Sizing Industrial Dehumidifiers
Sizing Industrial Dehumidifiers
Sizing Industrial Dehumidifiers
Table 1. The median number of air changes (AC) due to infiltration and permeation
per hour is 0.5. The most dominant influence on the actual number of air changes is
room size.
Engineers working with cooling equipment should be familiar with sensible
temperatures and heating and cooling loads. But, the psychrometric chart serves as a
reminder that the condition of air involves a second dimension: moisture.
Molds, which thrive on moisture and feed on many materials, are another enemy.
Worker productivity also can slip significantly due to the discomfort of high humidity.
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Sizing Industrial Dehumidifiers
Table 2. Construction factor (CF) takes into account the effect that good vapor
barriers and construction materials will have on moisture migration.
To ensure appropriate parameters have been specified, map temperature and humidity
design conditions on the psychrometric chart. The goal is to avoid the problems you
have been asked to address when the air in the building space stays within the
confines of the area mapped on the psychrometric chart.
Only by properly estimating the amount of moisture generated by various sources can
moisture removal equipment be selected correctly. Typically, pound per hour units are
used to express moisture load.
Infiltration and Permeation. Infiltration and permeation are closely related. Infiltration
is the movement of water vapor through cracks, joints and seals. Permeation is the
migration of water vapor through materials such as brick and wood.
One physical law of nature states that all conditions must be balanced. In
dehumidification applications, this law of nature means the partial pressure of water
vapor must be the same on either side of a barrier. Water vapor will migrate through
brick walls to get to the less humid side. In effect, it will search out a path to attempt
to balance partial pressures.
Specific moisture load due to infiltration and permeation is not easily measured.
Actual moisture deviation, materials of construction, vapor barrier and room size have
an effect on vapor migration. Combined infiltration and permeation load can be
approximated from the following equation:
lb of moisture/hr =
V x AC x Gr x MF x CF
7,000 x 13.5
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Sizing Industrial Dehumidifiers
The moisture difference in grains of moisture per pound of air (grains/lb) may be
obtained from the psychrometric chart. By locating the outside and inside conditions
on the chart, absolute moisture in grains/lb can be obtained for each. To obtain the
absolute moisture values for specific cities, consult the ASHRAE Hand-book, a
commercially available software program or the psychrometric chart.
Another primary influence on the number of air changes is the amount of moisture
that is allowed to permeate through the walls, floor and roof. The construction factor
(CF) takes into account the effect that good vapor barriers and construction materials
will have on moisture migration. Table 2 provides CFs for common construction
materials. The CF will vary between 0.3 and 1.0.
Doors and Windows. Additional sources of moisture include door and window
openings and architectural voids such as conveyor passages. The moisture amount is
directly proportional to the frequency of the opening, the difference in indoor and
outdoor moisture content and the wind velocity at the opening.
Wind velocity is the most difficult factor to account for because it varies depending
on the location of the opening with respect to the wind source. However, a guideline
is 12 cfm of outside air per square foot of opening. Local weather stations can provide
details on the normal prevailing direction and speed.
The moisture load resulting from an opening can be estimated by the following
lb of moisture/hr =
Area x Open x Gr x 12
7,000 x 13.5
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Sizing Industrial Dehumidifiers
Products. The three P's - product, process and people - also must be included in
moisture load evaluation. If a product or raw material retains water, it also may
release water in a conditioned room. For example, wet wood brought into a
conditioned warehouse will release moisture at a specific rate. The release rate is
determined by measuring the product weight loss over time.
Processes. Many times, a process itself generates moisture. For example, open water
tanks and cooking vessels will add moisture. In these cases, a model must be
developed for each process step that affects indoor conditions.
In one example - open water tanks - the evaporation rate can be calculated with the
following equation (assuming 10 to 30 ft/min air velocities in the room):
lb of moisture/hr =
0.1 x Area x (VPH2O - VPAIR)
People. People give off moisture through respiration and perspiration. Moisture load
is a function of the number of people and their activity. A worker lifting boxes will
generate four to eight times the moisture of a worker at a lab bench. ASHRAE's data
on the amount of water added per person per hour of activity is reproduced in table 3.
Ventilation and Makeup Air. Whether replacing air that is exhausted as part of an
industrial process or introducing air to meet ventilation requirements, outside air can
contribute significantly to moisture load. This is especially important in summer
months when high humidity is common.
As with the calculation for infiltration, the difference in absolute humidity must be
used, along with the outside air volume controlled by the air-handling system. The
formula for calculating moisture load is:
lb of moisture/hr =
cfm x Gr x 60
7,000 x 13.5
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Sizing Industrial Dehumidifiers
Figure 1. Makeup air can be used to dilute a plant's moisture-laden air with drier air.
Several methods of drying air can be used; each has advantages and disadvantages.
The common types are:
Makeup air.
Refrigerated dehumidification.
Desiccant dehumidification.
Makeup air uses the principle of dilution, removing a portion of the moisture-laden air
from a space and replacing it with drier air. The net result is lower average moisture
content. This method is relatively inexpensive to install but requires drier air. Because
the most common source is outside makeup air, this method is difficult to apply in
summer months, and it may be expensive to operate in winter due to heating costs
(figure 1).
Using compression to dry air is effective when small quantities are needed. When air
is compressed, the temperature at which water vapor will condense is raised. This
method has high installation and operational costs and is most commonly used when
less than 100 cfm of dry air is required.
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Sizing Industrial Dehumidifiers
Desiccant dehumidifiers use special materials that adsorb or hold moisture. Desiccant
materials do not change size or shape when acquiring the moisture and can be
regenerated by applying heat. This technique is used to dry air in the range of 0 to
45°F dewpoint. It has a relatively high capital expense as well as a high operational
Door and window openings.
Ram materials and end products.
Ventilation and makeup air.
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Sizing Industrial Dehumidifiers
Desert Aire
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