WEG cfw700 Programming Manual 10001006882 2.0x Manual English
WEG cfw700 Programming Manual 10001006882 2.0x Manual English
WEG cfw700 Programming Manual 10001006882 2.0x Manual English
Frequency Inverter
Programming Manual
Programming Manual
Series: CFW700
Language: English
4 KEYPAD (HMI)..........................................................................................4-1
10 V V W CONTROL.................................................................................. 10-1
10.1 V V W CONTROL......................................................................................................................... 10-3
10.2 MOTOR DATA ............................................................................................................................. 10-3
10.3 V V W CONTROL MODE START-UP ......................................................................................... 10-4
18 SOFTPLC.............................................................................................. 18-1
19 APPLICATIONS.................................................................................... 19-1
19.1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................19-1
19.2 PID CONTROLLER APPLICATION..............................................................................................19-1
19.2.1 Description and Definitions..............................................................................................19-1
19.2.2 PID Operation................................................................................................................... 19-4
19.2.3 Sleep Mode........................................................................................................................19-7
19.2.4 Monitoring Mode Screens................................................................................................19-7
19.2.5 Connection of a 2-Wire Transducer............................................................................... 19-8
19.2.6 Academic PID................................................................................................................... 19-8
19.2.7 Parameters........................................................................................................................ 19-9
19.3 ELECTRONIC POTENTIOMETER APPLICATION (EP)............................................................19-15
19.3.1 Description and Definitions ...........................................................................................19-15
19.3.2 Operation..........................................................................................................................19-17
19.3.3 Parameters.......................................................................................................................19-19
19.4 MULTISPEED APPLICATION................................................................................................... 19-20
19.4.1 Description and Definitions .......................................................................................... 19-20
19.4.2 Operation Setup............................................................................................................. 19-21
19.4.3 Parameters...................................................................................................................... 19-24
19.5 3-WIRE START/STOP COMMAND APPLICATION................................................................. 19-27
19.5.1 Description and Definitions........................................................................................... 19-27
19.5.2 Operation Setup............................................................................................................. 19-28
19.5.3 Parameters...................................................................................................................... 19-30
19.6 FORWARD/REVERSE RUN APPLICATION............................................................................. 19-31
19.6.1 Description and Definitions........................................................................................... 19-31
19.6.2 Operation Setup............................................................................................................. 19-32
19.6.3 Parameters...................................................................................................................... 19-34
19.7 COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................ 19-35
19.7.1 Descriptions and Definitions......................................................................................... 19-35
19.7.2 PID2 Controller Function.............................................................................................. 19-36 Start-Up................................................................................................................ 19-38 Monitoring Mode Screen .................................................................................. 19-42 Connection of a 2-Wire Transducer ............................................................... 19-42 Academic PID2 Controller ................................................................................ 19-42 Parameters........................................................................................................... 19-43 Sleep Mode........................................................................................... 19-53
19.7.3 Multispeed Function ...................................................................................................... 19-58 Start-Up ............................................................................................................. 19-59 Parameters ......................................................................................................... 19-62
19.7.4 Electronic Potentiometer (EP) Function ...................................................................... 19-65 Start-Up .............................................................................................................. 19-66 Parameters........................................................................................................... 19-68
19.7.5 Three-Wire Command (Start/Stop) Function ............................................................. 19-69 Start-Up.................................................................................................................19-70 Parameters............................................................................................................19-73
19.7.6 Forward/Reverse Run Function.....................................................................................19-74 Start-Up..................................................................................................................19-75 Parameters........................................................................................................... 19-77
19.7.7 Time to keep the Motor Magnetized Function.............................................................19-78 Parameters ............................................................................................................19-78
19.7.8 Drive Logic of Mechanical Brake Function.................................................................. 19-79 Start-Up .............................................................................................................. 19-80 Parameters .......................................................................................................... 19-84
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
CFW700 | 0-1
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
0 Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag.
0-2 | CFW700
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag. 0
P0157 50 % Speed Overload 0.1 to 1.5 x Inom-ND 0.9 x Inom-ND 15-4
P0158 5 % Speed Overload Current 0.1 to 1.5 x Inom-ND 0.65 x Inom-ND 15-4
P0159 Motor Tripping Class 0 = Class 5 1 cfg 15-5
1 = Class 10
2 = Class 15
3 = Class 20
4 = Class 25
5 = Class 30
6 = Class 35
7 = Class 40
8 = Class 45
P0160 Speed Regulation 0 = Normal 0 cfg, Vector 11-13
Optimization 1 = Saturated
P0161 Speed Proportional Gain 0.0 to 63.9 7.4 Vector 11-13
P0162 Speed Integral Gain 0.000 to 9.999 0.023 Vector 11-13
P0163 LOC Reference Offset -999 to 999 0 Vector 11-14
P0164 REM Reference Offset -999 to 999 0 Vector 11-14
P0165 Speed Filter 0.012 to 1.000 s 0.012 s Vector 11-14
P0166 Speed Differential Gain 0.00 to 7.99 0.00 Vector 11-15
P0167 Current Proportional Gain 0.00 to 1.99 0.50 Vector 11-15
P0168 Current Integral Gain 0.000 to 1.999 0.010 Vector 11-15
P0169 Maximum + Torque Current 0.0 to 350.0 % 125.0 % Vector 11-22
P0170 Maximum - Torque Current 0.0 to 350.0 % 125.0 % Vector 11-22
P0175 Flux Proportional Gain 0.0 to 31.9 2.0 Vector 11-16
P0176 Flux Integral Gain 0.000 to 9.999 0.020 Vector 11-16
P0178 Rated Flux 0 to 120 % 100 % Vector 11-16
P0180 Iq* after I/f 0 to 350 % 10 % Sless 11-17
P0182 Speed for I/f Activation 0 to 90 rpm 18 rpm Sless 11-17
P0183 Current in I/f Mode 0 to 9 1 Sless 11-17
P0184 DC Link Regulation Mode 0 = With Losses 1 cfg, Vector 11-23
1 = Without Losses
2 = Enable/Disable DIx
P0185 DC Link Regulation Level 339 to 1000 V 800 V Vector 11-24
P0186 DC Link Proportional Gain 0.0 to 63.9 26.0 Vector 11-25
P0187 DC Link Integral Gain 0.000 to 9.999 0.010 Vector 11-25
P0190 Maximum Output Voltage 0 to 600 V 440 V Vector 11-16
P0191 Encoder Zero Search 0 = Inactive 0 12-19
1 = Active
P0192 Encoder Zero Search Status 0 = Inactive 0 ro READ 12-19
1 = Finished
P0200 Password 0 = Inactive 1 HMI 5-2
1 = Active
2 = Change Password
P0202 Control Type 0 = V/f 60 Hz 0 cfg 9-4
1 = V/f 50 Hz
2 = V/f Adjustable
3 = VVW
4 = Sensorless
5 = Encoder
P0204 Load/Save Parameters 0 = Not Used 0 cfg 7-1
1 = Not Used
2 = Reset P0045
3 = Reset P0043
4 = Reset P0044
5 = Load 60 Hz
6 = Load 50 Hz
7 = Load User 1
8 = Load User 2
9 = Save User 1
10 = Save User 2
P0205 Main Display Parameter 0 to 1199 2 HMI 5-3
CFW700 | 0-3
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
0 Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag.
0-4 | CFW700
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag. 0
P0221 LOC Reference Selection 0 = HMI 0 cfg I/O 13-23
1 = AI1
2 = AI2
3 = Sum AIs > 0
4 = Sum AIs
5 = Serial
6 = CO/DN/DP
7 = SoftPLC
P0222 REM Reference Selection Refer to the P0221 options 1 cfg I/O 13-23
P0223 LOC FWD/REV Selection 0 = Forward 2 cfg I/O 13-24
1 = Reverse
2 = FR Key FWD
3 = FR Key REV
4 = DIx
5 = Serial FWD
6 = Serial REV
7 = CO/DN/DP (FWD)
8 = CO/DN/DP (REV)
9 = SoftPLC (FWD)
10 = SoftPLC (REV)
11 = AI2 Polarity
P0224 LOC Run/Stop Selection 0 = I/O Keys 0 cfg I/O 13-24
1 = DIx
2 = Serial
3 = CO/DN/DP
4 = SoftPLC
P0225 Selection of JOG – LOCAL 0 = Inactive 1 cfg I/O 13-25
Situation 1 = JOG Key
2 = DIx
3 = Serial
4 = CO/DN/DP
5 = SoftPLC
P0226 REM FWD/REV Selection Refer to the P0223 options 4 cfg I/O 13-24
P0227 REM Run/Stop Selection 0 = I/O Keys 1 cfg I/O 13-24
1 = DIx
2 = Serial
3 = CO/DN/DP
4 = SoftPLC
P0228 Selection of JOG – REMOTE Refer to the P0225 options 2 cfg I/O 13-25
P0229 Stop Mode Selection 0 = Ramp to Stop 0 cfg 13-25
1 = Coast to Stop
2 = Fast Stop
3 = By Ramp with Iq* = 0
4 = Fast Stop with Iq* = 0
P0230 Analog Input Dead Zone 0 = Inactive 0 I/O 13-1
1 = Active
P0231 AI1 Signal Function 0 = Speed Reference 0 cfg I/O 13-2
1 = N* without Ramp
2 = Maximum Torque Current
3 = SoftPLC
4 = PTC
5 = Application Function 1
6 = Application Function 2
7 = Application Function 3
8 = Application Function 4
9 = Application Function 5
10 = Application Function 6
11 = Application Function 7
12 = Application Function 8
P0232 AI1 Gain 0.000 to 9.999 1.000 I/O 13-3
P0233 AI1 Signal Type 0 = 0 to 10 V / 20 mA 0 cfg I/O 13-4
1 = 4 to 20 mA
2 = 10 V / 20 mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
4 = -10 V to 10 V
P0234 AI1 Offset -100.00 to 100.00 % 0.00 % I/O 13-3
P0235 AI1 Filter 0.00 to 16.00 s 0.00 s I/O 13-3
P0236 AI2 Signal Function Refer to the P0231 options 0 cfg I/O 13-2
CFW700 | 0-5
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
0 Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag.
0-6 | CFW700
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag. 0
P0263 DI1 Function 0 = Not Used 1 cfg I/O 13-10
1 = Run/Stop
2 = General Enable
3 = Fast Stop
6 = JOG
7 = SoftPLC
8 = Ramp 2
9 = Speed/Torque
10 = JOG+
11 = JOG-
12 = No External Alarm
13 = No External Fault
14 = Reset
15 = Flying Start Disabling
16 = DC Link Regulator
17 = Program. Disabling
18 = Load User 1
19 = Load User 2
20 = Application Function 1
21 = Application Function 2
12 = Application Function 3
23 = Application Function 4
24 = Application Function 5
25 = Application Function 6
26 = Application Function 7
27 = Application Function 8
28 = Application Function 9
29 = Application Function 10
30 = Application Function 11
31 = Application Function 12
P0264 DI2 Function Refer to the P0263 options 4 cfg I/O 13-10
P0265 DI3 Function Refer to the P0263 options 0 cfg I/O 13-10
P0266 DI4 Function Refer to the P0263 options 0 cfg I/O 13-10
P0267 DI5 Function Refer to the P0263 options 6 cfg I/O 13-10
P0268 DI6 Function Refer to the P0263 options 8 cfg I/O 13-10
P0269 DI7 Function Refer to the P0263 options 0 cfg I/O 13-10
P0270 DI8 Function Refer to the P0263 options 0 cfg I/O 13-10
CFW700 | 0-7
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
0 Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag.
0-8 | CFW700
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag. 0
P0295 ND/HD VFD Rated Current 0=2A/2A ro READ 6-5
1 = 3.6 A / 3.6 A
4 = 7 A / 5.5 A
6 = 10 A / 8 A
7 = 10 A / 10 A
8 = 13 A / 11 A
9 = 13.5 A / 11 A
10 = 16 A / 13 A
11 = 17 A / 13.5 A
12 = 24 A / 19 A
13 = 24 A / 20 A
14 = 28 A / 24 A
15 = 31 A / 25 A
16 = 33.5 A / 28 A
17 = 38 A / 33 A
18 = 45 A / 36 A
19 = 45 A / 38 A
20 = 54 A / 45 A
21 = 58.5 A / 47 A
22 = 70 A / 56 A
23 = 70.5 A / 61 A
24 = 86 A / 70 A
25 = 88 A / 73 A
26 = 105 A / 86 A
27 = 105 A / 88 A
28 = 142 A / 115 A
29 = 180 A / 142 A
30 = 211 A / 180 A
31 = 2.9 A / 2.7 A
32 = 4.2 A / 3.8 A
33 = 7 A / 6.5 A
34 = 10 A / 9 A
35 = 12 A / 10 A
36 = 17 A / 17 A
37 = 22 A / 19 A
38 = 27 A / 22 A
39 = 32 A / 27 A
40 = 44 A / 36 A
41 = 53 A / 44 A
42 = 63 A / 53 A
43 = 80 A / 66 A
44 = 107 A / 90 A
45 = 125 A / 107 A
46 = 150 A / 122 A
P0296 Line Rated Voltage 0 = 200 / 240 V According to the cfg 6-6
1 = 380 V inverter model
2 = 400 / 415 V
3 = 440 / 460 V
4 = 480 V
5 = 500 / 525 V
6 = 550 / 575 V
7 = 600 V
P0297 Switching Frequency 0 = 1.25 kHz According to the cfg 6-6
1 = 2.5 kHz inverter model
2 = 5.0 kHz
3 = 10.0 kHz
4 = 2.0 kHz
P0298 Application 0 = Normal Duty (ND) 0 cfg 6-7
1 = Heavy Duty (HD)
P0299 Starting DC-Braking Time 0.0 to 15.0 s 0.0 s V/f, V V W, 12-15
P0300 Stopping DC-Braking Time 0.0 to 15.0 s 0.0 s V/f, V V W, 12-15
P0301 DC-Braking Speed 0 to 450 rpm 30 rpm V/f, V V W, 12-17
P0302 DC-Braking Voltage 0.0 to 10.0 % 2.0 % V/f, V V W 12-17
P0303 Skip Speed 1 0 to 18000 rpm 600 rpm 12-18
CFW700 | 0-9
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
0 Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag.
0-10 | CFW700
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag. 0
P0351 Motor Overtemperature 0 = Off 1 cfg 15-10
Config. 1 = Fault/Alarm
2 = Fault
3 = Alarm
P0352 Fan Control Configuration 0 = HS-OFF, Int-OFF 2 cfg 15-11
1 = HS-ON, Int-ON
2 = HS-CT, Int-CT
3 = HS-CT, Int-OFF
4 = HS-CT, Int-ON
5 = HS-ON, Int-OFF
6 = HS-ON, Int-CT
7 = HS-OFF, Int-ON
8 = HS-OFF, Int-CT
9 = HS-CT, Int -CT *
10 = HS-CT, Int -OFF *
11 = HS-CT, Int -ON *
12 = HS-ON, Int -CT *
13 = HS-OFF, Int -CT *
P0353 IGBTs/Air Overtemp. Config. 0 = HS-F/A, Air-F/A 0 cfg 15-12
1 = HS-F/A, Air-F
2 = HS-F, Air-F/A
3 = HS-F, Air-F
4 = HS-F/A, Air-F/A *
5 = HS-F/A, Air-F *
6 = HS-F, Air-F/A *
7 = HS-F, Air-F *
P0354 Fan Speed Configuration 0 = Inactive 1 cfg 15-12
1 = Fault
P0355 Config. of Fault F0185 0 = Off 1 cfg 15-13
1 = On
P0356 Dead Time Compensation 0 = Inactive 1 cfg 15-13
1 = Active
P0357 Line Phase Loss Time 0 to 60 s 3s 15-13
P0358 Encoder Fault Config. 0 = Off 3 cfg, Enc 15-13
1 = F0067 ON
2 = F0079 ON
3 = F0067, F0079 ON
P0360 Speed Hysteresis 0.0 to 100.0 % 10.0 % Vector 11-23
P0361 Time with Speed different 0.0 to 999.0 s 0.0 s Vector 11-23
from Reference
P0372 Sless DC Braking Current 0.0 to 90.0 % 40.0 % Sless 12-17
P0397 Regen. Slip Compensation 0 = Off 1 cfg, V V W 10-3
1 = On
P0398 Motor Service Factor 1.00 to 1.50 1.00 cfg MOTOR 11-9
P0399 Motor Rated Efficiency 50.0 to 99.9 % 67.0 % cfg, V V W MOTOR 10-3
P0400 Motor Rated Voltage 0 to 600 V 440 V cfg MOTOR 11-9
P0401 Motor Rated Current 0 to 1.3 x Inom-ND 1.0 x Inom-ND cfg MOTOR 11-9
P0402 Motor Rated Speed 0 to 18000 rpm 1750 (1458) rpm cfg MOTOR 11-10
P0403 Motor Rated Frequency 0 to 300 Hz 60 (50) Hz cfg MOTOR 11-10
CFW700 | 0-11
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
0 Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag.
P0404 Motor Rated Power 0 = 0.33 HP 0.25 kW Motormax-ND cfg MOTOR 11-10
1 = 0.5 HP 0.37 kW
2 = 0.75 HP 0.55 kW
3 = 1 HP 0.75 kW
4 = 1.5 HP 1.1 kW
5 = 2 HP 1.5 kW
6 = 3 HP 2.2 kW
7 = 4 HP 3 kW
8 = 5 HP 3.7 kW
9 = 5.5 HP 4 kW
10 = 6 HP 4.5 kW
11 = 7.5 HP 5.5 kW
12 = 10 HP 7.5 kW
13 = 12.5 HP 9 kW
14 = 15 HP 11 kW
15 = 20 HP 15 kW
16 = 25 HP 18.5 kW
17 = 30 HP 22 kW
18 = 40 HP 30 kW
19 = 50 HP 37 kW
20 = 60 HP 45 kW
21 = 75 HP 55 kW
22 = 100 HP 75 kW
23 = 125 HP 90 kW
24 = 150 HP 110 kW
25 = 175 HP 130 kW
P0405 Encoder Pulse Number 100 to 9999 ppr 1024 ppr cfg MOTOR 11-11
P0406 Motor Ventilation 0 = Self-Ventilated 0 cfg MOTOR 11-11
1 = Separated Ventilation
2 = Optimal Flux
3 = Extended Protection
P0407 Motor Rated Power Factor 0.50 to 0.99 0.68 cfg, V V W MOTOR 9-12
P0408 Run Self-Tuning 0 = No 0 cfg, V V W, MOTOR 11-18
1 = No Rotation Vector
2 = Run for Im
3 = Run for Tm
4 = Estimate Tm
P0409 Stator Resistance 0.000 to 9.999 ohm 0.000 ohm cfg, V V W, MOTOR 11-19
P0410 Magnetization Current 0 to 1.25 x Inom-ND Inom-ND MOTOR 11-20
P0411 Leakage Inductance 0.00 to 99.99 mH 0.00 mH cfg, Vector MOTOR 11-20
P0412 Tr Time Constant 0.000 to 9.999 s 0.000 s Vector MOTOR 11-20
P0413 Tm Time Constant 0.00 to 99.99 s 0.00 s Vector MOTOR 11-21
P0510 Ind. 1 Engineering Unit 0 = None 0 HMI 5-5
3 = rpm
5 = ms
8 = Nm
9 = mA
10 = %
11 = °C
12 = CV
13 = Hz
14 = HP
15 = h
16 = W
17 = kW
18 = kWh
19 = H
P0511 Ind. Decimal Point 1 0 = wxyz 1 HMI 5-6
1 = wxy.z
2 = wx.yz
3 = w.xyz
P0512 Ind. Eng. Unit 2 See options in P0510 11 HMI 5-7
0-12 | CFW700
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag. 0
P0513 Ind. Decimal Point 2 0 = wxyz 1 HMI 5-7
1 = wxy.z
2 = wx.yz
3 = w.xyz
P0514 Ind. Eng. Unit 3 See options in P0510 10 HMI 5-8
P0515 Ind. Decimal Point 3 0 = wxyz 1 HMI 5-8
1 = wxy.z
2 = wx.yz
3 = w.xyz
P0516 Ind. Eng. Unit 4 See options in P0510 13 HMI 5-9
P0517 Ind. Decimal Point 4 0 = wxyz 1 HMI 5-9
1 = wxy.z
2 = wx.yz
3 = w.xyz
P0588 Maximum Torque Level 0 to 85 % 0% cfg, V/f 9-12
P0589 Level of Minimum Applied 40 to 80 % 40 % cfg, V/f 9-12
P0590 Minimum Speed Level 0 to 18000 rpm 600 (525) rpm cfg, V/f 9-13
P0591 Hysteresis for the Maximum 0 to 30 % 10 % cfg, V/f 9-13
Torque Level
P0680 Status Word Bit 0 = Reserved ro NET 17-3
Bit 1 = Run command
Bit 2 = Reserved
Bit 3 = Reserved
Bit 4 = Fast Stop
Bit 5 = 2nd Ramp
Bit 6 = Configuration Mode
Bit 7 = Alarm Condition
Bit 8 = Running
Bit 9 = General Enabling
Bit 10 = Forward
Bit 11 = JOG
Bit 12 = Remote
Bit 13 = Undervoltage
Bit 14 = Reserved
Bit 15 = Fault Condition
P0681 Motor Speed in 13 Bits -32768 to 32767 ro NET 17-3
P0682 Serial Control Word Bit 0 = Ramp Enable ro NET 17-1
Bit 1 = General Enable
Bit 2 = Run Forward
Bit 3 = JOG
Bit 4 = Remote
Bit 5 = 2nd Ramp
Bit 6 = Fast Stop
Bit 7 = Fault Reset
Bit 8 to 15 = Reserved
P0683 Serial Speed Reference -32768 to 32767 ro NET 17-1
P0684 CO/DN/DP Control Word Refer to the P0682 options ro NET 17-1
P0685 CO/DN/DP Speed Reference - 32768 to 32767 ro NET 17-1
P0695 Settings for the Digital Bit 0 = DO1 Bit 4 NET 17-3
Outputs Bit 1 = DO2
Bit 2 = DO3
Bit 3 = DO4
Bit 4 = DO5
P0696 Value 1 for Analog Outputs - 32768 to 32767 0 NET 17-3
P0697 Value 2 for Analog Outputs - 32768 to 32767 0 NET 17-3
P0700 CAN Protocol 1 = CANopen 2 NET 17-1
2 = DeviceNet
P0701 CAN Address 0 to 127 63 NET 17-1
CFW700 | 0-13
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
0 Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag.
0-14 | CFW700
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag. 0
P0742 Profibus Reading # 3 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-2
P0743 Profibus Reading # 4 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-2
P0744 Profibus Reading # 5 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-2
P0745 Profibus Reading # 6 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-2
P0746 Profibus Reading # 7 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-2
P0747 Profibus Reading # 8 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-2
P0748 Profibus Reading # 9 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-2
P0749 Profibus Reading # 10 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-2
P0750 Profibus Writing # 3 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-3
P0751 Profibus Writing # 4 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-3
P0752 Profibus Writing # 5 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-3
P0753 Profibus Writing # 6 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-3
P0754 Profibus Writing # 7 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-3
P0755 Profibus Writing # 8 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-3
P0756 Profibus Writing # 9 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-3
P0757 Profibus Writing # 10 0 to 1199 0 NET 17-3
P0918 Profibus Address 1 to 126 1 NET 17-3
P0922 Profibus Telegram Selection 1 = Standard Telegram 1 1 NET 17-3
2 = Telegram 100
3 = Telegram 101
4 = Telegram 102
5 = Telegram 103
6 = Telegram 104
7 = Telegram 105
8 = Telegram 106
9 = Telegram 107
P0944 Fault Counter 0 to 65535 ro NET 17-3
P0947 Fault Number 0 to 65535 ro NET 17-3
P0963 Profibus Baud Rate 0 = 9.6 kbit/s ro NET 17-3
1 = 19.2 kbit/s
2 = 93.75kbit/s
3 = 187.5 kbit/s
4 = 500 kbit/s
5 = Not detected
6 = 1500 kbit/s
7 = 3000 kbit/s
8 = 6000 kbit/s
9 = 12000 kbit/s
10 = Reserved
11 = 45.45 kbit/s
P0964 Drive Identification 0 to 65535 ro NET 17-3
P0965 Profile Identification 0 to 65535 ro NET 17-3
P0967 Control Word 1 0000h to FFFFh 0000h ro NET 17-3
P0968 Status Word 1 0000h to FFFFh 0000h ro NET 17-3
P1000 SoftPLC Status 0 = No Applicative ro SPLC, 18-1
1 = Installing App. READ
2 = Incompatible App.
3 = Stopped Applicative
4 = Applicative Running
P1001 SoftPLC Command 0 = Stop Applicative 0 SPLC 18-1
1 = Run Applicative
2 = Delete Applicative
P1002 Scan Cycle Time 0.0 to 999.9 ms ro READ, 18-1
P1003 Applicative Selection 0 = User 0 cfg SPLC 18-2
1 = PID Controller
2 = EP
3 = Multispeed
4 = 3-Wire Start/Stop
5 = FWD Run/ REV Run
6 = Special Function Set
P1008 Lag Error -9999 to 9999 ro, Enc SPLC 18-2
P1009 Position Gain 0 to 9999 10 Enc SPLC 18-3
P1010 SoftPLC Parameter 1 -32768 to 32767 0 cfg SPLC 18-3
CFW700 | 0-15
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
0 Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Prop. Groups Pag.
0-16 | CFW700
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
CFW700 | 0-17
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
0-18 | CFW700
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
F0179: This fault indicates a problem with the heatsink fan. Dirt on the blades and in the bearings of the fan.
Heatsink Fan Speed Note: Defective fan.
Fault This function can be disabled by setting Defective fan power supply connection.
P0354 = 0.
F0182: It indicates a fault in the output pulses feedback. Defect in the inverter internal circuitry.
Pulse Feedback Fault
F0183: Overtemperature related to the IGBT overload Too high inverter surrounding temperature.
IGBT Overload + protection. Operation with frequencies < 10 kHz with overload.
F0185: It indicates a fault at the pre-charge contactor. Defective pre-charge contactor.
Pre-Charge Contactor Open command fuse.
Fault Phase loss at the L1/R or L2/S input.
F0228: Refer to the RS-232 / RS-485 Serial Communication Manual.
Serial Communication
CFW700 | 0-19
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
(1) Very long motor cables, with more than 100 m (328.08 ft), presents a high parasitic capacitance to the ground. The circulation of a leakage current through
this capacitance may cause the activation of the ground fault circuit, and consequently an F0074 trip immediately after the inverter enabling.
To reduce the switching frequency (P0297).
(2) With the Profibus DP module connected into the slot 3 (XC43).
A bad contact in the HMI cable, or electric noise in the installation, can cause a failure in the
communication between the HMI and the control board. In such case, the operation through the HMI
becomes impossible and the HMI indicates the following message on the display:
0-20 | CFW700
Safety Notices
This Manual contains the information necessary for the correct use of the CFW700 Frequency Inverter.
It has been developed to be used by qualified personnel with suitable training or technical qualification for operating
this type of equipment.
The procedures recommended in this warning have the purpose of protecting the user against dead,
serious injuries and considerable material damage.
The procedures recommended in this warning have the purpose of avoiding material damage.
The text intents to supply important information for the correct understanding and good operation
of the product.
The following symbols are attached to the product, serving as safety notices:
Hot surface.
Only qualified personnel familiar with the CFW700 Frequency Inverter and associated equipment
should plan or implement the installation, start-up and subsequent maintenance of this equipment.
These personnel must follow all the safety instructions included in this manual and/or defined by
local regulations.
Failure to comply with these instructions may result in life threatening and/or equipment damage.
CFW700 | 1-1
Safety Notices
For the purposes of this manual, qualified personnel are those trained to be able to:
1. Install, ground, energize and operate the CFW700 according to this manual and the effective legal
safety procedures.
2. Use protection equipment according to the established standards.
3. Give first aid services.
Always disconnect the input power before touching any electrical component associated to the inverter.
Many components can remain charged with high voltages or remain in movement (fans) even after
that AC power is disconnected or switched off.
Wait at least 10 minutes to assure a total discharge of the capacitors.
Always connect the equipment frame to the protection earth (PE) at the suitable connection point.
Electronic boards have components sensitive to electrostatic discharges. Do not touch directly
on components or connectors. If necessary, touch the grounded metallic frame before or use an
adequate grounded wrist strap.
Frequency inverter may interfere with other electronic equipment. In order to reduce these effects, take
the precautions recommended in the chapter 3 - Installation and Connection, of the user's manual.
Read the user's manual completely before installing or operating the inverter.
1-2 | CFW700
General Information
This manual presents the necessary information for the configuration of all of the functions and parameters of the
CFW700 Frequency Inverter. This manual must be used together with the CFW700 user's manual.
The text intents to supply additional information to facilitate the use and programming of the CFW700 in specific
Normal Duty Cycle (ND): it is the inverter operation regimen that defines the maximum current value for continuous
operation Inom-ND and overload of 110 % during 1 minute. It is selected by programming P0298 (Application) = 0
(Normal Duty – ND). It must be used for driving motors that are not subject in that application to high torques in
relation to their rated torque, when operating in permanent regimen, during start, acceleration or deceleration.
Inom-ND: inverter rated current for use with normal overload regimen (ND = Normal Duty).
Overload: 1.1 x Inom-ND / 1 minute.
Heavy Duty Cycle (HD): it is the inverter operation regimen that defines the maximum current value for continuous
operation Inom-HD and overload of 150 % during 1 minute. It is selected by programming P0298 (Application) = 1
(Heavy Duty (HD)). It must be used for driving motors that are subject in that application to high overload torques
in relation to their rated torque, when operating in constant speed, during start, acceleration or deceleration.
Inom-HD: inverter rated current for use with heavy overload regimen (HD = Heavy Duty).
Overload: 1.5 x Inom-HD / 1 minute.
Rectifier: the input circuit of the inverters that converts the input AC voltage into DC. It is formed by power diodes.
Pre-charge Circuit: it charges the DC Link capacitors with a limited current, thus avoiding current peaks when
powering the inverter.
DC Link: this is the inverter intermediate circuit, with DC voltage and current, obtained from the rectification of
the AC supply voltage, or from an external source; it supplies the output IGBTs inverter bridge.
U, V and W Arm: it is a set of two IGBTs of the phases U, V and W at the inverter output.
IGBT: “Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor”; It is the basic component of the output inverter bridge. It operates like
an electronic switch in the saturated (closed switch) and cut (open switch) modes.
Braking IGBT: operates as a switch for the activation of the braking resistor. It is commanded by the DC Link level.
PTC: it’s a resistor whose resistance value in ohms increases proportionally to the increase of the temperature;
it is used as a temperature sensor in motors.
NTC: it’s a resistor whose resistance value in ohms decreases proportionally to the temperature increase; it is
used as a temperature sensor in power modules.
Keypad (HMI): Human-Machine Interface; It is the device that allows the control of the motor, the visualization
and the modification of the inverter parameters. It presents keys for commanding the motor, navigation keys and
a graphic LCD display.
MMF (Flash Memory Module): it is the nonvolatile memory that can be electrically written and erased.
CFW700 | 2-1
General Information
RFI Filter: “Radio Frequency Interference Filter”. It is a filter that avoids interference in the radiofrequency range.
2 PWM: “Pulse Width Modulation”. It is a pulsing voltage that supplies the motor.
Switching Frequency: it is the inverter bridge IGBTs commutation frequency, specified normally in kHz.
General Enable: when activated, it accelerates the motor with the acceleration ramp provided Run/Stop=Run.
When deactivated, the PWM pulses are immediately blocked. It can be commanded through digital input
programmed for that function or via serial.
Run/Stop: inverter function that when activated (Run) accelerates the motor with the acceleration ramp until
reaching the speed reference, and when deactivated (Stop) decelerates the motor with the deceleration ramp
down to stop. It can be commanded through digital input programmed for that function or via serial. The HMI
keys and work in a similar manner:
= Run, = Stop.
Heatsink: it is a metal part designed for dissipating the heat generated by the power semiconductors.
Amp, A: ampères.
hp: “Horse Power” = 746 Watts (power measurement unit, normally used to indicate the mechanical power of
electric motors).
Hz: hertz.
min: minute.
s: second.
V: volts.
Ω: ohms.
2-2 | CFW700
General Information
The decimal numbers are represented by means of digits without suffix. Hexadecimal numbers are represented
with the letter “h” after the number.
2.2.3 Symbols for the Parameter Properties Description
CFW700 | 2-3
General Information
2-4 | CFW700
About the CFW700
The “sensorless” vector control allows high torque and fast response, even at very slow speeds or during starting.
