Mathias Cinema-A Medium of The Sublime
Mathias Cinema-A Medium of The Sublime
Mathias Cinema-A Medium of The Sublime
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5. Cinema – A Medium of the Sublime?
I set out to explore cinema in terms of its potential function as a medium
of the sublime. Burke and Kant’s accounts of the sublime are employed
to examine their correlation with cinema’s technological, formal, and
receptive repertoire. This encompasses intrinsic features such as cin-
ematography’s innovation of putting in motion photographic images,
aspects of the montage, the aesthetic potential of the camera as cinema’s
central organ of expression and perception, sound effects, and multimedia
interplay as well as external features of cinema which constitute the
medium as a concrete space for cinematic experiences. To what extent
do these various features provoke, facilitate, mediate, or participate in a
sensory and affective overpowering of the viewer?
After having traced the sublime’s iconography up until the decline of the
Panorama and the Diorama, I will investigate in this chapter the medium
of cinema, particularly in terms of its potential function as a medium of the
sublime. The chapter represents a connecting link between the previous
historical enquiry and the subsequent film analysis of the disaster genre.
An analysis of the technological and receptive fundament of the medium
of cinema allows for comparative references to earlier visual media of
the sublime. Note, however, that this enquiry will be limited to cinema’s
technological and general receptive dimensions; thematic aspects and
experiences of specific films will be dealt with later in the film analysis.
As for the description of cinema’s technological features, one must consider
the transformations that cinema has been going through over the years. There
is not just one cinematic medium to be described but a variety of devices and
modes of presentation and performance. Thus, it is crucial to reflect on the
technological history of cinema and discuss different concepts associated with
Mathias, N., Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspective: Mediations of the Sublime. Amsterdam:
Amsterdam University Press, 2020
doi 10.5117/9789463720120_ch05
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142 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
its historical stages, such as the distinction between the cinema of attractions
and narrative cinema. To a certain degree, a historical investigation of cinema
must further include social and economic factors as well as public discourses
which have informed contemporary practices of cinematic production and
reception. The goal is to outline the most essential stages and models of
the cinematic experience in order to provide contextual orientation for the
subsequent discussion of disaster films from all ages of cinema.
Once again, I will employ the aesthetic framework of the sublime (accord-
ing to Burke and Kant), this time, as a means to examine its correlation with
cinema’s technological, formal, and receptive repertoire. This encompasses:
first, intrinsic features such as cinematography’s putting in motion of pho-
tographic images, aspects of the montage, the aesthetic potential of the
camera as cinema’s central organ of expression and perception, as well as
sound effects and multimedia interplay; second, external features of cinema
which constitute the medium as a concrete space for cinematic experiences,
including relations of screen-space and viewer-space, the location of the
viewer’s body, and different modes of reception as part of the cinematic
performance. To what extent do these various features provoke, facilitate,
mediate, or participate in a sensory and affective overpowering of the
viewer, as described by the Burkean and Kantian accounts of the sublime?
In addition, emphasis will be laid on somatic facets of the cinematic
experience, as they are theoretically explored by Vivian Sobchack and
Thomas Morsch (see also p. 25). Extending their somatic models of the
cinematic experience, I will also attempt to establish intersections and points
of contact between these models and Burke and Kant’s theoretical accounts
of the sublime. The aim is to show that compatibility between both theoreti-
cal branches can be reached in preparation for the film analysis, in which
cinematic experiences of the sublime will be considered as predominantly
somatic phenomena. Moreover, Sobchack’s model is valuable because it
involves a nuanced phenomenological investigation of the relations between
cinema’s technological apparatus and the particularities of human percep-
tion – a topic that relates to and, at the same time, problematizes my previous
discussion of the pictorial receptive effects of illusionistic immersion and
media reflexivity.
