2019 G09 Mathematics EM 0
2019 G09 Mathematics EM 0
2019 G09 Mathematics EM 0
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Publishers Note
This book is being published in accordance with National Curriculum 2006 and
National Textbook and Learning Materials Policy 2007 as per International standards.
This book has been selected by Government of Punjab as sole textbook for adoption
and distribution in all Government Schools in Punjab. Suggestion are invited for
improvement of this book by pointing out any error in spellings, contents etc.
Unit TITLE Page
Unit Outlines
1.1 Introduction to Matrices
1.2 Types of Matrices
1.3 Addition and Subtraction of Matrices
1.4 Multiplication of Matrices
1.5 Multiplicative Inverse of a Matrix
1.6 Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations
Students Learning Outcomes
After studying this unit, the students will be able to:
* define
• a matrix with real entries and relate its rectangular layout (formation)
with real life,
• rows and columns of a matrix,
• the order of a matrix,
• equality of two matrices.
* define and identify row matrix, column matrix, rectangular matrix, square
matrix, zero/null matrix, identity matrix, scalar matrix, diagonal matrix,
transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices.
* know whether the given matrices are conformable for addition/subtraction.
* add and subtract matrices.
* multiply a matrix by a real number.
* verify commutative and associative laws under addition.
* define additive identity of a matrix.
* find additive inverse of a matrix.
* know whether the given matrices are conformable for multiplication.
* multiply two (or three) matrices.
* verify associative law under multiplication.
* verify distributive laws.
* show with the help of an example that comm~tative law under multiplication
does not hold in general (i.e., AB t= BA).
* define multiplicative identity of a matrix.
* verify the result (AB)1 =B1At.
Matrices and Determinants 2
1.1 Matrix
A rectangular array or a formation of a collection of real numbers, say 0, 1, 2, 3,
1 3 4
4 and 7, such as; and then enclosed by brackets'[ ]'is said to form
7 2 '() .
We see that:
(a) the order of matrix A= the order of matrix B
(b) their corresponding elements are equal.
Thus A=B
2 3 2 3
(ii) L -- [ -1 2 J and M -- [ -1 2
J are not equal matrices.
We see that order of L = order of M but entries in the second row and second
column are not same, so L -::t M.
Matrices and Determinants 4
(iii) p = [ _~ 3]
2 and Q = [-12 3 2 04] are not equal matrices.
1. Find the order of the following matrices.
A= [:5 ~]' B = [;
~]' c =[ 2 4 ],
[~]. E= [ ~ ;]. F = [ 2]
4 ~]. H= [ i 3
0 :]
2. Which of the following matrices are equal?
A= [ 3 ], B= [3 5 ], c =[ 5 - 2 ],
[2+2 2-2]
J= 2+4 2+0
3. Find the values of a, b, c and d which satisfy the matrix equation
e.g., M = [
~] and N = l~l
are column matrices oforder 2-by- l and 3-by- l
rectangular matrices. The order of A is 3-by-2, the order of B is 2-by-3, the order of C
is 1-by-3 and order of D is 3-by-1, which indicates that in each matrix the number of
rows =t the number of columns.
(iv) Square Matrix
A matrix is called a square matrix, if its number of rows is equal to its number
of columns.
A=[~ A'=[~
e.g., (i) If 1
, then 12 -11
-1 4 0 -2
(ii) If B = [~
-1 ~] , then B'=[i -~]
(iii) If C= [0 1] , then d = [ ~]
If a matrix A is of order 2-by-3, then order of its transpose At is 3-by-2.
(vii) Negative of a Matrix
Let A be a matrix. Then its negative, -A is obtained by changing the signs of all
the entries of A, i.e.,
If A= [ ~ -; J, then -A= [ =~ ~ J.
(viii) Symmetric Matrix
A square matrix is symmetric, if it is equal to its transpose i.e., matrix A is
symmetric if At= A.
e.g., (i) If
M= [~ ~ -1
l is a square matrix, then
M'= -1
~l A'=[~ ~J~A
1 -1
(ii) If 2 2
A=[-! ilien
1 2
e.g.; if A= -2
0 20 3]1 , then
[-3 -1 0
At= 2
-20 -3] [o
-1 = - (-2) 0
0 !] =-A
[3 1 0 -(-3) -(-1) 0 -3 -1
Note: (i) The scalar matrix and identity matrix are diagonal matrices.
(ii) Every diagonal matrix is not a scalar or identity matrix.
1. From the following matrices, identify unit matrices, row matrices, column
matrices and null matrices.
D= [~ ~], E = [ 0 ],
ll ~1J
(iii) [: =:J
(iv) [~
1.r 01] (v) 1 426]
(vi) [3 10 -1]
(vii) m (viii)
H~ ~J (ix) [
From the following matrices, identify diagonal, scalar and unit (identity)
A=UJ,s=[; -1 ]
1 ' c=
3 ~]'
[=! ;],
D= E= [; -; ]
5. Find the transpose of each of the following matrices:
e.g., A + B =[ i ~ ~ ]+ [ - 2
1 ; ~]
-[2+(-2) 3+3 o+4 J-[o 6 4]
- 1+1 0+2 6+3 - 2 2 9
1.3.2 Subtraction of Matrices
If A and B are two matrices of same order, then subtraction of matrix B from
matrix A is obtained by subtracting the entries of matrix B from the corresponding
entries of matrix A and it is denoted by A- B.
i.e., A - B =[~
4 ;]
2-0 3-2
4-2 J= [ 2 1
- [ 1-(-1) 5-4 0-3 2 1
Some solved examples regarding addition and subtraction are given below.
2+5 5-2
O+l -l+(-1) 73+2
+4] = 1
1+7 7
and A-B=A+(-B) =H
(b) If
2+3] =(30
2+4 3
Note that the order of a matrix is unchanged under the operation of matrix addition
and matrix subtraction.
11 Mathematics 9
Let A= r ~ =~ ~1
-1 3 2
be a matrix of order 3-by-3 and k = -2 be a real number.
kA = (-2)A
=(-2)r ~ -1 4 r (-2)(1) (-2)(-1)
-1 0 = (-2)(2) (-2)(-1)
(-2)(4) r-2
(-2)(0) = -4
2 0
-1 3 2 1 (-2)(-1) (-2)(3) 1
(-2)(2) 2 -6 -4
Scalar multiplication of a matrix leaves the order of the matrix unchanged.
1.3.4 Commutative and Associative Laws of Addition of Matrices
(a) Commutative Law under Addition
If A and B are two matrices of the same order, then A + B = B + A is called
commulative law under addition.
2 3 -2
[ 25
6 4
1 2
3 -2
then A+B =[ 2; 6 4
1 2
2+3 3-2
5-1 ' 6+4
2+4 1 +2 En ~ [: ,~
B+A = [-~ -~ i ] +
[ ; ] = [ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ; ]
4 -4 2 2 1 3 6 3 -1
Thus the commutative law of addition of matrices is verified:
(b) Associative Law under Addition
If A, B and C are three matrices of same order, then
(A + B) + C =A + (B + C) is called associative law under addition.
Matrices and Determinants 12
Let A =[; ~1 ~3 ] , B =
u~ 0] [ 3 -2 -!5]) [-i1
then (A + B) + C = ( 1 + -1 4
~2 ~3]
3 4 2
2+3 3-2 . 0+5] [ 1 2
= 5-1
[ 2+4
6 + 4 1+1 + -21 0
1+2 3-4 2
1 2
=U 10
}, ] + [
A+ (B +C)= [ 2; 6
0] [ 3+1
1 + -1-2
4+0 1+4
5 +3 J
1 3 4+1 2+2 -4+0
0] [4 0 ~ J=[ ~
1 + -3 4 10
1 3 5 4 -4 7 5
Thus the associative law of addition is verified:
(A+ B) + C =A+ (B + C)
1.3.5 Additive Identity of a Matrix
If A and B are two matrices of same order and
then matrix B is called additive identity of matrix A.
For any matrix A and zero matrix 0 of same order, 0 is called additive identity
of A as
e.g., let A= [ ~ ; J and 0 = [ g g]
then A+O=[~ ; J + [ g g 1= [; ;]=A
O+A=[g g 1+ [; ; 1= [; ;]=A
13 Mathematics 9
Let A= [ ~ -~ -~ ]
3 1 0
1 -~ ]
is additive inverse of A.
It can be verified as
A+B =
u 2
-21 ] + r-10
0 -3
[ (1) + (-1)
(3) + (-3)
[-~ -2
(2) + (-2)
(1) + (-1) ]
(-2) + (2)
u g] 0
B+A =
-1 0
2 + [ 01
1 -~]
[ (-1) + (1) (-2) + (2) (-1)+(1)]
= O+O (1)+(-1) (2) + (-2)
(-3)+(3) (-1)+(1) O+O
= [
g] =0
Since A + B = 0 = B + A
Therefore, A and B are additive inverse of each other.
1. Which of the following matrices are conformable for addition?
2. Find the additive inverse of following matrices.
A= [ !2 1]' B= -1
3 ' C=
-1] [_~],
-2 1
D= [ -~ -~ l E= [ b ~]' F= [ '1]
-1 ~
3. If A= [-1 2
~l B= [-~l C= [1 -1 2], D- -1 0
[12~l then find,
(iv) D+ 2 O [o ~] (v) 2A (vi) (-l)B
7. If 2 [ _~ :J +3[~ -! ] = [ 1~ 10]
1 , then find a and b.
= r-1+9
0+6] = [8
0_6 _ 1 _ 6] , is a 2-by-2 matrix.
1 6
1.4.1 Associative Law under Multiplication
If A, B and C are three matrices conformable for multiplication then associative
law under multiplication is given as
(AB)C =A(BC)
4 +6 6+3 ] [ 10 9]
= [ -2+0 -3+0 = -2 -3
R.H.S. =AB + AC
If A = [ ~ _~ J, B = [ ~ ~ J, then
21 Mathematics 9
A= [ - ~ ~], B= [ _ ~ -~ ] , C = [ -; -~ ]
Verify that (i) (AB)t = Bt At (ii) (BC)t =ct Bt.
1.5 Multiplicative Inverse of a Matrix
1.5.1 Determinant of a 2-by-2 Matrix
~ ].
e.g., Let B = [ _
i.e., Adj A = [ -~ -: ]
Matrices and Determinan.ts 22
IMI = I~ ~ I = ad - be :t= 0
. [ d - b ] I -Adj _
atjd AdJ M = _ c a , then ~ = IMI
-3 -21 ]
Thus A
_1 Adj A [ 1
=IA!= --_-- -
2 --
2 2
-I 2 5 5 ]
~dAA =[ -l
23 Mathematics 9
= [~ -:J
3 -1 I = 3 -:;; 0-
=> det (AB) =
IO l
= H°~' -23+3] = H~
-1 -1 -1
~Hi u
Thus the law (AB) =B A is verified.
1. Find the determinant of the following matrices.
(i) A = [ -1
O (ii) B =[ 1
[ 4 ;Jana[_: -;J (ii)[~ i]ana[-; -~J
6. If A = [ ~l ~ J, B = [ --: =~ J, D = [ ! 1·2 ; then verify that
(AB)- 1 =B-lA- 1
(i) (ii) (DA)-l = A- n-l
Then [ ~ ~ J [~ J = [ : J
or AX=B
where A = [ ~J ~ J, X = [ ~ J and
.• B= [: J
or X = A-fB·· · IAI =ad - be
Adj A _1 Adj A
or X =IA! x B ·: A = IA! and IAI :;t: 0
x ] = [ -~ -: ] [ : ]
or [ y ad-be
dm-bn ]
- [ -cm +an
dm-bn an-cm
=> x= ad-be and y =ad-be
(ii) Cramer's Rule
Consider the following system of linear equations.
We know that
AX = B, where A = [ ~ ~ J, X = [ ~ J and B = [ : J
or or
an-cm IAyl
and y = IAI = IAI
A= [ _~ -; J, Ax= [ ; -; J, Ay = [ -~ ; J
IAI = 1-~
-3 I= 9 - 4 =5 :t 0 (A is non-singular)
27 Mathematics 9
1 -2
IAXI 2 3 3+4 7
x= IAI = ·5 =-5-=5
3 1
y= IAI =
-2 2 I =-5-=5
6+2 8
The length of a rectangle is 6 cm less than three times its width. The perimeter
of.the rectangle is 140 cm. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.
(by using matrix inversion method)
If width of the rectangle is x cm, then length of the rectangle is
y = 3x-6,
from the condition of the question.
The perimeter= 2x + 2y = 140 (According to given condition)
=> x + y =70 ...... (i)
and 3x-·y = 6 ...... (ii)
In the matrix form
det [; -1
1 ] - ., 1
- 3
I = 1x(-1) -3 x 1 = -1- 3 = -4
:;t: 0
We know that
_1 _Adj A
X=A- 1B and A - IAI
[x]---4-1 [-1-3 . -1]1 [70]6
-1[-70-6] -1[~76]
=4 -210+6 =4 -204 = 4
Thus, by the equality of matrices, width of the rectangle x = 19 cm and the
length y = 51 cm.
Verification of the solution to be correct, i.e.,
p = 2x 19 + 2x51 = 38 + 102 = 140 cm
Matrices and Determinants 30
4. 2
If A= [ 1
3] -
0 ' B-
L-2 ~ J, then find the following.
(i) 2A + 3B (ii) -3A + 2B
(iii) -3(A + 2B) (1v) 32 (2A- 3B)
The numbers are the foundation of mathematics and we use different kinds of
numbers in our daily life. So it is necessary to be familiar with various kinds of
Real and Complex Numbers 34
In this unit we shall discuss real numbers and complex numbers including their
properties. There is a one-one correspondence between real numbers and the points
on the real line. The basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and
di vision on complex numbers will also be discussed in this unit.
2.1 Real Numbers
We recall the following sets before giving the concept of real numbers.
Natural Numbers
The numbers 1, 2, 3, ... which we use for counting certain objects are called
natural numbers or positive integers. The set of natural numbers is denoted by N.
i.e., N = {1, 2, 3, ... }
Whole Numbers
If we include 0 in the set of natural numbers, the resulting set is the set of whole
numbers, denoted by W,
i.e., W = {O, 1, 2, 3, ... }
The set .of integers consist of positive integers, 0 and negative integers and is
denoted by Z i.e., Z = {... , -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... }
2.1.1 Set of Real Numbers
First we recall about the set of rational and irrational numbrs.
Rational Numbers
All numbers of the form p/q where p, q are integers and q is not zero are called
rational number'.'>. The set of rational numbers is denoted by Q,
i.e:, Q= { %I p, q E Z" q *0 }
Irrational Numbers
The numbers which cannot be expressed as quotient of integers are called
irrational numbers.
The set of irrational numbers is denoted by Q',
For example, the numbers -{2 ,V ,-{5° , and e are all irrational num~ers.
The union of the set of rational numbers and irrational numbers is known as the
set of r.~al numbers. It is denoted by R,
i.e., R = Q u Q'
Here Q and Q' are both subset of R and Q 11 Q' = <\>
35 Mathematics 9
(i) NcWcZcQ
(ii) Q and Q' are disjoint sets.
(iii) for each prime number p, -JP"
is an
irrational number.
(iv) square roots of all positive non-square
integers are irrational.
i.e., N c W c Z c Q c R
2.1.2 Depiction of Real Numbers on Number Line
The real numbers are represented geometrically by points on a number line I
such that each real number 'a' corresponds to one and only one point on number line I
and to each point P on number line !there corresponds precisely one real number.
This type of association or relationship is called a one-to-one correspondence. We
establish such correspondence as below .
. We first choose an arbitrary point 0 (the origin) on a horizontal line ! and
associate with it the real number 0. By convention, numbers to the right of the origin
are positive and numbers to the left of the origin are negative. Assign the number 1 to
the point A so that the line segment OA represents one unit of length.
p' 0 A p
II( I I I I I I I I I I I .. f,
.-a -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 a
The number 'a' associated with a point Pon I is called the coordinate of P, and
I is called the coordinate line or the real number line. For any real number a, the
point P'(-a) corresponding to -a lies at the same distance from 0 as the point P (a)
corresponding to a but in the opposite direction.
2.1.3 Demonstration of a Number with Terminating and Non-Terminating
decimals on the Number Line
First we give the following concepts of rational and i,rrational numbers.
(a) Rational Numbers
The decimal representations of rational numbers are of two types, terminating
. and recurring.
Real and Complex Numbers 36
or 9x= 3 =>
- 1
Hence0.3 =3
37 Mathematics 9
-2 -1 MO 2
15 1 .
(ii) T = 2 + ·::r It lies between 2 and 3.
Real and Complex Numbers 38
.. I
-3 -2
0 2p
... f
Divide the distance between 2 and 3 into seven equal parts. The point P
15 1
represents the number 7 = 2 7 .
(iii) For representing the rational number, -1§-, divide the unit length between -1
and -2 into nine equal parts. Take the end of the 7th part from -1. The point M
in the following figure represents the rational number, -1~ ·
1111 llflllllll I I ... ,f,
- 2M -I 0 2
1111 I
0 pj\ l\
-3 -2 -1 3
1. Identify which of the following are rational and irrational numbers.
(i) --J3 (ii) i (iii) 7t (iv) i
(v) 7.25 (vi) -.J29
2. Convert the following fractions into decimal fractions.
(") 19 "') 57 (' ) 205 . 25
(1') 25
11 4 (111 g lV lS (v)
g (v1) 38
3. Which of the following statements are true and which are false?
(i) ~is an in:.~tional number. (ii) 7t is an irrational number.
39 Mathematics 9
(1.) 3
2 (")
11 - S4 3
("ll1') 14 ('lV ) -
2S (v) 2 3
4 (vi) '15
5. Give a ration~ number between% and i.
6. Express the following recurring decimals as the rational number !!.. where
p, q are integers and qt:. 0. (i) 0.5 (ii) 0.13 (iii) 0. 67
then 2 + 3 = 3 + 2
or 5 =5
(iii) Associative Property
(a+ b) + c =a+ (b + c), '<:/a, b, c E R
e.g., if 5, 7, 3 E R,
then (5 + 7) + 3 = 5 + (7 + 3)
or 12 + 3 = 5 + 10
or 15 = 15
Real and Complex Numbers 40
then (~)(~)=(~)(~)
(iii) Associative Property
(ab)c = a(bc), \;/ a, b, c E R
e.g., if 2, 3, 5 E R
then (2 x 3) x 5 = 2 x (3 x 5)
or 6 x 5 = 2 x 15
or 30 = 30
(iv) Multiplicative Identity
There exists a unique real number 1, called the multiplicative identity, such that
a . 1 =a = 1 . a, \;/ a E R
(v) Multiplicative Inverse
For every non-zero real number, there exists a unique real number a- or
called multiplicative inverse of a, such that
41 Mathematics 9
aa- 1 =1 = a- 1a
1 1
or a x - = 1 =- x a
a a
e.g., if 5 e R, then~ e R
such that
1 1
(ii) ~n fa - 'fa
-\Jb - ~
!'In =a
(iii) (iv) W'=c'far (v) -\la
2.3.3 Transformation of an Expression given in Radical form to Exponential
form and vice versa
The method of transforming expression in radical form to exponential form and
vice versa is explained in the following examples.
Example 1
Write each radical expression in exponential ·notation and each exponential
expression in radical notation. Do not simplify.
+s (ii) w (iii) /
14 . )
( lV X
(iii) /
Example 2
= w or c1Y ) 3
(iv) £ n = ~ or
c--[x f 3
Simplify ~ 16x4/
=-\J LX)l -\J 2 -\J x \J y ' ...... property (i)
(i) 5
=-15 (ii) 2
=~ (iii) '149 ={'? (iv) V7' =x3
3. Siinplify the following radical expressions.
W2 _s {3 _3/8
(i) (ii) (iii) -\j32 (iv) -\j-Yi
2.4 Laws of Exponents I Indices
2.4.1 Base and Exponent
In the exponential notation an (read as a to the nth power) we call 'a' as the
base and 'n' as the exponent or the power to which the base is raised.
From this definition, recall that, we have the following laws of exponents.
If a, b E R and m, n are positive integers, then
I. am . an =am+n II (a m)n =amn
m IV
v VI a
= 1, whereat= 0
- n
=na1 , where a t= 0
2.4.2 Applications of Laws of Exponents
The method of applying the laws of indices to simplify algebraic expressions is
explained in the following examples. "
Example 1
Use rules of exponents to simplify each expression and write the answer in
terms of positive exponents.
-2 -3 7
x x y
(i) -3 4 (ii)
x y
Real and Complex Numbers 46
x x-3 y 7 x-5 y 7 (am an =am+n)
(i) -3 4 =--=34
x y x y
y_ -L
- -3+5 - 2 - - am-n)
x x an
Simplify the following by using laws of indices:
. ( 8
(1) 125
3 )-4/
.. 4(3)n
(11) 3n+l - 3n
(ii) 4(3t
3n+I - 3n
= 4(3t = 4(3t
3n[3 - 1] 2(3n)
= ±
1. Use laws of exponents to simplify:
213 115
(243f (32f
(i) 1
3. Simplify
21/3 x (27)1/3x(60)1/2 213 112
(216) x (25)
(i) 112 113 4 (ii)
(180) x(4f x (9/ (.04fl/2
3 2
(iii) 52 + (52)3 (iv)
32 3
(x) +x , x *0
2.5 Complex Numbers
We recall that the square of a real number is non-negative. So the solution of
the equation x2 + 1 = 0 or x2 =-1 does not exist in R. To overcome this inadequacy of
real numbers, we need a number whose square is -1. Thus the mathematicians were
tempted to introduce a larger set of numbers called the set of complex numbers which
contains R and every number whose square is negative. They invented a new number
Fi, called the imaginary unit, and denoted it by the letter i(iota) having the property
that i2 = -1. Obviously i is not a real number. It is a new mathematical entity that
enables us to enlarge the number system to contain solution of every algebraic
equation of the form x2 = -a, where a > 0. By taking new number i =Fi, the
solution set of x2 + 1 = 0 is
{Fi, -Fi} or {i, -i}
The Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler (1707 - 1783) was the first to use the
symbol i for the number Fi.
Numbers like Fi, Fs etc. are called pure imaginary numbers.
Integral Powers of i
By using i =Fi, we can easily calculate the integral powers of i.
e.g., z·2 =- 1 , z.3
=z.2x z. =-z,. z4 =z.2x z.2 =(- 1)(- 1) = 1, .8 =( .2)4 =(- 1)4 = 1,
1 1
Observe that:
(i) Every a E R may be identified with complex numbers of the form a + Oi taking
b = 0. Therefore, every real number is also a complex number. Thus R c C.
Note that every complex number is not a real number.
(ii) If a = 0, then a + bi reduces to a purely imaginary number bi. The set of purely
imaginary numbers is also contained in C.
(iii) If a =b =0, then z =0 + iO is called the complex number 0.
The set of complex numbers is shown in the following diagram:
Real Negative
numbers natural
Complex numbers
numbers Irrational
Pure numbers
2.5.3 Conjugate of a Complex Number
If we change i to -i in z = a + bi, we obtain another complex number a - bi
called the complex conjugate of z and is denoted by z
(read z bar).
Thus, if z =-1 - i, then z=-1 + i.
The numbers a + bi and a - bi are called conjugates of each other.
Note that:
(i) z =z
(ii) The conjugate of a real number z = a = a + Oi coincides with the number itself,
since z= a + Oi =a - Oi = a.
(iii) Conjugate of a real number is the same real number.
2.5.4 Equality of Complex Numbers and its Properties
For all a, b, c, d E R,
a + bi = c + di if and only if a = c and b = d.
e.g., 2x + y2i =4 + 9i if and only if
2x = 4 and y2 = 9, i.e., x = 2 and y = ± 3
Properties of real numbers Rare also valid for the set of complex numbers.
(i) z 1 = z1 (Reflexive law)
49 Mathematics 9
Example 2
Express 1 : 2i in the standard form a + bi.
1 1 1 - 2i
We have 1+2i = 1+2i x 1 - 2i
4 + 5i 1 4 + 5i
4- 5i = (4 +Si). 4- 5i x 4 + 5i (multiplying and dividing by the
conjugate of (4- 5i))
(4 + 5i) 16 + 40i + 2sP
=(4) 2 -(5i/ = 16 - 25i2
16 + 40i-25
16 + 25 (since P=-1)
Solve (3 - 4i) (x + yi) =1 + 0 · i for real numbers x and y, where i =Fi.
We have (3 - 4i)(x + yi) =1 + 0 · i
or 3x + 3iy - 4ix - 4i y 2
=1 + 0 · i
or 3x + 4y + (3y - 4x)i =1 + 0 · i
Equating the real and imaginary parts, we obtain
3x + 4y == 1 and 3y - 4x = 0
1. Identify the following statements as true or false.
(i) '1=3 '1=3 = 3 =-i
(ii) i
73 1
(iii) i 0 =-1
(iv) Complex conjugate of (-6i + i2) is (-1 + 6i)
(v) Difference of a complex number z = a + bi and its conjugate is a real
(vi) If (a - 1) - (b + 3)i = 5 + 8i, then a= 6 and b = -11
(vii) Product of a complex number and its conjugate is always a non-negative
real number.
2. Express each complex number in the standard form a + bi, where a and b are
real numbers.
(i) (2 + 3i) + (7 - 2i) (ii) 2(5 + 4i) -3 (7 + 4i)
2 3 16 19 25
(iii) -(-3 + 5i)- (4 + 9i) (iv) 2i + 6i + 3i - 6i + 4i
3. Simplify and write your answer in the form a + bi.
(i) (-7 + 3i) (-3 + 2i) (ii) (2-~) (3-~)
(iii) c-{5 - 3i) (iv) (2 - 3i) (3 - 2i)
4. Simplify and write your answer in the form a + bi.
-2 2 + 3i 9-7i
(i) (ii) (iii)
1+ i 4-i 3+i
~ ~ ~J
2- 6i 4 + i 1
+ z· - 3-+-i
(iv) - 3 (v) ( (vi)
(2 + 3i) (1 - i)
(i) z+ w = z+ w (ii) z- w = z- w
1 1
(v) 2 (z + Z) is the real part of z. (vi) 2
i (z - z) is the imaginary part of z.
