Test of Interactive English: Handbook
Test of Interactive English: Handbook
Test of Interactive English: Handbook
The Test of Interactive English (TIE) is administered by IELT (Interactive Language Tests). The
Test of Interactive English (TIE) was developed by ACELS (Advisory Council for English Language
Schools) together with a group of ELT professionals in England and Ireland.
The Test of Interactive English (TIE) is designed specifically to meet the needs of all students
coming to Ireland to learn and improve their English. It is intended for learners on either long or
short courses, with the results issued within 15 working days of the test being taken.
The test is designed to assess learners’ communicative and interactive skills in both predictable and
spontaneous situations. It assesses the students’ level of language ability in speaking and writing,
with the receptive skills (reading and listening) being tested indirectly through preparation for the
test and through the skills required to interact effectively during the test.
Candidates receive a certificate which records their level of English using a scale based on the
Council of Europe Common Scale. Success is measured according to whether the learner attains a
level which correlates with his / her self-evaluation or that of his/her teacher. There is no fail grade
as such because performance is measured by what the candidate can do and not according to what
they are expected to be able to do. These ‘can do’ statements are printed on the back of the certificate
and candidates will also be provided with a translation in their own languages
TIE is a learner-centred exam. It is flexible, designed to recognise and accommodate the needs and
interests of each learner whatever their level of English, age, cultural or educational background.
The test is task-based with the content chosen by each individual learner and can therefore be used to
assess learners with the following needs and motivations:
- learners of English for general purposes;
- learners of English for business, professional or academic purposes;
- learners of English as a second language.
TIE is in two parts – the Oral Test (30 minutes per 2 candidates) and the Written Test (60 minutes).
All the elements of both parts are compulsory and are designed to build upon learners’ background
knowledge, provide relevant language development opportunities to suit the needs of each student,
and reflect tasks with which they will be familiar from the English language classroom and their
daily lives. Both parts of the test must be taken on the same day.
The test takes the form of a face to face interview between an examiner and two candidates.
Candidates are assessed on their use of spoken English to answer short questions and present
the material prepared for the exam. Each candidate has a long turn to present their investigation
and either their book or news story. Candidates are also assessed on their ability to interact with
their partner and the examiner.
The first task requires candidates to write about their News Story or Book. They will be
expected to write about 150 words giving a personal response or attitude to the story or book.
The second task requires candidates to write approximately 150 words on a familiar topic in the
form of a narrative, description, or simple argumentation.
In preparing for the test, the learners are required to carry out three standard, pre-specified tasks.
These form the framework within which the learners select their own topics and materials, and
decide how to develop each task. In addition, there are two spontaneous tasks in the test, which
require the learners to respond in speaking and writing to unpredictable situations. Assessment is
made according to how well each candidate performs in carrying these out.
TIE candidates are required to do the following preparation for the test:
TIE is a task-based test. The TIE tasks specify what the learner is required to do both in preparation
for the test and in the test itself. There is no content-based syllabus for this examination as students
select topics and materials that reflect their individual areas of interest or specialisation. Therefore, in
this respect, TIE is designed to be inherently flexible. This makes TIE suitable for all learners of all
backgrounds, interests and needs.
The choices of topics for each task depend on the learner but their teacher can help and guide them
as necessary,
All candidates who complete TIE receive a statement of results and provided that the candidate does
not receive a DNF (did not fulfil) in either component of the exam, will also receive a certificate,
issued by IELT. The certificate describes their ability in both speaking and writing in English
according to the Council of Europe’s Common Scale of Language Proficiency.
The test is in two parts – the Oral Test (approx. 30 minutes per 2 candidates) and the Written Test (1
hour). All the elements of each part are compulsory; there are no options available. Each element
builds upon each learner’s background knowledge and reflects a task-based approach to learning.
For the TIE oral exam there is one examiner for two candidates for 75% of interviews and two
examiners for 25%. In exceptional circumstances, IELT reserves the right to increase the number of
candidates in an interview to three.
The Oral test requires candidates to take part in an interview lasting 25-30 minutes per two
candidates; 40-45 minutes for three candidates.
Candidates are required to bring the following into the exam:
- their logbook (and any other realia regarding their investigation as appropriate);
- their book;
- their News Story.
Important: candidates must bring a hard copy of their logbooks, books and newspaper articles.
Students not having the requisite materials will receive a DNF (Did Not Fulfil). Candidates
who have not completed the necessary preparation for the exam, will also receive a DNF.
Candidates may bring a monolingual or bilingual dictionary (no digital, only paper versions).
Candidates are not allowed to refer to any material during the writing test.
Task 1 (prepared)
Candidates do not know in advance whether they will be required to write about their book or
their new story
Candidates are asked to write an essay about either their Book or News Story. Each candidate is
asked to write about the task s/he didn’t discuss in the Oral test, i.e. if the candidate discussed his/her
book in the Oral test, s/he is asked to write about her News Story, and vice versa.
