Comparative Study Between Dynamic Ipv6 Routing Protocols of Distance Vectors and Link States
Comparative Study Between Dynamic Ipv6 Routing Protocols of Distance Vectors and Link States
Comparative Study Between Dynamic Ipv6 Routing Protocols of Distance Vectors and Link States
Abstract—Currently, the exponential growth of the Internet topology change, the routing protocols intervene to provide
and the limitations of IPv4 (the current version of the Internet an alternative path to the destination.
Protocol) in terms of lack of IP addresses, mobility and
security make the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 more and more In this article, we will examine and study the IPv6
a necessity. There are even some operators who finished off routing concept to result in a comparative study of dynamic
their IPv4 addresses store and migrated to IPv6. In addition, IPv6 routing protocols. The rest of the article is organized as
IPv6 routing protocols have to adapt to facilitate this transition follows. Section II will discuss a state-of-the-art of the
and the deployment of IPv6 as well. Moreover, the selection of research work performed in this field and our motivation for
the best routing protocol among the available ones is a critical this study as well. Section III will present the classification
task, which depends on one hand on the network requirements of IPv6 routing protocols. Section IV will describe the
and its deployment and on the other hand on some principles and limits of operating of these protocols. Section
performance parameters of different applications in real-time. V will discuss the routing algorithms used for each protocol
Routing is a process necessary to select the optimal path in to select the optimal path to such-and-such destination.
order to allow a number of peripherals to communicate with Section VI will present the comparison between these
each other even in different networks. That can be done protocols, and the conclusion of the article will be presented
dynamically by using routing protocols, which rely on different in section VII.
algorithms. In this article, we will present a comparative study
of dynamic IPv6 routing protocols, namely RIPng (Routing
Information Protocol next generation), EIGRPv6 (IPv6 II. STATE-OF-THE-ART AND MOTIVATION
Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), OSPFv3 (Open The IPv6 routing concept is widely studied to facilitate
Shortest Path First version 3), IS-IS (Intermediate System to the IPv6 deployment, and a significant part of the research
Intermediate System), and BGP4+ (IPv6 Border Gateway work has been performed in the field of performance
Protocol version 4). We classified these protocols into two
evaluation of some IPv6 routing protocols. However, a
categories and compared them. We described the involved
minority of these works addressed studies on some IPv6
protocols for each case, their operating principles, their
routing algorithms, their deployment limits, and the possible
routing protocols. That is this observation that encouraged us
configurations as well. This study is not only intended to to focus our research on a comparative study of the existing.
compare these categories to each other, but also to present and Here are some examples of research works performed in this
describe for each of them the involved protocols, their field.
operating principles, their deployment limits in order to The author Hinds and his colleagues [3] performed a
enlighten and help customers who want to use or deploy the study and a comparison of two popular protocols: OSPF and
IPv6 to choose the suitable IPv6 routing protocol according to
EIGRP for IPv6. The main changes between the editions
their needs.
IPv4 and IPv6 were identified and discussed, and both
Keywords— IPv6, RIPng, EIGRPv6, OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP4+. protocols were compared for a number of parameters such as
metrics, convergence speed, throughput, scalability,
configuration difficulty, and security. Another study of the
I. INTRODUCTION protocols RIP and OSPF in IPv6 was performed by the
Routing is the process of packets transmission between author Aggarwal [4] by presenting, for each of both
connected network segments (links or subnetworks) [1]. In protocols, the operating principle and their advantages and
the case of an IPv6 network, rooting is the part of IPv6 that disadvantages as well.
provides the transmission between hosts belonging to
The performance of the IPv6 routing protocols, namely
separate network segments. IPv6 network segments [2], also
RIPng, OSPFv3, and EIGRPv6, was examined by the author
called links or subnetworks, are connected by IPv6 routers,
Masrouroh and her colleagues [5] in an IPv6 network using
which ensure IPv6 packets' transmission of a network
the GNS3 simulator. Performance measurements were
segment to another one. These transiting packets get through
performed on the basis of some parameters such as
several routers. Each time that there is a link failure or a
throughput, jitter, and packets loss. Consequently, RIPng
B. Dynamic IPv6 routing Most of routing protocols developed in IPv4 has been
Dynamic IPv6 routing is almost identical to dynamic modified in order to be used in IPv6 with a different header
IPv4 routing under CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing). architecture (40 bytes in IPv6 compared to 20 bytes in IPv4)
The only difference is the addresses size, which is 128 bits in [17]. IPv6 routing protocols have similarities when it comes
IPv6 instead of 32 bits in IPv4 [10]. For a larger computer out to functions and configurations with their IPv4
network, the use of static routing will be more difficult for equivalent, but as the IPv6 headers are longer than the ones
network administrators who are responsible for managing of IPv4 [18], routing updates have to contain more
routing tables in the case of a failure. information [19].