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Cinema – A Medium of the Sublime? 143
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144 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
and imaginary side of cinema also shows in the entire genre of animated
film. Thus, the repeatedly expressed criticism against digital cinema and its
abandonment of the medium’s indexicality (resulting from its photographic
essence) is built on thin ice, for cinema – as demonstrated by Stephen Prince
and Noëll Carroll – never was an exclusively photographic medium in the
first place but has always been an amalgam of various media and production
practices such as painting, animation, or sculpting.4 Moreover, the cinematic
experience is almost never fully realistic and indexical, since its ‘various
physical continuities’ are synthetically arranged and composited.5 In turn,
the perception of cinema’s indexicality based on photographic images in
motion prevails even in the case of highly manipulated or entirely artificial
presentations of digital film production. This is because indexicality is also
an aesthetic and social value and, therefore, not exclusively dependent on
the factual existence of an object. Prince speaks in this regard of ‘indexical
properties’ and ‘indexical claims’, which not only have significance for the
reception of digital cinema but for cinematic reception in general.6 As for
the origins of cinema’s close association with realism and indexicality (as
a primarily social, not technological conditioned occurrence), James Lastra
locates this phenomenon in broader (and much older) discourses concerning
norms of picturing and aesthetics; especially significant in this regard is
the distinction between image (a recording of a contingent fragment of the
world executed by an amateur) and picture/art (purposeful and creative
How exactly does cinematography achieve the perceived effect of move-
ment? The photographic images captured on film, as they are projected in a
frequency of at least sixteen frames per second, are experienced as motion,
because of the viewer’s physiological and cognitive response to them. One
condition is the high enough frequency of the sequential images (triggering
the physiological response). Electric velocity accelerates film sequences from
the perception of their mechanical succession to the perceived simultaneity of
the moving picture. The second condition – the cognitive one – is the interplay
of similarity and difference in terms of the sequenced images, prompting the
spectator’s cognition to dissolve them into one continuous flow of motion.8
4 Prince, 155; Carroll, 6f., 261-263. – An overview of the leading voices in the discussion of
cinema’s loss of indexicality (Barbara Savedoff, Steven Shaviro, Keith Griff iths, Berys Gaut,
Philip Rosen, Lev Manovich) is given in: Prince, 149.
5 Prince, 53.
6 Prince, 150.
7 Lastra.
8 Paech, 98f.
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Cinema – A Medium of the Sublime? 145
Only when these two conditions are met is film no longer perceived as
images in motion, but rather as one cinematographic moving picture. As
for the current phase of digitally produced film, cinematography’s effect
of movement has gained independence from its mechanical performance,
in that it has become a fully electronic phenomenon. At the same time, the
receptive dimension of digital cinema still operates on the realistic premise
of cinema’s dynamization of (what appears to be) photographic images.
To gain a clearer understanding of cinematographic movement, let me
bring in some of the older moving picture devices that were discussed earlier.
De Loutherbourg’s Eidophusikon employed various technologies and media
(painting, miniature figures, faux terrain, card boards, etc.) to construct a
unified and illusionistic image-space presenting different phenomena in
motion. The interplay of these components facilitated their synthesis in
the experience of the viewer. The Eidophusikon’s (implicit) successor, the
Diorama, presented movement on a seemingly unified and homogenous
image plane; yet, it remained limited to the movements of a few objects
within the otherwise immobile image. In opposition to immobile pictorial
media like the Panorama, Martin’s monumental disaster paintings and the
American Great Pictures, whose images were put in motion by the viewer’s
imagination, both the Eidophusikon and the Diorama relocated larger
elements of these subjective movements into the technological performance
of their devices. This is also what Jonathan Crary describes as being part of
the development of the modern subject-observer, whose body and perception
become disciplined and agitated on a physiological level (see also p. 21).
In continuation of this development, cinematography achieved the ability
to present movements that resembled and latched on to subjective processes
of perception and imagination. With this ‘outsourcing’ of subjective motion
into the cinematographic (and cinematic) apparatus, the sublime’s tension
field of freedom and violence is brought into focus once again. According to
Kant, the experience of the sublime presupposes the absence of existential
affects triggered by real physical danger, but he also states that the sublime
unfolds its strongest aesthetic impact when severe violence is let loose
upon the subject’s sensibility.9 As Jean-François Lyotard correctly points
out, the Kantian sublime is an economic venture in which the experience
of sensory violence is invested for the gain of a surplus of freedom.10 Hence,
when cinematography – instead of setting the viewer’s imagination in
9 Kant, 144, 148. – Unlike in the German original though, the word ‘violence’ (Gewalt) is not
to be found within the English translations of the passages in question.
