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Efficient power factor improvement with SVC based on the PI controller under
load fault in the smart grid

Article · February 2016


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4 authors, including:

Saeid Gholami Farkoush

Yeungnam University


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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 1 (2016) pp 96-100
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

Efficient Power factor improvement with SVC based on the PI controller

under Load Fault in the smart grid

Saeid Gholami Farkoush

PhD Student Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Yeungnam Univ., Korea

Si-Na Park
PhD Student Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Yeungnam Univ., Korea

Kyu-Ho Kim
Professor Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Hankyong Univ., Korea

Sang-Bong Rhee
Professor Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Yeungnam Univ., Korea

Abstract SVC topologies, there are two types of power factor correction
in this paper, to improve the power quality and the efficiency, capacitors: Fixed and Automatic. Automatic capacitors are also
the power factor correction in the system is done by using known as switched capacitors. Automatic capacitors vary the
SVC (Static Var Compensator) in load transient condition. amount of correction (KVAR) supplied to an electrical system,
The SVC is used TCR (thyristor controlled reactors) and TSC while fixed capacitors supply a constant amount of correction
(thyristor switch capacitor). The system power factor is (KVAR). Under certain conditions, switching fixed capacitors
become constant by using SVC in the PCC (point of common can cause motor self-excitation and network resonance. So
coupling), where it is changed dramatically in different load normally capacitor type compensation is used mostly where
conditions. To obtain the best power factor in the system, the the load pattern is smooth. The answer to this varies with each
PI controller is used to check the necessary reactive power by installation. Automatic capacitors are made up of banks that
connecting the capacitance and the reactance to the PCC with are switched off and on by a microprocessor controller based
TSC and TCR respectively. The simulation results are on the plant electrical load at any given time. Automatic
displayed with MATLAB/Simulink to verify the effectiveness capacitors are installed at the main incoming power source,
of the proposed algorithm. while fixed capacitors are generally installed at individual
motor loads throughout a plant [7].
Keywords- Power factor correction; SVC; In this area some conception have been proposed to control of
MATLAB/SIMULINK SVC is a delta-connected TCR-FC with using PID controller
for power factor correction, however PID controller is
complicated in comparison PI controller in power system, also
Introduction in the SVC [TCR-FC] system, capacitor is constant in the
The electric power grid can be defined as the entire apparatus system and capacitor value control is impossible and it is not
of wires and machines that connects the sources of electricity good idea for achieving best power factor correction [10].
(i.e., the power plants) with customers and their myriad needs. Basis for the algorithm that is used in this paper to calculate
An unbalanced condition for instance unbalanced load usually the compensation susceptances associated with each phase of a
deteriorates the performance of the power systems, causes delta connected three-phase SVC for power factor correction
voltage asymmetry that may be harmful for power system, and [11].
contributes to a deterioration of the supply quality that for The fuzzy logic SVC for power factor correction is presented
instance can point out to the power factor correction [13],[14]. in [12]. This method is one of the best and most successful
Unbalanced loads and poor power factors are two crucial techniques among expert control strategies. It is an important
challenges associated with electric power distribution systems. tool to control nonlinear, complex, vague, and ill-defined
Load unbalancing along with the reactive power flow, which is systems, nevertheless speed of the performance of fuzzy logic
a direct consequence of the poor power factor, increase the is lower than the PI controller that is used for SVC.
losses of the distribution system and cause a variety of power In this paper, The SVC for improving power factor in load
quality problems. Accordingly, the reactive power transient condition is proposed. The SVC is used TCR
compensation has been become an issue with a great deal of (thyristor controlled reactors) and TSC (thyristor switch
importance. Static Var Compensators (SVCs) have been capacitor), to obtain the best power factor in the system, the PI
investigated and deployed to reactive power compensation in controller is used to check the necessary reactive power by
order to achieve the power factor correction [1]-[6]. In the connecting the capacitance and the reactance to the PCC with

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 1 (2016) pp 96-100
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

TSC and TCR respectively. The SVC is a delta-connected

TCR-TSC which connects in parallel with load. The equivalent V Blmax
susceptance of the SVC is adjusted in each phase by
controlling the conducting angles of the TCR and TSC [8], [9]. Slope Xs Vref
By this way it is possible to adjust the SVC sucesptance in the
value that is needed for reactive power compensation and load


