Jal Jeevan Mission District Water and Sanitation Mission District Gariyaband (C.G.)
Jal Jeevan Mission District Water and Sanitation Mission District Gariyaband (C.G.)
Jal Jeevan Mission District Water and Sanitation Mission District Gariyaband (C.G.)
On behalf ofGovernor of Chhattisgarh, The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary (DWSM)
District Gariyaband invites Expression of Interest (Eol) from national and international NGOs / Self Help
Groups (SHGs)/ CBOs/ VOs/ similar Social Development Oriented Organizations/Foundations/Trusts for
empanelment as Implementation Support Agencies (ISA) under Jal Jeevan Mission being implemented by
District Water and Sanitation Mission detailed Eol at e-procurement portal https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in upto
10:30 hrs of 04-05-2021 2021Bids are to be submitted online in the portal https://eproc.cgstate.gov.inon or
before 17:30 hrs of 24.05.2021 In no case manual EoI will be entertained.
The above said proposed under centrally funded Jal Jeevan Mission to be implemented by State Water
and Sanitation Mission (SWSM), PHED, Chhattisgarh.
Issued by
Executive Engineer,
Public Health Engineering Department &
Member Secretary, DWSM,
District Gariyaband
1. Special Assistant to Hon’ble Minister Govt. of CG, PHED, Mantralaya, Nava Raipur (CG).
2. The Secretary, Govt. of CG, PHED, Mantralaya, Nava Raipur, (CG).
3. The Mission Director, Jal Jeevan Mission, Neer Bhavan Raipur for information please.
3. The Engineer-in-Chief, PHED, Indrawati Bhawan,, Nava Raipur, (CG).
4. The Chief Engineer, PHED, Raiur Zone Raipur/Bilaspur Zone Bilaspur/Jagdalpur Zone Jagdalpur.
5. The Superintending Engineer, PHED, Circle Raipur/Durg/Bilaspur/Ambikapur/Jagdalpur/ Kondagaon.
6. The Collector and Chairman, DWSM, District - Gariyaband for information.
7. The Assistant Engineer, Public Health Engg. Sub-Division……………….…..District Gariyaband
8. Shri Sanjaya Rathore, EE (MIS) O/o the E-in-C PHED Raipur to make available this EoI on departmental
Website (phed.cg.gov.in) for wide publicity.
9. Notice Board.
Executive Engineer,
Public Health Engineering Department &
Member Secretary, DWSM,
District Gariyaband (C.G.)
Quick Information Data Sheet
Expression of Interest (Eol) from national and international NGOs / Self Help Groups (SHGs)/ CBOs/ VOs/
similar Social Development Oriented Organizations/Foundations/Trusts for empanelment as
Implementation Support Agencies (ISA) under Jal Jeevan Mission being implemented by State Water and
Sanitation Mission.
2. Information to Bidders
4. Scope of Work
5. Payment Norms
7. Technical Proposal
Section :- 1 – About Jal Jeevan Mission
1.1 Vision
Every rural household has drinking water supply in adequate quantity of prescribed quality on regular and
long-term basis at affordable service delivery charges leading to improvement in living standards of rural
1.2 Mission
Jal Jeevan Mission is to assist, empower and facilitate:
i.) States/ UTs in planning of participatory rural water supply strategy for ensuring potable drinking
water security on long-term basis to every rural household and public institution, viz. GP building,
School, Anganwadi centre, Health centre, wellness centres, etc.;
ii.) States/ UTs for creation of water supply infrastructure so that every rural household has Functional
Tap Connection (FHTC) by 2024 and water in adequate quantity of prescribed quality is made
available on regular basis;
iii.) States/ UTs to plan for their drinking water security;
iv.) GPs/ rural communities to plan, implement, manage, own, operate and maintain their own in-village
water supply systems;
v.) States/ UTs to develop robust institutions having focus on service delivery and financial sustainability
of the sector by promoting utility approach;
vi.) capacity building of the stakeholders and create awareness in community on significance of water for
improvement in quality of life;
vii.) in making provision and mobilization of financial assistance to States/ UTs for implementation of the
1.3 Objectives
The broad objectives of the Mission are:
i.) to provide FHTC to every rural household;
ii.) to prioritize provision of FHTCs in quality affected areas, villages in drought prone and desert areas,
Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) villages, etc.;
iii.) to provide functional tap connection to Schools, Anganwadi centres, GP buildings, Health centres,
wellness centres and community buildings;
iv.) to monitor functionality of tap connections;
v.) to promote and ensure voluntary ownership among local community by way of contribution in cash,
kind and/ or labour and voluntary labour (shramdaan);
vi.) to assist in ensuring sustainability of water supply system, i.e. water source, water supply
infrastructure, and funds for regular O&M;
vii.) to empower and develop human resource in the sector such that the demands of construction,
plumbing, electrical, water quality management, water treatment, catchment protection, O&M, etc.
are taken care of in short and long term; and
viii.) to bring awareness on various aspects and significance of safe drinking water and involvement of
stakeholders in manner that make water everyone’s business.
