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2021/2/18 Warwick offer for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (R GAO 2121088)

Warwick offer for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (R GAO 2121088)


抄 送:ggaoruiwei12@163.com
时 间:2021-2-17 1:56:23
附 件: Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IAE) - P-H1S6.pdf 下载附件
Information regarding your WMG offer - P-H1S6.pdf 下载附件
University of Warwick Postgraduate Programmes Terms and … 下载附件

Your offer for WMG, The University of Warwick

16 February 2021

Dear Miss Gao,

Warwick ID Number: 2121088

We are delighted to inform you that you have been made a CONDITIONAL offer for the programme shown below.

Qualifica on: Degree of Master of Science (at level 7 on the Na onal Qualifica on Framework)
Course Code and Title: P-H1S6 - Innova on and Entrepreneurship
Mode of a endance: Full-Time
Period of study: 4 October 2021 to 3 October 2022


This offer is valid only for Miss Ruiwei GAO (Date of birth: 12 August 1998) and is not transferable.

‫ ס‬Submit an English Language test cer ficate confirming a score of (or equivalent to) IELTS 6.5 with no component score below
6.0. Please see h p://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/educa on/wmgmasters/entry/english/ for more informa on.

‫ ס‬Arrange for a sa sfactory academic reference to be submi ed by your referee from University of Greenwich in support of
your applica on.

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2021/2/18 Warwick offer for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (R GAO 2121088)

• You have been assessed as being eligible to pay Overseas Fees

• The academic fee for this course in the academic year 2021/22 is currently set at £28520.00.
• If you believe you may be eligible to pay fees at the Home rate, please complete our fee assessment ques onnaire so we can
review your status. This can be found on the website at:
h ps://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/educa on/wmgmasters/entry/feesstatusguidance .


You are required to pay a tui on fee deposit by 1st April 2021 to secure your offer of a place on MSc Innova on and
Entrepreneurship. Informa on on the deposit amount, what to do if you have a scholarship or have been shortlisted for
funding and further informa on on the deposit payment can be found on the website at:
h ps://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/educa on/wmgmasters/entry/deposits/ .


• Bachelor degree awards must be Honours level or equivalent, to meet WMG’s academic requirements.

• It is important that you check all of the informa on contained in this le er carefully and ensure that you fully understand its

• Your offer of a place to study at Warwick is subject to the University's full Terms and Condi ons of Offer, which can be found
a ached. You should read these Terms and Condi ons before accep ng your offer.

• Please upload a scanned/electronic copy of your degree cer ficate/transcript via your applicant portal, once your
qualifica on has been awarded. You will need to bring your qualifica ons with you when you come to Warwick, as these may
be checked during your studies.

• Please upload English Language cer ficates via the applicant portal, which can be found at the following link:
h ps://warwick.ac.uk/evision


• Please confirm if you wish to accept or decline this offer via the applicant portal, which can be found at
h ps://warwick.ac.uk/evision

• You must hold an uncondi onal offer that you have firmly accepted by 1st September 2021 to enable you to study this
academic year. If your university will not issue your final academic result by this date, then you must no fy us by email (to
wmg-admissions@warwick.ac.uk) in advance of this date. We will not extend this deadline for English Language results or

• The start of term is 4th October 2021. Further informa on on Arrival, Enrolment and Registra on will be sent to you from
June/July 2021.

• Please visit our offer holders webpage located at

h p://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/educa on/wmgmasters/offerholders for informa on regarding enrolment, funding
informa on, accommoda on and living costs, and informa on specifically for interna onal offer holders. This web page will

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2021/2/18 Warwick offer for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (R GAO 2121088)

provide you with all of the details and resources you require rela ng to your offer and will explain the next steps you need to

• Please remember you are applying for a full- me postgraduate course. Undergraduate term dates do not apply to you. There
will be mes (e.g. the weeks of Christmas and New Year) when you will not have any taught modules scheduled, however you
will be expected to organise your workload around any break from study.

• You can get to know your future classmates, and keep up-to-date on all the latest WMG news on our Facebook Group for
2021 students: h ps://www.facebook.com/groups/3407836969335124/


WMG uses email as the primary means of contact with its students and applicants. Please ensure that your contact email
address is correct.

If you have any ques ons about your offer, the admissions process or your course of study, or would like to update your
email/postal address please respond to this or email, or email us at wmg-admissions@warwick.ac.uk . Please remember to
include your Warwick ID Number in all correspondence to us.

We wish to extend our congratula ons on your offer and look forward to welcoming you as a student of WMG, The University
of Warwick.

Kind regards,

Pia Byrne
Admissions Team
The Interna onal Digital Laboratory (IDL)
University of Warwick

Website: h p://go.warwick.ac.uk/wmgmasters
Tel: 44 (0)24 7652 3691
Email: wmg-admissions@warwick.ac.uk

If you are unable to access any of the hyperlinks contained within this email, please try cu ng and pas ng the links into your
web browser.

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