10 Lyotard, 129f.
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146 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
11 Sobchack, 12.
12 Sobchack, 60.
13 Sobchack, 208.
14 Sobchack, 3f.
15 With the film technological enhancements of color and sound, Arnheim sees man’s ancient
dream of a perfect illusionistic representation in the arts finally fulfilled (Arnheim, 154-160).
16 For Sobchack, the body of the filmmaker does not refer to one specific individual (e.g. the
auteur director) but to a multiplicity of individuals in their ‘concrete, situated, and synoptic
presence’ (Sobchack, 9, Footnote 11), which are involved in the process of film production.
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Cinema – A Medium of the Sublime? 147
them are both perceiving and expressing subjects as well as perceived and
expressed objects. Always already situated in and intertwined with the world
as bodily beings, the bodies of spectator, film, and filmmaker are constantly
in a dynamic dialogue with each other. This is the somatic foundation from
which each and every cinematic experience must emerge. By emphasizing
the resemblance between cinema’s three embodied subject-objects, Sobchack
carefully distinguishes her model from apparatus theories that focus either
on cinema’s readability and allowance of media reflexivity or on its ability
to completely take over and control the viewer’s subjective perception.
Throughout her book, she reminds the reader that while the bodies of film,
filmmaker, and spectator share the same perception, they never become
identical. ‘The viewer is always at some level aware of the double and revers-
ible nature of cinematic perception’.17 Due to this recognition of bodily
difference, there is a certain degree of media awareness inscribed to the
cinematic experience.
While I generally agree with this notion, I would argue that cinema
is also able to confront the spectator with sensations of such affective
intensity that even the last residue of media awareness can be temporarily
suspended. These intense moments of affective immersion are merely
framed by the experience of difference of embodied vision, as described by
Sobchack. Based on the interplay between immersion and media reflexivity
as well as cinema’s general ability to present and represent the dynamic
procedures of subjectivity, the medium cinema can swiftly shift between
facilitating intense experiences of the sublime and enabling reflections
on these experiences. Cinema both presents the sublime and represents
it as an act of experience. However, these two sides are hardly ever clearly
distinguished; rather, one should envision their shared border areas as
generally permeable and malleable, with a sheer endless range of possible
nuances. The subjectivity machine cinema can make sensible the two sides
of the sublime – sensual crisis and reason’s interference – as a dynamic
process of mediation between different aggregates. With its key feature of
presenting (and representing) processuality and succession, cinema also
brings into focus questions of the sublime’s temporality, whether it unfolds
gradually, appears instantly, or dialectically builds up in a back and forth
structure. Quite literally, cinema creates time to make sensible, present and
represent the temporalities of the sublime event for the viewer.
Before investigating specific accounts of cinematic movement in their
relation to the receptive functioning of the sublime, cinema’s temporality
17 Sobchack, 10.
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148 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
18 Benjamin, 175.
19 Translated from German by the author; orig.: Morsch, 203.
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Cinema – A Medium of the Sublime? 149
The kinetic spectacle leads the spectator beyond the borders of common
perception. Through swift shot changes, light and flicker effects, oblique
and tilted framing and swish pans, rapid tracking shots and accelerated
diegetic movements, through time manipulations and transformations
of images into energetic impulses, the identifying view of the spectator
is undermined. The cognitive perception of objects and the possibility
of sensing a visual and spatial order are suspended in the most intense
moments of action cinema. In these moments, the film becomes a ver-
tiginous rush of images, which is far more somatic-mimetically felt than
visual-cognitively comprehended.21
How is all this relevant for the investigation of the receptive characteristics of
the cinematic sublime? Morsch describes cinema’s use of dynamic movement
as a receptive means to overwhelm the sensual capacity of the viewer, right
in coherence with the sublime’s crisis of sensibility (as described by Burke
and Kant). Cinematography’s ‘dynamization of space and […] spatialization
of time’ (see Chapter 1, Footnote 35) is intensified to such a high degree in
the action and disaster genres that an aesthetics of speed, shock, thrill,
and terror gets to dominate the cinematic experience. Intensifications as
such are accomplished, first, by the delicately orchestrated intertwining
of filmed dynamic objects and the dynamic movements of the camera,
second, by dynamic montage patterns, and third, by overwhelming visual
effects. The precondition for why these movements trigger such extensive
affects is the spectator’s embodied existence. Through his/her somatic
perception, the spectator empathetically engages with other phenomena.