Static VAR systems are applied by utilities in transmission
applications for several purposes. The primary purpose is
usually for rapid control of voltage at weak points in a Capacitive Inductive I
network. Installations may be at the midpoint of transmission Reactive current
interconnections or at the line ends for compensation irregular
load, voltage and source power factor in power system. Static Fig.2. SVC steady-state control characteristics.
Var Compensators are shunt connected static
generators/absorbers whose outputs are varied so as to control
voltage and also control of power factor of the electric power The V-I characteristic is described by the following three
systems. In its simple form, SVC is connected as Thyristor equations:
Switch Capacitor-Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TSC-TCR) V Vref X s .I SVC is regulationrang ( Bc max B Bl max ) (1)
configuration as shown in Fig. 1. The SVC is connected to a V
SVC is fully capacitive ( B Bc max ) (2)
coupling transformer that is connected directly to the AC bus Bc max
whose voltage/power factor source is to be regulated. V
SVC is fully indutive ( B Bl max ) (3)
Bl max
V: Positive sequence voltage (p.u.)
Gen Xe I: Reactive current (p.u./Pbase) (I > 0 indicates an inductive
Xs: Slope or droop reactance (p.u./Pbase)
Bcmax: Maximum capacitive susceptance (p.u./Pbase) with all
TSCs in service, no TSR or TCR
Blmax: Maximum inductive susceptance (p.u./Pbase) with all
TSRs in service or TCRs at full conduction, no TSC
Pbase: Three-phase base power specified in the block dialog


In general, the two thyristor valve controlled/switched
concepts used with SVCs are the thyristor controlled reactor
(TCR) and the thyristor-switched capacitor (TSC). The TSC
Fig.1. Configuration of SVC provides a "stepped" response and the TCR provides a
"smooth" or continuously variable susceptance. Fig.3
illustrates a TCR/TSC including the operating process
A. SVC (V-I) Characteristic concept. The control objective of SVC is to maintain the
The SVC can be operated in two different modes: In voltage desired voltage at a high voltage bus. In steady-state, the SVC
regulation mode (the voltage is regulated within limits as will provide some steady- state control of the voltage to
explained below) in var control mode (the SVC susceptance is maintain it the highest voltage bus at the pre-defined level. If
kept constant) When the SVC is operated in a voltage the voltage bus begins fall below its set point range, the SVC
regulation mode, it implements the following V-I will inject reactive power into the system (within its control
characteristic. In its simple form, SVC steady-state control limits), thereby increasing the bus voltage back to its desired
characteristics as shown in Fig. 2. As long as the SVC voltage level. If bus voltage increases, the SVC will inject less
susceptance B stays within the maximum and minimum (or TCR will absorb more) reactive power (within its control
susceptance values imposed by the total reactive power of limits), and the result will be to achieve the desired bus
capacitor banks (Bcmax) and reactor banks (Blmax), the voltage voltage. Also, when load is changed in power system, this is
is regulated at the reference voltage Vref. However, a voltage caused power factor is changed, by using SVC, power factor
drop is normally used (usually between 1% and 4% of of the system is improved to a new level, also the varying
maximum reactive power output), and the V-I characteristic level of power factor that is happened by changing load is
has the slope indicated in the figure.2. solved. The cluster head after gathers their cluster nodes

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 1 (2016) pp 96-100
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

energy information, it will selects the node with lower energy C. Thyristor susceptance control model
level which is below the threshold value and send this node ID Td is the gating delay or (dead time) is neglected as it is very
and energy information in the form of message to the nearby small (≈ 1/12 th cycle of the fundamental) and Tb is the effect
sensor. In order to reduce the traveling cost and the delay time of thyristors firing sequence control.
to reach the node. Thus the sensor will travel in minimum The compensator susceptance, BSVC is given by:
shortest path to reach the node and recharges the node in B0 ( BTSC BTCR )
wirelessly. Until the sensor reaches the node they are put in BSVC (4)
sleep. Thus the energy level of node does not deplete B0 BTSC BTCR
completely to dead. Where B0 is the susceptance of the transformer.

Load Voltages Voltage

Vn Ve
e sT d
- +
Bref B
Gen Xe
Secondary Voltages Vref sT b 1

Fig6. Thyristor susceptance control model

Synchronizing Unit Distribution
Pulse Pulse Generator α

TCR TSC Control System

The Assume the SVC comprising of one TCR bank and three
TSC banks connected to the 22.9 kV bus via a 333- MVA,
22.9/16-kV transformer on the secondary side with Xk=15%.
Fig.3. Single-line Diagram of an SVC and Control system
The voltage drop of the regulator is 0.01pu/100VA
(0.03Pu/300 VA). When the SVC operating point changes
SVC application studies require appropriate power system
from fully capacitive to fully inductive, the SVC voltage
models and study methods covering the particular problems to
varies between 1-0.03=0.97pu and 1+0.01=1.01 pu.
be solved by the SVC application.

SVC is simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK software and
connects to the power system. In this system SVC is applied
A. Measurment module
for power factor correction in system. Firstly system is
In SVC model, the characteristics of the measuring and filter
simulated not including load fault and SVC then is as shown
circuit can be approximated by a transfer function as given
in Fig. 7
below in fig4.

Voltage 1 or
sT 1 Imeans
Current m

Fig4. Measurement module

B. Voltage regulator module

This is integral type of voltage control model, in other words
this lag compensator for voltage control.


Fig.7. SVC mode

s Bref
Firstly system is simulated including load fault and no SVC
then power factor is shown in Fig.8.


Fig5. Voltage regulator module

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 1 (2016) pp 96-100
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

The proposed SVC shows better performance and also

regulates the power factor in the power system.


Power Factor


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