Fuel Gas Absolute Separator: GE Energy
Fuel Gas Absolute Separator: GE Energy
Fuel Gas Absolute Separator: GE Energy
November 2009
GE Energy
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© General Electric Company, 2009. GE Proprietary Information. All Rights Reserved.
GEK 116533 Fuel Gas Absolute Separator
The below will be found throughout this publication. It is important that the significance of each is thoroughly
understood by those using this document. The definitions are as follows:
I. GENERAL...................................................................................................................................... 4
III. INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................ 7
The Fuel Gas Absolute Separator (MLI G015) is typically a duplex, vertical fuel gas filtering system con-
sisting of two redundant skid mounted vessels. Each vessel is designed to operate with 100% of fuel gas
flow and contains two stages of filtration. The Absolute Separator system is designed to protect the gas
turbine against the entry of both liquids and particulate contaminants. The duplex arrangement allows for
switching to the standby vessel without removing the gas turbine from service.
During operation, fuel gas enters the lower section of the vessel where large liquid and solid particles are
removed by a multi-cyclone centrifugal separator and collected in a lower sump. The gas then flows to the
upper section of the vessel through coalescing filter elements. These filter elements remove any remaining
solid particles and entrained liquids. The remaining liquid removed from the fuel gas is then drained to
an upper sump. Liquid Level Transmitters are provided in both the upper and lower sections and will
continuously inform the Turbine Control Panel (TCP) the liquid level in their respective sections. The
upper and lower sumps are equipped with a solenoid operated drain valve for Automatic Level Control.
The automatic drain valve system will receive an open or close command from the TCP based upon the
liquid level measured by its respective Level Transmitter.
• Instrumentation
• Isolation Valves
A. Separator Vessels
The Absolute Separator vessels are constructed of carbon steel. The skid consists of two 100% vessels,
each with a separator section and a coalescing filter portion. The Absolute Separator vessel is divided
into two sections by a tube sheet that supports the coalescing filter elements of the upper section.
The lower separation section (first stage) consists of a mechanical separator where a large percentage
of the incoming liquids and solids are removed. The mechanical separator consists of a multi-cyclone
centrifugal separator bundle. The main purpose of the first stage of filtration is to ensure that the major-
ity of incoming liquid and solid particles are removed in order to prevent clogging of the second stage
coalescing filters.
The upper separation section (second stage) of the vessel consists of multi-fiberglass or micro fiber syn-
thetic material coalescing elements mounted vertically in parallel on support tubes. This arrangement
will ensure that the elements remain above liquid level. Liquid droplets entering the filter elements are
coalesced into larger particles and drain to the upper sump.
Maximum flange-to-flange pressure drop across the skid (clean condition): 5 psid
B. Instrumentation
Separator Vessels Lower Upper Lower Upper
Section Section Section Section
Level Transmitters 96AS-1A 96AS-2A 96AS-1B 96AS-2B
Automatic Drain Valve Solenoids 20AS-1A 20AS-2A 20AS-1B 20AS-2B
Automatic Drain Valves VA85-20A VA85-21A VA85-20B VA85-21B
Automatic Drain Valve Limit 33AS-20AC 33AS-21AC 33AS-20BC 33AS-21BC
Differential Pressure Switches 63GCF-A 63GCF-B
Differential Pressure Indicators PDI-AS-1 PDI-AS-2
Thermal Overpressure Relief Valves VR15-5 VR15-6
Pressure Indicators PI-AS-1 PI-AS-2
Instrument Air Pressure
VPR02-012, PI AS-3
Each vessel is equipped with an automatic drain valve (VA85-20A/B in the lower section and VA85-
21A/B in the upper section) that are pneumatically operated and solenoid actuated (20AS-1A/B in the
lower section and 20AS-2A/B in the upper section). Liquid level in the separator vessels is monitored
by level transmitters (96AS-1A/B in the lower section; 96AS-2A/B in the upper section). Each level
transmitter sends a 4-20 mA signal to the TCP based on the liquid level in the respective sump. When
the liquid level inside the sump exceeds the predefined value, the TCP energizes the solenoids, which
in turn actuates the drain valves. Should the drain system not operate properly, allowing the liquid
level to exceed the automatic discharge level, the level transmitters will send a high level alarm signal
to the TCP. High liquid level in the absolute separator does not initiate a turbine trip in the typical
system configuration where there is a gas scrubber (MLI-G002) located downstream. The turbine is
only tripped by a high liquid level in the final filtration vessel in the system (typically the gas scrubber).
