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TTL 1 Syllabus For Online Class

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Document Code INS-SYL-02

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ISO 9001:2015
Effective Date JUNE 25, 2018
Document Title:
SYLLABUS Page 1/10

Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) Course Syllabus in Ed. 104/Ed107 – Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Date Enhanced: August 5, 2019
I. Capiz State University
Vision: Center of Academic Excellence Delivering Quality Service to all
Mission: Capiz State University is committed to provide advanced knowledge and innovation; develop skills, talents and values; undertake relevant
research, development and extension services; promote entrepreneurship and environmental consciousness; and enhance industry
collaboration and linkages with partner agencies.
Goals: a. Globally competitive graduates d. Maximized profit of viable agro-industrial business ventures
b. Institutionalized research culture e. Effective and efficient administration
c. Responsive and sustainable extension services
Core Values:
a. God-Centered c. Integrity e. Dedication to quality Service
b. Excellence d. Transparency and Accountability and;
Guiding Principles:
a. Academic Freedom b. Responsibility c. Academic Standards
Institutional Learning Outcomes:
A CapSU Graduate is a knowledgeable, innovator, researcher, master of change, a leader entrepreneur, environmentalist, and effective
collaborator in their
respective fields of discipline.
College of Education Program Outcomes:
To produce teachers who REIGNS:
R – Research-oriented;
E – Exemplary “extensionists” and entrepreneurs;
I – Innovative instructors, ICT literate;
G – God-fearing, goal-oriented, globally competitive;
N – Nature-lovers, networkers, and team players;
S – Service-oriented
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ISO 9001:2015
Effective Date JUNE 25, 2018
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V. Course Title: Ed. 104 – TTL 1 – Technology for Teaching and Learning

VI. Semester/School Year Offered: 1st Semester, School Year 2021 – 2022

VII. Course Description: This is an introductory course that explores basic knowledge and skills and values in the use of technology for teaching and learning.
This course includes ICT Policies and safety issues, media and technology in various content areas, learning theories and principles in
the use and design of learning lessons, teaching-learning experiences and assessment tasks that utilize appropriate traditional and
innovative technologies considering social, ethical and legal responsibility.
VIII. Course Credit/Unit: 3

IX. Course Outcomes:

1. Explained the ICT Competency Standards for Teachers and the Roles of Technology for Teaching and Learning
2. Explained ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the teaching-learning process
3. Described a flexible learning environment and the different platforms used for flexible learning
4. Developed sample digital materials related to their specializations.
5. Identified earning theories and principles related to media and technologies as these apply to the design and development of lessons
6. Formulated teaching-learning experiences and assessment tasks using appropriate and innovative technologies
7. Demonstrated socio-civic, ethical, and legal responsibilities in the use of technology tools and resources.
X. Course Design Matrix:

