DIMR MCQ 405 Global Strategy Management
DIMR MCQ 405 Global Strategy Management
DIMR MCQ 405 Global Strategy Management
Unit I
Q. No Question Answer
1 1.“Emerging market” refers to: B
A. Any developing country
B. A fast-growing developing country
C. Any growing consumer market
D. China and India
4 4.Over which of the following does the MNE parent company have most control? D
A. An affiliate company
B. A strategic partner
C. A subsidiary in which it owns 60% of the shares
D. A wholly-owned subsidiary
22 Purchasing power parity (PPP) is used in conjunction with GNI and GNP as it more A
accurately reflects:
A. The relative living standards in different countries.
B. The earnings of consumers in different countries.
C. The level of development of different countries.
D. The personal wealth of individuals in different countries.
23 Strong economic growth is associated with all but which one of the following: C
A. Rising standards of living
B. Industrialization
C. Sustainable development
D. Strong capital investment
24 The short term fluctuations of the business cycle are divided into four phases that D
A. Expansion, Recession, Depression, Development
B. Maturity, Decline, Depression, Regeneration
C. Prosperity, Decline, Depression, Recovery
D. Prosperity, Recession, Depression, Recovery
38 Porter’s diamond theory focuses on all but which one of the following? B
A. Factor conditions
B. Location advantages
C. Firm strategy and structure
D. Government policies
40 All but which one of the following are tools of government trade policy? C
A. Tariffs
B. Non-tariff barriers
C. Multilateral agreements
D. Import quotas
44 What is the main reason for the collapse of the Doha round of multilateral B
A. Unwillingness of the US to open markets to products from developing
B. Differing perspectives of developed and developing countries
C. Disagreement over labour and environmental standards
D. The activities of anti-globalization protesters
Unit II
Market Intelligence and Designing a Global Strategy
4 Organisational structures can be divided into the following three broad categories: B
A. Large, medium, small.
B. Structures based on functions, divisions and matrix
C. Strict hierarchy, board control, devolved control
D. Collective control, co-operative arrangements, shareholder control.
9 How does stakeholder management theory contribute to value creation for the firm? B
A. By serving customers better
B. By helping managers to focus on divergent stakeholder groups
C. By interacting more with employees
D. By developing better communications with suppliers
13 Fordism was characterized by all but one of the following features. Which one is C
out of place?
A. Vertically integrated system
B. Bureaucracy
C. Adaptability to consumer needs
D. Poor industrial relations
14 The concept of kaizen is: B
A. Another word for just-in-time (JIT) systems
B. The Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement
C. A system of manufacturing devised in South Korea
D. An inter-firm network
20 Characteristics of organizational culture include all but which one of the following? C
A. Common language, terminology and norms of behaviour
B. Preference for formal or informal communication
C. Sustainability policies
D. Rulebook of do’s and don’ts for staff
24 Which of the following is not one of the challenges associated with ageing D
A. Costs of pensions and healthcare
B. Need for managers to accommodate older workers
C. Need for governments to raise the legal pension age
D. Equal opportunities for all ethnic and religious minorities
25 The sphere in which citizens pursue their own goals in voluntary associations is B
known as:
A. The public sphere
B. Civil society
C. The corporate sphere
D. The political sphere
29 The rule of law encompasses all but which one of the following? B
A. Equality of citizens under the law
B. An elected president
C. Constitutionalism
D. Independent judiciary
37 How does the parliamentary system differ from the presidential one? B
A. The president is always directly elected by the people.
B. The prime minister is usually the head of the party winning the most votes
in parliamentary elections.