1.4 Components under JJM
The following components are supported under JJM:
i.) development of in-village piped water supply infrastructure to provide tap water connection to every
rural household;
ii.) development of reliable drinking water sources and/ or augmentation of existing sources to provide
long-term sustainability of water supply system;
iii.) wherever necessary, bulk water transfer, treatment plants and distribution network to cater to every
rural household;
iv.) technological interventions for removal of contaminants where water quality is an issue;
v.) retrofitting of completed and ongoing schemes to provide FHTCs at minimum service level of 55
vi.) greywater management;
vii.) support activities, i.e. IEC, HRD, training, development of utilities, water quality laboratories, water
quality testing & surveillance, R&D, knowledge centre, capacity building of communities, etc.; and
viii.) any other unforeseen challenges/ issues emerging due to natural disasters/ calamities which affect the
goal of FHTC to every household by 2024, as per guidelines of Ministry of Finance on Flexi Funds.
Funding Pattern: Several sub-components/ sub-missions that were part of erstwhile NRDWP will also be
funded along with Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) as per following details:
Any change in the nodal account will be allowed onlywith the concurrence of Department/ National
Mission.A written undertaking from the Bank needs to be madeavailable to the effect that the bank will
follow the Guidelines of Government of India for making paymentsfrom Department/ National Mission
Fund. The DWSM will communicate the details of the Bank branch, IFSCcode and the account number to
Department/ National Mission. Bank will allow transaction in nodal accountonly when the request for
making the transaction isreceived through PFMS mode and if done throughtreasury, same will be captured/
reflected in PFMSsystem by making suitable interface between concernedState treasury and PFMS systems
and then onlytransaction be allowed. Bank will agree to abide by theinstructions issued from time to time
by Department/Mission regarding operation of the Account.The Integrated Management Information
System (IMIS)software would support Accounting System and would be enabled to allow rural water
supply department/DWSM and Bank branch concerned to make data entryonline for the transactions to be
made by them.
Money accruing as interest will be credited to the sameaccount and reflected in the Utilization Certificate
(UC) of the relevant year. The expenditure out of theinterest amount will be made on items of work
aspermitted in the guidelines. Any deviation of expenditure will be guided by the instructions/guidelines to
be issued by Department/ National Mission from time to time. The Bank will intimate to the SWSM the
interest amount credited by it to theaccount on quarterly basis.
The State Government/SWSM will decide about the matching fund as per the prescribed funding
pattern.On receipt of the Central and State share of JJM by the SWSM in the single nodal account, its
allocation amongthe Districts, based on the annual district action plans (DAP) finalized by the respective
DWSM shall be made within two weeks. Based on the allocation, a drawllimit will be set for every district
by the DWSM and itwill authorize districts to raise payment advice and payment will be made from Single
Nodal Account.
DWSM will get the work implemented as per the DAP and fund available at the district level, through
GramPanchayat and/ or its sub-committee, i.e. VWSC/ PaaniSamiti/ User Group or PHED/ RWS
Department as thecase may be.After execution of the work, PHED/ RWS Department will raise the bill to
DWSM/ SWSM as the case may be,who in turn will get the work inspected by anempanelled third-party
agency. Thereafter, subject todue satisfaction of quality and quantity of work performed, the DWSM/
SWSM, as the case may be, will arrange to make the payments to the agency. The payments advice in
PFMS mode will be raised by the DWSM/ SWSM to make payment to the agency for theexecuted works
subject to fund allocation/ drawl limitset for the district by DWSM for that particular year.Payment advice
generated through treasury mode willonly be allowed only if the same is captured in PFMS system, by
making suitable interface between concerned State treasury and PFMS. The paymentadvice will be sent by
DWSM/ SWSM in PFMS mode tomake the payments from Single nodal account to theaccount of
concerned agency as authorized. Noadvance to any other account be made except to that of executing
agency towards mobilization advance asper contract.
Executive Engineer,
Public Health Engineering Department &
Member Secretary, DWSM,
District Gariyaband
Section:-2 -Information to Bidders
1.11 Proposal Submission and Evaluation
a) The proposal must be in two parts, each placed and sealed in a separate envelope appropriately
marked as “Envelope A, “Envelope B”. Both these envelopes, must be put in a larger envelope addressed to
The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband and submitted at the
address mentioned in the data sheet. duly marked as Expression of Interest (Eol) from national and
international NGOs / Self Help Groups (SHGs)/ CBOs/ VOs/ similar Social Development Oriented
Organizations/Foundations/Trusts for empanelment as Implementation Support Agencies (ISA) under Jal
Jeevan Mission being implemented by District Water and Sanitation Mission
b) “Envelope A” must be superscripted as “Envelope A: Proposal for Expression of Interest (Eol) from
national and international NGOs / Self Help Groups (SHGs)/ CBOs/ VOs/ similar Social Development
Oriented Organizations/Foundations/Trusts for empanelment as Implementation Support Agencies (ISA)
under Jal Jeevan Mission being implemented by District Water and Sanitation Mission. Technical Bid” and
it must contain all supporting documents, allotment letters, declaration etc. along with annexure as specified
to help the committee to assist in technical evaluation.
