18 Plant Disease
18 Plant Disease
18 Plant Disease
very gardener has put in plants with hopes for
wonderful flowers, fruits or vegetables, only to have
those hopes dashed as the plants get sick and die.
These plants are considered diseased. Many things can
❂ Topics in this chapter
cause plants to become diseased, including biotic (living) ❂❂ Pathogens
agents, abiotic (nonliving) factors or a combination of the ❂❂ Conditions necessary for
two. This chapter focuses only on living agents — fungi, biotic disease
bacteria, viruses, nematodes and parasitic plants. Other ❂❂ The disease cycle
chapters discuss abiotic factors such as nutrient deficien-
❂❂ Disease diagnosis
cies, lack of water, temperature stress and combinations of
these problems as they relate to specific types of plants. ❂❂ Plant disease control
Some plant diseases have had tremendous impacts on ❂❂ Fungicides for home
society. Perhaps foremost among these is Phytophthora late gardeners
blight, a fungal disease that caused the Irish potato famine
in 1845. Approximately 2 million people either starved or
left Ireland, many for the United States. Powdery mildew
and downy mildew are fungal diseases that devastated the
French wine industry until Bordeaux mixture was found to
control them.
In the United States, the fungal disease chestnut blight
was introduced accidentally into New York City in the late
1800s on imported Chinese chestnut trees. The Chinese
trees were resistant to the blight, but American chestnut
trees were not. In fewer than 40 years, 30 million acres of
chestnut trees had died. Chestnut blight remains a problem
in the eastern United States. Dutch elm disease also was in- By Jay W. Pscheidt, Extension Plant Pathologist,
troduced accidentally. It infects and kills elm trees through- Oregon State University. Edited by Lindsey du Toit,
out the nation. Plant Diagnostician, Washington State University,
These examples are prominent because they caused so Puyallup, and Warren Copes, Ornamental Plant
Pathologist, Washington State University.
much damage. Plant diseases vary in how much trouble
they cause, depending on a variety of conditions, including Adapted by Michele Hébert, Extension Faculty,
the susceptibility of the plant, and the organism’s disease Agriculture and Horticulture, Cooperative
cycle. Minimizing their impact requires correct diagnosis of Extension Service, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
332 • Plant Disease—Chapter 18
Nematodes are multicellular roundworms
that may be no larger than the letter “I” in
the word DIME on a U.S. coin. Because they Environment
are clear and live in the soil, they are im-
possible to see without magnification.
All plant pathogenic nematodes have a
mouthpart called a stylet. The stylet is like a
lance or hypodermic needle that the nema-
tode uses to puncture plant cells and feed Host Pathogen
from them.
Some nematodes move from root to root,
while others set up one feeding site in a
single root. Feeding may cause root lesions
or galls that restrict water and nutrient flow
to the host plant. Other nematodes weaken Figure 1.—Disease is a result of simultaneous
interactions between the environment, host and
the plant through mass feeding. A few foliar
nematodes attack above-ground plant parts.
Movement of soil or infected plant parts can
transmit nematode diseases. Conditions necessary for
Parasitic plants biotic diseases
Many Alaskans notice moss and lichen In order for a biotic (pathogenic) plant
growing in trees; this vegetation is not disease to occur, three conditions must be
parasitic, it just uses the tree as a platform. met:
Some plants are truly parasitic to other • The host plant must be susceptible.
plants. Dodder, for example, produces flow- • An active, living pathogen must be pres-
ers and seeds, but has no chlorophyll. Thus, ent.
it cannot manufacture its own food. It has a • The environment must be suitable or
thread-like yellow body that twines around favorable for disease development.
its host. Root-like haustoria penetrate the All three of these factors must occur
host plant and withdraw food and water. simultaneously. If one or more is absent or
Some parasitic plants, such as mistletoe, unfavorable, disease does not occur. The
manufacture chlorophyll but have no real relationship among a plant, a pathogen and
roots and depend on their host (on hemlock the environment is shown in Figure 1. The
in Southeast Alaksa) for water and nutri- more the circles overlap, the more severe
ents. Seeds of parasitic plants are spread by the disease. This is referred to as disease
birds or contaminated soil, or they may be triangle.