53 Mathematics 9
9 (b) ff (c)
w-8 (d)
(iii) wnte
. 4213 wit. h rad'1cal sign
. ........
(xi) Which of the following sets have the closure property w.r.t. addition ......... .
(a) {O} (b) {0,-1}
(i) (ii) "'125 XI On y8m
(216) x (25) 112
4. Simplify
5. Simplify
cfJ+q ( q)q+r
( aq • :r + 5(cl · aY-r, a :f. 0
Transitive: a= b, b = e ~ a= e, Va, b, e ER
Additive property: If a = b, then a+ e = b + e, V a, b, e E R
Multiplicative property: If a= b, then ae =be, Va, b, e E R
Cancellation property: If ae =be, e-::/: 0, then a= b,V a, b, e E R
In the radical Tx ,
~ is radical sign, x is radicand or base and n is index of
Indices and laws of indices:
V a, b, e E Rand m, n E z
111 11
) =a 11
m , (ab )'
=a 11
( ~)n
=an b * 0
m n m+n
a a =a
~=am-fl a-::/: 0
an '
-n 1
a =-
an' a-::tO
a =1
* Complex number z = a + bi is defined using imaginary unit i = ~, where
a, b E R and a = Re (z), b = Im (z)
• logamn =n logam,
• logam logmn =logan.
* apply laws of logarithm to convert lengthy processes of multiplication, division
and exponentiation into easier processes of addition and subtraction etc.
The difficult and complicated calculations become easier by using logarithms.
Abu Muhammad Musa Al Khwarizmi first gave the idea of logarithms. Later
on, in the seventeenth century John Napier extended his work on logarithrris and
prepared tables for logarithms. He used "e" as the base for the preparation of
logarithm tables. Professor Henry Briggs had a special interest in the work of John
Napier. He prepared logarithim tables with base 10. Antilogarithm table was prepared
by Jobst Burgi in 1620 A.D.
Logarithms 58
1. Express each of the following numbers in scientific notation.
(i) 5700 (ii) 49,800,000 (iii) 96,000,000
(iv) 416.9 (v) 83,000 (vi) 0.00643
(vii) 0.0074 (viii) 60,000,000 (ix) 0.00000000395
2. Express the following numbers in ordinary notation.
(i) 6 x 10--4 (ii) 5.06 x 10 10
(iii) 9.018 x 10-6 (iv) 7.865 x 108
3.2 Logarithm
Logarithms are useful tools for accurate and rapid computations. Logarithms
with base 10 are known as common logarithms and those with base e are known as
natural logarithms. We shall define logarithms with base a> 0 .and a =t 1.
3.2.1 Logarithm of a Real Number
If ax= y. then xis called the logarithm of y to the base 'a' and is written as
loga y = x, where a > 0, a =t 1 and y > 0
i.e., the logarithm of a number y to the base 'a' is the index x of the power to
which a must be raised to get that number y.
The relations ax= y and loga y = x are equivalent. When one relation is given, it
can be converted into the other. Thus
I ax =y <:::} loga y ~ x I
ax = y and loga y = x are respectively exponential and logarithmic forms of the
same solution.
To explain these remarks ,we observe that
2 Logarithm of a
3 = 9 is equivalent to log39 = 2
negative number
and 2-
=~is equivalent to log2 ( 1) = -1. is not de.fined at
this stage.
Similarly, we can say that
log327 = 3 is equivalent to 27 = 33.
Logarithms 60
Example 3
Find log4 2, i.e., find log of 2 to the base 4.
Let log4 2 = x
Then its exponential form is 4x = 2
i.e., 22.t = 2 1 => 2x = 1
.. x=2
Deductions from Definition of Logarithm
1. Since a0 = 1, logal = 0 2. Since a 1 =a, logaa = 1
3.2.2 Definitions of Common Logarithm, Characteristic and Mantissa
Definition of Common Logarithm
In numerical calculations, the base of logarithm is always taken as 10. These
logarithms are called common logarithms or Briggesian logarithms in honour of
Henry Briggs, an English mathematician and astronomer, who developed them.
Characteristic and Mantissa of Log of a Number
Consider the following:
103 = 1000 ¢=> log 1000 = 3
10 = 100 ¢=> log 100 = 2
10 = 10 ¢=> log 10 = 1
10° = 1 ¢=> log 1 = 0
10- 1 =0.1 ¢=> log 0.1 = -1
10-2 = 0.01 ¢=> log 0.01 =-2
10- = 0.001 ¢=> log 0.001 = -3
By convention, if only the common logarithms are used throughout a
discussion, the base 10 is not written.
Also consider the following table
For the numbers the logarithm is
Between 1 and 10 a decimal
Between 10 and 100 1+ a decimal
Between 100 and 1000 2+ a decimal
Between 0.1 and 1 -1 + a decimal
Between 0.01 and 0.1 -2+ a decimal
Between 0.001and0.01 -3+ a decimal
61 Mathematics 9
Observe that
The logarithm of any number consists of two parts:
(i) an integral part which is positive for a number greater than 1 and negative for a
number less than 1, is called the characteristic of logarithm of the number.
(ii) a decimal part which is always positive, is called the mantissa of the logarithm
of the number.
(i) Characteristic of Logarithm of a Number > 1
The first part of above table shows that if a number has one digit in the integral
part, then the characteristic is zero; if its integral part has two digits, then the
characteristic is one; with three digits in the integral part, the characteristic is two, and
In other words, the characteristic of the logarithm of a number greater than 1 is
always one less than the number of digits in the integral part of the number.
When a number b is written in the scientific notation, i.e., in the form
b = a x 1()'1 where 1 ~ a < 10, the power of 10 i.e., n will give the characteristic of
log b.
Characteristic of
Number Scientific Notation
the Logarithm
1.02 1.02 x 10° 0
99.6 9.96 x 10 1
102 1.02 x 102 2
1662.4 1.6624 x 103 3
Characteristic of Logarithm of a Number < 1
The second part of the table indicates that, if a number has no zero immediately
after the decimal point, the characteristic is -1; if it has one zero immediately after
the decimal point, the characteristic is -2; if it has two zeros immediately after the
decimal point, the characteristic is -3; etc.
In other words, the characteristic of the logarithm of a number less than 1, is
always negative and one more than the number of zeros immediately after the
decimal point of the number.
Write the characteristic of the log of following numbers by expressing them in
scientific notation and noting the power of 10.
0.872, 0.02, 0.00345
Logarithms 62
Scientific Characteristic of the
Notation Logarithm
0.872 8.72 x 10-1 -1
0.02 2.0 x 10-2 -2
0.00345 3.45 x 10-3 -3
When a number is less than 1, the characteristic of its logarithm is written by
convention, as 3, 2 or T instead of -3, -2 or -1 respectively (3 is read as bar 3) to
avoid the mantissa becoming negative.
Note: 2.3748 does not mean -2.3748. In 2.3748, 2 is negative but .3748 is positive;
whereas in -2.3748 both 2 and .3748 are negative.
(ii) Finding the Mantissa of the Logarithm of a Number
While the characteristic of the logarithm of a number is written merely by
inspection, the mantissa is found by making use of logarithmic tables. These tables
have been constructed to obtain the logarithms up to 7 decimal places. For all
practical purposes, a four-figure logarithmic table will provide sufficient accuracy.
A logarithmic table is divided into 3 parts.
(a) The first part of the table is the extreme left column headed by blank square.
This column contains numbers from 10 to 99 corresponding to the first two
digits of the number whose logarithm is required.
(b) The second part of the table consists of 10 columns, headed by 0, 1, 2, .. .,9.
These headings correspond to the third digit from the left of the number. The
numbers under these columns record mantissa of the logarithms with decimal
point omitted for simplicity.
(c) The third part of the table further consists of small columns known as mean
differences columns headed by 1, 2, 3, ... ,9. These headings correspond to the
fourth digit from the left of the number. The readings of these columns are
added to the mantissa recorded in second part (b) above.
When the four-figure log table is used to find the mantissa of the logarithm of a
number, the decimal point is ignored and the number is rounded to four significant
3.2.3 Using Tables to find log of a Number
The method to find log of a number is explained in the following examples. In
the first two examples, we shall confine to finding mantissa only.
Example 1
Find the mantissa of the logarithm of 43.254
63 Mathematics 9
Rounding off 43.254 we consider only the four significant digits 4325.
(i) We first locate the row corresponding to 43 in the log tables and
(ii) Proceed horizontally till we reach the column corresponding to 2. The number
at .the intersection is 6355.
(iii) Again proceeding horizontally till the mean difference column corresponding to
5 intersects this row, we get the number 5 at the intersection.
(iv) Adding the two numbers 6355 and 5, we get .6360 as the mantissa of the
logarithm of 43.25.
Find the mantissa of the logarithm of 0:002347
Here also, we consider only the four significant digits 2347
We first locate the row corresponding to 23 in the logarithm tables and proceed
as before.
Along the same row to its intersection with the column corresponding to 4 the
resulting number is 3692. The number at the intersection of this row and the
mean difference column corresponding to 7 is 13. Hence the sum of 3692 and
13 gives the mantissa of the logarithm of 0.002347 as 0.3705
Note: I
The logarithms of numbers having the same sequence of significant digits have
the same mantissa. e.g., the mantissa of log of numbers 0.002347 and 0.2347 is 0.3705
For finding the common logarithm of any given number,
(i) Round off the number to four significant digits.
(ii) Find the characteristic of the logarithm of the number by inspection.
(iii) Find the mantissa of the logarithm of the number from the log tables.
(iv) Combine the two.
Example 3
Find (i) log 278.23 (ii) log 0.07058
(i) 278.23 can be round off as 278.2
The characteristic is 2 and the mantissa, using log tables, is .4443 II
1. Find the common logaiithm of each of the following numbers.
(i) 232.92 (ii) 29.326
(iii) 0.00032 (iv) 0.3206
2. If log 31.09 = 1.4926, find values of the following
(i) log 3.109, (ii) log 310.9, (iii) log 0.003109, (iv) log 0.3109
without using tables.
3. Find the numbers whose common logarithms are (i) 3.5621 (ii) 1.7427
4. What replacement for the unknown in each of following will make the
statement true?
(i) log3 81 =L (ii) loga 6 =0.5
(iii) log5 n = 2 (iv) Hf = 40
i.e., ax+y -- mn
or log 0 (mn) = x + y = log 0 m + log 0 n
Hence log/mn) = log 0 m + log 0 n
(i) log0 (mn) t:- log 0 m X log 0 n
(ii) log 0 m + log0 n t:- log/m + n)
(iii) log 0 (mnp ... ) = log 0 m + log 0 n + logaP + ...
The rule given above is useful in finding the product of two or more numbers
using logarithms. We illustrate this with the following examples.
Example 1
Evaluate 291.3 x 42.36
Note that
Solution logJl =1
Let x = 291.3 x 42.36
Then log x =log (291.3 x 42.36)
=log 291.3 +log 42.36, (log 0 mn = log0 m + log 0 n)
= 2.4643 + 1.6269 = 4.0912
x = antilog 4.0912 = 12340
Example 2
Evaluate 0.2913 x 0.004236.
Let y = 0.2913 x 0.004236
Then logy =log 0.2913 +log 0.004236
- -
= 1.4643 + 3.6269
= 3.0912
Hence y = antilog 3.0912 = 0.001234
67 Mathematics 9
i) ( m). logam
( 1oga n * logan
Example 1
Evaluate 42 .36
291.3 291.3
Let x = 42 .36 , then log x = log 42 . .
0.002913 (0.002913)
Let Y = 0.04236 'then log Y =log 0.04236
or logy =log 0.002913 - log 0.04236
Logarithms 68
Example 1
Evaluate ~(0.0163)3
= ~(0.0163) = (0.0163)
3 314
Let y
3 3 6.6366 8 + 2.6366
Then logy =4 (log 0.0163) =4 x 2.2122 = 4 = 4
= 2 + 0.6592 = 2.6592
Hence y = antilog 2.6592
= 0.04562
(iv) Change of Base Formula
logb n.
loga n = logb n x loga b or logb a
Let logb n = x. Then n = bx
Taking log to the base a, we have
loga n = logabx = x loga b =logb n loga b
Thus loga n =logb n loga b ...... (i)
Putting n = a in the above result, we get
Logarithms 70
1. Write the following into sum or difference.
... ) 1 21x5
(i) log (Ax B) (1"1") 15.2
log 30 _5 (111 og--
_3 f7
log · \j TS (v) log
(22) 113 •
(v1) log
25 x 47
53 29
2. Express log x -2 log x + 3 log (x + 1) - log (x - 1) as a single logarithm.
3. Write the following in the form of a single fogarithm.
(i) log 21 +log 5 (ii) log 25 - 2 log 3
(iii) 2 log x - 3 logy (iv) log 5 +log 6 - log 2
4. Calculate the following:
(i) log 32 x log 28 l
5. If log 2 = 0.3010, log 3 = 0.4771, log 5 = 0.6990, then find the values of the
16 25 81
L.H.S. =7 log TS + 5 log 24 + 3 log 80
=7[log 16 - log 15] + 5[log 25 - log 24] + 3[log 81 - log 80]
=7[log 24 - log (3 x 5)] + 5[log 5 2 - log (23 x 3)] + 3[log 34
- log (2 x 5)]
=7[4 log 2 - log 3 - log 5] + 5[2 log 5 - 3 log 2 - log 3]
+ 3[4 log 3 - 4 log 2 - log 5]
73 Mathematics 9
(a) log(;) (b) log (p- q) (c) (d)
log q
(viii) log (mn) can be written as ........
(a) (log mt (b) m log n (c) nlogm (d) log (mn)
(ix) logb a X loge b can be written as ........
(a) log0 c (b) logca (c) log0 b (d) logb c
(x) logy x will be equal to ........
logz x logx z logz x logzy
(a) (b) logy z (c) (d)
logy z logz y logzx
2. Complete the following.
(i) For common logarithm, the base is ......
(ii) The integral part of the common logarithm of a number is
called the .......
(iii) The decimal part of the common logarithm of a number is called the ..... .
(iv) If x =logy, then y is, called the ...... of x.
(v) ·If the characteristic of the logarithm of a number is 2, that number will
have ...... zero(s) immediately after the decimal point.
(vi) If the characteristic of the logarithm of a number is 1, that number will
have ...... digits in its integral part.
3. Find the value of x in the following.
(i) log3x = 5 (ii) log4256 = x
. ·1·) 1og625 5 =4x
(11 c·1v) -2
1og x=3
* If ax = y,then x is called the logarithm of y to the base a and is written as
x = loga y, where a > 0, a t:. 1 and y > 0.
Unit Outlines
4.1 Algebraic Expressions
4.2 Algebraic Formulae
4.3 Surds and their Application
4.4 Rationalization
* define :~~~ as a rational expression in its lowest terms if p(x) and q(x) are
polynomials with integral coefficients and having no common factor.
* examine whether a given rational algebraic expression is in lowest from or not.
* reduce a given rational expression to its lowest terms.
* find the sum, difference and product of rational expressions.
* divide a rational expression with another and express the result in its lowest
* l find value of algebraic expression for some particular real number.
* know the formulas
(a+ b) 2 +(a - b)~ = 2(a2 + b2 ),
(a+ b) 2 - (a - b) 2 =4ab
• fmd the value of a2 + b2 and of ab when the values of a + b and a - b are
* know the formula
Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulas 76
• l
find the value of x 3 ± ~ when the value of x ± is given.
~here n, the highest power of x, is a non-negative integer called the degree of the
P,Olynomial .and each coefficient ~( 1 is a real number. The coefficient a 11 of the highest
power of x is called the leading coefficient of the polynomial. The expression
h 4y3 + x 2y2 + 8x is a polynomial \in two \variables x and y and has degree 7.
From the study of similar properties of integers and polynomials w.r.t. addition
and multiplication, we may say that polynomials behave like integers.
Self Testing
Justify the following as polynomial or not a polynomial.
(i) 3x2 + 8x + 5 (ii) x3 + ~2.x2 + 5x - 3
3x2 + 2x + 8
(iii) x2 + ~ - 4 (.IV ) 3x + 4
x + 8 , 3x + s =t o·IS a rationa
For examp1e, 2x+l
· 1 expression.
In the rational expression~~~~' p(x) is called the numerator and q(x) is known as
th e denonnnator of th e rat10n
· al expression
· p(x)
q(x)" The ration
· al express10n
· p(x)
q(x) nee d not
be a polynomial.
Every polynomial p(x) can be regarded as a rational expression, since we can
- -. Thus, every po1ynonn"al IS
· p(x) as p(x)
wnte . 1 expression,
. a ratlona . but every ration
. al
expression need not be a polynomial.
Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulas 78
Self Testing
Identify the following as a rational expression or not a rational expression.
2x + 6 .. 3x + 8 .. . .x2 + 4x + 5 . ~
(i) 3x - 4 (n) .x2 + x + 2 (m) x 2 + 3\[x + 4 (iv) 3x2 + 1
4.1.3 Properties of Rational Expressions
The method for operations with rational expressions is similar to operations
with rational numbers.
Let p(x), q(x), r(x), s(x) be any polynomials such that all values of the variable
that make a rational expression undefined are excluded from the domain. Then
following properties of rational expressions hold under the supposition that they all
are defined (i.e., denominator(s)-::/:. 0)
To examine the rational expression:~~~, find H.C.F. of p(x) and q(x). If H.C.F
is l, then the rational expression is in lowest form.
79 Mathematics 9
1 2
For example, is in its lowest form as H.C.F of x - 1 and x + 1 is 1.
x +1
=--- ...... (cancelling common factors)
which is in the lowest form.
3x2 + 18x + 27 _ 3(x2 + 6x + 9)
(ii) ...... (monomial factors)
5x2 - 45 - 5(x2 - 9)
_ 3(x + 3) (x + 3)
...... (factorizing)
- 5(x + 3)(x - 3)
_ 3(x + 3)
- 5(x- 3)
...... (cancelling common factors)
Example 1
. lify (")
i -. 1- - - -
1 + 2x 2 2x2 x 1
Simp 4 + -x-+-2
(ii) __,4x,...---1-6 - _x2___
x-y x+y x2-y
1 1 2x 1 1 2x
(i) -----+ ------+-----
x- y x + y x2-y2 - x-y x + y (x + y) (x-y)
x + y- (x-y) + 2x
(L.C.M. of denominators)
- (x + y) (x - y)
- (x + y) (x - y)
=---=---- (simplifying)
(x + y)(x-y)
= 2(x + y) 2
(cancelling common factors)
(x + y)(x-y) - x-y
2x2 x 1
(ii) +
.x4 -16 x2-4 x+2
2x2 ---+--
x 1
(difference of two squares)
- (x2 + 4) (x2 - 4) x2 - 4 x + 2
=(x2 + 4)(x2x2
+ 2) (x - 2)
- (x + 2)x(x- 2) +x -+1 -2
2.x2-x(x2 + 4) + (x2 + 4) (x- 2) 2.x2-x3 - 4x + x3 + 4x - 2.x2- 8
= (x2 + 4) (x + 2)(x- 2) = (x2 + 4) (x + 2) (x- 2) ·
(on simplification)
- (x2+4) (x+2) (x-2)
-8 -8
= 2 2 = 4
(x + 4)(x - 4) x - 16
. x+2 4x2 - 9y2
Fmd the product 2x _ 3y · xy + 2y (in simplified form)
x + 2 4x2- 9y2 (x + 2) ((2x)2 - (3y) 2]
(monomial factors)
2.x- 3y · xy + 2y - (2.x- 3y) (x + 2)y
(x + 2) (2.x + 3y) (2.x- 3y)
y(x + 2) (2.x- 3y)
_ 2x + 3y
(reduced to the lowest form)
81 Mathematics 9
?xy (x + 2)(x- 2)
=(x-2)(x-2) l4y
. . . . . . (factorizing) .
_ x(x + 2)
-2(x-2) ...... (reduced to lowest form)
1. Identify whether the following algebraic expressions are polynomials
(Yes or No).
-- c
(1') 3x 2+:x-
1 5 (ii) 3x3 -4x2 -x\JX+ 3
(iii) x2 - 3x + '12 (iv) 2x-1 +8
Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulas 82
x + 6x + 9
(iii) 2
x -9
3. Reduce the following rational expressions to the lowest form.
120 iy3z5 (ii)
8a(x +. 1)
30x3yz2 2(x - 1)
2 3 3 2 2
(iii) (x + y) - 4.xy (iv) (x - y )(x - 2xy + y )
(x- y}1 (x -y) (x + xy + y2)
(x + 2) (x 2 - 1) x
- · 4x + 4
(v) (x + 1) (x2 - 4) (vi) 2x2 - 8
5 2 2 2
64x -64x ... ) 9x - (x - 4)
(vii) 2 (Vlll 4 + 3x-x2
(8x + 8) (2x + 2)
4. Evaluate (a) for
(i) x = 3, y = -1, z = -2 (ii) x = -1, y = -9, z = 4
x y3- 5z4
(b) ~--for x= 4,y=-2,z=-1
5. Perform the indicated operation and simplify.
(i) 15 4 (ii) 1 + 2x 1 - 2x
2x - 3y - 3y - 2x 1 - 2x 1 + 2x
x 2 -25 x+5 x _y_ 2xy
(iii) 2 - (iv) - - - - 2 2
x -36 x+6 x-y x+y x -y
x-2 x+2 1
_______1 2
2___ 4
(v) 2 - 2 (vi) -4--
x +6x+9 2x - 18 x-1 x+l x +1 x -1
6. Perform the indicated operation and simplify.
(i) (x2 _ 49 ) . 5x + 2
(ii) 4x - 12 + 8 - 2x
x2 - 9 x + 6x + 9
6 6 2
x 2 - y 2+x+xy+y
( 4 +5
x -1 x
(1'1'1') 2 2 4) (iv) 2 · --
x -y x +2x+l 1-x
2 2 2
x +xy x +xy x -x
y(x + y) · y(x + y) + xy - 2y
-------------------8;;;3;------------;M-;,.a~th:ematics 9
4.2 Algebraic Formulae
4.2.1 Using the formulas
2 2 2 2
(i) (a+ b) +(a -b) = 2(a + b ) and (a+ b)2 - (a -b) 2 = 4ab
The process of finding the values of a + b2 and ab is explained in the following
If a+ b =7 and a - b =3, then find the value of (a) a 2 + b2 (b) ab
We are given that a+ b =7 and a- b= 3
(a) To find the value of (a 2 + b2), we use the formula
(a+ b) +(a - b)2 = 2(a2 + b2 )
Substituting the values a + b = 7 and a - b = 3, we get
2 2 2
(7) + (3) = 2(a + b 2)
=> 49 + 9 = 2(a2 + b2)
2 2
=> 58 = 2(a + b ) •..... (simplifying)
29 =a + b
=> ••.•.•. (dividing by 2)
(b) To find the value of ab, we make use of the formula
(a+ b/- (a - b/ =4ab
=> (7) (3)2 = 4ab
- ...... (substituting given values)
=> 49 ·_9 =4ab
=> 40 =4ab ...... (simplifying)
=> 10 =ab ....... (dividing by 4)
2 2
Hence a + b =29 and ab= 10.
(a + b + c )2 =a + b + c + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca
2 2 2
This formula, square of a trinomial, involves three expressions, namely;
2 2 2
(a+ b + c), (a + b + c ) and 2(ab +be+ ca). If the values of two of them are known,
the value of the third expression can be calculated. The method is explained in the
following examples.
Example 1
2 2 2
If a + b + c = 43 and ab+ be+ ca= 3, then find the value of a+ b + c.
We know that
2 2 2 2
(a+ b + c) =a + b + c + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca
Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulas 84
We have
(a+ b + c)
=a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca
(6) =24 + 2(ab +be+ ca)
~ 36 = 24 + 2(ab +be+ ca)
~ 12 = 2(ab +be+ ca)
Hence ab + be + ca = 6
2 2 2
If a+ b + c = 7 and ab+ be+ ca= 9, then find the value of a + b + c .
We know that
(a+ b + c)
=a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca
2 2 2 2
~ (a+ b + c) = a + b + c + 2(ab +be+ ca)
(7)2 =a + b + e + 2(9)
2 2 2
~ 49=a2 + b2 + c2 + 18
2 2 2
~ 31 = a + b + c
2 2 2
Hence a + b + c = 31
(a+ b) a + 3ab(a + b) + b
(a - b )3 =a 3 - 3ab(a - b) - b
Example 1
If 2x - 3y = 10 and xy = 2, then find the value of sx3 - 21y3.
We are given that 2x- 3y = 10
Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulas 86
3 1
x - 3 =64+ 12
3 1
x - 3
(iv) a3 ± b
=(a ± b) (a 2 + ab + b 2)
( ~ x + ix) (~ i - 1 + ~2)
87 Mathematics 9
Example 4
4 x - 5x ) ( 16 x 2 + 25x2 + 1)
Find the product ( 5 4 25 16
4 5 ) ( 16 2 25 )
( Sx - 4x 25 x + 16x2 + 1
1. (i) If a + b = 10 and a - b = 6, then find the value of (a 2 + b2).
(ii) If a + b = 5, a - b = -{17, then find the value of ab.
2 2
2. If a + +c =
+c =-1, then find the value of ab+ be + ca.
45 and a+ b
3. If m +n +p =10 and mn +np +mp =27, then find the value of m- +n +p . ? 2 2
4. 2
If x +y2 +z2 =78 and xy +yz +zx =59, then find the value bf x +y +z.
5. If x +y +z =12 and x2 +y2 +z2 =64, then find the value of xy +yz +zx.
6. If x + y =7 and xy = 12, then find the value of x3 + /.
Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulas 88
1 3 i
11. If x - - = 7, then find the value of x - 3
x x
1 3
13. If ( 5x - 5x) = 6, then find the value of ( 125x -
14 . .