c) “Envelope B” must be superscripted as “Envelope B: Expression of Interest (Eol) from national and
international NGOs / Self Help Groups (SHGs)/ CBOs/ VOs/ similar Social Development Oriented
Organizations/Foundations/Trusts for empanelment as Implementation Support Agencies (ISA) under Jal
Jeevan Mission being implemented by District Water and Sanitation Mission. Financial Bid” and it must
contain the financial bid on the bidder’s letter-head prepared according to format given.
d) The Financial Bid must be clear and unconditional. Unclear and/or conditional financial bids are
liable to be rejected. Bidders are advised to read instruction for preparing financial forms carefully before
submitting its financial bid.
e) From the time the Proposals are opened to the time the contract is awarded, the bidder should not
contact the Client on any matter related to its Technical and/or Financial Proposal. Any effort by a bidder to
influence the Client in examination, evaluation, ranking of Proposals or recommendation for award of
contract may result in rejection of the bidder’s Proposal.
f) The Envelope A shall be opened first.
Required documents
Sl.No. Essential Qualifications
1 A minimum 3 years' experience as a registered Registration Certificate
organization for organizations under 4(a) including
organizations under Registration of Societies Act 1860,
or a Public Trust registered under Indian Trust Act
1982 or a corporation registered under Section 8
Companies Act. Or, experienced Self-HelpGroups
(SHGs) within districts.
2 The organization should be a not-for-profit organization Declaration on Notary Affidavit
or use its profits, if any, or other income in promoting
charitable objectives.
3 The organization should have minimum 3 years' Experience Certificate issued by
experience in the below mentioned fields: - Competent Authority or related
1. Drinking water and communitymanagement. documents such as
2. Waterquality. photographs/video and progress
3. Rainwater harvesting/ recharge, water resources report/balance sheet reflecting
management. related activitiesperformed.
4. Capacity building and awarenessgeneration.
5. Public healthengineering.
6. Gender &Water.
4 At least 3 years work experience in the above- Proof of related 03 years
mentioned fields experiences.
4) of the NGO chairpersons/board/or relevant authority
who is proposed to lead the initiative.
5 Working in rural drinking water sector/Social Copy of MoA
Mobilization should reflect in their Memorandum of
Association as one of the activities.
6 Experience of using Participatory Rural Appraisal Proof of experience such as
(PRA) techniques and other communication tools in photographs/videos/reports.
community mobilization.
7 Last 03 years duly audited and properly maintained CA certificate with UDIN
accounts and Income Tax Return and published annual number clearly mentioned for
report, reflecting minimum average turnover of Rs. 5 FY 2017-18,2018-19
lakhs in last 03 years. and 2019-20.
8 Organization should not have been black listed by any Declaration on Notary
authority or involved in fraudulent activities. Affidavit
Note: Agency satisfying all the above criteria will only be eligible for marking criteria and further
Technical Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Technical Proposal will be evaluated in the following criteria:
S.N Allotted
Technical Parameters Marking Criteria sectional cut-off
. Marks
A. Experience of the Firm 45
1 Registration of organization for 05 Registered before 3-5 3 marks
organizations under 4(a) yrs. =03 marks
including organizations under Registered before 5-10
Registration of Societies Act yrs. = 04 marks
1860, or a Public Trust registered Registered before more
under Indian Trust Act 1982 or a than 10 yrs. =05 marks
corporation registered under
Section 8 Companies Act.Or,
experienced Self-Help Groups
(SHGs) within districts.
2 The experience of organization in 10 3- 5 yrs.- =07 marks 7 marks
the below mentioned fields:- >5- 10 yrs.- =08marks
1. Drinking water and more than 10 yrs.- =10
communitymanagement. marks
2. Waterquality.
3. Rainwater harvesting/
recharge, water resources
4. Capacity building and
5. Public healthengineering.
6. Gender &Water.
3 The experience of the 10 3- 5 yrs.- =07 marks 7 marks
organizations’ >5- 10 yrs.- =08marks
chairpersons/board/or relevant more than 10 yrs.- =10
authority who is proposed to lead marks
the initiative, in the above-
mentioned fields (Sl. No.- 2).
4 The No. of GPs in which 10 20-50 G.P. = 07 7 marks
related activities of above- Marks
mentioned fields (Sl. No.-2) >50-100 G.P. = 08
implemented. Marks
Above 100 G.P.= 10
5 Experience of using Participatory 10 03-05yrs.- =07 7 marks
Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques marks
and other communication tools in >05- 10 yrs.- =08
community mobilization. (Work marks
orders/MoAs/Completion morethan10yrs.-=10
certificates should clearly marks
mention PRA activities)
B. Financial Capability 10
1 Average annual turnover of last 03 10 5 -10 lakh = 06 Marks 6 marks
years (FY. 2017-18, 2018-19 and >10 -25 lakh = 08
2019-20) Marks
Above25lakh =10
C. Manpower Capability (all the 20
below mentioned resources shall
be mutually exclusive resources
i.e. a resource will not be
categorized under multiple
1 No. of senior resources (having 05 upto 5 = 02 Marks 2 marks
Graduate\Post Graduate degree >5-10 = 03 Marks
and 03 years exp.) above 10 =05 Marks
2 No. of IEC/similar resource 03 upto02 = 02Marks 2 marks
(having Graduate\Post Graduate above 02 =03 Marks
degree and 03 years exp.)