Task 2 (unprepared)
Candidates are asked to respond in writing to an ‘authentic’ task, e.g. writing an article to give
information, a formal or informal letter, a report or a review. All tasks are derived from general
personal experience. Please note that candidates are not graded on format, e.g. layout of an informal
letter or email but punctuation and paragraphing are important.
The TIE Scale of Assessment has been drawn up using the Council of Europe’s Common
Framework Scale of Language Proficiency. The TIE Scale is made up of 6 basic levels and the
addition of a + at A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1:
Proficient User: C1, C1+, C2
Independent User: B1, B1+, B2, B2+
Basic User: A1, A1+, A2, A2+
The back of the TIE certificate provides the scale along with a description of what each level means.
After taking TIE, each candidate is awarded a certificate recording either:
Two Grades –
OTIE (Oral) and WTIE (Written)
One Overall Grade
Students will also receive a ‘Statement of Results’ sent by email. This ‘Statement of Results will
give a breakdown of the four skills – Speaking and Listening and Writing and Reading. If preferred
students, may still receive a certificate showing two grades – OTIE and WTIE.
Results are issued within approximately 15 working days. Certificates are later issued and this
normally takes approximately four to six weeks. All results are sent to the schools or institutions
entering the candidates and it is their responsibility to ensure that candidates receive their
certificates. In the case of individual adult candidates certificates can be sent directly to the
candidates but there will be an additional charge for postage.
The TIE certificate is suitable for inclusion in a learner’s Council of Europe language portfolio or
Duration and Format
The Speaking test takes 30 minutes. There are five components.
The speaking test is done in pairs with an examiner and is recorded. The exam assesses the ability of
both candidates to interact with each other, as well as with the interlocutor.
The format and timing of the speaking test can be represented as follows:
*The oral and written sections of the exam are organised so that the book and the news story are
referred to alternately in the oral test and the written test. For example, if a candidate has been
required to do a task on his book in the oral test, he will then be asked to do a task on his news story
in the written part, and vice versa. This means that candidates are always expected to carry out one
task referring to each of these prepared tasks in either the oral or the written test. The candidates do
not know beforehand which one will come up in which part of the test.
The timings for Junior TIE are slightly shorter in each section as the interview lasts 25 minutes rather
than 30 but all components are included.
Important: The examiner decides which candidate talks about their News Story and which
candidate talks about their Book. In the introduction both candidates participate equally; in the
investigation each candidate takes an individual long turn to describe his/her investigation with
comments or questions from the other candidate(s) as appropriate. One candidate goes on to talk
about his/her book while the other candidate presents his/her news story. The decision making
task involves equal participation in the interaction.
© IELT Interactive English Language Tests Ltd 7
Detailed performance descriptors have been developed based on the Council of Europe scale. They
describe spoken performance at the six levels from A1 to C2. All criteria carry equal weight.
Interaction refers to the candidate’s ability to interact with his/her partner and the examiner.
Communicative Effectiveness refers to the candidate’s ability to convey his/her message.
Accuracy refers to the accurate and appropriate use of the candidate’s grammatical resources.
Range and Complexity refers to the variety of language at the candidate’s disposal and his/her
ability to select appropriately from it.
Phonological Control refers to the candidate’s ability to produce comprehensible speech at word
and sentence level to fulfil the demands of the test.
The Presenter: the presenter is expected to initiate the presentation or discussion, answer different
types of questions appropriately, be able to participate in any divergence from the topic, express
(dis)agreement, express an opinion, conclude a discussion and take turns using appropriate
The Respondent: the respondent is expected to question the presenter and respond to the presenter’s
input. It is important that s/he takes full advantage of every opportunity to participate in the
interview. In the same way as the presenter, s/he should be able to participate in any divergence from
the topic, express (dis)agreement, express an opinion, conclude a discussion, and take turns using
appropriate techniques. In this way, the exam assesses the ability of both candidates to interact with
each other, as well as with the Interlocutor.
The Interlocutor:
During the interview: the interlocutor manages the interaction in the interview. It is the
interlocutor’s responsibility to ensure that each candidate has an equal opportunity to interact and
participate. The interlocutor takes part in the interview by asking questions, prompting and directing
the conversation as appropriate. S/he will ask questions to provide opportunities for divergence from
the prepared topics and for development of issues arising naturally in the conversation.
After the interview: the interlocutor evaluates each candidate’s performance and awards the grades.
These are recorded on each candidate’s record form with the examiner’s signature. When two
examiners are present, this is done collaboratively.
The Assessor:
During the interview: the assessor listens to the interview and grades the candidates’ performance
on a grading sheet with the criteria for reference. S/he does not participate in the interview unless an
exceptional circumstance arises. The assessor is seated in a position where s/he is visible to the
candidates but clearly sitting apart from the interview.
Duration and Format
The Writing test takes 60 minutes. There are two tasks. Each task requires candidates to write
approximately 150 words and an absolute minimum of 100. Shorter answers will receive a DNF
(‘does not fulfil’ indicating that the candidate did not fulfil the requirements of this part of the test).
Both tasks receive equal weighting so equal time should be spent on them.
Candidates write their answers in the space provided on the question paper.