There are two families of dynamic IPv6 routing protocols
although many routing protocols are defined with these two
types: the interior gateway protocol (IGPs) operate within an
IV. PRINCIPLES AND LIMITS OF OPERATING OF 2) Link-state routing protocols
OSPFv3 is the version of OSPF that exchanges IPv6
A. Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs)
paths [27]. Version 2 is used for IPv4. It's a question of a
1) Distance-vector routing protocols modification of the OSPFv2 version performing on IPv4 to
a) RIPng allow it to announce IPv6 paths. OSPFv3 is a link-state
RIPng is the update of the RIPv2 version (used for IPv4) routing protocol developed as an open format for the IP
with small changes to allow it to announce IPv6 paths [20]. routing on large multi-supplier networks. It performs the SPF
That is a routing protocol based on the distance-vector (Shortest Path First) Dijkstra algorithm to calculate the best
algorithm to select the best path to a particular destination paths and then places the best path to each subnetwork in its
[21]. The RIPng messages are sent in PDU on IPv6 on the routing table [28]. OSPFv3 is designed to overcome some
PDU 521 port while RIPv2 uses the port number 520. About limitations that exist in the RIPng protocol such as the
metrics, RIPng uses the distance vector that is calculated by network size and the convergence time. It works very well
being based on the number of hops (the crossed routers). A like OSPFv2 that was designed to work in an IPv4
metric of 16 hops is considered infinite. About updates, environment. For example, both use link-state logic and the
RIPng uses partial updates after modification, and full same metric. The biggest differences between OSPFv3 and
updates are exchanged each 30 s [22]. In addition, RIPng the former OSPFv2 reside in the internal components and the
supports the VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask), the configuration. It uses IPv6 datagrams with protocol number
authentication by AH (Authentication Header)/ESP 89 to exchange OSPF messages [29]. Thus, it uses the notion
(Encapsulating Security Payload) and the labeling of paths. of zones like in IPv4. Moreover, OSPFv3 supports VLSM,
authentication on AH/ESP and path labeling.
The configuration of the RIPng protocol consists in:
The configuration of the OSPFv3 protocol consists in:
• Enable the RIPng process in the router by specifying
a name to the process • Enable the OSPFv3 process in the router
• Specify through what interface RIPng will announce • Assign a login (in the form of IPv4 address) to the
these messages by associating the RIPng process router
with an interface • Enable the OSPFv3 process on an interface by
indicating the attachment area
b) EIGRPv6
EIGRPv6 is an enhanced version of EIGRP developed by b) IS-IS
Cisco to allow it to announce IPv6 paths [23]. It is an That is a link-state routing protocol similar to OSPFv3.
advanced distance-vector protocol developped for the That means that each router transmits the state of its links in
multiple routing protocols through the small and medium order to map the state of the network and then build its
Cisco's enterprises [24]. It is more upgradeable than RIPng routing table [30]. Like OSPFv3, IS-IS is also a hierarchical
because it takes charge of 255 hops. Moreover, it includes routing protocol used with large enterprises allowing to
many characteristics of a link-state routing protocol. define several routing domains (zones) and thus reduce the
Therefore, it is also called "hybrid protocol". EIGRPv6 uses tables size and the convergence time [31]. It supports IPv4
the DUAL algorithm (Diffused Update Algorithm) to and IPv6 and uses the same SPF Dijkstra algorithm as
calculate the shortest path to reach such-and-such destination OSPFv3 to determine the shortest path to such-and-such
in a network while avoiding loops [25]. In addition, there is destination in a network. A particularity of IS-IS is that it
the possibility of balancing the traffic between equal or carries IP network information, but it does not use IP as its
unequal paths of metric cost. It allows adjacency transport protocol. This characteristic allows it to be fully
relationships with neighboring routers, and the exchange of independent of the protocols it routes (IPv6, IPv4). About
messages between routers is provided by RTP (Reliable addressing, IS-IS is also an address format different from the
Transfer Protocol). Thus, EIGRP first sends its routing one of OSPFv3. It uses the ISO NET format (Network Entity
information to a neighbor, and only then metric updates that Title) for each router involved in the IS-IS routing process. It
take into account the bandwidth and delay of the interfaces. uses two "Levels" of routing for the IS-IS routers: Level 1
Other parameters can be configured as well (the reliability (L1) for intra-zone routing (just the zone where it is
and load of the interface) [26]. For administrative distances, identified) and Level 2 (L2) for inter-zone routing (between
EIGRPv6 defines two different administrative distances: 90 several zones).
