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Anti-Candida Diet

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Anti-Candida Diet

The issue of candida overgrowth (a yeast overgrowth anywhere in the body and in the blood), as
opposed to just the local vaginal, mouth (thrush), sinus or skin infection, is a controversial one.

'Mainline' medicine and obstetrics does not recognize the systemic condition except in very rare
cases of severe immune deficiency, such as in AIDS or terminal illness; most nutritional and
'alternative' practitioners do recognize and treat it.

It seems to me that the problem could be solved if more mainline and nutritional/ alternative
practitioners would order the accurate blood-tests for the active antibody subclass titers - the tests
done by the ELISA or MONA methods. They would find what I have: That the titers showing active
systemic infection are very often raised in cases where one suspects this condition (repeated or
persistent vaginal, mouth, skin or nail infections; or fibromyalgia; unexplained fatigue, or even
chronic fatigue syndrome - another condition slow to be accepted by mainline medicine).

They would also find that, after a months-long continued no-sugar, no-white-flour, high saturated
and omega-3 fatty acid diet; lactobacillus acidophilus or other probiotics, caprylic or undecanoic acid
and colloidal silver program (or Diflucan, Nizoral, or Nystatin, except during pregnancy), the fatigue
and fibromyalgia symptoms are eliminated or greatly diminished and the active antibody titers are
returned to normal or near-normal. This is pretty convincing evidence, to me.

After about 20 years of accurately diagnosing and effectively treating candida-yeast overgrowth in
the blood in virtually every case (when patients have complied with the diet and treatments), I have
found the following diet and natural treatments (obtainable at health food stores) usually to be more
effective than months-long, high-dosage Diflucan, Nizoral or Nystatin medications - and usually
without side-effects, except in those 1-in-1000 persons who are sensitive to them:

DIET: This is a good diet for many reasons, not just for combating candida yeast overgrowth.
Without strict adherence to the following diet, no anti-candida drug or treatment will succeed:

(1) Avoid added sugars (including fructose, fruit juices, honey, molasses,, etc.) and all sugar-
sweetened foods and snacks, including cakes, cookies, candies, desserts, sodas, fruit-juice and ice-
cream, unless they are made with sugar-substitutes like stevia extract, which is a natural sweetener,
available at healthfood stores; or saccharin or asesulfame (these substances may cause problems for
some people who are allergic or sensitive to them but, by and large, they are not as harmful as
sugars). If you can cut out sugars for 3 days, their 'spell' will possibly be broken and you may be
able to resist them quite easily, esp. once any thyroid, chromium and/ or manganese deficiencies, or
a high free-insulin level ('Syndrome X'), which can cause hypoglycemia and sugar cravings, are
corrected. 1-2 servings of whole-fruits per day (except the very sweetest kinds, like grapes,
watermelon and mango) are OK.

(2) Avoid white-starch foods, like white bread, cakes, cookies, white pasta, white rice, potatoes w/o
their skins, and all refined flours, etc.. Whole-grain flour, in moderation, is acceptable; also potatoes
with their peels, whole-grain brown or wild rice, whole-grain pasta (usually available in the deli
section of supermarkets), etc.. I see no reason to avoid other yeasts - they could compete with, help
to contain, candida yeast. Nor to avoid dairy products, unless you are allergic to them. I believe
some of the prohibitions bandied around are old wives' tales with no scientific evidence to support
them. Avoiding them puts an unnecessary burden on the patient, discouraging adherence to any
form of anti-candida diet and derailing the whole treatment-effort.
(3) Increase your intake of saturated fats* and essential oils, especially omega-3 oils, which are
very lacking in the Western World's diet. These include meat, fish and dairy fat, including: Fish oils,
and oily fish, like salmon, mackerel, tuna-in-oil, sardines-in-oil, etc.; Flax-seed and borage oils. One
tablespoon of flax seeds or its oil, or one 1000mg capsule of each of these, twice daily, should fit the
bill. Some of these oils can be used as salad-dressing, or on whole-grain breads or baked potato,
instead of olive or canola oil. Avocadoes, nuts, olives and olive-oil, canola and other vegetable oils
are mostly omega-6 oils, which are also good but not as lacking in our diets. Avoid trans-fats strictly.