The “Optimal Braking” function for the vector control allows a controlled motor braking, eliminating in some
applications the braking resistor.
The vector control “Self-Tuning” function allows the automatic setting of the regulators and control parameters,
from the identification (also automatic) of the motor and load parameters.
CFW700 | 3-1
About the CFW700
= DC link connection
= Dynamic braking
resistor connection
Power charge
supply Motor
Capacitor Inverter
Three-phase bank with IGBT
RFI filter transistors
- voltage
- current
Digital inputs
(DI1 to DI8) CC700
Analog board
(Slot 3 – green)
inputs with
(AI1 and AI2) 32-bit
FLASH Analog outputs
memory (AO1 and AO2)
(Slot 5) Digital outputs
DO1 (RL1)
Digital outputs
DO2 to DO5
= Human-machine interface
3-2 | CFW700
About the CFW700
1 3
1 - Mounting supports
(for surface mounting)
2 - Back side of the inverter (outside for flange
3 - Fan with fixing support
4 - Control accessory module (refer to section 7.2
Accessories, of the CFW700 user's manual)
5 - FLASH memory module (not included)
6 - Front cover (frame sizes A, B and C)
7 - Keypad (HMI)
8 - Status LED (STATUS)
9 - CC700 control board
Figure 3.2: CFW700 main components
1 Status LED
Green: Normal operation without fault or alarm
Yellow: In the alarm condition
Blinking red: In the fault condition
3-4 | CFW700
Keypad (HMI)
The integral keypad can be used to operate and program (view / edit all parameters) of the CFW700 inverter. There
are two operation modes in the keypad: monitoring and programming. The key functions and display indications
of the keypad may change according to the operation mode. The programming mode consists of three levels.
- When in monitoring mode: press this key USB communication port - When in monitoring mode: press this key
to increase the speed. to decrease the speed.
- When in programming mode, level 1: - When in programming mode, level 1:
press this key to go back to the previous press this key to go to the next group.
group. - When in programming mode, level 2:
- When in programming mode, level 2: press press this key to go back to the previous 4
this key to go to the next parameter. parameter.
- When in programming mode, level 3: - When in programming mode, level 3:
press this key to increase the parameter press this key to decrease the parameter
value. value.
- When in programming mode, level 1: - When in monitoring mode: press this key
press this key to go back to the monitoring to enter in the programming mode.
mode. - When in programming mode, level 1: press
- When in programming mode, level 2: this key to select the desired parameter
press this key to go back to the level 1. group – it shows the parameters of the
- When in programming mode, level 3: selected group.
press this key to cancel the new value (the - When in programming mode, level 2: press
value will not be saved) and it will return to this key to show the parameter – it shows
level 2 of the programming mode. the parameter value for its modification.
- When in programming mode, level 3: press
this key to save the new parameter value – it
- Press this key to define the motor rotation. returns to level 2 of the programming mode.
This option is active when:
P0223 = 2 or 3 in LOC and/or
P0226 = 2 or 3 in REM. - Press this key to accelerate the motor
according to the acceleration ramp time.
This option is active when:
- Press this key to change between P0224 = 0 in LOC and/or
LOCAL and REMOTE mode. P0227 = 0 in REM.
This option is active when:
P0220 = 2 or 3.
- Press this key to decelerate the motor
according to the deceleration ramp time.
- Press this key to accelerate the motor up to the speed set This option is active when:
in P0122. The motor speed is maintained while the key is P0224 = 0 in LOC and/or
pressed. When the key is released the motor decelerates up to P0227 = 0 in REM.
its complete stop.
This function is active when all the following conditions are met:
1. Start/Stop = Stop.
2. General Enable = Active.
3. P0225 = 1 in LOC and/or P0228 = 1 in REM.
The keypad (HMI) can be installed or removed with the inverter energized.
CFW700 | 4-1
Keypad (HMI)
4-2 | CFW700
Programming Basic Instructions
In order to make the programming of the inverter easier, the parameters of the CFW700 were divided into 10
groups that can be individually selected in the Menu area of the keypad. When the ENTER/MENU key is pressed
on monitoring mode, the programming mode is set. In this mode, it is possible to select the desired group of
parameters through the keys and . Refer to the CFW700 user's manual for more details on the keypad keys
programming. The parameter group structure is presented in the next item.
The inverter leaves the factory with frequency (V/f 50/60 Hz mode) and voltage adjusted according
to the market. 5
The reset to the factory default may change the content of the parameters related to the frequency
(50 Hz / 60 Hz). In the detailed description, some parameters present values in parentheses, which
must be adjusted in the inverter for using the 50 Hz frequency.
In the monitoring mode access the groups of the option “Menu” by pressing the ENTER/MENU “soft key”.
Table 5.1: Parameter groups accessed in the option menu of the monitoring mode
Access Groups
via HMI:
In order to be able to change the content of the parameters, it is necessary to set correctly the password in
P0000, as indicated below. Otherwise the content of the parameters can only be visualized.
It is possible to customize the password by means of P0200. Refer to the description of this parameter in the
section 5.4 HMI on page 5-2, of this manual.
CFW700 | 5-1
Programming Basic Instructions
-- Monitoring mode.
Press the ENTER/MENU key to enter
into the 1st level of the programming
8 -- Monitoring mode.
5.4 HMI
In the group “HMI” are the parameters related to the presentation of information on the keypad (HMI) display. See
next the detailed description of the possible settings for those parameters.
P0200 – Password
It allows changing the password and/or setting its status, configuring it as active or inactive. For more details
on each option, refer to the Table 5.2 on page 5-3 described next.
5-2 | CFW700
Programming Basic Instructions
5. The setting is completed, the new password is active and P0200 is automatically set to 1 (Enables password).
These parameters define which parameters are displayed on the keypad in the monitoring mode.
More details on the programming can be seen in section 5.6 DISPLAY INDICATIONS IN THE MONITORING
MODE SETTINGS on page 5-9.
CFW700 | 5-3
Programming Basic Instructions
These parameters allow changing the range of the Main Display and the Secondary Display in order to convert
motor variables such as speed (rpm) in production units such as meters/minutes or cubic feet/minutes for example.
This parameter selects the engineering unit to be presented in the main display. The content of this parameter is
automatically adjusted to match the unit of the parameter selected by P0205 when its value is changed by the HMI.
5-4 | CFW700
Programming Basic Instructions
This parameter sets the full scale of the Bar Graph parameter (selected by P0207).
Adjustable 0 to 15 Factory 15
Range: Setting:
Access Groups HMI
via HMI:
It allows setting the keypad (HMI) display contrast level. Higher values configure a higher contrast level.
This parameter group allows the user to configure the engineering unit for the user's parameters of the SoftPLC
CFW700 | 5-5
Programming Basic Instructions
This parameter selects the engineering unit that will be viewed in the user’s parameter of the SoftPLC which is
associated to it, that is, any user’s parameter of the SoftPLC that is associated to SoftPLC 1 engineering unit
will be viewed in this format on the HMI of the CFW700.
Parameters P1011, P1012, P1013, P1014, P1015, P1016, P1023, P1024, P1030, P1032, P1037 and
P1038 of the PID2 Controller function (combined special functions) are associated to SoftPLC 1
engineering unit.
This parameter selects the decimal point that will be viewed in the user’s parameter of the SoftPLC which is
associated to it, that is, any user’s parameter of the SoftPLC that is associated to the indication form of SoftPLC
1 engineering unit will be viewed in this format on the HMI of the CFW700.
Parameters P1011, P1012, P1013, P1014, P1015, P1016, P1023, P1024, P1030, P1032, P1037 and
P1038 of the PID2 Controller function (combined special functions) are associated to the indication
form of SoftPLC 1 engineering unit.
5-6 | CFW700
Programming Basic Instructions
This parameter selects the engineering unit that will be viewed in the user’s parameter of the SoftPLC which is
associated to it, that is, any user’s parameter of the SoftPLC that is associated to SoftPLC 2 engineering unit
will be viewed in this format on the HMI of the CFW700.
Parameters P1041, P1042, P1043, P1044, P1045, P1046, P1047 and P1048 of the Multispeed
function (combined special functions) are associated to SoftPLC 2 engineering unit.
This parameter selects the decimal point that will be viewed in the user’s parameter of the SoftPLC which is
associated to it, that is, any user’s parameter of the SoftPLC that is associated to the indication form of SoftPLC
2 engineering unit will be viewed in this format on the HMI of the CFW700.
Parameters P1041, P1042, P1043, P1044, P1045, P1046, P1047 and P1048 of the Multispeed function
(combined special functions) are associated to the indication form of SoftPLC 2 engineering unit.
CFW700 | 5-7
Programming Basic Instructions
This parameter selects the engineering unit that will be viewed in the user’s parameter of the SoftPLC which is
associated to it, that is, any user’s parameter of the SoftPLC that is associated to SoftPLC 3 engineering unit
will be viewed in this format on the HMI of the CFW700.
This parameter selects the decimal point that will be viewed in the user’s parameter of the SoftPLC which is
associated to it, that is, any user’s parameter of the SoftPLC that is associated to the indication form of SoftPLC
3 engineering unit will be viewed in this format on the HMI of the CFW700.
5-8 | CFW700
Programming Basic Instructions
This parameter selects the engineering unit that will be viewed in the user’s parameter of the SoftPLC which is
associated to it, that is, any user’s parameter of the SoftPLC that is associated to SoftPLC 4 engineering unit
will be viewed in this format on the HMI of the CFW700.
This parameter selects the decimal point that will be viewed in the user’s parameter of the SoftPLC which is
associated to it, that is, any user’s parameter of the SoftPLC that is associated to the indication form of SoftPLC
4 engineering unit will be viewed in this format on the HMI of the CFW700.
CFW700 | 5-9
Programming Basic Instructions
If any of the combinations listed below occur, the CFW700 goes to the “Config” state.
3. Two or more DIx (P0263 .... P0270) programmed for (8 = Ramp 2).
5. Two or more DIx (P0263 .... P0270) programmed for (15 = Disable Flying Start).
6. Two or more DIx (P0263 .... P0270) programmed for (16 = DC Link Regulator).
7. Two or more DIx (P0263 .... P0270) programmed for (17 = Programming Off).
8. Two or more DIx (P0263 .... P0270) programmed for (18 = Load User 1).
9. Two or more DIx (P0263 .... P0270) programmed for (19 = Load User 2).
10. [P0202 programmed for (0 = V/f 60 Hz) OR (1 = V/f 50 Hz) OR (2 = Adjustable V/f) OR (3 = V V W )] AND
[P0231 = 1 (No Ramp Ref.) OR P0231 = 2 (Max. Torque Cur) OR P0236 = 1 (No Ramp Ref.) OR P0236 = 2
(Max. Torque Cur).
11. [P0202 programmed for (0 = V/f 60 Hz) OR (1 = V/f 50 Hz) OR (2 = Adjustable V/f) OR (3 = V V W )] AND
[DIx (P0263...P0270) programmed for (10 = JOG+) OR (11 = JOG-).
12. [P0224 programmed for (1 = DIx) OR P0227 programmed for (1 = DIx)] AND [without DIx (P0263...P0270)
programmed for (1 = Run/Stop) AND without DIx (P0263...P0270) programmed for (2 = General Enable) AND
without DIx (P0263...P0270) programmed for (3 = Fast Stop).
5-10 | CFW700
Inverter Model and Accessories Identification
CFW700 model
Part number Manufacturing date
Serial number (03 corresponds to
week and H to year)
(b) Nameplate located under the keypad
Once the inverter model identification code is verified, one must interpret it in order to understand its meaning.
Refer to the section 2.3 - Identification, of the CFW700 user's manual.
In this group are the parameters related to the inverter information and characteristics, such as inverter model,
accessories identified by the control circuit, software version, switching frequency, etc.
It indicates the software version contained in the FLASH memory of the microcontroller located on the control
CFW700 | 6-1
Inverter Model and Accessories Identification
Those parameters identify by means of a hexadecimal code the accessories that were found installed on the
control module.
The next table shows the codes shown in those parameters, regarding the main CFW700 accessories.
Identification Code
Name Description
RS-485-01 RS-485 serial communication module. CE--
Serial communication module RS-232C with switch for FLASH memory
RS-232-02 CC--
programming of the microcontroller.
CAN/RS-485-01 CAN and RS-485 interface module. CA--
CAN-01 CAN interface module. CD--
MMF-02 FLASH Memory Module. ----(1)
For the FLASH memory module, the P0028 identification code will depend on the combination of these
accessories, as presented in the next table.
Table 6.2: Formation of the two first codes for P0028 parameter
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
FLASH Memory
∅ ∅ 0 0 0 0
Bit 6: indicates the presence of the FLASH memory module (0 = without memory module, 1 = with memory
6-2 | CFW700
Inverter Model and Accessories Identification
In a similar way than parameters P0028, the parameter P0029 identifies the inverter model and the present
The codification is formed by the combination of binary digits, and presented in the keypad (HMI) in hexadecimal
The bits that compose the code are explained in the next table.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
with braking IGBT
with 24 V supply
4th Hexadecimal Code 3rd Hexadecimal Code 2nd Hexadecimal Code 1st Hexadecimal Code
Bit 12: it indicates the presence of the dynamic braking IGBT (0 = with braking IGBT, 1 = without braking IGBT).
Note: Frame size D/500 / 600 V models are not able to identify the absence of the dynamic braking IGBT,
always indicate "0 = with braking IGBT", even if the dynamic braking IGBT is absent. See intelligent code on the
product label to identify the presence or absence of the dynamic braking IGBT.
Bit 10: indicates if the inverter has the DC/DC converter for receiving external 24 V electronics power supply
(0 = with DC/DC converter, 1 = without DC/DC 24 V converter).
Bit 9: indicates the presence of the safety relay (0 = without safety relay, 1 = with safety relay).
Bit 8: indicates if the inverter is equipped with RFI suppressor filter (0 = without RFI filter, 1 = with RFI filter).
Note: Frame size B/500 / 600 V models are not able to identify the presence of the Suppressor RFI Filter,
always indicate "0 = without RFI Filter ", even if the Suppressor RFI Filter is present. See intelligent code on the
product label to identify the presence or absence of the Suppressor RFI Filter.
Bits 7 and 6: indicate the inverter power supply voltage (00 = 200...240 V, 01 = 380…480 V, 10 = 500...600 V).
Bits 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0: together with the voltage indication bits (7 and 6), they indicate the inverter rated current
(ND). The next table presents the combinations available for those bits.
CFW700 | 6-3
Inverter Model and Accessories Identification
2 nd 1st
Voltage Current Hexadecimal Hexadecimal
Code Code
2A* 0 0
6A* 0 1
7A* 0 2
10 A * 0 3
7A 0 4
10 A 0 5
13 A 0 6
16 A 0 7
24 A 0 8
B 200...240 V 28 A 0 9
33.5 A 0 A
45 A 0 C
C 54 A 0 D
70 A 0 E
86 A 1 0
105 A 1 1
6 180 A 1 2
E 211 A 1 3
142 A 1 4
3.6 A 4 0
5A 4 1
A 7A 4 2
10 A 4 4
13.5 A 4 5
17 A 4 8
B 24 A 4 6
31 A 4 7
380...480 V 38 A 4 3
C 45 A 4 A
58.5 A 4 B
70.5 A 4 C
88 A 4 D
105 A 5 0
142 A 5 1
180 A 5 2
211 A 5 3
2.9 A 8 A
4.2 A 8 B
7A 8 C
10 A 8 D
12 A 8 E
17 A 8 F
22 A B 6
27 A B 7
32 A B 8
44 A B 9
22 A 8 6
500...600 V 27 A 8 7
32 A 8 8
44 A 8 9
53 A 9 0
63 A 9 1
80 A 9 2
107 A 9 3
E 125 A 9 4
150 A 9 5
53 A** B 1
63 A** B 2
80 A** B 3
*Models with single-phase/three-phase power supply.
** Models with 24 V fan power supply.
Example: For a 10 A, 380...480 V CFW700, with RFI suppressor filter, without safety relay and without external 24 V
supply, the hexadecimal code presented in the keypad (HMI) for the parameter P0029 is C544 (refer to the Table 6.5
on page 6-4).
Table 6.5: Example of the code at P0029 for a specific inverter model
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
C 5 4 4
6-4 | CFW700
Inverter Model and Accessories Identification
This parameter presents the inverter rated current for the normal overload regimen (ND) and for the heavy
overload regimen (HD). The inverter operation mode, if it is ND or HD, is defined by the content of P0298.
CFW700 | 6-5
Inverter Model and Accessories Identification
Setting according to the inverter power supply voltage.
The adjustable range depends on the inverter model, according to the Table 6.6 on page 6-6, which also
presents the factory default value.
When adjusted via the keypad (HMI), this parameter may change automatically the following
parameters: P0151, P0153, P0185, P0321, P0322 and P0323.
Refer to the allowed current for switching frequencies different from the default, in the tables available in chapter
8 Technical Specifications, of the CFW700 user's manual.
The inverter switching frequency can be adjusted according to the needs of the application. Higher switching
frequencies imply in lower motor acoustic noise, however, the selection of the switching frequency results in a
compromise between the motor acoustic noises, the losses in the inverter IGBTs and the maximum allowed
6-6 | CFW700
Inverter Model and Accessories Identification
The reduction of the switching frequency reduces effects related to motor instability, which occur in specific
application conditions. It also reduces the earth leakage current, being able to avoid the actuation of the faults
F0074 (Ground Fault) or F0070 (Output Overcurrent/Short-circuit).
Note: The option 0 (1.25 kHz) is only allowed for the V/f or V V W control (P0202 = 0, 1, 2 or 3).
P0298 - Application
Set the content of this parameter according to the application.
The Normal Duty Regimen (ND) defines the maximum current for continuous operation (Inom-ND) and an
overload of 110 % during 1 minute. It must be used for driving motors that are not subject in that application
to high torques in relation to their rated torque, when operating in permanent regimen, during start, acceleration
or deceleration.
The Heavy Duty Regimen (HD) defines the maximum current for continuous operation (Inom-HD) and an
overload of 150 % during 1 minute. It must be used for driving motors that are subject in that application
to high overload torques in relation to their rated torque, when operating in constant speed, during start,
acceleration or deceleration.
The Inom-ND and Inom-HD are presented in P0295. Refer to the CFW700 user's manual chapter 8 Technical
Specifications, for more details regarding these operation regimens.
CFW700 | 6-7
Inverter Model and Accessories Identification
6-8 | CFW700
Starting-up and Settings
In order to use previously loaded parameters, refer to the section 7.1 BACKUP PARAMETERS on page 7-1,
described next.
The CFW700 BACKUP functions allow saving the content of the current inverter parameters in a specific memory,
or vice-versa (overwrite the contents of the current parameters with the memory contents). Besides, there is a
function exclusive for software update, by means of the FLASH Memory Module.
P0204 – Load/Save Parameters
It makes it possible to save the actual inverter parameters in an area of the control module memory or the other
way around, to load the contents of that area into the parameters. It also allows resetting the Time Enabled
(P0043), kWh (P0044) and Fan Enabled Time (P0045) counters. The Table 7.1 on page 7-1 describes the
actions performed by each option.
P0204 Action
0, 1 Not Used: no action.
2 Reset P0045: resets the enabled fan hour counter.
3 Reset P0043: resets the enabled hours counter.
4 Reset P0044: resets the kWh counter.
5 Load WEG 60 Hz: loads the 60 Hz factory settings into the inverter parameters.
6 Load WEG 50 Hz: loads the 50 Hz factory settings into the inverter parameters.
7 Load User 1: loads the User 1 parameters into the current inverter parameters.
8 Load User 2: loads the User 2 parameters into the current inverter parameters.
9 Save User 1: saves the current inverter parameters into the User 1 parameter memory.
10 Save User 2: saves the current inverter parameters into the User 2 parameter memory.
CFW700 | 7-1
Starting-up and Settings
09 User
04 7 memory 1
02 =
P 04
P 02
In order to load parameters from User 1 and/or User 2 to the CFW700 operation area (P0204 = 7 or 8), it is
necessary that these areas had been saved previously.
7 The operation of loading one of those memories can also be performed via digital inputs (DIx). Refer to item
13.1.3 Digital Inputs on page 13-9, for more details regarding this programming (P0204 = 9 or 10).
When P0204 = 5 or 6, the parameters P0296 (Rated voltage), P0297 (Switching frequency), P0308
(Serial address) are not changed by the factory settings.
Adjustable 0 = No Factory 0
Range: 1 = Yes Setting:
Properties: cfg
Access Groups STARTUP
via HMI:
When this parameter is changed to “1”, the Oriented Start-up routine starts. The CFW700 goes into the
“CONF” state, which is indicated on the HMI. Within the Oriented Start-up, the user has access to important
configuration parameters of the CFW700 and of the motor for the control type to be used in the application. For
further information on the use of this parameter, refer to the following sections:
7-2 | CFW700
Starting-up and Settings
This function allows saving the contents of the inverter writing parameters in the FLASH Memory Module
(MMF), or vice-versa, and can be used to transfer the contents of the parameters from one inverter to another.
After storing the parameters of one inverter in a FLASH memory module, it is possible to pass them to another
inverter with this function.
During the inverter operation, the modified parameters are saved in the FLASH memory module
regardless of user's command, when P0318 = 3. This assures that the MMF will always have an
updated copy of the inverter parameters.
When the inverter is powered on and the memory module is present, the current values of its
parameters is overridden if P0318 = 3. If you want to copy from another inverter, set P0318 to 0
before inserting the card.
When the inverter is powered on and the memory module is not detected, P0318 is not visible or
changeable by the user and it is automatically set to 0.
In order to copy or save the SoftPLC program (P0318 = 5 or 6), it is necessary to stop the Application
(P1001 = 0).
CFW700 | 7-3
Starting-up and Settings
7-4 | CFW700
Available Control Types
Choose the control type in function of the static and dynamic, torque and speed requirements of the driven load.
V/f: scalar control; it is the simplest control mode, by imposed voltage/frequency; with an open loop speed
regulation or with slip compensation (programmable); it allows multimotor operation.
V V W: Voltage Vector WEG; it allows a static speed control more accurate than the V/f mode; it adjusts itself
automatically to the line variations, and also to the load variations, however it does not present fast dynamic
Sensorless Vector: it is a field oriented control; without motor speed sensor; able to drive any standard motor;
speed control range of 1:100; speed control static precision of 0.5 % of the rated speed; high control dynamics.
ector with Encoder: it is a field oriented control; it needs motor encoder; speed control down to 0 rpm;
speed control static precision of 0.01 % of the rated speed; high static and dynamic performance of the speed
and torque control. 8
All these control modes are described in details in the chapter 9 SCALAR CONTROL (V/f) on page 9-1, chapter
10 VVW CONTROL on page 10-1 and chapter 11 VECTOR CONTROL on page 11-1, the related parameters
and orientations regarding the use of each of these modes.
CFW700 | 8-1
Available Control Types
8-2 | CFW700
Scalar Control (V/f)
The advantage of the V/f control is that due to its simplicity just a few settings are necessary. The start-up is fast
and simple, and the factory settings require generally few or no modifications.
P0202 = type of control
P0202 = 0 or 1 = V/f
Total reference
(Refer to Figure 13.7
on page 13-27) V P0202 = 2 = ajustable V/f
P0142 f
P0146 P0145
Speed 9
Is = output current
P0137 P0138
Automatic torque
Speed Speed
compensation I active
The motor rated current is less than 1/3 of the inverter rated current.
The inverter is, for test purposes, enabled without motor or with a small motor and no load.
The scalar control can also be used in applications that do neither require fast dynamic response, nor accuracy in
the speed regulation, and also do not require high starting torque (the speed error is a function of the motor slip,
and by programming the parameter P0138 – Slip Compensation – it is possible to get a accuracy of approximately
1 % at the rated speed with the load variation).
CFW700 | 9-1
Scalar Control (V/f)
Adjustable 0 to 9 Factory 1
Range: Setting:
Properties: V/f
Access Groups BASIC
via HMI:
It acts at low speeds, increasing the inverter output voltage in order to compensate the voltage drop across the
motor stator resistance, with the purpose of keeping the torque constant.
The optimum setting is the lowest value of P0136 that allows a satisfactory starting of the motor. Values higher
than the necessary will increase the motor current at low speeds, being able to lead the inverter to a fault
(F0048, F0051, F0071, F0072, F0078 or F0183) or alarm (A0046, A0047, A0050 or A0110) condition.
Output voltage
9 1/2 nominal
P0136 = 9
P0136 = 0
Nnom/2 Nnom
Figure 9.2: Effect of P0136 on the V/f curve (P0202 = 0 or 1)
The Automatic Torque Boost compensates the voltage drop on the stator resistance in function of the motor
active current.
The criteria for adjusting P0137 are the same as for the parameter P0136.
P0136 Voltage
Speed reference applied to
the motor
Active output
Figure 9.3: Torque boost block diagram
9-2 | CFW700
Scalar Control (V/f)
Output voltage
1/2 nominal
zone Speed
Nnom/2 Nnom
Figure 9.4: Effect of P0137 on the V/f curve (P0202 = 0…2)
Description: 9
The parameter P0138 is used in the motor slip compensation function, when adjusted to positive values. In this
case it compensates the drop in the speed due to the application of load to the motor shaft. It increases the
output frequency in function of the increase in the motor active current.
The setting of P0138 allows regulating the slip compensation precisely. Once P0138 is adjusted the inverter will
keep the speed constant even with load variations by adjusting the voltage and frequency automatically.
Negative values are used in special applications where one wants to reduce the output speed in function of the
increase in the motor current.
Output ∆F
active Slip compensation
P0139 P0138
Figure 9.5: Slip compensation block diagram
CFW700 | 9-3
Scalar Control (V/f)
Output voltage
(Function of
the motor
∆F load)
Figure 9.6: V/f curve with slip compensation
For the adjustment of the parameter P0138 to compensate the motor slip:
1. Run the motor with no load at approximately half the working speed.
4. Increase the content of P0138 until the speed reaches the value measured before with no load.
P0139 – Output (Active) Current Filter
It sets the active current filter time constant.
It is used in the Automatic Torque Boost and Slip Compensation functions. Refer to the Figure 9.3 on page
9-2 and Figure 9.5 on page 9-3.
It sets the response time of the Slip Compensation and of the Automatic Torque Boost. Refer to the Figure 9.3
on page 9-2 and Figure 9.5 on page 9-3.
9-4 | CFW700
Scalar Control (V/f)
In order to get an overview of the control types, as well as orientation to choose the most suitable type for the
application, refer to the chapter 8 AVAILABLE CONTROL TYPES on page 8-1.
The correct setting of P0400 assures the application of the correct V/f ratio at the output, in case of 50 Hz
or 60 Hz motors with voltage different from the inverter input voltage.
P0202 = 2: for special motors with rated frequency different from 50 Hz or 60 Hz, or for the adjustment of
special V/f curve profiles. Example: the approximation of a quadratic V/f curve for energy saving in variable
torque loads like centrifuge pumps and fans.
This function allows the adjustment of the curve that links output voltage and frequency by means of parameters,
as presented by the Figure 9.7 on page 9-6, in V/f mode.
It is necessary when the used motor has a rated frequency different from 50 Hz or 60 Hz, or when a quadratic
V/f curve, for energy saving in the operation of centrifuge pumps and fans, is desired, or even in special
applications, such as, for instance, when a transformer is used at the inverter output, between it and the motor.
The factory setting of P0144 (8.0 %) is adequate for standard motors with rated frequency of 60 Hz. When using
a motor with rated frequency (adjusted in P0403) different from 60 Hz, the default value for P0144 may become
inadequate, being able to cause difficulties in the motor starting. A good approximation for the setting of P0144
is given by the formula:
CFW700 | 9-5
Scalar Control (V/f)
P0144 = x P0142
If it is necessary to increase the starting torque, increase gradually the value of P0144.
Line rated voltage
100 %
P0202 = 2
It is the current limitation for the V/f control with actuation mode defined by P0344 (refer to the Table 9.1 on page
9-6) and the current limit defined by P0135.
It avoids the stalling of the motor during a torque overload at the acceleration or at the deceleration.
9-6 | CFW700
Scalar Control (V/f)
Working: if the motor current exceeds the value adjusted in P0135 during the acceleration or the deceleration,
the speed will no longer be increased (acceleration) or decreased (deceleration). When the motor current
reaches a value below P0135 the motor will again accelerate or decelerate. Refer to the Figure 9.8 on page
It avoids the stalling of the motor during a torque overload at the acceleration or at constant speed.
Working: if the motor current exceeds the value adjusted in P0135, the input of the speed ramp is set to zero
forcing a deceleration. When the motor current reaches a value below P0135 the motor will accelerate again.
Refer to the Figure 9.8 on page 9-7.
P0135 P0135
Time Time
Speed Speed
via ramp
Acceleration (P0101)
via ramp
Time Time
During During
acceleration deceleration
Motor current
P0135 Time
via ramp
Figure 9.8: (a) and (b) Current limitation via P0135 working modes
CFW700 | 9-7
Scalar Control (V/f)
There are two functions in the inverter for limiting the DC link voltage during the motor braking. They act limiting
the braking torque and power, avoiding therefore the tripping of the inverter by overvoltage (F0022).
The overvoltage on the DC link is more common when a load with high inertia is driven or when a short
deceleration time is programmed.
When using the dynamic braking the function “Ramp Hold” or “Ramp Acceleration” must be disabled.
Refer to the P0151 description.
In the V/f mode, there are two types of function to limit the DC link voltage:
1 - “Ramp Hold”:
Working: When the DC link voltage reaches the level adjusted in P0151, a command is sent to the “ramp” block,
which inhibits the motor speed variation (“ramp hold”). Refer to the Figure 9.9 on page 9-8 and Figure 9.10
on page 9-8.
With this function an optimized deceleration time (minimum possible) for the driven load is obtained.
9 The use is recommended for loads running with high inertia moment referenced to the motor shaft, or loads
with medium inertia, which require short deceleration ramps.
Dc link Error < 0: Ramp hold = inactive
voltage (Ud) Error ≥ 0: Ramp hold = active
Ramp hold
Input Output
Acceleration/Deceleration Ramp
Figure 9.9: Limitation of the DC link voltage using Ramp Acceleration function block diagram
Figure 9.10: Example of the DC link voltage limitation working with the Ramp Hold function
9-8 | CFW700
Scalar Control (V/f)
2 - Ramp Acceleration:
It is effective in any situation, regardless of the motor speed condition, accelerating, decelerating or at constant
Working: the DC link voltage is compared with the value adjusted in P0151, the difference between these
signals is multiplied by the proportional gain (P0152) and the result is added to the ramp output. Refer to the
Figure 9.11 on page 9-9 and Figure 9.12 on page 9-9.
In a similar manner as the Ramp Hold, with this function an optimized deceleration time (minimum possible) for
the driven load is also obtained.
The use is recommended for loads that require braking torques in constant speed situation. Example: driving
of loads with eccentric shafts such as the existent in pumpjacks.
Dc link
voltage (Ud)
Ramp output
Figure 9.11: Limitation of the DC link voltage using Ramp Acceleration function block diagram
Figure 9.12: Example of the DC link voltage limitation working with the Ramp Acceleration function
It selects the DC link voltage limitation function type in the V/f mode.
CFW700 | 9-9
Scalar Control (V/f)
It is the actuation level of the DC link voltage limitation function for the V/f mode.
1. The P0151 factory setting leaves inactive the DC link voltage limitation function for the V/f mode. In order to
activate it, one must reduce the value of P0151 as suggested in the Table 9.2 on page 9-10.
9 Inverter
220 / 230 V 380 V 400 / 415 V 440 / 460 V 480 V 500 / 525 V 500 / 575 V 600 V
P0296 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P0151 375 V 618 V 675 V 748 V 780 V 893 V 972 V 972 V
2. In case DC link overvoltage (F0022) keeps happening during the deceleration, reduce the value of P0151
gradually or increase the deceleration ramp time (P0101 and/or P0103).
3. If the supply line is permanently at a voltage level that results in a DC link voltage higher than the P0151
setting, it will not be possible to decelerate the motor. In this case, reduce the line voltage or increase the
value of the P0151 setting.
4. If, even with the procedures above, it is not possible to decelerate the motor in the necessary time, use the
Dynamic Braking (Refer to the chapter 14 DYNAMIC BRAKING on page 14-1).
It defines the DC Link Voltage Regulator proportional gain (refer to the Figure 9.11 on page 9-9).
P0152 multiplies the DC link voltage error, i.e., Error = actual DC link voltage – (P0151), and it is normally used
to prevent overvoltage in applications with eccentric loads.
