Qcs Ep MT 01 Rev05 Aytb
Qcs Ep MT 01 Rev05 Aytb
Qcs Ep MT 01 Rev05 Aytb
QCS / EP / MT – 01.
Revision : 05
Approved By:
ASNT # 2000696
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
1. Scope ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Technique .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Reference .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Personnel ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Safety ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6. Equipment and material ...................................................................................................................................... 5
7. Lighting ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8. Surface Preparation ............................................................................................................................................... 7
9. General Requirement ............................................................................................................................................ 7
10. Demagnetization ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
11. Post Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
12. Interpretation and Evaluation........................................................................................................................... 9
13. Acceptance Standard ............................................................................................................................................ 9
14. Documentation ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Table – 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Attachment 1............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure-1 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure-2 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Exhibit – 1 Report Format ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
1.0. SCOPE:
This procedure gives details required for the Magnetic Particle Examination of weld joints
and components conducted in accordance with requirements of referenced codes and
Detailed, written, MT examination procedures of Attachments 1 shall be used during all
5.0. SAFETY:
The inspector shall be responsible for compliance with applicable safety rules in handling
and usage of magnetic particle materials and equipment. A hot work permit shall be
obtained as necessary.
Adequate ventilation shall be provided when performing an MT examination in confined
areas to prevent inhalation of harmful materials.
Prolong skin contact with the petroleum distillate shall be avoided.
Flammable inspection materials shall be kept away from open flame and sparks.
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
Praise Praise
the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!!
the Lord!!! Glory to
Halleluiah!!! God,toKing
Glory God,ofKing
Kings, Prince Prince
of Kings, of Peace!!!!
of Peace!!!!
- Black Lights
- UV light Meter.
Dry magnetic powders, wet magnetic particles, contrast paint and cleaning solvents shall
be of given make or equivalent:
- Magnaflux, Ardrox, Sherwin, Parker
Where the background contrast is required to be enhanced white contrast paint in spray
cans of the given make or equivalent shall be used.
- Magnaflux, Ardrox, Sherwin, Parker
All equipment and consumables to be used shall be from Saudi ARAMCO approved list.
7.1 The minimum light intensity at the examination surface/Site shall be 1076 lux
7.2 Fluorescent MT examinations performed in the field require a minimum ultraviolet
light intensity of 3000 µW/cm² at the examination surface, or 1000 µW/cm ² in a
darkened area (ambient white light intensity is 22 lx (2 ftc) or less).
7.3 Ultraviolet (UV) and white light intensities shall be measured at the examination
surface and recorded prior to performing an MT examination. Details of UV light
utilization and equipment requirements are as given below:
7.3.1 Examinations requiring the use of ultraviolet light shall be conducted in a
darkened area of 22 lux (lx) [2 foot candles (ftc)] or less of white light
intensity as measured at the surface to be tested. Every attempt shall be
made to darken the area as much as possible prior to conducting a
fluorescent magnetic particle examination through the use of a blanket,
hood, or portable booth.
7.3.2 The ultraviolet light intensity at the examination surface shall be measured
- At least every 4 hours.
- Whenever the work location is changed.
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
Table - 1
Ultraviolet (UV) Light Intensity Log
It shall be mentioned in the remark of the table-1 if the density has taken due to either after
changing a component of the unit (such as a filter or bulb) or a UV light unit failure.
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
10.1 When the presence of residual magnetism within the piece could interfere with
subsequent processing or usage, the piece shall be demagnetized. Residual
magnetism shall not exceed ±2 gauss. Demagnetization shall always be
performed on parts, which are to be welded after an MT examination has been
performed to prevent arc blow.
10.2 The presence or absence of residual magnetism shall be demonstrated and verified
using a calibrated Gaussmeter, Magnetic Field Meter, or a Hall Effect Probe
Gaussmeter and recorded on the MT Inspection Report form.
10.3 Demagnetization shall be accomplished using yoke method.
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
13.1. Acceptance criteria for API STD 570, API STD 620, API STD 650, and API
STD 653 are in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division 1.
13.2. Acceptance Criteria for ASME B31.4 and B31.8 are in accordance with API
STD 1104.
Acceptance criteria for examinations performed to ASME B31.1; ANSI/ASME B31.3;
ASME Section VIII, Division 1; API STD 1104; and AWS D1.1 are as below.
