Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Kinematics of particles
Kinematics: is the branch of dynamics which describes
the motion of bodies without reference to the
forces that either causes the motion or are
generated as a result of the motion.
a av
v ………………………………………2.3
Instantaneous acceleration
a lim
t 0 t
v ……………………………………………2.4(a)
v dv d ds d 2 s
a lim s………………………………2.4(b)
t 0 t dt dt dt dt 2
• Note:-The acceleration is positive or negative
depending on whether the velocity increasing or
• The slope dv/dt of the v-t curve at any instant gives the
acceleration at that instant.
• The area under the v-t curve during time dt is vdt which is
the displacement ds.
• The area under the v-t curve is the net
displacement of the particle during the
interval from t1 to t2.
s2 t2
ds vdt
s1 t1
• The area under the a-t curve during time dt is the net change in velocity of
the particle between t1 and t2.
v2 t2
vdv ads
v1 s1
(v2 v1 ) (areas under a-s curve)
2 2
5. Graph of v vs. s
tan ds CB
1 v
dv CB
vdv CBds
ds v
• The graphical representations described are useful for:-
b/n variables.
Methods for determining the
velocity and displacement
a) Constant acceleration, (a=const.)
- boundary conditions
at t=0 , s=s0 and v=v0
using integrating
a adt dv
v t
dv adt v v
vo 0
o at
v v o at
• Using v s
vdv ads vdv ads
vo so
v 2 vo
as so as so
v s
2 vo
v 2 vo 2a(s s0 )
v ds vdt
• Using
s t
ds (v o at ) dt
s0 o
at 2
s so vo t
s so vo t at 2
• These relations are necessarily restricted
to the special case where the acceleration
is constant.
• The integration limits depend on the initial
and final conditions and for a given
problem may be different from those used
• Typically, conditions of motion are specified by
the type of acceleration experienced by the
particle. Determination of velocity and position
requires two successive integrations.
f v
x v
a f v
dv v dv v dv
f v dx
x0 v0
f v
v dv
x x0
f v
Example 1
• Consider a particle moving in a straight line, and assuming
that its position is defined by the equation
s 6t 2 t 3
• Where, t is express in seconds and s is in meters.
Determine the velocity and acceleration of the particles at
any time t
Example 2
• The acceleration of a particle is given by ,
v v s
Consider the following figure
v’= ∆v + v
• Average acceleration, of the particle between
P and P’ is defined as t
, which is a vector and
whose direction is that of ∆v.
• Instantaneous acceleration, a
v dv
a limt 0 aav limt 0 v r
t dt
Note: The direction of the acceleration of a
particle in curvilinear motion is neither
tangent to the path nor normal to the
• Suppose we take the set of velocity vectors and trace
out a continuous curve; such a curve is called a
• The acceleration vector is tangent to the hodograph,
but this does not produce vectors tangent to the path
of the particle.
Rectangular co-ordinates (x-y-z)
• This is particularly useful for describing
motions where the x, y and z-components of
acceleration are independently generated.
• When the position of a particle P is defined at
any instant by its rectangular coordinate x,y
and z, it is convenient to resolve the velocity
v and the acceleration a of the particle into
rectangular components.
• Resolving the position vector r of the particle
into rectangular components,
r=xi + yj + zk
• Differentiating we get the
the velocity of the particle:
dr d
v ( xiˆ yˆj zkˆ )
dt dt
v xi y j z k
• All of the following are equivalent:
dr d
v ( xiˆ yˆj zkˆ )
dt dt
dx ˆ dy ˆ dz ˆ
i j k
dt dt dt
iˆ y
x kˆ
ˆj z
v x iˆ v y ˆj v z kˆ
• Since the speed is defined as the magnitude of the velocity, we have:
v v x2 v y2 v z2
dv d
a (v x iˆ v y ˆj v z kˆ)
dt dt
dvx ˆ dvy ˆ dvz ˆ
i j k
dt dt dt
v x iˆ v y ˆj v z kˆ
a a x2 a y2 a z2
• From the above equations the scalar
components of the velocity and acceleration
vx x vy y vz z
ax x ay y az z
• The use of rectangular components to
describe the position, the velocity and the
acceleration of a particle is particularly
effective when the component ax of the
acceleration depends only upon t,x and/or vx,
similarly for ay and az.
• The motion of the particle in the x direction,
its motion in the y direction, and its motion in
the z direction can be considered separately.
Projectile motion
x x0 v x 0 t
y y0 v y 0 t gt 2 • In all these expressions,
z zo v z ot the subscript zero
denotes initial conditions
vx x vx 0
v y y v y 0 gt
v z z v zo
v yo 2 g ( y yo )
2 2
• But for two dimensional motion of the projectile,
x x0 v x 0t
y y0 v y 0 t gt 2
vx x vx 0
v y y v y 0 gt
v yo 2 g ( y yo )
2 2
• If the projectile is fired from the origin O, we have
xo=yo=0 and the equation of motion reduced to
x v x 0t vx vx 0
y v y 0 t
gt 2 v y v y 0 gt
A projectile is fired from the edge of a 150m cliff with an initial
velocity of 180m/s at angle of 300 with the horizontal. Neglect
air resistance, find
perpendicular to et .