C. The president has more power than the prime minister.
D. The prime minister has more power than the president.
39 Which of the following is not likely to be a priority for a leftwing political party? B
A. Social justice
B. Big business
C. Equality of opportunity
D. Protection of the environment
41 The European Union (EU) has traditionally subscribed to which of the following B
A. Federalism
B. Pooling of sovereignty
C. Parliamentary sovereignty
D. Executive supremacy
43 Which of the following has the most direct impact on business operations? C
A. International law
B. EU law
C. National legal systems
D. Religious law
Global Strategic Alliances and Resources and Business-Level Strategy
5 Arbitration is: C
A. The settling of a contractual dispute
B. An out-of-court settlement
C. The submission of a dispute to a named person or organization
D. Agreed damages
6 The growth in international law stems from all but which one of the following? D
A. Concern over the natural environment
B. Concerns over regional conflicts
C. Concerns over human rights
D. Concerns over national courts having too much power
7 Which of these countries has seen the biggest recent surge in IPOs? C
A. The US
B. India
C. China
D. The UK
11 Which of the following was the least significant factor in causing the financial D
crisis of 2008?
A. Crash of US property market
B. The market in mortgage-backed securities
C. Abundant cheap loans
D. The US trade deficit
12 The Bretton Woods agreement was notable for which of the following? B
A. The creation of the gold standard
B. Exchange rates pegged to the US dollar
C. The creation of the WTO
D. The abandonment of the gold standard
14 Why has the IMF been criticized for its handling of the Asian financial crisis? D
A. Because it proposed required public spending in affected countries
B. Because it was made up of outsiders
C. Because it proposed austerity programmes for affected governments
D. Because it adopted a one-size-fits-all approach to market-oriented reforms
in affected countries
16 Innovation involves: A
A. A broad range of improvements across a firm’s operations
B. Scientific and technical research and new product development
C. New ways of marketing the firm’s products
D. Making decisions about new corporate strategy.
17 An invention is: B
A. Anything that is new that changes the way we view the world or live.
B. A product or process that is new and represents a leap forward from
existing knowledge
C. Any change in the way we live, learn or work
D. A type of innovation
18 Schumpeter’s notion of “creative destruction” covers all but which one of the D
A. New products
B. New ways of doing things
C. New organizational forms
D. New cultural values
20 In which of the following are science and technology graduates the highest C
proportion of graduates?
A. The EU
B. The US
C. China
D. Brazil
21 Which of the following countries spends the most on R&D as a percentage of B
A. South Korea
B. Sweden
C. China
D. Russia
24 Which country makes the most applications under the Patent Co-operation Treaty C
(PCT) process?
A. The US
B. China
C. Japan
D. Germany
25 The post-war period has seen the emergence of 4 main channels of technology D
transfer, which are:
A. Direct sale, renting, leasing or licensing,
B. Forming an alliance, partnership, management contract or investment.
C. Franchising, capital goods trade or contract manufacture.
D. FDI, joint venture and strategic alliances, licensing and trade in capital
27 Which of the world’s regions had the largest number of internet users in 2009? C
A. Latin America
B. Europe
C. Asia
D. North America
28 12. Environmental issues are the responsibility of: C
A. Individuals, groups of volunteers, businesses
B. Voluntary organizations, local and national governments
C. Governments, businesses and consumers
D. Consumers, businesses, and NGOs.
35 All but one of the following are principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment A
and Development. Which is the odd one out?
A. Governments should bear the costs of cleaning up all pollution.
B. States should eliminate unsustainable patterns of production.
C. States have a sovereign right to exploit their resources.
D. Peace, development and sustainability are linked.
42 Ethical business behaviour includes all by one of the following. Which is the odd B
one out?
A. Be truthful in advertising.
B. Strive above all to maximize profits.
C. Always abide by the law.
D. Observe high standards of health and safety despite the cost considerations.
43 How is the duty to take reasonable care defined? C
A. The firm must make its operations 100% safe.
B. The firm must abide by national regulations.
C. The firm must take precautions which a reasonable person would take in
the circumstances.
D. The firm can take risks if other firms in the industry are doing so.
48 All but which one of the following corporate governance practices can be C
criticized on CSR grounds?