shot out of plant structures like little bombs. A host plant’s genetic makeup determines
its susceptibility to disease. This suscepti-
bility depends on various physical and bio-
chemical factors within the plant. Stature,
growth habit, cuticle thickness and stomatal
336 • Plant Disease—Chapter 18
(b) Released
Ascospore Apple tree
in bloom (c) Penetration
by germinating
(g) Penetration by
germinating conidium Infection
(f) Conidium
perithecium (d2) Scab lesions (d1) Scab lesions
containing on fruit on leaf
asci and
ascospores (e) Conidium
Antheridium in leaf
Stroma (a) Infected
on ground
Figure 2.—Disease cycle of apple scab: Overwintering fungi (a) produce sexual spores (b) that penetrate and
infect trees in the spring (c). Soon scab lesions appear (d1), within which asexual spores (e) are produced.
These spores are released (f) and drift onto healthy tissue (g), where they cause more scab lesions (d1 and d2)
and produce more spores (e). The cycle then begins again.
Chapter 18—Plant Disease • 337
Chapter 19, Diagnosing Plant Problems, the potential for the introduction of new
will help you organize your approach to di- species through imported plants.
See Chapter 19,
agnosing plant disease problems. This sys- Remember that root injury often causes
Diagnosing Plant tematic approach involves defining the real yellowing, stunting or wilting of above-
Problems. problem and distinguishing between living ground parts. Many fungi, such as Verticil-
and nonliving causes of plant damage. Steps lium and Fusarium, cause internal vascular
include looking for damage patterns, track- discoloration in stems, as do some bacterial
ing the development of damage over time wilts.
and building a case history of the problem.
With these steps, it usually is easy to nar- Symptoms on storage organs
row the possibilities and turn to specialists Many fungi and some bacteria cause
or appropriate reference materials, such as discolored or dead areas that penetrate deep
textbooks or herbarium samples, for precise into storage organs such as tubers, bulbs,
identification. corms, etc. Dry rots often are caused by
Once you determine that a real problem fungi, which also may produce mycelia or
exists and is caused by a living disease or- spores. Soft rots usually are associated with
ganism, decide what type of organism may bacteria such as Erwinia spp. and can be
be causing the damage (fungi, viruses, bac- accompanied by strong, repulsive odors.
teria or nematodes). Some insect problems Often, bacterial soft rots follow rots caused
mimic diseases; however, the symptom de- by fungi, making diagnosis difficult. Other
scriptions below deal only with pathogens. internal problems can be caused by bacteria,
Knowing what diseases a plant is suscep- e.g. (ring rot of potato) or by several viruses.
tible or resistant to also can help in diagno- Scurfy, dead surface tissue may be caused
sis. You can eliminate possibilities if you by a variety of fungus-like organisms (e.g.,
know which diseases are likely to occur. powdery scab of potato). Fungi or nema-
todes can cause galling of storage organs.
Root symptoms
External root symptoms include galls, Seedling symptoms
discoloration and death of roots or parts of Seedlings sometimes fail to emerge or
roots. fall over and die. This condition usually is
Crown gall, caused by the bacterium referred to as damping-off. Fungi such as
Agrobacterium tumefaciens, is a common Rhizoctonia, Pythium and Fusarium are
cause of galls on many plants. Some fungal common causes; they affect seedlings just at
diseases, such as club root of cabbage, also or below the soil line.
cause galls. Root-knot nematodes (Meloido- Dead areas on cotyledons (seed leaves),
gyne spp.) can cause large or small irregular the first true leaves, or stems usually are
galls. Small, discolored, dead areas may be caused by fungi, but occasionally by bacte-
caused by a wide variety of fungi or root-le- ria. Spots caused by fungi may contain hy-
sion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.). Death phae or fruiting bodies, while those caused
of feeder roots or the entire root system is by bacteria may look water soaked around
indicative of many fungi. Though Alaska their margins.