The candidates may bring a monolingual and / or bilingual dictionary into the test for reference. It is
the responsibility of each candidate to ensure they have a dictionary for the test.
Task Types
Task One (prepared)
Candidates are asked to write an essay about either their Book or News Story. Candidates select one
of two options.
Each candidate is asked to write about the task he/she did not discuss in the Oral test; if he/she
talked about his/her book, then s/he is asked to write about his/her News Story, and vice versa.
Task Two (spontaneous)
Candidates are asked to respond in writing to an ‘authentic’ task, e.g. writing an article to give
information, a formal or informal letter, a report or a review. All tasks are derived from general
personal experience. Candidates select one of two options.
Marking and Assessment
Detailed performance descriptors have been developed based on the Council of Europe scale. They
describe written performance at the six levels from A1 to C2. All criteria carry equal weight.
Production measures the candidate’s ability to produce clear, structured text.
Task Achievement assesses how appropriately, accurately and relevantly the candidate responds to
the tasks set.
Accuracy refers to the accurate and appropriate use of the candidate’s grammatical resources.
Range and Complexity refers to the variety of language at the candidate’s disposal and his/her
ability to select appropriately from it.
Orthographic Control assesses the candidate’s control of the conventions of layout, spelling and
© IELT Interactive English Language Tests Ltd 9
How can candidates prepare for TIE?
In order to prepare for taking TIE, candidates need to do the following:
1. Decide on and select a theme for their Investigation.
This is a piece of research or mini-project. The topic should be of interest or relevance to the learner
personally. They should find as much information as possible, present it in an organised way and be
prepared to present, explain and discuss it.
3. Follow a News Story over 2–3 days by watching TV, listening to the radio, scanning the
newspapers/the internet.
The candidates should take notes and must have hard copies of articles and graphics (either from
an actual newspaper and/or website with the internet address clearly visible) that they must then put
in their logbook. In the Oral Test they may be asked about the different sources of information or
different media that they used to follow their news item.
The News Story must be relatively current (that is, it happened approximately 1 to 3 weeks previous
to the candidate’s exam date) and cannot be a film or a book review.
The logbook is not assessed. However, production of the logbook at the Oral test is compulsory.
1. Planning: Teachers and students negotiate the themes, the activities, the timetable and the
2. Investigating and gathering information: Students read books and newspapers, talk to
people who have relevant information and take notes about what they say; they visit
interesting places and observe the art, architecture, scenery or atmosphere. They keep their
logbooks up-to-date with brochures, leaflets, photographs and postcards, as well as their
notes. One investigation may be conducted by a group of students, but each is required to
keep an individual logbook.
3. Reflecting: The Council of Europe hopes that language learning will contribute to the
personal and professional development of the individual. Reflecting on the personal value of
the task as a language learning activity is an important element of TIE. Some suggestions of
how to encourage this are - discussion in groups, pairs or with the teacher; keeping a diary of
what they have done and how they feel about it; conducting a dialogue (written or spoken)
between the teacher and candidate.
4. Presenting: The Oral Test is the culmination of the candidates’ activities and is their
opportunity to show how well they can perform in English.
Sources of information:
• newspapers/ magazines;
• Internet websites.
Important: Journals such as Newsweek and Time are not acceptable if they are the only sources of
information, i.e. they must be used in conjunction with a selection of texts from other sources.
Monthly magazines are also not acceptable as a sole source of information.
Candidates need to prepare and be able to talk about their News Story.
Taking part in the oral test: Below are some examples of questions that the Interlocutor or the other
candidate might ask. Please note, however, that, after the first question, the conversation will be
contingent and reciprocal. In other words, each ‘turn’ will depend entirely on what has already been
said. The discussion is, therefore, guided by the material and not by a pre-set list of questions.
Therefore, it is important that candidates listen to each other and respond appropriately.
- What story did you choose? Why did you choose this story?
- What appealed to you about the story?
- How do you think it will / did it end?
- What do think will happen next? Why?
- What did you learn from this story?
- What sources did you use to find out about the story?
- Why did you like/dislike certain sources?
- How did these sources differ?
- Which sources did you find best/easiest to follow?
• memorize a summary.
The rubric will ask about the candidate’s personal response or attitude to the story. A summary of the
story may be appropriate as part of the task but it should not occupy more than a few lines of the text.
Candidates may consult any dictionaries that they have brought with them.
• express an opinion;
• ask another student for his/her opinion;
• agree or disagree;
• ask questions (of his/her partner or the examiner).
TIE is available for candidates all year round. It is administered from the IELT office. All exam
sessions are carefully coordinated and monitored by the TIE Coordinator in order to ensure that
quality is assured in all aspects of the test. Applications for TIE are normally made through the
candidates’ language school or college. All arrangements are made by the school or college on behalf
of their candidates. Application forms are also available on the website.
Applications should be received a minimum of 10 working days before the test date to enable
arrangements to be made.
Replacement copies of certificates can be issued but will incur a cost of €30. Results are held on a
secure database for a period of two years after which certificates cannot be reissued.
If you would like to find out more about the Test of Interactive English, please contact IELT –
Interactive English Language Tests:
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