A Limit Switch is provided on the actuator of each drain valve. This will enable the operator to know
when the drain valve is closed/not closed. In case of prolonged opening of the drain valve, the operator
can take appropriate action and prevent the fuel gas from leaking into the drains tank.
Each vessel has a differential pressure switch (63GCF-A/B) to signal coalescing filter element contam-
ination. The standard differential pressure switch set point is 10 psid, at which point the coalescing
filter elements should be replaced. The Turbine Control Panel monitors this alarm signal. The duplex
arrangement allows switching to the standby vessel when a high differential pressure is reached in the
operating vessel.
C. Measurement Devices
• Flag style indicator, integral to the level transmitter chamber, for local liquid level indication.
• Differential pressure gauge (PDI-AS-1, 2), for local pressure drop across the filters
D. Other Devices
• Thermal Overpressure Relief Valve (VR15-5, 6) to protect against an over pressure situation during
periods of shutdown.
A full flow pressure relief valve, supplied by others, must be installed in the fuel
gas supply piping in order to protect the system against over pressure.
• Ensure that the construction area is clear of unnecessary material and equipment.
• Ensure that all pipe work spool pieces and mating flanges are clean and free from foreign material and
particles like pieces of welding rods, welding flux, nuts, bolts etc.
• Interconnecting piping should not be installed before installation of the Absolute Separator.
• Lift and position the Absolute Separator on its concrete foundation in the correct position.
• Level the Absolute Separator until the equipment is in a perfect horizontal position with the inlet and
outlet nozzles at the correct elevation.
• Secure the skid base to the concrete foundation with anchor bolts, washers and nuts.
• Heat tracing / insulation for freeze protection to be provided to all liquid wetted portions of equipment
if minimum ambient temperature is below 40ºF [4ºC].
• Field wiring from the TCP shall be terminated in the Absolute Separator junction box.
• The Absolute Separator shall be grounded and connected to the earth circuit according to the local code.
• Leak test shall be carried out in order to check for leakage from process and instrumentation connec-
Natural gas can lead to an explosive mixture of gas and air under pressure.
• Place all instrumentation, vent, drain and instrument air supply valve hand-levers in the normal position
referring to P&ID Close all the main gas line valves.
• Gradually pressurize the main gas line by cracking open the inlet valve. This opening must be done
with extreme caution to avoid damage to internal parts.
• When the Absolute Separator’s internal pressure has stabilized to the working pressure, the inlet valve
can be completely opened.
• Visually check that all control valves are in normal position, referring to P&ID.
• At this point the Skid outlet ball valve can be opened. If the downstream piping is not under pressure,
the outlet ball valve must be cracked open allowing a gradual pressurization of the line.
• Periodically inspect all terminal connections and visible insulation for damage, looseness, fraying and
defects as applicable. Retighten any loose terminal lugs and replace or repair damaged or deteriorated
insulation. Sensors should be checked for accuracy and replaced if necessary.
• Check all cabling for visible damage and check tightness of termination nuts, fittings and glands.
• During annual shutdown periods or whenever convenient, inspect vessel and equipment to check that
internal parts have been not damaged during operation.
• Check the vessel wall thickness of the Absolute Separator periodically according to local law or at least
once per year.
• Refer to supplier manuals for instrument and equipment included in the Absolute Separator.
GE Energy
General Electric Company