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150 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
22 Burke, 13.
23 Burke, 118. – It should be added that Burke’s detailed descriptions of sublime objects as they
are perceived seem to reverse this causality. Accordingly, sublime objects primarily affect the
organs of perception (esp. the eyes). However, this reversal makes more sense if one considers
that for Burke perception is not merely a physical process but also a cognitive procedure of
the mind. Since both mind and body are the location of constant reciprocal interactions and
exchanges, it apparently becomes difficult maintaining a clear structure of causality.
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Cinema – A Medium of the Sublime? 151
The only difference between pain and terror, is, that things which cause
pain operate on the mind, by the intervention of the body; whereas things
that cause terror generally affect the bodily organs by the operation of
the mind suggesting the danger; but both agreeing, either primarily, or
secondarily, in producing a tension, contraction, or violent emotion of
the nerves, they agree likewise in every thing [sic] else.25
However, terror alone is hardly going to cause the sublime, for pleasure is
also needed here as a necessary ingredient. Again, Burke draws a comparison
with a physical sensation to describe the mixed emotion of the sublime. The
sublime’s interplay of terror and pleasure is comprehended as an analogue
to the experience of delight, which is ‘the removal or moderation of pain’
(resp. positive pain or negative pleasure).26
Finally, how does Burke describe the perception of sublime objects? He
creates a strong somatic bond between the body and mind of the perceiv-
ing subject and the particularities of the perceived object. Some of these
objective features are: scale, surface, structure, force, brightness, darkness,
loudness, and silence. They all trigger equivalent reactions in the subject’s
body, that is to say, the sensory appearance of the object is translated into
the tension of nerves and the motion of organs. Particularly illustrative in
this respect is Burke’s section on ‘visual objects of great dimensions’. He
describes how an overpowering visual sensation (caused by the vastness
of an object) affects the retina and forces ‘the whole capacity of the eye’
to vibrate ‘near to the nature of what causes pain’.27 Ultimately, it is this
bodily tension resulting from the object’s sensory agitation of the subject
that prompts the ‘idea of the sublime’.
In summary, Burke bases the experience and the aesthetic value of the
sublime on the physical existence of the recipient. The heightened status
of the bodily in Burke’s account, which is not limited to physical agency
24 Burke, 119.
25 Burke, 120.
26 Burke, 33.
27 Burke, 124.
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152 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
but also involves the body’s interwovenness with the procedures of the
mind, shows some similarities with Sobchack’s somatic constitution of
the cinematic experience. Additionally, there is a distinct resemblance
between Burke’s experience of the sublime, which – by means of its excessive
appearance – overwhelms the recipient’s physical organs of perception, and
Morsch’s aesthetics of speed. In turn, Morsch’s concept of somatic empathy
approximates Burke’s somatic foundation of his aesthetics, according to
which body and mind are connected through numerous causal relations: the
sensation of objective features is translated into physical (and ultimately into
psychological) motion. The same kind of transfer, even though described in
less mechanistic terms, takes place in cases of cinematic somatic empathy,
which Morsch conceives of as a mimetic re-enacting of a cinematic object,
performed by the embodied perception of the viewer.
In comparison with Burke’s account of the sublime, which clearly rests
on a somatic fundament, Kant’s project of a critical re-localization of the
sublime appears to deny the involvement of the subject’s bodily existence
at first sight. Even though Kant locates the sublime entirely in the perceiv-
ing subject, it is not exactly his/her body where one expects to find this
experience. Rather, Kant makes clear that the sublime is very much a matter
of the mind (with sensibility, reason, and imagination involved) and not
of the body. In the following, I will put Kant’s model of the sublime under
scrutiny, with the goal to uncover intersections with the somatic side of
aesthetic and cinematic experiences.
