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Prepared by: Yassin Y. Dam engineering II Exercises

1. Design an ogee spillway with the following data.

i) Height of spillway crest above river bed =100m

ii) Design discharge = 12000m3
iii) Number of spans =6
iv) Clear distance between piers =15m
v) Thickness of pier =3m
vi) Slope of downstream face of the overflow section = 0.8:1
vii) Assume any data if required.

Clear water way (L') =clear d/ce b/n piers * number of span = 6x15=90m

Assuming Cd = 2.30, (value ranges b/n 2.1- 2.5)

From Q= CdLeHe3/2


12000= 2.30x90x He3/2

He= 15.43m.

Check effect of height of spillway/approach velocity: Model tests have shown that the
effect of approach velocity is negligible when the height of the spillway above the streambed
is equal to or greater than 1.33 Hd (P ≥ 1.33 Hd)

P/Hd= 100/15.43=6.48,

P/He = 6.48>1.33, effect on Cd is negligible.

Thus, the velocity of approach is small and HeHd=15.43m

Effect of actual head: if the design head is equal to the actual head, (He/Hd) ratio is 1.0 and
therefore, there is no effect on Cd.

Effect of upstream slope: Assumed to be vertical, hence no effect on Cd.

Effect of downstream apron: In this case, d+hd=100+15.43=115.43m.

(ℎ + )/ = 115.43/15.43 = 7.48 > 1.70 ,hence no effect on Cd.

Effect on end construction: Let us assume Kp=0.02 and Ka=0.20.

Therefore, effective length

Le  L'  2NK p  K a ( H e )

Prepared by: Yassin Y. Dam engineering II Exercises

= 90.0 − 2(5 0.02 + 0.2) 15.43 = 80.74

12000 = 2.30 80.74 ∗

He= 16.59m

Substituting this value of He is equation of effective length,

= 90 − 2(5 0.02 + 0.2) 16.59 = 80.05

Substitute on Discharge equation,



Let’s take the design head (He) of 16.70m.

n n 1
Downstream profile: X  KH d y

Q 12000
Velocity of approach    0.98m / s.
A (90  5  3)  (100  16.70)

Head due to approach velocity is given by:

Ha 

(0.98) 2 (0.98) 2
Ha    0.05m  small and negligible
2 x9.81 19.62
Hd  He

For a given upstream vertical condition i.e. vertical face, K=2.0, and n=1.850.
X n  KH dn1 y

x1.85=2.00x (16.70)0.85y=21.895y

Y= 0.0457(x) 1.85....................................................………………d/s profile

Before determining the various co-ordinate of d/s we shall determine the tangent point.

The d/s slope is given 0.8H:1V

Prepared by: Yassin Y. Dam engineering II Exercises

dy 1.0
For d/s face of the overflow section,   1.25
dx 0.80

From equation, Y= 0.0457(x) 1.85, differentiating WRT x

 1.85 x0.0457( x) 0.85  0.0845( x) 0.85

Combining the two equations,

0.0845x 0.85  1.25

x  23.80m.

The tangent point of the profile is at a distance of 23.8m from the origin.

X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Y= 0.0457(x) 1.85 0.000 0.046 0.165 0.349 0.594 0.897 1.257 1.672 2.141 2.662 3.235 3.859 4.533

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23.8
5.257 6.029 6.850 7.719 8.635 9.598 10.607 11.663 12.765 13.912 15.105 16.091

For upstream profile:

 the curve should go up to the point given by: 0.27Hd= 0.27*16.7 = 4.509 , substitute the
value of Hd resulting the equation below,
0.724( x  0.270 H d )1.85
Y 0.85
 0.126 H d  0.4315 H d0.375 ( x  0.27 H d ) 0.625

y= 0.06614 (x+4.509)1.85+2.1042-1.2402(x+4.509)0.62 upstream profile

x(m) 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -4.509
y(m) 0 0.060924 0.263056 0.64191 1.309976 2.1042

Prepared by: Yassin Y. Dam engineering II Exercises

X Co-ordinate,m
-10 -5-1.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30



Y Co-ordinate,m

7.000 DS





2. The crest level of dam spillway has been kept at 723.70m while the maximum level in the
reservoir is to be 734.50m calculate the maximum discharge through the overflow spillway,
when the flow takes place through 5 units of 12.2m width each at the crest of the spillway.


Assume pointed nose piers and rounded abutments (Kp = Ka= 0)

Effective length of spillway crest

Le= L`-2 (N*kp+Ka) He

L`=5*12.2= 61m

Maximum flood rise over the crest, H = 734.5-723.70

= 10.8m

Neglecting velocity of approach and taking C=2.2

Le = 61-2(4*0+0)10.8=61m

Prepared by: Yassin Y. Dam engineering II Exercises

Q = CLe H3/2

Q = 2.2*61*10.83/2=4763 m3/s

If square nosed piers and square abutments are assumed: (Kp = 0.02, Ka= 0.2)

Le= 61-2(4*0.02+0.2)10.8=54.952m

Q= 2.2*54.952*10.83/2= 4291m3/s

3. Compute the discharge over an ogee shaped spillway whose coefficient of discharge is 2.2
and head of 6m on the crest. The flow takes place through 4 units of 12.5m width each at the
crest of the spillway. The spillway crest is 10m above the bottom of the approach channel
which has the same width to that of the spillway. Take Ka =0.10 and Kp=0.015 and pier
thickness t=1.0m.

Solution: He= Hd+Ha

He ≈ Hd, neglecting velocity head

First neglect velocity of approach Va= 0 which implies He=Hd

 
Le  L  2 * NK p  K a H e  50  2 * 3 * 0 .015  0 .10  * 6
Le  48.26m
The discharge Q over the spillway is estimated to be
3 3
Q  CLH e
 2 . 2 * 48 . 26 * 6 2  1560 m 3 / sec
Then the velocity of approach is computed as
Q 156
Va    1.84m / sec
A 50  3 *16
The total head over the weir is:
V2 1.84 2
He  Hd  6  6.173m, take 6.20m
2* g 2 * 9.81
Finally, the discharge over the weir is calculated to be:
3 3
Q  CLH e
 2 . 2 * 48 . 26 * 6 . 2   1639 m 3 / sec

Note: This question could be also iterated or recalculated for more accurate results. How?

4. An overflow spillway is designed for a head of 2.8m having a waterway length of 200m and
the discharge coefficient for this given head is assumed as 0.75. What will the discharge be
for heads of 0.2m and 1.5m, and what is the maximum discharge that can be passed over this

Prepared by: Yassin Y. Dam engineering II Exercises

spillway (assuming the dam freeboard to be high enough and the spillway to be well
constructed) without cavitation?

– For Hd=Hmax the pressure is atmospheric and Cd = 0.745.

– For Hd>Hmax the pressure

ure is greater than atmospheric,
atmospheric, coefficient of discharge wil
will be b/n
0.578 <Cd <0.745.

– For Hd <Hmax negative pressures result, reaching cavitation level for H=2Hd with Cd=0.825.

For safety it is recommended not to exceed the value Hmax=1.65Hd with Cd=0.81

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