9-10 | CFW700
Scalar Control (V/f)
Read the whole CFW700 user's manual before installing, powering or operating the inverter.
1. Install the inverter: according to the chapter 3 Installation and Connection, of the CFW700 user's manual,
wiring all the power and control connections.
2. Prepare the inverter and apply power: according to the section 5.1 Prepare for Start-Up, of the CFW700
user's manual.
3. Adjust the password P0000 = 5: according to the section 5.3 PASSWORD SETTING IN P0000 on page
5-1, of this manual.
4. Adjust the inverter to operate with the application line and motor: execute the Oriented Start-up
routine according to item 5.2.1 Oriented Start-up Menu, of the CFW700 user's manual. Refer to the section
11.7 MOTOR DATA on page 11-8, of this manual.
5. Setting of specific parameters and functions for the application: program the digital and analog inputs
and outputs, HMI keys, etc., according to the application needs.
For applications:
hat are simple, which can use the factory settings programming for the digital and analog inputs and outputs,
use the Menu “BASIC”. Refer to item 5.2.2 Basic Application Menu, of the CFW700 user's manual.
hat require only the digital and analog inputs and outputs with programming different from the factory settings,
use the Menu “I/O”.
hat need functions as Flying Start, Ride-Through, DC Braking, Dynamic Braking, etc., access and modify
those functions parameters by means of the Menu “PARAM”.
The efficiency of a machine is defined as being the ratio between the output mechanical power and the input
electrical power. Remember that the mechanical power is the product between torque and rotor speed, and that
the input electric power is the sum of the output mechanical power and the motor losses.
In the case of the three-phase induction motor, the optimized efficiency is achieved with ¾ of the rated load. In
the region below this point, the Energy Saving function has its best performance.
The Energy Saving function acts directly on the voltage applied at the inverter output; thus, the flux relationship
delivered to the motor is changed so as to reduce the motor losses and enhance the efficiency, consequently
reducing consumption and noise.
The function is active when the load is below the maximum value (P0588) and the speed is above the minimum
value (P0590). In addition, in order to prevent the stalling of the motor, the applied voltage is limited to a minimum
acceptable value (P0589). The parameter group presented in the sequence defines those and other characteristics
necessary for the energy saving function.
CFW700 | 9-11
Scalar Control (V/f)
Setting of the motor rated power factor.
In order to obtain the proper operation of the energy saving function, the motor power factor must be correctly
set, according to the information on the motor nameplate.
With the motor nameplate data and for applications with constant torque, the motor optimum efficiency is
normally obtained with the energy saving function active. In some cases, the output current may increase,
and then it is necessary to gradually reduce the value of this parameter to the point in which the current value
remains equal to or below the current value obtained with the function disabled.
For information regarding the actuation of P0407 in the V V W control mode, refer to section 10.2 MOTOR DATA
on page 10-3.
Adjustable 0 to 85 % Factory 0 %
Range: Setting:
Properties: cfg, V/f
Access Groups
via HMI:
This parameter defines the torque value to activate the operation of the energy saving function.
Setting this parameter to zero disables the function.
It is recommended to set this parameter to 60 %, but it has to be set according the application requirement.
Adjustable 40 to 80 % Factory 40 %
Range: Setting:
Properties: cfg, V/f
Access Groups
via HMI:
This parameter defines the minimum voltage value that will be applied to the motor when the energy saving
function is active. This minimum value is relative to the voltage imposed by the V/f curve for a certain speed.
9-12 | CFW700
Scalar Control (V/f)
This parameter defines the minimum speed value at which the energy saving function will remain active.
The hysteresis for the minimum speed level is of 2 Hz.
Adjustable 0 to 30 % Factory 10 %
Range: Setting:
Properties: cfg, V/f
Access Groups
via HMI:
Hysteresis used to activate and deactivate the energy saving function. 9
If the function is active and the output current oscillates, it is necessary to increase the value of the hysteresis.
It is not possible to set these parameters while the motor is spinning.
CFW700 | 9-13
Scalar Control (V/f)
9-14 | CFW700
V V W Control
The V V W (Voltage Vector WEG) control mode uses a control method with intermediate performance between V/f
and Sensorless Vector. Refer to the Figure 10.1 on page 10-2 block diagram.
The main advantage compared to the V/f control is the better speed regulation with higher torque capability at
low speeds (frequencies below 5 Hz), allowing a sensible improvement of the inverter performance in permanent
regimen. Comparing to the Sensorless Vector, the settings are simpler and easier.
The V V W control uses the stator current measurement, the stator resistance value (that can be obtained with the
self-tuning routine) and the induction motor nameplate data to perform automatically the torque estimation, the
output voltage compensation and consequently the slip compensation, replacing the function of the parameters
P0137 and P0138.
In order to obtain a good speed regulation in permanent regimen, the slip frequency is calculated based on the
load estimated torque, which considers the existent motor data.
CFW700 | 10-1
10-2 | CFW700
V V W Control
P0202 = 3 (V V W control) Ud
P0400, P0403,
P0401, P0407,
Ud P0409, P0178
DC voltage
P0151 regulation Speed
m* Output voltage
P0151 Ud Flux control direction
fo la lo m PWM
Space vector
P0134 + fo modulation
Reference PWM
(Refer to P0133
Figure 13.8 t + fslip
on page P0295
13-28) I v , Iw
Filter lo
m MI
P0403 Fslip Calculation la
TL /TR, sR
P0404, P0399, fo
P0401, P0409, la I v , Iw
P0402, P0403 lo lo Calculation
Ud m
V V W Control
Only three parameters are related to this function: P0139, P0202 and P0397.
However, since the parameters P0139 and P0202 were already presented in the section 9.1 V/f CONTROL on
page 9-2, only the parameter P0397 will be described next.
It enables or disables the slip compensation during the regeneration in the V V W control mode. Refer to the
parameter P0138 in the section 9.1 V/f CONTROL on page 9-2, for more details on the slip compensation.
The parameters for the used motor data setting are listed in this group. They must be adjusted according to the
motor nameplate data (P0398 to P0407, except P0405) and by means of the Self-Tuning or from data of the motor
data sheet (other parameters).
In this section only the parameters P0399 and P0407 will be presented, the others are presented in the section
11.7 MOTOR DATA on page 11-8. 10
P0398 – Motor Service Factor
Refer to the section 11.7 MOTOR DATA on page 11-8, for more information.
It sets the motor rated efficiency.
This parameter is important for the V V W control precise operation. The inaccurate setting implies in incorrect
calculation of the slip compensation and consequently an imprecise speed control.
CFW700 | 10-3
V V W Control
Refer to the section 11.7 MOTOR DATA on page 11-8, for more information.
It is the motor power factor setting, according to the motor nameplate data (cos Ø).
This parameter is important for the V V W control operation. The inaccurate setting will imply in incorrect
calculation of the slip compensation.
The default value of this parameter is adjusted automatically when the parameter P0404 is changed. The
suggested value is valid for three-phase, IV pole WEG motors. For other motor types the setting must be done
Read the whole CFW700 user's manual before installing, powering or operating the inverter.
1. Install the inverter: according to the chapter 3 - Installation and Connection, of the CFW700 user's manual,
wiring all the power and control connections.
2. Prepare the inverter and apply power: according to the section 5.1 - Prepare for Start-up, of the CFW700
user's manual.
10-4 | CFW700
V V W Control
3. Adjust the password P0000 = 5: according to the section 5.3 PASSWORD SETTING IN P0000 on page
5-1, of this manual.
4. Adjust the inverter to operate with the application line and motor: by means of the “STARTUP” Menu
access P0317 and change its content to 1, which makes the inverter initiate the “Oriented Start-up” routine.
The “Oriented Start-up” routine presents on the keypad (HMI) the main parameters in a logical sequence. The
setting of these parameters prepares the inverter for operation with the application line and motor. Verify the step
by step sequence in the Figure 10.2 on page 10-6.
The setting of the parameters presented in this operation mode results in the automatic modification of the content
of other inverter parameters and/or internal variables, as indicated in the Figure 10.2 on page 10-6. In this way
one gets a stable operation of the control circuit with adequate values to obtain the best motor performance.
During the “Oriented Start-up” routine the “Config” (Configuration) status will be indicated on the keypad (HMI).
rogram the contents of parameters from P0398 to P0407 directly with the motor nameplate data. Refer to
the section 11.7 MOTOR DATA on page 11-8.
5. Setting of specific parameters and functions for the application: program the digital and analog inputs 10
and outputs, HMI keys, etc., according to the application needs.
For applications:
hat are simple, which can use the factory settings programming for the digital and analog inputs and outputs,
use the Menu “BASIC”. Refer to item 5.2.2 - Basic Application Menu, of the CFW700 user's manual.
hat require only the digital and analog inputs and outputs with programming different from the factory settings,
use the Menu “I/O”.
hat need functions as Flying Start, Ride-Through, DC Braking, Dynamic Braking, etc., access and modify
those function parameters by means of the Menu “PARAM”.
-- Monitoring Mode.
-- The PARAM group is selected, press
-- Press the ENTER/MENU key to get
1 2 the or keys to select the
into the first level of the programming
STARTUP group.
CFW700 | 10-5
V V W Control
10-6 | CFW700
Vector Control
It consists in the control type based on the separation of the motor current into two components:
The Id current is related to the motor electromagnetic flux, while the Iq current is directly related to the torque
produced at the motor shaft. With this strategy one gets the so called decoupling, i.e., one can control the motor
flux and torque independently by controlling the Id and Iq currents respectively.
Since these currents are represented by vectors that rotate at the synchronous speed, when observed from a
stationary referential, a referential transformation is done so that they are changed to the synchronous referential.
In the synchronous referential these values become DC values proportional the respective vector amplitudes. This
simplifies considerably the control circuit.
When the Id vector is aligned with the motor flux, it can be said that the vector control is orientated. Therefore it
is necessary that the motor parameters be correctly adjusted. Some of those parameters must be programmed
with the motor nameplate data and others obtained automatically through self-tuning or from the motor data sheet
supplied by the manufacturer.
The Figure 11.2 on page 11-3 presents the block diagram for the vector control with encoder and the Figure 11.1
on page 11-2 for the sensorless vector control. The information of the speed, as well as of the currents measured
by the inverter, will be used to obtain the correct vector orientation. In the vector with encoder control case, the
speed is obtained directly from the encoder signal, while in the sensorless vector control there is an algorithm
which estimates the speed, based in the output currents and voltages.
The vector control measures the current, separates the flux and torque portions and transforms these variables to
the synchronous referential. The motor control is accomplished by imposing the desired currents and comparing
them with the actual values.
The Sensorless Vector Control is recommended for the majority of the applications, because it allows the operation
in a speed variation range of 1:100, speed control with 0.5 % accuracy of rated speed, high starting torque and
fast dynamic response.
Another advantage of this control type is the greater robustness against sudden line voltage and load changes,
avoiding unnecessary overcurrent trips.
The necessary settings for the good operation of the sensorless vector control are done automatically. Therefore
the used motor must be connected to the CFW700 inverter.
CFW700 | 11-1
DC Link regulator
P0185 P0185 = default value
11-2 | CFW700
P0185 < default value
Vector Control
DeviceNet, etc.).
Ud Gp = P0186
Gi = P0187
Gp = 1.00
Gi = 0.00 AIx = 2 - MAX. torque current
DIx = 9 (Speed/Torque) Ud
ψ* 120 % current lv, lw
N estimated speed
Refer to the user's manual for more details about the installation and connection of the incremental encoder.
peed control accuracy of 0.01 % (if digital references are used, for instance via keypad (HMI), Profibus DP,
The Vector Control with Encoder presents the same advantages of the sensorless control previously described,
DC Link regulator
P0185 Vac
P0185 = default value
DIx = 9 (Speed./Torque) Ud
Torque current
Gd = P0166 Iv, Iw
Maximum output Flux current
Flux regulator
voltage regulator
12 ms
Measured speed F
CFW700 | 11-3
Vector Control
It is activated automatically at low speeds if P0182>3 and when the Control Mode is Sensorless
Vector (P0202 = 4).
The operation at the low speed region may present instability. In this region the motor operation voltage is also
very low, being difficult to be measured accurately.
In order to keep a stable operation of the inverter in that region, the automatic commutation occurs, from sensorless
mode to the so called I/f mode, which is a scalar control with imposed current. Scalar control with imposed
current means a current control with a constant reference value, adjusted in a parameter and controlling only the
frequency in an open loop.
The parameter P0182 defines the speed below which the transition to I/f mode occurs and the parameter P0183
defines the value of the current to be applied to the motor.
The minimum speed recommended for the operation of the Sensorless Vector Mode is 18 rpm for 60 Hz IV pole
motors, and 15 rpm for 50 Hz IV pole motors. If P0182 ≤ 3 rpm the inverter will always operate in Sensorless
Vector mode, i.e., the I/f function will be disabled.
Some motor parameters that are not available on the motor nameplate, necessary for the operation of the sensorless
vector or vector with encoder control, are estimated:
Stator resistance.
Motor flux leakage inductance.
These parameters are estimated with the application of voltages and currents to the motor.
The parameters related to the regulators used by the vector control, as well as other control parameters, are
adjusted automatically in function of the motor parameters estimated through the self-tuning routine. The best
self-tuning results are obtained with a preheated motor.
The parameter P0408 controls the self-tuning routine. Depending on the chosen option some parameters can be
obtained from tables that are valid for WEG motors.
In the option P0408 = 1 (No Rotation) the motor remains stopped throughout the self-tuning. The magnetizing
current value (P0410) is obtained from a table, valid for WEG motors up to 12 poles.
In the option P0408 = 2 (Run for Im) the value of P0410 is estimated with the motor rotating and the load decoupled
from the motor shaft.
In the option P0408 = 3 (Run for Tm) the value of P0413 (Mechanic time constant – Tm) is estimated with the motor
rotating. It must be done, preferably, with the load coupled to the motor.
11-4 | CFW700
Vector Control
Every time that P0408 = 1 or 2 the parameter P0413 (Mechanic time constant – Tm) will be adjusted
for a value close to the motor rotor mechanic time constant. Therefore, the motor rotor inertia (table
data valid for WEG motors), the inverter rated voltage and current, are taken into consideration.
P0408 = 2 (Run for Im) in the vector with encoder mode (P0202 = 5): After finishing the self-tuning
routine, couple the load to the motor and set P0408 = 4 (Estimate Tm). In this case P0413 will be
estimated taking into account also the driven load.
If the option P0408 = 2 (Run for Im) is executed with the load coupled to the motor, an incorrect
value of P0410 (Im) may be estimated. This will implicate in estimation error for P0412 (rotor time
constant - Tr) and for P0413 (mechanic time constant – Tm). Overcurrent fault (F0071) may also
occur during the inverter operation.
Note: The term “load” includes everything that might be coupled to the motor shaft, for instance,
gearbox, inertia disk, etc.
In the option P0408 = 4 (Estimate Tm) the self-tuning routine estimates only the P0413 (Mechanic
time constant – Tm) value, with the motor rotating. It must be done, preferably, with the load coupled
to the motor.
During its execution, the self-tuning routine can be canceled by pressing the key, provided that
the values of P0409 through P0413 be all different from zero.
For more details on the self-tuning parameters, refer to item 11.8.5 Self-Tuning on page 11-18, in this manual.
Instead of running the self-tuning, it is possible to obtain the values for P0409 to P0412 in the following manner:
rom the motor test data sheet that can be supplied by its manufacturer. Refer to item 11.7.1 Adjustment of
the Parameters P0409 to P0412 Based on the Motor Data Sheet on page 11-12, of this manual.
anually, by copying the contents of the parameters from another CFW700 inverter that uses an identical
Active function only on the Sensorless Vector mode (P0202 = 4), if P0406 = 2.
The Optimal Flux function can be used for driving some types of WEG motors (*) making it possible the operation
at low speed with rated torque without the need of forced ventilation on the motor. The frequency range for
operation is 12:1, i.e., from 5 Hz to 60 Hz for 60 Hz rated frequency motors and from 4.2 Hz to 50 Hz for 50 Hz
rated frequency motors.
(*) WEG motors that can be used with the Optimal Flux function:
Nema Premium Efficiency.
Nema High Efficiency.
IEC Premium Efficiency.
IEC Top Premium Efficiency.
Alto Rendimento Plus.
When this function is activating, the motor flux is controlled in a way to reduce their electric losses on slow speeds.
That flux is dependent of the torque current filtered (P0009). The Optimal Flux function is unnecessary in motors
with independent ventilation.
CFW700 | 11-5
Vector Control
In vector control modes sensorless or with encoder, it is possible to use the inverter in torque control mode instead
of using it in speed control mode. In this case the speed regulator must be kept saturated and the imposed torque
value is defined by the torque limits in P0169/P0170.
When the speed regulator is positively saturated, i.e., forward speed direction defined in P0223/P0226, the value
for the torque current limitation is adjusted in P0169. When the speed regulator is negatively saturated, i.e., reverse
speed direction, the value for the torque current limitation is adjusted in P0170.
P0401 x P0169 x K
Tmotor = 100
x 100
(P0401) - P0410 x P0178
Nnom = motor synchronous speed,
11 N = motor current speed
For torque control in the sensorless vector mode (P0202 = 4), observe:
The torque limits (P0169/P0170) must be higher than 30 % to assure the motor starting. After the
start and with the motor rotating above 3 Hz, they can be reduced, if necessary, to values below
30 %.
For torque control applications with frequencies until to 0 Hz, use the vector with encoder control
mode (P0202 = 5).
In the vector with encoder control type set the speed regulator for the mode saturated (P0160 = 1),
besides keeping the regulator in the saturated state.
The motor rated current must be equivalent to the CFW700 rated current, in order that the torque
control has the best possible accuracy.
11-6 | CFW700
Vector Control
Torque limitation:
1. Via parameters P0169, P0170 (through the keypad (HMI), Serial or Fieldbus). Refer to item 11.8.6 Torque Current
Limitation on page 11-22.
2. Through the analog inputs AI1 or AI2. Refer to item 13.1.1 Analog Inputs on page 13-1, option 2 (maximum
torque current).
Speed reference:
3. Set the speed reference 10 %, or more, higher than the working speed. This assures that the speed regulator
output remains saturated at the maximum value allowed by the torque limit adjustment.
The torque limitation with the saturated speed regulator has also a protection (limitation) function. E.g.:
for a winder, when the material being wound brakes, the regulator leaves the saturated condition and
starts controlling the motor speed, which will be kept at the speed reference value.
Only activated on the Vector with Encoder mode (P0202 = 5 or 4), when P0184 = 0, P0185 is smaller
than the standard value and P0404 < 21 (75 CV).
The occurrence of optimal braking may cause at the motor:
Increase of the vibration level. 11
Increase of the acoustic noise.
Increase of the temperature.
Verify the impact of those effects in the application before using the optimal braking.
It is a function that helps the motor controlled braking, eliminating in many cases the need of additional braking
IGBT and braking resistor.
The Optimal Braking makes it possible braking the motor with a higher torque than the one obtained with traditional
methods, as for instance, the braking by the injection of direct current (DC braking). In the DC braking case, only
the losses in the motor rotor are used to dissipate the energy stored as the mechanic load inertia, rejecting the
total friction losses. With the Optimal Braking, in the other hand, the total losses in the motor, as well as the total
inverter losses, are used. It is possible to get a braking torque roughly 5 times greater than with DC braking.
In the Figure 11.3 on page 11-8 the Torque x Speed curve of a typical 10 hp/7.5 kW IV pole motor is presented.
The braking torque obtained at the rated speed, for an inverter with a torque limit (P0169 and P0170) adjusted in
a value equal to the motor rated torque, is supplied by the TB1 point on the Figure 11.3 on page 11-8. The value
of TB1 is on the function of the motor efficiency, and it is defined by the following expression, being despised the
attrition losses:
TB1 = 1-η
η = motor efficiency.
In the Figure 11.3 on page 11-8 case, the efficiency of the motor for the rated load is η = 0.84 (or 84 %), which
results in TB1 = 0.19 or 19 % of the motor rated torque.
CFW700 | 11-7
Vector Control
The braking torque, starting from the TB1 point, varies in the inverse ratio of the speed (1/N). At low speeds, the
braking torque reaches the torque limit of the inverter. In the Figure 11.3 on page 11-8 case, the torque reaches
the torque limitation (100 %) when the speed is less than approximately 20 % of the rated speed.
It is possible to increase the braking torque by increasing the inverter current limitation during the optimal braking
(P0169 – torque in the forward speed direction or P0170 – reverse).
Generally smaller motors have lower efficiency because they present more losses. Therefore, comparatively higher
braking torque is obtained if they are compared to bigger motors.
11 0
0.2 1.0 2.0 Nnom
(a) Torque generated by the motor in normal operation, driven by the inverter in the “motor mode” (load resistant torque).
(b) Braking torque generated by the Optimal Braking use.
(c) Braking torque generated by the DC braking use.
Figure 11.3: T x N curve for Optimal Braking with a typical 10 hp/7.5 kW motor, driven by an inverter with the torque adjusted at a value
equal to the motor rated torque
1. Activate the optimal braking by setting P0184 = 0 (DC Link Regulation Mode = with losses) and set the DC link
regulation level in P0185, as presented in item 11.8.8 DC Link Regulator on page 11-23, with P0202 = 5 or 4
and P0404 smaller than 21 (75 hp).
2. In order to enable and disable the Optimal Braking via a digital input, set one of the inputs (DIx) for “DC Link
Regulation”. (P0263…P0270 = 6 and P0184 = 2).
DIx = 24 V (closed): Optimal Braking is active, equivalent to P0184 = 0.
DIx = 0 V (open): Optimal Braking is inactive.
11-8 | CFW700
Vector Control
It is the continuous overload capability, i.e., a reserve of power that gives the motor the capability to withstand
working in adverse conditions.
Refer to the section 10.2 MOTOR DATA on page 10-3, for more details.
This value cannot be higher than the rated voltage adjusted in P0296 (Line Rated Voltage).
In order to validate a new P0400 setting out of the Oriented Start-up Routine it is necessary to cycle
the power of the inverter.
Set it according to the used motor nameplate data, taking into consideration the motor voltage.
In the Guided Start-up routine the value adjusted in P0401 automatically modifies the parameters related to the
motor overload protection, according to the Table 11.2 on page 11-12.
CFW700 | 11-9
Vector Control
Set it according to the used motor nameplate data.
Set it according to the used motor nameplate data.
For V/f and V V W controls the setting range goes up to 300 Hz.
Set it according to the used motor nameplate data.
11-10 | CFW700
Vector Control
When adjusted via keypad (HMI), this parameter may change the parameter P0329 automatically.
Refer to item 12.5.2 Vector Flying Start on page 12-8. 11
It sets the number of pulses per rotation (ppr) of the used incremental encoder.
CFW700 | 11-11
Vector Control
During the Oriented Start-up Routine, the value adjusted in P0406 changes the parameters related to the motor
overload automatically, in the following manner:
Refer to the section 11.4 OPTIMAL FLUX FOR SENSORLESS VECTOR CONTROL on page 11-5,
for more details on the use of option P0406 = 2 (Optimal Flux).
Refer to the section 10.2 MOTOR DATA on page 10-3, for more details.
11.7.1 Adjustment of the Parameters P0409 to P0412 Based on the Motor Data Sheet
Being in the possession of the motor equivalent circuit data, it is possible to calculate the value to be programmed
in the parameters from P0409 to P0412, instead of using the self-tuning to obtain them.
Input data:
ω = 2 x π x fn
11-12 | CFW700
Vector Control
P0400 x R1
P0409 =
Vn x Io x 0.95
P0410 =
P0400 x [X1 +(X2 x Xm)/(X2 + Xm)]
P0411 =
Vn x ω
The parameters related to the CFW700 speed regulator are presented in this group.
Set P0160 = 1 (Saturated) for torque control in vector mode with encoder. For more details, refer to the section
11.5 TORQUE CONTROL on page 11-6, in this manual.
P0161 – Speed Regulator Proportional Gain
The speed regulator gains are calculated automatically in function of the parameter P0413 (Tm constant).
However, these gains can be adjusted manually in order to optimize the speed dynamic response, which
becomes faster with their increase. Yet, if the speed begins to oscillate, they must be reduced.
In a general manner, one can say that the Proportional gain (P0161) stabilizes abrupt speed or reference
changes, while the Integral gain (P0162) corrects the error between the reference and the speed, and improves
the torque response at low speeds as well.
1. Select the acceleration (P0100) and/or deceleration (P0101) time according to the application.
CFW700 | 11-13
Vector Control
3. Configure an analog output (AOx) for Real Speed, by programming P0251 or P0254 in 2.
4. Disable the speed ramp (Run/Stop = Stop) and wait until the motor stops.
5. Enable the speed ramp (Run/Stop = Run). Observe with an oscilloscope the motor speed signal at the chosen
analog output.
6. Verify among the options of the Figure 11.4 on page 11-14, which waveform best represents the observed
7. Adjust P0161 and P0162 according to the response type presented in the Figure 11.4 on page 11-14.
(a) Reduce the proportional gain (P0161) and/or increase the integral gain (P0162).
(b) Speed regulator is optimized.
(c) Increase the proportional gain and/or reduce the integral gain.
It adjusts the analog inputs (AIx) speed reference offset. Refer to the Figure 13.7 on page 13-27.
It adjusts the speed filter time constant. Refer to the Figure 11.1 on page 11-2 or Figure 11.2 on page 11-3.
11-14 | CFW700
Vector Control
Generally, this parameter must not be changed. The increment in its value turns the system response
The differential action may minimize the effects of the application or removal of load, in the motor speed. Refer
to the Figure 11.1 on page 11-2 or Figure 11.2 on page 11-3.
The parameters related to the CFW700 current regulator are presented in this group.
Parameters P0167 and P0168 are adjusted automatically as a function of the parameters P0411 and P0409.
Do not change these parameters values.
The parameters related to the CFW700 flux regulator are presented next.
CFW700 | 11-15
Vector Control
These parameters are adjusted automatically in function of the parameter P0412. In general, the automatic
setting is sufficient and the readjustment is not necessary.
These gains must only be readjusted manually when the flux current signal (Id*) is unstable (oscillating) and
compromising the system operation.
For gains in P0175 > 12.0 the flux current (Id*) may become unstable.
(Id*) is observed at the analog outputs AO1 and/or AO2, by setting P0251 = 16 and/or P0254 = 16.
The parameter P0178 is the flux reference, while the maximum value for the flux (magnetization) current is 120 %.
This parameter must not be modified.
11-16 | CFW700
Vector Control
This parameter defines the value of the maximum output voltage. Its standard value is defined in the condition
of the nominal supply voltage.
The voltage reference used in the regulator “Maximum output voltage” (see the Figure 11.1 on page 11-2 or
Figure 11.2 on page 11-3) is directly proportional to the voltage supply.
If this voltage increases, the output voltage will then be able to increase to the adjusted value in the parameter
P0400 - Motor Rated Voltage.
If the voltage supply decreases, the maximum output voltage will decrease in the same proportion.
It allows setting an offset in the torque current reference variable (Iq*) of the speed regulator in the first execution
of this regulator after the transition from I/f mode to sensorless vector.
It defines the speed of the transition from I/f mode to the sensorless vector control and vice-versa.
The minimum recommended speed for the operation of the sensorless vector control is 18 rpm for motors with
rated frequency of 60 Hz and 4 poles and 15 rpm for motors with 4 poles with rated frequency of 50 Hz.
For P0182 ≤ 3 rpm the I/f function will be disabled and the inverter will remain always in the sensorless
vector mode.
Adjustable 0 to 9 Factory 1
Range: Setting:
Properties: Sless
Access Groups
via HMI:
CFW700 | 11-17
Vector Control
It defines the current to be applied to the motor when the inverter is operating in the I/f mode, i.e., with the motor
speed below the value defined by P0182.
11.8.5 Self-Tuning
In that group are the parameters that are related to the motor and can be estimated by the inverter during the
self-tuning routine.
Adjustable 0 = No Factory 0
Range: 1 = No Rotation Setting:
2 = Run for Im
3 = Run for Tm
4 = Estimate Tm
Properties: cfg, V V W, Vector
Access Groups MOTOR
via HMI:
By changing from the factory setting to one of the 4 available options, it is possible to estimate the value of the
parameters related to the motor being used. Refer to the next description for more details on each option.
P0408 = 1 – No rotation: the motor stands still during the self-tuning. The P0410 value is obtained from a
table, valid for WEG motors up to 12 poles.
Therefore P0410 must be equal to zero before initiating the self-tuning. If P0410 ≠ 0, the self-tuning
routine will keep the existent value.
Note: When using another brand of motor P0410 must be adjusted with the adequate value (no load motor
current) before initiating the self-tuning.
11-18 | CFW700
Vector Control
P0408 = 2 – Run for Im: the P0410 value is estimated with the motor rotating. It must be executed without load
coupled to the motor. P0409, P0411 to P0413 are estimated with the motor standing still.
If the option P0408 = 2 (Run for Im) is performed with the load coupled to the motor, an incorrect
value of P0410 (Im) may be estimated. This will implicate in estimation error for P0412 (Rotor time
constant - Tr) and for P0413 (Mechanic time constant – Tm). Overcurrent fault (F0071) may also occur
during the inverter operation.
Note: The term “load” includes everything that might be coupled to the motor shaft, for instance, gearbox,
inertia disk, etc.
P0408 = 3 – Run for Tm: the value of P0413 (Mechanic time constant – Tm) is estimated, with the motor rotating.
It must be done, preferably, with the load coupled to the motor. P0409 to P0412 are estimated with the motor
standing still and P0410 is estimated in the same manner as with P0408 = 1.
P0408 = 4 – Estimate Tm: it estimates only the P0413 (Mechanic time constant – Tm) value, with the motor
rotating. It must be done, preferably, with the load coupled to the motor.
Every time that P0408 = 1 or 2:
The parameter P0413 (Mechanic time constant – Tm) will be adjusted to a value close to the motor
mechanic time constant. Therefore, the motor rotor inertia (table data valid for WEG motors), the
inverter rated voltage and current are taken into consideration.
Vector mode with encoder (P0202 = 5):
When using P0408 = 2 (Run for Im), one must, after finishing the self-tuning routine, couple the
load to the motor and set P0408 = 4 (Estimate Tm) in order to estimate the value of P0413. In this
case P0413 will also consider the driven load.
V V W mode – Voltage Vector WEG (P0202 = 3):
In the V V W control self-tuning routine only the value of the stator resistance (P0409) will be 11
obtained. Therefore, the self-tuning will always be performed without rotating the motor.
Better self-tuning results are obtained with the motor warm.
It is the value estimated by the self-tuning.
The P0409 setting determines the value of the current regulator integral gain P0168. The parameter
P0168 is recalculated every time the content of P0409 is modified via keypad (HMI).
CFW700 | 11-19
Vector Control
It is the motor magnetization current value.
It can be estimated by the self-tuning routine when P0408 = 2 (Run for Im) or obtained from an internal table
based in standard WEG motors, when P0408 = 1 (No rotation).
When a standard WEG motor is not used and it is not possible to run the self-tuning with P0408 = 2 (Run for Im),
then adjust P0410 with a value equal to the motor no load current, before initiating the self-tuning.
For P0202 = 5 (vector mode with encoder), the value P0410 determines the motor flux, therefore it must be
properly adjusted. If it is low, the motor will operate with a reduced flux compared to the rated condition, having,
consequently, its torque capability reduced.
11 Description:
It is the value estimated by the self-tuning.
When adjusted via the keypad (HMI), this parameter may change the parameter P0167 automatically.
The P0412 setting determines the flux regulator gains (P0175 and P0176).
The value of this parameter interferes in the speed accuracy in the sensorless vector control.
Normally the self-tuning is performed with the motor cold. Depending on the motor, the P0412 value may vary
more or less with the motor temperature. Thus, for the sensorless vector control and normal operation with the
motor warm, P0412 must be adjusted until the speed of the motor with load (measured at the motor shaft with
a tachometer) stays equal to that one indicated on the keypad (HMI) (P0001).
11-20 | CFW700
Vector Control
For P0202 = 5 (vector with encoder), if P0412 is incorrect, the motor will loose torque. Thus, one must adjust
P0412 so that at half the rated speed, and with stable load, the motor current (P0003) stays the lowest possible.
In the sensorless vector control mode the P0175 gain, provided by the self-tuning, will be limited in the range:
3.0 ≤ P0175 ≤ 8.0.
