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Technical Cell, Corporate Credit Division, Head Office Plot No.4, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075

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Technical Cell, Credit Division, Head Office, Plot No. 4, Sector -10, Dwarka, Delhi-110075

Applications are invited from reputed consultants/organizations possessing necessary

expertise for empanelment as Outside Consultants for conducting Techno Economic Viability
(TEV) Studies. The empanelment of Outside TEV Consultant shall be based on merits and the
Bank shall have the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. Interested
consultants will submit their application latest, within one month from the date of
publication of the advertisement. For further details, please visit our website
www.pnbindia.in under “Public Notice”.

Dy. General Manager

Credit Division, Head Office

तकनी की स ेल , ऋण विभ ा ग , प्र ध ा न का र्ा ाल र् , प्ल ॉ ट नंबर 4, स ेक्ट र -10, द्

िा रका , दि ल् ल ी -110075

तकनीकी व्‍यावहारिकता (टीईवी) अध्‍ययन आयोजित किने के लिए बाह्य

आर्थकि सिाहकाि के रूप में
सूचीबद्ध होने हेतु आवश्‍यक ववशेषज्ञता िखने वािे सम्‍माननत
सिाहकािों/संगठनों से आवे दन आमंत्रित ककए
िाते हैं। बाह्य टीईवी सिाहकाि की सूचीबद्धता गुणों पि आधारित
होगी तथा त्रबना कोई कािण बताए ककसी
भी आवे दन को ननिस्‍त को अर्धकाि होगा। इच्छु क सलाहकार विज्ञापन के
किने का बकैं प्रकाशन की तारीख से एक
महीने के भीतर अपना आिे दन िमा कि ववविण हेत,‘’पजलिक हमा
नोटटस’’ के अं तगति िी
सकते है‍अन्य‍वे बसाइट www.pnbindia.in को

उप महाप्रबं धक
ऋण विभाग, प्रधान कार्ाालर्

Empanelment of Outside Consultants for Techno Economic Viability

study (TEV)

The gist of procedure for empanelment is as under:

a) The exercise of fresh empanelment/renewal of outside TEV consultant is to be

done on annual basis.
b) Interested consultants will submit their application for fresh/renewal in Bank’s
approved format, along with all the supporting papers and Pay Orders/Demand
Draft of applicable charges to the respective Circle Office of PNB, where the
registered/Head Office of the consultant is falling.
c) For first time approval – Rs 50,000/- + GST
d) For renewal – Rs 10,000/- + GST
(The charges given above are in order to recover the cost involved in the process and are non refundable.)

e) The empanelment will be valid for two years. The consultant will be required
to apply for renewal of empanelment.
f) The revenue from the activity for the last 3 years should be more than Rs. 100.00
Lacs per year on the average.
g) The consultancy firm /company should have specialist staff with minimum BE/B.
Tech/CA/ICWA or equivalent qualification.
h) The Firm/company should be engaged in the activity of TEV study for minimum 5
years & the promoters/staff should have minimum 10 years of experience.
i) The organization should have fixed office premises with reasonable space and
adequate infrastructure.
j) Copies of Documents to be submitted along with application:
i. Registration with local authorities.
ii. Memorandum & articles of association for company and registered
partnership deed along with the Registrar of Firm certificate in
case of partnership firms.
iii. Audited Balance sheets for the last three years.
iv. Other documents supporting expertise.
v. Registrations with professional bodies/organizations.
vi. Letters of empanelment from other banks/financial institutions.
vii. TEV reports prepared in the past (at least last three along with
present status of these projects).
viii. CV of all key personnel, including that of technical/financial
ix. Letters of assignments from other clients.
x. Copies of “No Objection Certificate‟ in case of present employers
of part-time professionals.
xi. Copies of consent letters from associates.
1. Name:

2. Constitution (Copies of by-laws/memorandum and articles of association, as

applicable, to be enclosed)

3. Date of registration/ incorporation

4. Registration under wealth Tax Act (if registered)

5. If there has been a change in name/constitution/management in the past,

please furnish details below along with supporting documents.

6. Date of commencement of business

7. Name and Mob. No. of Contact Person

8. Details of Registered office, Administrative office and


Telephone No.:

Fax no. Mobile

No.: E Mail:

9. Activities in which company is involved, in detail along with experience

(copy of proof be enclosed)

10. Brief Particulars of activities other than consultancy

11. Present setup/facilities/infrastructure available to execute the principal


12. Industries/activities in which the applicant firm is specialized

13. Important assignments completed / undertaken during the last three financial
years (please give detail of the name & addresses of the clients and services
rendered. Also give present actual status of the last three projects for which
TEV was done by the applicant.)

14. Personal & professional details of Promoters/partners/directors

Sr. Name Designation Date Qualification/s Industrial Whether partner/director in

No. of consultancy any other organization. if
birth experience yes, give details.

15. Personal & professional details of Professional Staff (Part time/full time

Sr. Name Designation Date Qualification/s Industrial Whether Whether full

No. of consultancy partner/director in time/part
birth experience any other time/associate
organization. If yes,
give details.

Note- the above information must be supported by –

a. Detailed bio data of all the people mentioned above.

b. Copies of “No Objection Certificate‟ in case of present employers of part-time
c. Copies of consent letters from associates
16. Professional Credentials

a. Association with foreign consultancy organizations, if any

b. Whether empanelled with other banks/financial institutions? If yes, give details
(Copies of letters empanelling the consultant to be enclosed)
c. Membership/registration with national / international institutions/agencies (such
as Institute of Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants,
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), Asian
Development Bank (ADB), etc.)
Name of the professional Body Type of membership & since when

17. Details of Registration/ Empanelment with other accredited agencies/ FIs/Banks

as on date, mentioning the nature of empanelment

18. Type of industry & size (Project Outlay) for which enlistment is sought

Industry Sub Activity Project Outlay( Rs. in lacs)

19. Applicant’s Financial Information (for last three years) as on 31.03.2

Rs. in lacs

Year 31.03. 31.03. 31.03.

Paid up Capital
Net worth
Debt/Equity Ratio

Particulars of capital/shares hel

Name of the holder Resident or Non Resident Address % of share holding

Please enclose copies of past three years audited financial statements/ annual
reports or copies of provisional financial statements in the absence of audited
accounts & Income tax clearance certificate.

21. Declaration
I/we declare that the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. I/we, further confirm that all the necessary supporting documents are
enclosed with the application. I/we hereby undertake that the firm/company, if
empanelled, shall have arms length distance with the proposed clients for whose
projects TEV Study is done will not have any business dealings with them or give
them undue favour, will not demand additional remuneration other than what is
initially settled nor will unnecessarily delay the TEV Report.
I/we hereby apply to the bank to empanel firm/company on the Bank’s panel as
consultant for Techno Economic Viability Report/Financial appraisal.

I/we understand that any discrepancy/wrong information/breach of undertaking would

lead to cancellation of enlistment as consultant with immediate effect.


Seal of the company/firm


Date Partner/Authorized Signatory

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