3 Capacity Building//similar 02 upto02 = 01Marks 1 mark
resource (having Graduate\Post above 02 =02 Marks
Graduate degree and 03 years
4 Coordinators (having Graduate 04 upto 05 = 02 Marks 2 marks
degree and 03 years exp.) 05-10 = 03 Marks
above 10 =04 Marks
5 Community Workers (Literate, 06 upto 50 = 02 Marks 2 marks
having good communication 50-100 =04
skill and 03 years exp.) Marks
above 100 =06Marks
D. Regional Experience 15
Organizations having experience upto 5 = 03 Marks 3 marks
of implementing projects in the 5-10 = 04 Marks
state ofChhattisgarh above 10 =5 Marks
Organizations having experience upto 5 = 06 Marks 6 marks
of implementing projects in 5-10 = 08 Marks
Chhattisgarh andOther State. above 10 =10 Marks
E. Presence in the State 10
Organizations having branch upto 10 = 05 Marks 5 marks
offices in separate mutually >10-20 =07
exclusive administrative districts Marks
of Chhattisgarh (Lease above 20 =10 Marks
Agreements/Trade license etc.
shall have to be provided
mandatorily asproof)
1.15 Evaluation of Financial Proposals
a) Selection will be made on the basis of Quality and Cost Based method (QCBS).
b) Price bid of only those firms will be opened who score more than 60 marks in the technical
evaluation. If no bidding firm gets the minimum 60 marks then the top three firms shall be taken into
consideration for financial bid. If there are only one / two firms, then firms not meeting the qualifying
marks may be considered.
c) The weighted average score of the technical and financial score will be taken for selection of service
provider. The technical proposal will be given a weightage of 80% and financial proposal shall be
allocated weightage of 20%.
d) For working out the combined score, the following formula shall be used:
C = Evaluated Bid Price
CLow = the lowest of all Evaluated Bid Prices among responsive Bids
T = the total Technical Score awarded to the Bid
THigh = the Technical Score achieved by the Bid that was scored best among all
X = weightage for the Price as specified in the Bid document
e) The bids quoted as per the financial bid format shall be considered for financial evaluation.
f) Firm with highest Total points (combined weighed score of Technical and Financial Proposal) will be
g) In case Combined Score of two firms is equal, then the selection of firm will be made in the following
order: (i) First, firm quoting lesser price; and if the prices are same then, (ii) firm scoring higher
marks in Technical Evaluation Criteria.
1.16 Abnormally Low Bid
An Abnormally Low Bid is one in which the bid price, in combination with other elementsof the bid,
appears so low that it raises material concerns as to the capability of the bidderto perform the contract at the
offered price. JJM may in such cases seek writtenclarifications from the bidder, including detailed price
analyses of its bid price in relation toscope, schedule, allocation of risks and responsibilities and any other
requirements of the biddocument. If, after evaluating the price analyses, JJM determines that the bidderhas
substantially failed to demonstrate its capability to deliver the contract at the offered price, JJM may reject
the Bid/Proposal.
1.17 Validity of Proposals
Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal shall remain valid for 180 days from thedate stipulated for
submission of proposal. A proposal valid for a shorter period shallbe rejected by The Executive Engineer,
PHED & Member Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband as non–responsive. In exceptional
circumstances,The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband may
solicit the Bidders’ consent to an extension of the period of validity.The request and response thereto shall
be made in writing.
1.18 Cost of Bidding
The prospective bidders shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation andsubmission of their
respective proposals, negotiating the contract, visits to Office of The Executive Engineer, PHED &
Member Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband and of presentations made to the same office (if any) and
Office of The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband in no case,
will be responsible or liable for these costs, regard less of conduct or out come of the biddingprocess.
Please note that these costs are not reimbursable to the bidders.
JJM shall receive and may respond to prospective Participant’s Pre-Bid queries by way of hosting
amendments/clarifications on the website in accordance with the respective clauses of the EOI. JJM may
incorporate any changes in the EOI based on acceptable suggestions received in pre-bid queries. The
decision of The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband regarding
acceptability of any suggestion shall be final in this regard and shall not be called upon to question under
any circumstances.
Contacting Office of The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband.
No Bidder shall contact Office of The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary (DWSM) District
Gariyaband on any matter relating to its proposal, from timeof opening of technical proposal to the time the
contract is awarded. If the bidderwishes to bring additional information to the notice of the Office of
Mission Director, he should doso in writing. Office of The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member
Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband reserves the right as to whether such additional information should
be considered or otherwise. Any effort by a Bidder to influence Office of The Executive Engineer, PHED
& Member Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband inits decision on proposal evaluation, proposal
comparison or contract award may resultin disqualification of the Bidder’s bid and also forfeiture of his
earnest money deposit.
