Rizal Law
Rizal Law
Rizal Law
1425: Rizal Law doctrines by public school teachers and other person
-provides for the integration of the study of the life and engaged in any public school.
works of Dr. Jose P. Rizal in the curriculum of the tertiary Section 5.
level. - The sum of three hundred thousand pesos is hereby
-to provide an in-depth study of nationalism and the shaping authorized to be appropriated out of any fund not otherwise
of national character. appropriated in the National Treasury to carry out the
-approved on June 12, 1956 purposes of this Act.
-took effect on August 16, 1956 Section 6.
-sponsored by in July 1956 - This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved: June
Jose P. Laurel 12, 1956 Published in the Official Gazette, Vol. 52, No. 6, p.
Claro Mayo Recto 2971 in June 1956.
Jose B. Laurel Jr.
Jacobo Gonzales Traits to be Acquired
Lorenzo Tanada and other law makers - By integrating Rizal in the curriculum, this would benefit the
Filipino youth as well as the whole nation to acquire the
The Father of Rizal Law: Claro Mayo Recto following traits: (6)
Born: February 8, 1890 (Tinaong, Tayabas Quezon) ◍ Incorruptible
Died: October 2, 1960 (70 years old) ◍ Confidence
-Known as “abogado milagroso” ◍ Direction
-Filipino politician, jurist, poet, and one of the great statemen ◍ Courage and determination
of his generation ◍ High sense of relationship
-He presided over the assembly that draft the Philippine ◍ Nationalism and Patriotism
Aims and Purposes
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1425 ( RIZAL LAW) - by the DepEd Order No. 2 Series of 1996
House bill No. 5561 1. The law aims and desires to re-establish that the Filipinos
Senate Bill No. 438 themselves be imbued with the principles of freedom and a
“AN ACT TO INCLUDE IN THE CURRICULA OF ALL PUBLIC AND sense of nationalism. The rationale of which is to perpetuate
PRIVATE SCHOOLS, COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES COURSES the memories of our hero's death and sacrifices.
ON THE LIFE, WORKS AND WRITINGS OF JOSE RIZAL, 2. The law aims to honor the heroes particularly Dr. Jose P.
PARTICULARLY HIS NOVELS NOLI ME TANGERE AND EL Rizal and to remind us of his sacrifices and his two novels -
FILIBUSTERISMO, AUTHORIZING THE PRINTING AND Noli Me Tangere and El Filibustirismo that paved the way to
DISTRIBUTION THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES” the nationalism and patriotism of the entire country.
3. The law aims to cultivate and inculcate among the
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo students in all schools the character development, self-
-are a constant and inspiring source of patriotism. discipline, civic consciousness and to teach the duties of
citizenship which became the primary reason for the
Section 1: enactment of the law for reforms and changes.
- Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal,
particularly his novel Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Bane (a cause of great distress) Features of Rizal's time
shall be included in the curricula of all schools, colleges and 1. Instability of Colonial Administration
universities, public or private: Provided, That in the collegiate 2. Corrupt Spanish Officials
courses, the original or unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me 3. No Philippine Representation to the Spanish Courts
Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their English translation shall 4. Human Rights Denied to the Filipinos
be used as basic texts. 5. No Equality before the Law
Section 2: 6. Maladministration of Justice
- It shall be obligatory on all schools, colleges and universities 7. Racial Discrimination
to keep in their libraries an adequate number of copies of the 8. Frailocracy and Secularization of Filipino Priests
original and unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere 9. Forced Labor and Excessive Taxes
and El Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s other works and 10. Haciendas Owned by Friars and Spanish Officials.
biography. 11. The Abuses of the Guardia CIvil, Church Officials and
Section 3: Political Leaders
- The Board of National Education shall cause the translation
of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as other RIZAL CHOSEN AS THE GREATEST PHILIPPINE NATIONAL
writings of Jose Rizal into English, Tagalog and the principal HERO:
Philippine dialects; cause them to be printed in cheap, Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Y Alonso
popular editions; and cause them to be distributed, free of -He was chosen as the greatest Philippine National Hero.
charge, to persons desiring to read them, through the Purok -man of many talents
organizations and Barrio Councils throughout the country. -proved that “Pen is Mightier than the Sword” to redeem
Section 4: people from their political slavery.
- Nothing in this Act shall be construed as amendment or
repealing section nine hundred twenty-seven of the
Administrative Code, prohibiting the discussion of religious
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibustirismo
-provided the ember that awakened Filipino nationalism and
paved way for the Philippine Revolution of 1896.