The biggest obstacle when searching for points of contact between the
Kantian sublime and somatic film theory is Kant’s neglect of the body, which
mediates between subject and world. In the ‘Analytic of the Sublime’, the
body of the subject is nonetheless present, although one must take a closer
look to locate it. Most obviously, a somatic notion of the sublime is put forth
in Kant’s description of different affects which are suited to be perceived
as sublime objects (see p. 87). However, these affects do not constitute the
experience of the sublime itself. As sublime objects, they merely represent
external sources of this experience.
On the last pages of his ‘Analytic of the Sublime’, Kant evaluates Burke’s
Philosophical Enquiry. It is in this peripheral juxtaposition with Burke’s
sensualist notion of the sublime that Kant explicitly concedes the somatic
and affective involvement in every aesthetic sensation:
[I]t cannot be denied that all representations in us, whether they are
objectively merely sensible or else entirely intellectual, can nevertheless
subjectively be associated with gratification or pain, however unnoticeable
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Cinema – A Medium of the Sublime? 153
either might be (because they all affect the feeling of life, and none of
them, insofar as it is a modification of the subject, can be indifferent),
or even that, as Epicurus maintained, gratification and pain are always
ultimately corporeal, whether they originate from the imagination or
even from representations of the understanding: because life without the
feeling of the corporeal organ is merely consciousness of one’s existence,
but not a feeling of well- or ill-being, i.e., the promotion or inhibition of
the powers of life; because the mind for itself is entirely life (the principle
of life itself), and hindrances or promotions must be sought outside it,
though in the human being himself, hence in combination with his body.28
all of our thoughts are at the same time harmoniously combined with
some kind of movement in the organs of the body […]. One can thus […]
grant to Epicurus that all gratification, even if it is caused by concepts that
arouse aesthetic ideas, is animal, i.e., bodily sensation, without thereby
doing the least damage to the spiritual feeling of respect for moral ideas,
which is not gratification but self-esteem (of the humanity within us) that
elevates us above the need for gratification, without indeed any damage
even to the less noble feeling of taste.31
28 Kant, 158f.
29 Kant, 207.
30 Kant, 207-212.
31 Kant, 210f.
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154 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
Whenever Daguerre and Bouton’s Diorama switched from the first to the
second picture during a show, this did not imply any structural, causal, or
narrative relation between the two images (apart from alternating between
interior and exterior views). The dissolving views of the laterna magica
already employed a simple montage-like organization of time, space, and
32 The term disinterestedness signif ies the absence of epistemic and/or physical interests
in the act of aesthetic contemplation. Then again, this disinterestedness is already heavily
contested by reason’s involvement in the sublime; and it takes a major effort for Kant to defend
his foundation by introducing the paradox of a disinterested interestedness.
33 For further information on the sublime’s twofold violence, see: Till.
34 Kant, 141.
35 Morsch, 104f.
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36 The dissolving view technology of laterna magica devices enabled the presentation of smooth
blendings and transitions between images. While the medium’s presentation of movement
within one and the same image plane was perceived as less convincing than the double-effect
Diorama, its attraction of dissolving its views led to far more sophisticated practices of image
sequencing. This also concerned the depiction of sublime subjects. For example, Ulrike Hick
mentions a show where the 1755 earthquake of Lisbon was narrated in three lantern slides,
representing three successive stages: the first image displayed the city in its intact state; the
second one showed Lisbon’s destruction (accompanied by effects of darkness and lightning); and
the third revealed what is left of the city, a field of ruins (Hick, 167). As for the relation between
the laterna magica and cinema, Hick notes that both media were occasionally presented together.
