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Code - B: Test - 5 Test Series For NEET - 20

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Code - B

Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005; Ph.: 011-47623456

MM : 720 Test Series for NEET - 2020 Time : 3 Hrs.

Test – 5
Topics Covered :
Physics : Oscillations and Waves
Chemistry : Organic Chemistry-(Some Basic Principles and Techniques), Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry
Botany : Respiration in Plants, Plant Growth and Development
Zoology : Neural Control and Coordination, Chemical Coordination and Integration (Regulation)

Instructions :
(i) Use Blue/Black ballpoint pen only to darken the appropriate circle.
(ii) Mark should be dark and should completely fill the circle.
(iii) Dark only one circle for each entry.
(iv) Dark the circle in the space provided only.
(v) Rough work must not be done on the Answer sheet and do not use white-fluid or any other rubbing material on
Answer sheet.
(vi) Each question carries 4 marks. For every wrong response 1 mark shall be deducted from total score.

Choose the correct answer : separately after cutting under equal tension T. The
1. Consider the apparent change in frequency and fundamental frequency f of string before cutting
wavelength of sound wave due to relative motion under same tension T will be
of source of sound and observer. (1)
f1 + f2
(a) The apparent frequency changes due to the
(f1 + f2 )2
motion of observer (2) f f
(b) The apparent frequency is independent of f1f2
velocity of medium when source and observer (3)
f1 + f2
are at rest
(c) The apparent wavelength changes due to the f1f2
f1 − f2
motion of the source
(1) (a), (b) and (c) are correct 3. A tuning fork produces a wave of wavelength 100
cm in air at 27°C. The wavelength of the wave
(2) Only (a) and (c) are correct produced by the fork in air at 127°C will be nearly
(3) Only (a) and (b) are correct (1) 80 cm
(4) Only (b) and (c) are correct (2) 85 cm
2. If, f 1 and f 2 be the fundamental frequencies (3) 125 cm
of vibration of two parts of a stretched string (4) 115 cm

4. The graph plotted between restoring force and 10. Which of the following graphs represents variation
displacement from mean position of particle of velocity of on acoustic wave in given gas as a
executing S.H.M is function of absolute temperature of gas?
F F v

(1) (2)
O x
(1) (2) T
O x T O
v v
(3) O x (4)

(3) (4)
O x
5. The spherical bob of a simple pendulum is half T O T
filled with water. Its time period is T0. If water leaks
continuously through an orifice at the bottom of 11. One solid sphere, having mass 1 kg and diameter
hollow sphere then 0.3 m is suspended from a wire. If the twisting
couple per unit twist for the wire is 6 × 10–3 Nm/
(1) Time period increases continuously
rad, then time period of torsional pendulum will be
(2) Time period decreases continuously
(1) 0.7 s (2) 7.7 s
(3) The period remains same
(4) Time period first increases then suddenly (3) 77 s (4) 0.07 s
decreases to a certain value
12. A whistle of frequency 500 Hz tied to the end of
6. A simple harmonic oscillator has time period of 4 spring and oscillating with angular frequency 20
s. The change in phase of the oscillator, 1 s after rad/s and amplitude 2 m. A listener standing at a
leaving the positive extreme position is (in radian) certain distance away from the whistle along the
π  direction of oscillation, hears frequencies in the
(1) (2) range of (velocity of sound = 340 m/s)
2 3
3  (1) 447 Hz to 567 Hz
(3) (4)
2 6
7. A mass ‘m’ is suspended from a spring of negligible (2) 180 Hz to 380 Hz
mass. The spring is pulled a little and then released (3) 568 Hz to 880 Hz
so that the mass executes SHM of time period T0.
If the mass is increased by M then time period (4) 220 Hz to 384 Hz
4T0 13. Two sound sources emitting sound each of
becomes then the ratio of M : m is
3 wavelength λ are fixed at a given distance apart. A
(1) 9 : 16 (2) 7 : 9 listener moves with a velocity v0 from one source
(3) 5 : 9 (4) 5 : 16 towards another along the line joining the two
sources. The number of beats heard by him per
8. For a particle executing SHM with a frequency 80 second is
Hz, the frequency of oscillation of its kinetic energy
is v 2v 0
(1) 0 (2)
(1) 20 Hz (2) 120 Hz 2λ λ
v0 v0
(3) 40 Hz (4) 160 Hz (3) (4)
λ 3λ
9. For an SHM, graph between velocity (v) and 14. A simple pendulum has time period T1. The point
displacement (x), in general is of suspension is now moved upward according
to equation y = At, where A = 2 m/s. If new time
(1) Parabolic
period is T2 then the ratio of T 21 and T 22 is
(2) Hyperbolic
(3) Elliptical (1) 2 : 3 (2) 5 : 6