1.25 Office of Member Secretary DWSM Right to Accept / Reject Any or All Bids
Office of Member Secretary reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, or to annul the
biddingprocess and reject all proposals at any time prior to the award of Contract, withoutthereby incurring
any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation toinform the affected Bidder or Bidders of
the grounds for Office of Member Secretary'saction.
1.32 Foreclosure
If the The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband does not
desirethat the professional services are required beyond certain stage, the work assignedto the selected
bidder shall be withdrawn after giving him reasonable notice (not lessthan thirty (30) days) for foreclosure/
termination of the engagement.
Upon foreclosure of this contract, the selected bidder shall take necessary steps to bring the work to a close
in a prompt orderlymanner and shall hand over all the documents / reports prepared by the Selected Bidder
upto and including the date of termination to the The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary
(DWSM) District Gariyaband, Chhattisgarh.The selected Bidder shall be duly paid the professional fees for
the works carried outand services rendered till the date of foreclosure.
1.33 Escalation
No escalation charges or additional amount whatsoever shall be paid to the selected bidder.
Section:- 3 -General Conditions for Proposal
Hard copy of the proposals in the standard format as provided in Section 06 with
required supporting documents submitted under specified time will be accepted.
Bidder must add additional documents whatever is required to fulfil the criteria as
stated in the EoI for eligibility and scoring criteria. A soft copy of the proposal
should be also provided in a pendrive/CD/DVD. If there is any deviation found in
the soft copy and hard copy, the submissions provided in hard copy shall
beprevail and financial bid uploaded will final.
Applicants can be single entity or a consortium of maximum 2 entities. Either one
or both entities must be mandatorily a registered entity. In case of consortium, it
should be clearly mentioned in the application letter and authorized signatory
should be identified through a notarized Power of Attorney and joint declaration
by both entities. In case of consortium, credentials of both entities shall be used
for technical evaluation. Any entity either as part of a consortium or individual
will not be allowed to submit proposal more than once. A jointly and severally
liable agreement and declaration shall be provided to Authority at the time of
issuance of workorder/agreement.
In case of consortium, both the parties should meet the Essential Qualifications as
mentioned under Section02.
A hard copy of proposal along with a soft copy in a pendrive/CD/DVD should be
submitted in an envelope addressedto:The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member
Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband
The sealed envelope should be clearly marked as “Proposal for empanelment as
ISA”, EoI number, and date of submission should be clearly mentioned.
The proposal should provide adequate details about agency's background and
working experience. Capacities, skills and experience of working in the
community-based water & sanitation sector using participatory skills should be
highlighted clearly. The document should state about all the mandatory
The agency must enclose appropriate document, as deemed fit as evidence of the
information provided inproposal.
The proposal submitted by agency in the prescribed format shall be the basis for
determining the essentialqualification.
The proposal shall be prepared in indelible ink. It shall contain no overwriting,
except as necessary to correct errors made by the agency itself. Any such
corrections must be initialled by the persons or person who sign(s) the proposals.
An authorized representative of the agency shall initial all pages, including
annexure of theproposal.
Hard Copies of the proposal along with supporting documents must reach at the
address given below on or before the last date and time. Any proposal received
after the closing date/ time will not beaccepted.
In case last date for submission of proposal falls as weekend (Saturday/Sunday) or
Gazetted Government holiday, the last date for submission of proposal shall be
next working day till the originally mentionedtime.
The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary (DWSM) District
Gariyaband Reserves the right to disqualify/ reject proposal submitted by any
agency and/or cancel/disqualify empanelment of agencies at any point of time,
without explaining the reason. Likewise, The Executive Engineer, PHED &
Member Secretary (DWSM) District Gariyaband reserves the rights to amend any
provision(s) of Expression of Interest(EoI).
ISA shall remain associated with their respective villages until the full completion
of the schemes/project to receive complete payment and account for any
delays within their proposal. Jal Jeevan Mission, Chhattisgarh shall not be liable
for delay in implementation of the schemes/projects in the village.
ISA must implement the activities in complete alignment with the JJM guidelines
by Ministry of Jal Shakti, Govt. of India and guidelines issued by Mission Director,
JJM Raipur.
The bidders at their own cost shall indemnify Mission Director, JJM. and
Government of India against any loss or claims arising as a consequence of
breach of any clause in terms and conditions of theagreement.
The bidders shall not hold the Mission Director, JJM; and Government of India
liable for anyevent/reason.
The liability from the bidder’s behalf shall be limited to the contract value to be
determined at a later stage.