Table 11.6: Typical rotor constant (Tr ) values for WEG motors
Tr (s)
Motor Power
Number of Poles
(hp) / (kW)
2 (50 Hz / 60 Hz) 4 (50 Hz / 60 Hz) 6 (50 Hz / 60 Hz) 8 (50 Hz / 60 Hz)
2 / 1.5 0.19 / 0.14 0.13 / 0.14 0.1 / 0.1 0.07 / 0.07
5 / 3.7 0.29 / 0.29 0.18 / 0.12 0.14 / 0.14 0.14 / 0.11
10 / 7.5 0.36 / 0.38 0.32 / 0.25 0.21 / 0.15 0.13 / 0.14
15 / 11 0.52 / 0.36 0.30 / 0.25 0.20 / 0.22 0.28 / 0.22
20 / 15 0.49 / 0.51 0.27 / 0.29 0.38 / 0.2 0.21 / 0.24
30 / 22 0.70 / 0.55 0.37 / 0.34 0.35 / 0.37 0.37 / 0.38
50 / 37 0.9 / 0.84 0.55 / 0.54 0.62 / 0.57 0.31 / 0.32
100 / 75 1.64 / 1.08 1.32 / 0.69 0.84 / 0.64 0.70 / 0.56
150 / 110 1.33 / 1.74 1.05 / 1.01 0.71 / 0.67 0.72 / 0.67
200 / 150 1.5 / 1.92 1.0 / 0.95 1.3 / 0.65 0.8 / 1.03
When adjusted via the keypad (HMI), this parameter may change automatically the following
parameters: P0175, P0176, P0327 and P0328.
The P0413 setting determines the speed regulator gains (P0161 and P0162).
I f P0413 = 0, the time constant Tm will be obtained in function of the inertia of the programmed motor (table
If P0413 > 0, the value of P0413 will not be changed by the self-tuning.
hen the P0413 value obtained through the self-tuning provides inadequate speed regulator gains (P0161
and P0162), it is possible to change them by setting P0413 via keypad (HMI).
The P0161 gain provided by the self-tuning or through P0413 change, will be limited to the range: 6.0 ≤
P0161 ≤ 9.0.
I n case it be necessary to increase even more these gains, they must be adjusted directly at P0161 and
CFW700 | 11-21
Vector Control
Note: Values of P0161 > 12.0 may turn the torque current (Iq) and the motor speed unstable (oscillating).
The measurement procedure consists in accelerating the motor up to 50 % of the rated speed, applying a
current step equal to the motor rated current.
In case that it is not possible to submit the load to this type of request, adjust P0413 via keypad (HMI), refer
to item 11.8.1 Speed Regulator on page 11-13.
The parameters placed in this group define the torque limitation values.
These parameters limit the value of the motor current component that produces “+” torque (P0169) or “-” torque
(P0170). The setting is expressed as a percentage of rated motor current (P0401).
In case that any Analog Input (AIx) be programmed for the option 2 (Maximum Torque Current), P0169 and
P0170 become inactive and the current limitation will be specified by the AIx. In this case the limitation value can
be monitored at the parameter correspondent to the programmed AIx (P0018 or P0019).
In the torque limitation condition the motor current can be calculated by:
(*) In case that the torque current limitation be provided by an analog input, replace P0169 or P0170 by P0018
11-22 | CFW700
Vector Control
or P0019 according to the programmed AIx. For more details refer to item 13.1.1 Analog Inputs on page 13-1.
In some applications, the frequency inverter cannot operate in torque limitation, that is, the motor real speed
cannot be much different from the speed reference. In case of operation in this condition, the frequency inverter
will detect it and generate an alarm (A0168) or fault (F0169).
For this type of application, a maximum acceptable value of speed hysteresis for normal operating condition is
defined (P0360). In case the value of the difference between the real speed and reference speed is greater than
this hysteresis, the alarm condition Real Motor Speed Different from Speed Reference (A0168) will be detected. In
case this alarm remains for a period (P0361), the fault condition Real Motor Speed Different from Speed Reference
(F0169) will be generated.
This parameter defines the percentage of the motor synchronous speed that will be the speed hysteresis to
detect that the Motor Real Speed is different from the Speed Reference and generate the alarm A0168. Value
in 0.0 % disables the alarm A0168 and fault F0169.
This parameter defines the time that the condition Motor Real Speed different from Speed Reference (A0168)
must remain active in order to generate the fault Motor Real Speed different from Speed Reference (F0169).
Value in 0.0 s disables fault F0169.
For the deceleration of high inertia loads or with short deceleration times, the CFW700 has available the DC Link
Regulation function, which avoids the tripping of the inverter by overvoltage in the DC link (F0022).
CFW700 | 11-23
Vector Control
It enables or disables the Optimal Braking function (section 11.6 OPTIMAL BRAKING on page 11-7) in the DC
voltage regulation, according to the next table.
Table 11.7: DC link regulation modes
P0184 Action
0 = With losses The Optimal Braking is active as described at P0185. This assures the minimum possible
(Optimal Braking) deceleration time without using dynamic or regenerative braking.
Automatic control of the deceleration ramp. The Optimal Braking is inactive. The deceleration
ramp is automatically adjusted in order to keep the DC link below the level adjusted in P0185.
1 = Without losses
This procedure avoids the overvoltage fault at the DC link (F0022). It can also be used with
eccentric loads.
DIx = 24 V: Braking actuates as described for P0184 = 1.
2 = Enable/Disable via DIx DIx = 0 V: The Without Losses Braking stays inactive. The DC link voltage will be controlled
by the parameter P0153 (Dynamic Braking).
1.1. P0404 < 20 (60 hp): in this way the current flux is modulated in a way to increase the losses of the motor,
increasing the break torque. A better operation can be obtained with motors of smaller efficiency (small
1.2. P0404 > 20 (60 hp): the current flux will be increased up to the maximum value defined on P0169 or
P0170, as the speed is reduced. The break torque in the weakness field area is small.
2. Without losses – set P0184 = 1. Activates only the DC link voltage regulation.
The factory setting for P0185 is adjusted at the maximum, which disables the DC link voltage
regulation. In order to activate it, set P0185 according to the Table 11.8 on page 11-24.
200 ... 240 V 380 V 400 / 415 V 440 / 460 V 480 V 500 / 525 V 550 / 575 V 600 V
P0296 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P0185 375 V 618 V 675 V 748 V 780 V 893 V 972 V 972 V
11-24 | CFW700
Vector Control
These parameters adjust the DC link voltage regulator gain.
Normally the factory settings are adequate for the majority of the applications, not being necessary to adjust them.
Read the whole CFW700 user's manual before installing, powering or operating the inverter.
1. Install the inverter: according to the chapter 3 - Installation and Connection, of the CFW700 user's manual,
wiring all the power and control connections.
2. Prepare the inverter and apply power: according to the section 5.1 - Prepare for Start-up, of the CFW700
user's manual.
3. Adjust the password P0000 = 5: according to the section 5.3 PASSWORD SETTING IN P0000 on page
5-1, of this manual.
4. Adjust the inverter to operate with the application line and motor: by means of the “STARTUP” Menu
access P0317 and change its content to 1, which makes the inverter initiate the “Oriented Start-up” routine.
The “Oriented Start-up” routine presents on the keypad (HMI) the main parameters in a logical sequence. The
setting of these parameters prepares the inverter for operation with the application line and motor. Verify the step
by step sequence in the Figure 11.5 on page 11-27.
The setting of the parameters presented in this operation mode results in the automatic modification of the content
of other inverter parameters and/or internal variables, as indicated in the Figure 11.5 on page 11-27. In this way
one gets a stable operation of the control circuit with adequate values to obtain the best motor performance.
During the “Oriented Start-up” routine the “Config” (Configuration) status will be indicated on the keypad (HMI).
Program the contents of parameters from P0398, P0400 to P0406 directly with the motor nameplate data.
5. Setting of specific parameters and functions for the application: set the digital and analog inputs and
outputs, HMI keys, etc., according to the application needs.
For applications:
hat are simple, which can use the factory settings programming for the digital and analog inputs and outputs,
use the Menu “BASIC”. Refer to item 5.2.2 - Basic Application Menu, of the CFW700 user's manual.
hat require only the digital and analog inputs and outputs with programming different from the factory settings,
use the Menu “I/O”.
That need functions as Flying Start, Ride-Through, DC Braking, Dynamic Braking, etc., access and modify
those function parameters by means of the Menu “PARAM”.
-- Monitoring Mode.
-- The PARAM group is selected, press
-- Press ENTER/MENU key to go to
1 2 the or keys to select the
the 1st level of the programming
STARTUP group.
11-26 | CFW700
Vector Control
CFW700 | 11-27
Vector Control
11-28 | CFW700
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
12.1 RAMPS
The inverter RAMPS functions allow the motor to accelerate and decelerate in a faster or a slower manner.
These parameters define the time to accelerate (P0100) lineally from 0 to the maximum speed (defined in
P0134) and decelerate (P0101) lineally from the maximum speed down to 0.
Those parameters allow a second ramp to be configured for the motor acceleration (P0102) or deceleration
(P0103), which is activated via an external digital command (defined by P0105). Once this command is activated,
the inverter ignores the times of the first ramp (P0100 or P0101) and starts obeying the value adjusted at the
second ramp. Refer the example for external command via DIx showed next in the Figure 12.1 on page 12-1.
24 V
DIx - Open
Run/Stop Time
24 V
2 ramp DIx
nd Open
P0102 P0103
P0100 P0101
Motor speed
Figure 12.1: Second ramp actuation
CFW700 | 12-1
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
In this example, the commutation to the 2nd ramp (P0102 or P0103) is done by means of one of the digital inputs
from DI1 to DI8, provided that it had been programmed for 2nd ramp function (refer to item 13.1.3 Digital Inputs
on page 13-9, for more details).
This parameter allows that the acceleration and deceleration ramps have a nonlinear profile, similar to an “S”,
as showed in the next.
S ramp
t (s)
It defines the source of the command that will select between the Ramp 1 and the Ramp 2.
“Ramp 1” means that the acceleration and deceleration ramps are following the values programmed in
P0100 and P0101.
“ Ramp 2” means that the acceleration and deceleration ramps are following the values programmed in P0102
and P0103.
12-2 | CFW700
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
I t is possible to monitor the set of ramps being used in a defined moment at the parameter P0680 (Logical
This parameter group makes it possible that the reference values for the motor speed and for the functions JOG,
JOG+ and JOG- be established. It is also possible to define if the reference value will be kept when the inverter is
switched off or disabled. For more details refer to the Figure 13.7 on page 13-27 and Figure 13.8 on page 13-28.
This parameter defines if the speed reference backup function is active or inactive.
If P0120 = Inactive, then the inverter will not save the speed reference when it is disabled. Thus, when the
inverter is enabled again the speed reference will assume the value of the minimum speed limit (P0133).
This backup function applies to the references via keypad (HMI), Serial, CANopen/DeviceNet.
When the and HMI keys are active (P0221 or P0222 = 0), this parameter sets the value of the motor
speed reference.
The value of P0121 will be kept with the last adjusted value when the inverter is disabled or powered off,
provided that the parameter P0120 is configured as Active (1).
During the JOG command the motor accelerates up to the value defined in P0122 following the adjusted
acceleration ramp.
The source of the JOG command is defined in the parameters P0225 (Local Situation) or P0228 (Remote
CFW700 | 12-3
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
If the JOG command source has been defined for the digital inputs (DI1 to DI8), one of these inputs must be
programmed as presented in the Table 12.1 on page 12-4.
12 Description:
The JOG+ or JOG- commands are always carried out via digital inputs.
One DIx input must be programmed for JOG+ and another for JOG- as presented in the Table 12.2 on page
12-4 next:
Table 12.2: Selection of the JOG+ and JOG- commands via digital inputs
Digital Input
DI1 P0263 = 10 P0263 = 11
DI2 P0264 = 10 P0264 = 11
DI3 P0265 = 10 P0265 = 11
DI4 P0266 = 10 P0266 = 11
DI5 P0267 = 10 P0267 = 11
DI6 P0268 = 10 P0268 = 11
DI7 P0269 = 10 P0269 = 11
DI8 P0270 = 10 P0270 = 11
During the JOG+ or JOG- commands the values of P0122 and P0123 are, respectively, added or subtracted
from the speed reference to generate the total reference (refer to the Figure 13.7 on page 13-27).
12-4 | CFW700
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
The parameters of this group have the purpose of acting as motor speed limits.
This parameter sets the highest speed allowed for the motor to operate, and must be adjusted as a percentage
of the maximum speed limit (P0134).
When the actual speed exceeds the value of P0134 + P0132 longer than 20 ms, the CFW700 will disable the
PWM pulses and indicate the fault (F0150).
They define the maximum/minimum values for the motor speed reference when the inverter is enabled. They
are valid for any type of reference signal. For details on the actuation of P0133, refer to the parameter P0230
(Dead Zone of the Analog Inputs).
CFW700 | 12-5
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
Output speed
-10 V
+10 V reference
Output speed
0 reference
0.......................100 %
0......................... 10 V
0...................... 20 mA
4 mA................... 20 mA
10 V.............................0
20 mA.........................0
20 mA....................4 mA
Figure 12.3: Speed limits considering the “Dead Zone” active (P0230 = 1)
This function allows the configuration of a speed in which the inverter will enter a stop condition (general disable).
When on (N* and N), it disables the inverter after the speed reference (N*) and the actual speed (N) become
lower than the value adjusted in the parameter P0291 ± 1 % of the motor rated speed (hysteresis).
When on (N*), it disables the inverter after the speed reference (N*) becomes lower than the value adjusted in
parameter P0291 ± 1 % of the motor rated speed (hysteresis).
The inverter is enabled again when one of the conditions defined by the parameter P0218 is satisfied.
Be careful when approaching the motor while it is in the disable condition. It may get back to operation
at any moment because of the process conditions. In case you want to handle or perform any type
of maintenance, remove power from the inverter.
12-6 | CFW700
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
It specifies if the condition to leave the zero speed disable will be only the speed reference or also the actual
Inverter Leaves the Condition of Disable by N = 0
(P0217 = 1)
P0001 (N*) > P0291 or
P0002 (N) > P0291
1 P0001 (N*) > P0291
In order the inverter can exit the blocked condition when the PID Regulator application is active and in Auto
mode, besides the programming at P0218, it is necessary that the PID error (the difference between the setpoint
and the process variable) is greater than the value set in P1028. Refer to the chapter 19 APPLICATIONS on
page 19-1, for more details.
If P0219 > 0, the function will be configured with timing, and the counting of the time adjusted in this parameter
will be initiated after the Speed Reference and the Actual Motor Speed become lower than the value adjusted
in P0291. When the counting reaches the time defined in P0219, the inverter will be disabled. If during the time
counting any of the conditions that cause the zero speed disable ceases being fulfilled, then the time counting
will be reset and the inverter continues enabled.
Refer to item 13.1.4 Digital Outputs/Relays on page 13-14, for more details.
The FLYING START function allows starting a motor that is spinning freely, accelerating it from the speed it is found.
The other function, RIDE-THROUGH, allows the recovery of the inverter, without being disabled by undervoltage,
when a failure in the voltage supply occurs.
Since these functions work in different manners depending on the used control mode (V/f, V V W or Vector), they
will be described in full detail next, for each one of the modes.
CFW700 | 12-7
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
The parameter P0320 selects the functions Flying Start and Ride-Through use. More details in the subsequent
In the V/f or V V W modes, the inverter imposes a fixed frequency at the start, defined by the speed reference, and
applies a voltage ramp defined at the parameter P0331. The Flying Start function will be activated after the time
adjusted in P0332 elapses (to allow the motor demagnetization), every time a “Run” command is driven. P0202 = 4
The behavior of the Flying Start function (FS) in the sensorless mode during acceleration and reacceleration can
be understood from the Figure 12.4 on page 12-10.
The Figure 12.4 on page 12-10 shows the behavior of the speed reference when the FS function is started with
stopped motor shaft and small P0329 value (not optimized).
Operation analysis:
1. The frequency correspondent to the P0134 adjustment is applied, with approximately the motor nominal current
12 (I/f control).
2. The frequency is reduced down to zero using the ramp given by: P0329 x P0412.
3. If the speed is not found during this frequency scan, a new scan in the opposite speed direction is initiated, in
which the frequency goes from -P0134 to zero. After this second scan the FS is finished and the control mode
changes to vector sensorless.
The Figure 12.4 on page 12-10 shows the speed reference when the FS function is initiated with the motor shaft
already running in the desired direction, or with stopped shaft and an already optimized P0329.
Operation analysis:
1. The frequency correspondent to the P0134 adjustment is applied, with approximately the motor nominal current.
2. The frequency is reduced using the ramp given by: P0329 x P0412 until reaching the motor speed.
In order that the motor speed is found in the first scan, proceed with the P0329 setting in the following
1. Increase P0329 using 1.0 steps.
2. Enable the inverter and observe the motor shaft movement during the FS process.
3. If the shaft rotates in both directions, stop the motor and repeat the steps 1 and 2.
12-8 | CFW700
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
The used parameters are P0327 to P0329 and the not used ones are P0182, P0331 and P0332.
When the general enable command is activated, the motor magnetization will not occur.
For a better performance of the function, the activation of the braking without losses is recommended
by setting the parameter P0185 according to the Table 11.8 on page 11-24.
It defines the time for the I/f current to change from 0 to the level used in the frequency sweep (f). It is determined
by: P0327 = P0412/8.
It establishes the time of permanence in the condition that indicates that the speed of the motor was found. It
is defined by: P0328 = (P0412/8 + 0.015 s).
It defines the rate of frequency variation used in the motor speed search.
CFW700 | 12-9
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
General Enable (with Run/Stop = ON) or Run/Stop (with General Enable = ON)
H. Geral (c/ G/P=ON) ou G/P( c/ HG=ON)
24 v V
(b) n*
n* I/f
I/f Vector
N P134
1s 2xP412
(c) n*
n* I/fI/f Vetorial
N P0329xP0412
4xP0412 1s1s
P0003 P0327
II == 0.9
12 (d)
Figure 12.4: (a) to (d) Influence of P0327 and P0329 during Flying Start (P0202 = 4)
If it is wished to deactivate momentarily the Flying Start function, one can program one of the digital inputs
P0263 to P0270 as 15 (Disab. FlyStart). Refer to item 13.1.3 Digital Inputs on page 13-9. P0202 = 5
During the time period when the motor is being magnetized, the identification of the motor speed occurs. Once the
magnetization is finished, the motor will be operated starting from that speed until reaching the speed reference
indicated in P0001.
The parameters P0327 to P0329, P0331 and P0332 are not used.
The Ride-Through function in the V/f mode will disable the output pulses (IGBT) of the inverter as soon as the input
voltage reaches a value below the undervoltage level. The undervoltage fault (F0021) does not occur and the DC
link voltage will decrease slowly until the line voltage returns.
If the line takes too long to return (more than 2 seconds), the inverter may indicate F0021 (DC link undervoltage).
If the line voltage returns before a fault, the inverter will enable the pulses again, imposing the speed reference
instantaneously (as in the Flying Start function) and applying a voltage ramp with the time defined by P0331. Refer
to the Figure 12.5 on page 12-11.
12-10 | CFW700
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
Line returns
Line returns
F0021 level
F0021 level
Output pulses
Output pulses
P0331 P0332 Time adjusted in
Output voltage
0V Output voltage
Output speed 0V
Output speed
0 rpm (P0002)
0 rpm
(a) with the line returning before the time adjusted in P0332 (b) with the line returning after the time adjusted in P0332,
but before 2 s (for P0332 ≤ 1 s), or before 2 x P0332
(for P0332 > 1 s)
Figure 12.5: (a) and (b) Ride-Through actuation in V/f or V V W modes
The actuation of the Ride-Through function can be visualized at the outputs DO1/RL1, DO2, DO3, DO4 and/or
DO5 (P0275 to P0279), provided that they have been programmed in “22 = Ride-Through”.
This parameter sets the necessary time for the output voltage to reach the rated voltage value.
It is used by the Flying Start function as well as by the Ride-Through function (both in V/f or V V W modes),
together with the parameter P0332.
The parameter P0332 sets the minimum time that the inverter will wait to activate the motor again, which is
necessary for the motor demagnetization.
In the Ride-Through function case, the time is counted starting from the line drop. However in the Flying Start
function actuation, the counting begins after the “Run/Stop = Run” command is given.
CFW700 | 12-11
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
For the correct operation, this time must be adjusted to twice the motor rotor constant (see table available at
P0412 in item 11.8.5 Self-Tuning on page 11-18).
Different from the V/f and V V W modes, in the vector mode the Ride-Through function tries to regulate the DC link
voltage during the line failure. The energy necessary to keep the aggregate working is obtained from the motor
kinetic energy (inertia) by means of its deceleration. Thus, at the line return the motor is reaccelerated to the speed
defined by the reference.
After the line failure (t0), the DC link voltage (Ud) starts diminishing according to a rate depending on the motor load
condition, being able to reach the undervoltage level (t2) if the Ride-Through function is not working. The typical
necessary time for this to occur, with rated load, is from a magnitude of 5 to 15 ms.
With the Ride-Through function active, the line loss is detected when the Ud voltage reaches a value below the
“DC Link Power Loss” value (t1), defined at the parameter P0321. The inverter initiates a controlled deceleration of
the motor immediately, regenerating energy to the DC link in order to keep the motor operating with the Ud voltage
regulated at the value “DC Link Ride-Through” (P0322).
In case that the line does not return, the aggregate remains in this condition the longest possible time (depends on
the energetic balance) until undervoltage (F0021 in t5) occurs. If the line returns before the undervoltage occurrence
(t3), the inverter will detect its return when the Ud voltage reaches the “DC Link Power Back” (t4) level, defined at
the parameter P0323. The motor is then reaccelerated, following the adjusted ramp, from the actual speed value
to the value defined by the speed reference (P0001) (refer to the Figure 12.6 on page 12-12).
Return (P0323)
Loss (P0321)
Ride-Through (P0322)
Undervoltage (75 %) F0021
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
t 0 – line loss.
t1 – line loss detection.
t2 – undervoltage actuation (F0021 without Ride-Through).
t3 – line return.
t4 – line return detection.
t5 – undervoltage actuation (F0021 with Ride-Through).
If the line voltage produces an Ud voltage between the values adjusted in P0322 and P0323, the fault F0150 may
occur, the values of P0321, P0322 and P0323 must be readjusted.
When one of the functions, Ride-Through or Flying Start, is activated, the parameter P0357 (Line
Phase Loss Time) is ignored, regardless of the adjusted time.
12-12 | CFW700
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
All the drive components must be dimensioned so as to withstand the transitory conditions of the
The Ride-Through function activation occurs when the power supply voltage is lower than the value
(P0321/1.35). Ud = Vac x 1.35
P0321 - defines the Ud voltage level under which the line loss will be detected.
P0322 - defines the Ud voltage level that the inverter will try to keep regulated, so that the motor keeps operating.
P0323 - defines the Ud voltage level at which the inverter will identify the return of the line, and from where
the motor must be reaccelerated.
CFW700 | 12-13
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
These parameters work together with the parameters P0325 and P0326 for the Ride-Through in
vector control.
These parameters configure the vector mode Ride-Through PI controller, which is responsible for keeping the
DC link voltage at the level set in P0322.
R.T. regulator
Normally the factory settings for P0325 and P0326 are adequate for the majority of the applications. Do not
change these parameters.
The DC Braking on the start and/or stop will not be active if P0202 = 5 (Vector with Encoder mode).
The DC Braking at start does not act when the Flying Start function is active (P0320 = 1 or 2).
The DC Braking consists in the application of direct current to the motor, allowing its fast stopping.
12-14 | CFW700
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
This parameter sets the DC braking time at starting.
Motor speed
(V/f, V V W )/(Sensorless)
DC braking
This parameter sets the DC braking time at stopping.
The Figure 12.9 on page 12-16 presents the DC braking operation via ramp disabling (refer to P0301).
CFW700 | 12-15
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
+24 V
DIx - Run/
DC current
+24 V
DIx - Run/
Figure 12.9: (a) and (b) DC braking operation at the ramp disabling (via ramp disable)
The Figure 12.10 on page 12-16 presents the DC braking operation via general disabling. This condition does only
work in the V/f scalar mode.
12 Motor speed
Dead Time
+24 V
DIx - General
For the V/f scalar control mode there is a “dead time” (motor rotates free), before starting the DC braking. This
time is necessary to the demagnetization of the motor and it is proportional to its speed.
During the DC braking the inverter indicates the “RUN” status at the keypad (HMI).
During the braking process, if the inverter is enabled, the braking is interrupted and the inverter will operate
normally again.
12-16 | CFW700
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
The DC braking may continue active after the motor has already stopped. Be careful with the motor
thermal sizing for short period cyclic braking.
This parameter establishes the beginning point for the DC braking application at stopping. Refer to the Figure
12.9 on page 12-16.
This parameter adjusts the DC voltage (braking torque) applied to the motor during the braking.
The adjustment must be done by increasing gradually the P0302 value, which varies from 0 to 10 % of the rated
voltage, until getting the desired braking.
This parameter works only for the V/f scalar and V V W control modes.
This parameter adjusts the current level (DC braking torque) applied to the motor during the braking.
CFW700 | 12-17
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
The parameters of this group prevent the motor from operating permanently at speed values where, for instance,
the mechanic system enters in resonance (causing exaggerated vibration or noise).
This actuation of these parameters occurs as presented in the Figure 12.11 on page 12-18 next.
The passage through the avoided speed range (2xP0306) takes place by means of the acceleration/deceleration
The function does not operate properly if two bands of “Skip Speed” overlap.
Motor speed
2 x P0306
P0304 2 x P0306
12-18 | CFW700
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
The zero search function attempts to synchronize the minimum counting or the maximum counting visualized in
the parameter P0039 - Encoder Pulse Counter, with the pulse of zero of the encoder.
The function is activated by setting P0191 = 1. It will just be executed once, when happening the first zero pulse
after the activation of the function.
Among the actions accomplished are: the parameter P0039 is reduced to zero (or fitting with the value of 4 x P0405),
and the parameter P0192 starts to indicate P0192 = completed.
On the inverter initialization, the parameter P0191 starts on zero. By setting to one, it activates the operation of
the zero search function, while the parameter P0192 stays on zero (Inactive).
Description: 12
On the inverter initialization, this parameter starts on zero.
When the value is changed to 1 (Finished), it indicates that the zero search function was executed, and this
function returns to the state of Inactive, although P0191 continues equal to one (Active).
CFW700 | 12-19
Functions Common to all the Control Modes
12-20 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
Two analog inputs (AI1 and AI2) are available in the CFW700 standard configuration.
With those inputs it is possible, for instance, the use of an external speed reference or the connection of a sensor for
the temperature measurement (PTC). The details for those configurations are described in the following parameters.
These read only parameters indicate the value of the analog inputs AI1 and AI2, as a percentage of the full scale.
The indicated values are the ones obtained after the offset action and the multiplication by the gain. Refer to the
description of the parameters P0230 to P0240.
This parameter acts only for the analog inputs (AIx) programmed as speed reference, and it defines if the Dead
Zone at those inputs is Active (1) or Inactive (0).
If the parameter is configured as Inactive (P0230 = 0), the signal at the analog input will work on the Speed
Reference starting from the minimum value (0 V / 0 mA / 4 mA or 10 V / 20 mA), and will be directly related to
the minimum speed programmed at P0133. Refer to the Figure 13.1 on page 13-2.
If the parameter is configured as Active (P0230 = 1), the signal at the analog inputs will have a Dead Zone, where
the Speed Reference remains in the minimum value (P0133), even with the variation of the input signal. Refer to
the Figure 13.1 on page 13-2.
CFW700 | 13-1
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
Reference Reference
P0134 P0134
P0133 P0133
Figure 13.1: (a) and (b) Analog input actuation with dead zone
In case that the analog inputs AI1 and AI2 are programmed for -10 V to +10 V (P0233 and P0238 configured in
4), there will be curves identical to those of the Figure 13.1 on page 13-2 above; only when AI1 or AI2 is negative
the speed direction will be inverted.
The functions of the analog inputs are defined in those parameters.
When the option 0 (Speed Reference) is selected, the analog inputs are able to supply the reference for the
motor, subject to the specified limits (P0133 and P0134) and to the ramp action (P0100 to P0103). Therefore,
it is also necessary to configure the parameters P0221 and/or P0222, selecting the use of the desired analog
input. For more details refer to the description of those parameters in the section 13.2 LOCAL AND REMOTE
COMMAND on page 13-23, and to the Figure 13.7 on page 13-27 in this manual.
The option 1 (No Ramp Reference – valid only for the vector mode) is used generally as an additional
reference signal, for instance in applications using a dancer. Refer to the Figure 13.7 on page 13-27, option
without acceleration and deceleration ramp.
13-2 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
The option 2 (Maximum Torque Current) makes it possible that the Forward and Reverse torque current
limit control be done by means of the selected analog input. In this case P0169 and P0170 are not used.
The adjustment done at the analog input AI1 or AI2 can be monitored via parameters P0018 or P0019
respectively. The value presented at this parameter will be the maximum torque current expressed as a
percentage of the motor rated current (P0401). The indication range will be from 0...200 %. When the analog
input is equal to 10 V (maximum), the corresponding monitoring parameter will show 200 %, and the value
of the maximum Forward and Reverse torque current will be 200 %. In order that the expressions which
determine the total current and the maximum torque developed by the motor (section 11.5 TORQUE CONTROL
on page 11-6, and item 11.8.6 Torque Current Limitation on page 11-22) remain valid, replace P0169, P0170
by P0018 or P0019.
The option 3 (SoftPLC) sets the input to be used by the programming done in the SoftPLC reserved memory
area. Refer to the SoftPLC manual for more details.
The option 4 (PTC) configures the input for motor temperature monitoring by means of a PTC type sensor,
when it is present in the motor. Therefore it is also necessary to configure one analog output (AO) as a
current source for feeding the PTC. More details of this function are described in the section 15.2 MOTOR
The options 5 to 12 (Application Function) sets the input to be used by the applications. For more details,
refer to chapter 19 APPLICATIONS on page 19-1.
CFW700 | 13-3
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
AI1’ - P0018
AI1 - P0232 AI2’ - P0019
AI2 - P0237
AI1 - P0231 GAIN
AI2 - P0236 AIx'
Alx' = 5 + (-70) x 10 V x 1 = -2 V
AIx’ = -2 V means that the motor will rotate in the reverse direction with a reference in module equal to 2 V,
provided that the AIx function is “Speed Reference”. For the AIx function “Maximum Torque Current”, negative
values are clipped at 0.0 %.
For the filter parameters (P0235 and P0240), the adjusted value corresponds to the RC constant used for
filtering the signal read at the input.
13 Adjustable 0 = 0 to 10 V / 20 mA Factory 0
Range: 1 = 4 to 20 mA Setting:
2 = 10 V / 20 mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
4 = -10 V to 10 V
Properties: cfg
Access Groups I/O
via HMI:
These parameters configure the signal type (if it is current or voltage) that will be read at each analog input, as
well as its range. Refer to the Table 13.1 on page 13-4 and Table 13.2 on page 13-5 for more details on this
13-4 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
When current signals are used at the input, the switch corresponding to the desired input must be set in the
“ON” position.
Inverse reference is obtained with the options 2 and 3, i.e., maximum speed is obtained with minimum reference.
In the CFW700 standard configuration are available 2 analog outputs (AO1 and AO2). The parameters related to
those outputs are described next.
Those read only parameters indicate the value of the analog outputs AO1 and AO2, as a percentage of the full
scale. The indicated values are those obtained after the multiplication by the gain. Refer to the description of
the parameters P0251 to P0256.
CFW700 | 13-5
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
These parameters set the functions of the analog outputs.
P0252 – AO1 Gain
They adjust the analog output gains. Refer to the Figure 13.3 on page 13-7.
13-6 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
AO1 – P0251
AO2 – P0254
Speed reference
Total reference
Real speed
Torque current
Output current
Active current
Output power
Torque current > 0 AO1 – P0014
AO2 – P0015
Motor torque
Gain Signal
AO1 – P0252 AO1 – P0253 AOx
Motor Ixt AO2 – P0255 AO2 – P0256
Encoder speed
P0696 value
P0697 value
Id* current
Application function 1
Application function 2
Application function 3
Application function 4
Application function 5
Application function 6
Application function 7
Application function 8
CFW700 | 13-7
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
Adjustable 0 = 0 to 10 V / 20 mA Factory 0
Range: 1 = 4 to 20 mA Setting:
2 = 10 V / 20 mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
Properties: cfg
Access Groups I/O
via HMI:
These parameters configure if the analog output signal will be in current or voltage, with direct or inverse
In order to adjust these parameters, it is also necessary to set the “DIP switches” of the control board according
to the Table 13.4 on page 13-8 and Table 13.5 on page 13-8.
