April 2018 Interpreting FCC ECat Data
April 2018 Interpreting FCC ECat Data
April 2018 Interpreting FCC ECat Data
catalyst data
Regular Ecat and fines analysis provides information to support optimum
performance from the FCC
s part of best practice in fluid catalytic the catalyst (versus the unit which is impacted by
cracking (FCC) unit monitoring, routine feed slate and operating conditions).
analysis of equilibrium FCC catalyst (Ecat)
and fines is vital to maximise profitability and Fluidised activity test (FACT)
reliability. Ecat and fines analysis provides valu- The reported Ecat activity is the weight percent
able information on the FCC unit to assess oper- (wt%) conversion obtained for the catalyst sam-
ation, monitor performance, troubleshoot, ensure ple in an ACE unit run with a standard feedstock.
reliability, and optimise the unit. Conversion [Conv] is defined as:
BASF routinely analyses Ecat and fines data for
units around the world. This article describes the 100 – Light cycle oil (LCO wt%) – Bottoms (BOT
testing and interpretation of the data. BASF data wt%)
sheets are communicated through email or can
be downloaded from the company’s refinery pro- For reference:
file website. Kinetic conversion = [Conv] / (100 – [Conv])
Typically, FCC units send one sample of Ecat
per week to their catalyst supplier. In addition, Since the in-unit conversion is a function of
fines samples (slurry fines, flue gas fines such as the FCC process conditions, feedstock properties
TSS, ESP and scrubber water fines) should be and catalyst properties, the FACT activity pro-
sent monthly at a minimum. All Ecat samples are vides a separate evaluation of the catalyst con-
first decoked (to remove any remaining carbon tribution to the unit conversion. Often the term
on the regenerator catalyst) and measured for MAT is still used for activity (including FCC SIM
activity, particle size, physical properties, surface programmes) even though all major vendors use
areas, chemical analysis, and yields. These tests ACE testing today.
provide information about the yield performance Each Ecat sample is decoked and screened
(activity and yield selectivities) and fluidisation/ before being tested. The ACE activity is the car-
retention of the catalyst. While absolute values bon-free catalyst activity. The in-unit activity
are useful, trends are equally, if not more, impor- might be lower if the regenerated catalyst con-
tant for monitoring. tains significant amounts of residual carbon,
which will block access to cracking sites. For high
Advanced Cracking Evaluation1 (ACE) carbon on regenerated catalysts (CRC), this drop
BASF introduced ACE testing for standard Ecat is significant. At 0.3-0.4 wt% carbon, this can
evaluation in 2001, replacing fixed bed Micro lead to a 1-2 number drop in activity. For Ecat
Activity Test (MAT) units. This is a fluidised lab- with high CRC, BASF can run as received activity
oratory test measuring the catalyst activity, coke, with the carbon on the catalyst for comparison.
and product selectivities. The ACE unit is run at What impacts FACT? When fresh catalyst
constant operating conditions with a standard is added to an FCC unit, both the zeolitic and
feed so changes seen over time are due only to matrix portions deactivate significantly as the
1.50 1700
a result of changing levels of
1500 contaminant metals (primarily
nickel [Ni] and vanadium) on the
1.05 1300 Ecat (see Figure 1). A common
0.90 equivalent metal calculation of
0.75 nickel + ¼ vanadium – 4/3 anti-
0.60 900 mony (Sb) is used to normalise
Date the dehydrogenation activity of
these common metals.
Figure 1 Coke factor increasing with metals The commercial regenera-
tor temperature is influenced
by many factors including oper-
2.0 ating conditions (feed preheat
1.9 and reactor temperatures), cat-
alyst activity, feed qualities
(1050°F/565°C+ content and
Conradson carbon level), and
1.6 hardware. The FCF helps the
P, wt%
sizes to circulate the catalyst
effectively. Each unit has a dif-
1.0 0.25
ferent requirement for fines con-
tent (defined as either the 0-40 0.20
micron or 0-45 micron frac- 0.15
tion of the catalyst) in the Ecat
(see Figure 4). Some units might
require greater than 10% of 0.8
40 microns and smaller mate- Date
rial, while others might circu-
late catalyst well with less than Figure 3 Fluidised ‘wet’ gas factor (FGF) vs ZSM-5 content (using P as the
5% under 40 micron material. marker)
It is good practice for a refin-
ery to document the physical
properties of the catalyst and 15
the operational variables on the
unit when circulation problems
become evident.
0 to 40u, %
70 0.2 µm
130 140 150 160 170 180 Zeolite Matrix
TSA, m2/gm
Figure 6 TEM picture showing zeolite
Figure 5 A unit’s correlation between FACT conversion and TSA and matrix
poor stripping and extended use of torch oil can surface area via nitrogen absorption. While matrix
all sinter the catalyst by collapsing the pore struc- in cracking chemistry refers only to the amor-
ture. This will show up as a decrease in surface phous alumina structures, here any active sites in
area, an increase in bulk density, and a decrease these large pores are categorised as MSA, includ-
in pore volume. ing zeolite. Matrix surface area is important for
If the ABD decreases (catalyst is becoming less cracking heavy molecules and for pre-cracking oil
dense), iron is likely to be the culprit. High iron to ‘feed’ the zeolite. The external zeolite surface
feeds create nodules on the catalyst surface and area measured as matrix surface area is accessible
lower its ABD (without changing the catalyst’s to pre-crack the heavy molecules with better coke
particle density). selectivity over amorphous matrix (see Figure 6).
Figure 7 Elemental map showing Figure 8 Elemental mapping show- Figure 9 Iron nodules on Ecat
nickel’s immobility by depositing ing vanadium deposition through-
primarily on the outside of an Ecat out an Ecat particle due to the
particle mobility of vanadium