Due to this proximity, cinema adapted certain conventions regarding subject matter, pictorial
programs, and presentation patterns. Even cases of magic lantern artists changing profession
and becoming filmmakers are documented (Hick, 212-214). However, the laterna magica’s overall
influence on the cinematographic montage was rather little. Thomas Elsaesser demonstrates that
other factors (esp. economic ones) had a far greater impact on the emergence of what is called
classical cinema today. Also, Kristin Thompson explains the formation of cinematic montage
techniques with the plain phenomenon that longer films were getting more profitable during
the nickelodeon boom; in turn, the longer formats challenged filmmakers to organize time,
space, and narrative in more elaborate ways (Elsaesser 2002, 69-93; Thompson 162).
37 Elsaesser 2002, 190-223; Thompson; Berliner. – However, this is not to say that this develop-
ment was based on the efforts of one individual filmmaker, even though Griffith surely represents
one of the key figures of this formative period (Salt).
38 Gunning repeatedly uses the term dominance to dismiss any puristic reading of his film
historical distinction.
39 Gunning 1990.
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156 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
40 Gunning 1990, 61; Gunning 1983. – See also the sections on avant-garde film in: Strauven.
41 Deleuze.
42 Silverman, 194-236; Heath, 76-112.
43 Sobchack, 228.
44 Sobchack, 138.
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158 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
45 Kant, 134.
46 Thompson, 227.
47 Kant, 135. – Burke describes the idea of infinity as an outcome of successively perceiving
the singular parts of an object, which are ‘continued [in the mind] to any indefinite number’
(Burke, 67).
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Cinema – A Medium of the Sublime? 159
48 Sobchack, 164-259.
49 Consequently, she rejects the term ‘point-of-view shot’ and, instead, speaks of shots in which
bodily perception is shared.
50 Sobchack, 288f.
51 Morsch, 128f.
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160 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
and validity. ‘In this aesthetic, the significance of the original recording
vanishes in favor of the manipulative postproduction of the image, which
is not rooted in any implicit body anymore but solely in the material
manipulation of the image’.52 The aesthetic, techniques and practices of
digital, which Morsch refers to, have indeed become a decisive factor in
the production and reception of disaster movies and blockbuster films
in general.53 Except for cases of fully animated films, digital provides the
means to manipulate what still appears to be filmed photographic images in
a hitherto unparalleled degree. Digital technologies, such as CGI (Computer
Generated Imagery), DI (Digital Intermediate), digital animation, motion
capturing, digital compositing, virtual camera, and blue and greenscreen
technologies, essentially contribute now to a film’s final appeal.
These new tools for the creation of cinematic images led Lev Manovich to
compare the digital age of cinema with certain proto-cinematic devices (the
laterna magica, the Phenakistiscope, the Zootrope), whose moving images
were still handcrafted and not photographically recorded.54 On the other
hand, cinema had never been a purely photographic recording medium, for
it has always involved practices of crafting, painting, and sculpting in its
various sectors of production. Especially in terms of genres such as action
and disaster movie, crafted and edited visual effects have always played a
key role, even in the pre-digital age of cinema. The special effects of disaster
films encompass explosions, light effects, time manipulations (time lapse,
slow motion), optical compositing (using optical printers), stunts, miniature
models, dummies, robotic machines, matte paintings, and photographs for
background illusions.
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With the establishment of sound film during the second half of the 1920s,
sound was relocated from its external performance into the film medium
itself.57 The broad application of this technological innovation meant
a significant step within the film industry’s efforts to standardize and
monopolize their business and gain control over their products. But it also
increased filmmakers’ artistic agency and control in terms of the aesthetic
coordination of sound and the visual. With this, the aspect of multimedia
interplay gained an even bigger importance for the cinema medium. Once
established, cinema sound technologies were further improved over the
years: from single-channel optical soundtracks, which ‘produced very
poor sound, with a limited frequency response that turned loud effects,
like gunshots or high-volume passages in a film score, into noise’, to the
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162 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
58 Prince, 191.
59 Sobchack, 76.
60 Elsaesser, 94-124.
61 The term ‘nickelodeon’ referred to the cinemas’ low entrance fee of one nickel, which also
lower social classes could afford. For a more detailed view of the nickelodeon boom, see: Musser,
325-329, 372-376.