(4) Straight line (3) 1 : 1 (4) 3 : 2

15. Two sound waves having ratio of respective
Aω Aω
intensities 400 : 1, undergo interference. The ratio (1) (2)
of intensity at the maxima to minima is 2 2
2 Aω Aω
 21 21 (3) (4)
(1)   (2) 2 2
19 19
23. When a mass m is connected individually to
401 401 two springs S1 and S2 separately the oscillation
(3) (4) frequencies are f1 and f2 respectively. If the same
399 399
mass is connected with spring combination as
16. For a particular tube, three harmonic are 300 shown in figure, then the oscillation frequency will
Hz, 600 Hz, and 750 Hz. The other possible be
frequencies of oscillations in the tube are
S1 S2
(1) 100, 200 Hz (2) 150, 400 Hz m
(3) 150, 450 Hz (4) 450, 800 Hz
17. Two tuning forks have frequencies 450 Hz and f12f22 f1f2
454 Hz respectively. On sounding these forks (1) (2)
f12 + f22 f1 + f2
together, the time interval between successive
maximum intensities will be f1f2 f1f2
(3) (4)
1 1 f1 + f2 f12 + f22
(1) s (2) s
2 4 24. T h e t r a n s v e r s e d i s p l a c e m e n t o f a s t r i n g
(3) 1 s (4) 2 s (clamped at its both ends) is given by
 πx 
18. An SHM is represented by an equation y ( x, t ) = 0.04 sin   cos (100πt ) (where symbols
 3
y = Asinωt + Asin(ωt + 120°) + Asin(wt – 60°). have their usual meanings).
Maximum displacement from mean position will be
All the particles on string between two consecutive
(1) A (2) 2A nodes vibrate with
(3) 3A (4) 3A (1) Same phase
19. A transverse wave represented by y = 0.02 sin(x
+ 30t), (where x and t are in metres and seconds) (2) Same amplitude
is travelling along a wire of cross-sectional area 1 (3) Same frequency
mm2 and density 8000 kg/m3. Tension in string is
(4) Both (1) and (3)
(1) 20 N (2) 7.2 N
25. Ten springs of spring constant k, 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k ...
(3) 30 N (4) 14.4 N 10 k are connected in parallel and end of springs
20. A transverse harmonic wave on a string is connected to a rigid support. The mass ‘m’ kg is
 π attached to other end of all the springs and system
d e s c r i b e d b y y ( x, t ) = 5 sin  20t + 0.01πx +  is allowed to vibrate. The time period of oscillation
 3
(where x and y are in cm and t is in s). The least of the system is
distance between successive crest and trough will
m m
be 2
(1) (2) 2
25 k 50 k
(1) 100 cm (2) 150 cm
m m
(3) 75 cm (4) 50 cm 2
(3) (4) 2p
21. A string of mass 3 kg is under a uniform tension 55 k 45 k
of 500 N. The length of the stretched string is 15 26. A mass, when suspended from a vertical spring,
m. If the transverse jerk is struck at one end of the elongates the spring by a length 3.6 m in
string, then the disturbance will reach the other end equilibrium. The mass is given a small vertical
in time impulse. The time period of resulting oscillations is
(1) 0.3 s (2) 0.5 s (g = 10 m/s2)
(3) 0.2 s (4) 0.4 s (1) 2p s
22. A body is executing S.H.M with amplitude A and (2)
angular frequency ω. The root mean square speed
(3) 1.2p s
of the body for one complete oscillation will be
(position of the particle at t = 0 is mean position) (4) 3.8p s
27. A sonometer wire is vibrating in the second 33. A uniform rod oscillates in vertical plane about a
overtone. In the wire there are horizontal axis passing through one of its ends
(1) Two nodes and two antinodes and its time period is equal to that of a seconds
pendulum. Its length is (g = 10 m/s2)
(2) One node and two antinodes
(1) 1.5 m (2) 1 m
(3) Four nodes and three antinodes
(3) 3 m (4) 2 m
(4) Three nodes and three antinodes
34. Velocity of sound in air is v. If density of air is
28. In a resonance column tube experiment, diameter increased to four times, then the new velocity of
of tube is 4 cm. The speed of sound is found to be sound will be (assume constant pressure)
336 m/s. If frequency of tuning fork is 512 Hz, then
first resonance occurs at length v v
(1) (2)
(1) 14.0 cm 2 12
(2) 16.0 cm 3
(3) 12v (4) v
(3) 17.2 cm 2
35. A point mass of 0.1 kg is executing SHM with an
(4) 15.2 cm amplitude 0.1 m. When it passes through its mean
29. The displacement from mean position of a particle position, its kinetic energy is 8 × 10–3 J. If initially
 π particle is at extreme position, then displacement-
executing SHM is given by y = 5 sin  4t +  cm. time equation of the particle is (all units are in SI)
If T is time period and mass is 2 g, then KE of (1)
x = 0.1 sin4t
particle at t = is (2)
x = 0.1 sin4πt
(1) 4 × 10–3 J (2) 5 × 10–5 J (3)
x = 0.1 cos4t
(3) 3 × 10–3 J (4) 3 × 10–5 J (4)
x = 0.1 cos4πt
30. Starting from mean position a body oscillates simple 36. A stretched wire of length l, free at one end can
harmonically with a period of 6 s. After what time, sustain stationary waves of wavelength λ then the
the kinetic energy will be one third of potential value of l which is not possible is (symbols have
energy? their usual meaning)
1 4l 4l
(1) 1 s (2) s (1) λ = λ=
4 3 7
1 1 4l 4l
(3) s (4) s (3) λ = (4) λ=
3 12 6 9
31. Differential equation of wave motion is (symbols 37. The function y = sin2ωt represents a motion which
have their usual meanings) is
∂2 y 2
2 ∂ y ∂2 y 2
2 ∂ y 2π
(1) 2 = v (2) = v (1) Periodic, but not SHM with a period
∂t ∂x 2 ∂x 2 ∂t 2 ω
∂2 y ∂2 y ∂2 y ∂2 y 2π
(3) 2 = v 2 (4) = v (2) SHM with a period
∂t ∂x ∂x 2 ∂t 2 ω
32. Two closed organ pipes have length l and l (3) SHM with a period
+ Dl r e s p e c t i v e l y. I f v e l o c i t y o f s o u n d i n ω
air is v, then the number of beats heard per π
(4) A periodic, but not SHM with a period
second when the two organ pipes are vibrated ω
together in their respective fundamental 38. The ratio of intensities of two coherent acoustic
mode is about (neglect end correction and wave is 16 : 1. The difference in loudness (in
Dl << l) decibels) between maximum and minimum
intensities when they interfere in space is
v v
(1) 2 l (2) 8  25 
4l 3I (1)
20 log   (2)
10 log  
9  9 
v v 2
(3) 2 l (4) (3) 10 log(8) (4) 20 log  
2l 6l 9
39. The velocities of a body executing S.H.M at (1)
y = A sin (kx – ωt + π)
displacement x cm and y cm are y cm/s and x cm/s
y = A sin (kx – ωt)
respectively. The amplitude of S.H.M will be
y = A cos (kx – ωt + π)
x 2 + y 2 cm
(1) (x2 + y2) cm (2)
y = A cos (kx – ωt )
(3) (x + y) cm (4) x + y cm
43. The length of a sonometer wire is 90 cm. If it is
40. A spring have spring constant k is connected to two divided into two segments having fundamental
masses m and 2m and forces of same magnitude frequencies in the ratio 1 : 2, then length of the
are applied on both masses as shown in figure. The respective segments will be
time period of oscillation of the system will be
(1) 60 cm, 30 cm
F m 2m F (2) 70 cm, 20 cm

(3) 50 cm, 40 cm
m 2m
(1) 2p (2) 2p (4) 45 cm, 45 cm
k 3k
44. In a closed organ pipe the frequency of fundamental
3m m mode is 75 Hz. The node of which of the following
(3) 2p 2 k (4) 2p
2k frequencies can be produced by it
41. A simple pendulum of length 2 m, swings with an (1) 150 Hz
amplitude of 0.1 m. The acceleration of the bob at
its extreme position will be (g = 10 m/s2) (2) 225 Hz

(1) 1 m/s2 (2) 1.5 m/s2 (3) 200 Hz

(3) 0.5 m/s2 (4) 0.1 m/s2 (4) 300 Hz
42. In a simple harmonic mechanical wave, positions 45. The displacement y (in cm) produced by a plane
of different particles at time t = 0 are as shown in progressive wave is given by
figure. The equation of the wave, if it is moving in
positive x-direction will be (symbols have their usual 10  πx 
y= sin  200 πt −  (x is in cm)
meaning) π  17 
The ratio of maximum particle velocity to the wave
velocity will be
10 20
(1) (2)
O x 17 17
10 5
(3) (4)
–A 34 34

46. Which of the following compound is most acidic? (3) Hexane
OH (4) 2, 2 - Dimethyl propane
NO2 48. Consider the following three halides.
(1) (2)
(A) CH3 – CH2 – Cl
(B) CH2 = CH – Cl
(C) HC ≡ C – Cl
(3) (4) Arrange these compounds in decreasing order of
C–Cl bond length.
OCH3 (1) (A) > (B) > (C)
47. Highest boiling point is observed for (2) (C) > (B) > (A)
(1) 2-methyl butane (3) (B) > (A) > (C)
(2) Pentane (4) (A) > (C) > (B)
49. n − Hexane ∆ 56. Arrange the given compounds in order of

