Turbine Shutdown
Turbine Shutdown
Turbine Shutdown
5. OUTPUT: Turbine shutdown is required during low process and power demand.
6.1.1 Reduce the turbine load gradually with maintaining the turbine inlet pressure and temperature, i.e.
(normal 65 bar and 490 deg. C).
6.1.2 While reducing the load maintain the extraction pressure and temperature. (After desuperheating HP ext
normal pressure 9.5 bar and temp. 210deg C, LP ext. normal pressure 5.5 bar and temperature 190 deg
6.1.3 At 12 MW close the MP extraction desuperheating isolation valve & control valve.
6.1.4 Cut off MP steam (close the upstream solenoid valve of HP extraction.)
6.1.5 Then close the downstream solenoid valve of HP extraction.
6.1.6 Open the drains of MP extraction line.
6.1.7 When total HP flow from extraction is zero then Reduce the turbine load gradually upto 7 MW.
6.1.8 Close the LP desupeheating valve.
6.1.9 At this load cut off the LP extraction totally.
6.1.10 Then close the downstream solenoid valve of LP extraction.
6.1.11 Open the drains of LP extraction.
6.1.12 Reduce the turbine load to 2 MW.
6.1.13 Then manually trip the turbine and close the main stop valve.
6.1.14 After tripping the turbine manually turbine during coasting down done till the speed reduced to barring
speed kill vacuum by opening vacuum breaker.
6.1.15 Isolate gland steam line and open its drains.
6.1.16 Open all casing drains.
6.1.17 When turbine speed goes below 4700-rpm lube oil pressure will be decreased.
6.1.18 Observe that at 8 bar AOP get started in pressure lock.
6.1.19 When turbine speed reduce to 800 rpm, Start the JOP( normal pr 90 bar and current 8A)
6.1.20 When turbine speed comes to zero start the barring motor (normal speed 115 rpm)
6.1.21 Once the turbine casing temp.reached upto less than 100 deg C
6.1.22 Stop the turbine barring gear.
Amendment Table:
7.1 All the parameters, activities are maintained within prescribed limit.
7.2 Any deviation from the norm is recorded and corrective action is taken accordingly.
9.1 Persons deployed on the work must use safety helmets, shoes, goggles, dust masks & hand gloves.
9.2 Before starting of any operation, ensure all standard clearance from main control room and shift in charge
9.3 Ensure deployment of a group of people (2 or more) while carrying out job in an isolated or deserted
place in night shift.
12. Amendment Table:
Version Changed:
10.05.2015 03 00 1. Company name changed from SSL to Vedanta Limited
2. Company logo changed.