*For all the reasons why I now strongly recommend lots of saturated fats, see the Weston A Price
Foundation website and the work of Sally Fallon, Mary Enig, etc.

(4) Avoid antibiotics and synthetic cortisone-/ steroid-type prescriptions if at all possible. Natural
hydrocortisone, as long as it is prescribed only for a documented free-cortisol deficiency, and its
serum level is kept within its normal range for the time of day at which the blood (or saliva
specimen) was drawn, is fine (and often essential in cases of chronic fatigue syndrome, esp. if with a
chronically low blood pressure).

(1) Acidophilus (or Bifidus, or other ProBiotic), usually 1-2 capsules, or at least 1 million organisms,
after brkfst and after supper daily, indefinitely. This and the above diet are usually enough to
prevent - or prevent the return of a previous - overgrowth of candida yeast in the blood and
intestines. Homeopathic remedies, and some herbs, are also said to be effective. If stronger
treatment is required, i.e. when you have elevated candida antibody titers in your blood, I

(2) Caprylic Acid (700-1000 mg caps.) or Undecanoic Acid 50mg capsules (e.g., Formula SF-722 by
Thorne Research), 3 after brkfst and 3 after supper daily (6/day).

(3) Colloidal Silver (<0.01-micron particle-size, 500 ppm), 1-2 teaspoonsful after brkfst and supper
daily (or 1-2 droppersful of a 2000ppm solution, diluted if desired), until the antibody titers are
normal. I have not seen any evidence of 'argyria', a permanent unsightly silver-grey discoloration of
the skin that can follow prolonged intake of large-particle-size colloidal silver (as in most home-made
versions). This substance was used as an antimicrobial agent before we had antibiotics, and was

Anti-Fungal Medicines
A Short List
Here's my list and my opinions; but please note that my opinions are biased on how much room there was
for improvement. When I was almost well, there was no room for dramatic improvements as there were
when I was sick enough to fall down several times a day.
Aloe Vera Juice Good tasting
Calcium Magnesium Butyrate Helps some, not for all
+- Campycidin Potent against Campylobacter P.
++++ Capricin Strong - Helped me very much
++++ Amphotericin B Highly effective, but hard to get
++++ Garlic The best and the cheapest
+++ Ginger Root Great for the ears!
++++ Oregano Oil internal. Stinks!
Hydrogen Peroxide Some say it works
??++ Jalapenos A mouthful from Hell!
Linseed / Flax Oil An old standby
Micro-Flora More than a culture
Milk of Bismuth, USP Combats Camphylobacter Pylorii
+ Nystatin An expensive prescription
+ Olive Oil Mild, good with food and on the skin
++ Paracan Dramatic results for some
++++ Para-Quing Effective!
++++ ParaMycocidin Very Potent!
++ Pau D'arco Tea Good
++++ Rutabagas A life saver! And a good food
+++ Red Cabbage Wonderful stuff!
++ Salt + Acidophilus Cheap and strong
+ Tea Tree Oil A new product from Australia

Anti-Fungal Herbs
5.5.1.) Garlic
Garlic is praised in "The Yeast Syndrome" and other books as one of the strongest anti-fungals available,
rivaling Nystatin and the like. It's also CHEAP! The use of garlic goes back to before the time of the

The easiest and most effective way to take garlic is what we call the "Cathcart Pill", and it works wonders!
Dr. Cathcart suggested I swallow a clove or two WHOLE, without chewing, so that the juices will
continue to be released as it passes through the entire intestinal tract. Watch out for "Herxhiemer's
Revenge", that die off reaction the first time you take it! Mine sometimes comes as a headache 24 hours
later. Even now, if I have not been careful with my diet, I will get a mild herxhiemer reaction, indicating
that the candida and such are acting up again. Others say it hits them within hours of the first time they try
it. Some have said they thought they would die, then four to six hours later, felt better than they ever felt
in their lives!

Back when I was very sick, I use to eat raw garlic before almost every meal, chewing it in Aloe Vera juice
or olive oil to keep that "sharp flavor" down to a tolerable level. Later I would eat so much garlic every
Saturday that my sweat would reek of it. (It did wonders for my social life.) In my line of work, I wouldn't
dare eat garlic before going to work. And do rotate it, a few days on and a few days off; you can become
allergic to garlic. Just don't mistake a die off reaction for an allergy; after completion, the die off reaction
leaves you feeling better than you felt before taking the item in question.