Pyrolysis decreasing acidity.
(1) C3H6 + C2H4 + CH4
(a) CH3 – NO2
(2) C3H8 + C3H6 (b) NO2 – CH2 – NO2
(3) C3H8 + C2H4 + CH4 (c) CH3 – CH2 – NO2
(4) C3H8 + C2H4 + C2H2
(3) NO2
50. H – N N (CH3)2 (1) (d) > (b) > (a) > (c)
(2) (d) > (b) > (c) > (a)
CH3 (LSD) (3) (b) > (d) > (a) > (c)
Which nitrogen in Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
(4) (c) > (a) > (d) > (b)
is most basic?
57. Photochemical smong does not contain
(1) 1 (2) 2
(1) Ozone (2) Glycerol
(3) 3 (4) All are equally basic
Na / liquid NH
(3) Formaldehyde (4)  Nitric oxide
51. CH3 − C ≡ C − CH3 
58. Rate of hydrogenation of which alkene will be
P is (Major product ) minimum?
(1) But-1-ene CH3 CH CH2
(2) Butane
(3) Cis-but-2-ene (CH3)2C C(CH3)2
(4) Trans-but-2-ene
(4) CH CH CH3
52. Excess nitrate in drinking water can cause a
disease called 59. Cyanides and isocyanides are
(1) Mottling of teeth (2) Liver damage (1) Metamers
(3) Blue baby syndrome (4) Skin disease (2) Functional isomers
53. In which of the following molecule all the three (3) Position isomers
e ff e c t s n a m e l y i n d u c t i v e , m e s o m e r i c a n d (4) Chain isomers
hyperconjugation operate?
60. Which of the following alkenes is most reactive for
(1) CH3 O CH CH CH3
electrophilic addition reactions?
CH3 CH CH NH3 (2) H3—CH=CH—NO2
(3) CH2 CH CF3
54. The IUPAC name of the given compound is CH3
CN CN CN (4)
(1) 1, 2, 3-tricyanopropane CH3
(2) 2-cyanopentane initrile 61. Which of the following is not aromatic in nature?
(3) 1, 3-dicarbonitrile propane
(4) Propane-1,2,3-tricarbonitrile (1) (2)
55. Which of the following can act as a nucleophile
+ + 
H3O (2)
(1) NH4 O
+ (3) (4)
NH2 NH2 (4)

62. Select the correct statement(s). (1) Anhydrous AlCl3
I. Ortho and para-directing groups increase (2) NH4Cl
electron density at ortho and para positions.
(3) Fe
II. Meta-directing groups increase electron density
(4) Zn
at meta position.
III. Meta-directing groups decrease electron-density 69. Chloroform (B.P. 334 K) and aniline (B.P. 457 K) are
at ortho and para positions. easily separated by the technique of

IV. Ortho and para-directing groups decrease (1) Crystallisation

electron density at meta position. (2) Distillation
(1) I & II only (2) I & III only (3) Sublimation
(3) III & IV only (4) II & IV only (4) Chromatography
63. In Duma’s method, which of the following is
70. Select incorrect statement.
(1) Fuel obtained from plastic waste has high
(1) N (2) Cl
octane rating.
(3) P (4) S
(2) Clothes are bleached from H2O2.
64. Decreasing order of -I effect of given groups is
(3) With the depletion of ozone layer, more UV
i. CN ii. NO2
radiations reach troposphere.
iii. NH2 iv. F
(4) In 1980s, ozone hole was reported over the
(1) iii > ii > i > iv (2) ii > iii > iv > i North Pole.
(3) iii > ii > iv > i (4) ii > i > iv > iii H
65. In Kjeldahl’s method, nitrogen is liberated as HBr
71. CH3 – C – CH = CH2 Major product (X)
(1) N2(g) (2) NO(g)
(3) N2O(g) (4) NH3(g) X is
66. In which of the following compounds tautomerism is (1)
CH3 – CH – CH – CH3
favourable and enol form is most stable?
Ph Br
CH3 – CH – C = CH2
(1) (2)
Br Ph
O O Ph
|| ||
(3) CH 3 − C − H
CH 3 − C − CH3 (4) (3)
CH3 – C – CH2 – CH3

67. The most serious water pollutant is/are Br

CH3 – CH – CH2 – CH2 – Br
(1) CaSO4
(2) NaCl Ph

(3) Pathogens 72. In Carius method of estimation of halogen, 0.5

g of an organic compound gave 0.47 g of AgBr.
(4) CFCs Percentage of bromine in compound is (molar mass
CH3 of AgBr = 188)
(X) CH (1) 20%
68. + CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – Br  CH3
(2) 40%
(Major product) (3) 50%
In order to get good yield of product, (X) will be (4) 80%
79. Molecule that will have maximum enol content is
73. + ICl Major product P, P is O

I Cl CH3
(1) C CH3

(1) (2) (2)

Cl (3)
(3) (4)
Cl 80. The number of structural isomers for the compound
with molecular formula C4H6 is
74. Which among the following is a blood red species?
(1) 3 (2) 7
(1) PbS (2) NaCN
(3) 5 (4) 9
(3) [Fe(SCN)]2+ (4) NaSCN 81. 0.128 g of an organic compound gave 0.466 g of
75. In qualitative estimation of P, following reaction BaSO4. Percentage of sulphur in the compound is
takes place. (M.W. of BaSO4 = 233)
H3PO4 + (NH4)2MoO4 + HNO3 → (1) 15% (2) 50%
The products formed are (3) 25% (4) 74%
(1) (NH4)2SO4 + other products 82. The order of stability of the following carbocations
(2) NH4Cl + other products is

(3) (NH4)3PO4 + other products CH2

(I) CH CH2
(4) (NH4)3PO4. 12MoO3 + other products CH3 CH2 CH2
76. Which has maximum heat of hydrogenation?
(consider only heat released) (III)

(1) (2) (1) (III) > (II) > (I) (2) (II) > (III) > (I)
(3) (I) > (II) > (III) (4) (III) > (I) > (II)
(3) (4) All have same value 2+
→ A (Major ) , A is
83. Ph − C ≡ C − H 
dil. H SO 2 4
77. Which of the following is antiaromatic species? OH
(1) (2) (1)
Ph (2) PhCH2CHO

(3) (4) (3)

Ph CH3 (4) PhCH2CH2OH

78. Which of the following compound does not exhibit 84. P 
→ Q 
→ Acetylene , P is
geometrical isomerism?
(1) Bromobenzene
(1) CH3CH = CHCH3 (2) CHCH3 (2) Bromoethane
(3) 1,2,3-Tribromoethane
(3) PhCH = CHPh (4) CH3CH = CH2 (4) 1, 2-Dibromoethane
85. Select correct statements among the following. O Br
(i) Hyperconjugation involves σ –p conjugation
(3) N CH3
(ii) Resonance effect operates through sigma bond
(ii) Resonance effect is stronger than inductive O
effect Br
(iv) Inductive effect is a temporary effect (4) N
(1) 1, 2, and 3
(2) 1 and 3 only 88. Incorrect statement about bromination of propene in
CCl4 is
(3) 2 and 3 only
(1) Brδ+ is added first
(4) 1, 2, 3 and 4
NBS HBr / ROOR Mg / ∆
(2) Br+ is added to generate a carbocation
86. CH3 − CH = CH2 →( A ) 

→(B) →(C)
(3) Addition of Br2 molecule is stereochemically anti
end product (C) of the above reaction sequence is
(4) Colour of bromine disappears
(1) Cyclopropane
(2) Propane
(3) Hexane 89. CH3 – C – H (A)
light, 25°C
(Major product)
(4) 2, 2–dimethylbutane CH3
O Correct statement about A is
Br2/Fe (1 equivalent) (1) It is a primary alkyl halide
87. N P
(Major) (2) It is a secondary alkyl halide
P is (3) It is a tertiary alkyl halide
Br O (4) It is a chiral molecule.
HBr ( excess ) HO
90. H − C ≡ C − CH3 
→ A →B
(1) N ∆

O Compound B is
(1) A diol (2) An aldehyde
(2) N Br (3) A ketone (4) An alkyl halide


