The author provides a historical correction regarding the first double-slit experiment with single electrons. The author argues that the first such experiment was performed in 1974 by a group in Bologna, Italy, led by Pier Giorgio Merli, rather than in 1989 by a group in Hitachi, Japan as stated in the original article. The Bologna group photographed the monitor of a sensitive TV camera as they varied the intensity of an electron beam and observed the formation of interference patterns. Other early pioneers of electron interference experiments are also mentioned. The author aims to acknowledge contributions that may have been overlooked and provide a more accurate historical record of this important scientific achievement.
The author provides a historical correction regarding the first double-slit experiment with single electrons. The author argues that the first such experiment was performed in 1974 by a group in Bologna, Italy, led by Pier Giorgio Merli, rather than in 1989 by a group in Hitachi, Japan as stated in the original article. The Bologna group photographed the monitor of a sensitive TV camera as they varied the intensity of an electron beam and observed the formation of interference patterns. Other early pioneers of electron interference experiments are also mentioned. The author aims to acknowledge contributions that may have been overlooked and provide a more accurate historical record of this important scientific achievement.
The author provides a historical correction regarding the first double-slit experiment with single electrons. The author argues that the first such experiment was performed in 1974 by a group in Bologna, Italy, led by Pier Giorgio Merli, rather than in 1989 by a group in Hitachi, Japan as stated in the original article. The Bologna group photographed the monitor of a sensitive TV camera as they varied the intensity of an electron beam and observed the formation of interference patterns. Other early pioneers of electron interference experiments are also mentioned. The author aims to acknowledge contributions that may have been overlooked and provide a more accurate historical record of this important scientific achievement.
The author provides a historical correction regarding the first double-slit experiment with single electrons. The author argues that the first such experiment was performed in 1974 by a group in Bologna, Italy, led by Pier Giorgio Merli, rather than in 1989 by a group in Hitachi, Japan as stated in the original article. The Bologna group photographed the monitor of a sensitive TV camera as they varied the intensity of an electron beam and observed the formation of interference patterns. Other early pioneers of electron interference experiments are also mentioned. The author aims to acknowledge contributions that may have been overlooked and provide a more accurate historical record of this important scientific achievement.
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To cite this article: John Steeds et al 2003 Phys. World 16 (5) 20 Paula Gould
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C O M M E N T: L E T T E R S Letters to the editor can be sent by post to Physics World, Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE, UK, by e-mail to or by fax to +44 (0)117 925 1942. Please include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters.
The double-slit a b experiments have not been performed and
perhaps cannot be performed to continue.” experiment with (G Gilson 1989 Am. J. Phys. 57 680). Three of the seven papers that Gilson refers to single electrons were from our group in Bologna. The main subject of our 1976 paper and c d the 1989 paper from the Hitachi group are The article “A brief history of the the same: the single-electron build-up of double-slit experiment” (September 2002 the interference pattern and the statistical p15; correction October p17) describes aspect of the phenomena. Obviously the how Claus Jönsson of the University of electron-detection system used by the Tübingen performed the first double-slit Hitachi group in 1989 was more interference experiment with electrons in e f sophisticated than the one we used in 1974. 1961. It then goes on to say: “The next However, the sentence on page 118 of the milestone – an experiment in which there paper by Tonomura et al., which states that was just one electron in the apparatus at in our film we “showed the electron arrival any one time – was reached by Akira in each frame without recording the Tonomura and co-workers at Hitachi in A series of images filmed directly from a TV monitor cumulative arrivals”, is not correct. This 1989 when they observed the build-up of as the electron current density is increased (a)–(f). can be seen by watching the film and the fringe pattern with a very weak electron The integration time remains constant at 0.04 s. As looking at figure 1 of our 1976 paper source and an electron biprism (Am. J. Phys. there is only one electron in the apparatus at a (a version of which is shown here). given time, the images show how an interference 57 117–120).” pattern can be built up from single-electron events. Finally, it is also worth noting that the In fact, I believe that the first double-slit This can be seen more clearly in the film “Electron first double-slit experiment with single experiment with single electrons was interference” ( electrons was actually a by-product of performed by Pier Giorgio Merli, educational.html). research into the practical applications of GianFranco Missiroli and Giulio Pozzi in electron