Understanding The Self
Understanding The Self
Understanding The Self
• Tabula rasa – theory that at birth, the • Looking for and trying to understand a
mind is a “blank state” self as it really exists is like visiting your
friend's university and looking for the
“university”. One can roam around the
DAVID HUME: THE SELF IS THE campus, visit the library and the football
BUNDLE THEORY OF MIND field, meet the administrators and
faculty, and still end up not finding the
• He is skeptical about the existence of "university". This is because the
the self, specifically, on whether there is campus, the people, the systems,
simple, unified self that exists over time. and the territory all form the
• For him, man has no “clear and
intelligible” idea of the self
• He posits that no single Impression of
the self exists; rather, the self is just the
• He suggests that the self is not an intellectual, moral, religious, social,
entity one can locate and analyze but political, economic, emotional, sentient,
simply the convenient name that aesthetic, sensual and sexual aspects.
people use to refer to all the behaviors
that people make
• A phenomenologist who asserts that
the mind-body bifurcation is a futile
endeavor and an invalid problem
• Unlike Ryle who simply denies the sell,
Merleau-Ponty says that the mind and
body are so intertwined that they ----------------------------------------------------------------
cannot be separated from one another
• One cannot find any experience that is FOUNDATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL
not an embodied experience. All SELF
experience is embodied • A virtuous life is a dynamism love. It
• One's body is his opening toward his is a constant following of and turning
existence to the world towards love while a wicked life is a
---------------------------------------------------------------- constant turning away from love.
• Loving God means loving one's
THE CHRISTIAN OR BIBLICAL VIEW: fellowmen and loving one's
• According to the Holy bible, following fellowmen denotes never doing any
his redemption by the Saviour from harm to another or as the golden
eternal bondage, now shares in the principle of justice states, doing unto
infinite merits of his Redeemer and has others as you would have them do
become nor only the inheritor of the new unto you.
earth but also the heir of heavenly ----------------------------------------------------------------
• Thus, it is appropriate to think of the SELF
"self" as the multi-bejeweled crown of SIGMUND FREUD: THE
the creation - the many gems thereof PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY OF
representing and radiating the glorious SELF
facets of man's self that
• Asserts that the human psyche or
include the
personality is structured into three parts
• These structures - id, ego and super
ego, all develop at different stages in a
person's life
• The structures are systems and not Presents us with an ego ideal,
physical parts of the brain. Although which is an image of what we
each part comprises unique features would like to be, our internal
and contributes to an individual's standards.
behavior, they interact to form a Because it develops at a young
whole. age, it represents an immature
and rigid form of morality.
“Archaic” and largely
2 Aspects of the SUPEREGO:
Primitive and the source of the
biological drives • CONSCIENCE – an internalization of
Unconscious punishments and warnings
Functions according to the • EGO IDEAL – derives from rewards
pleasure principle, aims to and positive models presented to the
satisfy its urges, which reduces child
tension and thus brings pleasure - the two communicate their
Functions according to the purely requirements to the ego with feelings
instinctive and unsocialized like pride, shame and guilt
primary process
Source of the psychic energy
called LIBIDO, derived from The Stages
sexuality Psychosexual – erogenous zones,
2. EGO (REALITY) pleasurable sensations from the skin
• ORAL STAGE – birth to 18 mos;
The structure of the personality mouth is the focus of pleasure; sucking
that brings about the unity of and biting
personality and that in touch with
the real world • ANAL STAGE – 18 mos – 3 yrs old;
Operates according to the reality anus; holding it in and letting it go
Can delay gratification and plan • PHALLIC STAGE – 3 yrs old – 7 yrs
through the secondary process old; genitalia; masturbation
i.e., it can accurately • LATENT STAGE – 7 yrs old – puberty;
understand reality and sexual impulse suppressed for
can adapt itself to the learning;
constraints of the real
world • GENITAL STAGE – puberty;
resurgence of the sex drive in
3. SUPEREGO (CONSCIENCE) adolescence, and the more specific
focusing of pleasure in sexual
The internal representative of the
rules and restrictions of family
and society. ------------------------------------------------------
Generates guilt when we act
contrary to its rules.