91. During pay off phase of glycolysis 93. Lactic acid fermentation results in the formation of
(1) Fructose-6-phosphate is converted into fructose (1) CO2 (2) C2H5OH
1, 6-bisphosphate (3) C3H6O3 (4) NADPH
(2) Substrate level phosphorylation takes place 94. Which of the following serves as a common
oxidative pathway for carbohydrates, fats and
(3) Activation of glucose takes place
(4) Complete oxidation of glucose takes place (1) TCA cycle (2) Glycolysis
92. Fermentation takes place under anaerobic (3) Calvin cycle (4) Alcoholic fermentation
conditions in
95. Glycerol-3- phosphate shuttle
(1) Many prokaryotes (1) Occurs in all prokaryotes
(2) Some unicelled eukaryotes (2) Leads to production of net 38 ATP molecules
(3) All eukaryotes (3) Is found in flight muscle cells
(4) Both (1) and (2) (4) Works during anaerobic respiration
96. Complex IV is related to all, except 102. Which intermediate compound of Krebs’ cycle
produces cytochrome and chlorophyll?
(1) Cytochrome c oxidase
(2) Cytochrome a and a3 (1) Succinyl CoA

(3) Two copper centres (2) Acetyl CoA

(4) Cytochrome bc1 (3) Oxaloacetic acid
97. If C51H98O6 is used as respiratory substrate then the (4)
α-ketoglutaric acid
RQ value will be
103. Find out the correctly matched pair.
(1) 0.7 (2) 1.4
(1) Kinetin – Adenine derivative
(3) 1.0 (4) 0.9
(2) GA3 – Derivative of tryptophan
98. The total number of ATP produced from ETS
only from one molecule of pyruvic acid in aerobic (3) IAA – Derivative of carotenoids
respiration is (4) ABA – Derivative of methionine
(1) 9 (2) 14 104. In which of the following reactions, decarboxylation
(3) 11 (4) 17 takes place in Krebs’ cycle?
99. Read the following statements and state true (T) or a. PGA → Acetaldehyde
false (F).
b. PGA → Acetyl CoA
A. In plants, the glucose is derived from sucrose.
c. Citrate → α−Ketoglutaric acid
B. P h o s p h o f r u c t o k i n a s e i s k n o w n a s t h e
pacemaker enzyme of EMP pathway. d.
α-Ketoglutaric acid → Succinyl CoA

C. Respiratory substrate is fat in protoplasmic (1) b, c and d only (2) b and c only
respiration. (3) c and d only (4) a, b, c and d
D. Dehydration step in glycolysis is catalysed by 105. Site for tricarboxylic acid cycle in eukaryotes is
aldolase enzyme only.
(1) Matrix of mitochondria
(2) Cytoplasm
(3) Inter membrane space of mitochondria
(4) Mesosome
106. Which of the following is not true for ethylene?
100. Match the following w.r.t. R.Q. (1) Promotes root growth and root hair formation

Column-I Column-II (2) Promotes flowering in mango

(R.Q.) (Respiratory substrate) (3) Common source of ethylene is ethephon
a. Palmitic acid (i) 0.9 (4) Prevents abscission of flowers and fruits
b. Malic acid (ii) 1 107. Stimulus for vernalisation is recieved by all, except
c. C6H12O6 (iii) > 1 (1) Mature stem apex
d. Proteins (iv) 0.7 (2) Leaves
(1) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i) (2) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i) (3) Embryo of seed
(3) a(i), b(iii), c(ii), d(iv) (4) a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii) (4) Both (1) and (3)
101. The tissues in a woody dicotyledonous plant that 108. Choose the wrongly matched pair.
are formed through redifferentiation are
(1) Ethylene – Gaseous plants hormone
(1) Interfascicular cambium, lenticels
(2) Auxins – Prevents abscission
(2) Secondary cortex, secondary phloem
(3) Gibberellins – Responsible for Richmond Lang
(3) Cork cambium, intrafascicular cambium effect
(4) Secondary cortex, phellogen (4) Cytokinins – Purine derivatives
109. Cytokinins and auxins show their synergistic effect 118. For flowering in henbane
on (1) The photoperiod must be above the critical
(1) Cell division photoperiod
(2) Apical dominance (2) They should get dark period above the critical
(3) Internode elongation period

(4) Promotes senescence (3) Shoot apex perceives stimulation of

110. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(4) Pr / Pfr should be more than one
(1) Slow oxidation of NADH occurs in fermentation.
119. Which of the following is not a de-differentiated
(2) In aerobic respiration, the end products are CO2 tissue?
and H2O.
(1) Interfascicular cambium
α-ketoglutaric acid is the raw material for amino
acid synthesis. (2) Cork cambium

(4) Respiratory pathway is mainly an anabolic (3) Wound cambium

process. (4) Intrafascicular cambium
111. In an anaerobic bacterium, the total number of ATP 120. A plant hormone which is used to speed up the
generated from one glucose molecule is malting process in brewing industry
(1) 2 (2) 4 (1) Stimulates synthesis of hydrolytic enzymes for
(3) 38 (4) 36 mobilisation of reserve foods
112. For chemiosmosis, the proton accumulation in (2) Decreases the yield of sugarcane
mitochondria takes place in (3) Delays ripening of fruits
(1) Matrix (4) Both (1) and (3)
(2) Outer membrane 121. Select the mis-matched pair.
(3) Inner membrane (1) F0–F1 particles – Inner mitochondrial
(4) Intermembrane space membrane
113. In link reaction, a 3C molecule (Pyruvic acid) is (2) End product of – Acetyl CoA
converted into a glycolysis
(1) 5C compound (2) 2C compound (3) TCA cycle – Elucidated by Hans
(3) 4C compound (4) 6C compound
(4) Molecular oxygen – Electron acceptor in
114. All of the following are synthetic auxins, except
(1) 2, 4-D (2) 2,4,5-T
122. I n E M P p a t h w a y , t h e c o n v e r s i o n o f
(3) IAA (4) NAA glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate to 1,3 - bisphos-
phoglyceric acid is catalysed by which of the
115. Bunch length in grapes can be increased by
following enzyme?
(1) Auxin (2) Gibberellins
(1) Phosphohexoisomerase
(3) CK (4) ABA
(2) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
116. Which of the following plants do not show any
correlation between exposure to light duration and (3) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate carboxylase
induction of flowering response? (4) Phosphoglycerate kinase
(1) Wheat (2) Tobacco 123. How many oxygen molecules are involved in ETS if
(3) Pepper (4) Soyabean one molecule of acetyl CoA is completely oxidised?

117. Thinning of cotton, cherry and walnut is hastened (1) Six

by the application of (2) Four
(1) Kinetin (2) Zeatin (3) Five
(3) Abscisic acid (4) Ethephon (4) Two
124. In arithmetic growth 129. Auxin activity can be tested by
a All progeny cells following mitosis division retain (1) Triple response test
the ability to divide (2) Cell division test
b The growth occurs at a constant rate (3) Induction of α-amylase activity
c It is mathematically represented as Lt = L0+ rt (4)
Avena curvature test
Identify the correct set of statements 130. In tissue culture, when concentration of auxin is
equal to cytokinin, it leads to the formation of
(1) a only (2) b and c only
(1) Stem (2) Root
(3) a and c only (4) a, b and c
(3) Callus (4) Leaves
125. Find the odd one w.r.t LDP.
131. Ethylene can be used for
(1) Wheat
(1) Inducing dormancy in seeds
(2) Cucumber
(2) Increase in number of fruits in cucumber
(3) Radish
(3) Overcoming senescence
(4) Sugarbeet
(4) Preventing the development of adventitious
126. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. short day roots.
132. The phytohormone which was first isolated from
(1) Most of winter flowering plants belong to this unripe maize grains was
(1) IAA (2) ABA
(2) Do not initiate flowering when photoperiod
(3) GA3 (4) CK
exceeds the critical photoperiod.
133. Select the correct statement for phytochrome.
(3) Are actually long night plants as they need
uninterrupted dark period. (1) Responsible for transpiration
(4) Initiate flowering when dark period is less than (2) Is a photoreceptor
the critical photoperiod and light period is more. (3) Has Pr as physiologically active form
127. Select the odd one w.r.t. developmental plasticity. (4) Is a colourless pigment
(1) Coriander 134. Which of the following is not a feature of
(2) Cotton meristematic cells?
(3) Larkspur (1) Have dense cytoplasm
(4) Buttercup (2) Increase in size and number of vacuoles
128. Which one is not the function of gibberellins? (3) Contain large nucleus
(1) Internode elongation just prior to flowering in (4) Have high respiration rate
plants with rosette habit 135. In TCA cycle, how many total reduced coenzymes
(2) Improvement in shape of fruits like apple are produced from one acetyl CoA?
(3) Increase in the length of sugarcane stem (1) Three (2) Four
(4) Delay in early growth in juvenile conifers (3) Five (4) Six