F actonze c·)
1 x 3 - y3 - x + y (1·1·) 8x 3 - 21y3
Note that for the surd ~. n is called surd index or the order of the surd and the
rational number 'a' is called the radicand. ~is third order surd.
Every surd is an irrational number but every irrational number is not a surd.
e.g., the surd Ts is an irrational number but the irrational number~ is not a silrd.
89 Mathematics 9
=~ Vi-TcSf Vi + Yc6)3 Vi
= 4Vi- 5Vi + ~ = c4 - 5 + 6) Vi= 5Vi
(b) Multiplication and Division of Surds
We can multiply and divide surds of the same order by making use of the
following laws of surds
~--n {q_
and the result obtained will be a surd of the same order.
If surds to be multiplied or divided are not of the same order, they must be reduced to
the surds of the same order.
Simplify and express the answer in the simplest form.
Example 1
. ali th . 58
Ration _ze e denommator _ 2:\J5
To rationalize the denominator, we multiply both the numerator and
denominator by the conjugate (7 + 2j5) of (7 - 2j5), i.e.,
58 - 58x 7 + 2j5 - 58(7 + 2j5)
7- 2j5 - 7 - 2j5 7 + 2j5 - (7) 2 - (2j5) 2
- 58(7 + 2j5) .
- _ , (radical is eliminated in the denominator)
49 20
Example 2
Example 3
6 j6 4'13
2=\[3 - :\[6 + =\[3 + :\fi - :\[6 - :\fi
First we shall rationalize the denominators and then simplify. We have
6 + j6 - 4:f3 ~
2-13 - j6 -13 + -{i j6 - -{i
= 6 x 2-13 + j6 + j6 x -13- -{i - 4\[3 x j6 + j2
~-j6 ~+j6 ~+-{i ~--{i j6--{i j6+-{i
= 6c2'13 + j6) ~---J6c-13 -:[2) _4-{3c + -{2) J6
c2'13)2 _c--J"6)2 c-13)2 _c-{2)2 c'16>2- c-{2)2
Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulas 94
1 1
or x2 + 2x x -x + 2x =36
or x2 + x2 = 34
1. Rationalize the denominator of the following.
3 14 6 1
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 3 + 2'15
40 -{98 ~'127
15 2 0-1 ... 15+0
)3+1 ( Vlll) '15 _0
2. Find the conjugate of x + '1)i .
(i) 3 +-[i (ii) 4-'15 (iii) 2+0 (iv) 2 + '15
(v) 5+-[i (vi) 4--{ls (vii) 7-16 (viii) 9 + -{2
4. Simplify
(i) 1+ -fl + 1- fl (ii) 1 + 2 + 1
'15+0 '15~~ 2+0 '15-0 2+'15
2 1 3
. (iii) '15 +0 + 0 +-{2- '15 +-{2
5. (i) If x = 2 + 0. find the value of x -±and ( x - ~ J
1 2 1 1
_~ --12
If x = '15
(1"1") ~' fim d th e v alue of x + - •X + 2 an d x + 3
"5+"2 x x x
3 3 3
[Hint: a 2 + b2 =(a+ b) 2 - + b =(a+ b) - 3ab(a + b)]
2ab and a
. . . 0-1 0+1 _r;
6. Detenmne the rat10nal numbers a and b 1f 0 + + 0- 1 = a + b 'I 3 ·
1. Multiple Choice Questions. Choose the correct answer.
(i) 4x + 3y - 2 is an algebraic ........ .
(a) expression (b) sentence (c) equation (d) inequation
(ii) The degree of polynomial 4x + 2x2y is .........
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
3 b3 . al
(iii) a + is equ to .........
2 2 2 2
(a) (a - b)(a +ab+ b) (b) (a+ b)(a - ab+ b)
2 2
(a - b)(a - ab+. b ) (d)
(a-b)(a +ab-b)
2a 2b -2a -2b
(a) (b) (c) (d)
a2-b2 a2 - b2 a2- b2 a2 - b2
a2 - b2
(vii) a + b is equal to .........
(a-b) 2 2
(a) (b) (a+ b) (c) a+b (d) a-b
(viii) (~ + '1b )(~ - '1b ) is equal to .........
(a) a2 + b2 (b) a2 - b2 (c) a-b (d) a+b
2. Fill in the blanks.
(i) The degree of the polynomial x / + 3.xy + y3 is ......... .
(ii) x - 4 = ......... .
If x + - = 3, find
+21 (··)
11 x4 +41
x x
1 01x+21
4. If x - -x =2 , find 2 (··)
11 x4 +41
x x
5. Find the value of x + y3 and .xy if x + y = 5 and x -y = 3.
6. If p =2 + -{3 , find
(i) p + .!. (ii) p- .!.p
(iii) p2 + ~
(iv) p
7. If q = -{5 + 2, find
1 1
(i) q+- (ii) q--
q q
2 1 2 1
(iii) q+2 (iv) q-2
q q
8. Simplify
~ a2 + 2 + ~a2 - 2 1 1
~a2 + 2 - ~a2 - 2 a-~a -x 2 2
a +~a
* An algebraic expression is that in which constants or variables or both are
combined by basic operations.
* Polynomial means an expression with many terms.
* Degree of polynomial means highest power of variable.
Factorization plays an important role in mathematics as it helps to reduce the
study of a complicated expression to the study of simpler expressions. In this unit, we
will deal with different types of factorization of polynomials.
5.1 Factorization
If a polynomial p(x) can be expressed as p(x) = g(x)h(x), then each of the
polynomials g(x) and h(x) is called a factor of p(x). For instance, in the distributive
ab+ ac = a(b + c),
a and (b + c) are factors of (ab+ ac).
When a polynomial has been written as a product consisting only of prime
factors, then it is said to be factored completely.
(a) Factorization of the Expression of the type ka + kb +kc
Example 1
Factorize Sa - Sb + Sc
Sa - Sb+ Sc= S(a - b + c)
Example 2 <"
Factorize Sa - Sb - lSc
Sa - Sb - lSc =S(a - b - 3c)
(b) Factorization of the Expression of the type ac + ad + be + bd
We can write ac +ad+ be+ bd as
(ac +ad)+ (be+ db)
= a(c + d) + b(c + d)
For explanation consider the following examples.
Example 1
Factorize 3x - 3a + xy - ay
Regrouping the terms of given polynomial
3x + xy- 3a - ay = x(3 + y) - a(3 + y) (monomial factors)
=(3 + y) (x- a) (3 + y) is common factor
Factorization 102
=x(x - 3) - 4(x - 3)
= (x - 3) (x - 4)
(ii) X2 + 5x - 36
From the possible factors of 36, the suitable pair is 9 and -4 because
9 + (-4) = 5 and 9 x (-4) = -36
Hence X2 + 5x - 36 = X2 + 9x - 4x - 36
= x(x + 9) - 4(x + 9) ~
= (x + 9) (x- 4)
(c) Factorization of the Expression of the type ax 2 + bx + c, a -:t= 0
Let us explain the procedure of factorization by the following examples.
Factorize (i) 9X2 + 2lx- 8 (ii) 2X2 - 8x - 42 (iii) IOX2- 41.xy + 21/
(i) 9X2 + 21x - 8
In this case, on comparing with ax2 +bx+ c, ac = (9) (-8) = -72
From the possible factors of 72, the suitable pair of numbers (with proper sign)
is 24 and-3 whose
sum= 24 + (-3) = 21, (the coefficient of x)
and their product= (24) (-3) = -72 = ac
Hence 9X2 + 21x - 8
= 9X2 + 24x - 3x - 8
= 3x(3x + 8) - (3x + 8)
= (3x + 8)(3x- 1)
(ii) 2X2- 8x - 42 =2(X2 - 4x- 21)
Comparing x - 4x - 21 with ax? + bx+ c
we have ac = (+1)(-21) = -21
From the possible factors of 21, the suitable pair of numbers is - 7 and +3 whose
sum= -7 + 3 = -4 and product = (-7) (3) = -21
Hence X2 - 4x - 21 ·
=X2 + 3x - 7x - 21
= x(x + 3) - 7(x + 3)
=(x + 3) (x - 7)
Hence 2X2- 8x- 42 = 2(X2- 4x- 21) = 2(x + 3) (x- 7)
103 Mathematics 9
Example 2
Factorize (x + 1) (x + 2) (x + 3) (x + 4) - 120
We observe that 1+4 = 2 + 3.
It suggests that we rewrite the given expression as
[(x + 1) (x + 4)] [(x + 2) (x + 3)] - 120
2 2
(x + 5x + 4) (x + 5x + 6) - 120
Let x2 + Sx =y, then
we get (y + 4) (y + 6) - 120
= y2 + lOy + 24 - 120
=y2 + lOy- 96
=y2 + 16y - 6y - 96
=y(y+ 16)-6(y+ 16)
= (y + 16) (y - 6)
= (x2 + Sx + 16) (x2 + Sx - 6) since y =x 2 + Sx
= (x2 + Sx + 16) (x + 6) (x - 1)
Example 3
Factorize (x2 - Sx + 6) (x + Sx + 6) - 2x2
(x - Sx + 6) (x2 + Sx + 6) - 2x2
= [x(x - 3) - 2(x - 3)][x(x + 3) + 2(x + 3)] - 2x2
= [(x - 3) (x - 2)][(x + 3) (x + 2)] - 2x2
= [(x - 2) (x + 2)][(x - 3) (x + 3)] - 2x2
2 2
= (x - 4) (x - 9) - 2x2
=x 4 - 13x2 + 36 - 2x2
=x 4 - 1sx2 + 36
=x 4 - 12x2 - 3x2 + 36
=x2cx2 - 12) - 3(x2 - 12)
= (x2 - 12) (x2 - 3)
= [(x)2 - (2-{3 )2] [(~/- c-13 )2]
= (x - 2-{3 ) (x + 2-{3 ) (x - -{3 ) (x + {3 )
Factorization 106
1. (i) x4+4-3 (ii) 3x4 + 12y4 (iii) a4 + 3a2b 2 + 4b4
4 4 2 4 2
(iv) 4x + 81 (v) x +x + 25 (vi) x + 4x + 16
i.e., p(a)= the remainder. Hence the theorem.
Note: Similarly, if the divisor is (ax- b), we have
p(x) =(ax- b) q(x) + R
R= P( -t) = 9( -t )2 - 6 ( -t) + 2= 5
(iv) When p(x) is divided by x, the remainder is
R = p(O) = 9(0)2 - 6(0) + 2 = 2
Find the value of kif the expression .x3 + kx2 + 3x - 4 leaves a remainder of -2
when divided by x + 2.
Let p(x) = .x3 + kx 2 + 3x - 4
By the Remainder Theorem, when p(x) is divided by x + 2 = x - (-2), the
remainder is
p(-2) = (-2) 3 + k(-2) 2 + 3(-2)- 4.
=-8 +4k-6-4
Factorization 1Ui:J
1. Use the remainder theorem to find the remainder when
(i) 3x3 - 10.x2 + l3x - 6 is divided by (x - 2)
(ii) 4x3 - 4x + 3 is divided by (2x- 1)
(iii) 6x + 2x3 - x+2 is divided by (x + 2)
3 2
(iv) (2x - 1) + 6(3 + 4x) -10 is divided by (:b. + I)
(v) x3 - 3.x2 + 4x - 14 is divided by (x + 2)
2 (i) If (x + 2) is a factor of 3x2 - 4kx- 4k2, then find the value(s) of k.
(ii) If (x - 1) is a factor of x3 - kx2 + l lx - 6, then find the value of k.
3. Without actual long division determine whether
(i) (x - 2) and (x - 3) are factors of p(x) = x3 - 12.x2 + 44x - 48.
(ii) (x - 2), (x + 3) and (x - 4) are factors of q(x) =x3 + 2.x2 - 5x - 6.
4. For what value of mis the polynomial p(x) = 4x 3
- 7.x2 + 6x - 3m exactly
divisible by x + 2?
5. Determine the value of kif p(x) = kx3 + 4.x2 + 3x - 4 and
q(x) =x3- 4x + k leaves the same remainder when divided by (x- 3).
6. The remainder after dividing the polynomialp(x) =x3 + ax2 + 7 by (x + 1) is 2b.
Calculate the value of a and b if this expression leaves a remainder of (b + 5) on
being divided by (x- 2).
7. The polynomial x3 + zx2 + mx + 24 has a factor (x + 4) and it leaves a remainder
of 36 when divided by (x- 2). Find the values of land m.
Factorization 112
• a2 - b2
2 2 2
• (a ± 2ab + b ) - c
4 22 4 4 4
• a + a b + b or a + 4b
113 Mathematics 9
• x +px+ q
• ax +bx+ c
2 2
• (ax +bx+ c) (ax +bx+ d) + k
• (x + a) (x + b) (x + c) (x + d) + k
• (x + a)(x + b)(x + c)(x + d) + kx
3 2 2 3
• a + 3a b + 3ab + b
3 2 2 3
• a - 3a b + 3ab - b
• a3 ± b3
* If a polynomial p(x) is divided by a linear divisor (x - a), then the remainder is
Unit Outlines
6.1 Highest Common Factor and Least Coll)mon Multiple
6.2 Basic Operations on Algebraic Fractions _..
6.3 Square Root of Algebraic Expression
.x2- 3x + 2 x3
+ O·.x2 - 7x + 6
3 2
x - 3x + 2x
3x - + 6
3x2 - 9x + 6
Hence H. C. F. of p(x) and q(x) is .x2 - 3x + 2
Observe that
(i) In finding H. C. F. by division, if required, any expression can be multiplied by
a suitable integer to avoid fraction.
(ii) In case we are given three polynomials, then as a first step we find H. C. F. of
any two of them and then find the H. C. F. of this H. C. F. and the third
(b) Finding L.C.M. by Factorization
Working Rule to find L.C.M. of given Algebraic Expressions
(i) Factorize the given expressions completely i.e., to simplest form.
(ii) Then the L.C.M. is obtained by taking the product of each factor appearing in
any of the given expressions, raised to the highest power with which that factor
Find the L.C.M. of p(x) = 12(x3 - 3
y) and q(x) = 8(x3 -xy)2
By prime factorization of the given expressions, we have
p(x) = 12(x3 - y 3) =22 x 3 ?< (x - y) (x2 + xy + y2)
and q(x) = 8(x3 -xy2) = 8x(x2 - / ) = 23x(x + y) (x-y)
Hence L.C.M. of p(x) and q(x),
2 x 3 x x(x + y) (x - y) (x + xy + y2) =24x (x + y) cx3 - /)
6.1.3 Relation between H.C.F. and L.C.M.
5 4
By factorization, find (i) H.C.F. (ii) L.C.M. of p(x) = 12(x - x ) and
4 2
q(x) = 8(x - 3x3 + 2x ). Establish a relation between p(x), q(x) and H.C.F. and
L.C.M. of the expressions p(x) and q(x). ·
117 Mathematics 9
Firstly, let us factorize completely the given expressions p(x) and q(x) into
irreducible factors. We have
5 4 4 2 4
p(x) = 12(x -x ) = 12x (x- l) ·= 2 x 3 x x (x- 1)
4 3 2 2 2 3 2
and q(x) = 8(x - 3x + 2x ) = 8x (x - 3x + 2) = 2 x (x- 1) (x- 2)
2 2
H.C.F. of p(x) and q(x) = 2 x (x- 1) = 4i (x - 1)
L.C.M. of p(x) and q(x) = 23x 3 x x4(x- l)(x- 2)
Observe that
p(x) q(x) = 12x4 (x - 2
1) x 8x (x - 1) (x - 2)
= 96x6 (x - 1) (x - 2) ...... (i)
and (L.C.M.) (H.C.F.)
= [23 x 3 x x4 (x- 1) (x - 2)] [4x 2 (x - 1)]
= [24x4 (x - 1) (x - 2)] [4x2 (x - 1)]
= 96x6 (x - 1)2 (x - 2) ...... (ii)
From (i) and (ii) it is clear that
Note: L.C.M. and H.C.F. are unique except for a factor of (-1).
Example 1
Find H.C.F. of the polynomials,
3 2
p(x) = 20(2x + 3x - 2x)
q(x) = 9(5x + 40x)
Then using the above formula (I) find the L.C.M. of p(x) and q(x).
Algebraic Manipulation 118
We have
p(x) = 20(2.x3 + 3x2 - 2.x) =20x (2.x2 + 3x- 2)
= 20x(2.x + 4x - x - 2) = 20x[2.x(x + 2) - (x + 2)]
= 20x (x + 2) (2.x- 1) = 22 x 5 xx (x + 2) (2.x- 1)
q(x) = 9(5x + 40x) =45x(x + 8)
2 2 2
= 45x (x + 2) (x - 2x + 4) = 5 x 3 xx (x + 2) (x - 2x + 4)
Thus H.C.F. of p(x) and ,q(x) is
=5x (x + 2)
_ p(x) x q(x)
Now, using the formula L ·C ·M · - H.C.F.
we obtain
2 2 2
_ 2 x 5 x x(x + 2)(2.x- 1) x 5x3 x x(x + 2)(x - 2x + 4)
L.C.M. - 5x(x + 2) ·
24x2 + 36x - 12
But the remainder 24x2 + 36x- 12
= 12(2.x2 + 3x - 1)
Thus, ignoring 12, we have
119 Mathematics 9
2 3 2
2x + 3x-1 ) 6x - 7x - 27x + 8
3 2
6x + 9x -3x
- 16x2 - 24x + 8
- 16x - 24x + 8
+ +
Hence H.C.F. of p(x) and q(x) is = 2x + 3x - 1
By using the formula, we have
· p(x) x q(x)
L.C.M. = H.C.F.
_ (6x -7x2- 27x + 8) (6x3 + 17x2 + 9x-4)
- 2x2 + 3x-1
Example 1
x+3 · x+2 x+l ,...
Simplify 2 + 2 + 2 , x i- 1, ._ _3
x - 3x+ 2 x - 4x+ 3 x - 5x+ 6
x+3 + x+2 + x+l
x - 3x + 2 x2 - 4x + 3 x2 - 5x + 6
= 2
x+3 +
x+2 +
x+ 1
x - 2x - x + 2 x - 3x - x + 3 x - 3x - 2x + 6
= x+3 + x+2 + x+l
x(x - 2) - l(x - 2) x(x - 3) - l(x - 3) x(x - 3) - 2(x - 3)
= x+3 + x+2 + x+l
(x - 2) (x - 1) (x - 3) (x - 1) · (x - 3) (x - 2)
= (x + 3)(x - 3) + (x + 2)(x- 2) + (x + l)(x - 1)
(x - l)(x - 2)(x- 3)
x - 9 + x2 - 4 + x2 - 1
= --------
(x- l)(x- 2) (x- 3)
- (x - 2) cx2+ 2x + 4) x (x + 2) (x + 4)
- 2 ...... (i)
(x - 2) (x + 2) x (x - 1)
. 2
Now the factors of numerator are (x - 2), (x + 2x + 4), (x + 2) and (x + 4) and
the factors of denominator are
(x - 2), (x + 2) and (x - 1)2.
Therefore, their H.C.F. is (x - 2) x (x + 2).
By cancelling H.C.F. i.e., (x - 2) (x + 2) from (i), we get the simplified fonn of
cx2 + 2x + 4) (x + 4)
given product as the fraction (x _ l/
Algebraic Manipulation 122
2 3
· x+x+lb
Divide x2 _ y x2, x -l · to 1owest ~orms.
d · lifyb y re ducmg
_ x + an srmp
9 4 3
We have
+x + 1
+ 2
x3 - 1
x -9 x -4x+ 3
_ (x2 + x + 1) (x2 - 4x + 3)
- 2 x 3 ...... (inverting)
(x - 9) (x - 1)
2 2 .
_(x +x+ 1) (x -x-3x+3)
- 2 3 ...... (splitting the middle term)
(x -9)(x -1)
- cx2+x+1) (x-3) (x-1) __ 1_ 3
- (x + 3)(x- 3)(x- 1) (x + x + 1) - x + 3 ' x -t-
Simplify e.ach of the following as a rational expression.
x x - 6 x2 + 2.x - 24
1. 2 + 2
x -9 x -x-12
x+1 x- 1 4x J 4x
[ x - 1 - x + 1 - x2 + 1 + x4 - 1
1 1 2
3. 2 + 2 2
x - 8x + 15 x - 4x + 3 x - 6x + 5
(x + 2)(x + 3) (x + 2)(2.x - 32)
4. 2
x - 9
+ (x - 4) (x2 - x - 6)
x+ 3 1 4x
5. 2 + - 2
2.x + 9x + 9 2(2.x- 3) 4x - 9
1 a+ 1
6. A--, whereA=--
A a-1
7. [ ~+-2 ] [£±1+_4]
x-2 2-x - x+2 4-i
8. What rational expression should be subtracted from
2.x2 + 2.x - 7 x- 1
to get-- ?
x 2 +x- 6 x- 2
123 Mathematics 9
= ± (2x- 3)
Example 2
Find the square root of x 2 + 2 + 12 x + - 1 ( 1) + 38, x
"i x x
-:t:. 0
Algebraic Manipulation 126
x 2 -5x + 4
x2 ) · x4 - 10x3 + 33x2- 42.x + 20
-10x3 + 33x
+·10x3 ± 25x2
2.x -10x+4) 8x2 -42.x+ 20
±8x2 +40x ± 16
- 2x + 4
For making the given expression a perfect square the remainder must be zero.
(i) we should add (2.x-4) to the given expression
(ii) we should subtract (-2x + 4) from the given expression
(iii) we should take -2.x + 4 = 0 to find the value of x. This gives the required value
of x i.e., x =2.
1. Use factorization to find the square root of the following expressions.
(i) 4x2 - 12.xy + 9y2
2 2 2
(iv) 4(a + b)2 - 12(a - b ) + 9(a - b)
4x6- 12x3y3 + 9y6
9x4 + 24x2y2 + 16/
(vi) (x+~J-4( x-~) (x;tO)
2. Use division method to find the square root of the following expressions.
(i) 4x + 12xy + 9y2 + 16x + 24y + 16
4 3
(ii) x - 10x + 37x2-60x + 36
(iii) 9x -6x3 +1x2 - 2x + 1
(iv) 4 + 25x - 12x - 24x3 + 16x4
2 2
(v) x2 -10:!+27-10~+; (x:;eO,y:;eO)
y y x x
3. Find the value of k for which the following expressions will become a perfect
4 3 4 2
(i) 4x - 12x + 37x - 42x + k (ii) x -4x3 + 10x2 -kx + 9
4. Find the values of I and m for which the following expressions will become
perfect squares.
4 3 2
(i) · x + 4x + 16x +Ix+ m (ii) 49x4 - 70x3 + 109x2 +Ix- m
4 3
5. To make the expression 9x - 12x + 22x2 - 13x + 12, a perfect square
(i) what should be added to it?
(ii) what should be subtracted from it?
(iii) what should be the value of x?
1. Choose the correct answer,
(i) H.C.F. of p 3q- pq3 and p 5q2- p 2q5 is ......
(a) pq(p~ -q2) (b) pq(p- q)
(c) p2q2(p- q) (d) pq(p3 -q3)
(ii) H.C.F. of 5x2y2 and 2ox3y3 is ..... .
(a) sx2y2 (b) 2ox3y3 (c) 1oox5y5 (d) 5xy
(iii) H.C.F. of x - 2 and x2 + x - 6 is ..... .
(a) x2 + x- 6 (b) x + 3 (c) x- 2 (d) x + 2
3 3 2 2
(iv) H.C.F. a + b and a ab + b is ..... .
(a) a+ b (b) a2 - ab+ b2
(c) (a - b) 2 (d) a 2 + b2
(v) H.C.F. of x2 - 5x + 6 and x2 - x - 6 is ......
(a) x-3 (b) x+2 (c) x2-4 (d) x-2
(vi) H.C.F. of a2 - b2 and a3 - b3 is ..... .
(a) a-b (b) a+b
2 2
(c) a +ab+ b (d) a2 - ab+ b2
Algebraic Manipulation 128
(xi) . lify
Simp a 1
9a2 - b2 + 3a - b = ·········
4a 4a-b 4a+b b
(a) , 9a2 - b2 (b) 9a2 - b2 (c) 9a2- b2 (d) 9a2-b2
. . a + Sa - 14 a + 3
(xii) Simplify a 2 - 3a - 18 x a - 2 = ·········
(xiv) Simplify(~+
Y _ 1) + ( 1--x-) = ........ .
x __}'__ l x
(a) ' x+y (b) x+y (c) x (d) y
(xv) The square root of a 2 - 2a + 1 is ...... .
(a) ±(a+l) (b) ±(a-1) (c) a-1 (d) a+l
(xvi) What should be added to complete the square of x .+ 64? ..... .
(a) 8i2- (b) - 8i2- (c) 16i2- (d) 4i2-
( x + : 2 ) + 10 ( x +' ~) + 27
(x # 0)
* We learned to find the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of algebraic expressions by the
methods of factorization and division.
* We established a relation between H.C.F. and L.C.M. of two polynomials p(x)
and q(x) given by the formula
L.C.M. x H.C.F. =p(x) x q(x)
and used it to determine L.C.M. or H.C.F. etc.
* Any unknown expression may be found if three of them are known by using
the relation
L.C.M x H.C.F =p(x) x q(x)
* H.C.F. and L.C.M. are used to simplify fractional expressions involving basic
operations of+, -,x, +.
* Determination of square root of algebraic expression by factorization and
division methods has been defined and explained.
7 .1 Linear Equations
7.1.1 Defmition
A linear equation in one unknown variable x is an equation of the form
ax + b = 0, where a, b e R and a -=t= 0.
A solution to a linear equation is any replacement or substitution for the
variable x that makes the statement true. Two linear equations are said to be
equivalent if they have exactly the same solution.
131 Mathematics 9
Solve - - - 2 = _lL, y ;;e 1
y-l y-l
To clear fractions we multiply both sides by the L.C.M. =y - 1 artd get
3 - 2(y- 1) = 3y
=> 3-2y + 2 =3y
=> -Sy =-5
=> y =1
Substituting y = 1 in the given equation, we have
_3_ - 2 = ]ill_
1-1 1-1
1_2 3
0 = 0
But~ is undefined. So y = 1 cannot be a solution.
