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6 Unit1 Writing

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Student_________________________________________TOTAL: _______/100

Project: Explanatory Essay

Think about the selections you have read that involve life-changing experiences. Write a 5
paragraph, explanatory essay. Within your essay you will explain how three individuals from three
of the excerpts have read faced life-changing experiences. In addition, you will analyze the
impact of these changes on their lives.

Your essay will include:

 an introductory paragraph. The last sentence is a clear thesis statement.
 Three strong body paragraphs with relevant evidence and thorough analysis to support
your thesis statement
 a conclusion paragraph that effectively wraps up your essay

10=Exemplary 8=Proficient 6=Emerging 4=incomplete


The topic is clearly stated The topic addresses The topic is stated and The topic is stated but
and relates to the prompt. the prompt and is addresses the prompt, does not clearly address
The response maintains clearly stated. The but the wording is the prompt. The
focus on the main idea response maintains unclear or unfocused. response does not
throughout. adequate focus on the The response contains maintain consistent focus
main idea. some material that is on the main idea.
only loosely related to
the main idea.
STRONG thesis ADEQUATE thesis WEAK thesis NO thesis
The response thoroughly The response develops The response attempts The response contains
develops the topic with the topic with relevant to develop the topic with few concrete details,
well-chosen, relevant and and sufficient concrete concrete details, quotations or factual
sufficient concrete details, details, quotations quotations or factual information to develop
quotations and/or factual and/or factual information to develop the topic.
information to develop the information to develop the topic.
topic. the topic.

The response contains The response contains The response contains The response contains
specific, relevant analysis adequate analysis to unbalanced analysis to insufficient analysis to
to develop the topic. develop the topic. develop the topic. develop the topic.

Introduction includes a Introduction includes a Introduction DOES NOT DOES NOT Include an

hook, bridge and thesis hook, bridge and thesis Include a hook, bridge introduction
and thesis
paragraphs paragraphs Support paragraphs Support paragraphs
Coherence with 3 Coherence with 3 WEAK transitions and NO transitions OR topic
STRONG transitions and ADEQUATE transitions topic sentences sentences
topic sentences and topic sentences
Conclusion REPETIVE Conclusion
STRONG diction for ADEQUATE diction that is to NOT diction that is to

academic language diction for academic STRONG ENOUGH for INAPROPREATE for
language academic language academic language
Perfect spelling ADEQUATE spelling SEVERAL spelling MANY spelling errors
Quotations are punctuated Quotations are errors Quotations are
correctly punctuated correctly Quotations are punctuated incorrectly
A variety of sentence No run-on sentences punctuated incorrectly Contains many run-on
structures are used Correct paragraph Contains some run-on sentences
effectively breaks sentences paragraph breaks are not
Correct paragraph breaks Correct format* Correct paragraph used
Correct format* breaks incorrect format*
Incorrect format*

Font: Arial 12 Point Double spaced. Title bold and centered on the first page (Title may be in any font). 2-3 pages.

*If the format is incorrect I will hand the paper back to the student and the summative late policy
will be implemented.

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