136. Type of neuron characterised by presence of a 137. Sodium-potassium pumps require energy input to
single dendron and a single axon emerging from its transport ______ outwards in exchange for ______
cell body is called into the axon to restore resting conditions.
(1) Multipolar neuron
Select option which fill the blanks correctly
(2) Bipolar neuron
(1) 3 Na+ and 3 K+ (2) 2 Na+ and 3 K+
(3) Unipolar neuron
(3) 2 Na+ and 2 K+ (4) 3 Na+ and 2 K+
(4) Pseudounipolar neuron

138. Which parameter of nerve fibre is directly 146. Hormone that is predominantly present in lactating
proportional to the transmission of nerve impulses? women is
(1) Length (1) ACTH
(2) Diameter (2) TSH
(3) Subthreshold stimulus (3) PRL
(4) Frequency of stimulus (4) FSH
139. Afferent fibres from hair cells in human ear conduct 147. Component absent in limbic system is
impulses to brain via which nerve ?
(1) Amygdala
(1) Optic (2) Olfactory
(2) Hippocampus
(3) Vagus (4) Auditory
(3) Hypothalamus
140. Select the odd one w.r.t brain stem
(4) Cerebellum
(1) Pons (2) Cerebellum
(3) Medulla (4) Mid brain 148. Hormones derived from amino acid tyrosine are

141. Read the following statements and choose the (1) Thyrotropic hormone
correct option. (2) Luteotrophic hormones
Statement A – The space between the lens and the (3) Hormones of adrenal cortex
retina is called vitreous chamber.
(4) Hormones of adrenal medulla
Statement B – Vitreous chamber contains a thin
watery fluid which is synthesized regularly 149. Read the following statements and choose the
option which is a false statement
(1) Both statements are correct
(1) Cerebellum is a part of hindbrain that harbours
(2) Both statements are incorrect
a region named ‘tree of life’
(3) Statement B is incorrect
(2) Midbrain is located between thalamus of
(4) Statement A is correct explanation of B forebrain and pons of the hindbrain
142. Vestibular apparatus of inner ear does not contain (3) The ventral portion of midbrain consists
(1) Semicircular canals (2) Saccule mainly of four round swellings called corpora
(3) Utricle (4) Eustachian tube
(4) Association area is responsible for complex
143. The potential difference across the membrane of a
nerve fibre showing no physiological activity i.e., its functions like memory, communication,
resting potential is intersensory association etc.

(1) – 110 mV (2) – 70 mV 150. Atrial natriuritic factor is not involved in

(3) + 80 mV (4) +40 mV (1) Reduction in blood pressure

144. Excess of GH during adulthood results in (2) Vasodilation

(1) Acromegaly (2) Acromicria (3) Conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I

(3) Atelectasis (4) Ateleosis (4) Increased excretion of Na+ in urine
145. Node of Ranvier is the area where 151. Aqueduct of Sylvius is found between
(1) Neurilemma is discontinuous (1) Paracoel and lateral ventricles
(2) Nerve fibre is covered by myelin sheath (2) Third and fourth ventricles
(3) Axolemma is absent (3) Lateral ventricles and third ventricles
(4) Myelin sheath is absent (4) Diocoel and lateral ventricles
152. Select the correct statement w.r.t. functions of 158. Hormone that acts mainly at the renal tubules and
glucocorticoids. stimulates the reabsorption of Na+ and water and
(1) Regulate the development, maturation and excretion of K+ and phosphate ions, is
functions of male accessory sex organs. (1) Adrenaline (2) Norepinephrine
(2) P l a y a k e y r o l e i n t h e p r o c e s s o f (3) Aldosterone (4) PTH
159. After ovulation, the ruptured follicle is eventually
(3) Act on central nervous system and influence the converted into a yellow coloured structure called
male sexual behaviour (libido).
(1) Corpus albicans (2) Corpus stratum
(4) These hormones produce catabolic effects on
protein and fat metabolism. (3) Corpus luteum (4) Corpus haemorhagium

153. Mucus secreting Bowman’s glands are associated 160. Select a hormone secreted by ovary causing
with sensory epithelium involved in relaxation of cervix during child birth
(1) Olfaction (1) Relaxin (2) Oxytocin
(2) Auditory function (3) Progesterone (4) FSH
(3) Temperature detection 161. Neurohormone synthesised by hypothalamus and
(4) Perception of colors transported to neurohypophysis is
154. Choose the incorrect statement for steroid (1) LH (2) Oxytocin
hormones. (3) FSH (4) MSH
(1) Bind to specific intracellular receptors.
162. Avascular structure among following is
(2) Lipid soluble in nature.
(1) Choroid (2) Cornea
(3) Alter the pattern of gene expression initiating
(3) Yellow spot (4) Blind spot
the transcription of some genes, while
repressing the transcription of others 163. Gustatory receptors are associated with
(4) Employ cAMP as secondary messenger to bring (1) Tongue
physiological effects.
(2) Skin
155. Which gland degenerates in old individuals resulting
in weaker immune responses? (3) Nose

(1) Parathyroid gland (2) Thymus gland (4) Eye

(3) Thyroid gland (4) Parotid gland 164. Select the incorrect match
156. Choose the incorrect match (1) cGMP – Secondary messenger
(1) Erythropoietin – Stimulates formation (2) Oxytocin – Relaxes smooth
of RBCs muscles of uterus
(2) GIP – Inhibits gastric motility (3) Renin – Raises blood pressure
(3) Gastrin – Stimulates the (4) TCT – Hypocalcemic
secretion of harmone
165. Centres regulating body temperature, appetite and
(4) Secretin – Inhibits secretion of thirst are located in
bicarbonate ions
(1) Cerebrum (2) Hypothalamus
157. Hormone which does not interact with intracellular
receptors is (3) Medulla oblongata (4) Basal ganglia
(1) Insulin 166. Tryptophan derived hormone responsible for
regulating diurnal rhythm in man is
(2) Iodothyronines
(3) Cortisol (1) Thymosin (2) Testosterone

(4) Estradiol (3) Melanin (4) Melatonin

167. In mammalian eye, the fovea is the centre of the 173. Excessive stimulation of vagus nerve may lead to
visual field where
(1) Irregular function of kidney
(1) Only rods are present (2) Movement of tongue
(2) The optic nerve leaves the eye (3) Peptic ulcers
(3) Both rods and cones are present (4) Lack of digestion of protein, lipids and
(4) Only cones are present
174. Read the following statements and choose the
168. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. ADH correct option.
(1) Secreted by hypothalamus Statement A – Hormones are nutrient chemicals.