Acceptance Criteria
1. ANSI/ASME B31.1 Power Piping
The following relevant indications are unacceptable:
1.1 Any cracks or linear indications.
1.2 Rounded indications with dimensions greater than 3/16 inch (4.8mm).
1.3 Four or more rounded indications in a line separated by 1/16 inch (1.6
mm) or less edge to edge.1.4 Ten or more rounded indications in any 6 square
inches (3,870 mm²) of surface with the major dimension of this area not to exceed
6inches (150 mm) with the area taken in the most unfavorable location relative to
the indications being evaluated.
2. ASME B31.3 Chemical Plant and Refinery Piping
Any cracks or linear indications are unacceptable.
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
3.2.1 Relevant rounded indications greater than 3/16 inch (4.8 mm).
3.2.2 Four or more rounded defects in a line separated by 1/16 inch (1.6
mm) or less (edge to edge) except where the specification for the material
establishes different requirements for acceptance so far as defects are concerned.
Results of the examination shall be recorded in the Report Format Form MT-01 Exhibit-1.
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
Attachment 1
1.1 This procedure covers the use of an Alternating Current (AC) yoke for the
examination of ferrous materials for surface indications using wet or dry
particles and the continuous method.
1.2 This method shall only be used to detect surface discontinuities using AC
current. Half Wave Direct Current (HWDC) may be used for verification of
discontinuities and special applications. Unless otherwise specified, the
current control on the yoke shall be set at maximum.
1.3 The prod technique should not be used on highly polished or machined
surfaces due the possibility of arc damage to the surface.
2. Equipment
Magnetization is to be performed using a Electromagnetic Yoke that shall
demonstrate adequate magnetization force by being able to lift a 10 lb. weight for
AC and 40 lbs. for DC.
Dry powder shall be chosen to provide the greatest contrast between the powder
and the background. It is recommended to apply a light application of white paint
before application of the wet visible technique.
3. Procedure
3.1 The yoke shall be placed in contact with the surface to be examined and
3.2 While maintaining the magnetic field, apply the magnetic particles so that
a light, uniform coating settles on the examination surface.
3.3 For the dry technique, while maintaining the magnetic field, remove the
excess particles by using a low air pressure air stream from a hand
actuated rubber bulb. For the wet technique, allow the solution to drain
from the part while maintaining the magnetic field.
3.4 Observe the particle formation during application and excess particle
3.5 For the wet fluorescent technique, the black light shall be warmed up for 5
minutes prior to the examination and external visible light shall be
excluded from the examination area.
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
4. Direction of Magnetization
4.1 Two separate examinations shall be carried out on each area. The yoke
shall be placed so the magnetic field during the second examination is
approximately perpendicular (90°) to the field of the first examination
forming an "X" pattern. The legs of the yoke shall be positioned for
maximum contact with the surface being tested.
4.2 For welds on flat surfaces, the yoke shall be placed across the weld at an
angle of 30°-45° from the long axis of the weld. The second examination
shall be perpendicular to the first.
4.3 For examining circumferential (pipe) and fillet welds, the yoke shall be
initially positioned so the legs straddle the weld or the area of interest and
the applied field is perpendicular to the long axis of the weld. For the
second examination, the yoke legs shall be positioned parallel to the long
axis of the weld, on the crown of the weld or immediately beside the weld.
Caution shall be exercised when performing successive shots to note the
position of the legs (poles) on the previous shot. Assure the area of the
established field sufficiently overlaps the area of the previous field,
especially at the pole positions of the previous field.
5. Examination Coverage
5.1 Yoke leg spacing shall be between a minimum of 3 inches (76.2 mm) and
a maximum of 8 inches (203.2 mm). Shorter spacing may be used to
compensate for the geometry of the area being examined or to increase
sensitivity, but leg spacing less than 3 inches (76.2 mm) is not
recommended due to the strength of the longitudinal magnetic field at the
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
8.0 Verifying System Performance and sensitivity of dry and wet magnetic particles:
A practical way to evaluate the performance and sensitivity of the dry or wet magnetic
particles or overall system performance, or both, is to use representative test parts with
known discontinuities of the type and severity normally encountered during actual
production inspection. This system performance verify and sensitivity test are not required
to the materials that are not recovered or reused, or both, such as material packaged in
aerosol containers.
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature
Praise the Lord!!! Halleluiah!!! Glory to God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace!!!!
Approved by:
ASNT NDT Level – III # 200696 Signature