A. Excessive executive pay
B. Weak rights of minority shareholders
C. Separating the positions of chairman and CEO
D. Poor oversight of executives by the board
52 Which of the following regions has the worst problems of poor urban living D
A. Latin America
B. South East Asia
C. South Asia
D. Sub-Saharan Africa
55 Which of the following risks are particularly associated with financial markets? D
A. Labour unrest
B. Ethnic divisions
C. Climate change
D. Currency fluctuations
56 All but one the following aspects of CSR are particularly relevant for doing C
business in developing countries. Which is the odd one out?
A. Respect for IP rights
B. Health and safety standards in manufacturing
C. Corporate governance
D. Human rights
57 For western MNEs, emerging markets present which of the following challenges? A
A. Stiff competition from local companies
B. Lack of familiarity with western brands
C. Markets a long distance from where goods are manufactured
D. Few consumers living in urbanized areas
59 All but which one of the following are factors which could have a negative impact C
on China’s continued economic growth?
A. Fall in consumer spending
B. Rising costs of energy and raw materials in global markets
C. Lack of R&D expertise
D. Wage demands by China’s factory workers
Unit IV
Designing a Global Organization
1 Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMS) doesn’t apply for B
A. Measures that affect trade in goods.
B. Measures that lead to restrictions on quantities.
C. Discouraging measures that limit a company’s imports.
D. Discouraging measures that limit a company’s exports.
2 General Agreement on Trade in Services will not be applicable to B
A. Services supplied from one country to another – cross border supply
B. Transaction of goods across the border – Export Import
C. Individuals traveling from own country to supply services in another –
presence of natural persons.
D. D.Consumers/firms making use of a service in another country –
consumption abroad.
E. Foreign company setting up subsidiary or branches to provide services in
another country commercial presence.
3 As a part of WTO guidelines, Agreement on Agriculture (AOA) doesn’t consider B
A. Direct payments to farmers are permitted.
B. Indirect assistance and support to farmers including R & D support by
govt. are not permitted.
C. Domestic policies which directly effect on production and trade have to be
cut back.
D. Least developed countries do not need to make any cuts
4 Quantitative restrictions refer to limit set by countries to curb C
A. Imports
B. Exports
C. Imports & exports
D. None of the above
8 Specific cultural dimensions that does not have a significant impact on cross- D
national business interactions is
A. Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions
B. Monochromatic vs polychromatic tune
C. Communication
D. Geography
11 _______ theory states that, lack of resources often helps countries to become D
A. Competitive theory
B. Porters Diamond Model
C. Theory of Mercantilism
D. Product life cycle theory
13 Backward vertical FDI occurs when an MNE enters a host country to produce A
intermediaries that are intended to use as inputs in the host country.
A. False
B. True
14 Identify a factor that doesn’t play an important role in attracting FDI D
A. Laws, rules and regulations
B. Administrative procedures and efficiency
C. Infrastructure related factors
D. Language
24 When the transaction is of high value, complex In nature and more technical C
__________ method of the export sales contract is used.
A. Performa invoice
B. Purchase order
C. Sales contact
D. None of the above
25. Which one of the following is a method for an exporter to get a contract D
A. Proforma invoice
B. Purchase order
C. Sales contract
D. All the above
26. Credits transferable by original beneficiary in favor of secondary beneficiary are A
known as
A. Deferred credits
B. Transit credits
C. Instalment credits
D. Transferable credits
27. When the exporter, expects the importer, to make the payment immediately upon the A
draft being presented to him is called.
A. Sight Draft.
B. Usance Draft
C. Demand draft
D. Pay Note
28. The basic objective of export Promotion Council is to promote and develop the D
Exports of the
A. Particular products of country
B. Only attractive projects of the country
C. Only services industry products of the country
D. Overall exports of the country.
29. The theory of Comparative cost advantage is given by D
A. Porter
B. Adam Smith
C. Varnoon
D. D.Richardo
38 According to this theory the holdings of a country’s treasure primarily in the form
of gold constituted its wealth. C
A. Gold Theory
B. Ricardo Theory
C. Mercantilism
39. The Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage is given by A
A. Adam smith
B. Richardo
C. Raymond Varnoon
D. Porter
40 The Theory of Relative Factor Endowments is given by A
A. Ohilin-Hecksher
B. FY Taylor
C. Richardo
D. Porter
41 …………… is application of knowledge which redefine the boundaries of global C
A. Cultural Values
B. Society
C. Technology
D. Economy
42 Capitalistic, communistic and mixed are the types of A
A. Economic system
B. Political system
C. Social System
D. Cultural Attitudes
43 General Agreement on Trade in Services will not be applicable to B
A. Services supplied from one country to another – cross border supply
B. Transaction of goods across the border – Export Import
C. Individuals traveling from own country to supply services in another –
presence of natural persons.