(2) Peptide hormone Statement B – Hormones act as intracellular

(3) Secreted in response to increase in blood
(1) Both statements are correct
(2) Statement A is correct
(4) Causes constriction of blood vessels
(3) Statement B is correct
169. A person wears convex lenses for proper vision.
(4) Both statements are incorrect
Without glasses, the image of the object is formed
175. Hormone that influences metabolism, pigmentation,
(1) On blind spot the menstrual cycle as well as our defense
(2) On yellow spot capability, is
(1) MSH
(3) Infront of retina
(2) Melanin
(4) Behind retina
(3) Melatonin
170. Temporary increase in circulating estrogen in male (4) FSH
will lead to
176. Select the correct statement
(1) Addison’s disease
(1) Aldosterone is the main glucocorticoid in our
(2) Gynaecomastia body.

(3) Eunuchoidism (2) The adrenal cortex secretes adrenaline and

(4) Castration
(3) Catecholamines stimulate the synthesis of lipids
171. Which of the following layers of the eye ball and proteins.
contains many blood vessel and looks bluish in (4) Sex corticoids are secreted from zona reticularis
colour? of adrenal cortex.
(1) Sclera 177. Target organ of mineralocorticoids is
(2) Choroid (1) Gonads

(3) Retina (2) Liver

(3) Kidney
(4) Cornea
(4) Pancrease
172. Temporary endocrine gland which appears during
adult life is 178. Outermost protective coat/meninx around brain is
known as
(1) Corpus luteum
(1) Sub arachnoid space
(2) Thymus (2) Duramater
(3) Pineal gland (3) Piamater
(4) Corpus albicans (4) Arachnoid
179. Endolymph filled area of ear is 180. One of the example of the action of sympathetic
nervous system is
(1) Eustachian tube
(1) Contraction of urinary bladder
(2) Scala vestibuli
(2) Lowering of blood pressure
(3) Scala tympani
(3) Promotes secretion of intestinal juice
(4) Scala media (4) Reduces bile secretion

q q q

Code - B

Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005; Ph.: 011-47623456

MM : 720 Test Series for NEET - 2020 Time : 3 Hrs

Test – 5

1. (1) 37. (3) 73. (1) 109. (1) 145. (4)

2. (3) 38. (2) 74. (3) 110. (4) 146. (3)
3. (4) 39. (2) 75. (4) 111. (2) 147. (4)
4. (2) 40. (2) 76. (2) 112. (4) 148. (4)
5. (4) 41. (3) 77. (4) 113. (2) 149. (3)
6. (1) 42. (1) 78. (4) 114. (3) 150. (3)
7. (2) 43. (1) 79. (3) 115. (2) 151. (2)
8. (4) 44. (2) 80. (4) 116. (3) 152. (4)
9. (3) 45. (1) 81. (2) 117. (4) 153 (1)
10. (3) 46. (3) 82. (4) 118. (1) 154. (4)
11. (2) 47. (3) 83. (3) 119. (4) 155. (2)
12. (1) 48. (1) 84. (4) 120. (4) 156. (4)
13. (2) 49. (1) 85. (2) 121. (2) 157. (1)
14. (3) 50. (2) 86. (1) 122. (2) 158. (3)
15. (1) 51. (4) 87. (2) 123. (4) 159. (3)
16. (3) 52. (3) 88. (2) 124. (2) 160. (1)
17. (2) 53. (1) 89. (1) 125. (2) 161. (2)
18. (1) 54. (4) 90. (3) 126. (4) 162. (2)
19. (2) 55. (3) 91. (2) 127. (4) 163. (1)
20. (1) 56. (1) 92. (4) 128. (4) 164. (2)
21. (1) 57. (2) 93. (3) 129. (4) 165. (2)
22. (3) 58. (3) 94. (1) 130. (3) 166. (4)
23. (4) 59. (2) 95. (3) 131. (2) 167. (4)
24. (4) 60. (1) 96. (4) 132. (4) 168. (3)
25. (3) 61. (4) 97. (1) 133. (2) 169. (4)
26. (3) 62. (2) 98. (2) 134. (2) 170. (2)
27. (3) 63. (1) 99. (3) 135. (2) 171. (2)
28. (4) 64. (4) 100. (1) 136. (2) 172. (1)
29. (4) 65. (4) 101. (2) 137. (4) 173. (3)
30. (1) 66. (2) 102. (1) 138. (2) 174. (4)
31. (1) 67. (3) 103. (1) 139. (4) 175. (3)
32. (1) 68. (1) 104. (3) 140. (2) 176. (4)
33. (1) 69. (2) 105. (1) 141. (3) 177. (3)
34. (1) 70. (4) 106. (4) 142. (4) 178. (2)
35. (3) 71. (3) 107. (2) 143. (2) 179. (4)
36. (3) 72. (2) 108. (3) 144. (1) 180. (4)

Code - B

Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005; Ph.: 011-47623456

MM : 720 Test Series for NEET - 2020 Time : 3 Hrs.

Test – 5
Hints and Solutions

1. Answer (1)
Frequency of the sound wave changes due to λ 2 = 100
motion of source and observer both but wavelength
changes due to motion of source only. 200
2. Answer (3) λ2 = ≈ 115 cm
l1 l2 4. Answer (2)
a = – ω2 x

F = – mω2x
v v F ∝ – x
f1 = ⇒ l1 =
2 l1 2 f1 5. Answer (4)

v v l
f2 = ⇒ l2 = T = 2π
2 l1 2 f2 g

v On leakage of water center of mass of hollow
f =
2 (l1 + l 2 ) sphere shift downward. Therefore effective length of

simple pendulum increases continuously hence time
v period increase continuously. When all water leaks
f =
 v v  out then center of mass reaches centre of sphere.
2 +
 1f 2f2  6. Answer (1)

Dφ = ωDt
f = 2π T
f1 + f2 = ×
T 4
3. Answer (4) π
v1 v 2 =
= 2
λ1 λ 2
7. Answer (2)
T1 T2
= m
λ1 λ2 T0 = 2π ...(i)
λ 2 = λ1 4T0 m + M ...(ii)
T1 = 2π
3 k
3 m T12 1
= ∴ =
4 m+M T22 1

9 m 15. Answer (1)

16 m + M
I1 a12
M  7 I2 a22
m  9 
a1 20
8. Answer (4) =
a2 1

9. Answer (3)
Imax (a1 + a2 )2  21
v 2 = ω 2 (a 2 − x 2 ) = = 
Imin (a1 − a2 )2  19 

x2 v2
+ =1 16. Answer (3)
a 2 a 2ω 2
17. Answer (2)
10. Answer (3)
Time interval between successive maxima
11. Answer (2)
1 1
I 2MR 2 = = s
T = 2π = 2π Beat frequency 4
C 5C
18. Answer (1)
T = 7.7 s
19. Answer (2)
12. Answer (1)
y = 0.02 (x + 30 t)
fmin = × 500 = 447 Hz Velocity = 30 m/s
340 + 40

340 T
fmax = × 500 = 567 Hz v= = 30
340 − 40 µ

13. Answer (2) ⇒ T = v2 m = v2Ar = 7.2 N
v0 20. Answer (1)

S1 S2 2π
 v + v0  1
n′ =  (v = 0)
 v  λ s2 2π π
λ 100
 v − v0  1
n ′′ =  (v = 0)
 v  λ s1 λ = 200cm