(by default) is for internal paths while 170 (by default) is for
external paths. Moreover, EIGRPv6 supports VLSM and The configuration of the IS-IS protocol consists in:
several protocols of the network layer such as IPv4, IPv6, • Enable the IS-IS process on the router by specifying
AppleTalk, IPX, etc. a name
The configuration of EIGRPv6 protocol consists in:
• Identify the IS-IS router by giving it a NET address
• Specify an AS number "Autonomous System composed of the zone number, the equipment login
Number" on the router in the zone (its MAC address), and the 0x00 suffix
• Assign a login (in the form of IPv4 address) to the • Specify the IS-IS level of the router: Level 1 or
router Level 2
• Attach the process to the router interfaces • Configure the paths that will be announced by the
IS-IS router
• Enable the IS-IS routing process on the involved and-such a destination of the network. The "distance" in
interfaces by specifying the process name question can be represented by the number of hops allowing
to reach this destination. A distance-vector routing protocol
B. Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGPs) is a protocol that uses a routing algorithm that adds distances
to find the best paths (Bellman -Ford) [34]. Routers
1) Path vector protocols periodically send the totality or a part of their routing tables
a) BGP4+ entries to the neighbor routers, regardless of whether changes
That is an exterior gateway protocol [32], which is were made to the network. When a router receives a routing
different from the interior gateway protocols examined so far update, it checks all known paths and modifies its own
(RIPng, EIGRPv6, OSPFv3, and IS-IS). It is used by many routing table if need be. EIGRPv6 uses the DUAL algorithm
Internet services providers (ISP) and the societies of large (Diffusion Update Algorithm) to calculate the best paths
enterprises that have double host Internet connection with [35].
simple or double host routers on identical or different
Internet services providers. In addition, the BGP4+ version, B. Link-state routing protocols
also known as multi-protocol BGP, adds extensions to Link-state routing protocols were designed to overcome
support several other protocols and addresses types (IPv6, the limitations of distance-vector routing protocols. They use
IPX, and VPN) [33]. Indeed, the BGP4+ external protocol is a more efficient algorithm (Dijkstra or Shortest Path First)
used to carry routing information between autonomous [36] to calculate the best itinerary to a specific destination.
systems (AS). Thus, it allows exchanging information Routers collect all links costs and build from their point of
between networks having different routing policies. It works view the tree of all possible paths. The best paths are
over TCP and differently from a "distance-vector" protocol: integrated into the routing table. Moreover, link-state routing
no periodic transmission of the best paths, but only the protocols have the advantage of responding quickly to the
changes are transmitted. Indeed, BGP4+ belongs to path slightest changes on the network by sending updates
vector protocols, which manage the loops problem between triggered only after modification. Besides, these protocols
autonomous systems by automatically removing them from send periodic updates, known as link-state updates, at less
routing tables. Thus, it memorizes all the paths to all the frequent intervals. As soon as a unit has detected the
destinations, and allows a fast recovery when a destination modification of a link or a path, it creates a link-state routing
becomes inaccessible by the initially chosen path. Moreover, update LSA (Link-state advertisement) regarding this link
it supports CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing). [37]. This LSA update is then transmitted to all neighbor
The configuration of BGP4+ protocol consists in: equipment. Each of them takes a copy, updates its link-state
database and transmits the LSA update to other neighboring
• Enable the BGP4+ process by specifying the AS units. This diffusion of LSA updates is necessary so that all
number in the router routing equipment can create databases that accurately
• Specify if the router announces IPv4 paths as well or transcribe the network topology and update their routing
not (by default it does) table.
• Specify a login (in the form of an IPv4 address) to VI. COMPARISON OF IPV6 ROUTING PROTOCOLS
the router
The key factors that characterize the different routing
• Define the BGP4+ neighbors identified by their IPv6 protocols are the convergence, which means the speed of
addresses. We also specify the AS of each neighbor adaptation to network changes, their ability to choose the
optimal path among the different itineraries (routing
• Place the router in an IPv6 address family
algorithm), the use of resources such as the memory area
• Enable the BGP4+ exchanges with neighbors (RAM), the use of processor, and the use of the bandwidth
identified by their IPv4 addresses or IPv6 ones or [38]. Table 1 below represents a comparison between the two
group name. IPv6 exchanges need to be explicitly categories: distance-vector IPv6 routing protocols and link-
enabled state IPv6 routing protocols.
• Specify the IPv6 prefixes that will be announced by