The Crises – certain difficult tasks 2. Personal development occurs in
associated with the stages where response to these needs
problems are more likely to occur
• Oral – weaning 3. Development proceeds in
• Anal - potty training
• Phallic – Oedipus Complex / Electra 4. Movement through the stages
Complex reflects changes in an
• First love - object for all of us is our individual’s motivation
- The father as the rival for 5. Each stage is characterized by a
psychosocial challenge that
the mother’s charm; the enemy
presents opportunities for
• Castration anxiety – “fear of losing
one’s penis” • Erikson described the time that an
• Uses ego defenses – displacement & individual experiences a
identification with the aggressor psychological challenge as a crisis.
• The mother as first love
• Penis envy / penis substitute • A positive resolution of a crisis
means a favorable ratio of positive to
• Uses ego defenses – displacement
negative psychosocial traits emerges
& identification with the aggressor
If you have difficulties in any of the tasks • A negative resolution results in
associated with the stages, you will tend individuals seeing the world as
to retain certain infantile or childish unpredictable and threatening
habits – FIXATION development.
• This does not mean that people who
successfully resolve the crisis never
Freud's Goal of Therapy: “to make have negative thoughts or distrust
the unconscious conscious” another person
- They are caught in the awkward - Remember that each step builds
position of wanting to assert their on skills learned in previous
independence, yet longing for steps. Erikson believed that a
the stability of structure and strong sense of personal
discipline identity was important to
developing intimate relationships.
Studies have demonstrated that • Identity vs Despair: Old Age (65 to
those with a poor sense of self death)
tend to have less committed
relationships and are more likely People who accept themselves,
to suffer emotional isolation, conclude that they only have one life to
loneliness, and depression. live, live it as well as possible and
have few regrets are seen as having
• Generativity vs Stagnation: Middle integrity
Adulthood (40 – 65 Years)
- This phase occurs during old age
The key characteristics of generativity and is focused on reflecting
are creativity, productivity and back on life.
concern for and commitment to guiding
the next generation. - Those who are unsuccessful
during this phase will feel that
- During adulthood, we continue to their life has been wasted and
build our lives, focusing on our will experience many regrets.
career and family. The individual will be left with
feelings of bitterness and
- Generative adults try to despair.
contribute to the betterment of
society by working for principles - Those who feel proud of their
such as a clean physical accomplishments will feel a
environment, a safe and drug- sense of integrity. Successfully
free social world and completing this phase means
adherence to the principles of looking back with few regrets
freedom and dignity for and a general feeling of
individuals satisfaction.
Separate - it is meant that the self is
distinct from other selves.
- The self is always unique
and has its own identity.
- One cannot be another
person. Even twins are distinct from
one another.
- because in itself it can
Self-contained - own thoughts,
characteristics, and volition.
- does not
require any other self for it to exist.
Consistent - it has a personality that
is enduring and therefore can be
expected to persist for quite some
- Its consistency, therefore, ________________________________
allows it to be studied, described, and Social Constructivists argue that:
measured. • The self should not be seen as a
- a particular self’s traits, static entity that stays constant
characteristics, tendencies, and through and through.
potentialities are more or less the • Rather, the self has to be seen as
same. something that is in unceasing flux, in
Unitary - it is the center of all constant struggle with external
experiences and thoughts that run reality, and is malleable in its
through a certain person. dealings with society.
- It is like the chief command post • “that the self is truly multifaceted”
in an individual where all processes, ________________________________
emotions, and thoughts converge.
The self is capable of morphing and
Private - each person sorts out
fitting itself into any circumstance it
information, feelings and
finds itself in.
emotions, and thought processes
within the self.
- this whole process is never The Self and Culture
accessible to anyone but the • Remaining the same person and
• are taught early on how to behave like
a man.
• This normally includes holding in
one’s emotion, being tough, fatalistic,
not to worry about danger, and
admiration for hard physical labor.
• Masculinity is learned by integrating a
young boy in a society.
In the Philippines,
• young boys had to undergo
circumcision not just for the original,
clinical purpose of hygiene but to also
assert their manliness in the society.
• Circumcision plays another social
role by initiating young boys into
Cross-cultural comparison of gender
The roles assumed by men and
women may vary dramatically from
culture to culture.