Table 13.5: Configuration of the analog outputs AO1 and AO2 signals
For AO1 and AO2, when current signals are used, the switch corresponding to the desired output must be set in
the “OFF” position.
13-8 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
The CFW700 has 8 digital inputs in the standard version. The parameters that configure those inputs are presented
By means of this parameter it is possible to visualize the status of the 8 control board digital inputs (DI1 to DI8).
The indication is done by means of an hexadecimal code which, when converted to binary, will represent, by the
numbers 1 and 0, respectively, the "Active" and "Inactive" status of the digital inputs. The status of each input is
considered as one binary digit in the sequence, where DI1 represents the least significant digit.
Example: If the code presented for the parameter P0012 on the keypad (HMI) is 00A5h, it will correspond to
the sequence 10100101, indicating that the inputs DI8, DI6, DI3 and DI1 are active, as shown in Table 13.6 on
page 13-9.
Table 13.6: Example of correspondence between the P0012 hexadecimal and binary codes and the DIx status
0 0 A 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
Without relation to DIx
Active Inactive Active Inactive Inactive Active Inactive Active
(always zero)
(+24 V) (0 V) (+24 V) (0 V) (0 V) (+24 V) (0 V) (+24 V)
CFW700 | 13-9
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
Those parameters make it possible to configure the functions of the digital inputs, according to the listed range.
Some notes regarding the Digital Input functions are presented next.
13-10 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
un/Stop: in order to assure the correct operation of this function, it is necessary to program P0224 and/or
P0227 in 1.
Local/Remote: when programmed, this function activates “Local” when 0 V is applied to the input, and
“Remote” when +24 V are applied. It is also necessary to program P0220 = 4 (DIx).
Speed/Torque: this function is valid for P0202 = 4 or 5 (Sensorless Vector Control or Vector with Encoder),
and “Speed” is selected with 0 V applied to the input, whereas “Torque” by applying 24 V.
When Torque is selected, the speed regulator parameters P0161 and P0162 become inactive (*). Thus the
Total Reference becomes the Torque Regulator input. Refer to the Figure 11.1 on page 11-2 and Figure 11.2
on page 11-3.
(*) The speed regulator of the PID type is converted into a P type, with proportional gain 1.00 and a null integral
When Speed is selected, the gains of the speed regulator become again defined by P0161 and P0162. In the
applications with torque control it is recommended to follow the method described at the parameter P0160.
DC Link Regulation: it must be used when P0184 = 2. For more details, refer to this parameter description
in item 11.8.8 DC Link Regulator on page 11-23, of this manual.
JOG+ and JOG-: those are functions valid only for P0202 = 5 or 4.
isables Flying Start: it is valid for P0202 ≠ 5. By applying +24 V to the digital input programmed for this
purpose, the Flying Start function is disabled. By applying 0 V, the Flying Start function is enabled again, provided
that P0320 be equal to 1 or 2. Refer to the section 12.5 FLYING START/RIDE-THROUGH on page 12-7.
Load User 1: this function allows the selection of the user memory 1, in a similar process than P0204 = 7,
with the difference that the user memory is loaded from a transition of the DIx programmed for this function.
When the state of the DIx changes from low level to high level (transition from 0 V to 24 V), the user memory 1
is loaded, provided that the contents of the inverter actual parameters had been previously transferred to the
parameter memory 1 (P0204 = 9).
P0263 to P0270
(DIx) = 18 DIx = 24 V 13
User 1
DIx = 24 V DIx = 0 V
P0204 = 9
P0204 = 10 DIx = 0 V
User 2
P0263 to P0270 (DIx) = 19
Figure 13.4: Details on the working of the Load User 1 or 2 function
oad User 2: this function allows the selection of the user memory 2, in a similar process than P0204 = 8,
with the difference that the user memory is loaded from a transition of the DIx programmed for this function.
When the state of the DIx changes from low level to high level (transition from 0 V to 24 V), the user memory 2
is loaded, provided that the contents of the inverter actual parameters had been previously transferred to the
parameter memory 2 (P0204 = 10).
Make sure that when using those functions the parameter sets (user memory 1, 2) be totally compatible
with the application (motors, Run/Stop commands, etc.).
It will not be possible to load the user memory with the inverter enabled.
If two parameter sets from different motors were saved in the user memories 1 and 2, the correct
current values must be adjusted at the parameters P0156, P0157 and P0158 for each user memory.
CFW700 | 13-11
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
Parametrization Blocking: when this function is programmed and the digital input is with +24 V, parameter
changes will not be allowed, regardless of the values set at P0000 and P0200. When the DIx input is with 0 V,
the parameter changes will be conditioned to the P0000 and P0200 settings.
No External Alarm: this function will indicate “External Alarm” (A0090) on the keypad (HMI) display when
the programmed digital input is open (0 V). If +24 V is applied to the input, the alarm message will disappear
automatically from the keypad (HMI) display. The motor keeps working normally, regardless of the state of
that input.
Application Function: sets the input to be used by the applications. For more details, refer to chapter
19 APPLICATIONS on page 19-1.
24 V
DIx - Open
Run/Stop Time
Motor decelerates
Motor speed with ramp zero
24 V
DIx - ramp 2 Open
24 V
P0102 P0103
P0100 P0101
Motor speed DIx - Fast stop Open
Time Time
13-12 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
24 V 24 V
Load user 1
DIx Open Load user 2
Time Open
24 V Load user 2 Time
DIx Open
(h) JOG
JOG speed (P0122)
Motor speed
Aceleration ramp
Deceleration ramp
24 V Time
24 V
24 V Time
General Enable
Motor speed
24 V Time
DIx - JOG ±
24 V Time
General Enable
General Enable
Run/Stop Run/Stop Open Open
CFW700 | 13-13
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
With fault
status Without fault (*)
24 V
24 V
(*) The condition that caused the error persists. Time
Figure 13.5: (a) to (j) Details on the operation of the digital input functions
The CFW700 has one digital output relay and 4 open collector outputs available in the control board as standard.
The next parameters configure the functions related to those outputs.
By means of this parameter it is possible to visualize the status of the control board 5 digital outputs (DO1 to DO5).
13 The indication is done by means of an hexadecimal code which, when converted to binary, will represent, by the
numbers 1 and 0, respectively, the "Active" and "Inactive" status of the digital outputs. The status of each output
is considered as one binary digit in the sequence, where DO1 represents the least significant digit.
Example: If the code presented for the parameter P0013 on the keypad (HMI) is 001Ch, it will correspond to
the sequence 00011100, indicating that the outputs DO5, DO4 and DO3 are active, as shown in Table 13.7 on
page 13-14.
Table 13.7: Example of correspondence between the P0013 hexadecimal and binary codes and the DOx status
0 0 1 C
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
No relation with the DOx No relation with the DOx
Active Active Active Inactive Inactive
(always zero) (always zero)
(+24 V) (+24 V) (+24 V) (0 V) (0 V)
13-14 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
CFW700 | 13-15
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
They program the functions of the digital outputs, according to the options presented previously.
When the condition declared by the function is true, the digital output will be activated.
Example: Is>Ix function – when Is>Ix then DOx = saturated transistor and/or relay with the coil energized, and
when Is≤Ix then DOx = open transistor and/or relay with the coil not energized.
Some notes regarding the Digital and Relay Outputs are presented next.
Not Used: it means that the digital outputs will remain always in a resting state, i.e., DOx = open transistor
and/or relay with the coil not energized.
Zero Speed: it means that the motor speed is below the value adjusted in P0291 (Zero Speed).
Torque > Tx and Torque < Tx: they are valid only for P0202 = 5 or 4 (Vector Control). In those functions
“Torque” corresponds to the motor torque as indicated at parameter P0009.
Remote: it means that the inverter is operating in Remote situation.
un: it corresponds to enabled inverter. In this moment the IGBTs are commutating, and the motor may be
at any speed, including zero.
No Fault: it means that the inverter is not disabled by any type of fault.
No F0070: it means that the inverter is not disabled by the F0070 fault (Overcurrent or Short-circuit).
No F0071: it means that the inverter is not disabled by the F0071 fault (Output Overcurrent).
o F0006+F0021+F0022: it means that the inverter is not disabled by the F0006 fault (Input Voltage Imbalance
or Phase Loss), neither by F0021 (DC Link Undervoltage), nor by F0022 (DC Link Overvoltage).
No F0051: it means that the inverter is not disabled by the F0051 fault (IGBT Overtemperature).
No F0072: it means that the inverter is not disabled by the F0072 fault (Motor Overload).
- 20 mA OK: it means that the current reference (4 to 20 mA) at the analog inputs AIx is inside the 4 to 20 mA
0695 Value: it means that the state of the digital output will be controlled by P0695, which is written via the
network. Refer to the CFW700 Serial communication manual for more details on this parameter.
orward: it means that when the motor is rotating in the forward direction the DOx = saturated transistor
and/or relay with the coil energized, and when the motor is rotating in the reverse direction, the DOx = open
transistor and/or relay with the coil not energized.
Pre-charge OK: it means that the DC Link voltage is above the pre-charge voltage level.
> Nx and Nt > Nx: (valid only for P0202 = 5 – Vector with Encoder) it means that both the conditions
must be satisfied so that DOx = saturated transistor and/or relay with the coil energized. In other words, it
is enough that the condition N>Nx be not satisfied (regardless of the Nt>Nx condition) so that DOx = open
transistor and/or relay with the coil not energized.
13-16 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
oftPLC: it means that the digital output state will be controlled by the programming done in the memory area
reserved to the SoftPLC function. Refer to the SoftPLC manual for more details.
No F0160: it signalizes that the inverter is not disabled by F0160 fault (Safety Stop Relay).
o Fault and No Alarm: it means that the inverter is not disabled by any type of fault and it is not in alarm
N* P0287
Nx (P0288)
Nx (P0288)
P0287 Time
Transistor Relay/
OFF OFF Transistor OFF OFF
(c) N < Ny (d) N = N*
P0287 N* N
Ny (P0289)
P0287 Time
Transistor ON Relay/
Transistor OFF OFF
CFW700 | 13-17
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
Speed P0291 Ix (P0290)
Transistor OFF OFF
Is Motor torque
Ix (P0290) Tx (P0293)
Time Time
Relay/ Relay/
Transistor OFF Transistor OFF OFF
Motor torque
No fault
Tx (P0293)
Time Fault
ON ON Relay/
Relay/ Transistor
Transistor ON
(k) Fault (l) 4-20 mA Reference OK
No fault
Fault Reference 2 mA
Time Time
13-18 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
Pre-charge Hx (P0294)
level Time
0 Enable
Relay/ hours.
Transistor (P0043) Relay/
Nt N P0281 + P0282
Nx (P0288) Fx (P0281)
P0281 - P0282
Transistor OFF Relay OFF
No alarm
Fx (P0281)
P0281 -P0282
Transistor 13
Relay/ ON
Transistor OFF OFF OFF
Figure 13.6: (a) to (r) Details on the operation of the digital and relay output functions
P0281 – Fx Frequency
It is used in the digital output and relay functions:
CFW700 | 13-19
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
P0282 – Fx Hysteresis
It is used in the digital output and relay functions:
It is used in the N > Nx and N < Ny functions of the digital and relay outputs.
P0288 – Nx Speed
P0289 – Ny Speed
They are used in the N* > Nx, N > Nx, and N < Ny functions of the digital and relay outputs.
P0290 – Ix Current
It is used in the Is > Ix and Is < Ix functions of the digital and relay outputs.
13-20 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
It specifies the value in rpm below which the actual speed will be considered null for the Zero Speed Disable
This parameter is also used by the functions of the digital and relay outputs.
P0292 – N = N* Band
It is used in the N = N* function of the digital and relay outputs.
P0293 – Tx Torque
Description: 13
It is used in the Torque > Tx and Torque < Tx functions of the digital and relay outputs.
In those functions the motor torque indicated in P0009 is compared with the value adjusted in P0293.
The setting of this parameter is expressed as a percentage of the motor rated current (P0401 = 100 %).
P0294 – Hx Time
It is used in the Enabled Hours > Hx function of the digital and relay outputs.
CFW700 | 13-21
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
A Frequency Input is a Digital Input (DIx) able to receive a pulsed signal within a preset frequency range with 10 bit
resolution. This signal can be used by a SoftPLC application. Parameter P0246 defines if the function is inactive
and, if active, which digital input (DI3 or DI4) is selected to receive the signal frequency. When the function is active,
the DI3/DI4 will not perform the function set in P0265/P0266. The parameter P0022 indicates the value read from
the digital input in Hz. The operating range is between 3.0 Hz and 6500.0 Hz.
Frequency input value in Hertz (Hz).
The correction of P0022 values outside of the range (3.0 to 6500.0 Hz) is not guaranteed.
This parameter sets the operation of the Frequency Input function.
13-22 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
It defines the origin of the command that will select between the LOCAL situation and the REMOTE situation,
LOCAL: means Local Default situation.
They define the origin of the Speed Reference in the LOCAL situation and in the REMOTE situation.
The AIx’ designation refers to the analog signal obtained after the addition of the AIx input to the offset and
its multiplication by the applied gain (refer to item 13.1.1 Analog Inputs on page 13-1).
The value of the reference adjusted with the and is contained in the parameter P0121.
CFW700 | 13-23
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
They define the origin of the “Speed Direction” command in the LOCAL situation and in the REMOTE situation,
They define the origin of the Run/Stop command in the LOCAL situation and in the REMOTE situation.
13-24 | CFW700
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
They define the source for the JOG command in the LOCAL and REMOTE situation.
The JOG command will only be active if the General Enable command is active, that is, if the inverter
is disabled by a General Disable or Coast to Stop command (P0229 = 1), JOG commands will be
ignored. See Figure 13.5 on page 13-14.
P0229 Description
0 = Ramp to Stop The inverter will apply the ramp programmed P0101 and/or P0103.
1 = Coast to Stop The motor will run free until stopping.
The inverter will apply a null ramp (time = 0.0 second), in order to stop the motor in the
2 = Fast Stop
shortest possible time.
The inverter will apply the deceleration ramp programmed in P0101 or P0103, and will
3 = By Ramp with Iq* reset
reset the torque current reference.
The inverter will apply a null ramp (time = 0.0 second), in order to stop the motor in the
4 = Fast Stop with Iq* reset
shortest possible time, and will reset the torque current reference.
When the control modes V/f or V V W are selected, the use of the option 2 (Fast Stop) is not
CFW700 | 13-25
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
When the Coast to Stop mode, is programmed and the Flying Start function is not enabled, then
start the motor again only if it is standing still.
Options 3 and 4 will operate only with P0202 = 5.
The difference in behavior, compared to the options 0 and 2, is in the torque current reference (Iq*)
reset. This reset occurs during the inverter state transition from Run to Ready, after executing a
Stop command. The purpose of the options 3 and 4 is to avoid that a high current reference value
is stored in the speed regulator when, for instance, using a mechanical brake to stop the motor
shaft before its speed is null.
13-26 | CFW700
P0232 P0018
P0231 = 1 - Ref. after ramp (P0231 = no ramp reference) (*)
P0237 P0019
P0236 = 1 - Ref. after ramp (P0236 = no ramp reference) (*)
FWD/REV P0102-Acceleration
(Speed direction) P0239 P0103-Deceleration
P0134 = Maximum 2a
OFFSET: reference
P0163 - LOC P0133 = Minimum
P0164 - REM reference
P0133 Acceleration/ + +
Deceleration time 2 Total
-1 reference
Commands Acceleration/
P0133 P0001
and Deceleration time + -
Reference P0134
JOG+ (*)
JOG P0122
JOG- (*)
CFW700 | 13-27
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs
(P0223) LOCAL/REMOTE Selection
JOG (P0225)
RUN/STOP (P0227)
JOG (P0228)
13-28 | CFW700
Dynamic Braking
The braking torque that can be obtained through the application of frequency inverters without dynamic braking
resistors varies from 10 % to 35 % of the motor rated torque.
In order to obtain higher braking torques, resistors for dynamic braking are used. In this case the regenerated
energy is dissipated on the resistor mounted externally to the inverter.
This type of braking is used in the cases when short deceleration times are wished or when high inertia loads
are driven.
For the vector control mode there is the possibility of the use of the “Optimal Braking”, eliminating in many cases
the need of the dynamic braking.
The Dynamic Braking function can only be used if a braking resistor has been connected to the CFW700, and if
the parameters related to it have been adjusted properly.
See next the description of the parameters in order to know how to program each one.
The parameter P0153 defines the voltage level for the braking IGBT actuation, and it must be compatible with
the power supply voltage.
If P0153 is adjusted at a level very close to the overvoltage (F0022) actuation level, the fault may occur before
the braking resistor is able to dissipate the regenerated energy.
The next table presents the overvoltage trip level.
CFW700 | 14-1
Dynamic Braking
Ud Ud
Braking resistor
voltage (DB) Time
onnect the braking resistor. Refer to item Dynamic Braking (standard built-in for frame sizes A, B,
C and D and optional built-in for frame size E - CFW700...DB...), of the user's manual.
Set P0151 at the maximum value: 400 V (P0296 = 0) or 800 V (P0296 = 1, 2, 3 or 4) or 1000 V (P0296 = 5, 6 or 7),
according to the case, in order to prevent the activation of the DC voltage regulation before the Dynamic Braking.
14-2 | CFW700
Faults and Alarms
In a fault event the IGBTs firing pulses are disabled and the motor coasts to stop.
The alarm works as a warning to the user that critical operation conditions are occurring and a fault may occur if
the situation does not change.
Refer to the CFW700 user's manual chapter 6 Troubleshooting and Maintenance, and the chapter QUICK
PARAMETER REFERENCE, FAULTS AND ALARMS on page 0-1 of this manual to obtain more information
regarding the Faults and Alarms.
The Motor Overload protection is based on the use of curves that simulate the heating and cooling of the motor
in overload events, according to IEC 60947-4-2 and UL 508C standards. The fault and alarm codes for the motor
overload protection are F0072 and A0046, respectively.
The motor overload is given in function of the reference value In x SF (motor rated current multiplied by the service
factor), which is the maximum value at which the protection must not actuate because the motor is able to operate
indefinitely with this current value without suffering damages.
However, for that protection to act in an appropriate manner, the thermal image of the motor, which corresponds
to the heating up and cooling down times of the motor, is estimated.
The thermal image, in its turn, depends on the motor thermal constant, which is estimated based on the motor
power and number of poles.
The thermal image is important to allow that a derating in the fault actuation time be given, so that shorter actuation
times be obtained when the motor is hot.
This function applies a derating in the fault actuation time depending on the output frequency supplied to the
motor, because for the self-ventilated ones there will be less ventilation on the frame at lower speeds, and the
motor will be subject to more heating. Thus, it becomes necessary to reduce the fault actuation time in order to
prevent the motor from burning.
In order to assure more protection in case of restart, this function keeps the information regarding the motor
thermal image in the CFW700 nonvolatile memory. Therefore, after the inverter restart, the function will use the
value saved in the thermal memory to perform a new overload evaluation.
The parameter P0348 configures the desired protection level for the motor overload function. The possible options
are: Fault and Alarm, only Fault, only Alarm, and disabled motor overload protection. The actuation level for the
motor overload alarm (A0046) is adjusted via P0349. 15
In order to get more information, refer to parameters P0156, P0159, P0348 and P0349 in the section 15.3
PROTECTIONS on page 15-3.
In order to assure the conformity of the CFW700 motor overload protection with the UL508C
standard, observe the following:
T he “TRIP” current is equal to 1.25 times the motor nominal current (P0401) set in the “Oriented
Start-up” menu.
The maximum allowed value for P0159 (Motor Tripping Class) is 3 (Class 20).
The maximum allowed value for P0398 (Motor Service Factor) is 1.15.
CFW700 | 15-1
Faults and Alarms
The PTC must have a reinforced insulation against the live parts of the motor and of the installation.
This protection performs the motor overtemperature protection by means of the alarm (A0110) and the fault (F0078)
The motor must have a PTC type temperature sensor. An analog output supplies constant current for the PTC (2
mA), while an inverter analog input reads the voltage across the PTC and compares it with the limit values for fault
and alarm. Refer to the Table 15.1 on page 15-2. When those values are exceeded, the alarm or fault indication
The analog outputs AO1 and AO2 of the control module can be used to supply the constant current for the PTC.
Therefore it is necessary to configure the DIP switches of the output for current and to set the output function
parameter for 11 = PTC.
The analog inputs AI1 and AI2 of the control module can be used to read the PTC voltage. Therefore it is necessary
to configure the input DIP switch for voltage and to set the input function parameter for 4 = PTC. Refer to the
parameter P0351 on the section 15.3 PROTECTIONS on page 15-3.
In order that this function works properly, it is important to keep gains and offset of the analog input
and output in the default values.
Allows the reset of the F0078 fault 150 Ω < R PTC<1.6 kΩ 0.3<VAI<3.2 V
15-2 | CFW700
Faults and Alarms
Program P0231 = 4;
Set S1.2 = OFF (0 to 10 V).
Program P0251 = 11;
AO1 Set S1.3 = OFF (4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA).
Program P0236 = 4;
PTC AI2 Set S1.1 = OFF (0 to 10 V).
AO2 Program P0254 = 11;
Set S1.4 = OFF (4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA).
The parameters related to motor and inverter protections are found in this group.
These parameters present, in Celsius degrees, the heatsink temperature (P0030) and also of the internal air
They are useful to monitor the temperature on the main inverter sections in case of an occasional inverter
CFW700 | 15-3
Faults and Alarms
These parameters are used for the motor overload protection (I x t – F0072).
The motor overload current (P0156, P0157 and P0158) is the value from which the inverter starts considering
that the motor is operating with overload.
The bigger the difference between the motor current and the overload current, the faster F0072 trip will occur.
The parameter P0156 (Motor Overload Current at 100 % of its Rated Speed) must be adjusted 5 % higher than
the motor rated current (P0401).
The overload current is given as a function of the speed being applied to the motor, according to the overload
curve. The parameter P0156, P0157 and P0158 are the three points used to form the motor overload curve, as
presented in the Figure 15.2 on page 15-4.
% P0401
90 P0157
15 0
05 50 100 % Rated speed
Curve for a motor with separated ventilation
Curve for a Self-ventilated motor
Figure 15.2: Overload protection levels
With the setting of the overload current curve, it is possible to set an overload value that varies according to the
operation speed of the motor (factory setting), improving the protection for self-ventilated motors, or a constant
overload level for any speed applied to the motor (motors with separated ventilation).
This curve is adjusted automatically when P0406 (Motor Ventilation) is set during the “Oriented Start-up” routine
(refer to this parameter description in the section 11.7 MOTOR DATA on page 11-8).
15-4 | CFW700
Faults and Alarms
This parameter sets the motor thermal class, and the time for the correct actuation of the F0072 fault depends
on it. The higher the thermal class, the longer the fault actuation time will be.
The incorrect selection of the thermal class may cause the burning of the motor.
In order the CFW700 motor overload protection is in accordance with UL508C, the thermal class
should be ≤20 (P0159 ≤ 3).
The necessary data for choosing the thermal class are the following:
Motor rated current (In).
(*) It must be verified if the given blocked rotor time is for hot or cold motor, so that the correspondent thermal
class curves be used.
With those values, the overload current and the overload time must be calculated using the following equations: 15
Overload Current = x 100 (%)
In x FS
These equations provide the limit conditions for the error actuation, i.e., the motor cannot work with a longer fault
actuation time than this one, because of burning risk. Thus, a thermal class immediately inferior must be chosen
so that the motor protection is assured.
In = 10.8 A
TRB = 4 s (hot motor blocked rotor time)
Ip / In = 7.8 ⇒ Ip = 7.8 x 10.8 A = 84.2 A
CFW700 | 15-5
Faults and Alarms
FS = 1.15
One gets,
Ip 84.2
Overload Current = = x 100 = 678 %
In x FS 10.8 x 1.15
After this, it is only necessary to plot the calculated values on the motor overload graph (Figure 15.3 on page 15-7),
and to select the thermal class curve immediately below the calculated point.
15-6 | CFW700
Faults and Alarms
Class 45
Class 40
10 Class 35
Class 30
Class 25
Class 20
Class 15
Class 10
Class 5
1 Current x In for F.S = 1.00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Current x In for F.S. = 1.15
1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x 10x
(a) Cold
Class 45
Class 40
Class 35
Class 30
Class 25
Class 20
Class 15
1 Class 10
Class 5
For the previous example, by plotting the 678 % value (x axis) of the Overload Current with the 4 seconds (y axis)
of the Overload Time in the graph of the Figure 15.3 on page 15-7 (hot motor), the thermal class to be selected
will be the class 15 (t15).
When a fault occurs (except F0067 – Inverted Encoder/Motor Wiring and F0099 – Invalid Current Offset), the
inverter can reset itself automatically after the time set in P0340 has elapsed.
The faults F0051, F0078 and F0156 allow a conditional Reset, i.e., the Reset will only occur if the
temperature gets back to the normal operation range.
If after Auto-Reset, the same fault is repeated three times consecutively, the Auto-Reset function will be disabled.
A fault is considered consecutive if it happens again within 30 seconds after the Auto-Reset.
Therefore, if a fault occurs four consecutive times, the inverter will remain disabled (general disable) and the
fault will remain being indicated.
This parameter enables the Ground Fault Detection, which will be responsible for the F0074 (Ground Fault)
Thus if wished, it is possible to inhibit the Ground Fault (F0074) occurrence by setting P0343 = Off.
15-8 | CFW700
Faults and Alarms
This parameter allows the desired protection level for the motor overload function to be configured. Refer to the
table below for details on the actuation of each one of the available options.
P0348 Action
The overload protection is disabled. Faults or alarms will not be generated for the motor operation
0 = Off
in overload conditions.
The inverter will display an alarm (A0046) when the motor overload reaches the level programmed
1 = Fault/Alarm in P0349, and will generate a fault (F0072) when the motor overload reaches the overload
protection tripping level.
Only the fault (F0072) will be generated when the motor overload reaches the overload protection
2 = Fault
trip level, and the inverter will be disabled.
Only the alarm (A0046) is generated when the motor overload reaches the value programmed in
3 = Alarm
P0349 and the inverter continues operating.
The trip level of the overload protection is calculated internally by the CFW700, taking into account the motor
current, its thermal class and its service factor. Refer to the parameter P0159 in this section.
This parameter defines the level for the motor overload protection alarm actuation (A0046), it is expressed as a
percentage of the trip level of the overload integrator.
The inverter overload function operates separately from the motor overload protection, and it has the purpose
of protecting the IGBTs and rectifiers in case of overload, avoiding that damage due to overtemperature at their
junctions occurs.
Thus, the parameter P0350 allows configuring the desired protection level for this function, even with the
automatic reduction of the switching frequency, in order to avoid the fault occurrence. The next table describes
each of the available options.
CFW700 | 15-9
Faults and Alarms
P0350 Action
It enables F0048 – IGBT Overload Fault. In order to avoid the occurrence of the fault, the switching
frequency is reduced automatically to 2.5 kHz. (*)
It enables the fault F0048 and the alarm A0047 – IGBT Overload Alarm. In order to avoid the
occurrence of the fault, the switching frequency is reduced automatically to 2.5 kHz. (*)
2 It enables F0048. Without the reduction of the switching frequency.
3 It enables the alarm A0047 and the fault F0048. Without the reduction of the switching frequency.
(*) It reduces the switching frequency when:
The output current exceeds 1.5 x Inom-HD (1.1 x Inom-ND ); or
The temperature at the IGBT case is less than 10 °C from the maximum temperature; and
P0297 = 2 (5 kHz).
This parameter is useful when the motor is equipped with PTC type temperature sensors, allowing the
configuration of the protection level for the motor overtemperature function. The details on the actuation of the
available options are in the Table 15.4 on page 15-10. Refer also to the section 15.2 MOTOR OVERTEMPERATURE
PROTECTION on page 15-2.
P0351 Action
The overtemperature protection is disabled. Faults or alarms for the motor operation in the
0 = Off
overtemperature condition will not be generated.
The inverter will show an alarm (A0110) and will generate a fault (F0078) when the motor reaches
1 = Fault/Alarm
the overtemperature actuation values. Once a fault is generated, the inverter will be disabled.
Only the fault (F0078) will be generated when the motor reaches the overtemperature protection
2 = Fault
trip level, and the inverter will be disabled.
Only the alarm (A0110) will be generated when the motor reaches the protection actuation level,
3 = Alarm
and the inverter remains operating.
15-10 | CFW700
Faults and Alarms
The CFW700 is equipped with two fans: an internal fan and a heatsink fan, and the activation of both will be
controlled via software by means of the inverter programming.
The options available for the setting of this parameter are the following:
P0352 Action
Heatsink fan is always OFF.
0 = HS-OFF, Int-OFF
Internal fan is always OFF.
Heatsink fan is always ON.
1 = HS-ON, Int-ON
Internal fan is always ON.
Heatsink fan is controlled via software.
2 = HS-CT, Int-CT
Internal fan is controlled via software.
Heatsink fan is controlled via software.
3 = HS-CT, Int-OFF
Internal fan is always OFF.
Heatsink fan is controlled via software.
4 = HS-CT, Int-ON
Internal fan is always ON.
Heatsink fan is always ON.
5 = HS-ON, Int-OFF
Internal fan is always OFF.
Heatsink fan is always ON.
6 = HS-ON, Int-CT
Internal fan is controlled via software.
Heatsink fan is always OFF.
7 = HS-OFF, Int-ON
Internal fan is always ON. 15
Heatsink fan is always OFF.
8 = HS-OFF, Int-CT
Internal fan is controlled via software.
Heatsink fan is controlled via software.
9 = HS-CT, int-CT *
Internal fan is controlled via software.(*)
Heatsink fan is controlled via software.
10 = HS-CT, int-OFF *
Internal fan is always OFF.(*)
Heatsink fan is controlled via software.
11 = HS-CT, int-ON *
Internal fan is always ON.(*)
Heatsink fan is always ON.
12 = HS-ON, int-CT *
Internal fan is controlled via software. (*)
Heatsink fan is always OFF.
13 = HS-OFF, int-CT *
Internal fan is controlled via software.(*)
(*) The fans will not turn on for one minute after the power-on or after a fault reset.
CFW700 | 15-11
Faults and Alarms
The Heatsink Fan will stay ON at least 15 seconds before change to OFF.
The Heatsink Fan will stay OFF at least 15 seconds before change to ON.
Adjustable 0 = IGBTs: fault and alarm, Internal air: fault and alarm Factory 0
Range: 1 = IGBTs: fault and alarm, Internal air: fault Setting:
2 = IGBTs: fault, Internal air: fault and alarm
3 = IGBTs: fault, Internal air: fault
4 = IGBTs: fault and alarm, Internal air: fault and alarm (*)
5 = IGBTs: fault and alarm, Internal air: fault (*)
6 = IGBTs: fault, Internal air: fault and alarm (*)
7 = IGBTs: fault, Internal air: fault (*)
Properties: cfg
Access Groups
via HMI:
The overtemperature protection is carried out by means of the measurement of the temperature with the IGBTs
and power board internal air NTCs, being able to generate alarms and faults.
In order to configure the desired protection, set P0353 according to the table below.
P0353 Action
Enables fault (F0051) – IGBT Overtemperature and alarm (A0050) – IGBT High Temperature.
0 = HS-F/A, Air-F/A
Enables fault (F0153) – Internal Air Overtemperature and alarm (A0152) – High Internal Air Temperature.
Enables fault (F0051) and alarm (A0050) for IGBTs overtemperature.
1 = HS-F/A, Air-F
Enables only fault (F0153) for internal air overtemperature.
Enables only fault (F0051) for IGBT overtemperature.
2 = HS-F, Air-F/A
Enables fault (F0153) and alarm (A0152) for internal air overtemperature.
Enables only fault (F0051) for IGBT overtemperature.
3 = HS-F, Air-F
Enables only fault (F0153) for internal air overtemperature.
Enables fault (F0051) – IGBT Overtemperature and alarm (A0050) – IGBT High Temperature.
4 = HS-F/A, Air-F/A * Enables fault (F0153) – Internal Air Overtemperature and alarm (A0152) – High Internal Air Temperature.
15 7 = HS-F, Air-F *
Enables only fault (F0051) for IGBT overtemperature.
Enables only fault (F0153) for internal air overtemperature. (*)
(*) Disable fault (F0156).
When the heatsink fan speed reaches a value below ¼ of the rated speed the fault F0179 (Heatsink Fan Speed
Fault) will be generated. This parameter makes it possible that the generation of this fault be disabled, as
presented in the next table.
15-12 | CFW700
Faults and Alarms
P0354 Action
0 = Inactive The heatsink fan speed fault protection is disabled.