62 For the technological development and aesthetics of sound in film history, see the first part
of: Chion.
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63 The experimenting with bigger and wider screens resulted from the construction of larger
cinemas with big auditoriums. One of the most tenacious problems in this development process
was to fit the enlarged images and the soundtrack onto film without any reductions (Hall, 69-76,
64 Belton, 159.
65 Uroskie, 19-26. – On the other hand, it was Cinerama’s impressive success and profit that
triggered the technological development and application of more practical widescreen technolo-
gies such as CinemaScope and Panavision (Hall, 144f.).
66 Films such as The Wizard of Oz (1939), Gone With the Wind (1939), The Adventures of Robin
Hood (1938), A Star is Born (1937), or The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938) presented their loud
colors as attractions in themselves and thereby emphasized their value as cinematic spectacles.
67 Hall, 62-68.
68 Wyver, 75f.; Hall, 140.
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164 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
also presents itself through its gaps, repetitions, dead ends, and forgotten
heroes. Its technological development cannot be reduced to any notion of
the medium’s drive for aesthetic self-fulfillment and maturing. Instead, one
must consider a wide range of economic, political, juridical, and cultural
factors in order to make sense of cinema’s technological and aesthetic
Cinema’s development from its so-called primitive state (the cinema of
attractions) to its classical state (narrative cinema) is revisited by Kristin
Thompson, as she addresses the sociocultural and economic complexities
of this history. In terms of exchange processes between cinema and other
media, she stresses the relevance of literary forms like novel, short story, and
drama, which she finds have had a strong impact on cinema’s development of
more elaborate fictional plots.69 While I generally do not disagree with this
assessment, I would like to extend Thompson’s historical account by paying
closer attention to the technological transformation that occurred during
the first couple of decades of cinema (from the late nineteenth century to
c. 1917). Accordingly, the shift from attraction cinema to narrative cinema
can also be described as a shifting from being a performative medium to
becoming a pictorial medium. Underlining this transformation are two
trade press responses to letters sent by cinema owners, both asking about
the correct size of the screen plane:
The first, from 1908, says the screen and lenses should be such as to ensure
that the characters are life size on the screen; the second, from 1915, says
that the size of the screen should vary in proportion to the size of the
auditorium. Thus the earlier position has a literal, theatrical conception
of the represented space, where the screen is a window immediately
behind which the principal characters stand a measurable distance away
from the spectators; while for the later one, the film image is treated as
scalarly relative, so the distance of spectators from characters is entirely
69 Thompson, 163-173.
70 Elsaesser 1990, 28 (Endnote 24). – This aspect is investigated more extensively in: Brewster.
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71 As Martin Loiperdinger’s research on this issue reveals, the film of which three versions
existed was not shown at the first commercial screening by the Lumière brothers in 1895 but
in the following year (Loiperdinger, 102f.).
72 Loiperdinger; Gunning 1999; Bottomore, 177-216.
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166 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
[A] train appears on the screen. It speeds right at you – watch out! It seems
as though it will plunge into the darkness in which you sit, turning you
into a ripped sack full of lacerated flesh and splintered bones, and crushing
into dust and into broken fragments this hall and this building, so full
of women, wine, music and vice. But this, too, is but a train of shadows.
Noiselessly, the locomotive disappears beyond the edge of the screen.
The train comes to a stop, and grey figures silently emerge from the cars,
soundlessly greet their friends, laugh, walk, run, bustle, and … are gone.75
It is the frightening impact of life ‒ but of a very different life. This life is
deprived of sound and colors. Although you can notice the sunlight, the
image is dominated by a drab and unfathomable gray. And although the
waves, as one may assume, crash against the coast, they do so in a silence
that makes you shiver all the more.77
73 Loiperdinger.
74 A nuanced analysis of various accounts of early cinematic realism, not understood as an
actual pattern of cinematic reception but as a visual regime with broader social implications,
is given in: Lastra.