Since garlic seems to trigger some post nasal drip, one might take it after the nystatin, capricin, fungizone,
etc. so as to avoid spitting out any of these expensive medicines with the drip. And, sample the different
aloe vera juices. They are not all alike. (I am told the one I used was not the best. Lametco cold processed
is supposed to be far bettern. You will find that not all Aloe Vera juices agree with you. All of them have
Citric Acid, and some citric acids are made by fermentation... Yeast!)

The aged garlic preparations are interesting, though I hear they may not be as powerful as raw garlic;
nothing is as powerful as RAW garlic right from the bulb. I also hear one may run more risk of becoming
allergic to garlic if one uses the aged extracts. Some research presents aged garlic extracts as the best anti-
fungal, but, being funded by the manufacturers of those preparations, they don't test it against real raw
garlic, as they know what the results will be...

One of the other things I did, was to make a soup with half a pound of garlic and two pounds of onions,
boiled 15 minutes. After this cooled, I would add liquid acidophilus cultures and let it stand overnight.
Cooked garlic is not as effective as raw garlic. Raw onions, on the other hand, have too much
carbohydrates to eat. I use to eat two servings of this soup on Saturday, and my co- workers would kid me
about my garlic odor the Tuesday after! When I changed jobs, this contributed to my being fired. Do take
care. Swallowing raw garlic is less odorous. Remember, without your health, you can't hold down a job,
but with it, you can always get another job. And in time, you won't need to do these radical things.

One other item: Sweating the garlic juice kills skin fungi. That's important, as skin fungi are a major
source of acetaldehydes and other toxins. See also Yogurt on the skin and Olive Oil.

Oregano Oil

Oragano oil has been shown to be highly effective against Candida. I've tried it from time to time when I
had relapses with good effects. Many health stores carry it now. It stinks quite badly, so I always kept the
bottle in a plastic bag in a larger sealed bottle in the freezer. It is more effective than garlic; though that's
not an excuse for not eating garlic.

Olive Oil
Olive oil is not as strong an anti-fungal as garlic or capricin; but it has its uses. It is reported that olive oil
works by preventing the yeast phase from going mycelial, that is, from sending out roots into the flesh,
whenever conditions get bad for the candida. [TYS] That may make the candida more susceptible to other
anti-fungals. It is also one way I discourage the hunger-like pangs candida can occasionaly cause.

Good olive oil is cold pressed and "virgin". I prefer Sciabica's 100% pure virgin-organic Mission variety
olive oil. Their label use to explain all of this, but when their sales took off, they came out with an artsy
label that says nothing. I bet they sold more oil because of the explanations on their label than any other

Eagle brand is said to be ok. Hains is not very good. I would stay away from most imports. There have
been quite a few scandals involving some of the imported brands of wine, cheese, oils, etc. If such
adulterated foods can make healthy people ill, why risk it?

Yes, olive oil is a seed oil. Well, there are exceptions to the rules of non-seed vegetables. Daniel Herman,
who told me about non-seed vegetables, suggested I try up to six ounces per day. That seems like too
much to me, and I would think that if I took it each day, I might become allergic to it in the same way I
became allergic to linseed oil, another anti-candidal therapy favorite.

Olive oil helps in several ways: it has some anti-fungal properties, reducing the number of mycelial holes
in the gut, thereby reducing the quantity of undigested food proteins reaching the bloodstream; it coats the
stomach prolonging digestion and smoothing the blood sugar peak following meals. With a smoother
blood sugar curve, and less protein to mop up, the immune system calms down and functions better. As
does the brain. And the body will begin to heal.

But, like any anti-candidal food, a herxhiemer's reaction is possible the first few times one tries it.

I find Olive oil a good chaser an hour or so after meals, and I usually take 1/8th of a teaspoon of NIACIN
with it. Niacin has been recommended in cases of candida, hardening of the arteries, elevated cholesterol,
etc. The oil slows its absorption, lessening the flushing. Olive oil is also good to take at night, and can
serve as another source of fuel.
Since part of my problem was in the lungs and nasal passages, I would occasionaly taken a mouth full of
olive oil, and let air bubble through while inhaling slowly through my mouth. I have also oiled my nostrils
with it on occasion to help get vapors up into my sinus cavities and nasal passages. I think these bizarre
acts may have helped me a little when I was really sick.