2v 0 Distance between consecutive crest and trough will
n ′ − n ′′ =
λ λ
be equal to = = 100 cm
14. Answer (3) 21. Answer (1)
y = Kt
d 2y
a= =0
dt 2
l 3
T1 = 2π l
g T2 = 2π 15

v = 50 m/s 25. Answer (3)
15 m
t= = 0.3 s T = 2π
50 K eff

3 Keff = k + 2k + 3k + .... 10 k
t= s
10 = k(1 + 2 + 3 + ....10)
22. Answer (3) 10(10 + 1)
v = Aω cost ωt
Keff = 55 k
∫ v dt
Vrms = m
T = 2π
∫ dt
55 k

T 26. Answer (3)

∫ ( Aω )
cos2 ωt dt
27. Answer (3)
= T For 2 nd overtone, the string vibrates in three
∫ dt segments. Hence, there are four nodes and three
0 antinodes.
Aω 28. Answer (4)
2 v = nl = n.4(l1 + e)
23. Answer (4) v
or =l +e
1 k1 4n 1
f1 = 33600
2π m or = l + 0 .6 × 2
4 × 512 1
4π 2f12m = k1
or l1 = 15.2 cm
4π 2f22m = k2 29. Answer (4)

 π π
4π2f2 m = k v = 5 cos  4t +  × 4 ; ω = 4, T =  
 3 2
1 1 1
= + T  π
k k1 k2 at t = = 20 cos T + 
4  3

1 1 1
= + 2 2  π π
2 2 2 2
4π f m 4π f1 m 4π f2 m v = 20 cos  +  = −10 3 cm/s
 2 3
1 1 1 1 1
= 2+ 2 K.E. = mv 2 = × 2 × 10−3 × (0.1 3 )2 = 3 × 10−5 J
f f1 f2 2 2

30. Answer (1)
f = U 4U
f12 + f22 K= ⇒ =E
3 3
24. Answer (4) 41 2 1 2
kx  = KA
This is equation of standing wave.
3  2  2
+A M N 3
M N ⇒ x= A
–A 31. Answer (1)
All particle lying between two consecutive node will The differential equation of the wave motion is
vibrate with same frequency, different amplitude and ∂2 y 1 ∂2 y
in same phase. =
∂x 2 v 2 ∂t 2
32. Answer (1) 40. Answer (2)
33. Answer (1) 1 1 1
= +
mred m 2 m
T = 2π =2s
mgd 2m
mred =
l= , d = l/2
3 mred

⇒ l = 1.5 m T = 2π
34. Answer (1)
= 2π
1 3k
41. Answer (3)
35. Answer (3) g
ω2 A = ⋅ A
KE = mv 2 = 8 × 10−3
2 = 0.5 m/s2
42. Answer (1)
v = 4 × 10−1 = Aω; ω = 4 Equation of the given wave will be
y = 0.1sin(ωt + 90°) = 0.1cos 4t y = – A sin (kx – ωt)

y = A sin (kx – ωt + π)
36. Answer (3) 43. Answer (1)
4l 1
λ= f ∝
(2n + 1) l

1 1
37. Answer (3) l1 : l 2 = :
x 2x
y = sin(2ωt)
Equation of SHM l1 + l 2 =
2π 3
T = 90 =
2ω 2x

π 1
T = = 60
ω x
38. Answer (2) 1
= 30
39. Answer (2) 2x
44. Answer (2)

x = ω A2 − y 2 ...(i) (2 n + 1)v
f =

y = ω A2 − x 2 ...(ii)
f = (2n +1)f0
The frequencies produced by it will be odd integral
x A2 − y 2 multiple of fundamental frequency.
y A2 − x 2 45. Answer (1)
(v P )max ωA
x 2 A2 − y 2 = = KA
= v wave (ω / K )
y 2 A2 − x 2

π 10 10
2 2
× =
A= x +y 17 11 17

46. Answer (3) 57. Answer (2)
(– COOH) Carboxylic acid group is more acidic than 58. Answer (3)
(–OH) alcohol group due to equivalent resonance
structures. Rate of hydrogenation decreases with increasing
substitution in the alkene.
47. Answer (3)
59. Answer (2)
B.P. increases with increase in molecular mass. For
molecules with same molecular mass, branching 60. Answer (1)

48. Answer (1) – NO 2, – CF 3, − NR3 are electron withdrawing
groups. Such groups destabilise C+ formed by E+
Greater the delocalisation of electrons more will be
double bond character hence smaller will be the attack.
bond length.
61. Answer (4)
49. Answer (1)
 .. – +

H2C = CH – .Cl
. H2C – CH = Cl

.. – +
HC  CH – Cl Aromatic because of benzene ring.

.. H2C = CH = Cl
– 2 – O
Stability sp.C > sp .C

C6H14 → C3H6 + C2H4 + CH4 62. Answer (2)

Higher alkane Alkene Lower alkanes 63. Answer (1)

50. Answer (2) 64. Answer (4)

N(2) is most basic as its lone pair is not delocalized.
51. Answer (4) + O
–N > – C  N > – F > – NH2

Hydrogenation of alkynes give selectively trans O
alkene with Na/liquid NH3.
65. Answer (4)
52. Answer (3)
66. Answer (2)
In drinking water, NO3− is excess beyond 50 ppm
concentration. Aromaticity favours enol character in phenol.

53. Answer (1) 67. Answer (3)

54. Answer (4) Pathogens include microorganisms such as bacteria
(E.coli, etc.).
All three -CN groups are treated equilvalent to each
other. 68. Answer (1)
55. Answer (3) AlCl3 facilitates rearrangement of carbocation.
56. Answer (1) 69. Answer (2)
More number of withdrawing groups like NO 2
Sufficient difference in B.P. of chloroform and aniline
implies more acidic character.
− −
70. Answer (4)
Stability CH2 − NO2 > CH3 − CH − NO2 –ve charge
Ozone hole was observed, in 1980s, over south
due to CH3 pole.
71. Answer (3) CH2


H +
CH3 – C – CH = CH2 CH3 – C – CH = CH3

Ph Ph 81. Answer (2)

H shift
32 × 0.466
mass of S = g = 0.064 g
+ 233

CH3 – C – CH2 – CH3 CH3 – C – CH2 – CH3

Br Ph 0.064
∴ % mass of S = × 100 = 50%
72. Answer (2) 0.128

Molar mass of AgBr = 188 82. Answer (4)

80 83. Answer (3)
Mass of Br in 0.47 g AgBr = × 0.47 = 0.2 g
84. Answer (4)
0 .2
∴ % of Br = × 100 = 40%
0 .5 85. Answer (2)

73. Answer (1) 86. Answer (1)

AlCl3 + NBS
l Cl l + AlCl4 CH3 – CH = CH2 CH2 – CH = CH2

74. Answer (3) Br

75. Answer (4) HBr

CH2 – CH2 – CH2
76. Answer (2)
Br Br
Heat released during hydrogenation and stability
follow opposite orders. Aromaticity causes increase Mg 
in stability and drop in ∆H.
77. Answer (4) + MgBr2
It is (4nπ) system so antiaromatic 87. Answer (2)
78. Answer (4) N is an activating group

79. Answer (3)
Para product is usually major product.
No α–H present.
Hence, resonance stabilised C– does not form 88. Answer (2)

80. Answer (4) A bridged bromonium intermediate is formed and no

carbocation is reported.
Degree of unsaturation = 2
89. Answer (1)
C4H6 Alkynes
1° product 9×1
CH ≡ C – CH2 – CH3 = =9:5
3° product 1×5
H3C – C ≡ C – CH3
90. Answer (3)