1 = Fault It enables the fault (F0179). The inverter will be disabled if the fault occurs.
This parameter allows disabling the actuation of F0185 fault – Fault in the preload contactor.
If P0355 = 0, the Fault in the preload contactor will remain deactivated. F0185 fault will not be generated. When
the inverter is a frame size E with DC power supply it’s necessary to adjust P0355 = 0.
This parameter must be kept always in 1 (On). Only in special maintenance cases the value 0 (Off) can be used.
Adjustable 0 to 60 s Factory 3s
Range: Setting:
Access Groups
via HMI:
Description: 15
It configures the time for the line phase loss indication (F0006).
CFW700 | 15-13
Faults and Alarms
This parameter allows individually disabling the fault detection by software: a) F0067 – Inverted Encoder/Motor
Wiring, executed when the Self-Tuning routine is inactive (P0408 = 0) and b) F0079 – Encoder Signal Fault.
Parameter P0358 is used in the vector control mode with encoder (P0202 = 5).
The verification by software of faults F0067 and F0079 will remain disabled when P0358 = 0. During the self-
tuning (P0408 >1), fault F0067 will be always active, regardless the setting of P0358.
15-14 | CFW700
Read only Parameters
It is important to point out that all the parameters of that group can only be visualized on the keypad (HMI) display,
and that they do not allow changes by the user.
This parameter presents, regardless of the origin source, the value of the speed reference in rpm (factory
It is also possible to change the speed reference (P0121) through this parameter, when P0221 or P0222 = 0.
This parameter indicates the motor actual speed value in rpm (factory setting), with a 0.5 second filter.
It is also possible to change the speed reference (P0121) through this parameter, when P0221 or P0222 = 0.
CFW700 | 16-1
Read only Parameters
It indicates the DC Link actual dc voltage in volts (V).
It indicates the inverter output frequency in Hertz (Hz).
It indicates one of the 8 possible inverter states. The description of each state is presented in the next table.
In order to facilitate the visualization, some inverter status are also showed on the keypad (HMI) (Figure 5.2 on
page 5-10, section 5.6 DISPLAY INDICATIONS IN THE MONITORING MODE SETTINGS on page 5-9). The
16 states 3 to 7 are presented in an abbreviated form, as follows:
16-2 | CFW700
Read only Parameters
It indicates the output line voltage, in Volts (V).
It indicates the torque developed by the motor, calculated as follows:
P0009 = Tm x 100 x Y
P0410 x P0178 2 1/2
ITM = P04012 - 100
P0190 x Nnom
Y = 1 for N ≤
CFW700 | 16-3
Read only Parameters
It indicates the electric power in the inverter output. This power is determined through the formula:
P0003 is the output current measured.
P0007 is the reference output voltage (or estimated).
P0011 is the value of the cosine [(vector angle of the reference output voltage) – (vector angle of the output
current measured)].
The value indicated in this parameter is calculated indirectly, and must not be used to measure the
energy consumption.
This parameter indicates the value of the cosine of the angle between the voltage and output current. The
electric motors are inductive loads and, therefore, consume reactive power. This power is exchanged between
the motor and the inverter and does not conduct useful power. According to the operating condition of the
motor, the ratio [reactive power / active power] may increase, resulting in a reduction of the cosine ϕ of the output.
16-4 | CFW700
Read only Parameters
It indicates the fan actual speed, in revolutions per minute (rpm).
It indicates the actual overload percentage of the motor. When this parameter reaches 100 % the fault “Motor
Overload” (F0072) will occur.
CFW700 | 16-5
Read only Parameters
It indicates the encoder actual speed, in revolutions per minute (rpm), through a 0.5 second filter.
This parameter shows the counting of the pulses of the encoder. The counting can be increased from 0 to
40000 (Hourly turn) or decreased from 40000 to 0 (rotate Counterclockwise).
It indicates the total number of hours that the inverter remained powered.
This value is kept even when power is removed from the inverter.
It indicates the total number of hours that the inverter remained enabled.
This value is kept even when power is removed from the inverter.
16-6 | CFW700
Read only Parameters
It indicates the energy consumed by the motor.
This value is kept even when power is removed from the inverter.
The value indicated in this parameter is calculated indirectly, and must not be used to measure the
energy consumption.
It indicates the total number of hours that the heatsink fan remained enabled.
This value is kept even when power is removed from the inverter.
They indicate the alarm (P0048) or fault (P0049) number that occasionally is present at the inverter.
In order to understand the meaning of the codes used for faults and alarms, refer to the chapter 15 FAULTS
AND ALARMS on page 15-1, in this manual and the chapter 6 - Troubleshooting and Maintenance, of the
user's manual.
CFW700 | 16-7
Read only Parameters
In this group are described the parameters that record the last faults occurred in the inverter, together with other
relevant information for the fault interpretation, as current, motor speed, etc.
If the fault occurs simultaneously with the CFW700 power up or reset, the parameters regarding this
fault, as current, motor speed, etc., may contain invalid information.
They indicate the codes from the last to the fifth fault that have occurred.
16 Description:
It is the record of the current supplied by the inverter at the moment of the last fault occurrence.
16-8 | CFW700
Read only Parameters
It is the record of the inverter DC link voltage at the moment of the last fault occurrence.
It is the record of the motor speed at the moment of the last fault occurrence.
It is the record of the speed reference at the moment of the last fault occurrence.
It is the record of the inverter output frequency at the moment of the last fault occurrence.
It is the record of the motor voltage at the moment of the last fault occurrence.
CFW700 | 16-9
Read only Parameters
It indicates the state of the digital inputs at the moment of the last fault occurrence.
The indication is done by means of an hexadecimal code, which when converted to binary will indicate the
states “active” and “inactive” of the inputs through numbers 1 and 0.
Example: If the code presented for the parameter P0096 on the keypad (HMI) is 00A5, it will correspond to
the sequence 10100101, indicating that the inputs 8, 6, 3 and 1 were active at the moment of the last fault
Table 16.2: Example of correspondence between the P0096 hexadecimal code and the DIx states
0 0 A 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
No relation with the DIx
Active Inactive Active Inactive Inactive Active Inactive Active
(always zero)
(+24 V) (0 V) (+24 V) (0 V) (0 V) (+24 V) (0 V) (+24 V)
16 It indicates the state of the digital outputs at the moment of the last fault occurrence.
The indication is done by means of an hexadecimal code, which when converted to binary will indicate the
states “active” and “inactive” of the outputs through numbers 1 and 0.
Example: If the code presented for the parameter P0097 on the keypad (HMI) is 001C, it will correspond to
the sequence 00011100, indicating that the outputs 5, 4, and 3 were active at the moment of the last fault
16-10 | CFW700
Read only Parameters
Table 16.3: Example of correspondence between the P0097 hexadecimal code and the DOx states
0 0 1 C
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
No relation with the DOx No relation with the DOx
Active Active Active Inactive Inactive
(always zero) (always zero)
(+24 V) (+24 V) (+24 V) (0 V) (0 V)
CFW700 | 16-11
Read only Parameters
16-12 | CFW700
For the exchange of information through communication networks, the CFW700 has several standardized
communication protocols, like MODBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet, Profibus.
For more details regarding the inverter configuration for operating with those protocols, refer to the CFW700
communication manual. The parameters related to the communication are explained next.
CFW700 | 17-1
Those are parameters for the configuration and operation of the CAN interface. For a detailed description, refer to
the CANopen communication manual or to the DeviceNet communication manual, supplied in electronic format
on the CD-ROM that comes with the product.
17-2 | CFW700
Those are parameters for the configuration and operation of the Profibus DP interface. For a detailed description,
refer to the Profibus DP communication manual, supplied in electronic format on the CD-ROM that comes with
the product.
Those parameters are used for monitoring and controlling the CFW700 inverter by means of communication
interfaces. For a detailed description, refer to the communication manual of the user interface. These manuals
are supplied in electronic format on the CD-ROM that comes with the product.
17-4 | CFW700
The SoftPLC function allows the frequency inverter to assume PLC (Programmable Logical Controller) functions.
For more details regarding the programming of those functions in the CFW700, refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC
manual. The parameters related to the SoftPLC are described next.
It allows the user to visualize the current SoftPLC status. If there is no installed applicative, the parameters from
P1001 to P1059 will not be showed on the keypad.
If this parameter presents the option 2 (“Incompat. App.”), it indicates that the version that has been loaded in
the flash memory board is not compatible with the current CFW700 firmware.
In this case it is necessary to recompile the project in the WLP software with the new CFW700 version and
download it again. If this is not possible, the upload of this applicative with the WLP can be done since the
password of the applicative software is known or it is not enabled.
It allows stopping, running or excluding the installed applicative, however, the motor must be disabled.
Description: 18
It consists in the applicative scanning time. The bigger the applicative, the longer the scanning time will be.
CFW700 | 18-1
It allows the user to select the CFW700 built in applications.
P1003 Description
0 The application that will run in the SoftPLC is that loaded by the user via ladder programming.
The application that will run in the SoftPLC is the PID Controller regulator. It can be used to control a closed loop
1 process. This application sets proportional, integral and derivative controller regulator superimposed to the regular
speed control of the CFW700 inverter.
The application that will run in the SoftPLC is the Electronic Potentiometer. It allows the motor speed reference
settings via two digital inputs, one for accelerating the motor and another to decelerate the motor.
The application that will run in the SoftPLC is the Multispeed. It allows speed reference settings based on to
the values defined in some parameters (P1011 to P1018) with a logical combination of the digital inputs DI4, DI5
and DI6, limited to 8 pre-programmed speed references. Advantages such as stability of fixed pre-programmed
references and electrical noise immunity (isolated digital inputs DIx) are noted in this kind of application.
The application that will run in the SoftPLC is the 3-Wire Start/Stop. It allows the inverter to Start/Stop as with a
retention contact and an emergency button.
The application that will run in the SoftPLC is the FWD/REV command. It gives the user the combination of two
inverter commands in a single digital input (Forward/Reverse and Start/Stop).
it defines that the application running on the SoftPLC will be a set of special functions implemented in a single
application, allowing the use of more than a function at the same time, as long as they do not actuate over the same
command on the CFW700:
PID2 Controller.
Electronic Potentiometer (EP).
3-Wire Start/Stop Command.
Forward and Reverse Command.
Time to keep the Motor Magnetized.
Logic to Drive Mechanical Brake.
Refer to chapter 19 APPLICATIONS on page 19-1 for more information about the CFW700 user
This parameter informs the difference, in encoder pulses, between the reference position and effective position.
18-2 | CFW700
Position controller gain of the SoftPLC function of the CFW700 frequency inverter.
It only actuates when the “Position 0” block of the SoftPLC function of the CFW700 frequency
inverter is active.
They consist of parameters defined by the selected application in parameter P1003.
CFW700 | 18-3
18-4 | CFW700
The CFW700 has some features that allow better matching the inverter commands to the application. These
features were grouped into a set of applications and can be as simple as the Forward and Reverse command, or
more elaborated such as a PID Controller.
The applications were implemented using the SoftPLC function, in other words, ladder programming applicative
built-in to the CFW700 inverter. It allows the user that has the WLP and the built-in implemented applicative to
change it and use it as an user applicative.
Parameter P1003 allows selecting an application and uploading it to the CFW700. The CFW700 has following
applications built-in:
PID Controller.
3-Wire Start/Stop.
Forward/Reverse Run.
- PID2 Controller + 4 Control Setpoints with selection via DI + Alarms by Low or High Level of the Process
Variable + Sleep Mode.
- Speed Reference with selection via DI (Multispeed).
- Speed Reference via Electronic Potentiometer.
- 3-Wire Start/Stop Command.
- Forward/Reverse Run.
- Time to keep the motor magnetized.
- Drive logic of Mechanical Brake plus Protection for Inverter operating in Torque Limitation.
The application of the Special Combined Functions allows the use of more than one function at the
same time, provided that they do not send the CFW700 frequency inverter the same command; for
example, it is possible to associate the PID2 Controller function to the 3-Wire Start/Stop command, but
it is not possible to use the PID2 Controller function with the Electronic Potentiometer, because both
functions send speed reference to the CFW700 frequency inverter.
The CFW700 has the PID CONTROLLER application that can be used to control a closed loop process. This
application sets proportional, integral and derivative controller superimposed to the regular speed control of the
CFW700 inverter. Refer to the block diagram in the Figure 19.1 on page 19-3.
The CFW700 will compare the setpoint with the process variable and control the motor speed trying to eliminate
any error and keeping the process variable equal to the setpoint. The setting of the P, I and D gains determines
how fast the inverter will respond to eliminate this error.
Application examples:
The following example defines the terms used by the PID Controller.
A pump used in a water pumping system where is necessary to control the pressure of the pipe. A pressure
transducer is installed in the pipe and supplies an analog feedback signal to the CFW700, which is proportional
to the water pressure. This signal is called the process variable, and can be visualized at the parameter P1012.
A setpoint is programmed in the CFW700 via keypad (P1025), through an analog input (such as a 0-10 V or
4-20 mA signal) or via communication network. The setpoint control is the desired water pressure value that
the pump is supposed to produce, regardless of the consumption variations at the pump output at any time.
It is necessary to set the parameter P0221 or P0222 to 7 = SoftPLC for the operation of the PID Controller application.
The Function 1 of the Application at parameters P0231 or P0236 represents the value of the PID Setpoint control.
he Function 2 of the Application at parameters P0231 or P0236 represents the value of the PID process
The Function 1 of the Application at parameters P0251 or P0254 represents the value of the PID Setpoint control.
he Function 2 of the Application at parameters P0251 or P0254 represents the value of the PID process
he Function 1 of the Application at parameters P0263 to P0270 represents the value of the Manual/Auto
The Function 1 of the Application at parameters P0275 to P0279 represents the VP>VPx logical condition.
The Function 2 of the Application at parameters P0275 to P0279 represents the VP<VPy logical condition.
The PID setpoint can receive an analog input signal (AI1 or AI2). It is necessary to set P1016 to 1 = AIx and select
which analog input will be used. The analog inputs are set at P0231 (AI1) or P0236 (AI2) and it is necessary to program
it to 5 = Function 1 of the Application in order to enable the analog inputs for the operation. The following alarm
message will be displayed in case it is not properly done: “A0770: Set AI1 or AI2 for Function 1 of the Application”.
The PID setpoint control value can be presented via analog output AO1 or AO2. It is necessary to set P0251
(AO1) or P0254 (AO2) to 17 = Function 1 of the Application. The full scale value of the variable is 100.0 % and
corresponds to 10 V or 20 mA.
The PID process variable can receive an analog input signal (AI1 or AI2). It is necessary to set P0231 (AI1) or P0236
(AI2) to 6 = Function 2 of the Application in order to enable the analog inputs for the operation. The following alarm
message will be displayed in case it is not properly done: “A0772: Set AI1 or AI2 for Function 2 of the Application”.
In case the analog inputs (AI1 and AI2) are programmed with the same function, PID Setpoint or process variable,
the following alarm message will be displayed and the application will not be enabled: “A0774: AI1 and AI2 were
set for the same function”.
The value of the PID process variable can be presented via analog output AO1 or AO2. It is necessary to set
P0251 (AO1) or P0254 (AO2) to 18 = Function 2 of the Application. The full scale value of the variable is 100.0 %
and corresponds to 10 V or 20 mA.
The Manual/Auto control is done by a digital input (DI1 to DI8). It is necessary to set one of the DI parameters
(P0263 to P0270) to 20 = Function 1 of the Application. If more than one digital input is set for this
function, the logic operation will consider only the command of the high priority level digital input, where:
DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5> DI6>DI7>DI8. If any of the digital inputs is set, the PID Controller will work only in
automatic (Auto) mode.
The digital input programmed for PID in Manual/Automatic is active when it is in 24 V indicating automatic control
19 and it is inactive in 0 V indicating manual operation.
The digital outputs (DO1 to DO5) can be programmed to trigger comparison logics with the process variable (PV).
In order to do that, it is necessary to set one of the DO’s parameters (P0275 to P0279) to 34 = Function 1 of the
Application (VP>VPx) or 35 = Function 2 of the Application (VP<VPy).
19-2 | CFW700
Setpoint definition (reference
of the process variable)
P1016 = 0 P1023
P1011 P0121
Setpoint reference
P1016 > 0
(Open DIx)
0 = Direct P0133, P0134
+ Speed
P0231 = 6 Academic PID (Refer to the
AI1' -
Automatic Figure 13.7
(Closed DIx) on page
1 = Reverse
AI2' PID Controller Enable
P0236 = 6 action type
CFW700 | 19-3
Below are the required steps to put the PID Controller application into operation.
In order that the PID function works properly, it is fundamental to verify if the inverter CFW700 is
configured correctly to drive the motor at the desired speed. Therefore, verify the following settings:
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limit (P0135 for V/f and V V W control and torque limit P0169/P0170 for vector control mode).
Torque boost (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if it were in the V/f control mode.
Having run the self-tuning if it were in the vector mode.
The application of the PID Controller will be configured according to the example shown below, where:
The CFW700 frequency inverter will be configured to operate in the remote mode.
The process variable of the PID Controller (PV) will be connected to AI2 in the scale of 4-20 mA, where 4 mA
is equal to 0 bar and 20 mA is equal to 25 bars.
The setpoint of the PID Controller control (SP) will be via HMI (keys).
4-20 mA Pressure
21 REF+ Setpoint 0-25 bar
Setpoint 22 AI1+ via keys
via AI1 DI1 - Run/Stop
23 AI1-
≥5 kW DI3 - Manual/Automatic PID
24 REF- DI4 - General Enable
25 AI2+
26 AI2- CFW700 OFF ON
34 +24 V 1
35 COM 2
S1 Process
36 GND (24 V) 3
37 DI1 4
39 DI3 PE W V U
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
Line Isolating switch
19-4 | CFW700
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- Engineering unit of the HMI main -- Indication form of the HMI main
11 display. 12 display.
0 = none. 1 = wxy.z.
CFW700 | 19-5
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- DI3 is used to set PID to Automatic -- DI4 is used for the General Enable
25 or Manual. 20 = Function 1 of the 26 command.
application 2 = General Enable.
31 -- Derivative Gain of the PID Controller. 32 -- Control Setpoint Filter of the PID.
Figure 19.3: Programming sequence of the PID Controller application on the CFW700
Parameters P1020, P1021 and P1022 must be set according to the response of the process to be controlled.
Below are suggestions for initial setting values of the PID Controller gains according to the process to be controlled.
Table 19.1: Suggestions for the setting of the PID Controller gains
Magnitude Proportional Integral Derivative
P1020 P1021 P1022
Pressure in pneumatic system 1 0.430 0.000
Flow in pneumatic system 1 0.370 0.000
Pressure in hydraulic system 1 0.430 0.000
Flow in hydraulic system 1 0.370 0.000
Temperature 2 0.040 0.000
Operation setup
19 Check the status of the PID Controller application in parameter P1000. The PID Controller will be in operation if
P1000 value is 4. If P1000 value is 3, the PID Controller application is stopped and it is necessary to change the
command value of the SoftPLC at parameter P1001 to 1 (run application). Any value other than 3 or 4 indicates
that the applicative cannot go into operation. Refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC manual for more details.
19-6 | CFW700
1. Manual Operation (Dl3 is open): keeping DI3 open (Manual), check the process variable indication on the
keypad (P1012) based on an external measurement of the feedback signal value (transducer) at the AI2.
Then vary the speed reference (P0121) to get the desired process variable, only then, switch to automatic mode.
If the setpoint is defined by P1025, the CFW700 will automatically set P1025 value with P1012
instantaneous value when changing from manual to automatic mode (since P1026 = 1). In this case,
the switching from manual to automatic is smooth (no sudden change of speed).
2. Automatic Operation (DI3 is closed): close DIx and perform the dynamic adjustment of the PID Controller,
i.e., proportional gain (P1020), integral gain (P1021) and differential gain (P1022), checking whether the regulation
is being done correctly. In order to do that, it is necessary to compare the setpoint and process variable and
check if the values are close. See also how quickly the motor responds to fluctuations of the process variable.
It is important to know that the PID gains setup is a step that requires some attempts to reach the desired response
time. If the system responds rapidly and oscillates near the setpoint, then the proportional gain is too high. If the
system responds slow and takes time to reach the setpoint, then the proportional gain is too low and should be
increased. If the process variable does not reach the required value (setpoint), then the integral gain should be
The sleep mode is a useful resource for saving energy when using the PID Controller.
In many PID Controller applications energy is wasted by keeping the motor turning at the minimum speed when,
for instance, the pressure or the tank level keeps increasing.
The sleep mode works together with the zero speed disable function.
In order to activate the sleep mode, enable the zero speed disable by programming P0217 = 1 (Active). The disable
condition is the same as for the zero speed disable without PID Controller. However, the setting of P0291 must
be: P0133 < P0291 < P0134. Refer to the section 12.4 ZERO SPEED LOGIC on page 12-6.
In order to leave the zero speed disable mode, when in automatic PID mode, besides the condition programmed
in P0218, it is necessary that the PID error (the difference between the setpoint and the process variable) is greater
than the value programmed in P1028.
When the CFW700 inverter in the sleep mode, the motor may turn at any moment because of the
process conditions. If it is wished to handle the motor or to perform any type of maintenance, remove
the power from the inverter.
When PID Controller application is used, the monitoring screen can be configured to show the main variables in
numerical form, which may or may not have engineering units.
An example of the keypad with this setting can be seen in Figure 19.4 on page 19-8, which are shown: the process
variable and the setpoint, both without engineering unit (referenced to 25.0 bar) and the motor speed on the bar
graph in percentage (%). Refer to section 5.4 HMI on page 5-2.
CFW700 | 19-7
Figure 19.4: Keypad monitoring mode for the PID Controller application
In the 2-wire configuration the transducer signal and its supply share the same wires. The Figure 19.5 on page
19-8 illustrates this type of connection.
21 REF+
22 AI1+
23 AI1-
via keypad
24 REF-
4-20 mA
Pressure 25 AI2+
transducer 26 AI2- CFW700 OFF ON
0-25 bar 34 +24 V 1
35 COM 2 S1
36 GND (24 V) 3
37 DI1 4
39 DI3
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
Figure 19.5: Connection of a 2-wire transducer to the CFW700
The PID Controller implemented in the CFW700 is the academic type. The equations that characterize the academic
PID Controller, which is the base of this function algorithm, are presented next.
The transfer function in the Academic PID Controller frequency dominion is:
By replacing the integrator by a sum and the derivative by the incremental quotient, one gets an approximation
for the discrete transfer equation (recursive) presented next:
y(k): current PID output can vary from 0.0 to 100.0 %.
i(k-1): integral value in the previous status of the PID Controller.
Kp (Proportional gain): Kp = P1020.
Ki (Integral gain): Ki = P1021 x 100 = [1/Ti x 100].
Kd (Differential gain): Kd = P1022 x 100 = [Td x 100].
Ta = 0.05 sec (PID Controller sampling time).
e(k): actual error [SP*(k) – X(k)].
e(k-1): previous error [SP*(k-1) – X(k-1)].
SP*: the reference can carry from 0.0 to 100.0 %.
X: process variable, read through one of the analog inputs (AIx), can vary from 0.0 to 100.0 %.
19-8 | CFW700
19.2.7 Parameters
Below are described the parameters related to the application of the PID Controller.
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1 for more information.
19-10 | CFW700
Read only parameter that presents the software version of the PID Controller application developed for the
SoftPLC function of the CFW700.
Read only parameter that presents, in the wxy.z form without engineering unit, the setpoint value of the PID
Controller according to the scale defined at P1018.
Read only parameter that presents, in the wxy.z form without engineering unit, value the process variable of the
PID Controller according to the scale defined at P1018.
Read only parameter that presents, in percentage (%), the PID Controller output value.
CFW700 | 19-11
It defines the origin source of the control setpoint of the PID Controller.
“HMI” means that the control setpoint of the PID Controller will be the value of P1025 parameter.
“AI” means that the control setpoint of the PID Controller will come from an analog input. It is necessary
to set P0231 (AI1) or P0236 (AI2) to 5 = Function 1 of the Application in order to enable its operation. The
following alarm message will be displayed in case it is not properly done: “A0770: Set AI1 or AI2 for Function
1 of the Application”.
“Serial/USB” means that the control setpoint of the PID Controller will be the value of P0683 proportionally
referenced to the percentage value with one decimal point, i.e., 100.0 % corresponds to 1000 in P0683.
“ CO/DN/DP” means that the control setpoint of the PID Controller will be the value of P0685 proportionally
referenced to the percentage value with one decimal point, i.e., 100.0 % corresponds to 1000 in P0685.
Defines how the PID Controller variable will be presented in P1012 (as well as the PID setpoint in P1011), i.e.,
the full scale of the process variable of the PID Controller that corresponds to 100.0 % in the analog input
used as process variable of the PID Controller.
The variable will always be with one decimal point “wxy.z”, i.e., one place after the dot.
Example: The pressure transducer is a 4-20 mA with 0-25 bar range. Set P1018 to 25.0.
These parameters define the PID Controller application gains and they should be set according to the magnitude
that is being controlled.
Examples of initial settings for some applications are presented in Table 19.2 on page 19-13.
19-12 | CFW700
Variable Proportional Integral Derivative
P1020 P1021 P1022
Pneumatic system pressure 1 0.430 0.000
Pneumatic system flow 1 0.370 0.000
Hydraulic system pressure 1 0.430 0.000
Hydraulic system flow 1 0.370 0.000
Temperature 2 0.040 0.000
Level 1 See note below 0.000
For the level control, the integral gain settings will depend on the time it takes for the reservoir to go
through the minimum acceptable level to the desired level, with the following conditions:
1. The time for the direct action should be measured with the maximum input flow and minimum
output flow.
2. The time for the reverse action should be measured with minimum input flow and maximum
output flow.
An equation to calculate the initial value of P1021 as a function of the system response time is presented next:
P1021 = 0.50 / t,
This parameter sets the value of the constant time of the filter of the control setpoint of the PID Controller and
has the purpose of reducing abrupt changes in the PID setpoint value.
The PID Controller action type should be selected as “Direct” when it is necessary that the motor speed is
increased in order to increment the process variable. Otherwise, the “Reverse” should be selected.
CFW700 | 19-13
This characteristic varies with the process type, but direct feedback is most used.
For temperature control or level process, the selection of the action type will depend on the configuration.
Example: if the inverter runs the motor that removes fluid from the reservoir in a control level, the action type
is reverse as the inverter should increase the motor speed in order to decrease the level of fluid. In case the
inverter is running the motor that is adding fluid in the reservoir, the action type is direct.
This parameter allows the adjustment of the control setpoint of the PID Controller through the keypad keys,
since P1016 = 0 and it is operating in Auto mode. If the operation is in Manual mode, the keypad reference is
set in P0121.
The value of P1025 is kept with the last value set (backup) even after disabling or resetting the inverter (with
P1027 = 1 - Active).
When the control setpoint of the PID Controller is done via the keypad (P1016 = 0) and P1026 is 1 (active),
when switching from manual to automatic, the percentage value of the manual setpoint that corresponds to
the PID Controller output from 0.0 to 100.0 % will be loaded at P1025. It avoids PID Controller oscillations when
switching from manual to automatic.
19-14 | CFW700
If P1027 = 0 (Inactive), the inverter will not save the value of the control setpoint of the PID Controller when
disabled. Therefore, when the inverter is enabled again, the value of the control setpoint of the PID Controller
is 0.0 %.
The P1028 parameter works together with the P0218 parameter (Condition to Leave the Zero Speed Disable),
providing additional requirement for leaving the condition. Thus, it is necessary that the error of the PID Controller
(the difference between the control setpoint and process variable) is greater than the value programmed in
P1028 for the inverter to operate the motor again, this state is known as “wake up”.
These parameters are used at the digital outputs functions for signaling/alarm, and will show:
Process Variable > VPx (Function 1 of the Application) and
Process Variable < VPy (Function 2 of the Application).
The CFW700 has the ELECTRONIC POTENTIOMETER (EP) function that allows the speed reference to be
adjusted via two digital inputs, one for accelerating and another for decelerating the motor.
With the inverter enabled and the DIx digital input set to “Function 1 of the Application (Accelerate)” activated,
the motor is accelerated according to the programmed acceleration ramp up to the maximum speed. If only
the DIx digital input set to “Function 2 of the Application (Decelerate)” is active and the inverter is enabled, the
motor speed is decreased according to the programmed deceleration ramp up to minimum speed. If both inputs
are active, the motor will decelerate for safety reasons. With the inverter disabled, DIx digital inputs are ignored
unless both are active, which the speed reference is set to 0 rpm. The following figure illustrates this condition.
CFW700 | 19-15
& Reset
24 V
DIx increase Open
Reset 24 V Time
DIx decrease
24 V Time
It is necessary to set P0221 or P0222 to 7 = SoftPLC for the operation of the Electronic Potentiometer application.
The Function 1 of the Application at P0263 to P0270 represents the Accelerate command.
The Function 2 of the Application at P0263 to P0270 represents the Decelerate command.
The accelerate command is done by one of the digital inputs (DI1 to DI8). It is necessary to set one of the
DI’s parameters (P0263 to P0270) to 20 = Function 1 of the Application. If more than one digital input is set
for this function, the logic operation will consider only the command of the high priority level digital input,
where: DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8. If any of the digital inputs is set, the following alarm message
will be displayed: “A0750: Set a DI for Function 1 of the Application (Accelerate)” and the operation of the
application will not be enabled.
The decelerate command is also done by one of digital inputs (DI1 to DI8). However, it is necessary to set one
the DI’s parameters (P0263 to P0270) to 21 = Function 2 of the Application. If more than one digital input is
set for this function, the logic operation will consider only the command of the high priority level digital input,
where: DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8. If any of the digital inputs is set, the following alarm message will be
displayed: “A0752: Set a DI for Function 2 of the Application (Decelerate)” and the operation of the application
will not be enabled.
The Accelerate input is active when 24 V is applied and inactive when 0 V is applied. Otherwise, the Decelerate
input is active when 0 V is applied and inactive when 24 V is applied.
Parameter P1011 shows the current value of the speed reference in rpm and it helps to keep the speed reference
value when there is no accelerate or decelerate command.
Parameter P1012 sets if the speed reference backup is enabled or if it will go to 0 rpm in a new inverter enabling.
In case the Electronic Potentiometer application was selected to operate in local mode and DI1 (P0263)
19 is selected for the accelerate or decelerate command, the inverter may go to the “configuration (CONF)”
status; then it is necessary to change the default programming of parameter P0227.
19-16 | CFW700
19.3.2 Operation
Below are the required steps to put the Electronic Potentiometer into operation.
For the proper implementation of the Electronic Potentiometer application (EP), it is essential to
check if the inverter is properly configured to run the motor at the desired speed. Thus, check the
following settings:
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limit (P0135 for V/f and V V W control and torque limit P0169/P0170 for vector control mode).
Torque boost (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if it were in the V/f control mode.
DI3 will be used for the Accelerate command. NO (Close to increment the speed).
DI4 will be used for the Decelerate command. NC (Open to decrement the speed).
DI1 - Run/Stop
DI3 - Accelerate
CFW700 DI4 - Decelerate
34 +24 V
35 COM
36 GND (24 V)
37 DI1
39 DI3 PE W V U
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
Line Isolating switch Fuses
CFW700 | 19-17
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- DI4 is used to select the Decelerate -- SPLC Group. Backup of the Electronic
11 command. 21 = Function 2 of the 12 Potentiometer reference. 0 = Inactive,
application. 1 = Active.
Figure 19.8: Programming sequence of the Electronic Potentiometer application on the CFW700
Below is the true table listing the motor speed reference with the accelerate (DI3) and decelerate (DI4) commands.
Table 19.4: Motor speed according to the logical status of the accelerate and decelerate commands
Operation Setup
Check the status of the Electronic Potentiometer application in parameter P1000. The Electronic Potentiometer will
be in operation if P1000 value is 4. If P1000 value is 3, the Electronic Potentiometer application is stopped and it
is necessary to change the command value of the SoftPLC in parameter P1001 to 1 (run application). Any value
other than 3 or 4 indicates that the applicative cannot go into operation. Refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC manual,
for further details.
19-18 | CFW700
19.3.3 Parameters
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1 for further information.
CFW700 | 19-19
Read only parameter that presents the software version of the Electronic Potentiometer application developed
for the SoftPLC function of the CFW700.
Read only parameter that presents, in rpm, the current speed reference value of the Electronic Potentiometer
This parameter sets whether the backup function of the Electronic Potentiometer speed reference is active or
If P1012 = 0 (Inactive), the inverter will not save the value of the speed reference when disabled. Therefore, when
the inverter is enabled again, the speed reference value will be the minimum speed set in P0133.