For a while, I even washed my ears with a mixture of olive oil, garlic, nystatin, and fungizone. It may have
been slightly more effective than the hydrogen peroxide based mixtures, but it stank! Well, I was
desperate! As soon as I became less desperate, I switched to distilled water, then hydrogen peroxide. The
reek of olive oil and garlic was one of the reasons I was kicked out of the health care place I was staying at
the time. That and my intestinal gas. More on that humorous little episode under Digestive Enzymes.

Since I wrote this years ago, I've also used olive oil on my feet and hands to cure fungus infections. In one
case I had a bad fungus in the nail of my thumb, making it delaminate into several layers. olive oil on it
twice a day for a week cured that.

I've also started putting olive oil on the skin. This is described in the Bible. People who do not bathe daily
end up with skin fungi slowly producing acetaldehyde, mildly poisoning them. Olive oil kills those fungi.
See also Yogurt on the skin.

Salt plus Acidophilus

Most acidophilus cultures are loaded with lactic acid. It seems that adding salt to lactic acid produces a
strong anti-fungal, one strong enough to give me a die off reaction even after I thought I was cured! But
after taking it a few days, that reaction subsided.

I take a quarter of a teaspoon of salt, dropping it onto my tongue, then take a swig of liquid acidophilus
culture. When the culture hits the salt, the salt seems to disappear instantly. Some speculate it forms
sodium lactate, a patented anti-fungal compound. But since sodium lactate forms naturally in your body
whenever you eat salt and cultures, you probably aren't violating any patents by taking it this way. Lie
down after you take this one!

Diflucan (fluconazole)
Diflucan belongs to a group of drugs called the 'azoles' and unlike the previous two drugs, Diflucan is
absorbed by the intestines and is referred to as a systemic anti-fungal drug. Diflucan is a more modern
drug than nystatin and amphotericin, it was first used in Europe during the 1980's and licensed in the US
in 1990. A lot of doctors and patients have found Diflucan (and other azoles) to be effective where
nystatin and amphotericin have failed. It has been found to be very safe considering its systemic action
with few side-effects reported by patients. The dosage range is typically from 100 to 600mg a day with
period of treatments ranging from a few weeks to many months or in rare cases, indefinitely. Treatment
with Diflucan is certainly not cheap, current prices are typically $150-$200 for 30 100mg tablets. With
some patients needing up to 600mg or more a day the price will put it out of reach for many if insurance
won't pay for it. These prices were from a major online pharmacy, if you shop around you will likely find
significantly cheaper sources.

Sporanox (itraconazole)
Sporanox is one of the newest azole drugs being licensed in the US in 1993. It would seem to be similar in
safety and effectiveness as Diflucan but may be a more successful treatment for certain species of candida
and other fungal infections as Diflucan may be more effective for other species. Unless you have a stool
sample tested and a particular species of candida/yeast can be detected and tested for sensitivity to
different drugs, it is a matter of trial and error with regards to which will work best for you. Dosages are
typically 100 to 400mg a day and prices are comparable to Diflucan, possibly being slightly more.

Nizoral (ketoconazole)
This drug was the first of the azole drugs to be developed but its use is limited due to the possibility of
serious liver damage. As a result, patients must undergo regular liver enzyme tests during treatment to
monitor the effects. In cases that have failed to respond to any other anti-fungal agent its use may be
justified but otherwise it is probably best avoided.

Lamisil (Terbinafine HCL)

This is the newest anti-fungal drug in routine use. It is a systemic drug but is unrelated to the other
systemic 'azole' drugs. As a result it is an effective treatment as yeast have not yet had chance to develop
resistance to it. Lamisil has become more and more widely used since its introduction a few years ago and
is set to become the systemic drug of choice, replacing Diflucan. As with most of the systemic drugs there
have been instances of adverse effects on the liver and as with Sporanox, Lamisil has recently been linked
with congestive heart failure. Lamisil is marginally more expensive than Diflucan and Sporanox with 30
250mg tablets costing between $200 and $250.