H2C = CH – CH = CH2 HC  C – CH3

CH3 – C – CH3
H2 O
CH3 – C – CH3
in excess 
H2C = C = CH – CH3 Br OH

CH3 CH3 – H2 O

CH3 – C – CH3

91. Answer (2) 110. Answer (4)
Payoff phase is energy producing phase of Respiration is mainly a catabolic process.
111. Answer (2)
92. Answer (4)
In anaerobic bacteria, ATP synthesis occur through
93. Answer (3) glycolysis only.
It leads to the production of lactic acid (C3H6O3). 112. Answer (4)
94. Answer (1) 113. Answer (2)
TCA cycle is Krebs cycle. In link reaction, acetyl CoA(2C) is produced.
95. Answer (3) 114. Answer (3)
It leads to production of 36 ATP instead of 38 ATP IAA is a naturally occuring auxin.
in respiration.
115. Answer (2)
96. Answer (4)
116. Answer (3)
Cytochrome bc1 complex is complex III.
Pepper is a day neutral plant.
97. Answer (1)
117. Answer (4)
C51H98O6 is tripalmitin
118. Answer (1)
98. Answer (2)
Skotoperiod (dark period) must not exceed than
From one molecule of pyruvic acid 4 NADH and critical period for flowering in LDPs.
1FADH 2 molecules are produced in aerobic
respiration. 119. Answer (4)
4 NADH produce 12 ATP by ETS. Intrafascicular cambium is primary meristem.
1FADH2 produces 2 ATP by ETS. 120. Answer (4)
Total produced ATP = 14. 121. Answer (2)
99. Answer (3) End product of glycolysis is pyruvic acid.
• Floating respiration – Fat/carbohydrate Oxygen acts as terminal electron acceptor in ETS.
• Protoplasmic respiration – Protein 122. Answer (2)
• 2-phosphoglycerate  → phosphoenol 123. Answer (4)
100. Answer (1) release pyruvate One Acetyl CoA produces 3NADH + H + and
101. Answer (2) 1 FADH2
Secondary cortex and secondary phloem develop 1
So, total number of oxygen molecules = 4 × O2
from secondary meristem. 2
124. Answer (2)
102. Answer (1)
125. Answer (2)
103. Answer (1)
104. Answer (3) Cucumber is DNP.
c and d are decarboxylation steps of Kreb’s cycle. 126. Answer (4)
SDP does not initiate flowering when dark period is
105. Answer (1)
less than critical.
106. Answer (4)
127. Answer (4)
Ethylene promotes abscission of plant parts.
In buttercup, environmental plasticity is found.
107. Answer (2)
128. Answer (4)
108. Answer (3)
Gibberellin induces quicker maturity in juvenile
Cytokinin – Responsible for Richmond Lang effect conifers.
109. Answer (1) 129. Answer (4)
Cytokinin and auxin both show cell division. Bioassay of auxin is Avena curvature test.
130. Answer (3) Phytochromes receive stimulation for photopheriods.
131. Answer (2) 134. Answer (2)
Ethylene increases number of fruits in plants like Increase in size and number in vacuoles is a
cucumber. feature of cells of elongation region.
132. Answer (4) 135. Answer (2)
Cytokinin was first isolated from unripe maize From each molecule of acetyl CoA, 3NADH and
grains. 1FADH2 are produced in aerobic respiration i.e.
total four coenzymes are produced.
133. Answer (2)

136. Answer (2) group of associated with deep structures like
Bipolar neurons possess cell bodies with one axon amygdala, hippocampus etc., form a complex
and one dendrite. structure called the limbic system.
148. Answer (4)
137. Answer (4)
Hormones of adrenal medulla are catecholamines.
Na + – K + pump restores the polarised state in
neuron 149. Answer (3)

138. Answer (2) Corpora quadrigemina is present on the dorsal side

of midbrain.
Diameter of nerve fibre is directly proportional to the
150. Answer (3)
transmission of nerve impulse.
Renin is responsible for conversion of
139. Answer (4)
angiotensinogen to angiotensin I.
Auditory nerves conduct impulses to auditory cortex
151. Answer (2)
of the brain.
Iter is the duct that connects third and fourth
140. Answer (2) ventricles.
Brainstem = Midbrain + Hindbrain (Pons + Medulla) Lateral ventricles are called paracoel. Third ventricle
141. Answer (3) is called diocoel.
Vitreous chamber is filled with a transparent semi- 152. Answer (4)
solid gelatinous material called vitreous humor. Androgens produce anabolic effects on protein
142. Answer (4) and carbohydrate metabolism where cortisol has
antagonestic effects.
Eustachian tube connects the middle ear cavity with
the pharynx. 153 Answer (1)
154. Answer (4)
143. Answer (2)
Steroid hormones do not use secondary
In neurons, the resting membrane potential ranges
messengers to carry out their activity.
from –40 to –90 mV.
155. Answer (2)
144. Answer (1)
Thymus gland plays a major role in the
Ateliosis is a deficiency disorder of pituitary gland. development of immune system and it atrophies
145. Answer (4) with age.
The gap between two adjacent myelin sheaths are 156. Answer (4)
called node of Ranvier. Secretin stimulates secretion of bicarbonate ions.
146. Answer (3) 157. Answer (1)
Prolactin regulates secretion of milk in lactating Insulin interacts with extracellular receptors.
mother. 158. Answer (3)
147. Answer (4) Aldosterone is responsible for electrolyte and water
The inner parts of cerebral hemispheres and a balance in blood.
159. Answer (3) 169. Answer (4)
If females do not conceive, corpus luteum will be Hypermetropia is corrected by convex lens.
converted into corpus albicans. 170. Answer (2)
160. Answer (1) 171. Answer (2)
Relaxin is secreted by placenta. Choroid is a pigmented layer of eye.
161. Answer (2) 172. Answer (1)
Oxytocin and vasopressin are stored in posterior Corpus luteum and placenta are temporary
pituitary. endocrine glands.
162. Answer (2) 173. Answer (3)
Cornea is avascular structure hence easily Vagus nerve controls the secretion of gastric
transplanted. glands.
163. Answer (1) 174. Answer (4)
Pacinian corpuscles are encapsulated pressure Hormones are non-nutrient chemicals. Hormones
receptors for detecting deep pressure. act as intercellular messengers.
164. Answer (2) 175. Answer (3)
Oxytocin is a neurohormone that causes contraction Melatonin acts like a biological clock. Melanin is a
of smooth muscles of uterus. skin pigment.
165. Answer (2) 176. Answer (4)
Hypothalamus has the thirst centre, Adrenal medulla secretes adrenaline and
thermoregulation centre, hunger centre and satiety noradrenaline. Catecholamines do not stimulate
centres. the synthesis of lipid and proteins.
166. Answer (4) 177. Answer (3)
Estrogen is responsible for secondary sexual Mineralocorticoids regulate the water and electrolyte
characters in females. Hormones of pineal are balance in the body.
responsible diurnal rhythm in man.
178. Answer (2)
167. Answer (4)
Piamater is the innermost cranial meninges.
The fovea is a thinned-out portion of the retina
179. Answer (4)
where only the cones are densely packed. As a
result fovea is the point where the visual acuity Perilymph filled area of ear are scala vestibuli and
(resolution) is the greatest and vision is sharpest. scala tympani.

168. Answer (3) 180. Answer (4)

ADH is secreted in response to decrease in blood Sympathetic nervous system decreases secretion
pressure. of instestinal juice.

q q q


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