Summative Test in MAPEH 7: Name: - Section - Date: - Score
Summative Test in MAPEH 7: Name: - Section - Date: - Score
Summative Test in MAPEH 7: Name: - Section - Date: - Score
11-15. Study the folk song below and determine the dialect, mood, meter and function of the songs. Fill in the table
after song with the information being asked.
of the sing
Retrieved: January 17, 2021
16- 20. Identifying Musical Elements: Study the devotional song “Anima Christie” below. If you need to, you can
search YouTube for the song through the link provided below or just type ‘Anima Christie” in the search bar. After
studying/listening to the son, fill the table beside with the information being asked.
1. Time signature bonus
2. Tempo
(How did you find the tempo? Was it
fast, slow, or moderate?)
Soul of3.Christ sanctify me
(Did youofhear
thesave me of the song?
How did it sound like?
Water from the side of (Monophonic,
Christ wash me
homophonic, polyphonic)
Passion of Christ give me strength
4. Form
(Does it have the same melody
Hear me Jesus
throughout the song AA (Unitary)? Or
Hide me
melody in Thyinwounds
changes thatofIthe
some part maysong
never leave
making Thy side ABA/ABC
it AB (Binary),
From all the evil that surrounds me,
(What is the the
And when degree
death arrives
or softness of the song? Is it very soft,
Bid me come to Thee that I may praise
soft, moderately soft,moderately loud,
loud orwith
very Thy
Forever (2x)
Monophony- Musical texture made up of single unaccompanied melodic line
Homophony- musical texture based primarily on chords…usually the highest, tends to predominate and there is little rhythmic differentiation
between the parts.
Polyphony- The simultaneous combination of two or more tones or melodic lines.
Direction: True or False: Read the and comprehend each statement. Determine whether the statement is correct or
not. Wriite TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.
________ _______21. Pottery is a modern art form of Ilocos, a tradition of molding unglazed earthen called clay.
_____ __________22. Pinch method is a technique that involves squeezing the clay, usually between thumb and fingers.
_______ ________23. Pottery had existed long before Spain came to Ilocos. But it was only in the late 1920s when Chinese
migrants like the forefathers of Fidel V. Ramos commercially produced it.
_________ ______24. Daraga, Albay is considered to be the center of pottery making in Bicol Region. They also celebrate
the famous Coron festival annually.
________ _______25. In Vigan, the clay is kneaded by a cow before it goes to the potter’s wheel that is today still spun by
________ _______26. Clay is similar from mud, since it has plasticity: ability to hold together while it’s being shaped.
________ _______27. By patronizing the art of pottery & making it popular again, we can help even as tourists in
continuing the stories of these time-honored handiworks.
_______ ________28. The prime purpose of pottery making in Vigan was to age vinegar, wine & “bagoong” or fish paste.
_______ ________29. Avatar is someone who is expert in combing the fragile pieces of pottery art with the elements of
earth, water, wind and fire.
_____ __________30. Pinch Pot is known to be traditional way of pottery making.