Thus the given equation has no solution.
3x- l 2x
Solve - - - - - = x , x# 1
3 x- l
To clear fractions we multiply each side by 3(x - 1) with the assumption that
x - 1 ;;e 0 i.e., x ;;e 1, and get
(x - 1) (3x - 1) - 6x = 3x(x - 1)
4x + 1 - 6x =3x - 3x
=> 3x -
means the restriction x ;;e 1 has no effect on the solution because t ;;e I.
Hence our solution x =71.1s correct.
133 Mathematics 9
'1 sx - 7 - '1 x+ 10 =O
'1,...-5~(~. .7. .,)~--7 -~ =0
Vi-VJ 0 =0
. 17 ak th . .
1.e., x = 4 m es e given equation a true statement'.
'1x+ 7 +'1x+ 2 ='16x + 13
Squaring both sides we get
x + 7 + x + 2 + 2 '1~<x-
. +_7_)(_x_+_2_) = 6x + 13·
~ 2 '1x + 9x + 14 = 4x + 4
~ '1x + 9x + 14 = 2x + 2
Squaring again
x + 9x + 14 = 4x2 + 8x + 4
3x - x - 10 =0
3x - 6x + 5x - 10 = 0
~ 3x(x - 2) + 5(x - 2) =0
~ (x - 2) (3x + 5) =0
~ x=2,-3
(iii) I ab I = I a I · I b I (iv) I : I = :: : . b *a
7.2.2 Solving Linear Equations Involving Absolute Value
Keeping in mind the definition of absolute value we can immediately say that
Ix I= 3 is equivalent to x = 3 or x = -3,
because x = +3 or x = -3 make I x I = 3 a true statement.
For solving an equation involving absolute value, we express the given
equation as an equivalent compound sentence .and solve each part separately.
Example 1
Solve and check, 12x :I- 31 = 11
By definition, depending on whether (2x + 3) is positive or negative the given
equation is equivalent to
+(2x + 3) = 11 or -(2x + 3) = 11
In practice, these two equations are usually written as
2x + 3 =+ 11 or 2x + 3 =-11
2x =8 or 2x = -14
x =4 or x =-7
137 Mathematics 9
Substituting x = 4, in the original equation, we get
12(4) + 31 = 11
i.e., 11 = 11, true
Now substituting x = -7, we have
12(-7) + 31 = 11
1-111 = 11
11 = 11,
Hence x = 4, - 7 are the solutions to the given equation.
or Solution set= {-7, 4}
Note: For an equation like 31x - 11 - 6 = 8, do not forget to isolate the absolute value
expression on one side of the equation before writing the equivalent equations. In the
equation under consideration we must first write it as
Ix- 11=14/3
Solve 18x - 31 = 14x + 51
Since two numbers having the same absolute value are either equal or differ in
sign, therefore, the given equation is equivalent to
8x - 3 = 4x + 5 or 8x - 3 =-(4x + 5)
4x =8 or 12x =-2
x =; 2 or x =-1/6
. 1
On checking we find that x =2, x = - 6 both satisfy the original equation.
Hence the solution set = { - i ,2 } .
~ometimes it may happen that the solution(s) obtained do not satisfy the
original equation. Such solution(s) (called extraneous) must be rejected. Tht!refore, it
is always advisable to check the solutions in the original equation.
Example 3
Solve and check 13x + 101 =5x + 6
The given equation is equivalent to
± (3x + 10) = 5x + 6
i.e., 3x + 10 = 5x + 6 or 3x + 10 = -(5x+ 6)
-2x =-4 or 8x =-16
x =2 or x =-2
Linear Equations and Inequalities 138
On checking in the original equation we see that x =-2 does not satisfy it.
Hence the only solution is x = 2.
1. Identify the following statements as True or False.
(i) Ix I= 0 has only one solution.
(ii) All absolute value equations have two solutions.
(iii) The equation Ix I= 2 is equivalent to x = 2 or x = -2.
(iv) The equation Ix- 41 = -4 has no solution.
(v) The equation 12x - 31 = 5 is equivalent to 2x - 3 = 5 or 2x + 3 = 5.
2. Solve for x
(i) 13x - 51 =4 (ii) k13x + 21 - 4 =11
(iii) 12x + .51 = 11 (iv) 13+2xl=16x- 71
1 2 1
To clear fractions we multiply each side by 6, the L.C.M. of 2 and 3 and get
or 3x - 4 ::;; 6x + 2
or 3x::;; 6x + 6
or -3x ::;; 6
or x ~-2
or -6<1-2.x <3
or -7< -2.x <2
or -> x >-1
i.e., -1< x < 3.5
So the solution set is {x I - 1 < x < 3.5}.
Solve the inequality 4x - 1 ::;; 3 ::;; 7 + 2.x, where x E R.
The given inequality holds if and· only if both the separate inequalities
4x - 1 ::;; 3 and 3 ::;; 7 + 2x hold. We solve each of these inequalities separately.
The first inequality 4x - 1 ::;; 3
gives 4x::;; 4 i.e., x::;; 1 ...... (i)
and the second inequality 3 ::;; 7 +2x yields -4 ::;; 2x
i.e., -2::;; x which implies x ~ -2 ...... (ii)
Combining (i) and (ii), we have -2::;; x::;; 1
Thus the. solution set = {x I -2 ::;; x ::;; 1 } .
1. Solve the following inequalities.
(i) 3x + 1 < 5x - 4 (ii) 4x - 10.3 ::;; 21x - 1.8
. . 1
... ) 4 1
(111 1
-2x~-7+4x (iv) x - 2(5 - 2.x) ~ 6x - 32
3x+ 2 2.x+ 1
(v) -9---3->-l (vi) 3(2.x + 1) - 2(2.x + 5) < 5 (3x - 2)
2 2 1
(vii) 3(x- 1) - (x - 2) > - 2(x + 4) (viii) 2 3 x + 3 (5x - 4) > - 3 (8x + 7)
( v) 3x - 10 ~ 5 < x + 3 (vi) -3 ~-=-5<4
1. Choose the correct answer.
(i) Which of the following is the solution of the inequality 3 - 4x ~ 11? ..... .
(a) -8 (b) -2 (c) (d) None of these
(ii) A statement involving any of the symbols <, >, ~or~ is called
(a) equation (b) identity
(c) inequality · (d) linear equation
* Linear Equation in one variable x is ax + b = 0 where a, b E R, a -:/:. 0.
* . Solution to an equation js that value of x which makes it a true statement.
* Two linear equations _ar~d equivalent if they have ex~ctly the same solution.
* An inconsistent equation is that whose--so!ution set is q,. '
* Additive property of equality: .
If a =·b, then a + c =b + c
and a-e=b-e, Va,b,ee R
* Multiplicative property of equality: If a= b, then ae =be
* Cancellation property: If a+ e =b + e, then a= b
If ae = be, e -:t. 0 then a = b, V a, b, e E R .
* To solve an equation we find a sequence of equivalent equations to isolate the
variable x on one side of the equali~ to get solution.
* , A radical equation is that in which the variable occurs under the radical. It must
be checked for any extraneous solution(s).
* Absolute value of a real number a is defined as
a, if a~O
{ -a, if a<O
Linear Equations and Inequalities 144
Unit Outlines
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Cartesian Plane
8.3 Conversion Graphs
8.4 Graphical Solution of Equations in two variables.
fourth quadrant of the plane subdivided by the coordinate axes of the plane.
They are denoted by Q-1, Q-11, Q-ID and Q-IV respectively.
The signs of the coordinates of the points {x, y) are shown below;
r TT r T
-- ... ~
y y ()
-- 11
v >O v >O
x -
0 I{
y i<'l1
y > ()
~ .
y kO y co
e.g., 1. The point (-3, -1) lies in Q-ID. 2. The point (2, -3) lies in Q-IV.
3. The point (2, 5) lies in Q-1. 4. The point (2, 0) lies on x-ixis.
8.1.S Location of the point P(a, b) in the Plane corresponding to the Ordered
Pair (a, b)
Let (a, b) be an ordered pair of Rx R.
ill(- - -- r--.' Pl ti, )
,,,.. I
' 0 1 •
2 )
Linear Graphs and Their Application 148
In the reference system, the real number a is measured along x-axis, OA = a
units away from the origin along OX (if a > 0) and the real number b along y-axis,
OB= b units away from the origin along OY (if b > 0). From Bon OY, draw the line
parallel to x-axis and from A on OX draw line parallel to y-axis. Both the lines meet
at the point P. Then the point P corresponds to the ordered pair (a, b).
In the graph shown above 2 is the x-coordinate and 3 is the y-coordinate of the
point P which is denoted by P(2, 3).
In this way coordinates of each point in the plane are obtained.
The x-coordinate of the point is called abscissa of the point P(x, y) and the
y-coordinate is called its ordinate.
1. Each point P of the plane can be identified by the coordinates of the pair (x, y)
and is represented by P(x, y) .
'2. All the points of the plane have y-coordinate, y = 0 if they lie on the x-axis.
i.e., P(-2, 0) lies on thex-axis.
3. All the points of the plane have x-coordinate x = 0 if they lie on the y-axis,
i.e., Q(O, 3) lies on the y-axis.
8.1.6 Drawing different Geometrical Shapes in Cartesian Plane
We define first the idea of collinear points before going to form geometrical
y (~ ,6)
(a) Line-Segment
Example 1:
Let P(2, 2) and Q(6, 6) be two points. /
1. Plot points P and Q. /
2. By joining the points P and Q, we get the line Ir<2. 2)
segment PQ. It is represented by PQ. 0 x
Example 2: y
Plot points P(2, 2) and Q(6, 2). By joining
them, we get a line segment PQ parallel to
where ordinate of both points is equal.
JP<2 2~ 0(6 2~
, x
149 Mathematics 9
Plot poin~s P(3, 2) and Q(3, 7). By joining y
£V" ,_., '7'\
0 x
(b) Triangle
Example 1: y
Plot the points P(3, 2), Q(6, 7) and •l(tl ~ -,
R(9, 3). By joining them, we get a triangle I [\..
I \
P(3 2)
-- ~
- lt
(9 3)
, x
Example 2: ~ ~
For points 0(0, 0), P(3, 0) and R(3, 3), ll(: ,3)
the triangle OPR is constructed as shown by v
the side. v
v -
0( 0, t) )(3 0) J
Linear Graphs and Their Application 150
(c) Rectangle
Example: .v
Plot the points P(2, 3), Q(2, 0), S(-2, 0) E -~ ,3) P( ~.3
and R(-2, 3). Joining the points P, Q, Sand R, N.s b<> ~
we get a rectangle PQSR. ' t\ J
Along y-axis,
\ I
l y
L.., ,_ ~ I.. r
f _, r.n\
' ~,
, \
-3 -2 -1
' \(0 11) 2 3
x 0 \ tx
~1 )
\ (~
-.,- -li\
IY~ ~
I ; I ....~.... ~
Linear Graphs and Their Application 152
-- ~·
l s 14 12 1
6 R3 1 ~
, -
K' -3 - ~ -1 0 J
Similarly graph ·of y = -4 is shown as:
-- ... ...
- .' -] 0 '
" 3
"'' _..I
,,, y= -4
,. r-.
The points of S are plotted in the plane as, ... (a, -2), (a, -1), (a, 0), (a, 1),
(a, 2), ... etc.
The point (a, 0) on the graph of the equation x =a lies on the x-axis while (a, y)
is above the x-axis if y > 0 and below the x-axis if y < 0. By joining the points, we get
the line.
The procedure is explained with the help of following examples.
Consider the equation x =2
Table for the points of equation is as under:
x 2 2 2 ... 2 ...
y 0 1 2
Thus, graph of the equation x = 2 is shown as: ~
17 -- ~
! J.
y "I
'£ L.
- 0 ·~
- Tf
" -
Ii Iv' r
Similarly graph for equation x =-2 is shown as:
Ir= -2
-- {' 0 x
Linear Graphs and Their Application 154
I ::: I =~ I =: I
x 0 1 2
y 0 1 2
The points are plotted in the plane as follows:
_.}• i.v = l a:
...... /
v l.l\· ,"J.
1 /
v P(l ,1)
-- .. '- 2 -1 v
u z )
/ R(- 1, 1)
¥ s(- 2, - 2) y'
By joining the plotted points the graph of the equation of the type y = mx is,
(i) the straight line
(ii) it passes through the origin 0(0, 0)
(iii) mis the slope of the line
(iv) the graph of line splits the plane into two equal ·parts. If m = 1 then the line
becomes the graph of the equation y = x.
155 Mathematics 9
I; I:::~I ~
These points are plotted in plane as below:
_.:~ J = rnx- c
/. ,·r3 1-',. ·)
...~. µ)
P<O 1) v CJ ..... "''
lA .
0 ·D - ~
'\. r- D
- •It
We see that
(i) y =mx + c represents the graph of a line.
(ii) It does not pass through the origin 0(0, 0).
(iii) It has intercept c units along the y-axis away from the origin.
(iv) mis the slope of the line whose equation is y =mx + c.
In particular if
(i) c = 0, then y =mx passes through the origin.
(ii) m =0, then the line y =c is parallel to x-axis.
Linear Graphs and Their Application 156
~ I ~31 ~: I =~ I
~) ' - 2- 1. 0 1 3
I; I -
So, the dotted square shows the graph H. 3)
- °(3 -31
of discrete values.
·' ,,
8.1.12 Solving Real Life Problems ,,.
We often use the graph to solve the real life i
the ages of two persons i.e., if the age of one person ·-"'
is x , then the age of other person is y -Draw the g@ph.
We know that y =x + 16
0 ' : 1~ 16 x --
Table of points for equation is given as:
x 16
y 32
By plotting the points we get the graph of a straight line as shown in the figure.
1. Determine the quadrant of the coordinate plane in which the following points
lie: P(-4, 3), Q(-5, -2), R(2, 2) and S(2, -6).
2. Draw the graph of each of the following.
(i) x =2 (ii) x =-3 (iii) y = -1
(iv) y = 3 (v) y = 0 (vi) x = 0
(vii) y = 3x (viii) -y = 2x (ix) 2 = x
157 Mathematics 9
-. /.J _·.
ix+ 3
• lV, P)
-1. ~) !.
- ~I ~ .
~j , -3 -2 -} 0 1 2 3 r~
I _,.,--
,_,., ,_~,I
~ .I
I 1r
Linear Graphs and Their Application 158
3, ~L v
,6, ~L
... x= +. v-1
~ vr
r' -1 ' 11
.... ......- lU, ,_.l)
8i2.3 Reading the Graphs of Conversion
(a) Example: (Kilometre (Km) and Mile (M) Graphs)
To draw the graph between kilometre (Km) and Mile (M), we use the
following relation:
One kilometre = 0.62 miles, (approximately)
and one mile = 1.6 km (approximately)
159 Mathematics 9
(i) The relation of mile against kilometre is given by the linear equation,
y =0.62x,
If y is a mile and x, a kilometre, then we tabulate the ordered pairs (x, y) as
J ~
.., y= =O .6:'x
.... ~ ,... A~
I t / I I
I f I
v 0 •. \7
-- ' -
, -
, .
For each quantity of kilometre x along x-axis there corresponds mile alo~g
(ii) The conversion graph of kilometer against mile is given by
y = l.6x (approximately)
If y represents kilometres and x a mile, then the values x and y ~e tabulated as:
x 0 1 2 3 4 ...
y 0 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 ...
Linear Graphs and Their Application 160
t,_ /I
/ 1!
1,.1, 1.i.1 ')
11 v
" v0
- II
~ )('
~ x-. ' '
By joining the points we actually find the conversion graph of kilometres
against miles.
(b) Conversion Graph of Hectares and Acres
(i) The relation between Hectare and Acre is defined as:
Hectare = - - Acres
= 2.5 Acres (approximately)
In case when hectare =x and acre= y, then relation between them is given
by the equation, y = 2.5x
If x is represented as hectare along the horizontal axis and y as Acre along y-
axis, the values are tabulated below:
The ordered pairs (0,0), (1, 2.5), (2,5) etc., are plotted as points in the xy-plane
as below and by joining the points the required graph is obtained:
161 Mathematics 9
,., /
A / )
,.,,., /
JVp~ 1, '. .5
-... v
x t •
0 1 2 3 x
(ii) Now the conversion graph Acre= - - Hectare is simplified as,
Acre = - Hectare
= 0.4 Hectare (approximately)
If Acre is measured along x-axis and hectare along y-axis, then
y = 0.4x
The ordered pairs are tabulated in the following table:
I; I~ I
1 2 3
• ' • - i,: • -. -
I 0s
,--_ ..
1 2·::
.. ...r "7" - I '
. The corresponding ordered pairs (0, 0), (1, 0.4), (2, 0.8) etc., are plotted in the .
xy-plane, join QLwhich
\i,1ill form the graph o( (b)·ii
. .. as
a conversion graph
of (b )-i
-" y~{ .4x
... ~·-.... _, ·-n' ....... ~ 1 1\
,.,.... .......-
,.,..,,. R( ,0. J)
~} ' 0 l J
The value of F at C = 0 is obtained as
F= 2_ x 0 + 32 = 0 + 32 = 32
F ~ ~ x 10 + 32 = 18 + 32 =50,
F = 5 x 20 + 32 = 36 + 32 = 68,
; lfo, 32
-I~~-' 01 0 • u ~ p ~ P ·o I
10° = length of square
Note from the graph that the value of C corresponding to (i) F = 86° is C = 30°
and (ii) F = 104° is C = 40°.
(ii) Now we express C in terms of F for the conversion graph of C with respect to F
as below: -
C = ~ (F-32)
The values for F = 68° and F = 176° are
c = 95 (68 - 32) = 95 x 36 = 20°
163 Mathematics 9
and C= ~
(176- 32) = ~ (144) = 5 x 16 = 80°
9 ,·· . 9
Find out at what temperature will the two readings be same?
i.e., F = 2 C + 32
=> (~-1)c=-32 ·=> ; C=-32 =>
3 5
C= - !x =-40
~ •ft
- -
-- v \~, ~.,..}
• •ft
i - lj, D'~J
-,_ /l._.l;, u. :)
• A
1..1, ,00
, ~
Linear Graphs and Their Application 164
Conversion graph x = y of y = 66x can be shown by interchanging x-axis to
y-axis and vice versa.
1. Draw ¢.e conversion graph between litres and gallons using the relation
9 litres = 2 gallons (approximately), and taking litres along horizontal axis and
gallons along vertical axis. From the graph, read
(i) the number of gallons in 18 litres
(ii) the number of litres in 8 gallons. · ,.
2. On 15.03.2008 the exchange rate of Pakistani currency and Saudi Riyal was as
1 S. Riyal= 16.70 Rupees
If Pakistani currency y is an expression of S. Riyal x, expressed under the rule
y = 16.70x, then draw the conversion graph between these two currencies by
taking S. Riyal along x-axis.
3. Sketch the graph of each of the following lines.
(a) x- 3y + 2 = 0 (b) 3x- 2y - 1=0 (c) 2y-x + 2 =0
(d) y-2x=O (e) 3y-1=0 (f) y + 3x = 0
(g) 2x + 6 = 0
4. Draw the graph for following relations.
(i) One mile = 1.6 km (ii) One Acre = 0.4 Hectare
(iii) F = ~ C + 32 (iv) One Rupee= ; 6 $
y= IJ; Tl 1f2 - =
' ,..... r-- ""-- "
~ p' o. .)/
-- r-- i-..:- ~ // 1.' ,u. IJ)
~c ,' ( ~. 0
~ h
K' .0 I~ -- r---: ~
...~ I J
(1. ,0
Jr\\' )
.l r
The solution of the system is the point R where the lines R and t meet at, i.e.,
R(l ·7, 0-4) such that x = 1.7 and y =0·4.
Solve graphically, the following linear system of two equations in two variables
x andy;
x+ 2y = 3 ...... (i)
x-y = 2. ...... (ii)
The equations (i) and (ii) are represented graphically with the help of their
points of intersection with the coordinate axes of the same co-ordinate plane. : •
The points of intersections of the lines representing equation (i) and~i) are
given in the following table: ·
1 3
y=--x+- y=x-2
I; I. s I2~ :::I I ; I.::~21 ~ :::
The points P(O, 1·5) and Q(3, 0) of equation (i) are plotted in the plane and the
corresponding line R : x + 2y = 3 is traced by joining P and Q.
Similarly, the line .t: x - y = 2 of (ii) is obtained by plotting the points
p'(0, -2) and Q(2, 0) in the plane and joining them to trace the line R.' as below:
Linear Graphs and Their Application · 166
r+" 11=B
xe--y =2
f, - ~
r-..... S(2 .3, ~.3 /
P(I 1.~~ .........
\ v
~ D(3 0)
The common point S(2.3, 0.3) on both the lines f. and f.' is the required
solution of the system.
Solve the following pair of equations in x and y graphically.
1. x + y = 0 and 2x - y + 3 = 0 2. x - y + 1 =0 and x - 2y :;:: -1
3. 2x + y = 0 and x + 2y = 2 4. x + y - 1 = 0 and x - y + 1 =0
5. 2x + y - 1 = 0 and x =- y
1. Choose the correct answer.
(i) If (x .:_ 1, y + 1) = (0, 0), then (x, y ) is
(a) (1, -1) (b) (-1 , 1) (c) (1, 1) (d) (-1, -1 )
(ii) If (x, 0) = (0, y ), then (x , y ) is
(a) (0, 1) (b) (1 , 0) (c) (0, 0) (d) (1 , 1)
(iii) Point (2, -3) lies in quadrant
(a) I (b) II (c) m (d) IV
(iv) Point (-3, -3) lies in quadrant
(a) I (b) II (c) m (d) IV
(v) If y = 2x + 1, x = 2 then y is
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
(vi) Which ordered pair satisfies the equation y = 2x1 '
(a) (1 , 2) (b) (2, 1) (c) (2, 2) (d) (0, 1)
2. Identify the following statements as True or False. -
(i) The point 0(0, 0) is in quadrant II.
(ii) The point P(2, 0) lies on x-axis. ·
167 Mathematics 9
(iii) 1+ (x y) = 2,
2<x-y) =-1
* An ordered pair is a pair of elements in which elements are written in specific
* The plane formed by two straight lines perpendicular to each other is called
cattesian plane and the lines are called coordinate axes.
* The point of intersection of two coordinate axes is called origin.
* There is a one-to-one correspondence between ordered pair and a point in
Cartesian plane and vice versa.
* Cartesian plane is also known as coordinate plane.
* Cartesian plane is divided into four quadrants.
* The x-coordinate of a point is called abcissa and y-coordinate is called ordinate.
* The set of points which lie on the same line are called collinear points.
Unit Outlines
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Distance Formula
9.3 Collinear Points
9.4 Mid Point Formula
We know that a plane is divided into four quadrants by two perpendicular lines
called the axes intersecting at origin. We have also seen. that there is one to one
correspondence between the points of the plane and the ordered pairs in R x R.
9.1.2 Finding Distance between two points
Let P(xI, YI) and Q(x2, Y2) be two
points in the coordinate plane where d i~
the length of the line segment PQ. i.e., _ _ ____....,.N(x2,Y1)
IPQl=d. lx2-x1I
The line segments MQ and LP
parallel to y-axis meet x-axis at points M
Y1 Y2
and L, respectively with coordin~tes
0) and L(xI, 0). ' > IX2-Xil
X' 0 x
The line-segment
PN is parallel to
x,-. L(x1>0) M(x2,0)
x-axis. \ '
In the right triangle PNQ,
X2 .
INQI = ly2 - YI I and IPNI = lx2-:- xI I .
~ .
Using Pythagoras Theorem
2 2
IPQ1 = IPN1 + IQN1 2
~ d = lx2 -x 112 + ly2 -y 112
1. Find the distance between the following pairs of points.
(a) A(9, 2), B(7, 2) (b) A(2, -6), B(3, -6)
(c) A(-8, 1), B(6, 1) (d) A(-4, .J2 ), B(-4, -3)
(e) A(3, -11), B(3, -4) (f) A(O, 0), B(O, -5)
2. Let P be the point on x-axis with x-coordiante a and Q be the point on y-axis
with y-coordinate bas given below. Find the distance between P and Q.
(i) a= 9, b = 7 (ii) a= 2, b = 3 (iii) a= -8, b = 6
(iv) a= -2, b = -3 (v) a= .J2, b = 1 (vi) a= -9, b = -4
9 .2 Collinear Points
9.2.1 Collinear or Non-collinear Points in the Plane
Two or more than two points which lie on the same straight line are called
cnllinear points with respect to that line; otherwise they are called non-collinear.
Let m be a line, then all the points on line mare collinear.
In the given figure the points P and Q are collinear with respect to the line m
and the points P and R are not collinear with respect to it.
p ----
Q- - - m
9.2.2 Use of Distance Formula to show the Collinearity of Three or more
Points in the Plane
Let P, Q and R be three points in the plane. They are called collinear
if IPQI + IQRI = IPRI, otherwise they are non-collinear.
Using distance formula show that the points
(i) P(-2, -1), Q(O, 3) and R(l, 5) are collinear.
(ii) The above points P, Q, Rand S(l, -1) are not collinear.
(i) By using the distance formula, we find
IPQI = -J (0 + 2) 2
+ (3 + 1)2 = '14 + 16 =-{lo= 2--{5
r -
171 Mathematics 9
IQRI ='1 (1 - 2 2
=-{1+4 =-{5
0) + (5 - 3)
2 2
and IPRI = '10 + 2) + (5 + 1) = --.j9 + 36 = --j4s = 3-{5
Since IPQI + IQRI = 2-{5 + -{5 = 3-{5 = IPRI,
therefore, the points P, Q and R are collinear
2 2 2
(ii) IPSI ='1(-2-1) +(-1+1) ='1(-3) + 0 = 3
2 2
Since IQSI ='1(1-0) + (-1-3) =°'11+16 =-f0,
and IPQI + IQSI # IPSI ,
therefore the points P, Q and S are not collinear and hence, the points P, Q, R
and Sare also not collinear.