75 Gorky, 408.
76 Gorky, 407.
77 Loiperdinger, 100.
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Cinema – A Medium of the Sublime? 167
In this case, the aesthetic appeal of the viewed film is increased due to
the partial loss of the illusion. In terms of the Lumière film, one can also
reverse the perspective and ask how viewing an everyday life situation
like a train arrival can be exciting in the first place. It is exciting precisely
because the film and its cinematic performance do not simulate this experi-
ence in a purely illusionistic manner. Rather, as the cinematic experience
oscillates between immersive appeal and media reflexivity, the spectator
re-encounters a technologically enchanted world, a world which reveals
itself as an estranged shadow of reality.
Apart from this aesthetic surplus derived from the cinematic experience
of difference, early cinematography also enchanted the spectator by staging
its technology as a magical device to set lifeless photographic imagery in
motion. It is known that the screenings of the Lumière films began with
the presentation of a static photograph, and only after a short while, the
image, as if under a magic spell, started to move.78
Generally, it turned out that Gunning’s conception of the shift from
attraction to narrative cinema as a shift from presentation to representation
is not entirely correct. Even though in early cinemas screen-space and
viewer-space were shared as one theatrical performance space, the artificial-
ity of the projected images was much more obvious than in later cinematic
devices which aimed at overcoming the recognition of representation by
negating their viewer-spaces and by making the spectators immerse into
their screen-spaces.
Technological particularities as such, together with their receptive im-
plications, must be considered when dealing with early disaster films. Also,
in terms of a premature linking between the cinema of attractions and its
postclassical or postnarrative descendants (roughly the action and adventure
cinema from the 1970s onward), these crucial media technological deviations
ought to be kept in mind.79 Technologically and aesthetically speaking, the
disaster movies from the 1970s onward are not just resurrections of cinema’s
lost period of attraction but also cinematic spectacles in continuation of
the classical or narrative model of cinema.80
A teleologic history of cinema’s technological development is offered by
Sobchack in The Address of the Eye. She describes the transformations of the
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168 Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspec tive
medium by analogy with the maturing of the human body: from ‘consciously
recognizing the possibilities of its “body” for action […to] refining its initially
crude and clumsy activities, adapting its “body” to contingent situations and
broadening its repertoire of possible responses to the world that it inhabits
and expresses’.81 Cinema’s technological development is presented as a
gradual self-discovery of its body and its potential to perceive and express in
interaction with the world. With what appears to be quite an old-fashioned
perspective on the history of cinema, Sobchack positions her model of
cinema against certain theoretical and historical accounts which portray
cinema’s development as heading toward the establishment of its dispositif.
According to these apparatus theories and psychoanalytical and semiotic
models, the cinematic dispositif is a machine that deceives the viewer by
gaining control over his/her subjective agency and symbolic recognition.
Thus, it is against this strong paradigm of the cinematic apparatus that
Sobchack places her counter-narrative of cinema moving toward greater
freedom of perception and expression.
On the other hand, Sobchack does not notice that cinema, as it radically
changed its technological and receptive premises during its first decades,
not only widened its repertoire of expression and perception but also
increased its potential to trigger forceful, affectively intense, and even
violent experiences. Apparatus theory’s common claim, namely that the
cinematic dispositif tranquilizes the spectator and his/her entanglement
with the world, putting him/her into a state of half-sleep, might miss the
point; but then again, the ways in which cinema is able to frame and control
the viewer’s body and his/her sensory faculties does not lead to the as-
sumption of a surplus of receptive freedom either. Instead, it seems more
plausible assuming that the body of the cinematic spectator can principally
(in particular moments) become a target, not for capitalist and reactionary
discourses but for affective and sensorily excessive agitations – the Kantian
trade of freedom for freedom (perceived as aesthetic pleasure).
As the film ends and the lights in the cinema go back on, the medium’s
receptive forces lose their grip on its spectators, and people realize again
who they shared their cinematic experience with. Let me use this moment
of social awareness to briefly reflect on cinema’s factual audiences. The
previously discussed pictorial devices of the nineteenth century turned
visual experiences of sublime events into leisure activities for middle class
audiences. Such tendencies of popularization were further reinforced by the
producers of cinema. From early on, cinema attracted and aimed at broad
81 Sobchack, 251.
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