Plant Tannins
Tannins are natural substances found in a number of plants such as Black Walnut and a vast array of
plants used in traditional eastern medicine. Tannins are what give red wines such as merlots and cabernets
their sharp, biting taste. They are also found in the bark of trees that are particularly resistant to fungus
such as the redwood tree. They have been demonstarted to have a powerful anti-fungal and astringent
action in a multitude of clinical studies6,7,8. Tannins are one of a number of natural substances tested
against pathogens found in stool samples by functional medicine labs. More information can be found on
these tests here. Tannins are available in a number of froms to treat intestinal yeast overgrowth. As
previously mentioned they are the active anti-fungal ingredient in many traditional eastern herbal
preperations. Black walnut has a very high tannin content and is commonly used to treat infections with
Candida sp, parasites and worms. It is widely available from health stores and nutritional supplement
suppliers. Tannins are also available in an isolated and concentrated form.

1. Alkalization:
A) Formula One (destroys Candida): Slowly pour two teaspoons (to two tablespoons) of organic raw apple
cider vinegar (ACV) over 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). After it stops fizzing, add
one cup of water and drink. Take this two to three times a say for four to five days a week (on an empty
B) Formula Two (a stronger remedy): Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon of sodium
carbonate and 1/4 teaspoon of potassium citrate (or potassium bicarbonate). Add one cup of water. Drink
twice a day for four to five days a week.

2. Oral 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) (kills the fungus by oxidation): Take 1/2 to 1 capful
of 3% H2O2 and 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt and 1/8 (women) to ¼ (men) teaspoon of borax (sodium
tetraborate) (flushes out candida and fungus) in one liter of drinking water a day (e.g. taking half a cup to
one cup every hour or so) for four to five days a week. DO NOT CONFUSE BORAX WITH BORIC

Also take 1,000 mg of vitamin C (in the form sodium ascorbate) to neutralize hydrogen peroxide’s
oxidative effects (which can cause headaches, etc). Since H2O2 will neutralize vitamin C, take them six
hours apart.

3. Diet:
Vegetarianism: Eat especially lots of fresh green vegetables and supplement four to five days a week with
amino acids 500 milligrams of L-carnosine and 500 milligrams of L- L-taurine and vitamin B12 (which
vegetarians diets lack).

Avoid sugar (including sweet fruits and fruit juices) and calcium (e.g. calcium supplements) —
Candida/fungus feeds on both of them. And drink plenty of water during meals to reduce blood sugar
concentration. Also avoid oily foods (which block the immune system). The ACV alkalizing remedy
above will also reduce excess calcium.

Keep blood sugar below 100. If not, to reduce it, besides the alkalization mentioned above, take the
following four to five days a week: 1) five milligrams of chromium (in the form of chromium chloride)
once a day for four to five days a week, 2) one tablespoon of lecithin with every meal, and 3) 250 to 500
milligrams of niacinamide (vitamin B3) one a day before sleep.


04/19/2009: Diane from Napa, CA replies: "Natural Cures for Candida: First, thank you for this website. I
read Christa's (from Canada) message posted here after searching for a natural remedy for a white tongue
(another symptom of a systemic yeast infection). I followed her regime of 2 Tbs with 1/2 tbs Baking soda
with a little hot water and a dash of pure apple juice 3 times a day. Within five days my white tongue was
rosy again. I started taking 400 iu of Natural Vitamin E.Capsules; I had already been taking the
Magnesium 25ml per day, for the menopause. And I also stop the sugar. Wow! I have more energy, sleep
better,and oh, my joints are not painful, another symptom! Thank you!!"

12/05/2010: Jenny from Jersey, Uk replies: "My partner had a course of antibiotics and within days had a
white coating on his tongue which I instantly recognised as candida. I had had systemic candida a few
years before and wished I had known then what I know now about the illness. I cured my candida after
two years of feeling like death with oregano oil. I still take a course of it every now and then so I had
some with me and got my partner to swill his mouth with the oil several times a day plus take it orally.
The infection cleared up in four days."


When I had candida 5 years ago, I used all these remedies on a daily basis. Systemic candida is not easy to
kill, and will take 6 months to a year to get rid of systemic candida particularly. So be patient.

To clear up misunderstandings about alkalizing with sodium bicarbonate -- You can use sodium
bicarbonate on its own in half a glass of water. I use 1/2 tspn sodium bicarbonate in half a glass of water,
but I'm a 200 lbs guy. If you're significantly smaller, then use 1/4 tspn Sodium Bicarbonate. Take this two
or three times a day. Taking sodium bicarb on its own in half a glass of water cures acid reflux when taken
1/2 hour after eating(and the food is in the duodenum) as well as helps to alkalizes the blood.