D. Consumers/firms making use of a service in another country –
consumption abroad
44 Quantitative restrictions refer to limit set by countries to curb C
A. Imports
B. Exports
C. Imports and Exports
D. All of the above
45 India is an A
A. Emerging economy
B. Developed economy
C. Less developed economy
D. None of these
Unit V
Globalization, Innovation, and Sustainability
1 The world trade organization was formed in the year _________ with GATT as it basis. C
A. 1992
B. 1993
C. 1995
D. 1994
2 ____theory states that, lack of resources often helps countries to become competitive D
A. Competitive theory
B. Porters Diamond Model
C. Theory of Mercantilism
D. Product life cycle theory
15 A
Free international trade maximizes world output through
A. Countries specializing in production of goods they are best suited for.
B. Reduction in taxes.
C. Increased factor income.
D. Encouraging competition.
18 The following factor does not differentiate international business from domestic B
A. different currencies
B. product quality
C. product mobility
D. trade policies
22 The essential feature of FDI is
A. Investment of a very high value.
B. Investment in shares.
C. Investor’s influence on the management of the enterprise.
D. Investment of low value
23 No new investment in the host country is created in the case of B
A. Greenfield FDI.
B. Acquisition.
C. Horizontal FDI.
D. Vertical FDI.
24 A firm investing in a foreign country to distribute the products there in creation of
A. Asset seeking FDI.
B. Backward vertical FDI.
C. Forward vertical FDI.
D. Distribution FDI.
25 The disadvantages of Greenfield FDI as compared to acquisition is
A. Profit will be less.
B. Size of investment will be high.
C. Lesser control in management.
D. Delay in establishment.
26 Conglomerate FDI refers to
A. FDI made by a group of firms.
B. FDI made in subsidiaries.
C. FDI made in similar products.
D. FDI made in unrelated products.
27 Countries/ regions with huge market size will attract
A. Market seeking FDI.
B. Efficiency seeking FDI.
C. Vertical FDI.
D. Created assets seeking FDI
A. The extent to which an individual can move the strata to which he/she belongs.
B. The promptness with which an individual accepts foreign assignments.
C. The extent to which inter- caste marriage is encouraged by the society.
D. The extent to which the society as a whole shifts its habitat.
38 A country with high uncertainty avoidance will witness
A. lower level of stress among people.
B. decision taken as a result of group consensus.
C. less dependence on rules and regulations.
D. people are serene.
39 As per cultural dimensions of Hofstede, masculinity refers to
A. Male- female ratio in the country.
B. Society dominated by male members.
C. Society characterized by aggressive and materialistic behaviour.
D. War- ridden societies.
40 According to economic growth model of Rostow, passage of a country through the
stages is
A. in the order specified.
B. in any order.
C. in the order specified, but certain stages may be skipped.
D. automatic.
41 A country in the stage of traditional society is characterized by
A. existence of traditional rule.
B. non existence of industries.
C. predominance of agriculture.
D. complete absence of literacy.
42 The stage indicating highest level of economic growth is
A. age of mass consumption.
B. age of mass production.
C. maturity.
D. drive to maturity.
54 A contract drafted under civil law differs from that drafted under common law in the B
following respect
A. It will be detailed.
B. It will be shorter and less specific.
C. It will provide less severe damages.
D. It will be in detail
55 Ownership of intellectual property is recognized in law by granting D
A. Licenses.
B. Patents.
C. Copyrights.
D. Patent, copyright or trademark as appropriate.