A closed figure in a plane obtained ·by joining c
three n.on-collinear points is called a triangle.
In the triangle ABC the non-collinear points A,
B and C ate the three vertices of the triangle ABC.
The line segments AB, BC and. CA are called sides of A B
the triangle.
9.2.3 Use of Distance Formula to Different Shapes of a Triangle
we expand the idea of a triangle to its different kinds depending on the length
of the three sides of the triangle as:
(i) Equilateral triangle Isosceles triangle
(iii) Right angled triangle (iv) Scalene triangle
We discuss the triangles (i) to (iv) in order.
(i) Equilateral Triangl~
If the lengths of all the three sides of a triangle are same, then the triangle is
called an equilateral triangle.
The triangle OPQ is an equilateral triangle. since the points 0(0,0), P ( }i , 0)
1QOI =
Q( 1, 1i) and P ( }i ,0) are not collinear. Hence the triangle OPQ is
2 2
RI ). 1)
v "!"'- ~
- I/ ~
.. (- , ( )
0 0(1 0) x
:v~ ..
173 Mathematics 9
IOPI = '1(-3) + 0 =
2 2
'19 = 3
I IPQI= ~(-3)2+(-2)2 =.J9+4=J13
Sci le: 1.5 : 1
- '\, '
,.v r
x' P( 3, 0) 0( ),I) x
Here 1.5 square bl9ck
= 1 unit length
2 2 2
Now IOQl + IOPl = (2) + (3)2 = 13 and IPQ1 2 = 13
2 2
Since IOQ1 + lOPf = IPQ1 , therefore LPOQ = 90°
Hence the given non-collinear points form a right triangle.
(iv) Scalene Triangle
A triangle is called a scalene triangle if measures of all the three sides are
Introduction to Coordinate Geometry 174
Show that the points P(l, 2), Q(-2, 1) and R(2, 1) in the plane form a scalene
2 2 2
IPQI ='1(-2-1) + (1- 2) ='1(-3) + (-1) =
=ffe '19+1
IQRI = '1(2 + 2) + (1-1) = '14 + 0 = ~ = 4
2 2 2 2
2 2
and IPRI = '1(2- 1) + (1 - 2)2 = '1i2 + (-1) = '1i2 + i2 =-J2
y. ...
2 1>(1 2
__... i..--
.._. --1 i..-
I" f".
'll ,l) R~ 7,1
x' -2 -1 0 1 2 x
If A(2, 2), B(2, -2), C(-2, -2) and D(-2, 2) be four non-collinear points in the
plane, then verify that they form a square ABCD.
2 2 2
Since IABI ='1(2-2) +(-2-2)2='10 +(-4) ='116 =4
2 2 2
IBCI = '1(-2 - 2) +(-2 + 2)2 = '1(-4) + 0 = '116 = 4
ICDI = '1(-2- (-2))2 + (2 - (-2))
2 2
='1(-2+2) +(2+2) ='10+ 16 ='116=4
2 2 2
IDAI = '1c2 + 2) + (2- 2) = '1(+4) + 0 = '116 = 4,
D -2 2 . A( ~. ~)
' i,/
x ,,"' 0 x
C-2 -,') B( ~. - 2)
Show that the points A(-2, 0), B(-2, 3), C(2, 3) and D(2, 0) form a rectangle.
Using distance formula,
."' "'.;
, .;
~ . 9o;
- .; -
x Ai '-2, ~) 0 D( ~.o) x
Show that the points A(-2, 1), B(2, 1), C(3, 3) and D(-1, 3) form a
D( 1, 3) cc '• 3
... ..... .. f--1
.... .. .. ~
I .. .. ·
- I
A~ .-2, 1) a(: ' 1
-. . ..
~IX' 0 x '-
,__ ,
By distance formula,
IABI = '1 (2 + 2) 2
+ (1 - 1) =
'14 2
+ 0 = 116 = 4
2 2
IADI = '1(-1+2)2 + (3 - 1)2 = '11 + 2 =-{1+4 = -{5
2 2 2 2
IBCI ='1(3-2) + (3-1) ='11 + 2 =-{5
Since IABI = ICDI = 4 and IADI = IBCI = -{5,
Hence the given points form a parallelogram.
Introduction to Coordinate Geometry 178
1. Show whether the points with vertices (5, -2), (5, 4) and (-4, 1) are vertices of
an equilateral triangle or an isosceles triangle?
2. Show whether or not the points with vertices (-1, 1), (5, 4), (2, -2) and (-4, 1)
form a square?
3. Show whether or not the points with coordinates (1, 3), (4, 2) and (-2, 6) are
vertices of a right triangle?
4. Use the distance formula to prove whether or not the points (1, 1), (-2, -8) and
(4, 10) lie on a straight line?
5. Find k, given that the point (2, k) is equidistant from (3, 7) and (9, 1).
6. Use distance formula to verify that the points A(O, 7), B(3,"-5), C(-2, 15) are
7. Verify whether or not the points 0(0, 0), A(-{3, 1), B(-{3, -1) are the vertices
of an equilateral triangle.
8. Show that the points A(-6, -5), B(5, -5), C(5, -8) and D(-6, -8) are vertices of
a rectangle. Find the lengths of its diagonals. Are they equal?
9. Show that the points M(-1, 4), N(-5, 3), P(l - 3) and Q(5, -2) are the vertices
of a parallelogram.
10. Find the length of the diameter of the circle having centre at C(-3, 6) and
passing through P(l, 3).
9.3. Mid-Point Formula y
P1(0, 3)
9.3.1 Recognition of the Mid-Point
Let P(-2, 0) and Q(2, 0) be two
points on the x-axis. Then the origin
0(0, 0) is the mid-point of P and Q, since
IOPI = 2 = IOQI and the points P, 0 x'-....---.--1--___,r---_,_-.----r--x
and Qare collinear. P(-2, 0) O 1 Q(2, 0)
Similarly the origin is the mid-point
of the points P1(0, 3) and Q 1(0, -3) since
IOP1I = 3 = IOQ 11 and the
Q1(0, -3)
points Pi. 0 and Q 1 are collinear. I
Recognition of the Mid-Point Formula
for any two Points in the Plane
Let P1 (xi. Y1) and P2(x2 , y 2 ) be any two points in the plane and R(x, y) be
mid-point of points P 1 and P2 on the line-segment P 1P2 as shown in the figure below.
179 Mathematics 9
Y2 --------------------------
YI+ Y2
Similarly, y= 2
xl +x2 YI +Y2)
Thus the point R(x, y) =R ( 2
is the mid-point of the points
PI(xI, YI) and P2(x2, Y2).
x I+2 x2 -xi ) 2 + (YI +2 Y2 -yl ) 2
Introduction to Coordinate Geometry 180
x1 + x2 Yl + Y2) ·
Thus it verifies that R( , is the mid-point of the line segment
2 2
P 1RP2 which lies on the line segment since,
Example 1
Find the mid-point of the line segment joining A(2, 5) and B(-1, 1).
Solution ·
If R(x, y) is the desired mid-point then,
2-1 1 5+1 6
x=- 2 -=2 and y = - 2 -=2=3
Hence R(x, y) = R ( i ,3 )
Example 2
Let P(2, 3) and Q(x, y) be two points in the plane such that R(l, -1) is the mid-
point of the points P and Q. Find x and y.
Since R(l, -1) is the mid-point of P(2, 3) and Q(x, y) then,
l=-2- and -l_y+3
- 2
=> 2=x+2 => -2 = y + 3
=> x=O => y=-5
181 Mathematics 9
Example 3
Let ABC be a triangle as shown below. If Mi, M 2 and M 3 are the middle points
of the line-segments AB, BC and CA respectively, find the coordinates ofM1, M1 and
M3. Also determine the type of the triangle M1M2M3. -1~, ~
3 5 2 8
Mid-point of AB= M 1(- + , + )= M 1(1, 5) Is.0.M1 MzM3also a right
2 2 ~ angled triangle?
Mid-point of BC= M1(
;~, s; 2
)= M 2(5, 5)
B(5, 8)
A(-3, 2) M3 C(5, 2)
...... (111)
All the lengths of the three sides are different. Hence the triangle M 1M 2M3 is a
Scalene triangle.
Let 0(0, 0), A(3, 0) and B(3, 5) be three points in the plane. If M 1 is the
mid-point of AB and M1 of OB, then show that IM 1M 21= _!_ IOAI.
Introduction to Coordinate Geometry 182
By the distance formula the distance
IOAI = (3 - 0) + (0 - 0)
2 2
=~ = 3
The mid-point of AB is
MI =M 1 (
, ~) =( 3, %)
Now the mid-point of OB is M 2 = M 2 (
~ O, 5; O) = ( %, %)
0(0,0) A(3,0)
M( xi ; x2 , Y1 ; Y2 ) . Then M
(i) is at equal distance from P and Q
i.e., IPMI = IMQI
(ii) is an interior point of the line segment PQ.
(iii) every point R in the plane at equal distance from P and Q is not their mid-point.
For example, the point R(O, 1) is at equal distance from P(-3, 0) and Q(3, 0) but
is not their mid-point
i.e., IRQI ='1r-co---3-)2_+_(l___0_)2 ='1 (-3/ +(1 )2 =-fa+i ={16
IRPI ='1(0 + 3)2 +(1-0)2 ='13 2 + 12 ={16
183 Mathematics 9
1. Find the mid-point of the line segment joining each of the following pairs of
(a) A(9, 2), B(7, 2) (b) A(2, -6), B(3, -6)
(c) A(-8, 1), B(6, 1) (d) A(-4, 9), B(-4, -3),
(e) A(3, -11), B(3, -4) (f) A(O, 0), B(O, -5)
2 The end point P of a line segment PQ is (-3, 6) and its mid-point is (5, 8). Find
the coordinates of the end point Q.
3. Prove that mid-point of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equidistant from its
three vertices P(-2, 5), Q(l, 3) and R(~l, 0).
4. If 0(0, 0), A(3, 0) and B(3, 5) are three points in the plane, find M 1 and M 2 as
mid-points of the line segments AB and OB respectively. Find IM 1M 2 1.
5. Show that the diagonals of the parallelogram having vertices A(l, 2), B(4, 2),
C(-1, -3) and D(-4, -3) bisect each other.
[Hint: The mid-points of the diagonals coincide]
6. The vertices of a triangle are P(4, 6), Q(-2, -4) and R(-8, 2). Show that the
length of the line segment joining the mid-points of the line segments PR, QR is
1. Choose the correct answer.
(i) Distance between points (0, 0) and (1, 1) is
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) '12
(ii) Distance ~etween the points (1, 0) and (0, 1) is
(a) . 0 (b) 1 (c) '12 (d) 2
(iii) Mid-point of the points (2, 2) and (0, 0) is
(a) (1, 1) (b) (1, 0) (c) 0, 1) (d) (-1, -1)
(iv) Mid-point of the points (2, -2) and (-2, 2) is
(a) (2, 2) (b) (-2, -2) (c) (0, 0) (d) (1, 1)
Introduction to Coordinate Geometry 184
Unit Outlines
10.1. Congruent Triangles
Let there be two triangles ABC and DEF. Out of the total six (1 -- 1)
correspondences that can be established between MBC and Af)EF, one of the
choices is _explained below.
In the correspondence MBC ~ Af)EF it means
LA ~ LD (LA corresponds to LD)
LB ~ LE (LB corresponds to LE)
LC~ LF (LC corresponds to LF)
Congruent Triangles 186
then MBC:: Af)EF -
(i) These triangles are congruent w.r.t. the above menti1;med choice of the
( 1 - 1) correspondence .
. (ii) MBC :: MBC
(iii) MBC :: ~DEF <=> ~DEF:: ~C
(iv) If MBC:: Af)EF and ~C:: Af>QR, then Af)EF:: Af>QR.
In any correspondence of two triangles, if two sides and their included angle of
one triangle are congruent to the corresponding two sides and their included angle of
the other, then the triangles are congruen~.
In MBC ~ Af)EF, shown in the following figure,
- - A D
AB::DE ·
then MBC:: mEF
(S.A.S. Postulate)
187 Mathematics 9
Theorem 10.1.1
In any correspondence of two triangles, if one side and any two angles of
one triangle are congruent to the corresponding side and angles of the other,
then the triangles are congruent. (A.S.A A.S.A.) =
A . D
~~ C E F
In ~ABC ~ Af)EF
LB := LE , BC :: EF , LC:= LF.
To Prove
Suppose AB :f= DE. Take a point M on DE such that AB =ME . Join M to F
Statements Reasons
In ~C~-7~F
- -
AB:=ME ...... (i) Construction
- -
BC:=EF ...... (ii) Given
LB:=LE . . ..... (iii) Given
.. ~C=~EF S.A.S. postulate
So, LC:=LMFE (Corresponding angles of congruent
But LC:=LDFE Given
.. LDFE:=LMFE Both congruent to LC
This is possible only if D and M are the
same points, and ME= DE
- -
- - AB = ME (construction) and
So, AB::DE ...... (iv)
ME= DE (proved)
Thus from (ii), (iii) and (iv), we have
~C::Af)EF S.A.S. postulate
Congruent Triangles 188
In any correspondence of two triangles, if one side and any two angles of
one triangle are congruent to the corresponding
. side and angles of. the other,
then the triangles are congruent. (S.A.A. S.A.A.) =
BC:: EF, LA:: LD , LB:: LE
A .D
To Prove
Statements Reasons
LB:LE Given
BC::EF Given
LC:LF LA:: LD, LB :: LE, (Given)
.. MBC::Af)EF A.S.A. :: A.S.A.
Example A
If MBC and Af)CB are on the opposite sides
of common base BC such that·
AL 1- BC, DM _l_ BC and
AL= DM, then BC bisects AD.
MBC and Af)CB are on the opposite sides of
- ·- - - D
BC such that AL _l_ BC, DM 1- BC, AL:: DM, and
AD is cut by BC at N.
To Prove
189 Mathematics 9
Statements Reasons
In ~N~LillMN
- ,,....- ~
AL=:DM ,Given
LALN=:LDMN :~Each-angle is ri~ht _angl~
LANL=:LDNM I Vertical angles -., ·
.. ~N=:LillMN S. A .A. =: S.A .A .
- - - Corresponding sides of= ~s.
HenceAN=:DN '
1. In the given figure, B
- -
AB =:CB, Ll =: L2.
Prove that
2. From a point on the bisector of an angle, perpendiculars are drawn to the arms
of the angle. Prove that these perpendiculars are equal in measure.
3. In a triangle ABC, the bisectors of LB and LC meet in a point I. Prove that I is
equidistant from the three sides of MBC.
· Theorem 10.1.2
If two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite to them
are also congruent.
To Prove
Draw the bisector of LA, meeting BC at the point D. B c
Congruent Triangles 190
Statements Reasons
- -
AD:=AD Common
LB:=LC Given
LBAD:=LCAD Construction
.. MBD:=~ACD
S.A.A.:::: S.A.A.
- - (Corresponding sides of congrnent
Hence AB :=AC triangles)
Example 1
H one angle of a right triangled triangle is of 30°, the hypotenuse is twice
as long as the side opposite to the angle.
Given A
In MBC, mLB = 90° and
mLC = 30°
To Prove
mAC=2mAB c
At B, construct LCBD of 30°. Let BD cut AC at the point D.
Statements Reasons
In MBD, mLA = 60° mLABC = 90°, mLC = 30°
= 60° mLABC = 90°, mLCBD = 30°
mLADB =60° Sum of measures of Ls of a ~ is 180°
MBD is equilateral Each of its angles is equal to 60°
Example2 A
If the bisector of an angle of a triangle bisects
the side opposite to it, the triangle is isosceles.
In LiABC, AD bisects LA and BD :: CD
To Prove
Construction I
Produce AD to E, and take ED =AD I I
Joint C to E. I/
Proof E
Statements Reasons
- -
AD::ED Construction
LADB::LEDC Vertical angles
.. MDB::.iIBDC S.A.S. Postulate
- -
.. AB::EC ...... I Corresponding sides of {is =
and LBAD::LE Corresponding angles of L\s =
But LBAD::LCAD Given
... LE::LCAD Each::LBAD
- -
.. .. . . II LE :: LCAD (proved) .· .
Hence AB :AC
- -
From I and II
I. Prove that any two medians of an equilateral triangle are equal in measure.
2. Prove that a point, which is equidistant from the end points of a line segment, is
on the right bisector of the line segment.
Congruent Triangles 192
Theorem 10.1.3
In a correspondence of two triangles, if three sides of one triangle are
congruent to the corresponding three sides of the other, then the two triangles
are congruent. (S.S.S. S.S.S.)
~ C
rn· MBC f-~ ~DEF
BC::EF Given
LB:LFEM Construction
AB::ME Construction
MBC::8MEF S.A.S. postulate
(corresponding sides of congruent
and CA::FM ...... (i)
In .1FDM
FD::FM Proved
and mLEDF:: mLEMF Proved
DE::ME Eachone::AB
Af)EF::M1EF S.A.S. postulate
Also MBC:: AMEF Proved
Hence MBC :: .1.DEF Each d =dMEF (proved)
If two isosceles triangles are formed on the same side- of their common
base, the line through their vertices would be the right bisector of their common
MBC and .1.DBC are formed on the
same side of BC such that
AB :: AC , DB :: DC , AD m€ets BC at E.
To Prove I
BE :: CE , AE .l BC B E c
AB::AC Given
DB::DC Given
AD::AD Common
MDB::dADC S.S.S. :: S.S.S.
Ll::L2 Corresponding angles- of= ds
Congruent Triangles 194
AB::AC Given
Ll~L2 Proved
AE::AE Common
MBE::.1.ACE S.A.S. postulate
BE::CE Corresponding sides of= .1.s
L3:L4 ...... I Corresponding angles of= .1.s
rnL3 + mL4 = 180° ...... II Supplementary angles Postulate
mL3 =mL4 =90° From I and II
Hence AE .l BC
Corollary: An equilateral triangle is an equiangular triangle.
N p
~ M
3. Prove that the median bisecting the base of an isosceles triangle bisects the
vertex angle and it is perpendicular to the base.
Theorem 10.1.4
H in the correspondence of the two right-angled triangles, the hypotenuse
and one side of one triangle are congruent to the hypotenuse and the
corresponding side of the other, then the triangles are congruent. (H.S H.S). =
195 Mathematics 9
In MBC ~~ Af)EF
LB:= LE (right angles)
- -
To Prove
Produce FE to a point M such that EM = BC and join the points D and M.
Statements Re~sons
rnLDEF + mLDEM = 180° (i) (Supplementary angles)
Now rnLDEF = 90° ...... (ii) (Given)
.. rnLDEM=90° {from (i) and (ii)}
LABC:=LDEM (each L equal to 90°)
- -
AB:=DE (given)
.. MBC:=Af)EM S.A.S. postulate
and LC:=LM (Corresponding angles of congruent
(Corresponding sides of congruent
triangles) ·
But CA:=FD (given)
MD:=FD each is congruent to CA
In Af)MF
AB :=DE (given)
LABC :=LDEF (given)
LC:=LF (proved)
Hence MBC := Af)EF (S.A.A. := S.A.A)
Congruent Triangles 196
If perpendiculars from two vertices of a triangle to the opposite sides are
congruent, then the triangle is isosceles. A
In AABC, BD 1- AC , CE l. AB
such that BD =CE
To Prove
Proof B c
Statements Reasons
In Af3CD f---7 ~CBE
BD l. AC, CE l. AB (given)
=> each angle = 90° .
- - '
BC:::BC Common hypotenuse
- -
BD:::CE Given
.. Af3CD:::~CBE H.S.:=H.S.
.. LBCD:::LCBE Corresponding angles of= ~s.
Thus LBCA ::: LCBA
Hence AB :=AC
2. In the figure, m2c = mLD = 90° and
BC ::: AD. Prove that AC := BD, and
LBAC := LABD. f\.llC-----__;_,---~B
197 ·Mathematics 9
J. Which of the followi_ng stateme~· are true and which are fals~
(i) A ray has two end points.
(ii) In a triangle, there can be onl}'.._one ri~pt angle.
(iii) Three points are said to be collinear, if they lie on same line.
(iv) Two parallel lines intersect at a point.
(v) Two lines can intersect only at one point.
(vi) A triangle of congruent sides has non-congruent angles.
2. If MBC =:&MN, then M
(i) rnLM=: ........... .
(ii) rnLN =: .. . ... ..... .
(iii) mLA =: . . . . . . . . . . . . c
3. If MBC =&MN, then find the unknown x.
Congruent Triangles 198
B 5m-3 c
5. If L1PQR :::L1 ABC, then find the unknowns
In this unit we stated and proved the following theorems:
* 1In any correspondence of two triangles, if one side and any two angles of one
triangle are congruent to the corresponding side and angles of the other, the two
triangles are congruent. (AS.A. =AS.A.)
* If two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite to them are
also congruent.
* In a correspondence of two triangles, if three sides of one triangle are congruent
to the corresponding three sides of the other, then the two triangles are
congruent (S.S.S. = S.S.S.).
* If in the correspondence of the two right-angled triangles, the hypotenuse and
one side of one triangle are congruent to the hypotenuse and the corresponding
side of the other, then the triangles are congruent. (H.S. ~.S.).
• Two triangles are said to be congruent, if there exists a correspondence between
them such that all the corresponding sides and angles are congruent.
Unit 11
Before proceeding to prove the theorems in this unit the students are advised to
recall definitions of polygons like parallelogram, rectangle, square, rhombus,
trapezium etc. and in particular triangles and their congruency.
Theorem 11.1.1 c
In a parallelogram
(i) Opposite sides are congruent.
(ii} Opposite angles are congruent.
(iii) The diagonals bisect each other.
In a quadrilateral ABCD, AB II DC, BC II AD and the diagonals AC, BD meet
each other at point 0.
Parallelograms and Triangles 200
To Prove
(i) AB :: DC, AD :: BC
(ii) LADC:: LABC, LBAD :: LBCD •.
- - - -
(iii) OA:: OC, OB := OD
In the figure as shown, we label the angles as Ll, L2, L3, L4, LS and L6.
Statements Reasons
(i) In ~D f--7 ~CDB
L4:Ll alternate angles
BD::BD Common
L2:L3 alternate angles
~D=~CDB A.S.A.:: A.S.A.
(corresponding sides of congruent
So, AB :DC, AD :=BC
and LA:LC (corresponding angles of congruent
(ii) Since
Ll :L4 ...... (a) Proved
and L2: L3 ...... (b) Proved
mLl + mL2 = mL4 + mL3 from (a) and (b)
or mLADC = mLABC
and LBAD :: LBCD Proved in (i)
(iii) 1n ~oc f--7 moA
The bisectors of two angles on the same side of aparallelogram cut each
other at right angles.
Given D c
A parallelogram ABCD, in which
- - - -
The bisectors of LA and LB cut each
other at E.
To Prove A B
Name the angles Ll and L2 as shown in the figure.
Statements Reasons
rnLl +rnL2 1
= 2 (rnLBAD + rnLABC)
{ rnLl =1mLBAD,
= ~ (180°)
To Prove
ABCD is a parallelogram.
Join the point B to D and in the figure, name the angles as indicated:
Ll , L2, L3 and L4
Statements Reasons
L2::Ll alternate angles
- -
BD::BD common
... ~D::ACDB S.A.S. postulate
Now L4::L3 ...... (i) (corresponding angles of congruent
- -
.. ADllBC ...... (ii) from (i)
...... (m) corr~sponding sides of congruent As ,
- -
Also AB llDC ...... (iv) given
Hence ABCD is a parallelogram from (ii) - (iv)
1. Prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram if its
(a) opposite angles are congruent. (b) diagonals bisect each other.
2. Prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram if its opposite sides are congruent.
Theorem 11.1.3
The line segment, joining the mid-points of two sides of a triangle, is
parallel to the third side and is equal to one half of its length.
203 Mathematics 9
In AABC, the mid-points of AB and AC are Land M respectively . .
To Prove
- - - 1 -
LMllBC and mLM=2mBC
Join M to L and produce ML to N such that ML LN. =
Join N to Band in the figure, name the angles Ll, L2 and L3 as shown.
Statements Reasons
BL::AL Given
Ll::L2 vertical angles
NL::ML Construction
Af3LN::MLM S.A.S. postulate
LA::L3 ...... (i) (corresponding angles of congruent
(corresponding sides of congruent
and NB::AM ...... (ii)
But NB llAM From (i), alternate Ls
Thus NB llMC ...... (m) (M is a point of AC)
MC::AM ...... (iv) Given
NB::MC ...... (v) {from (ii) and (iv)}
BCMN is a ·parallelogram from (iii) and (v)
(opposite sides of a parallelogram
BC::NM . ...... (vi) (opposite sides of a parallelogram)
- 1 -
mLM=2mNM ...... (vii) Construction
- 1 -
Hence mLM = 2 mBC {from (vi) and (vii)}
The line segments, joining the mid-points of the sides of a quadrilateral,
taken in order, form a parallelogram.
A quadrilateral ABCD, in which P is the
mid-point of AB, Q is the mid-point of
BC, R is the mid-point of CD, S is the
mid-point of DA.
P is joined to Q, Q is joined to R,
R is joined to S and S is joined to P.
To Prove PQRS is a parall_elogram. A p B
Construction Join A to C.
Statements Reasons
In Af)AC,
- - -
- 1 -
} S is the mid-point of DA
R is the mid-point of CD
- - -
- 1 -
rnPQ=2mAC } P is the mid-point of AB
Q is the mid-point of BC
- - -
- - 1 - -
mSR=rnPQ Each=2mAC
- - - -
Thus PQRS is a parallelogram SR II PQ, mSR = mPQ (proved)
1. Prove that the line-segments joining the mi,d-points of the opposite sides of a
quadrilateral bisect each other.
2. Prove that the line-segments joining the mid-points of the opposite sides of a
rectangle are the right-bisectors of each other.
[Hint: Diagonals of a rectangle are congruent.]