And whether I use two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar, or use one squeezed lemon or use one
squeezed lime I always add about 1/2 tspn Sodium Bicarbonate to the solution in half a glass of water. If
you prefer, you can add the 1/2 tspn sodium bicarbonate to the ACV or lemon juice or lime juice in half a
glass of water until the fizzing stops. By adding a little extra Sodium Bicarbonate(which is what I do), this
buffers the final solution ensuring that the beneficial malate or citrate salts that form are in an alkaline
solution. More beneficial. If you are taking these alkalizing remedies for candida -- always alkalize at least
one hour before a meal and two hours after a meal to avoid interference with digestion at mealtimes(the
exception here is if you have acid reflux).

I still use all these remedies regularly today -- they're good for other small problems as well. I'm over 60
years old and now candida free with no aches and pains, a good heart and I haven't been ill with flu, colds
or anything for about the past 4 or 5 years."


This simple formula will normalized many biological parameters, pH, ORP, phosphates, bicarbonates and
antioxidants of vitamin C. A potential miracle water. One whole lemon freshly squeezed. Keep adding
baking soda slowly bit by bit until the fizz stops. Then you will add water to one half glass. This is often
taken twice a day. To be taken once in the morning and once before bedtime on an empty stomach.


1/4 teaspoon of baking soda added to only 1/2 glass of water. This is taken once in the morning and once
before bedtime.

To Improve your Body Terrain

*Take Ted's Lime/Lemon alkalizing remedies at least 2 times a day as recommended. These alkalizing
remedies create the worst possible environment for the candida while simultaneously creating a healthy
body terrain. Also take the BS with water remedy on it's own one hour before bed - this will help you get a
good nights sleep. If you have problems with this, then use Ted's Carbicarb remedy -- this is more
balanced and incorporates potassium to balance any sodium issues. Potassium citrate can be taken to more
directly aid intracellular alkalization. See this link and read Ted's description.

*Take at least 2 tablespoons of VCO per day to help constipation and intestinal issues. VCO contains
mainly medium chain saturated acids, very protective for the intestines, liver and blood. Contains lauric
acid, caproic acid, caprylic acid and myristic acid -- these act as anti-microbials helping to destroy the
candida as well as protecting the intestines from any further external microbial invasion. See this link. I
don't use vegetable oils anymore, I cook only with VCO now.

*Take herb supplements like Milk Thistle or Dandylion because the candida die-off will create a big strain
on both your immune system and the liver which will have to clear the dead candida debris and toxins
from your blood. Think of this as taking out the candida trash. This die-off will give you flu-like or
liverish symptoms and perhaps some diarrhea. Accept this and work your way through it as it should
disappear once your body gains control again.

*Detox and get rid of heavy metals from your body. Due to diet and if you've taken medicinal drugs for
any length of time you will have an accumulation of heavy metals. To get rid of this just drink green tea 2
or 3 times a day and eat Cilantro 3 times a week in salads. You can also use Sodium Thiosulphate to get
rid of heavy metals, arsenic, cyanide and chlorine. These will get rid of heavy metals over time. Heavy
metals create an ideal acidic environment for candida as well as for nanobacteria. Se this link for more
details on ST.

Remedies that Directly Attack the Candida

*Drink 1/4 teaspoon of borax(20 Mule Team Borax) in a litre of water throughout the day. Take this for 4
days on then rest for 3 days. So, 4 days on, 3 days off with the Borax. Borax is the ultimate anti-fungal,
also good for bones and helps to balance the hormones as well as leeches out the fluoride from your body.
Borax affects and raises your male hormones or androgen levels, which is why you must rest for 3 days --
to avoid gland over-stimulation. Read about Borax here.