interferometry. Bologna in 1974 – some 15 years before the Siemens Elmiskop IA and then used for Pier Giorgio Merli Hitachi experiment. Moreover, the didactic (Am. J. Phys. 41 639–644) and LAMEL, CNR Bologna, Italy Bologna experiment was performed under research experiments ( J. Microscopie 18 very difficult experimental conditions: the 103–108). We used the Elmiskop 101 for Giulio Pozzi intrinsic coherence of the thermionic many experiments, such as the observation Department of Physics, University of Bologna electron source used by the Bologna group of the electrostatic field associated with p–n was much lower than that of the field- junctions ( J. Microscopie 21 11–20). GianFranco Missiroli emission source in the Hitachi experiment. During this period we learned that Department of Physics, University of Bologna The Bologna experiment is reported in a Professors Angelo and Aurelio Bairati at the film called “Electron interference” that Institute of Anatomy at the University of received the award in the physics category Milan had bought an image intensifier that The Bologna group photographed the at the International Festival on Scientific could be used with the Elmiskop 101. Out monitor of a sensitive TV camera as they Cinematography in Brussels in 1976. A of curiosity, and also realizing the changed the intensity of an electron beam. selection of six frames from the film (see conceptual importance of interference They observed that a few light flashes of figure) was also used for a short paper, “On experiments with single photons or electrons appeared at low intensities, and the statistical aspect of electron interference electrons, we asked if we could attempt to that interference fringes were formed at phenomena”, that was submitted for perform an interference experiment with high intensities. They also mentioned that publication in May 1974 and published two single electrons in the Milan laboratory. they were able to increase the storage time years later (P G Merli, G F Missiroli and Our results formed the basis of the film up to “values of minutes”. Historically, they G Pozzi 1976 Am. J. Phys. 44 306–7). “Electron interference” and were also were the first to report such experiments John Steeds published in 1976 (Am. J. Phys. 44 306–7). concerning the formation of interference Department of Physics, University of Bristol Following the publication of the paper by patterns as far as I know. Tonomura and co-workers in 1989, which Later, similar experiments were did not refer to our 1976 paper (although it conducted by Hannes Lichte, then at The history of science is not restricted to the did have an incorrect reference to our film), Tübingen and now at Dresden. Important achievements of leading scientists or big the American Journal of Physics published a experiments on electron interference were scientific institutions. Contributions can also letter from Greyson Gilson of Submicron also carried out by Valentin Fabrikant and be made by researchers with the necessary Structures. The letter stated: “Tonomura co-workers at the Moscow Institute for background, curiosity and enthusiasm. In et al. seem to believe that they were the first Energetics in 1949 and later by Takeo the period 1973–1974 we were investigating to perform a successful two-slit interference Ichinokawa of Waseda University in Tokyo. practical applications of electron experiment using electrons and also that Our experiments at Hitachi interferometry with a Siemens Elmiskop they were the first to observe the cumulative (A Tonomura, J Endo, T Matsuda, 101 electron microscope that had been build-up of the resulting electron T Kawasaki and H Ezawa 1989 carefully calibrated at the CNR–LAMEL interference pattern. Although their “Demonstration of single-electron build- laboratory in Bologna where one of us demonstration is very admirable, reports of up of an interference pattern” Am. J. Phys. (PGM) was based ( J. Phys. E7 729–32). similar work have appeared in this journal 57 117–120) differed from these These experiments followed earlier work for about 30 years (see, for examples, Refs. experiments in the following respects: at the Istituto di Fisica in 1972–1973 in 2–7.) It seems inappropriate to permit the (a) Our experiments were carried out from which the electron biprism was inserted in a widespread misconception that such beginning to end with constant and
C O M M E N T: L E T T E R S Editor’s note emotion, whereas many of the great A longer version of the article “A brief theoretical insights of scientists like Newton history of the double-slit experiment” or Dirac came during a period of (September 2002 p15) is available online at emotional detachment. The exception is Schrödinger, who wrote his six famous a b This version has been updated in the light papers on quantum mechanics after taking of these letters. a mistress at the age of 37. David Fairlie Centre for Particle Theory, Durham University, UK Daresbury reacts
c d There are some rather more positive