The CFW700 has the MULTISPEED application that allows the speed reference to be set by the values defined
at parameters P1011 to P1018 through the logical combination of digital inputs DI4, DI5 and DI6, having the limit
of eight pre-programmed speed references. It brings advantages such as stability of the pre-programmed fixed
references and electrical noise immunity (isolated digital inputs DIX).
The speed reference selection is done by the logical combination of the digital inputs DI4, DI5 and DI6. Their
respective parameters (P0266, P0267 and P0268) must be set to “Function 1 of the Application (Multispeed)”. If
19 any digital input is set to “Function 1 of the Application”, the following alarm message will be displayed “A0750:
Set a DI for Multispeed” and the speed reference of the inverter will not be enabled.
19-20 | CFW700
Accelerating ramp
24 V
DI6 0 V (open)
24 V
DI5 0 V (open)
24 V
DI4 0 V (open)
For the operation of the Multispeed application, it is necessary to set the parameter P0221 or P0222 to 7 = SoftPLC.
The Function 1 of the Application in the parameters P0266 to P0268 represents the Multispeed command.
The parameters P1011 to P1018 define the speed reference value when the Multispeed application is operating.
Below are the required steps to put the Multispeed application into operation.
For the Multispeed application to operate properly, it essential to check if the CFW700 inverter is
configured properly to drive the motor at the desired speed. In order to do so, check the following
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limitation (P0135) for V/f and V V W control modes, and torque limitation (P0169 / P0170)
for vector control modes. 19
Torque boosts (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if in the V/f control mode.
Execute the self-tuning routine if in the vector mode.
CFW700 | 19-21
The Multispeed application will be configured according to the example shown below, where:
DI4, DI5 and DI6 will be used to select the Multispeed speed references.
DI1 - Run/Stop
DI4 - Multispeed
DI5 - Multispeed
15 +24 V DI6 - Multispeed
17 DI5 CFW700
15 DI6
34 +24 V
35 COM
36 GND (24 V)
37 DI1 PE W V U
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
Line Isolating switch Fuses
Figure 19.10: Example of the Multispeed application on the CFW700
19-22 | CFW700
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- DI5 is used to select the Multispeed -- Digital inputs DI6 is used to select
11 speed reference. 20 = Function 1 of 12 the Multispeed speed reference. 20 =
the application. Function 1 of the application.
Operation setup 19
Check the status of the Multispeed application in the parameter P1000. The Multispeed will be in operation if
P1000 value is 4. If P1000 value is 3, the Multispeed application is stopped and it is necessary to change the
CFW700 | 19-23
command value of the SoftPLC in parameter P1001 to 1 (run application). Any value other than 3 or 4 indicates
that the applicative cannot go into operation. Refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC manual, for further details.
19.4.3 Parameters
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1, for further details.
Sets the speed reference 1 for the Multispeed application.
Sets the speed reference 2 for the Multispeed application.
Sets the speed reference 3 for the Multispeed application.
Sets the speed reference 4 for the Multispeed application.
CFW700 | 19-25
Sets the speed reference 5 for the Multispeed application.
Sets the speed reference 6 for the Multispeed application.
Sets the speed reference 7 for the Multispeed application.
Sets the speed reference 8 for the Multispeed application.
19-26 | CFW700
The CFW700 has the 3-WIRE START/STOP application that allows the inverter Start/Stop command to be performed
as a direct online start with emergency button and retention contact.
This way, the digital input (DIx) programmed to “Function 1 of the Application (Start)” will be able to enable the
inverter with a single pulse in case the DIx set to “Function 2 of the Application (Stop)” is active. The inverter disables
the ramp when the digital input Stop is inactive. The picture below show how it works.
24 V
Dlx - Start
24 V
Motor speed
It is necessary to set the parameter P0224 or P0227 to 4 = SoftPLC for the operation of the 3-Wire Start/Stop
The Function 1 of the Application at parameters P0263 to P0270 represents the Start command.
The Function 2 of the Application at parameters P0263 to P0270 represents the Stop command.
The Start command is done by one of the digital inputs (DI1 to DI8). It is necessary to set one of the DI’s
parameters (P0263 to P0270) to 20 = Function 1 of the Application. If more than one digital input is set for
this function, the logic operation will consider only the command of the high priority level digital input, where:
DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8. If any of the digital inputs is set, the following alarm message will be
displayed: “A0750: Set a DI for Function 1 of the Application (Start)” and the operation of the application will
not be enabled.
The Stop command is also done by one of digital inputs (DI1 to DI8). However, it is necessary to set one the
DI’s parameters (P0263 to P0270) to 21 = Function 2 of the Application. If more than one digital input is set
for this function, the logic operation will consider only the command of the high priority level digital input,
where: DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8. If any of the digital inputs is set, the following alarm message will
be displayed: “A0752: Set a DI for Function 2 of the Application (Stop)” and the operation of the application will
not be enabled.
Both Start and Stop inputs are active when 24 V is applied and inactive when 0 V is applied.
With the inverter enabled in local or remote mode, with no fault, without undervoltage, no A0750 and A0752 alarm,
the “General Enable” command is performed in the inverter. In case some digital input is set to “General Enable”
function, the inverter will effectively be enabled when the two command sources are active.
In case the 3-Wire command application (Start/Stop) has been selected to operate in local mode
and DI1 (P0263) is selected for the Start or Stop command, the inverter may go to the “configuration
(CONF)” status; then it is necessary to change the default programming of parameter P0227.
CFW700 | 19-27
Below are the required steps to put the 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) application into operation.
For the 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) application to operate properly, it essential to check if the
CFW700 inverter is configured properly to drive the motor at the desired speed. In order to do so,
check the following settings:
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limitation (P0135) for V/f and V V W control modes, and torque limitation (P0169 / P0170) for
vector control modes.
Torque boosts (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if in the V/f control mode.
Execute the self-tuning routine if in the vector mode.
The 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) application will be configured according to the example shown below, where:
The CFW700 frequency inverter will be configured to operate in the remote mode.
AI1 will be used for speed reference via potentiometer (0-10 V).
reference via 21 REF+
AI1 22 AI1+ DI3 - Start
≥5 kW DI4 - Stop
23 AI1- CFW700 OFF ON
24 REF- 1
34 +24 V 2
35 COM 3
36 GND (24 V) 4
39 DI3 PE W V U
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
Line Isolating switch
Figure 19.13: Example of the 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) application on the CFW700
19-28 | CFW700
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- DI3 is used for the Start command. -- DI4 is used for the Stop command.
15 16
20 = Function 1 of the application. 21 = Function 2 of the application.
Figure 19.14: Programming sequence of the 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) application on the CFW700
Operation setup
Check the status of the 3-Wire Start/Stop application in the P1000 parameter. The 3-Wire Start/Stop will be in
operation if P1000 value is 4. If P1000 value is 3, the 3-Wire Start/Stop application is stopped and it is necessary
to change the command value of the SoftPLC at parameter P1001 to 1 (run application). Any value other than 3 or
4 indicates that the applicative cannot go into operation. For more details, refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC manual.
CFW700 | 19-29
19.5.3 Parameters
The parameters related to the 3-Wire Start/Stop Application are presented next.
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1 for further information.
Read only parameter that presents the software version of the 3-Wire Start/Stop application developed for the
SoftPLC function of the CFW700.
19-30 | CFW700
The CFW700 has the FORWARD/REVERSE RUN application that allows the combination of two inverter commands
(Forward/Reverse and Start/Stop) in a single digital input.
This way, the digital input (DIx) programmed to “Function 1 of the Application (Forward)” combines the Forward
rotation with the Run/Stop command and the input (DIx) programmed to “Function 2 of the Application (Reverse)”
combines the Reverse rotation with the Run/Stop command. The picture below show how it works.
24 V
24 V
It is necessary to set the parameter P0223 to 9 = SoftPLC (CW) or 10 = SoftPLC (CCW) together with P0224
to 4 = SoftPLC, or else, it is necessary to set P0226 to 9 = SoftPLC (CW) or 10 = SoftPLC (CCW) together with
P0227 to 4 = SoftPLC for the operation of the Forward/Reverse Run application. The following alarm message will
be displayed in case the Local FWD/REV selection is not set (P0223): “A0760: Set Local FWD/REV to SoftPLC”
and the operation of the application will not be enabled if the Local Run/Stop selection (P0224) has been set to
SoftPLC. The same applies to the Remote FWD/REV (P0226), i.e., the following alarm message will be displayed:
“A0762: Set Remote FWD/REV to SoftPLC” and the operation of the application will not be enabled if the Remote
Run/Stop selection (P0227) has been set to SoftPLC.
The Function 1 of the Application at parameters P0263 to P0270 represents the Forward command.
The Function 2 of the Application at parameters P0263 to P0270 represents the Reverse command.
The Forward command is done by one of the digital inputs (DI1 to DI8). It is necessary to set one of the DI’s
parameters (P0263 to P0270) to 20 = Function 1 of the Application. If more than one digital input is set for
this function, the logic operation will consider only the command of the high priority level digital input, where:
DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8. If any of the digital inputs is set, the following alarm message will be
displayed: “A0750: Set a DI for Function 1 of the Application (Forward)” and the operation of the application
will not be enabled. It is defined that the Forward command rotation will always be “clockwise”.
The Reverse command is also done by one of digital inputs (DI1 to DI8). However, it is necessary to set one
the DI’s parameters (P0263 to P0270) to 21 = Function 2 of the Application. If more than one digital input is
set for this function, the logic operation will consider only the command of the high priority level digital input,
where: DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8. If any of the digital inputs is set, the following alarm message will
be displayed: “A0752: Set a DI for Function 2 of the Application (Reverse)” and the operation of the application
will not be enabled. It is defined that the Reverse command rotation will always be “counterclockwise”.
Both Forward and Reverse inputs are active when 24 V is applied and inactive when 0 V is applied.
With the inverter enabled in local or remote mode, with no fault, without undervoltage, no A0750, A0752, A0760
and A0762 alarms, the “General Enable” command is performed in the inverter. In case some digital input is set
to “General Enable” function, the inverter will effectively be enabled when the two command sources are active.
CFW700 | 19-31
With the Forward digital input active and the Reverse digital input inactive, the Forward and Start commands are
performed. If the Reverse digital input is active, nothing is changed in the operation of the inverter. When both
commands are inactive, the start command is removed and the motor will be decelerated to 0 rpm. However,
when the Reverse digital input is active and the Forward digital input is inactive, the Reverse and Start command
are performed. If the Forward digital input is active, nothing is changed in the operation of the inverter. When
both commands are inactive, the Start command is removed and the inverter decelerates to 0 rpm. In case both
Forward and Reverse digital inputs are active at the same time, the Forward command will be generated.
In case the Forward/Reverse command was selected to operate in local mode and DI1 (P0263) is
selected for the Forward or Reverse command, the inverter may go to the “configuration (CONF)”
status; then it is necessary to change the default programming of parameter P0227.
Below are the required steps to put the Forward/Reverse run application into operation.
For the proper implementation of the Forward/Reverse Run application, it is essential to check if the
inverter is properly configured to run the motor at the desired speed. Thus, check the following settings:
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limitation (P0135) for V/f and V V W control modes, and torque limitation (P0169 / P0170)
for vector control modes.
Torque boosts (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if in the V/f control mode.
Execute the self-tuning routine if in the vector mode.
The Forward/Reverse run application will be configured according to the example shown below, where:
The CFW700 frequency inverter will be configured to operate in the remote mode.
AI1 will be used for speed reference via potentiometer (0-10 V).
21 REF+ DI3 - Forward
via AI1 22 AI1+ DI4 - Reverse
≥5 kW 23 AI1- CFW700 OFF ON
24 REF- 1
34 +24 V 2
35 COM 3
36 GND (24 V) 4
39 DI3 PE W V U
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
19 S
Line Isolating switch
19-32 | CFW700
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- DI3 is used for the Start command. -- DI3 is used for the Forward run.
15 16
20 = Function 1 of the application. 20 = Function 1 of the application.
Figure 19.17: Programming sequence of the Forward/Reverse run application on the CFW700
Operation setup
Check the status of the Forward/Reverse Run application in the P1000 parameter. The Forward/Reverse Run will
be in operation if P1000 value is 4. If P1000 value is 3, the Forward/Reverse Run application is stopped and it
is necessary to change the command value of the SoftPLC at parameter P1001 to 1 (run application). Any value
other than 3 or 4 indicates that the applicative cannot go into operation. Refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC manual,
for further details.
CFW700 | 19-33
19.6.3 Parameters
The parameters related to the Forward/Reverse Run Application are presented next.
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1 for further information.
19-34 | CFW700
The CFW700 has the COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS which encompasses a certain set of functions that can
be used in the same SoftPLC application of the CFW700 frequency inverter, since they do not actuate on the same
command (speed reference, Run/Stop command and direction of rotation command). Below are the functions
that were implemented in this application:
PID2 Controller + 4 Control Setpoints with selection via DI + Alarms by Low or High Level of the Process
Variable + Sleep Mode.
Electronic Potentiometer.
Forward/Reverse Run.
Drive logic of Mechanical Brake + Protection for Inverter operating in Torque Limitation.
Some of the functions above send the same command signal to the CFW700 frequency inverter and, therefore,
cannot be used at the same time, since they generate incompatibility of operation according to the table below:
In case one or more functions are enabled to send speed reference, the alarm message A0770 will
be generated, preventing the use of the functions.
In case two or more functions are enabled to send the Run/Stop command, an alarm message A0774
will be generated, preventing the use of the functions.
In order to enable the use of the function in the COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS, it is necessary to program
some frequency inverter commands (Local or Remote) for the SoftPLC function as per the table below:
Table 19.7: Programming of the inverter commands for SoftPLC according to the application function
“-” indicates the value programmed in the parameter does not apply to the application function.
CFW700 | 19-35
Besides the command parameters of the CFW700 frequency inverter, it is also necessary to program the parameters
of the analog and digital inputs and outputs for certain functionalities as described below:
Table 19.8: Functionalities and programming of the analog and digital inputs and outputs according to the application function
“-” indicates that the analog or digital input or output functionality does not apply to the application
The COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS of the CFW700 has the PID2 CONTROLLER function, which can be
used to control a process in closed loop. This application sets a proportional, integral and derivative controller
superimposed to the regular speed control of the CFW700, having an option of up to four control setpoints
selected via logical combination of digital inputs (DIs), alarms by low or high level of the process variable and also
the possibility of setting the conditions of the sleep mode.
Basically, the function of the PID2 CONTROLLER compares the control setpoint to the process variable and
controls the motor speed to try to eliminate any errors so as to keep the process variable equal to the control
setpoint required by the user. The setting of the gains P, I and D determine the speed at which the inverter will
respond to eliminate this error. Below is the block diagram of the PID2 Controller.
19-36 | CFW700
AI1 P1016
Selection via
P1022 P1023, P1024
The example below defines the terms used by the PID2 Controller function.
An electric pump used in a water pumping system in which the pressure must be controlled at the pump output
pipe. A pressure transducer is installed on the pipe and provides an analog feedback signal to the CFW700 that is
proportional to the water pressure. This signal is called process variable, and can be viewed in parameter P1016. A
control setpoint is programmed in the CFW700 via HMI (P1011) or through an analog input or via logical combination
of DIs according to the source of the control setpoint defined in P1021. The control setpoint is the value of water
pressure which the pump must produce regardless the demand variations in the pump output at any moment.
In order to enable the operation of the PID2 Controller function, it is necessary to program the speed reference
for the SoftPLC function, that is, parameter P0221 or P0222 for 7 = SoftPLC; and enable the control action of
the PID2 Controller in P1019 for direct action (=1) or reverse action (=2). Otherwise, the alarm message “A0772:
Program P0221 or P0222 for 7 = SoftPLC” is generated.
The source of the control setpoint of the PID2 Controller is defined in parameter P1021, seeing that it can be
via parameter P1011, which can be changed via HMI; via analog input AI1 or AI2, being necessary to program
parameter P0231 (AI1) or P0236 (AI2) for 5 = Function 1 of the Application so that it will be enabled for operation;
via logical combination of digital inputs, with selection of up to four control setpoints, and it will be necessary to
program parameter P0263 (DI1) or P0264 (DI2) or P0265 (DI3) or P0266 (DI4) or P0267 (DI5) or P0268 (DI6) or
P0269 (DI7) or P0270 (DI8) for 21 = Function 2 of the Application and/or 22 = Function 3 of the Application. In
case more than one parameter is set for this function, the operation logic will consider only the command of the
digital input with the highest priority, being DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8.
The selection of the control setpoint of the PID2 Controller via logical combination of digital inputs occurs according
to the table below:
Table 19.9: Control setpoint of the PID2 Controller via logical combination of digital inputs
The value of the present control setpoint of the PID2 Controller (P1015) can be indicated via analog output AO1
or AO2, and it will be necessary to program P0251 (AO1) or P0254 (AO2) for 17 = Function 1 of the Application.
The variable full scale is 100.0 % and corresponds to 10 V or 20 mA.
CFW700 | 19-37
The source of the process variable of the PID2 Controller is defined in parameter P1022, seeing that it can be via
analog input AI1 and/or AI2, being necessary to program parameter P0231 (AI1) or P0236 (AI2) for 6 = Function
2 of the Application so that it will be enabled for operation. Otherwise, an alarm message “A0784: Program AI1
or AI2 for 6 = Function 2 of the Application” will be generated.
The value of the process variable of the PID2 Controller (P1016) can be indicated via AO1 or AO2, and it will be
necessary to program P0251 (AO1) or P0254 (AO2) for 18 = Function 2 of the Application. The variable full scale
is 100.0 % and corresponds to 10 V or 20 mA.
The operation mode of the PID2 Controller is defined in parameter P1020, seeing that it may be always automatic,
always manual or via Automatic/Manual command through DI1 to DI8, being necessary to program parameter P0263
(DI1) or P0264 (DI2) or P0265 (DI3) or P0266 (DI4) or P0267 (DI5) or P0268 (DI6) or P0269 (DI7) or P0270 (DI8) for
20 = Function 1 of the Application. In case more than a parameter is set for this function, the operation logic will
consider only the command of the digital input with the highest priority, being DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8.
In case no digital inputs are programmed, the alarm message “A0786: Program DI1 or DI2 or DI3 or DI4 or DI5 or
DI6 or DI7 or DI8 to 20 = Function 1 of the Application” will be generated.
The digital input programmed for PID2 in Automatic/Manual is active when it is in 24 V indicating manual command,
and inactive in 0 V indicating automatic command.
The digital outputs DO1 to DO5 can be programmed to indicate alarm conditions by low level or high level of
the process variable (PV), seeing that they must be programmed in one of the respective parameters (P0275
to P0279) with the value 34 = Function 1 of the Application (Low Level of the Process Variable (equivalent to
VP<VPy)) or 35 = Function 2 of the Application (High Level of the Process Variable (equivalent to VP>VPx).
In case the parameter zero speed disable is active, that is, P0217 = 1, the alarm message “A0788: Program
P0217 = 0” will be generated in order to deactivate the zero speed disable due to incompatibility with the
operation of the PID2 Controller function.
In case the PID2 Controller function is selected to operate in local mode and DI1 (P0263) is selected
for PID2 in Automatic/Manual, 1st or 2nd DI for control setpoint, the inverter can go to the “configuration
(CONF)” status, seeing that it is then necessary to change the default setting of parameter P0227. Start-Up
Below are the required steps to put the PID2 CONTROLLER function of the COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS
into operation.
For the PID2 Controller function to operate properly, it essential to check if the CFW700 is configured
properly to drive the motor at the desired speed. In order to do so, check the following settings:
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limitation (P0135) for V/f and V V W control modes, and torque limitation (P0169 / P0170)
for vector control modes.
Torque boosts (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if in the V/f control mode.
Execute the self-tuning routine if in the vector mode.
The PID2 Controller function will be configured according to the example presented below, where:
19-38 | CFW700
The process variable of the PID2 Controller (PV) will be connected to AI2 in the scale of 4-20 mA, where 4 mA
is equal to 0 bar and 20 mA is equal to 25.0 bars.
The setpoint of the PID2 Controller control (SP) will be via HMI (keys).
4-20 mA Pressure
21 REF+ 0-25 bar
Setpoint 22 AI1+
via AI1 Setpoint DI1 - Run/Stop
23 AI1- via keys
≥5 kW DI3 - Automatic/Manual PID
24 REF- DI4 - General enable
25 AI2+
26 AI2- CFW700 OFF ON
34 +24 V
35 COM 2
S1 Process
36 GND (24 V) 3
37 DI1 4
39 DI3 PE W V U
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
Line Isolating switch Fuses
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
CFW700 | 19-39
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- Scale factor of the HMI secondary -- Indication form of the HMI secondary
13 14
display. display 4 = as defined in P0511.
-- DI3 is used to set PID2 to Automatic -- DI4 is used for the General Enable
25 or Manual. 20 = Function 1 of the 26 command.
Application. 2 = General Enable.
-- The range of the sensor connected -- The range of the sensor connected
to AI2 is 0 to 25.0 bars. Program this to AI2 is 0 to 25.0 bars. Program this
33 parameter for the minimum sensor 34 parameter for the maximum sensor
19 value which is the maximum of the
analog input 4 mA.
value which is the maximum of the
analog input 20 mA.
19-40 | CFW700
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
39 -- Integral Gain of the PID2 Controller. 40 -- Derivative Gain of the PID2 Controller.
Figure 19.20: Programming sequence of the PID2 Controller function on the CFW700
Parameters P1026, P1027, P1028 and P1029 must be set according to the response of the process to be controlled.
Below are suggestions for initial values of sampling time and gain settings for the PID2 Controller according to
the process to be controlled.
Table 19.10: Suggestions for the gain settings of the PID2 Controller
Sampling Time
Magnitude Proportional Integral Derivative
P1027 P1028 P1029
Pressure in pneumatic system 0.10 s 1.000 5.000 0.000
Flow in pneumatic system 0.10 s 1.000 5.000 0.000
Pressure in hydraulic system 0.10 s 1.000 5.000 0.000
Flow in hydraulic system 0.10 s 1.000 5.000 0.000
Temperature 0.50 s 2.000 0.500 0.100
Check the status of the COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS in parameter P1000. Value equal to 4 indicates the
application is already in operation. Value equal to 3 indicates the application is stopped; therefore, it is necessary
to change the value of the command for the SoftPLC in parameter P1001 to 1 (execute application). Value different
from 3 or 4 indicates the application cannot go into operation. For further details, refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC Manual.
1. Manual Operation (DI3 closed): keeping the DI3 closed (Manual), check the indication of the process variable
on the HMI (P1016) based on an external measurement of the sensor signal (transducer) in AI2.
Then, vary the value of the manual setpoint of the PID2 Controller (P1018) until reaching the desired value of the
process variable Check if the control setpoint value (P1011) is set to this value and then put the PID2 Controller
in the automatic mode.
The PID2 Controller only starts the speed regulation when the motor reaches the minimum speed
set in P0133, because it was configured to operate from 0.0 to 100.0 %, where 0.0 % is equivalent to
the minimum speed (set in P0133) and 100.0 % is equivalent to the maximum speed (set in P0134).
2. Automatic Operation (DI3 open): open DI3 and make the dynamic setting of the PID2 Controller, that is,
the proportional (P1027), integral (P1028) and derivative (P1029) gains, checking if the regulation is being done
properly. In order to do so, just compare the control setpoint and the process variable and check if the values
are close. Also check how fast the motor responds to the oscillations of the process variable.
CFW700 | 19-41
It is important to point out that the setting of the PID2 gains is a step that requires some attempt and error procedure
to reach the desired response time. If the system responds quickly and oscillates close to the control setpoint,
then the proportional gain is too high. If the system responds slowly and it takes a long time to reach the control
setpoint, the proportional gain is too low and must be increased. In case the process variable does not reach the
required value (control setpoint), the integral gain must be set then.
When the PID2 Controller function is used, the monitoring mode screen can be configured to show the main
variables numerically with or without engineering units.
One example of HMI with this configuration can be observed in Figure 19.20 on page 19-41, which shows: the
process variable, the control setpoint, both without engineering unit (referenced at 25.0 bar), and the motor speed
in the bar graph in %. Refer to the section 5.4 HMI on page 5-2.
Figure 19.21: Example of HMI in the monitoring mode for the PID2 Controller function
In the 2-wire configuration, the transducer signal is shared with the power supply. Figure 19.22 on page 19-42
presents this type of connection.
21 REF+
22 AI1+ Setpoint
23 AI1- via keys
24 REF-
4-20 mA
Pressure 25 AI2+
transducer 26 AI2- CFW700 OFF ON
0-25 bar 34 +24 V 1
35 COM 2 S1
36 GND (24 V) 3
37 DI1 4
39 DI3
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
Figure 19.22: Connection of a 2-wire transducer to the CFW700
The PID2 Controller implemented on the CFW700 is academic. Below are presented the equations that characterize
the academic PID2 Controller, which is the algorithm base of this function.
The transfer function in the frequency domain of the Academic PID2 Controller is:
Replacing the integrator by a sum and the derivative by the incremental quotient, you obtain the approximation
for the discrete (recursive) transfer equation presented below: Parameters
Below are described the parameters related to the PID2 Controller function.
CFW700 | 19-43
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1 for further information.
19-44 | CFW700
Read only parameter which presents the software version of the combined special functions that contains the
PID2 Controller function developed for the SoftPLC function of the CFW700.
This parameter defines a first value of control setpoint of the PID2 Controller in engineering unit when the PID2
Controller is in automatic mode and the setpoint source (P1021) is the HMI or logical combination of digital
This parameter will be viewed according to the selection of the parameters for SoftPLC 1 engineering
unit (P0510 and P0511).
This parameter defines a second value of control setpoint of the PID2 Controller in engineering unit when the
PID2 Controller is in automatic mode and the setpoint source (P1021) is logical combination of digital inputs.
This parameter defines a fourth value of control setpoint of the PID2 Controller in engineering unit when the
PID2 Controller is in automatic mode and the setpoint source (P1021) is logical combination of digital inputs.
Parameters P1012, P1013 and P1014 will be viewed according to the selection of the parameters
for SoftPLC 1 engineering unit (P0510 and P0511).
Table 19.9 on page 19-37 shows the true table for the control setpoint selected via logical combination
of digital inputs.
Read only parameter which presents the value of the present control setpoint of the PID2 Controller according
to the source defined in P1021, and being viewed according to the selection of the parameters for SoftPLC 1
engineering unit (P0510 and P0511).
Read only parameter which presents the value of the process variable of the PID2 Controller according to the
source defined in P1022 and scale defined in P1023 and P1024, being viewed according to the selection of the
parameters for SoftPLC 1 engineering unit (P0510 and P0511).
The conversion of the value read by the analog input in percentage into the value of the process variable shown
in P1016 according to the scale is done through the following formula:
19-46 | CFW700
Read only parameter which presents, in percentage (%), the value of the PID2 Controller output, where 0.0 %
is equivalent to the motor minimum speed (P0133) and 100.0 % is equivalent to the motor maximum speed
This parameter defines the value of the PID2 Controller output when it is in manual mode, that is, when the
PID2 Controller works in manual mode, the value defined as manual setpoint is transferred directly to the PID2
Controller output.
This parameter enables the PID2 Controller function and defines how the control action of the PID2 Controller
will be, that is, how the error signal will be.
P1019 Description
0 Defines that the operation of the PID2 Controller will be disabled.
1 Defines that the control action of the PID Controller will be direct mode.
2 Defines that the control action of the PID Controller will be reverse mode.
CFW700 | 19-47
The control action of the PID2 Controller must be selected for direct mode when it is necessary to
increase the PID2 Controller output in order to increase the value of the process variable. E.g.: Pumps
driven by the inverter filling a tank. For the tank level (process variable) to increase, it is necessary
that the flow increase, which is accomplished by increasing the motor speed.
The control action of the PID2 Controller must be selected for Reverse mode when it is necessary
to decrease the PID2 Controller output in order to increase the value of the process variable. E.g.:
Fan driven by inverter cooling a refrigeration tower. When it is desired to increase the temperature
(process variable), it is necessary to reduce the ventilation by reducing the motor speed.
This parameter defines how the PID2 Controller will operate.
P1020 Description
0 Defines that the PID2 Controller will always operate in automatic mode.
1 Defines that the PID2 Controller will always operate in manual mode.
Defines that DIx programmed for Automatic/Manual will select the operation mode of the PID2 Controller to
2 Automatic (0) or Manual (1). Also defines that the transition from Automatic to Manual will be done without
bumpless transfer. The Manual to Automatic transition is always done with bumpless.
Defines that DIx programmed for Automatic/Manual will select the operation mode of the PID2 Controller
3 to Automatic (0) or Manual (1). Also defines that the transition from Automatic to Manual will be done with
bumpless transfer. The Manual to Automatic transition is always done with bumpless.
Bumpless transfer is merely making the transfer from the manual mode to the automatic mode or
from the automatic mode to the manual mode without causing variation in the PID2 Controller output.
When the transition occurs from the manual mode to the automatic mode, the output value in
manual mode is used to start the integral part of the PID2 Controller. That ensures that the output
will start from this value.
When the transition occurs from the automatic mode to the manual mode, the output value in
automatic mode is used as the setpoint in manual mode (it changes the value contained in parameter
19-48 | CFW700
This parameter defines the source of control setpoint of the PID2 Controller.
Table 19.13: Description of the control setpoint source of the PID2 Controller
P1021 Description
0 Defines that the control setpoint source will be via writing on parameter P1011 via HMI.
1 Defines that the control setpoint source will be the value read by AI1 and viewed in parameter P1015.
Defines that the control setpoint source will be the value read by the AI2 and viewed in parameter
Defines that the control setpoint source will be the value set in parameter P1011 or P1012 according to
3 logical combination of the 1st DI for control setpoint. Table 19.9 on page 19-37 shows the true table for
the control setpoints selected via logical combination of digital inputs.
Defines that the control setpoint source will be the value set in parameter P1011 or P1012 or P1013
4 according to logical combination of the 1st and 2nd DIs for control setpoint. Table 19.9 on page 19-37
shows the true table for the control setpoints selected via logical combination of digital inputs.
Defines that the control setpoint source will be the value set in parameter P1011 or P1012 or P1013 or
5 P1014 according to logical combination of the 1st and 2nd DIs for control setpoint. Table 19.9 on page
19-37 shows the true table for the control setpoints selected via logical combination of digital inputs.
This parameter defines the process variable source of the PID2 Controller.
Table 19.14: Description of the process variable source of the PID2 Controller
P1022 Description
0 Defines that the control variable source will be the value read by the AI1 and viewed in parameter P1016.
1 Defines that the control variable source will be the value read by AI2 and viewed in parameter P1016.
Defines that the control variable source will be the value read by AI1 minus the value read by AI2, that
is, the difference between AI1 and AI2, and viewed in parameter P1016.
CFW700 | 19-49
P1023 – Minimum Sensor Level of the Process Variable of the PID2 Controller
This parameter defines the minimum value of the sensor connected to the analog input configured for process
variable of the PID2 Controller according to its engineering unit.
This parameter will be viewed according to the selection of the parameters for SoftPLC 1 engineering
unit (P0510 and P0511).
P1024 – Maximum Sensor Level of the Process Variable of the PID2 Controller
This parameter defines the maximum value of the sensor connected to the analog input configured for process
variable of the PID2 Controller according to its engineering unit.
This parameter will be viewed according to the selection of the parameters for SoftPLC 1 engineering
unit (P0510 and P0511).
This parameter configures the time constant of the filter of the 1st order to be applied to the control setpoint of
the PID2 Controller and is intended to decrease sudden changes in the value of the control setpoint of the PID2
19-50 | CFW700
This parameter defines the time of the sampling period of the PID2 Controller.
Table 19.10 on page 19-41 suggests setting values for the sampling time according to the process
to be controlled by the PID2 Controller.
These parameters define the gains of the PID2 Controller, and must be set according to the magnitude or process
that is being controlled.
Table 19.10 on page 19-41 suggests setting values for the gains according to the process to be
controlled by the PID2 Controller.
P1030 – Value for Low Level Alarm of the Process Variable of the PID2 Controller
This parameter defines the value below which the low level condition will be detected by the sensor of the
analog input which measures the process variable of the PID2 Controller according to its engineering unit.
In order to enable the alarm it is necessary to set a value different from “0”. When the alarm condition is detected,
the alarm message “A0752: Low Level of the Process Variable of the PID2 Controller detected” is generated. The
alarm condition will not stop the motor, that is, the user is just informed of the presence of an alarm.
