CE631 Syallbus
CE631 Syallbus
CE631 Syallbus
CO1 Identify different human activities, their impact on the environment and type of water demand
on the forecasted population (L2, L3).
CO2 Identify reliable water sources, and analyze different collection and conveying system (L3, L4)
CO3 Infer water quality aspects and parameters as per BIS (L2)
CO4 Classify different water treatment systems and Criticize functioning of Water treatment units
(L2, L6)
CO5 Understanding miscellaneous treatment methods and water Distribution systems (L2)
T1 Garg. S. K., “Water supply Engineering”, Khanna Publishers., 25th revised edition, 2014
T2 Punmia. B C., and Ashok Jain, “Environmental Engineering-I” , 2nd edition
T3 “Manual on Water supply and treatment” –CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, New
T4 Sawyer and MC Carty “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science”, 5th edition.
Reference Books:
R1. Rao P.V, “Textbook of Environmental Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2013
R2. Nazaroff. W. W and Choen L.A, “Environmental Engineering Science”, Wiley Student Edition,
New Delhi, 2013.
R3. Masters G. M and Ela W. P, “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science”, Prentice Hall
of India, New Delhi, 2013.
R4. Naik. S. C and Tiwari. T. N, “Society and Environment”, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 2012.
R5. Peavy. H.S, Rowe. D.R and Tchobanoglous. G, “Environmental Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2013.
R6. Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, George T, Environmental Engineering - McGraw Hill
International Edition. New York,2000
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