Force Majeure: The bidders or the Authority, as the case may be, shall be
entitled to suspend or excuse performance of its respective obligations under
this Agreement to the extent that such performance is impeded by an event of
force majeure (‘Force Majeure’). Such an event any event or circumstance or a
combination of events and circumstances referred to in this Clause,which:
is beyond the reasonable control of the affectedParty;
such Party could not have prevented or reasonably overcome with
the exercise of reasonable skill andcare
does not result from the negligence of such Party or the failure of
such Party to perform its obligations under thisAgreement
is of an incapacitating nature and prevents or causes a delay or
impediment inperformance
may be classified as all or any of the followingevents:
a) act of God like earthquake, flood, inundation, landslide, storm,
tempest, hurricane, cyclone, lightning, thunder or volcanic eruption
that directly and adversely affect the performance of services by the
Implementation Partner under this Agreement; b) industry wide
strikes, lockouts, boycotts, labour disruptions or any other industrial
disturbances, as the case may be, not arising on account of the acts
or omissions of the Implementation Partner and which directly and
adversely affect the timely implementation and
continuedoperationoftheProject;orc)anactofwar(whether declare do
run declared), hostilities, invasion, armed conflict or act of foreign
enemy, blockade, embargo, prolonged riot, insurrection, terrorist or
military action, civil commotion or politically motivated sabotage, for
a continuous period exceeding seven (7) days that directly and
adversely affect the performance of services by the Implementation
Partner under this Agreement.
The affected Party shall notify the other Party of a Force Majeure event
within seven (7) days of occurrence of such event. If the other Party
disputes the claim for relief under Force Majeure, it shall give the
claiming Party written notice of such dispute within thirty (30) days of
In case of any dispute between the Parties, either party shall strive to
resolve them through mutual discussions and agreement. In case of any
issues/arbitration etc. legal proceedings shall be held in Raipur only and
legal jurisdiction shall be in courts of law at Chhattisgarh only.
Based on the information provided above, the interested agencies are advised
to submit proposal on hard copies starting from …………………:
To deal with above Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) has been launched which aims at providing
Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to every rural household by 2024. The
programme focuses on service delivery at household level, i.e. water supply on regular basis in
adequate quantity and prescribed quality. This necessitates planning and implementation of
water supply schemes, empowerment of Gram Panchayat/ local community, focus on service
delivery, partner with other stakeholders and convergence with other programmes to
ensuring the quality ofservices.
ISAs will play critical role as partners in mobilizing and engaging the
communities to plan, design, implement, manage, operate & maintain in-villagewater
supply infrastructure. In each phase of the Scheme cycle the role of ISA is important to
mobilize the community and the Panchayati RajInstitutions.
The selected ISAs will be empaneled for the duration of Jal Jeevan Mission
till March 2024 based on performance review by Mission Director, JJM, Neer
Bhawan, Raipur, e-mail Id.:director-jjm@cg.gov.in.
ISAs can be de-empaneled at any time, if their performance is not satisfactory.
NGOs/ VOs/ women SHGs/ CBOs/ Trusts/ Foundations will be engaged as ISAs to
play critical role as partners in mobilizing and engaging the communities in the entire
process of implementation including planning, designing, work execution, managing,
operation & maintenance of in-village water supply infrastructure. DWSM will engage ISAs
from the empanelled ISAs enlisted bySWSM.
Based on the District Action Plan of five years, the number of villages to be covered
every year will be identified. These identified villages fall under different categories, viz.
villages requiring only last-mile connectivity in terms of distribution network and FHTCs, only
IEC campaigns on judicious water use, O&M support, requiring new schemes, etc. and will be
grouped for engaging an ISA for handholding support. Accordingly, number of ISAs required
every year is identified for each of these categories along with timeline. Each ISA would be
responsible for the entire project cycle of maximum 18 months in a block comprising of 40-60
villages at a time for both new and retrofitting schemes.
Depending on the requirement in the district and based on the performance of ISA,
next set of 40-60 villages will be given to them after four to six months or engage another
ISA. In the district, there could be many ISAs depending upon the need of work to be done
and requirement of handholding. Planning should be done in such a manner that JJM is
implemented in mission mode and all villages of districts are covered with FHTCs to all
rural households by2024.
The Implementation Support Agencies are required to ensure achievement of the following
i. Community Familiarisation & GP Resolution for taking up JJM in all
ii. Ensuring necessary support from community during Planning,
Implementation & Post Implementation Phase of the PWSS being
facilitated under Jal JeevanMission.
iii. Constitution/ Registration/ Sensitisation/ Capacity Building of GPWSC/
VWSC/ Water User’s Committee/ Paani Samitee etc. & Opening
iv. Preparation of Village ActionPlan.
v. Scheme Monitoring and O&MMethodology.
vi. Facilitation for collection ofCAPEX.
vii. FHTC Monitoring and O&MPreparedness.
viii. Providing FHTC to the remainingHHs.
ix. Finalisation ofOPEX
x. Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance Planactivities
xi. Final Report on Sustainability & Documentation of Successstories.
6 Finalisation of Opex
ISA to conduct Group Presence of District EE to act as a
meeting with the IEC Consultant/ ISA manager &
community members Co-ordinator from supervise the
on involvement of GP PHED in sample planning of
for Collection of percentage of meetings along
OPEX/ Monthly Meetings. with IEC
Tariff and utilisation Consultant/ ISA
IPC on
of FFC Grant.(1 Co-ordinator,
6.1 Nos.) ISA & AE, Sub
Finalisation Engineer.
Opex ISA to conduct a brief PHED to provide IEC Consultant/
training session with Resource Person for ISA Co-ordinator
the PRI members and the Training Session. to take the
User Committee leadership of
Members on Book- planning &
keeping. (1 Nos.) structuring the
Workshop along
with ISA.