• Taking the limit as ∆ѳ→0
et sin
lim lim 2 1
0 0
• Then det
1 ds
det v
dt dt dt
• Equation (1) becomes
det dv v2 dv
av et a .en .et
dt dt dt
• We can write
a an en at et
where, an and at v
Special case of motion
• Circular motion
an but ρ=r and v r
an r 2
dv d d
at r r
dt dt dt
at r
a r et r en
• The particle moves along a path expressed as
y = f(x). The radius of curvature, ρ, at any
point on the path can be calculated from
dy 2 2
1 ( )
dx 2
Cars traveling along a
clover-leaf interchange
experience an acceleration
due to a change in speed as
well as due to a change in
direction of the velocity.
Example 1
• Starting from rest, a motorboat
travels around a circular path of
r = 50 m at a speed that increases
with time, v = (0.2 t2) m/s.
Find the magnitudes of the boat’s
velocity and acceleration at the
instant t = 3 s.
Example 2
• A jet plane travels along a vertical
parabolic path defined by the equation
y = 0.4x2. At point A, the jet has a
speed of 200 m/s, which is increasing at
the rate of 0.8 m/s2. Find the magnitude
of the plane’s acceleration when it is at
point A.
Example 3
• A race traveling at a speed of 250km/h on the
straightway applies his brakes at point A and
reduce his speed at a uniform rate to 200km/h at
C in a distance of 300m.
• Calculate the magnitude of the total acceleration
of the race car an instant after it passes point B.
Example 4
• The motion of pin A in the fixed circular slot
is controlled by a guide B, which is being
elevated by its lead screw with a constant
upward velocity vo=2m/s for the interval of
its motion.
• Calculate both the normal and tangential
components of acceleration of pin A as it
passes the position for which .
Curvilinear motion
Polar coordinate system (r- ѳ)
Polar coordinate(r- ѳ)
• The third description for plane curvilinear
1. is directed towards
the positive eѳ direction.
2. is directed towards
the negative er direction.
tan 1
• The r-component of v is merely the rate at which
the vector r stretches.
• Where
r r
ar a a r a
2 2
a r 2 r tan
• For motion in a circular path
• Velocity
v r .er r. e
Where, r 0 because r=constant
v r. e
• Acceleration
where, r r 0
er r
r e
Kinematics of particles
Relative motion
Relative motion
• Relative motion analysis : is the motion analysis of
a particle using moving reference system
coordinate in reference to fixed reference
• In this portion we will confine our
attention to:-
– moving reference systems that translate but
do not rotate.
– The relative motion analysis is limited to plane
• Note: in this section we need
r B r A r B/ A
Where: rA, rB – absolute position vectors
- Velocity - Acceleration
dr B d r A d r B/ A dvB dv A dv B/ A
dt dt dt dt dt dt
v B v A v B/ A a B a A a B/ A
• Note: In relative motion analysis, we employed
the following two methods,
s A lCD sB l AB constant
• Differentiating with respect to time,
ds A dsB
dt dt
vA vB 0
• Differentiating the velocity equation
aA aB 0
Important points in this technique:
• In many problems, there may be multiple lengths like lCD that don’t
change as the system moves. Instead of giving each of these
lengths a separate label, we may just incorporate them into an
effective length:
• where it’s understood that
l = cable length less the length in contact with the pulley = lAB – lCD.
s A sB l constant
• considering the fig, we could write:
s A h 2sB l constant
v A 2v B 0
a A 2aB 0
• we could also write the length of
the cable by taking another datum:
s A h 2(h sB ) l constant
• Differentiating,
v A 2v B 0
a A 2aB 0
• Consider the fig.,
L x 2 y r1 b
• Since L, r2, r1 and b is
constant, the first and
second time derivatives
0 x 2 y
0 x 2 y
• Consider the
following figure
LA y A 2 y D const.
LB y B yC ( yC y D ) const.
• NB. Clearly, it is impossible for the
signs of all three terms to be positive
Example 1
• Cylinder B has a downward velocity of 0.6m/s and an
upward acceleration of 0.15m/s2.
F1 F2 F
... const
a1 a2 a
• We conclude that the constant is a measure of
some property of the particle that does not
• This property is the inertia of the particle
which is its resistance to rate of change of
F ma
• To determine the acceleration we must use the
analysis used in kinematics, i.e.
• Rectilinear motion
• Curvilinear motion
Rectilinear Motion
• If we choose the x-direction, as the direction
of the rectilinear motion of a particle of mass
m, the acceleration in the y and z direction
will be zero, i.e
F x
ma x
F y
F z
• Generally,
F x
ma x
F y
ma y
maZ Z
• Where the acceleration and resultant force are
given by
a axi a y j az k F F i F j F k
x y z
a ax a y az F F ( F ) ( Fz ) 2
2 2 2 2 2
x y
Curvilinear motion
• In applying Newton's second law, we shall make
use of the three coordinate descriptions of
acceleration in curvilinear motion.
Rectangular coordinates
F x
F y
ma y
Where a x x and a y y
Normal and tangential coordinate
F n man
F t mat
2 v2
• Where an
, at v
Polar coordinates
F ma
r r
F ma
• Where a r r and an r 2 r
Example 1
• Block A has a mass of 30kg and block B has a mass of
15kg. The coefficient of friction between all plane
surfaces of contact are s 0.15 and k 0.10.
Knowing that Ѳ=300 and that the magnitude of the
force P applied to block A is 250N, determine