Single-electron events build up over a 20 minute exposure to form an interference pattern in this elements in the mix of fortunes for the Daresbury Laboratory than your news i-science is i-deal double-slit experiment by Akira Tonomura and co-workers. (a) 8 electrons, (b) 270 electrons, story implies (April p5). Our Your news story (February p8) reports (c) 2000 electrons, (d) 60 000 electrons. A video of disappointment that the SIRIUS nuclear- enthusiastically about Leicester this experiment will soon be available on the Web physics part of the CASIM proposal for the University’s “new” i-science degree. I ( lab will not be funded is more than offset by suppose that all degree courses are unique the support obtained for the imaging part in the same way that all people are unique. extremely low electron intensities – fewer of CASIM, the HPCx supercomputer and However, I am somewhat surprised at the than 1000 electrons a second – so there was the SuperSTEM electron microscope. It inference that a move to “interdisciplinary” no chance of finding two or more electrons was unfortunate that Physics World went to or “integrated” science is a new idea at in the apparatus at the same time. This press just before the announcement of undergraduate level. Here at Canterbury removed any possibility that the fringes £11.5m in funding for the Fourth Christ Church University College we have might be due to interactions between the Generation Light Source (4GLS) project. been teaching degrees of this type with electrons, as had been suspected by some The addition of 4GLS to the Daresbury titles such as natural science, science, physicists, such as Sin-Itiro Tomonaga. research portfolio ensures a bright future science (natural) for over 25 years. (b) We developed a position-sensitive for the lab and for UK science in general. These degrees are – just like Leicester’s electron-counting system that was modified Peter Weightman new course – “targeted at students who from the photon-counting image- Chairman, CASIM and 4GLS steering committee have an interest in science but who do not acquisition system produced by Hamamatsu Liverpool University, UK want to specialize in any one area”. Photonics. In this system, the formation of Recruitment here has, against the national fringes could be observed as a time series; the trend, been slowly improving over the electrons were accumulated over time years. Many of our graduates go into gradually to form an interference pattern on the monitor (similar to a long exposure with Creative urges teaching or the media – two of the potential career paths that the Leicester course is a photographic film). The electrons arrived In his article entitled “The Newton– catering for. In fact, a number of joint- at random positions on the detector only Beethoven analogy”, Robert Crease honours students combine media-type once in a while and it took more than 20 compares and contrasts creativity in art and courses with their science. minutes for the interference pattern to form science (April p16). According to the analogy, Leicester’s course tutor Derek Raine is (see above). To film the build-up process, the calculus, for example, would eventually right about one thing – interdisciplinary electron source, the electron biprism and the have been discovered even if Newton had degrees do not “dumb down” science. rest of the experiment had to be extremely never lived – but without Beethoven we Indeed, our experience is that the best stable. If the interference pattern had drifted would never have the C-Minor Symphony. students are perfectly capable of going on by a fraction of fringe spacing over the Although Crease traces the analogy back to further study, some having obtained exposure time, the whole fringe pattern to Einstein, I attribute it to the British PhDs in subjects such as medical physics. would have disappeared. sculptor Henry Moore who compared Kevin Carlton (c) The electrons arriving at the detector special relativity with Beethoven’s Ninth Canterbury Christ Church University College, UK were detected with almost 100% efficiency. Symphony. Moore wanted to show that Counting losses and noise in conventional artistic creativity is unique but that scientific TV cameras mean that it is difficult to know creativity involves discovering what is if each flash of the screen really corresponds to an individual electron. already out there. What Moore failed to realize, however, is that all physicists have Optics in the open Therefore, the detection error in our their own style and that there are many John Wesson wonders what caused the experiment was limited to less than 1%. ways to a particular solution. rainbow that he saw in the grass while out We believe that we carried out the first One interesting question that Crease playing golf early one morning (March experiment in which the build-up process does not address is why scientific creativity p20). The phenomenon is one of the many of an interference pattern from single- tails off as a researcher ages. Many artists explained in Marcel Minnaert’s excellent electron events could be seen in real time, and musicians, in contrast, keep going at a Light and Colour in the Open Air (1940 Bell). as in Feynman’s famous double-slit high level into old age. Moore himself The book – now published by Springer as Gedanken experiment. This was under the comes to mind, as do Goya, Janacek, Light and Colour in the Outdoors – is a treasure- condition, we emphasize, that there was no Monet, Picasso, Richard Strauss, trove of such natural phenomena. The chance of finding two or more electrons in Vaughan-Williams, Verdi and Wagner. reason why such “dew-bows” are relatively the apparatus. Interestingly, poetry is different; the quality uncommon is that lots of dew-drops are Akira Tonomura of work of poets such as Wordsworth needed to produce a strong effect. Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi, declined steeply as they got older. David Briers Saitama, Japan Another difference is that artistic Llanfyrnach, UK endeavours are often inspired by human
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