does not currently have many problems Rusty-red, brown or black spots or stripes
with pathogenic nematodes, there is always indicate rust or smut fungi. White, moldy
Chapter 18—Plant Disease • 339
of many of the same diseases, so they are Chemical protection is one of the most
not an effective rotation. Potatoes, however, widely used means of control. There are
are a host of different diseases, so it is a many fungicides on the market, but few are
good crop to rotate with turnips and cab- readily available to home gardeners. (See
bages. See Table 1 for groups of related “Fungicides for home gardeners” later in
plants. Try to plant crops in locations where this chapter.)
plants from the same family did not grow
the previous year. Resistance
Removing plant debris (sanitation) is Resistance, immunity, tolerance and sus-
important where pathogens may overwin- ceptibility are terms that describe a plant’s
ter. Rake leaves, remove rotted fruit, pick genetic makeup and its reaction to plant
up old vines and prune out dead wood or pathogens. Resistance and its opposite, sus-
canes. Dispose of the debris by burning, ceptibility, are levels or degrees of a plant’s
burying or hot composting. reaction to a pathogen. Different cultivars
Rusts are a group of fungi that complete of a plant can react differently to the same
their life cycle on two or more hosts. The pathogen.
other host is known as an alternate host. If a plant never becomes diseased, the
Eliminating alternate hosts may reduce term immune can be used. Tolerant de-
pressure from these diseases, since the fun- scribes a plant that may become diseased
gus can’t complete its life cycle without an yet grow much like a healthy plant.
alternate host. Planting resistant cultivars is the easi-
Certain chemicals can eliminate infec- est means of disease control. You can
tions or infestations. Soil can be fumigated find lists of resistant plants in many texts
or steam sterilized to reduce populations of and seed catalogues. Sometimes the re-
certain fungi and nematodes. Some fun- sistance is identified in the seed catalog
gicides have “kickback” activity, which as a series of letters next to the variety
means they can stop some fungal infections name (V=Verticillium, F=Fusarium,
if applied within a few days N=nematodes, etc.).
after the infection has started.
Heat treatment usually is See Chapter 4,
used to eliminate viruses from Plant Propagation. Fungicides for home
propagation material. gardeners
Many fungicides are registered for use
Protection See Chapter 22,
on plants, but only a few are readily avail- Understanding
Protection means treating a healthy plant able to gardeners. Although many others Pesticides.
before it becomes diseased. There are both are neither highly toxic nor restricted in
biological and chemical means of protec- use, they may be difficult to obtain in small
tion. One of the most successful examples quantities.
of biological protection is use of a bacte- Some fungicides, such as sulfur and cop-
rium to protect against crown gall bacterial per products, are allowed under organic
disease. This process involves dipping a growing guidelines. Others, such as captan,
plant’s roots in a preparation of the bacte- triforine, and chlorothalonil, are not consid-
rium before planting. ered organic.
342 • Plant Disease—Chapter 18
The label is the law. No matter what infection for maximum benefit. None of
anyone tells you, always follow the label these fungicides can revive heavily diseased
directions. To do otherwise is illegal. plants.
There are, however, a few exceptions. Some fungicides work better when a
For example, if a label says to use a certain spreader-sticker is mixed with the solution.
amount of product, you cannot use more; This material helps the fungicide stay on the
however, if experts recommend using less, plant longer or spread over the leaf surface
that is acceptable. Never use a product on better. Most wettable powder formulations
a plant that is not listed on the label. How- benefit from the addition of a spreader-
ever, if an expert recommends using the sticker. Liquid formulations usually already
product for a disease that is not on the label, contain such compounds.
it is acceptable to do so as long as the plant
is on the label.
You need to understand a pathogen’s
disease cycle and host susceptibility to get
good control using fungicides. Proper tim-
ing, coverage and selection of fungicides
also are important.
Many fungicides work by protect-
ing healthy plant tissues. Captan, copper,
chlorothalonil and sulfurs must be present
before fungi arrive. Although triforine is
locally systemic (it moves inside the plant),
it must be applied soon after (or before)
344 • Plant Disease—Chapter 18