*Methylene Blue(MB). You can buy this at any aquatics or fish supply store. Used to get rid of fungal and
bacterial infections on fish. Also used throughout the last century as a successful anti-malarial. Taking MB
on its own will turn your urine green and the whites of your eyes blue, but if you take at least 1000 mgs
Vitamin C with the MB, these side-effects will not occur. Dosage: Two drops of a 0. 1% solution of MB
in a full glass of water once or twice a day. Do not take MB after 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon - it gives
you alot of energy so you will not be able to sleep! ! (I learned this the hard way. . . LOL) MB is a deep
acting anti-fungal that is able to penetrate the blood/brain and blood/bone barriers of the body. MB is also
a marvellous mitochondrial super anti-oxidant for your brain -- gives you lots of energy. Read about MB

*Supplementing with at least 12. 5 mgs of 5% lugols iodine per day -- two drops a day in a glass of water.
You probably know the story of Dr Orian Truss, candida and lugol's iodine.. Iodine will also help to
balance your hormones and is also able to remove dangerous halogens like fluorine and bromine from
your body.

*Hydrogen peroxide(food grade) I just use a capful of 3% HP in one litre of water a day when I need it.
Sometimes I splash 3% HP all over my body, this kills everything bad topically as well as being absorbed
quite well transdermally into my body by this method. Very potent against all forms of bacteria, viruses
and fungus. See this link for more on HP.

Additional and Useful Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

*Vitamin C - Taken in the more alkaline form of Sodium Ascorbate -- at least 1000 mgs twice a day. Vit
C is an anti-oxidant and also chelates heavy metals as well

*Magnesium -- Taken as Mag Chloride, Mag Citrate or Mag Gluconate. Dosage: 250 mgs twice a day.
Magnesium is involved in over 300 major enzyme body processes and also gets rid of any staph or strep
bacteria quite well. Magnesium Chloride is the best form of magnesium in my opinion. See this link.

*Natural Sea Salt or Fulvic/Humic Acid. Both of these will act in the same way as absorbtion synergists as
well as help create a healthy intestine and help to supply other much needed minerals to your body.


Avoid the following: all sugar and sugar foods, dairy, vegetable oils, aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, soft
drinks, junk foods, fried foods, baked goods containing white flour, red meat. Your diet should contain
low amounts of white meat like chicken, turkey and fish with high amounts of vegetables. Rice is OK. See
this link for more descriptions from Ted on Candida.
I have been following Dr. Simoncini's regimen for candidiasis. 1 tsp of sodium bicarbonate every morning
for 1 month then take 2 weeks off and do another month. I have tried tons of anti-fungal remedies and this
one has worked the best for me. Of course, I am on the candida diet and have eliminated all reactive foods
too. I highly recommend it. The die off was awful though.

Lavender has been proven to be lethal to Candida.

Anxiety benefit
280 patients were exposed to silexan 80 mg/day, 37 were treated with lorazepam 0.5 mg/day
and 192 received placebo. In generalized anxiety disorder, silexan and lorazepam showed
comparable Hamilton Anxiety Scale total score reductions. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2010 Dec.
Efficacy and safety of silexan, a new, orally administered lavender oil preparation, in
subthreshold anxiety disorder - evidence from clinical trials.Kasper S, Gastpar M, Müller WE,
Volz HP, Möller HJ, Dienel A, Schläfke S. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

Antifungal activity of Lavandula angustifolia lavender essential oil against Candida albicans
yeast and mycelial form.
Med Mycol. 2005 Aug6. Department of Public Health, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
The antifungal activity of lavender essential oil Lavandula angustifolia Mill. ( lavender oil ) and its
main components, linalool and linalyl acetate, was investigated against 50 clinical isolates of
Candida albicans (28 oropharyngeal strains, 22 vaginal strains) and C. albicans ATCC 3153.
Growth inhibition, killing time and inhibition of germ tube formation were evaluated. The
chemical composition of the lavender essential oil was determined by gas chromatography and
mass spectrometry. Lavender oil shows both fungistatic and fungicidal activity against C.
albicans strains. At lower concentrations, lavender essential oil inhibits germ tube formation and
hyphal elongation, indicating that it is effective against C. albicans dimorphism and may thus
reduce fungal progression and the spread of infection in host tissues.

Lavender oil is a powerful antifungal that fights skin conditions, Candida

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) New research out of Portugal has found that lavender oil is a powerful antifungal agent
that fights and prevents skin and nail infections, including Candida albicans. Published in the Journal of
Medical Microbiology, the study found that lavender essential oil exhibits amazing protection against a
wide range of pathogenic fungi -- and it works better than all known antifungal drugs at doing so.

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