7 WQM & SP
ISA to conduct Presence of District EE to act as a
community level ISA Co-ordinator, manager &
meeting for selection BRCC/ CRCC & supervise the
of community Swachhagrahis from planning of
members for PHED in a sample meetings along
7.1 Monitoring, WQM & percentage of Meeting with IEC
SP activities as well as Consultant/ ISA
development of Co-ordinator,
detailed long-term ISA & AE, Sub
WQM & SP Plan(2 Engineer.
ISA to conduct Presence of District EE to act as a
Planning for meeting with the IEC Consultant/ ISA manager &
sustainable Public Health Co-ordinator from supervise the
refill Department for PHED in sample planning of
7.2 mechanism for planning of percentage of meetings along
chemicals & sustainable refill Meetings. with IEC
equipment in mechanism. (1 Nos.) Consultant/ ISA
the FTKs Co-ordinator,
ISA & AE, Sub
8 Final Report on Functionality & Documentation of success stories
Outputs Percentage of Fund to be released
The proposed team structure for the assignment to be deployed by ISA in each group of Gram
Panchayats (Approx. 40 villages), would be as following:
Team Composition:
Man Month Input Required (for one cluster of
Cluster of 40 villages)
Qualification &
S. N. Post Experience No. Planning Post Total Man
Experience Implement
&Mobilizati Implementatio Months
on on Phase n Phase Required
Key Staff:
5 Yrs. (Rural/
Team Graduate/Postgra
1 Preference to 1 03 Months 12 Months 03 Months 18 Months
Leader duate
experience in
& Sanitation)
3-5 Yrs. (Rural/
2 Coordinator Graduate Development and 3 03 Months 12 Months 03 Months 18 Months
Water &
Support Staff:
1 B.Com. 2-3 yrs. 1 03 Months 12 Months 03 Months 18 Months
Literate and
Community having good
2 03 years 8 03 Months 12 Months 03 Months 18 Months
Worker communication
Proposedstructureisbasedonminimumbasis.ISAcandeployabiggerteamas per
ISAs will be required to submit weekly report clearly stating the progress during
the month against the activities proposed for the month. Soft copy of the week
(COB) of the last working day of the week. The hard copy of the weekly report
shouldreachtherespectiveSPMU/DPMUofficebeforeCOBofthe1stworking day of
Even after getting a second allotment of villages, ISA must continue to deploy
the sameresourcesascommittedinthealreadyallottedvillage.Insummary,ISAshall
not be allowed to deploy same resource set for more than 1 set allotted village
The above proposed number of resources is the minimum requirement and ISAs
must deploy the required number of resources to meet their targets and
requirements of theproject.
Section:- 5 -PaymentNorms
1. The contract with the ISAs would be for the Planning & Mobilization,
Implementation and Post Implementation Phase only. Each ISA will have to
achieve the specific Payment Linked Deliverables (PLD) designated for each
phase. Payment to the agencies will be made only for those activities and
milestones, which have been done/achieved bythem.
2. Rate quoted as perbelow:
S.No. Name of District Rate Quoted per
1. Gariyaband …………………………
Rate per Household inclusive GST
For areas under all the districts of ChhattisgarhFor every village:
Rs. ........... x (percentage allotted to the milestone) x No. of
Households covered .
3. The required documents, reports, proofs etc. for the payment of quarterly
bills raised by ISAs should be decided by DWSM and that will be
specifically mentioned in executed agreement between DWSM and ISA.
All activities claimed to be performed by the ISA for
payments/achievement of milestones should be accompanied by time and
date stamped photographic evidences and signatures of all participants
and verified by Gram Panchayat along with a declaration to this effect
accompanied by a Government recognized proof of identity andaddress.
4. The ISA will submit the bill for the payment to DWSM. All such bills should
be accompanied by the required documents, reports, proofs etc.
mentioned in executed agreement, failing which the scheduled payments
would not be processed. The report should also comment on the status of
the Payment Linked Deliverables (PLD) slated for of theschedule.
Date: …../…../2021
Dear Sir,
1. I, the undersigned applicant, have read and examined in detail your solicitation of
Proposal for the purpose of empanelment of NGO/Trust/SHG/Company as
ImplementationSupportAgency(ISA)fororganizingvariousservices,activitiesin the
Districts of Chhattisgarh under State Water and SanitationMission.
2. Technical Proposals: I/We are submitting the Credentials/ Information as
stipulated in your aforesaid solicitation of Proposals (Technical-1, 2 & 3). In case
3. Supporting Documents: I/We have enclosed only required
4. Authorization: I/We hereby submit that, we are authorized/ have been
authorized on behalf of NGO/Trust/SHG/Company as agency to sign and submit
this application.
5. Work Area: I/We hereby submit that our work area interest is all Chhattisgarh
area, however we will be willing to work in any area allocated by theauthority.