3. Prove that the line-segment passing through the mid-point of one side and-
parallel to another side of a triangle also bisects the third side.
205 Mathematics 9
Theorem 11.1.4
The medians of a triangle are concurrent and their point of concurrency is
the point of trisection of each median. A
To Prove
The medians of the MBC are concurrent B ~-----..,~------',.
--- D).-
and the point of concurrency is the point of - - - _ ~ ..........
trisection of each median. H
Draw two medians BE and CF of the MBC which intersect each other at point
G. Join A to G and produce it to point H such that AG= GH. Join H to the points B
andC. .
AH intersects BC at the point D.
Statements Reasons
G and E are mid-points of sides AH and
AC respectively
AD is a median of AABC
AB llCD llEF
The transversal LX intersects AB, CD and EF at the points M, N and P
- - H
respectively, such that MN= NP· The transversal QY intersects them at points R, S
and T respectively.
To Prove
From R, draw RU II LX, which meets CD at U. From S, draw SV II LX which
meets EF at V. As shown in the figure let the angles be labelled as
Ll, L2, .L3 and L4.
207 Mathematics 9
Statements Reasons
MNUR is a parallelogram - -
RU II LX (construction)
- -
AB II CD (given)
- -
.. MN:=RU (i) (opposite sides of a parallelogram)
- -
NP:=SV (ii)
- -
But MN:=NP (iii) Given
- -
.. RU:=SV {from (i), (ii) and (iii)}
- - H
Also RUllSV each is II LX (construction)
.. Ll :=L2 Corresponding angles
and L3:=L4 Corresponding angles
In ~us~~SVT,
- -
RU:=SV Proved
Ll :=L2 Proved
L3:=L4 Proved
.. ~US:=~SVT S.A.A. := S.A.A.
Hence RS:= ST
- (corresponding sides of congruent
Note: This theorem helps us in dividing line segment into parts of equal lengths. It is
also used in the division of a line segment into proportional parts.
. (i) A line, through the mid-point of one side, parallel to another side of a
triangle, bisects the third side.
In MBC, Dis the mid-point of AB.
- -- -
DE II BC which cuts AC at E.
To Prove
H -
B c
Through A, draw LM 11 BC. '
Parallelograms and Triangles 208
Statements Reasons
H - - H -
Intercepts cut by LM, DE , BC on AC
are congruent.
- -
{ Intercepts cut by parallels LM, DE,
- -
BC on AB are congruent (given)
i.e., AE:::EC.
(ii) The parallel line from the mid-point of one non-parallel side of a trapezium to
the parallel sides bisects the other non-parallel side.
(iii) If one side of a triangle is divided into congruent segments, the line drawn from
the point of division parallel to the other side will make congruent segments on
third side.
1. In the given figure, A
and AB :::BC:::CD:::DE.
If mMN = 1 cm, then find the length of
2. Take a line segment of length 5.5 cm and
divide it into five congruent parts.
[Hint: Draw an acute angle LBAX. On AX take AP
- - - -
::: PQ::: QR::: RS::: ST.
Join T to B. Draw lines parallel to TB from the points
P, Q, Rand S.] D E F B
1. Fill in the blanks.
(i) In a parallelogram opposite sides are .. : ......... .
(ii) In a parallelogram opposite angles are ............ .
(iii) Diagonals of a parallelogram .. : ......... each other at a point.
(iv) Medians of a triangle are ............ .
(v) Diagonal of a parallelogram divides the parallelogram into two ...... . .... .
triangles. ~A~B
2. In parallelogram ABCD 1
~ 8m-4n M
8 N
6. In the question 5, sum of the opposite angles of the parallelogram is 110°, find
the remaining angles.
In this unit we discussed the following theorems and used them to solve some
exercises. They are supplemented by unsolved exercises to enhance applicative skills
. of the students.
* In a parallelogram
(i) Opposite sides are congruent.
(ii) Opposite angles are congruent.
(iii) The diagonals bisect each other.
* If two opposite sides of a quadrilateral are congruent and parallel, it is a
* The line segment, joining the mid-points of two sides of a triangle, is parallel to
the third side and is equal to one half of its length.
* The medians of a triangle are concurrent and their point of concurrency is the
point of trisection of each median. ·
* If three or more parallel lines make congruent segments on a transversal, they
also intercept congruent segments on any other line that cuts them.
Unit 12
To Prove
Join P to the points A and B.
- Statements Reasons
In MCP t--t aBCP
- -
AC:::BC given
- -
LACP=:LBCP given PC ..L AB , so that each L at· C
PC:::PC common
.. MCP::LIBCP S.A.S. postulate
- - (corresponding sides of congruent
Hence PA ::: PB
Theorem 12.1.2
{Converse of Theorem 12.1.1}
Any point equidistant from the ~nd points of a line segment is on the right
bisector of it.
AB is a line segment. Point P is such that PA =PB •
To Prove
The point P is on the right bisector of AB .
Joint P to C, the mid-point of AB .
Statements Reasons
In MCP ~-7 Af3CP
PA:::PB given
PC::PC common
AC:::BC construction
MCP::Af3CP S.S.S. ::: S.S.S.
Line Bisectors and Angle Bisectors 212
1. ', Prove that the centre of a circle is on the right bisectors of each of its chords.
2. Where will be the centre of a circle passing through three non-collinear points?
And why?
3. Three villages P, Q and Rare not on the same line. The people of these villages
want to make a Children Park at such a place which is equidistant from these
three villages. After fixing the place of Children Park, prove that the Park is
equidistant from the three villages.
Theorem 12.1.3
The right bisectors of the sides of a triangle are concurrent.
Given A
To Prove
The right bisectors of AB , BC and CA are
Draw the right bisectors of AB and BC which meet each other at the point 0.
Join 0 to A, B and C. ·
213 Mathematics 9
Statements Reasons
(Each point on right bisector of a
OA=:OB ...... (i)
segment is equidistant from its end
Theorem 12.1.4
Any point on the bisector of an angle is equidistant from its arms.
A point P is on OM , the bisector of LAOB.
To Prove
-t -t
PQ =PR i.e., P is equidistant from OA and OB .
0 Q
-t -t B
Draw PR ..L OA and PQ ..L OB
Line Bisectors and Angle Bisectors 214
Statements Reasons
In Af>OQ f-~ Af>OR
OP:::OP common
LPQO=:LPRO construction
LPOQ=:LPOR given
Af>OQ ::: Af>OR S.A.A. ::: S.A.A.
(corresponding sides of congruent
Hence PQ:::PR
Theorem 12.1.5 (Converse of Theorem 12.1.4)
Any point inside an angle, equidistant from its arms, is on the bisector of it.
Given A
Any point P lies inside LAOB such that
~ ~
PQ ::: PR , where PQ .l OB and PR .l OA .
To Prove
Point Pis on the bisector of LAOB.
Construction 0 Q B
Join P to 0.
Statements Reasons
In Af>OQ f-~ Af>OR
LPQO=:LPRO given (right angles)
PO:::PO common
PQ:::PR given
~POQ:::Af>OR H.S. :::H.S.
Hence LPOQ::: LPOR (corresponding angels of congruent
i.e., P is on the bisector of LAOB.
1. In a quadrilateral ABCD, AB= BC and the right bisectors of AD, CD meet
each other at point N. Prove that BN is a bisector of LABC.
2. The bisectors of LA, LB and LC of a quadrilateral ABCP meet each other at
point O. Prove that the bisector of LP will also pass through the point O.
215 Mathematics 9
3. Prove that the right bisectors of congruent sides of an isoscles triangle and its
altitude are concurrent.
4. Prove that the altitudes of a triangle are ·concurrent.
Theorem 12.1.6
The bisectors of the angles of a triangle are concurrent.
To Prove ............!,.'
,,,,,, ""r ...........
The bisectors of LA, LB and LC are concurrent. .,,,"" I -
Draw the bisectors of LB and LC which
intersect at point I. From I, draw IF 1- AB , ID 1- BC and IE 1- CA .
Statements Reasons
-ID: -IF (Any point on bisector of an angle is
, equidistant from its arms)
=-ID, proved ..
.. ~ach
So, the point I is on the bisector of LA
.. . ... (i)
Also the point I is on the bisectors of
.LABC and LBCA ...... (ii) Construction
Thus the bisectors of LA, LB and LC
are concurrent at I. {from (i) and (ii)}
Note: In practical geometry also, by constructing angle bisectors of a triangle, we
shall verify that they are concurrent.
1. Prove that the bisectors of the angles of base of an isoscles triangle intersect
each other on its altitude.
2. Prove that the bisectors of two exterior and third interior angle of a triangle are
Line Bisectors and Angle Bisectors 216
1. Which of the following are true and which are false?
(i) Bisection means to divide into two equal parts.
(ii) Right bisection of line segment.means to draw perpendicular which
passes through the mid-point of line segment.
(iii) Any point on the right bisector of a line segment is not equidistant from
its end points.
(iv) Any point equidistant from the end points of a line segment is on the right
bisector of it.
(v) The right bisectors of the sides of a triangle are not concurrent.
(vi) The bisectors of the angles of a triangle are concurrent.
(vii) Any point on the bisector of an angle is not equidistant from its arms ...... .
(viii) Any point inside an angle, equidistant from its arms, is on the bisector
of it.
f-~ c
2. If CD is right bisector of line segment AB , then
(i) mOA= ........ .
M m N
0 12
6. CD is right bisector of the line segment AB.
- - L
(i) If mAB =6 cm, then find the mAL and mLB . A I'
- I'
(ii) If mBD =4 cm, then find mAD . I'
217 Mathematics 9
In this unit we stated and proved the following theorems:
* Any point on the right bisector of a line segment is equidistant from its end points.
* Any point equidistant from the end points of a line segment is on the right
bisector of it.
* The right bisectors of the sides of a triangle are concurrent.
* Any point on the bisector of an angle is equidistant from its arms.
* Any point inside an angle, equidistant from its arms, is on the bisector of it.
* The bisectors of the angles of a triangle are concurrent.
• Right bisection of a line segment means to draw a perpendicular at the mid-point
of line segment.
• Bisection of an angle means to draw a ray to divide the given angle into two equal
Unit 13
Recall that if two sides of a triangle are equal, then the angles apposite to them
are also equal and vice-versa. But in this unit we shall study some interesting
inequality relations among sides and angles of a triangle.
Theorem 13.1.1
If two sides of a triangle are unequal in length, the longer side has an angle
of greater measure opposite to it. A
In MBC, mAC > mAB
To Prove
B 1....
219 Mathematics 9
Statements Reasons
rnLl =rnL2 ...... (i) Angles opposite to congruent sides,
In Af3CD, rnLACB < mL2
i.e., mL2>mLACB ...... (ii) (An exterior angle of a triangle is greater
than a non-adjacent interior angle)
... rnLl >rnLACB ...... (m) By (i) and (ii)
mLABC = rnLl + mLDBC Postulate of addition of angles.
.. rnLABC>rnLl ...... (iv)
.. mLABC > rnLl >rnLACB By (iii) and (iv)
Hence rnLABC > mLACB (Transitive property of inequality of real
Example 1
Prove that in a scalene triangle, the angle opposite to the largest side is of
measure greater than 60° (i.e., two-third of a right-angle)
To Prove
mLB >60°.
Statements Reasons
- -
mLB>mLC rnAC > rnAB (given)
- -
rnAC > rnBC (given)
But mLA + rnLB + mLC = 180° LA, LB, LC are the angles of MBC
.. mLB + mLB + mLB > 180° mLB > mLC, mLB > mLA (proved)
Hence rnLB > 60° 180°/3 = 60°
Sides and Angles of Triangle 220
In a quadrilateral ABCD, AB is the longest side and CD is the shortest
side. Prove that mLBCD > mLBAD. A
In quad. ABCD, AB is the longest side and
In LlABC, mLA > mLB
To Prove
mBC>mAC ·
Statements Reasons
If mBC ::I> mAC , then
either (i)mBC
= mAC
(ii) mBC < mAC
} (Trichotomy property of real numbers)
221 Mathematics 9
and mBC<mAC
Thus mBC > mAC Trichotomy property of real numbers.
(i) The hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is longer than each of the other two
(ii) In an obtuse angled triangle, the side opposite to the obtuse angle is longer than
each of the other two sides.
- ~
ABC is an isosceles triangle with base BC • On BC a point D is taken away
from C. A line segment through D cuts AC at L and AB at M. Prove that
mAL >mAM.
In MBC, AB :: AC
D is a point on BC away from C.
A line segment through D cuts AC
at Land AB at M.
To Prove
mAL>mAM B c D
Sides and Angles of Triangle 222
... Statements Reasons
In ~c
- -
LB=:L2 ...... I AB =:AC (given)
mLI >mLB ...... II (Ll is an ext.Land LB is its internal
opposite L)
.. mLI >mL2 ...... III From I and II
In &CD,
mL2>mL3 .. .... IV (L2 is an ext. L and L3 is its internal
opposite L)
.. mLl > mL3 ...... v From III and IV
But L3=:L4 ...... VI Vertical angles
.. mLI >mL4 From Vand VI
- -
Hence mAL > mAM In ~M. mLl > mL4 (proved)
Theorem 13.1.3
The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the
length of the third side. D
Given ;-.,
\ Y/.._
In Ii DBC,
mCD>mBC By (iii)
\ I
Construction \ I
\ I
-7 - - \ I
\ I
On AD, take a point E, such that DE= AD. \ I
Join C to E. Name the ·angles LI, L2 as shown
in the figure. '
Sides and Angles of Triangle 224
Statements . Reasons
BD:=CD Given
Ll :=L2 Vertical angles
AD:=ED Construction
~D:=L\ECD S.A.S. Postulate
To Prove
mAC - mAB < mBC
mBC - mAB < mAC
B c
mBC - mAC < mAB
· Proof
Statements Reasons
mAB + mBC> mAC ABC is a triangle
1. Two sides of a triangle measure 10 cm and 15 cm. Which of the following
measure is possible for the third side?
(a) 5 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 25 cm (d) 30 cm
2. 0 is an interior point of the MBC. Show that
mOA+mOB +m0C>2 (mAB +mBC+mCA)
3. In the MBC, rnLB = 70° and mLC = 45°. Which of the sides of the triangle is
longest and which is the shortest?
4. Prove that in a right-angled triangle, the
hypotenuse is longer than each of the
other two sides.
5. In the triangular figure, mAB > mAC. BD
1. In the figure, P is any point and AB is a line. Which of the following is the
shortest distance between the point P and the line AB?
Which of tiie-rdn~~ing are true and which are false?
(i) The angle opposite to the longer side of a triangle is greater.
(ii) In a right-angled triangle greater angle is of 60°.
(iii) In isosceles right-angled triangle, angles other than right angle are
each of 45°.
(iv) A triangl~ having two congruent sides is called equilateral trian~le.
(v) A perpendicular from a point to a line is shortest distance.
(vi) Perpendicular to line fonn an angle of 90°.
(vii) A point out side the line is collinear with it. _ :L ..
I - '
(viii) Sum oftwo sides ·{)ftriangle )is greater than the third. _]....
(ix) The distance between ·a 'line and a point on it is zero.
(x) Triangle can be formed of lengths 2 cm, 3 cm and 5 cm.
2. What will be angle for shortest distance from an outside point to the line?
3. If 13 cm, 12 cm, and 5 cm are . t!ie lengths of a triangle, then verify that
difference of measures of any two sides-o~ a triangle is less than the measure of
the third side. .
4. -.- If 10 cm, 6 cm and 8 cin are th~ lengths of a triangle, then verify that sum of
measures of two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side.
5. 3 cm, 4 cm and 7 cm are not the lengths of the triangle. Givethe reason.
6. If 3 cm and 4 cm are lengths of two sides of a right angle triangle, then what
should be the third length of the triangle.
In this unit we stated and proved the following ·theorems:
* If two sides of a triangle are unequal ·in length, the longer side has an angl~ of
greater measure opposite to it.
* If two angles of a triangle ·are unequal in measure,. the side opposite to the
greater angle is longer than the side opposite to the smaller angle.
* The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length
of the third side.
* From a point, outside a line, the perpendicular is the shortest distance from the
point to the line.
Unit 14
In this unit we will prove some theorems and corollaries involving ratio and
proportions of sides of triangle and similarity of triangles. A knowledge of ratio and
proportion is necessary requirement of many occupations like food service
occupation, medications in health, preparing maps for land survey and construction
works, profit to cost ratios etc.
Recall that we defined ratio a : b =~ as the comparison of two alike quantities a
and b, called the elements (terms) of a ratio. (Elements must be expressed in the same
units). Equality of two ratios was defined as proportion.
That is, if a: b = c: d, then a, b, c and dare said to be in proportion.
Similar Triangles
Equally important are the similar shapes. In particular the similar triangles that
have many practical applications. For example, we know that a photographer can
develop prints of different sizes from the same negative. In spite of the difference in
sizes, these pici:ures look like each other. One photograph is simply an enlargement of
another. They are said to be similar in shape. Geometrical figures can also be similar.
e.g., If
229 Mathematics 9
then MBC and WEF are called similar triangles which is symbolically written as
It means that corresponding angles of similar triangles are equal and measures
of their corresponding sides are proportional.
Af>QR &MN means that in ·
Af>QR f---7 &MN
p L
Now as mPQ = mQR =mRP = 1
In other words, two congruent triangles are similar also. But two similar triangles are
not necessarily congruent, as congruence of their corresponding sides is not
Theorem 14.1.1
A line parallel to one side of a
triangle and intersecting the other two
sides divides them proportionally.
Ratio and Proportion 230
In Li.ABC, the line l is intersecting the sides AC and AB at points E and D
. 1 - -
and .Area of ~AED = 2x mAD xmEL ...... (ii)
Area of ~ED
mDB ...... (iii) Dividing (i) by (ii)
Thus Areaof~D-
But ~ED:: ~CDE (Areas of triangles with common
base and same altitudes are equal.
Given that ED II CB , so altitudes
are equal.
.. From (iii) and (iv), we hav~
mAD mAE - - mAB mAC - -
(a) If-=-=-=-, then DE II BC (b) I f - - = - - , then DE II BC
- -
Points to be noted
(i) Two points determine a line and three non-collinear points determine a plane.
(ii) A line segment has exactly one midpoint.
(iii) If two intersecting lines form equal adjacent angles, the lines are perpendicular.
Theorem 14.1.2
(Converse of Theorem 14.1.1)
If a line segment intersects the two sides of a triangle in the same ratio ,
then it is parallel to the third side. A
In MBC, ED intersects AB and AC such
that mAD : mDB = mAE : mEC
To Prove
C . _ _ - - - - - -- =-B
Construction ' __ -
I ---
- - I ------
If ED J(CB , then draw BF II DE to meet F .. -
AC produced at F.
Statements Reasons
DEllBF Construction
mAD mAE (A line par~llel to one side of a triangle
...... (i) divides the other two sides
mDB mEF proportionally. Theorem 14.1.1)
But - ---- ...... (ii) Given
.... - ---- From (i) and (ii)
Ratio and Proportion 232
or mEF=mEC,
which is possible only if point F is
(Property of real numbers.)
coincident with C.
Our supposition is wrong.
Hence ED II CB
l. In MBC, DE II BC .
(i) If mAD = 1.5 cm, mBD = 3 cm, mAE = 1.3 cm,
then find mCE.
(ii) If mAD = 2.4 cm,,mAE = 3.2 cm, mEC = 4.8 cm,
find ·mAR"
4. Prove that the line segment drawn through the mid-point of one side of a
triangle and parallel to another side bisects the third side.
5. Prove that the line segment joining the mid-points of any two sides of a, triangle
is parallel to the third side.
233 Mathematics 9
Theorem 14.1.3
The internal bisector of an angle of a triangle divides the side opposite to it
in the ratio of the lengths of the sides containing the angle.
.; I
.; .; I
,.."' I
A ,.. I
In MBC internal angle bisector of LA meets CB at the point D.
To Prove
mBD : mDC =mAB : mAC
Draw a line segment BE II DA to meet CA produced at E.
Statements Reasons
Again AD II EB
or --=-- mEA = mAB (proved)
mDC rnAC
. I
Thus mBD : mDC =mAB : mAC
Theorem 14.1.4
If two triangles are similar, then the measures of their corresponding sides
are proportional. A D
i.e., LA:: LD, LB :: LE and LC:: LF
To Prove
mAB rnAC mBC
- ---
- --
(I) Suppose that mAB > mDE
- -
(II) mAB ~ mDE
On AB take a point L such that rnAL = mDE .
On AC take a point M such that mAM = mDF . Join L and M by the line
Statements ReasQns
(I) In MLM ~-7 L\DEF
LA:=LD Given
AL::DE Construction
<m <
If mAB mDE , it can similarly
be proved by taldng intercepts on the
sides of IDEF.
If mAB =mDE
'. ' .
then in MBC f-~ IDEF
LA:LD Given
LB:LE .. Given
and AB:::DE
so L\ABC ::: IDEF A.S.A. ::: A.S.A
Thus - = - = - - = 1
AC:::DF , BC::: ·EF
Ii mDE mDF mEF
Hence the result is true for all the cases.
Ratio and Proportion 236
1. In ~C as shown in the figure, CD bisects LC
and meets AB at D. mBD is equal to
(a) 5 (b) 16 (c) 10 (d) 18
2. In ~C shown in the figure, CD
then show that ~AXC and ~XD are similar.
1. Which of the following are true ~d which are false?
(i) Congruent triangles are of same size and shape.
(ii) Similar triangles are of same shape but different sizes.
(iii) Symbol used for congruent is '::'.
(iv) Symbol used for similarity is '-'.
(v) Congruent triangles are similar.
(vi).Similar triangles are congruent.
(yii) A line segment has only one mid-point.
(viii) One and only one line can be drawn through two pomts.
(ix) Proportion is non-equality of two ratios.
(x) Ratio has no unit.
2. Define the following:
(i) Ratio (ii) Proportion
(iii) Congruent TriaI).gles (iv) Similar Triangles
237 Mathematics 9
In this unit we stated and proved the following theorems and gave some necessary
* A line parallel to one side of a triangle and intersecting the other two sides
divides them proportionally.
* If a line segment intersects the two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, then it is
parallel to the third side.
* The internal bisector of an angle of a triangle divides the side opposite to it in
the ratio of the lengths of the sides containing the angle.
* If two triangles are similar, then the measures of their corresponding sides are
• The ratio between two alike quantities is defined as a : b =~ , where a and b are
the elements of the ratio.
• Proportion is defined as the equality of two ratios i.e., a : b = c : d
• T~o_lri~gles are said to be similar if they are equiangular and coi:responding
sides are ·proportional.
Unit 15
Unit Outlines
15.1. Pythagoras' Theorem
Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician, discovered the simple but
important relationship between the sides of a right-angled triangle. He formulated this
relationship in the form of a theorem called Pythagoras' Theorem after his naine.
There are various methods of proving this theorem. We shall prove it by using·similar
triangles. We shall state and prove its converse also and then apply it to solve -
different problems.
Pythagoras Theorem 15.1.1
In a right angled triangle, the square of the length of hypotenuse is equal to
the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides.
B ~ ..........
Y n'', c
..... .....
a .....
c b A x A D • h C
(i) (ii)-a (ii)-b
MCB is a right angled triangle in which rnLC =90° and mBC =a, mAC = b
andmAB =c.
239 Mathematics 9
To Prove
c2 =a2+ b2
Draw CD perpendicular from C on AB .
Let mCD = h, mAD = x and mBD = y. Line segment CD splits dABC into two
~s ADC and BDC which are separately shown in the figures (ii)-a and (ii)-b
Proof (Using similar As)
Statements Reasons
In ~C~~MCB Refer to figure (ii)-a and (i)
LA::LA common - self congruent
LADC::LACB Construction - given, each angle = 90°
LC::LB LC and LB, complements of LA.
.. ~C-MCB Congruency of three angles
x b (Measures of corresponding sides of
.. ---
b-c similar triangles are proportional)
or x=- ...... (I)
Again in LIBDC ~~ LIBCA Refer to figure (ii)-b and (i)
LB::LB Common-self congruent
LBDC::LBCA Construction - given, each angle= 90°
LC::LA LC and LA, complements of LB
.. LIBDC - LIBCA Congruency of three angles.
... l_~
a c
(Corresponding sides of similar triangles
are proportional).
or y=- · ...... (II)
But y+x=c Supposition.
a b2
.. -+-=c
c c
By (I) and (II)
2 2 2
or a +b =c Multiplying both sides by c.
i.e., c2 =a2 + b2
Pythagoras' Theorem 240
In a right angled MBC, right angle at A,
-2 -2 -2
(i) mAB = mBC - mCA
-2 -2 -2
(ii) mAC = mBC - mAB
Pythagoras' Theorem has many proofs. The one we have given is based on the
proportionality of the sides of two similar triangles. For convenience ~s ADC and
CDB have been shown separately. Otherwise, the theorem is usually proved using
figure (i) only.
Theorem 15.1.2 [Converse of Pythagoras' Theorem 15.1.1]
If the square of one side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of
the other two sides, then the triangle is a right angled triangle.
- - - 2 2 2
In a MBC, mAB = c, mBC = a and mAC = b such that a + b = c .
To Prove
MCB is a right angled triangle.
Draw CD perpendicular to BC such that CD= CA. Join the points Band D.
Statements Reasons
mCB is a right-angled triangle. Construction
2 2 2
.. (mBD ) = a + b Pythagoras theorem
2 2 2
But a + b = c Given
(mBD )2 = c
CD:CA Construction
BC:BC Common
1. Verify that the As having the following measures of sides are right-angled.
(i) a= 5 cm, b = 12 cm, c = 13 cm
(ii) a= 1.5 cm, b=2cm, c=2.5 cm 'I
(iii) a = 9 cm, b = 12 cm, c = 15 cm
(iv) a= 16 cm, b= 30 cm, c = 34 cm
2 2 2 2
2. Verify that a + b , a - b and 2ab are the measures of the sides of a right
angled triangle where a and bare any two real numbers (a> b).
