
V4.3/Al2O3 4.3 40.2 103 516.2
V5.1/Al2O3 5.1 48.1 125 516.6
V2O5b - - - 516.9
Assuming a surface area of 0.10 nm2 per VO43- species
FLUKA p.a. reactive

X.X. ALPHA, Y.Y. BETHA (please include your names here)

Editor and for pertinent reasons (for example, reviewers

ask for detailed explanation of a point and current
authors need help from somebody else to do this). List
G. Example of Third page of authors in the manuscript have to match the list
This is a typical odd page. Header contains authors appearing in the metadata.
names, separated with commas, without symbols Keywords are needed too within the metadata. Please
indicating filiation. We kindly ask authors to complete upload them one by one, not as a single field.
this header with initials and surname of all authors (first Remember that, for searching purposes, keywords
author and “et al.” is not allowed). Font of odd page should not appear in the title of your manuscript, they
header is all caps Times New Roman 10 pt. Page should be different words.
numbering is same as previous. Failing to comply with these rules will result in desk-
H. Format of References
References must be prepared following Harvard norm. V. CONCLUSIONS
If you use Mendeley desktop to manage your reference It is important to adhere to these instructions so that the
list, just choose “Harvard” style. Within the text, the volume can be produced quickly, efficiently and in a
references should be quoted by author’s surname and fully appealing readable form.
year. Use both authors’ surnames if two, first author and Please insert a continuous break at the end of the
“et al.” when more than two. Depending on sense, either manuscript so both columns end at approximately the
the year only is placed in parentheses, or the author's same height.
surname and year separated by a comma are placed
together in parentheses as shown below. For example:
“Komatsue (1977a) discovered...”. “Recent results Arnikar, H.J., Rao, T.S. and Bodne, A. (1970) A gas
(Arnikar et al., 1970; Holland, 1981) indicate...”. chromatographic study of the kinetics of the
“Komatsue (1977a, b) found...”. “Early investigators uncatalysed esterification of acetic acid by ethanol.
(Komatsue and Simand, 1987) thought...”. As an non- J. Chromatog. 47, 265-268.
exhaustive example, there is a list of a prepared Holland, C.D. (1981) Fundamentals of Multicomponent
reference list at the end of this document. The list of Distillation. McGraw-Hill, New York.
references should be typed in alphabetical order Komatsue, L. (1977a) Application of the relaxation
unnumbered. Journal names must be abbreviated using method for solving reacting distillation problems.
the standard abbreviation list for scientific journals. Use J. Chem. Eng. Japan. 10, 200-205.
italics for journal names and avoid bold face fonts. Komatsue, L. (1977b) A new method of convergence
for solving reacting distillation problems. J. Chem.
Eng. Japan. 10, 292-297.
Authors are fully responsible to upload correct metadata Komatsue, L. and Simand, J. (1987) Simulation of
for their submission. The list of authors provided at the reactive distillation by the inside-outside method.
submission stage is final, and no changes in authorship Proc. 37th Chem. Eng. Conf., Montreal, Canada,
will be accepted after the manuscript has been sent to 365-367.
review unless explicitly arranged with the Subject

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