Key details-
Agency NameandAddress :
Person tobeContacted :
Designation :
TelephoneNo. : MobileNumber:
Fax :
EmailI.D. :
Yours faithfully,
Date :
Place :
Section B:
Particulars Details
Date of agency's establishment
Registration Number
Registration Authority/ Act
Validity of Registration
Date of Renewal of Registration
Bank Account No.
Name of Bank
Name of Branch
Empanelment with other Govt. Departments/
Govt. undertakings
Type of Agency (Proprietary Firm/ Institute/
Company/ Partnership/NGO)
Goods and Service Tax Registration No. &
Validity (if applicable)
Whether agency is exempted to pay tax, if yes under
which act/provision and validity of
Declaration Date: Schedule T-2 A
The Executive Engineer, PHED &
Member Secretary (DWSM) District
e-mail Id.: eegar-phe-cg@nic.in
1 Our Firm/ Agency/ Institute/ Company has not been blacklisted by anyauthority.
2 Our Firms/ Agency/ Institute/ Company is not involved in any fraudulentactivity.
3 Any Government Department has not charge sheeted our Firms/ Agency/
Institute/ Company, for which proceeding in goingon.
4 Our Firms/ Agency/ Institute/ Company has not submitted any false information or
documents inproposal.
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signatory
(with seal)
3 Capacity Building Expert (having upto 02 Schedule- T-3
Graduate\Post Graduate degree and 03 above 02 A
years exp.)
4 Coordinator (having Graduate degree and 03 upto 05
years exp.) 05-10
above 10
5 Community Worker (Literate, having upto 50
good communication skill and 03 years 50-100
exp.) above 100
D. Regional Experience
Organizations having experience of implementing upto 5
projects in the state ofAssam 5-10
above 10
Organizations having experience of implementing upto 5
projects in Chhattisgarh and Other State 5-10
above 10
E. Presence in the State
Organizations having branch offices in separateupto10
mutually exclusive administrative districts of Assam>10-20
(Lease Agreements/Trade license etc. shall have toabove 20
be provided mandatorily asproof)
For C-Manpower Capability, details of Manpower mentioning qualifications and experience on
schedule-T-3 A must be accomplished with CVs and copies of requiredcertificates.
Schedule T-3 A
Table- A
S.N. Name of thePerson Qualification Experience Address and
Contact No.
A. Team Leader
Authorized Signatory
(with seal)
Table- B
Authorized Signatory
(with seal)
Section C:: Based on the information provided in Section 1, please justify
agencies suitability for the proposed assignment. (Maximum 500 words)
I .........................................................
......................... ………………..…………..hereby
hereby declare that; I'm authorized to
sign this documenton behalf
of my organization and above information provided by me, in response to proposal
invited by Office of The Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary
(DWSM) District Gariyaband Chhattisgarh is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I understand that in case any information provided above is
found to be false or concealed during and/or after the empanelment process the
Department will omit organization's name from the list of empaneled agencies and
may also impose penalty as deemedfit.
Yours faithfully,
Year of Establishment
PAN Number
GST Number
Sources of Funding
[List projects (not more than 06) in the last five years which are similar to that in the EOI.]
[The following information should be provided in the format below for each reference
assignment for which your firm, either individually a s acorporate entity or as one o fthe major
companies within a consortium, was legally contracted by the Employer stated below.]
Name of the Project: Approx. value of the contract (in current `):
Rs ………..
Country:India Duration of contract (months):03 months
Location within country:Gariyaband
Name of Client:
Firm’s Name:
a) Understanding of Rural Water Supply Sector in Chhattisgarh: In this section you should explain
your understanding about the rural water supply scenario in terms of technicality, institutional
Annual Turnover for the last three financial years 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20)
along with audited Financial Statement for last three years.
2 2018-19
3 2019-20
1. ProposedPosition:
[For each position of key professional separate form Tech-7 will be prepared]:
2. Name ofFirm:
3. Name ofStaff:
[Insert full name]:
4. Date ofBirth:
5. Nationality:
6. Education:
[Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of institutions,
degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment]:
7. Membership of ProfessionalAssociations:
8. OtherTraining:
9. Countries of WorkExperience:
[List countries where staff has worked in the last ten years]:
10. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and
11. EmploymentRecord:
[Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held by staff member since graduation,
giving for each employment (see format here below): dates of employment, name of employing organization,
positions held.]:
From[Year]: To Year]:Employer:
Positions held:
13. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned [Among the
Assignment/jobs in which the staff has been involved, indicate the following information for those
Name of Assignment/job or project:
Positions held:
Activities performed:
14. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful
misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
of thestaff]
State Action Plan for Har Ghar Jal
Balance HHs as on 01.04.2021 124412 Nos
Planned year of saturation
District:- Gariyaband
Plan for FHTCs As on 1.4.21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Total
Number (in lakh) 0.2313 0.53115 0.59017 0.1228 1.47542
Percentage (%) 15.68 36.00 40.00 8.32 100.00
No. of habitations 15 810 998 203 2026
No. of villages 3 263 334 67 667
100% FHTCs to
No. of GPs 0 132 168 36 336
be provided in
No. of blocks 0 0 0 5 5
No. of districts 0 0 0 0 0