Desert Dwarf
Desert Dwarf
Desert Dwarf
Size and Type: The base creature's type does not change. If the creature is of Small or Medium size, it gains
a size category, becoming Medium or Large respectively. See Creature Size Changer for changes to the
base creature when it gains a size category. The changes in this template are in addition to the changes
outlined there.
Aumento taglia
+8 fo -2 des +4 cos +2 armatura naturale -1 ca -1 txc
Speed: If the base creature's size increased due to the application of this template, its speeds increase by
10 feet.
Armor Class: The base creatures natural armor bonus improves by +2.
Special Qualities: A half-ogre has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus the following special
Darkvision (Ex): A half-ogre has darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Giant Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and effects, a half-ogre is considered a giant in addition to the base
creature's type and subtype. Half-ogres can use magic items with racially specific powers as giants.
Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Int -2, Cha -2.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature if it did not gain a size category, otherwise same as the base
creature +1.
Alignment: Usually evil (any).
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature if it did not gain a size category, otherwise same as the base
creature +1.
Contando razza, taglia, template e l'anzianità (comincio da “old”) e i bonus alle caratteristiche di 4°
8° e 12° lv (tutti in saggezza) i bonus alle caratteristiche sono i seguenti
FO +5
DES -7
COS +1
FO 8 -> 8 ->13
1-Tomb Tainted Soul
1-(dominio) Extra Turning
1-(bonus)Tomb Born Vitality
1- (bonus)Ancestral knowledge
1-(bonus) Knowledge Devotion ( ho sostituito il dominio knowledge del chierico cenobita con il relativo
talento bonus. Complete Champion pag 53)
3- Practiced Spellcaster
6-Quicken Spell
9-Divine Metamagic
12-Divine Defiance
Chasuble of Fell Power Greater (MiC pg85) 18000 gp
Talismano Saggezza +4 (16000)
Skin of Ectoplasmic Armor (MiC 170) 12000gp
Buckler Mithral (1015)
Reliquiary Holy Symbol (MiC 120) 1000
Belt of Battle (MiC 73) 12000 gp
Bacchetta eterna Black Sand (10900 gp)
Zainetto pratico di Heward 2000
Warlock Scepter (8305 gp)
NightStick (1) 7500gp
TOTALE 88415 gp