3. The three sides of a triangle are of measure 8, x and 17 respectively. For what
value of x will it become base of a right angled triangle? I
4. In an isosceles A, the base rnBC = 28 cm, and mAB = mAC = 50 cm.
If AD ..L BC , then find
_________ 2_~_2 ______________ --
6. (i) In the MBC as shown in the figure, mLACB
·= 90° and CD J_ AB. Find the lengths a, hand
• House
1. Which of the following are true and which are false?
(i) In a right angled triangle greater angle is of 90°.
(ii) In a right angled triangle right angle is of 60°.
(iii) In a right triangle hypotenuse is a side opposite to right angle.
(iv) If a, b, care sides of right angled triangle with c as longer side, then
c2 =a2 + b2
. .....
243 Mathematics 9
(v) If 3 cm and 4 cm are two sides of a right angled triangle, then hypotenuse is
(vi) If hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is --J2 cm, then each of other side_
is of length 2 cm.
2. Find the unknown value in each of the following figures.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
3cm x 5cm
In this unit we learned to state and prove Pythagoras' Theorem and its converse with
In a right angled triangle, the square of the length of hypotenuse is equal to the
sum of the squares of the lengths of the ·other two sides.
* If the square of o~e side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the
· other two sides then the triangle is a right angled triangle.
Moreover, these theorems were applied to solve some questions of practical
Unit 16
Rectangular Region
The interior of a rectangle is the part of the
D c
plane enclosed by the rectangle.
A rectangular region is the union of a
rectangle and its interior. .
A rectangular region can be divided into two B
or more than two triangular regions in many ways.
Recall that if the length and width of a rectangle are a units and b units
respectively, then the area of the rectangle is equal to ax b square units.
If a is the side of a square, its area =a 2 square units.
Between the same Parallels
Two parallelograms are said to be between the A D E H
same parallels, when their bases are in the same
straight lin'b and their sides opposite to these bases are
also in a straight line; as the parallelograms ABCD,
EFGH in the given figure.
\\ IZ
B c F G
/\ 77
the same straight line, and the side of the
parallelogram opposite the base, produced if
necessary, passes through the vertex of the triangle
as are the ~C and the parallelogram DEFG in B C E F
the given figure.
If one side of a parallelogram is taken as its base, the perpendicular distance
between that side and the side parallel to it, is called the Altitude or Height of the
If one side of a triangle is taken as its base, the perpendicular to that side, from
the opposite vertex is called the Altitude or Height of the triangle .
Theorem Related with Area 246
Useful Result A D
Triangles or parallelograms placed between the same or
equal parallels will have the same or equal altitudes or heights.
Theorem 16.1.1
Parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallel lines (or of
the same altitude) are equal in area.
Two parallelograms ABCD and ABEF having·the same base AB and between
the same pa:allel lines AB and DE.
p_ _ _D
To Prove
area of parallelogram ABCD = area of parallelogram ABEF
247 Mathematics 9
Statements Reasons
area of (parallelogram ABCD)
=area of (quad. ABED)+ area of (i\CBE) .. . (1) [Area addition axiom]
area of (parallelogram ABEF)
=area of (quad. ABED)+ area of (L\DAF) .. . (2) [Area addition axiom]
In i\s CBE and DAF
[opposite sides of a
mCB =mDA parallelogram]
[opposite sides of a
mBE =mAF parallelogram]
- - - -
[·: BCllAD, BEllAF]
i\CBE ::L\DAF) [S.A.S. cong. axiom]
.. area of (i\CBE) =area of (L\DAF) ...... (3) [cong. area axiom]
Hence area of (parallelogram ABCD)
=area of (parallelogram ABEF) from (1), (2) and (3)
(i) The area of a parallelogram is equal to that of a rectangle on the same base and
having the same altitude.
(ii) Hence area of parallelogram = base x altitude
Let ABCD be a parallelogram. AL is an altitude corresponding to side AB.
(i) Since parallelogram ABCD and rectangle ALMB are on the same base AB and
between the same parallels,
:. by above theorem it follows that L D M C
area of (parallelogram ABCD) =area of (rect. ALMB)
But area of (rect. ALMB) = AB x AL l......_______.~V
Hence area of (parallelogram ABCD) =AB x AL.
Theorem 16.1.2
Parallelograms on equal bases and having the same (or equal) altitride are
equal in area. A D E H
Parallelograms ABCD, EFGH are on
equal bases BC, FG, having equal altitudes.
Theorem Related with Area 248
To Prove
area of (parallelogram ABCD) =area of (parallelogram EFGH)
Place the parallelograms ABCD and EFGH so that their equal bases BC, FG are
in the straight line BCFG. Join BE and CH.
Statements Reasons I
mBC=mFG Given
1. Show that the line segment joining the mid-points of opposite sides of a
parallelogram, divides it into two equal parallelograms.
2. In a parallelogram ABCD, mAB = 10 cm. The altitudes corresponding to sides
AB and AD are respectively 7 cm and 8 cm. Find AD.
3. If two parallelograms of equal areas have the same or equal bases, their
altitudes are equal.
249 Mathematics 9
Theorem 16.1.3
Triangles on the same base and of the same (i.e., equal) altitudes are equal
in area. M A D N
8s ABC, DBC on the same base BC, and
having equal altitudes.
To Prove
~ea of (8ABC) = area of (8DBC)
vv B c
Draw BM II to CA, CN II to BD meeting AD produced in M, N.
I Statements
- Reasons
L\ ABC and A DBC are·between the same 11 5 , Their altitudes are equal
Hence MADN is parallel to BC
.. Area (llgm BCAM) =Area (llgm BCND) These ugms are on the same base
..... (i)
BC and-between the same 11 5
But Area of 8ABC = ~ (Area of llgm BCAM) (ii) Each diagonal of a llgm bisects it
/ into two congruent triangles
·~d Area of 8DBC = ~ CArea of llgm BCND)
Hence Area (A ABC) =Area (A DB€) - - From (i), (ii) and (iii)
Theorem 16.1.4
Triangles on equal bases and of equal aititudes are equal in area.
x A D y
\ I
\ I
B c E
Place the ~s ABC and DEF so that their equal bases BC and EF are in the same
straight line BCEF and their vertices on the same side of it. Draw BX II CA and
FY II ED meeting AD produced in X, Y respectively.
Statements Reasons
~ABC,~ DEF are between the same parallels Their altitudes are equal (given)
.. XADY is II to BCEF
.. area (llgm BCAX) = area (llgm EFYD) These llgms are on equal bases and
...... (i) between the same parallels
But Area of (~C) = l(Area of llgm BCAX) (ii) Diagonal of a llgm bisects it
1. Triangles on equal bases and between the same parallels are equal in area.
2. Triangles having a common vertex and equal bases in the same straight line, are
equal in area.
1. Show that a median of a triangle divides it into two triangles of equal area.
2. Prove that a parallelogram is divided by its diagonals into four triangles of
equal area.
1. Which of the following are true and which are false?
(i) Area of a figure means region enclosed by bounding lines of closed figure. -
(ii) Similar figures have same area.
(iii) Congruent figures have same area.
251 Mathematics 9
- ~
(iv) A diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two non-congruent triangles.
(v) Altitude of a triangle means perpendicular from vertex to the opposite side
(vi) Area of a parallelogram is equal to the product of base and height.
2. Find the area of the following.
(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)
/k= I
Define the following
(i) Area of a figure (ii) Triangular Region
(iii) Rectangular Region (iv) Altitude or Height of a triangle
In this unit we mentioned s<i>me necessary preliminaries, stated and proved the
following theorems alonkwith corollaries, if any.
• Area of a figure means region enclosed by the boundary lines of a closed figure.
• A triangular region means the union of triangle and its interior.
• By area of a triangle means the area of its triangular region.
• Altitude or height of a triangle means perpendicular distance to base from its
opposite vertex.
* Parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallel lines (or of the
same altitude) are equal in area.
* Parallelograms on equal bases and having the same (or equal) altitude are equal
m area.
"* Triangles on the same base and of the same (i.e., equal) altitudes are equal in
* Triangles on equal bases and of equal .altitudes are equal in area.
Unit 17
Unit Outlines
17.1 Construction of Triangles
17.2 Figures with Equal Areas
In this unit we shall learn to construct different triangles, rectangles, squares
etc. The knowledge of these basic constructions is very useful in every day life,
especially in the occupations of wood-working, graphic art and metal trade etc.
Intermixing of geometrical figures is used to create artistic look. The geometrical
constructions are usually made with the help of a pair of compasses, set squares,
divider and a straight edge.
Observe that
If the given line segments are too big or too small , a suitable scale may be
taken for constructing the figure.
253 Mathematics 9
4.6cm B
Two sides, say
mAB =4.6 cm and mAC =4 cm and the included angle, rnLA =60°.
To construct the ~C using given information of sides and the included angle
(i) Draw a line segment mAB =4.6 cm
(ii) At point A construct mLBA C = 60°.
(iii) Cut off mAC = 4 cm from the terminal side of L60°.
(iv) Join BC
(v) Hence, ABC is the required Li.
(b) To construct a triangle, having given one side and two of the angles.
A 5cm B
Practical Geometry- Triangles 254
The side rnAB = 5 cm, say and two of the angles, say
mLA =60° and mLB =60°.
To construct a MBC using given data.
(i) Draw the line segment rnAB= 5 cm
(ii) At point A construct mLBAC = 60°.
(iii) At point B construct mLBAC = 60°.
(iv) The terminal sides of these two angles meet at C.
(v) Hence, ABC is the required~.
Observe that
When two angles of a triangle are given, the third angle can be found from tlie.
fact that the sum of three angles of triangle is 180°. Thus two angles "being known, all
the three are known.
c c
Figure (a) Figure (b)
Two sides a, c and in LA = a opposite to one of them, say' a.
To construct a triangle having the given parts.
(i) Draw a line segment AD of any length
(ii) .AtpointAdraw m.LDAB = mLA = .g
Practical Geometry - Triangles 256
mCA=5.1 cm.
(ii) Draw its angle bisectors and verify that they
are concurrent.
The side mAB = 4.6 cm, mBC = 5 cm and
mCA = 5.1 cm of a MBC.
Required B 5cm c
(i) To construct MBC.
(ii) To draw its angle bisectors and verify their concurrency.
257 Mathematics 9
(i) Take mBC = 5 cm.
(ii) With B as centre and radius mBA = 4.6 cm draw an arc.
(iii) With C as centre and radius mCA = 5.1 cm draw another arc which intersects
the first arc at A.
(iv) Join BA and CA to complete the MBC.
(v) Draw bisectors of LB and LC meeting each other in the point I.
(vi) Now draw bisector of the third LA.
(vii) We observe that the third angle bisector also passes through the point I.
(viii) Hence the ru;igle bisectors of the MBC are concurrent at I, which lies within
the L\.
Note: Recall that the point of concurrency of bisectors of the angles of triangle is
called its incentre.
(b) Draw altitudes of a given triangle and verify their concurrency.
Example /f
(i) Construct a triangle ABC in which
mBC = 5.9 cm, rnLB = 56° and /
(ii) Draw the altitudes of the triangle and
verify that they are concurrent.
The side mBC = 5.9 cm and
mLB = 56°, mLC = 44°.
B 1p 5.9 cm c
Required I
(vi) We observe that this third altitude also passes through the point of intersection
0 of the first two altitudes.
(vii) Hence the three altitudes of MBC are concurrent at 0.
Note: Recall that the point of concurrency of the three altitudes of a triangle is called
its orthocentre. '
(c) Draw perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a given triangle and verify their
(i) Construct a MBC having given mAB = 4 cm, mBC = 4.8 cm and
(ii) Draw perpendicular bisectors of its sides and verify that they are concurrent.
Three sides mAB = 4 cm, mBC = 4.8 cm and mAC = 3.6 cm of a MBC.
Required ·
(i) To construct the MBC.
(ii) To draw perpendicular bisectors of its sides and to verify that they are
(i) Take mBC = 4.8 cm.
(ii) With B as centre and radius mBA = 4 cm draw an arc.
(iii) . With C as centre and radius mCA = 3.6 cm draw another arc that intersects the
first arc at A. ·
(iv) Join BA and CA to complete the MBC.
259 Mathematics 9
(v) Draw perpendicular bisectors of BC and CA meeting each ofuer·at the point 0.
(vi) Now draw the perpendicular bisector of third side AB.
(vii) We observe that it also passes through 0, the point of intersection of first two
perpendicular bisectors.
(viii) Hence the three perpendicular bisectors of sides of ~Care concurrent at 0.
Note: Recall that the point of concurrency of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides
of a triangle is called its circ1Imcentre.
(d) Draw medians of a given triangle and verify their concurrency
(i) Construct a ~C in which mAB =4.8 cm, mBC =3.5 cm and mAC =4 cm.
(ii) Draw medians of MBC and verify that they are concurrent at a point within
the triangle. By measurement·show that the medians divide each other in the
ratio 2: 1.
Three sides mAB =4.8 cm, mBC =3.5 cm and mAC =4 cm of a MBC.
(i) Construct the MBC.
(ii) Draw its medians and verify their concurrency.
*' ''
' ' ', R
I>< Ci
A ~........ 4.8qm1P1 B
_, \ I I
~ \I I
(i) Take mAB =4.8 cm.
(ii) With A as centre and mAC =4 cm as radius draw an arc.
Practical Geometry- Triangles 260
(iii) With B as centre and radius mBC = 3.5 cm draw another arc which intersects
the first arc at C.
(iv) Join AC and BC to get the L1ABC.
(v) Draw perpendicular bisectors of the sides AB, BC and CA of the ~C and
mark their mid-points P, Q and R re.spectively.
1. Construct the following !:l's ABC. Draw the bisectors of their angles and verify
their concurrency.
(i) mAB =4.5 cm, mBC=3.l cm and mCA=5.2cm
(ii) mAB = 4.2 cm, mBC=6cm and mCA=5.2cm
(iii) mAB = 3.6 cm, mBC=4.2cm and mLB = 75°.
2. Construct the following !:!.' s PQR. Draw their altitudes and show that they are
(i) mPQ = 6 cm, mQR = 4.5 cm and mPR = 5.5 cm
(ii) mPQ = 4.5 cm, mQR = 3.9 cm and mLR = 45°
(iii) rnRP = 3r6 cm, mLQ = 30° and mLP = 105°.
3. Construct the following triangles ABC. Draw the perpendicular bisectors of
their sides and verify their concurrency. Do they meet inside the triangle?
(i) mAB = 5.3 cm, mLA = 45°, mLB = 30°
(ii) mBC = 2.9 cm, mLA = 30°, mLB = 60°
(iii) mAB = 2.4 cm, mAC = 3.2 cm, mLA = 120°
261 Mathematics 9
4. Construct the following ~s XYZ. Draw their three medians and show that they
are concurrent.
(i) mYZ=4.1 cm, mLY=60° and mLX=75°
(ii) mXY = 4.5 cm, mYZ= 3.4cm, and mZX=5.6cm
(iii) mZX = 4.3 cm, mLX = 75°, and mLY=45°
17.2. Figures with Equal Areas
(i) Construct a triangle equal in area to a given quadrilateral.
D c
A quadrilateral ABCD.
To construct a ~ equal in area to
quadrilateral ABCD.
p A B
(i) Join AC.
(ii) Through D draw DP II CA, meeting BA produced at P.
(iii) Join PC.
(iv) · Hence, PBC is the _required triangle.
Observe that
~s APC, ADC stand on _
the same base AC and between the same parallels AC
and PD.
Hence MPC = ~C
~C + ~c = ~c + ~C or MBC =quadrilateral ABCD.
1. (i) Construct a quadrilateral ABCD, having mAB = mAC = 5.3 cm,
- -- --
mBC = mCD = 3.8 cm and rnAD = 2.8 cm.
(ii) On the side BC construct a~ equal in area to the quadrilateral ABCD.
(ii) Construct a rectangle equal in area to a given triangle.
To construct a rectangle equal in area
(i) Take a MBC.
(ii) Draw DP, the perpendicular bisector
of BC.
(iii) Through the vertex A of MBC draw
f--7 - f--~
PAQ II BC intersecting PD at P.
(iv) Take mPQ =mDC.
(v) Join Q and C.
(vi) Hence, CDPQ is the required rectangle.
Construct a parallelogram equal in area to a given triangle having one angle
equal to a given angle.
To construct a parallelogram equal in
area to MBC and having one angle = La
B c
(i) Bisect BC at D.
(ii) Draw DE making LCDE = La
~ -
(iii) Draw AEF II to BC cutting DE at E.
- -
(iv) Cut off EF =DC. Join C and F.
Hence, CDEF \s the required parallelogram.
263 Mathematics S
1. Construct a !J.. with sides 4 cm, 5 cm and 6 cm and construct a rectangle having
its area equal to that of the !J... Measure its diagonals. Are they equal?
2. Transform an isosceles !J.. into a rectangle.
3 Construct a !J..ABC such that mAB = 3 cm, mBC = 3.8 cm, mAC = 4.8 cm.
Construct a rectangle equal in area to the !J..ABC, and measure its sides.
(iii) Construct a square equal in area to a given rectangle.
A rectangle ABCD. L
To construct a square equal in area to
rectangle ABCD.
(i) Produce AD to E making mDE =mCD.
(ii) Bisect AE at 0. B
" c
(iii) With centre 0 and radius OA describe a
(iv) Produce CD to meet the semi-circle in M.
(v) On DM as a side construct a square DFLM.
This shall be the required square.
Construct a square equal in area to a given triangle .
E 01 F .G R
Practical Geometry - Triangles 264
To construct a square equal in area to dABC.
f--7 -
(i) Draw PAQ II BC.
(ii) Draw perpendicular bisector of BC, bisecting it at D and meeting PAQ at P.
- -
(iii) Draw CQ l_ PQ meeting it in Q.
(iv) Take a line EFG and cut off EF =DP and FG =DC.
(v) Bisect EG at 0.
(vi) With 0 as centre and radius= OE draw a semi-circle.
(vii) At F draw FM l_ EG meeting the semi-circle at M.
(viii) With MF as a side, complete the required square FMNR.
(iv) Construct a triangle of equivalent area on a base of given length.
To construct a triangle with base x and having area equivalent to area AABC.
(i) Construct the given AABC.
f--+ -
(ii) Draw AD II BC.
. dr f-~
(iii) With B as centre and radrns = x, aw an arc cutting AD in M.
- -
(iv) Join BM and CM.
(v) Hence, BCM is the required triangle with base BM = x and area equivalent to (
areaAABC. ·
265 Mathematics 9
1. Construct a rectangle whose adjacent sides are 2.5 cm and 5 cm respectively.
Construct a square having area equal to the given rectangle.
2. Construct a square equal in area to a rectangle whose adjacent sides are 4.5 cm
and 2.2 cm respectively. Measure the sides of the square and find its. area and
compare with the area of the rectangle.
3. In Q.2 above verify by measurement that the perimeter of.the square is less than
that of the rectangle.
4. Construct a square equal in area to the sum of two squares having sides 3 cm
and 4 cm respectively.
5. Construct a Ii having base 3.5 cm and other two sides equal to 3.4 cm and
3.8 cm respectively. Transform it into a square of equal area.
6. Construct a Ii having base 5 cm and other sides equal to 5 cm and 6 cm.
Construct a square equal in area to given Ii.
1. Fill in the following blanks to make the statement true:
(i) The side of a right angled triangle opposite to 90° is called ..... .
(ii) The line segment joining a vertex of a triangle to the mid-point of its opposite
side is called a ..... .
(iii) A line drawn from a vertex of a triangle which is ...... to its opposite side is
called an altitude of the triangle. ·
(iv) The bisectors of the three angles of a triangle are ..... .
(v) The point of concurrency of the.right bisectors of the three sides of the triangle
is ...... from its vertices.
(vi) Two or more triangles are said to be similar if they are equiangular and
measures of their corresponding sides are ...... .
(vii) The altitudes of a right triangle are concurrent at the ...... of the right angle.
2. Multiple Choice Questions. Choose the correct answer.
(i) A triangle having two sides congruent is called ..... .
(a) scalene (b) right angled
(c) equilateral (d) isosceles
(ii) . A quadrilateral having each angle equal ot 90° is called ..... .
(a) parallelogram (b) rectangle
(c) trapezium (d) rhombus
(iii) The right bisectors of the three sides of a triangle are ..... .
(a) congruent (b) collinear
(c) concurrent (d) parallel
Practical Geometry- Triangles 266
[-1]~ ,l-2 _J l-3 -2 l·[
-3 1 -2 -6 3 -2
4 _sJ. l-2 -3 l
-1 5
1. A and E, B and D, C and F.
2. [ -2
-1 '
[-1 _;] '
1 [ ~ ], [-!
0 ]
2 '
'- 3 2 -1 -2 -1
(iv) [i
0 ~] (v) [ -2
4 ~] (vi) [-_i]
269 Mathematics 9
(vii) [ -2 2 -4 ] (viii) [ _~ 6
(ix) [ 3 -3 6l
3 4]
1 1
4 5
(ii) [ :25 15 ]
un 2
.7. a=2,b=3
[~ ~ ]
[-~ -3 l
3. (i) [4] (ii) [-3] (iii) [-12] (iv) [24] (v) -15
24 34
4. (a) p -6
(b) [ 1~ 13
34 t
[ 1:
15 ]
26 33
3 3
(d) [~ ~] (e) [ ~ ~J
1. (i) -2 (ii) -8 (iii) 0 (iv) 10
2. (i) singular (ii) non-singular (iii) non-singular (iv) singular
(1) A
=[ 0
1/2 ]
1/6 (ii) B-1 =[ -i -; ]
. (iii) c- 1 does not exist (iv) n- 1 = [ _! -g ]
5. (i) inverses (ii) inverses
7 3 14
1. (.)
1 X =2, y =o c·11·)· X =l' y =-4 c·111··) X =S, y = s:- c·IV) X =- 2, y =o
(v) no solution (vi) x =4, y =-7 (vii) x = 2, y =0 (viii) x = 4, y = 2.
2. 15, 60 3. 18.5 cm, 15 cm 4. 49°, 49°, 82° 5. 26°, 64°
6. 50 km/h, 56 km/h
1. (i) b (ii) c. (iii) a (iv) b (v) a (vi) c (vii) a (viii) d
Answers 270
2. . nu11 (11)
(1) .. umt
. (m···) [ -01 21 J (iv) "# (v) same (vi) square
3. a =-6, b = 3. 22
4. .
[ 19 -6]
-4 -3 (ii) [ _~ -~; J (iii) [ -396 1i J (iv) [ ~~- 122]
5. [-42 -3]
1 .
1. Rational Numbers: (ii), (iv), (v), Irrational Numbers: (i), (iii), (vi).
2. (i) 0.68 (ii) 4.75 (iii) 7.125
(iv) 11.3889 (v) 0.625 (vi) 0.65789
3. (i) F (ii) T (iii) F (iv) T (v) F
4. (i) • I I I I I I I I "'
-3 -2 -1 0 p1 2 3 4
(ii) • I I I I I 11 I I I •
-3 -2 -1 . 0 1 3 4
(iii) • I I I I "'
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 P2 3 4
(iv) • I 111111111 I . "'
-4 -3 p -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
(v) • I I I I I I II II I •
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 P3 4
(vi) • I I I "'
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2p 3
47 ") 5 ("") 13
5. 72 6. (l 9 11 99
1. (i) Commutative w.r.t. addition. (ii) Associative w.r.t. multiplication.
(iii) Multiplicative Identity (iv) Trichotomy
(v) Commulative w.r.t. multiplication. (vi) Cancellation property of addition.
.) 5 14 ..) x=-,y=
~ 1 0 ... ) x=- 7 ,y=-24
7. (I X= 13,y=13 3
1. (i) a (ii) c (iii) a (iv) c (v) b (vi) c (vii) c (viii) d
(ix) b (x) a (xi) a (xii) c (xiii) b (xiv) a (xv) c
3 42 6 1
3. c··> c···> c· >
(I.> x2y3 n s~s.. y• m xyz iv 5x5315" x4y2 4 . 5 5. 5 6• 1
1• 1
1. (i) 5.7 x u>3 (ii) 4.98 x 10
(iii) 9.6 x 10
(iv) 4.169 x
(v) 8.3 x ut (vi) 6.43 x 10-3 (vii) 7.4 x 10- (viii) 6 x 10
2 75
(ix) 3.95 x 10-9 ( ) · x lu53
x 2.5x10-
2. (i) 0.0006 (ii) 50,600,000,000 (iii) 0.000009018 (iv) 786,500,000
1. (i) log A+ log B (ii) log 15.2 - log 30.5 (iii) log 21 + log 5 - log 8
(iv) i [log 7 - log 15] (v) j log 22 - 3 log 5 (vi) log 25 +log 47 - log 29
(x+ lf
2. 1og x(x-1)
'· (i) t.'°'o (ii) 1.3801 (iii) 0.261' (iv) 0.42'9 (v) 1.4771
1. (i) 11.15 (ii) 2.302 (iii) 261 (iv) 1.258
(v) 0.0895 (vi) 0.6229 (vii) 0.9811 (viii) 0.0008778
2. 329.2 3. lOunits 4. 707.1 5. 27.50
1. (i) c (ii) b (iii) d (iv) a (v) b (vi) a (vii) d (viii) e (ix) b (x) c
2. (i) 10 (ii) cbaracteristic (iii) mantissa (iv) antilogarithm (v) one (vi) 2
1. (i) 2ab(c - 2x + d) (ii) 3y(3x - 4x2 + 6y)
(iii) -3x(xy + 1 - 3y 2
) (iv) 5abc(bc 2 - 2ab2 - 4a2c)
(v) x2y(x- 3y) (3x - 7y) (vi) 2xy2(x2 + 5) (y + 4)
2. (i) (a - b) (5x - 3y) (ii) (y- 4)(3x + 2)
(iii) (x - 2y) (x2 + 3y2) (iv) (x - z) (xz + y2)
EXERCISE 7.2. ..
