Rising Main Design
Rising Main Design
Rising Main Design
Project Title:
Hazen Williams Constant 'C' = 145
Difference in Ground Level = 5.74 m Diameter of Pipe
(in mm)
Staging Height/Delivery Ht = 0 m
Suction Head = 0 m
Residual Head Required = 2 m 2 m
Hours of Pumping = 20 Hrs
Combined Efficiency of Pumpset = 60 %
Cost of Pumping Unit (USD./Unit) = 150 per KW 150 per KW
Interest Rate (r ) = 10 %
Life of Electric Motor and Pump (n) = 15 Years
Energy Charges (USD./Unit) = 0.25 /Unit 0.25 /Unit
Stand by KW = 100% 100%
Material of
Pipe Size (mm) Cost of Pumps Cost of Pumps
Pipeline Total Head KW required with KW required with
@$.150/KW Total Head (m) @$.150/KW
(m) stand by stand by
$ '000) $ '000)
From above shown calculation for Rising main proposed from to for a length of 3350 m, the recommended economical size of rising main comes out to be: 400 mm diameter pipe of HDPE