CFW700 | 19-51
It is possible to signal the alarm condition by low level of the process variable of the PID2 Controller in a digital
input, according to Table 19.8 on page 19-36.
This parameter will be viewed according to the selection of the parameters for SoftPLC 1 engineering
unit (P0510 and P0511).
P1031 – Time for Low Level Fault of the Process Variable of the PID2 Controller
This parameter defines the time with the low level condition of the process variable of the PID2 Controller active
so that the fault “F0753: Low Level Fault of the Process Variable of the Controller PID2” is generated.
Value in “0” disables the low level fault of the process variable of the PID2 Controller.
P1032 – Value for High Level Alarm of the Process Variable of the PID2 Controller
This parameter defines the value above which the high level condition will be detected by the sensor of the
analog input which measures the process variable of the PID2 Controller according to its engineering unit.
In order to enable the alarm it is necessary to set a value different from “0”. When the alarm condition is
detected, the alarm message “A0754: High Level of the Process Variable of the PID2 Controller detected” is
generated. The alarm condition will not stop the motor, that is, the user is just informed of the presence of an
It is possible to signal the alarm condition by low level of the process variable of the PID2 Controller in a digital
input, according to Table 19.8 on page 19-36.
This parameter will be viewed according to the selection of the parameters for SoftPLC 1 engineering
unit (P0510 and P0511).
19-52 | CFW700
P1033 – Time for High Level Fault of the Process Variable of the PID2 Controller
This parameter defines the time with the high level condition of the process variable of the PID2 Controller active
so that the fault “F0755: High Level Fault of the Process Variable of the Controller PID2” is generated.
Value in “0” disables the high level fault of the process variable of the PID2 Controller.
This parameter group allows the user to set the operation conditions of the sleep mode.
Sleep Mode is a controlled system status in which the control demand is zero or almost zero, seeing that at
this moment the motor driven by the CFW700 frequency inverter may be stopped. That prevents the motor from
remaining running at a low speed, which does little or nothing for the controlled system. Even if apparently the
motor is OFF, the process variable continues to be monitored so that, when necessary, the controlled system can
start the motor again according to the conditions of the wake up mode or to the start by level mode.
The Start by Level Mode starts the motor by comparing the process variable to its preset level.
The Wake up Mode starts the motor by comparing the process variable to the control setpoint set.
The sleep mode only actuates if the PID2 Controller is enabled and in automatic mode.
When the CFW700 inverter is in the sleep mode, the motor can spin at any moment because of the process
conditions. If you wish to handle the motor or execute any kind of maintenance, power down the inverter.
This parameter enables the sleep mode of the PID2 Controller function and defines the form to start the motor
controlled by the CFW700 frequency inverter. 19
CFW700 | 19-53
Table 19.15: Description of the configuration of the sleep mode of the PID2 Controller
P1034 Description
0 Defines that the sleep mode of the PID2 Controller will be disabled.
Defines that the sleep mode of the PID2 Controller will be enabled and that the mode to start the
motor will be the start by level mode.
Defines that the sleep mode of the PID2 Controller will be enabled and that the mode to start the
motor will be the wake up mode.
This parameter defines the value of the PID2 Controller output below which the sleep mode can be active.
This parameter defines how long the value of the PID2 Controller output should remain below the value set in
P1035 so as to activate the sleep mode and stop the motor driven by the CFW700 frequency inverter.
It is possible to signal the sleep mode active condition in a digital output, according to Table 19.8 on page 19-36.
The alarm message “A0750: Sleep Mode Active” will be generated on the HMI of the CFW700
frequency inverter in order to warn that the motor is in the sleep mode.
P1037 – Process Variable Level of the PID2 Controller to Start the Motor
This parameter defines the value of the process variable of the PID2 Controller in order to start the motor driven
19 by the CFW700 frequency inverter.
19-54 | CFW700
This parameter will be viewed according to the selection of the parameters for SoftPLC 1 engineering
unit (P0510 and P0511).
P1038 – Deviation of the Process Variable of the PID2 Controller to Wake Up the Motor
This parameter defines the value to be subtracted from (direct PID) or added to (reverse PID) the control setpoint
of the PID2 Controller, becoming then the limit value to start the motor driven by the CFW700 frequency inverter.
This parameter will be viewed according to the selection of the parameters for the engineering unit
1 (P0510 and P0511).
P1039 – Time to Activate the Start by Level Mode or the Wake up Mode
This parameter defines the time the condition of start by level mode or wake up mode must remain active for
the motor driven by the CFW700 frequency inverter to be started, where:
Start by Level Mode: the process variable of the PID2 Controller must remain below (direct PID) or above
(reverse PID) the level defined in P1037 for the time set in P1039 for the motor to be started and the process
Wake Up Mode: the process variable of the PID2 Controller must remain below (direct PID) or above (reverse
PID) the deviation defined in P1038 for the time set in P1039 for the motor to be started and the process
Below is the analysis of the operation of the PID2 Controller when the sleep mode and the start by level mode
are configured according to the identified instants:
CFW700 | 19-55
2 6
P0133 - minimum speed (rpm)
3 4 5
100.0 %
Figure 19.23: Operation of the PID2 with sleep mode and start by level mode
1. The PID Controller is controlling the motor speed and the speed begins to decrease to keep the process
controlled. The value of the PID Controller output falls below the value set to sleep (P1035) and the time count
to activate the sleep mode (P1036) begins.
2. The PID Controller output remains below the value set (P1035) and the time to activate the sleep mode (P1036)
elapses. Then, the sleep mode is activated and the command to stop the motor is executed.
3. The motor is decelerated down to 0 rpm and remains stopped; the process variable (P1016) continues being
19 monitored, because the controlling process continues enabled.
4. The value of the process variable (P1016) starts decreasing and fall below the level set to start the motor
(P1037) and the time count to activate the start by level mode (P1039) begins.
19-56 | CFW700
5. The value of the process variable (P1016) remains below the level set to start the motor (P1037) and the time
to activate the start by level mode (P1039) elapses. Then, the motor is started again through the command
to spin the motor.
6. The motor is accelerated up to the minimum speed (P0133) and from this moment on the PID Controller is
enabled again in order to control the process variable (P1016).
Below is the analysis of the operation of the PID2 Controller when the sleep mode and the wake up mode are
configured according to the identified instants:
2 6
P0133 - minimum speed (rpm)
3 4 5
100.0 %
CFW700 | 19-57
1. The PID Controller is controlling the motor speed and the speed begins to decrease to keep the process
controlled. The value of the PID Controller output falls below the value set to sleep (P1035) and the time count
to activate the sleep mode (P1036) begins.
2. The PID Controller output remains below the value set (P1035) and the time to activate the sleep mode (P1036)
elapses. Then, the sleep mode is activated and the command to stop the motor is executed.
3. The motor is decelerated down to 0 rpm and remains stopped; the process variable (P1016) continues being
monitored, because the controlling process continues enabled.
4. The difference between the process variable (P1016) and the present control setpoint of the PID Controller
(P1015) is greater than the deviation value set to wake up (P1038) and the time count to activate the wake up
mode (P1039) begins.
5. The difference between the process variable (P1016) and the present control setpoint of the PID Controller
(P1015) remains above the deviation value set to wake up (P1038) and the time to activate the wake up mode
(P1039) elapses; Then, the motor is “waken up”, that is, started again through the command to spin the motor.
6. The motor is accelerated up to the minimum speed (P0133) and from this moment on the PID Controller is
enabled again in order to control the process variable (P1016).
The Combined Special Functions of the CFW700 has the MULTISPEED function, which allows setting the speed
based on the values defined by parameters P1041 to P1048 with the logical combination of up to three digital
inputs, limited to a maximum of eight pre-programmed speed references. Advantages such as stability of the fixed
pre-programmed references and electric noise immunity (isolated digital inputs DIX) are noted in the Multispeed
The speed reference is selected by the logic combination of digital inputs defined as 1st DI, 2nd DI and 3rd DI for
Multispeed Reference, and their respective parameters (P0263 to P0270) must be programmed for 23 = Function
4 of the Application, 24 = Function 5 of the Application and 25 = Function 6 of the Application according to Table
19.8 on page 19-36.
Acceleration ramp
24 V
DIx - 2nd DI Multispeed 0V
24 V
DIx - 1st DI Multispeed 0V
19 Figure 19.25: Operation of the Multispeed function
For the operation of the Multispeed function, it is necessary to program parameter P0221 or P0222 to 7 = SoftPLC.
Otherwise, an alarm message “A0772: Program P0221 or P0222 to 7 = SoftPLC” will be generated.
19-58 | CFW700
Parameters P1041 to P1048 define the speed reference value when the Multispeed function is enabled.
Parameters P1041 to P1048 can be viewed in rpm or Hz, as defined in the SoftPLC 2 engineering unit by means
of parameters P0512 and P0513. Set P0512 to 3 for rpm or P0512 to 13 for Hz.
In case the Multispeed function is selected to operate in local mode and DI1 (P0263) is selected for
1st, 2nd or 3rd DI for Multispeed reference, the inverter may go to the “configuration (CONF)” status,
and it will be necessary to change the default setting of parameter P0227. Start-Up
Below are the required steps to put the Multispeed application into operation.
For the proper operation of the Multispeed function, it is essential to check if the CFW700 inverter is
configured properly to drive the motor at the desired speed. In order to do so, check the following
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limitation (P0135) for V/f and V V W control modes, and torque limitation (P0169 / P0170)
for vector control modes.
Torque boosts (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if in the V/f control mode.
Execute the self-tuning routine if in the vector mode.
The Multispeed function will be configured according to the example shown below, where:
The CFW700 frequency inverter will be configured to operate in the remote mode.
I4 will be the 1st DI for MS Reference, DI5 will be the 2nd DI for MS Reference and DI6 will be the 3rd DI for MS
Reference, and the three digital inputs will be used to select the Multispeed speed references.
CFW700 | 19-59
DI1 - Run/Stop
DI4 - 1st DI for Multispeed
DI5 - 2nd DI for Multispeed
15 +24 V DI6 - 3rd DI for Multispeed
17 DI5 CFW700
18 DI6
34 +24 V
35 COM
36 GND (24 V)
37 DI1 PE W V U
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
Line Isolating switch Fuses
19-60 | CFW700
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- DI4 is used for 1st DI for Multispeed -- DI5 is used for 2nd DI for Multispeed
11 speed reference. 23 = Function 4 of 12 speed reference. 24 = Function 5 of
the application. the application.
CFW700 | 19-61
Check the status of the COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS in parameter P1000. Value equal to 4 indicates the
application is already in operation. Value equal to 3 indicates the application is stopped; therefore, it is necessary to
change the value of the command for the SoftPLC in parameter P1001 to 1 (executes application). Value different
from 3 or 4 indicates the application cannot go into operation. For further details, refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC
Manual. Parameters
19-62 | CFW700
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1 for further information.
Read only parameter which presents the software version of the combined special functions that contains the
Multispeed function developed for the SoftPLC function of the CFW700.
It defines speed reference 1 for the Multispeed function.
It defines speed reference 2 for the Multispeed function.
CFW700 | 19-63
It defines speed reference 3 for the Multispeed function.
It defines speed reference 4 for the Multispeed function.
Parameters P1041, P1042, P1043 and P1044 will be viewed according to the selection of the
parameters for SoftPLC 2 engineering unit (P0512 and P0513).
It defines speed reference 5 for the Multispeed function.
It defines speed reference 6 for the Multispeed function.
19-64 | CFW700
It defines speed reference 8 for the Multispeed function.
Parameters P1045, P1046, P1047 and P1048 will be viewed according to the selection of the
parameters for SoftPLC 2 engineering unit (P0512 and P0513).
In case the SoftPLC 2 engineering unit is not selected for rpm or Hz, the alarm message “A0782:
Program P0512 to rpm or Hz” will be generated.
allows setting the motor reference speed with two digital inputs: one to accelerate and the other to decelerate
the motor.
With the inverter enabled and the DIx active and programmed for 26 = Function 7 of the Application (Accelerate),
the motor accelerates according to the programmed acceleration ramp up to the maximum speed. With the inverter
enabled and just the digital DIx active and programmed for 27 = Function 8 of the Application (Decelerate), the
motor speed decelerates according to the programmed deceleration ramp down to the minimum speed. If both
digital inputs DIx are active, due to safety reasons, the decelerate function prevails. With the inverter disabled, the
digital inputs DIx are ignored except when both are active, in which case the reference speed is set to 0 rpm. The
figure below illustrates this description.
Digital Acceleration Speed
Inputs Decelerate Deceleration reference
to zero
24 V
DIx - Accelerate
Reset 24 V Time
DIx - Decelerate
24 V Time
CFW700 | 19-65
For the operation of the Electronic Potentiometer application, it is necessary to program parameter P0221 or P0222
to 7 = SoftPLC. Otherwise, an alarm message “A0772: Program P0221 or P0222 to 7 = SoftPLC” will be generated.
The Accelerate command is performed by one of the digital inputs DI1 to DI8, and one of the respective parameters
(P0263 to P0270) must be programmed for 26 = Function 7 of the Application. In case more than one parameter
is set for this function, the operation logic will consider only the command of the digital input with the highest
priority, being DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8.
The Decelerate command is performed by one of the digital inputs DI1 to DI8, and one of the respective parameters
(P0263 to P0270) must be programmed for 27 = Function 8 of the Application. In case more than one parameter
is set for this function, the operation logic will consider only the command of the digital input with the highest
priority, being DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8.
The Accelerate input is active when set to 24 V and inactive when set to 0 V. The Decelerate input is active when
set to 0 V and inactive when set to 24 V.
Parameter P1050 shows the present value of the speed reference in rpm and serves to keep the speed reference
value when the command Accelerate or Decelerate is not present.
Parameter P1049 configures if the speed reference backup will be maintained or if it will go to 0 rpm in a new
activation of the drive.
In case the Electronic Potentiometer function is selected to operate in local mode and DI1 (P0263) is
selected for the accelerate or decelerate command, the inverter may go to the “configuration (CONF)”
status, and it will be necessary to change the default setting of parameter P0227. Start-Up
Below are the required steps to put the Electronic Potentiometer function into operation.
For the proper operation of the Electronic Potentiometer (EP) function, it is essential to check if the
CFW700 inverter is configured properly to drive the motor at the desired speed. In order to do so,
check the following settings:
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limitation (P0135) for V/f and V V W control modes, and torque limitation (P0169 / P0170)
for vector control modes.
Torque boosts (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if in the V/f control mode.
Execute the self-tuning routine if in the vector mode.
The Electronic Potentiometer (EP) function will be configured according to the example shown below, where:
The CFW700 frequency inverter will be configured to operate in the remote mode.
DI3 will be used for the Accelerate command. NO (Close to increment the speed).
DI4 will be used for the Decelerate command. NC (Open to decrement the speed).
19-66 | CFW700
DI1 - Run/Stop
DI3 - Accelerate
DI4 - Decelerate
34 +24 V
35 COM
36 GND (24 V)
37 DI1
39 DI3 PE W V U
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
Line Isolating switch Fuses
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- DI3 is used to select the Accelerate -- DI4 is used to select the Decelerate
11 command. 12 command.
26 = Function 7 of the application. 27 = Function 8 of the application.
Figure 19.30: Programming sequence of the Electronic Potentiometer function on the CFW700
Below is the true table listing the motor speed reference with the accelerate (DI3) and decelerate (DI4) commands.
CFW700 | 19-67
Table 19.17: Motor speed according to the logical status of the accelerate and decelerate commands
Check the status of the COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS in parameter P1000. Value equal to 4 indicates the
application is already in operation. Value equal to 3 indicates the application is stopped; therefore, it is necessary to
change the value of the command for the SoftPLC in parameter P1001 to 1 (executes application). Value different
from 3 or 4 indicates the application cannot go into operation. For further details, refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC
Manual. Parameters
Below are described the parameters related to the Electronic Potentiometer (EP) function.
19-68 | CFW700
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1 for further information.
Read only parameter which presents the software version of the combined special functions that contains the
Electronic Potentiometer function developed for the SoftPLC function of the CFW700.
This parameter defines if the speed reference backup function of the Electronic Potentiometer function is active
or inactive.
If P1049 = 0 (Inactive), the inverter will not save the speed reference value when it is disabled. Thus, when the
inverter is enabled again, the speed reference value will become the minimum speed limit (P0133).
Read only parameter which presents, in rpm, the present speed reference of the Electronic Potentiometer
19.7.5 Three-Wire Command (Start/Stop) Function
CFW700 | 19-69
which allows the inverter to start and stop the motor similarly to a direct online start with emergency push-button
and retention contact.
Thus, DIx programmed for 28 = Function 9 of the Application (Start) enables the inverter ramp (Run) with a single
pulse if the DIx programmed for 29 = Function 10 of the Application (Stop) is active. The inverter disables the ramp
(Stop) when the digital input Stop is deactivated. The figure below illustrates this description.
DIx - Start 24 V
24 V
Figure 19.31: Operation of the 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) function
For the operation of the 3-Wire command function, it is necessary to program parameter P0224 or P0227 to 4 = SoftPLC.
Otherwise, an alarm message “A0776: Program P0224 or P0227 to 4 = SoftPLC” will be generated.
The Start command is performed by one of the digital inputs DI1 to DI8, and one of the respective parameters (P0263
to P0270) must be programmed for 28 = Function 9 of the Application, according to Table 19.8 on page 19-36. In
case more than one parameter is set for this function, the operation logic will consider only the command of the
digital input with the highest priority, being DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8.
The Stop command is also performed by one of the digital inputs DI1 to DI8, and one of the respective parameters
(P0263 to P0270) must be programmed for 29 = Function 10 of the Application, according to Table 19.8 on page
19-36. In case more than one parameter is set for this function, the operation logic will consider only the command
of the digital input with the highest priority, being DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8.
Both the Start input and the Stop input are active when in 24 V and inactive when in 0 V.
When the inverter is enabled in the local mode or remote mode, without fault, without undervoltage, without alarm
A0774 and without alarm A0776, the “General Enable” command is performed on the inverter. If there is a digital
input programmed for the “General Enable” function, the drive will be effectively enabled when the two command
sources are active.
In case the 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) function was selected to operate in local mode and DI1
(P0263) was selected for the start or stop command, the inverter may go to the “configuration (CONF)”
status, and it will be necessary to change the default setting of parameter P0227. Start-Up
Below are the required steps to put the 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) function into operation.
For the proper operation of the 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) function, it essential to check if the
CFW700 inverter is configured properly to drive the motor at the desired speed. In order to do so,
check the following settings:
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limitation (P0135) for V/f and V V W control modes, and torque limitation (P0169 / P0170)
19 for vector control modes.
Torque boosts (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if in the V/f control mode.
Execute the self-tuning routine if in the vector mode.
19-70 | CFW700
The 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) function will be configured according to the example shown below, where:
The CFW700 frequency inverter will be configured to operate in the remote mode.
Analog input AI1 will be used for speed reference via potentiometer (0-10 V).
Line Isolating switch Fuses
Figure 19.32: Example of the 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) function on the CFW700
CFW700 | 19-71
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- DI3 is used for the Start command. -- DI4 is used for the Stop command.
15 16
28 = Function 9 of the application. 29 = Function 10 of the application.
Figure 19.33: Programming sequence of the 3-Wire command (Start/Stop) function on the CFW700
Check the status of the COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS in parameter P1000. Value equal to 4 indicates the
application is already in operation. Value equal to 3 indicates the application is stopped; therefore, it is necessary to
change the value of the command for the SoftPLC in parameter P1001 to 1 (executes application). Value different
from 3 or 4 indicates the application cannot go into operation. For further details, refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC
19-72 | CFW700
Applications Parameters
Below are described the parameters related to the 3-Wire Command (Start/Stop) function.
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1 for further information.
Read only parameter which presents the software version of the combined special functions that contains the
3-Wire command (Start/Stop) function developed for the SoftPLC function of the CFW700.
CFW700 | 19-73
provides the user with the combination of two inverter commands (Direction of Rotation and Run/Stop) in a single
command via digital input.
Thus, DIx programmed for 30 = Function 11 of the Application (Forward) combines the clockwise direction of
rotation with the Run/Stop command, while DIx programmed for 31 = Function 12 of the Application combines
counterclockwise direction of rotation with the Run/Stop command. The figure below illustrates this description.
Forward Open
24 V
Reverse Open
speed Clockwise
Counterclockwise Time
For the operation of the Forward/Reverse run application, it is necessary to program parameter P0223
for 9 = SoftPLC (H) or 10 = SoftPLC (AH) together with parameter P0224 for 4 = SoftPLC, or program
parameter P0226 for 9 = SoftPLC (H) or 10 = SoftPLC (AH) together with parameter P0227 for 4 = SoftPLC,
according to Table 19.7 on page 19-35. Otherwise, an alarm message “A0776: Program P0224 or P0227
for 4 = SoftPLC” and/or “A0780: Program P0223 or P0226 for 9 = SoftPLC (H) or 10 = SoftPLC (AH)”
will be generated.
The Forward run is performed by one of the digital inputs DI1 to DI8, and one of the respective parameters
(P0263 to P0270) must be programmed for 30 = Function 11 of the Application, according to Table 19.8 on
page 19-36. In case more than one parameter is programmed for this function, the operation logic will consider
only the command of the digital input with the highest priority, being DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8. It is
defined that the direction of rotation for the Forward run will always be “Clockwise”.
The Reverse run is also performed by one of the digital inputs DI1 to DI8, and one of the respective parameters
(P0263 to P0270) must be programmed for 31 = Function 12 of the Application, according to Table 19.8 on
page 19-36. In case more than one parameter is set for this function, the operation logic will consider only the
command of the digital input with the highest priority, being DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7>DI8. It is defined
that the direction of rotation for the Reverse run will always be “Counterclockwise”.
Both the Forward input and the Reverse input are active when they are in 24 V and inactive in 0 V.
With the Forward digital input active and the Reverse digital input inactive, the clockwise direction of rotation and
enable ramp commands are executed. In case the Reverse digital input is active, nothing changes in the operation
of the inverter. When the two commands are inactive, the enable ramp command is removed and the motor will
be decelerated down to 0 rpm. With the Reverse digital input active and the Forward digital input inactive, the
counterclockwise direction of rotation and enable ramp commands are executed. In case the Forward digital input
is active, nothing changes in the operation of the inverter. When the two commands are inactive, the enable ramp
command is removed and the drive will be decelerated down to 0 rpm. In case both digital inputs for Forward
and Reverse are active at the same time, no command will be generated for the drive.
19 NOTE!
In case the Rorward/Reverse run function was selected to operate in local mode and DI1 (P0263) was
selected for the Forward or Reverse run, the inverter may go to the “configuration (CONF)” status,
and it will be necessary to change the default setting of parameter P0227.
19-74 | CFW700
Applications Start-Up
Below are the required steps to put the Forward/Reverse run function into operation.
For the proper operation of the Forward/Reverse run function, it is essential to check if the CFW700
inverter is configured properly to drive the motor at the desired speed. In order to do so, check the
following settings:
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limitation (P0135) for V/f and V V W control modes, and torque limitation (P0169 / P0170)
for vector control modes.
Torque boosts (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if in the V/f control mode.
Execute the self-tuning routine if in the vector mode.
The Forward/Reverse run function will be configured according to the example shown below, where:
The CFW700 frequency inverter will be configured to operate in the remote mode.
AI1 will be used for speed reference via potentiometer (0-10 V).
CFW700 | 19-75
Line Isolating switch
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
19-76 | CFW700
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
Figure 19.36: Programming sequence of the Forward/Reverse run function on the CFW700
Check the status of the COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS in parameter P1000. Value equal to 4 indicates the
application is already in operation. Value equal to 3 indicates the application is stopped; therefore, it is necessary to
change the value of the command for the SoftPLC in parameter P1001 to 1 (executes application). Value different
from 3 or 4 indicates the application cannot go into operation. For further details, refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC
manual. Parameters
Below is the description of the parameters related to the Forward/Reverse Run function.
CFW700 | 19-77
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1 for further information.
Read only parameter which presents the software version of the combined special functions that contains the
Forward/Reverse run function developed for the SoftPLC function of the CFW700.
function, which enables the user to keep the motor magnetized for some time after the deactivation of the command
to start the motor executed by the 3-WIRE COMMAND (START/STOP) or FORWARD/REVERSE RUN function.
This allows a faster response of the motor when a start command is executed, thus streamlining its operation in
some applications like an overhead crane, in which the user starts and stops the motor several times in a short
period of time. Parameters
Below is the description of the parameters related to the Time to Keep the Motor Magnetized function.
This parameter defines the time interval without a command to start the motor – via the 3-Wire Command
(Start/Stop) function or the Forward/Reverse function – for the CFW700 frequency inverter to issue the
“general disable” command, thus demagnetizing the motor. That prevents the motor from remaining energized
for a period it will be no longer used.
19 This parameter only works when used together with the 3-Wire Command (Start/Stop) or
Forward/Reverse Run function.
19-78 | CFW700
application, which allows the user to drive a mechanical brake through a digital input of the CFW700 frequency
inverter assigning opening and closing conditions.
Thus, the DOx programmed for 37 = Function 4 of the Application (Open Brake) enables the Drive Logic of
Mechanical Brake function and commands the opening and closing of the brake according to the status of the
motor driven by the CFW700 frequency inverter. Below is the diagram for the drive logic of Mechanical Brake.
Motor spinning
limit frequency
limit current
motor torque
limit torque
DO1 (RL1)
RESET open brake
With fault
General enabled
Command to
start the motor
inhibits limit frequency OR
Total speed reference in
limit frequency TON
The brake can be opened from the moment the command to Start the motor occurs and it is in the RUN status
together with frequency, current and torque limits reached. Zero value for limit frequency, current and/or torque
disables this interlocking condition. With these conditions met, the command to open the brake can be timed
through a TON timer which generates a delay in the command for the digital output. In case the delay is not
desired, this value must be programmed for zero.
The brake can be closed from the moment a command to Start the motor is not present together with the motor
frequency limit reached. With these conditions met, the command to close the brake can be timed through a TON
timer which generates a delay in the command for the digital output. In case the delay is not desired, this value
CFW700 | 19-79
must be programmed for zero. In case there is a fault or if the inverter is not general enabled, the command to
close the brake is executed instantly.
With the Drive Logic of the Mechanical Brake enabled, it is possible to set the conditions to detect inverter in
torque limitation, since this is an abnormal condition detected during the operation of the CFW700 frequency
inverter in which it cannot drive the motor in the desired way (with controlled speed), that is, it operates in torque
current limitation condition.
The detection of inverter in torque limitation is based on the speed control performed by the CFW700
frequency inverter after the command to open the brake, that is, with the brake closed, detection
of inverter in torque limitation is not performed. It is necessary to use the sensorless vector control
mode with encoder for the detection of inverter in torque limitation. Start-Up
Below are the required steps to put the drive logic of Mechanical Brake function into operation.
For the proper operation of the drive logic of Mechanical Brake function, it is essential to check if the
CFW700 inverter is configured properly to drive the motor at the desired speed. In order to do so,
check the following settings:
Acceleration and deceleration ramps (P0100 to P0103).
Current limitation (P0135) for V/f and V V W control modes, and torque limitation (P0169 / P0170)
for vector control modes.
Torque boosts (P0136 and P0137) and slip compensation (P0138), if in the V/f control mode.
Execute the self-tuning routine if in the vector mode.
The drive logic of Mechanical Brake function will be configured according to the examples shown below, where:
The CFW700 frequency inverter will be configured to operate in the remote mode.
DI4 will be used for the 1st DI for Multispeed Reference in remote mode.
19-80 | CFW700
DI1 - Forward
31 RL1 - NF DI2 - Reverse
220 Vac DI4 - 1st DI Multispeed
32 RL1 - C
DO1 (RL1) - open brake
33 RL1 - NA CFW700 OFF ON
34 +24 V 1
35 COM 2
36 GND (24 V) 3
37 DI1 4
38 DI2 PE W V U
40 DI4 PE R S T U V W PE
Line Isolating switch
Figure 19.38: Example of the drive logic of Mechanical Brake function on the CFW700
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
-- DI1 is used for the Forward run. -- DI2 will be used for the Reverse run.
11 12
30 = Function 11 of the application. 31 = Function 12 of the application.
-- DI4 is used to select the Multispeed -- DO1 is used for the open Brake
13 speed reference. 14 command. 37 = Function 4 of the
23 = Function 4 of the application. application.
CFW700 | 19-81
Step Action/Result Indication on the Display Step Action/Result Indication on the Display
Figure 19.39: Programming sequence of the drive logic of Mechanical Brake, Multispeed and Forward/Reverse run function on the
Check the status of the COMBINED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS in parameter P1000. Value equal to 4 indicates the
application is already in operation. Value equal to 3 indicates the application is stopped; therefore, it is necessary to
change the value of the command for the SoftPLC in parameter P1001 to 1 (executes application). Value different
from 3 or 4 indicates the application cannot go into operation. For further details, refer to the CFW700 SoftPLC
19-82 | CFW700
DI1 - Forward 1
DI2 - Reverse 1
DI4 - 1st DI Multispeed reference 0
P1051 - limit frequency to open the brake
P1055 - limit frequency to close the brake
1 8
DO1 - open the brake 0
1. The command for Forward is executed via DI1. The motor is magnetized and the supply of voltage and frequency
to the motor begins. The brake remains closed.
2. The motor frequency becomes equal to the limit frequency set in P1051. At this moment, the command to
open the Mechanical Brake is executed through a command performed by DO1.
3. With the brake open, the motor accelerates up to speed reference 1 set in P1041.
4. The command to select speed reference 2 set in P1042 via command at DI4 is executed. The motor is then
accelerated up to this speed reference.
6. The command for Forward via DI1 is deactivated. The motor deceleration begins. The brake remains open.
7. The motor frequency becomes equal to or smaller than the limit frequency set in P1055, and the command to
close the mechanical brake is executed through the deactivation of the command performed by DO1.
8. The motor is decelerated down to 0 rpm, and the mechanical brake remains closed.
CFW700 | 19-83
Applications Parameters
Below are the parameters related to the Drive Logic of Mechanical Brake function.
Refer to chapter 12 FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL THE CONTROL MODES on page 12-1, and
chapter 18 SOFTPLC on page 18-1 for further information.
Read only parameter which presents the software version of the combined special functions that contains the
drive logic of Mechanical Brake function developed for the SoftPLC function of the CFW700.
19-84 | CFW700
This parameter defines the motor limit frequency to open the brake. That is, in case the total speed reference
after the ramp in frequency of the motor is greater than or equal to the value set, the opening of the brake will be
released. It is also necessary that other conditions be met for the effective command of the opening of the brake.
Setting the parameter to 0.0 disables the verification of the motor frequency when opening the brake.
This parameter defines the motor limit current to open the brake. That is, in case the motor present current is
greater than or equal to the value set, the opening of the brake will be released. It is also necessary that other
conditions be met for the effective command of the opening of the brake.
Setting the parameter to 0.0 disables the verification of the motor current when opening the brake.
This parameter defines the motor limit torque to open the brake. That is, in case the motor present torque is
greater than or equal to the value set, the opening of the brake will be released. It is also necessary that other
conditions be met for the effective command of the opening of the brake.
Setting the parameter to 0.0 disables the verification of the motor torque when opening the brake.
This parameter defines the motor limit frequency to close the brake. That is, in case the total speed reference
after the ramp in frequency of the motor is smaller than or equal to the value set, the command to close the
brake will be executed.
This parameter defines a delay after the limit frequency condition to close the brake is met for the effective
command to close the brake.
The delay to close the brake does not apply in case of fault.
This parameter inhibits the detection of the limit frequency to close the brake in the presence of a command to
start the motor. That is, it allows the transition from a command Forward to Reverse or vice-versa, for example,
without the occurrence of a command to close the brake.
Only valid when the control is in vector mode with encoder (P0202 = 5).
19-86 | CFW700
This parameter defines the speed hysteresis value in Hz, so that the condition of inverter in torque limitation will
be detected when there is a command to open the brake. That is, in case the difference between the present
motor speed and the present motor reference speed is greater than the speed hysteresis set, the inverter in
torque limitation condition will be detected.
The value of parameter P1058 in 0.0 Hz disables the detection of inverter in torque limitation.
Only valid when the control is in vector mode (P0202 = 4 or 5). Remember to set the values of
positive (P0169) and negative (P0170) torque current limit so as to prevent the frequency inverter
from limiting the motor torque within its use availability. In case it is necessary to operate above the
motor synchronous speed, you also have to set parameters P0171 and P0172.
This parameter defines a period of time with the condition of inverter in torque limitation detected so that the
fault message “F0757: Inverter in Torque Limitation” will be generated.
CFW700 | 19-87