1. (il d .' (ii) c {iii) c (iv) b (v) c (vi) d
2. (i) T (ii) T (iii) F (iv) T (v) T (vi) T (vii) F (viii) T (ix) T
4. (i) <I> (ii) {3} 5. (i) {6} (ii) {-12,0} 6. (i) x;?: 12 (ii) 8>x>-2
1. Pin II-Q, Qin ID-Q, R in 1-Q, Sin IV-Q.
J._ ii.,,
i ~
2. (i) ~
(ii) .
0 0
' -
- ,__ I,...._
•ii •ii
1x= 2 ix= -3
J"', , r ..
~ ~
y= 3
(iii) IC
(iv) .-
0 . Iv= -1 0
·I', 'rv
(v) (vi) -.
0 ' 0
x FO
2t9 Mathematics 9
' ·- .. I
/j =3x '~-
i(l 3) \
I -1 2 \
I '
_,, ~?
,.' ~ '~-
. 1'
,, ~ /
/(1 P)
(ix) (x)
v -
0 '•' ) 0
(i-1 -1 7 /
" J
- 3v= x
j (3 4) "
j 1, 2) j 2, ~)
(xi) j
,v-· (xii) 0
j (1, ~)
/ v
j -1 ,- ) J 0, -2D
Ox tr- 0 ~x y= 2
, r_.
.. 'r.,. .L
~ ...... '¥
J (1 2)
(xiii) ~
-1 0) - L.--"-
- 0
2 1)
-- (xiv) (-1,- l)V
0 ' ,
x 3) + ~=~ /
•:r- 12~ + ~=~ •
3. (i) parallel to y-axis (ii) parallel to y-axis (iii) paraJlel to x-axis
280 -
(iv) neither (v) neither
2 1 1
4. (a) m=-3, c=3 (b)m=2,c=l (c) m=-3, c= I
(d) m=2,c=-7 (e) m=2, c=-3 (t) m=2,c=-3
5. (i) No (ii) No (iii) No (iv) Yes (v) No
l. (i) 4 gallons (ii) 36 litres
' ,..
' ' ...
3. (a) -~ (1 1)
"'-- r<- 2.0 0
l :
..... f
(-~. 2) /
/(1 1)
, --
. "
3x 21- =(J
a j •
0 ............. -- (d)
I (l 2)
..... I' 2, I>) r J u '
~>-2 -~ ...... v (0 -1 (- 1, 2) I
....... j
•y" ~ I
~ I
y- f2x F=O
a .,. j • ...
1-l 3)
3y -1 ~ \
0 t- (f) '
o, -
' (1 ,-')
... , +3 -='
1. LN = 2cm, LQ = 4 cm
1. (i) parallel/congruent (ii) equal/congruent (iii) intersect (iv) concurrent
(v) congruent
2. (i) = (ii) = (iii) rnL3 (iv) rnL4 3. n°=y0 =75°, x 0 =m 0 =105°
1. (i) T (ii) T (iii) F (iv) T (v) F (vi) T (vii) F (viii) T
283 Mathematics 9
- 7 - 14
1. (a) 5 2. mAD =3, mDB =3
1. (i) T (ii) T (iii) F (iv) F (v) T (vi) F (vii) T (viii) T (ix) F (x) T
3. 15 4. (i) 48 cm (ii) 672 cm
6. (i) a =2{15 , h ='135 , b =2-jii. (ii) 9 cm
1. (i) T (ii) F (iii) T (iv) F · (v) T (vi) T
2 2 2 2
2. (i) 18 cm (ii) 16 cm (iii) 32 cm (iv) 80 cm
1. (i) hypotenuse (ii) median (iii) perpendicular (iv) concurrent
(v) equidistant (vi) proportional (vii) vertex
2. (i) (d) (ii) (b) (iii) (c) (iv) (a) (v) (b) (vi) (b)
(vii) (a) (viii) (c) (ix) (d) (x) (a) (xi) (a)
A rectangular layout or a formation of a collection of real numbers, say 0, 1, 2,
3, 4 and 7, such as;
] 3 4and then encJosed by brackets 6[ ]' . said. to_form a matnx. (17 23 04]
7 2 0
Red:angular Matrix
A matrix M is called rectangular if, the number of rows of M :t: the number of
columns of M.
Square Matrix
A matrix M is called a square matrix if, the number of rows of M = the
number of columns of M.
Row Matrix
A matrix Mis called a row matrix if M has only one row.
Column Matrix
A matrix Mis called a oolmnn matrix if M has only one column.
Null or Zero Matrix
A matrix M is called a null or uro matrix if each of its entries is 0.
Transpose of a Matrix
Let A be a matrix. The matrix At is a new matrix which is called transpose of
matrix A and is obtained by interchanging rows of A into its respective columns (or
columns into respective rows).
Symmetric Matrix
A square matrix M is called symmetric if M = M.
Negadve of a Matrix
Let A be a matrix. Then its negative, -A is obtained by changing the signs of all
the entries of A.
Skew Symmetric Matrix
A 8quate matrix M is &aid to be 1kew 8)'1111Detrle if M' -M.
285 Mathemalics 9
Diagonal Matrix
:::~,.~ r: ; :J
0 0 k
where the scalar k * 0.
Identity Matrix
A scalar matrix of the type
1 0 OJ
A= 0 I 0 is called a 3-by-3 identity matrix.
0 0 1
Additive Identity or a Matrix
Let A = [ad b
e I
c] be a matrix of order 2-by-3. Then a matrix B is said to
Singular Matrix
A square matrix M is called singular if the determinant of M is equal to zero.
Non-Singular Matrix
A square matrix M is called non-singular if the determinant of M is not equal to
zero (i.e., M is not singular).
Adjoint of a Matrix
In the radical Ta ,
the symbol ~ is called the radical sign, is called the n
index of the radical and the real number a under the radical sign is called the
radicand or base.
287 Mathematics 9
Complex Number
A number of the form z =a + bi where a and b are recil numbers and i =~, is .
called a complex number.
Complex Conjugate
The numbers a + bi and a - bi are conjugate of each other.
Scientific Notation
A number written in the form ax lOn, where 1 ~a< 10 and n is an integer, is
called the scientific notation.
Logarithm of a Number
If tr =y then x is called the logarithm of y to the base 'a' and is written as
logaY =x, where a > 0, a *1 and y > 0
Common Logarithm or Brigg's Logarithm
If the base of logarithm is taken as 10 then logarithm is called Common
Logarithm or Brigg's Logarithm.
Natural Logarithm
Logarithm having base e is called Napier Logarithm or Natural Logarithm.
The integral part of the logarithm of any number is called the characteristic.
The ·decimal part of the logarithm of a number is called the mantissa and is
always positive.
Rational Expression
The quotient p((x)) of two polynomials p(x) and q(x), where q(x) is a non-zero
. qx
polynomial: is called a rational expression.
An irrational radical with rational radicand is called a surd.
Remainder Theorem
"If a polynomialj(x) is divided by a linear divisor (x - a), then the remainder is
j{a)". .
Glossary 288
Factor Theorem
"The polynomial (x - a) is a factor of the polynomial fix) if and only if
fia) = O".
Line Segment
A part of a line l distinguished or separated by distinct points P and Q of l is
Coordinates of a Point
The real numbers x, y of the ordered pair (x, y) are called coordinates of a
point P(x, y) in a plane. The first number x is called x-coordinate (or obscissa) and
the second number yin (x, y) is called y-coordinate (or ordinate) of the point P(x, y).
Distance formula
The distance between two points P(.r 1• y 1) and QCr2• y 2 ) in the coordinate plane
Congruent Triangles .
Two triangles are said to be congruent (symbol ::), if there exists a
correspondence between them such that all the corresponding sides and angles are
congruent i.e.,
If BC::EF and LB::LE
then MBC:: M)EF
S.A.S. Postulate
In any correspondence of two triangles, if two sides and their included angle of
one triangle are congruent to the corresponding two sides and their included angle of
the other, then the triangles are congruent. ·
Right B~tor of a Line. Segment
A line l is called a right bisector of a line segment if l is perpendicular to the
line segment and passes through its mid-point.
Angle Bisector
Angle bisector is the ray which divides an angle into two equal parts.
291 Mathematics 9
Concurrent Lines,
Three or more than three lines are said to be concurrent, if they all pass
through the same point. The conimon poiilt is called the point of concurrency of the
Incentre of a Triangle
The internal bisectors · of the angles of a triangle meet at a point called the
Incentre of the triangle.
Circumcentre of a Triangle ·
The point of concurrency of the threC perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a
triangle is called the circunicentre of the triangle.
Median of a Triangle
A line segment joining a vertex· of a triangle to the mid-point of th,e opposite
side -is called a median of the triangle.
Altitude of a Triangle
A line segment from a vertex of a triangle, perpendicular to the line containing
the opposite side, is called an altitude of the triangle.
Orthocentre of a Triangle
The point of concurrency of the three altitudes of a ~ is called its orthocentre.
Mathematica/ Symbols 292
= is equal to 0 degree
is not equal to therefore
for all
implies that
J_ is perpendicular to
if and only if
II is parallel to
such that
is greater than
is less than is approximately equal to
is not greater than is congruent to
is not less than is similar to
is greater than or equal to line AB
~ is less than or equal to
AB line segment AB
E belongs to
IABI distance between A and B
'\} nonnegative square root
% percent AB ray AB
7t pi MBC triangle ABC
A transpose of matrix A LABC angle ABC
A-I inverse of matrix A mAB measure of line segment AB
det A or IAI determinant of A mLABC measure of angle ABC
Adj A adjoint of matrix A
* * log0 ( ~) = log m -
0 log 0 n
Mean Differences Columns
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0000 0043 0086 0128 0170 4 9 13 17 21 26 30 34 38
10 0212 0253 0294 0334 0374 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
0414 0453 0492 0531 0569 4 8 12 15 19 23 27 31 35
11 0607 0645 0682 0719 0755 4 7 11 15 19 22 26 30 33
0792 0828 0864 0899 0934 3 7 11 14 18 21 25 28 32
12 0969 1004 1038 1072 1106 3 i1 10 14 17 20 24 27 31
1139 1173 1206 1239 1271 3 7 10 13 16 20 23 26 30
13 1303 1335 1367 1399 1430 3 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 29
1461 1492 1523 1553 1584 3 6 9 12 15 19 22 25 28
14 1614 1644 1673 1703 1732 3 6 9 12 15 17 20 23 26
1761 1790 1818 1847 1875 3 6 9 11 14 16 20 23 26
15 1903 1931 1959 1987 2014 3 6 8 11 14 17 19 22 24
2041 2068 2095 2122 2148 3 5 8 11 14 17 19 22 24
16 2175 2201 2227 2253 2279 3 5 8 10 13 16 18 21 23
2304 2330 2355 2380 2405 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23
17 2430 2455 2480 2504 2529 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 22
2553 2577 2601 2625 2648 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21
18 2672 2695 2718 2742 2765 2 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 21
2788 2810 2833 2856 2878 2 4 7 9 11 13 16 18 20
19 2900 2923 2945 2967 2989 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 19
20 3010 3032 3054 3075 3096 3118 3139 3160 3181 3201 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 19
21 3222 3243 3263 3284 3304 3324 3345 3365 3385 3404 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
22 3424 3444 3464 3483 3502 3522 3541 3560 3579 3598 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 17
23 3617 3636 3655 3674 3692 3711 3729 3747 3766 3784 2 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 17
24 3802 3820 3838 3856 3874 3892 3909 3927 3945 3962 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 16
25 3979 3997 4014 4031 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 15
26 4150 4166 4183 4200 4216 4232 4249 4265 4281 4298 2 3 5 7 8 10 11 13 15
27 4314 4330 4346 4362 4378 4393 4409 4425 4440 4456 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 13 14
28 4472 4487 4502 4518 4533 4548 4564 4579 4594 4609 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14
29 4624 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 4713 4728 4742 4757 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13
30 4771 4786 4800 4814 4829 4843 4857 4871 4886 4900 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 13
31 4914 4928 4942 4955 4969 4983 4997 5011 5024 5038 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12
32 5051 5065 5079 5092 5105 5119 5132 5145 5159 5172 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12
33 5185 5198 5211 5224 5237 5250 5263 5276 5289 5302 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12
34 5315 5328 5340 5353 5366 5378 5391 5403 5416 5428 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11
35 5441 5453 5465 5478 5490 5502 5514 5527 5539 5551 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11
36 5563 5575 5587 5599 5611 5623 5635 5647 5658 5670 1 2 4. 5 6 7 8 10 11
37 5682 5694 5705 5717 5729 5740 5752 5763 5775 5786 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
38 5798 5809 5821 5832 5843 5855 5866 5877 5888 5899 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
39 5911 5922 5933 5944 5955 5966 5977 5988 5999 6010 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10
40 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 6075 6085 6096 6107 6117 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
41 6128 6138 6149 6160 6170 6180 6191 6201 6212 6222 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
42 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6284 6294 6304 6314 6325 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
43 6335 6345 6355 6365 6375 6385 6395 6405 6415 6425 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
44 6435 6444 6454 6464 6474 6484 6493 6503 6513 6522 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
45 6532 6542 6551 6561 6571 6580 6590 6599 6609 6618 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
46 6628 6637 6646 6656 6665 6675 6684 6693 6702 6712 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7' 8
47 6721 6730 6739 6749 6758 6767 6776 6785 6794 6803 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8
48 6812 6821 6830 6839 6848 6857 6866 6875 6884 6893 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8
49 6902 6911 6920 6928 6937 6946 6955 6964 6972 6981 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8
Table of Logarithms 294
Mean Differences Columns
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
50 6990 6998 7007 7016 7024 7033 7042 7050 7059 704l7 1 2 3 3 4 5 tS 7 8
51 7076 7084 7093 7101 7110 7118 7126 7135 7143 7152 1. 2 .3 3 4 5 6 7 8
52 7160 7168 7177 7185 7193 7202 7210 7218 7226 7235 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
53 7243 7251 7259 7267 7275 7284 7292 7300 7308 7316 .1. 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7
54 7324 7332 7340 7348 7356 7364 7372 7380 7388 7396 1 2 2 3 4' 5 6 6 7
55 7404 7412 7419 7427 7435 7443 7451. 7459 7466 7474 1 2 2 3 ~ 5 5 I 7
56 7482 7490 7497 7505 7513 7520 7528 7536 7543 7551 1 2 2 3 4 5 --5 6 7
57 7559 7566 7574 7582 7589 7597 7604 7612 7619 7627 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7
58 7634 7642 7649 7657 7664 7672 7679 7686 7694 7701 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7
59 7709 7716 7723 7731 7738 7745 7752 7760 7767 7774 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7
6 •
62 7924 7931 7938 7945 7952 7959 7966 7973 7980 7987 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6
63 7993 8000 8007 8014 8021 8028 8035 8041 8048 8055 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6
64 8062 8069 8075 8082 8089 8096 8102 8109 8116 8122 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6
65 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 8162 8169 8176 8182 8189 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6
66 8195 8202 8209 8215 8222 8228 8235 8241 8248 8254 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6
67 8261 8267 8274 8280 8287 8293 8299 8306 8312 8319 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6
68 8325 8331 8339 8344 8351 8357 8363 8370 8376 8382 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6
69 8388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8420 6426 8432 8439 8445 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6
70 8451 8457 8463 8470 8476 8482 8488 8494 8500 8506 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6
71 8513 8519 8525 8531 8537 8543 8549 8555 8561 8567 .1 1 2 2 3 ·4 4 5 5
72 8573 8579 8585 8591 8597 8603 8609 8615 8621 8627 1 1 2 2. 3 4 4 5 5
73 8633 8639 8645 8651 8657 8663 8669 8675 8681 8696 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5
74 8692 8698 8704 8710 8716 8722 8727 8733 8730 8745 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5
75 8751 8756 8762 8768 8774 8779 8785 8791 8797 8802 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5
76 8808 8814 8820 8825 8831 8837 8842 8848 8854 8859 1 1 2 2 3 .3 4 5 5
77 8865 8871 8876 8882 8887 8893 8899 8904 8910 8915 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
78 8921 8927 8932 8938 8943 8949 8954 8960 8965 8971 1 1 2 2· 3 3 4 4 5
79 8976 8982 8987 8993 8998 9004 9009 9015 9020 9025 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 ·s
80 9031 9036 9042 9049 9053 9058 9063 9069 9074 9079 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
81 9085 9090 9096 9101 9106 9112 9117 9122 9128 9133 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
82 9138 9143 9149 9154 9159 9165 9170 9175 9180 9186 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
83 9191 9196 9201 9206 9212 9217 9222 9227 9232 9238 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 ·4 5
84 9243 9248 9253 9258 9263 9269 9274 9279 9284 9289 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
85 9294 9299 9204 9309 9315 9320 9325 9330 9335 9340 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
86 9345 9350 9355 9360 9365 9370 9375 9380 9385 9390 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
87 9395 9400 9405 9410 9415 9420 9425 9430 9435 9440 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 ·4
88 9445 9450 9455 9460 9465 9469 9474 9479 9484 9489 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
89 9494 9499 9504 9509 9513 9518 9523 9528 9533 9538 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
90 9542 9547 9552 9557 9562 9566 9571 9576 9581 9586 0 1 2 2 3 3 4
93 9685 9689 9694 9699 9603 9708 9713 9717 9722 9727 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 .
94 9731 9736 9741 9745 9750 9754 9759 9763 8768 9773 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
95 9777 9782 9786 9791 9795 9800 9805 9809 9814 9818 0 1 1 2 2 3
.o 1
1 1
' '
98 9912 9917 9921 9926 9930 9934 9939 9943 9948 9952 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
·99 9956 9961 9965 9969 9974 9978 9983 9987 9991 9996 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4
295 Mathematics 9
0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9
Mean Differences Columns
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.50 3162 3170 3177 3184 3192 3199 3206 3214 3221 3228 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7
.51 3236 3243 3251 3258 3266 3273 3281 3289 3296 3304 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7
.52 3311 3319 3327 3334 3342 3350 3357 3365 3373 3381 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7
.53 3388 3396 3404 3412 3420 3428 3436 3443 3451 3459 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7
.54 3467 3475 3483 3491 3499 3508 3516 3524 3532 3540 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7
.55 3548 3556 3565 3573 3581 3589 3597 3606 3614 3622 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
.56 3631 3639 3648 3656 3664 3673 3681 3690 3698 3707 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8
.57 3715 3724 3733 3741 3750 3758 3767 3776 3784 3793 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8
.58 3802 3811 3819 3828 3837 3846 3855 3864 3873 3882 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8
.59 3890 3899 3908 3917 3926 3936 3945 3954 3963 3972 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8
.60 3981 3990 3999 4009 4018 4027 4036 4046 4055 4064 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8
.61 4074 4083 4093 4102 4111 4121 4130 4140 4150 4159 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.62 4169 4178 4188 4198 4207 4217 4227 4236 4246 4256 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.63 4266 4276 4285 4295 4305 4315 4325 4335 4345 4355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.64 4365 4375 4385 4395 4406 4416 4426 4436 4446 4457 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.65 4467 4477 4487 4498 4508 4519 4529 4539 4550 4560 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.66 4571 4581 4592 4603 4613 4624 4634 4645 4656 4667 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10
.67 4677 4688 4699 4710 4721 4732 4742 4753 4764 4775 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10
.68 4768 4797 4808 4819 4831 4842 4853 4864 4875 4887 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10
.69 4898 4909 4920 4932 4943 4955 4966 4977 4989 5000 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
.70 5012 5023 5035 5047 5058 5070 5082 5093 5105 5117 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11
.71 5129 5140 5152 5164 5176 5188 5200 5212 5224 5236 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11
.72 5248 5260 5272 5284 5297 5309 5321 5333 5346 5358 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11
.73 5370 5383 5395 5408 5420 5433 5445 5458 5470 5483 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11
.74 5495 5508 5521 5534 5546 5559 5572 5585 5598 5610 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12
.75 5623 5636 5649 5662 5675 5689 5702 5715 5728 5741 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12
.76 5754 5768 5781 5794 5808 5821 5834 5848 5861 5875 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12
.77 5888 5902 5916 5929 5943 5957 5970 5984 5998 6012 1 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12
.78 6026 6039 6053 6067 6081 6095 6109 6124 6138 6152 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 13
.79 6166 6180 6194 6209 6223 6237 6252 6266 6281 6295 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 13
.80 6310 6324 6339 6353 6368 6383 6397 6412 6427 6442 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13
.81 6457 6471 6486 6501 6516 6531 6546 6561 6577 6592 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14
.82 6607 6622 66J7 6653 6668 6683 6699 6714 6730 6745 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14
.83 6761 6776 6792 6808 6823 6839 6855 6871 6887 6902 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 13 14
.84 6918 6934 6950 6966 6982 6998 7015 7031 7047 7063 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 13 15
.85 7079 7096 7112 7129 7145 7161 7178 7194 7211 7228 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 15
.86 7244 7261 7287 7295 7311 7328 7345 7362 7379 17396 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 15
.87 7413 7430 7447 7464 7482 7499 7516 7534 7551 17568 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 16
.88 7586 7603 7621 7638 7656 7674 7691 7709 7727 17745 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 16
.89 7762 7780 7798 7816 7834 7852 7870 7889 7907 17925 2 4 5 7 9 11 13 14 16
.90 7943 7962 7980 7998 8017 8035 8054 8072 8091 8110 2 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 17
.91 8128 8147 8166 8185 8204 8222 8241 18260 8279 8299 2 4 6 8 9 11 13 15 17
.92 8318 8337 8356 8375 8395 8414 8433 8453 8472 8492 2 4 6 8~ 10 12 14 15 17
.93 8511 8531 8551 8570 8590 8610 8630 8650 8670 8690 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
.94 8710 8730 8750 8770 8790 8810 8831 8851 8872 18892 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
.95 8913 8933 8954 8974 8995 9016 9036 9057 9078 9099 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 17 19
.96 9120 9141 9162 9183 9204 9226 9247 9268 9290 9311 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 19
.97 9333 9354 9376 9397 9419 9441 9462 9484 9506 9528 2 4 7 9 11 13 15 17 20
.98 9550 9572 9594 9616 9638 9661 9683 9705 9727 9750 2 4 7 9 11 13 16 18 20
.99 9772 9795 9817 9840 9863 9886 9908 9931 9954 9977 2 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 20
Axis (axes)
of a coordinate system, 147
Abscissa, 148, 167
Absolute value, 136 B
equations containing, 136 Base(s), 43, 45
of real numbers, 136 ofacommonlogarithm,59
properties of, 136 of a logarithm, 59, 65
Acre, 160 of a natural logarithm, 65
of complex numbers, 49 c
of matrices, 09 Closure property
of pure imaginary numbers, 49 for real numbers, 40
of rational expressions, 79 Coefficient matrix, 32
of surds, 89 Common logarithm(s),
of real numbers, 39 characteristic, 60, 61, 64
Addition property mantissa, 60, 62
for equations, 39 table of, 293
for inequalities, 139 Commutative property for real numbers
Additive identity under addition, 39
of matrices, 12 under multiplication, 40
of real numbers, 39 Complex number(s), 47
Additive inverse addition of, 49
for matrices, 13 conjugates, 48
for real numbers, 40 division of, 50
Algebraic expression, 76 equality of, 48
Angle(s), 186, 210 multiplication of, 49
Antilogarithm, 64, 66 standard form (def.), 51
Area subtraction of, 50
of rectangle, 245 Congruent, 244
of square, 245 angles, 186, 187, 209
of triangle, 244 triangles, 185, 186
Associative property Conjugate of a complex number, 48
for real numbers, 39 of a surd, 91
Axiom, (congruent area), 244 Continued product, 83
Converse, 211, 214, 220, 231, 240
Index 298
0 Q
Quadrant, 146, 147
Ordered pairs, 146
Ordinate, 167 R
Origin, 146, 169 Radical,
p addition of, 89
Point(s) division of, 89
collinear, 170 equations, 133
coordinates of, 148 multiplication of, 89
distance between two, 169 subtraction, 89
non-collinear, 170 Radicand, 43
Point of concurrency of, 206, 256 Ratio, 228
altitudes of a triangle, 245 Rational expressions, 77
angle bisectors, 245 addition of, 78
medians of a triangle, 205 multiplication of, 78
perp bisectors, 205 simplification of, 78, 79
Polynomial(s), 98 subtraction of, 79, 80
degree, 108, 110 Rational number(s),
division of, 107 expressed as a decimal, 36, 37
equation, 130 Rationalizing the denominator, 91
factor theorem, 106 Real number(s),
factorization, 98 ordered pairs of, 146
Principal nth root, 43 properties of, 39, 40, 41
Properties, Recurring decimal, 36, 37
addition of inequalities, 42 Remainder Theorem, 106
multiplication of inequalities, 139 Rectangle, 150
of equality, 41, 42 Right triangle(s), 173
301 Mathematics 9
s T
Scientific notation, 58 Tables and Formulas,
Set of Temperature,
complex numbers, 4 7, 48 degrees Celcius, 161, 162
integers, 34, 35 degrees Fahrenheit, 161, 162
irrational numbers, 34, 35 Theorem,
natural numbers, 34, 35 factor, 108
rational numbers, 34, 35 Pythagoras, 238
Solution, 131 remainder, 106
extraneous, 133 Transitive, 42
Solution set(s), property of equality, 44, 48
of equations with absolute property of inequality, 139, 140
value, 136, 137 Triangle, 171, 172, 173, 174
of linear inequalities, 138 altitude of, 245, 246, 247, 248
of linear systems of equilateral, 171
equations, 24--28 isosceles, 172, 173
Solving inequalities, 138 right-angled, 173
Solving systems of equations, scalene, 171, 173, 174, 181
by Cramer's Rule, 25
by graphing, 164, 165
by matrix inversion method, 24, 25 w
Square, 174 Whole number(s), 34, 35
Square matrix, 5
Subtraction, x
of complex numbers, 50 x -axis, 146, 148
of matrices, 9
of rational expressions, 79
y-axis, 146, 148
of surds, 89
System of equations, z
solved by determinants, 25--28 Zero of a polynomial, 108, 110
solved by graphing, 164, 165
solved by matrix inversion
method, 24, 25
Bibliography I References 302 -
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