Topics Most Essential Learning Learners’ Activities Assessment References Time Frame
Outcomes (MELO) Tasks
Orientation: - Relate the course to the - Fill-up an Online Assessment form Online Assessment Student Handbook
- VMGO and Learning University’s VMGO and the - form and COEd (week 1)
Outcomes College Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes
- Course Requirements - Choose from a variety of
Learning Contracts.
- Identify the performance
activities that should be
Document Code INS-SYL-02
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ISO 9001:2015
Effective Date JUNE 25, 2018
Document Title:
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Topics Most Essential Learning Learners’ Activities Assessment Tasks References Time Frame
Outcomes (MELO)
Lesson 1 - State the essential - Join online - Online test - Lina Ashar, (2016) Is Technology A Boon
- Introduction to meaning of educational discussion - Or Bane For Teenagers? (week 2-5)
Educational technology and how it is - Watch lecture https://www.huffingtonpost.in/lina-
Technology Course variedly understood based videos
- Technology: Boon Or on different contexts. - Prepare a “Lecture ashar/is-technology-a-boon-or-bane-
Bane - Explain how technology Notes” based on the for-teenagers_a_21485123/
- Aspects of Educational can be good or bad online lecture. - Kim Ann Zimmermann (2017) History of
Technology Explain how Dale’s and
- Dale and Bruner: Two
- Computers: A Brief Timeline,
Bruner’s Theories can be https://www.livescience.com/20718-
Ed Tech Theories
applied in relation to
- History of Computers computer-history.html
- Early Computers EDTECH and teaching
and learning. - https://generalassemb.ly/blog/what-
- Identify how the early is-edtech/
scientific achievements led - https://canvas.instructure.com/cours
to the marvels of present es/930413/pages/1-dot-1-education-
technology technology?module_item_id=7106833
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Topics Most Essential Learning Learners’ Activities Assessment Tasks References Time Frame
Outcomes (MELO)
Lesson 2 - Identify the 21st century - Join online - Graded Recitation - Serhat Kurt (2019), TPACK:
- Hard Skills Versus Soft skills discussion - Online graded Technological Pedagogical Content (week 6-9)
Skills - Explain the concept of - Watch online videos comments Knowledge Framework,
- Six Essential Skills for the technology integration as - Brainstorming: - Online test
Millennial World major development in the Identifying our Hard - https://educationaltechnology.net/tec
- Technology Integration application of educational and Soft Skills hnological-pedagogical-content-
- Technology Integrated technology. knowledge-tpack-framework/
Schemes - Explain how the TPACK
- E-learning Environments model shows effective - What's an LMS?,
- Five Interdependent implementation of https://www.talentlms.com/what-is-
Characteristics of technology in the an-lms
Meaningful Learning classroom requires
Environments acknowledgment of the - The Technology Integration Matrix,
- Learning Management dynamic, transactional
Systems relationship among
- TPACK Model content, pedagogy, and the
incoming technology
Document Code INS-SYL-02
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Topics Most Essential Learning Learners’ Activities Assessment Tasks References Time Frame
Outcomes (MELO)
- Lesson 3 - Demonstrate MICROSOFF - Watch demo videos - Graded demonstration - 10 Tips and Tricks to Become a
By Word You Are OFFICE SKILLS in relation - interactive videos Master of Microsoft Word, (week 10-14)
Saved to common teacher activities learning https://cmitsolutions.com/blog/10-
- - Online Workshop 1: tips-tricks-become-master-
- Lesson 4
for MS Publisher microsoft-word/
Indicative Content: - Online Workshop 2: - 20 Excel Tricks That Can Make
Excel in Excel for MS Powerpoint Anyone An Excel Expert,
- Lesson 5 BENCH Principle https://www.lifehack.org/articles/t
Publishing with
- echnology/20-excel-spreadsheet-
Publisher read-this.html
- Lesson 6 - Microsoft Publisher Basics: Tips &
A Point for Tricks,
Powerpoint https://campusguides.lib.utah.edu/c
(BENCH Principle
- 50 Effective PowerPoint
in Slide Presentation Presentation Tips (To Improve Your
Document Code INS-SYL-02
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Effective Date JUNE 25, 2018
Document Title:
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Topics Most Essential Learning Learners’ Activities Assessment References Time Frame
Outcomes (MELO) Tasks
Lesson 7 - Show fluency in the use of - Join online discussion - Performance - MEG BRUNSON (2018)
- Online Tools and several online tools and - Watch demo videos test How to Use Facebook (week 16)
Platforms platforms - Simulation: Conducting an online Group Units to
- - FB Social Learning class
Group Organize Your
- - Google Forms and Content,

Lesson 8
- Conducting online

XI. Criteria for Grading:

Midterm Grade (30%)

Midterm Exam

Final term Grade (70%)

Quizzes and Projects - 50%
Final Exam - 50%

XII. Rubrics: See attached Criteria

XIII. Other Requirements:

XIV. Policies
1. This is mainly an online asynchronous class. This means that there will rarely be instances for online real-time lectures.
2. Major exams will be given on dates designated by the University.
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3. Online quizzes and oral evaluations will be announced and will be given on a Friday regardless of the specific class schedule. There will be no special
4. Failure to take the major exams on designated dates will be unexcused except when a valid reason is presented. When special exams are given, it shall
receive a grade equivalent not higher than 85%. Failure to take a special exam will immediately receive a grade of 70%.
5. Only excused absences resulting from recognized school activities will be given quiz scores. This will be based on the highest score of the class. For
major exams, excused students shall be required to take the exam on the date designated by the professor.
6. Excused absences shall require the following:
a. ILLNESS – Original copy of the student’s Medical certificate.
b. STUDENT PRACTICE – Schedule of Practice approved by the Campus Administrator or the University President.
Inform the Professor prior to the date of the absence.
c. FAMILY EMERGENCIES – letter signed by a parent or guardian and noted by the Barangay Captain. (Note that a family emergency is an
unexpected event that affects the health or safety of your immediate family members. By “unexpected”,
implies that the event happened exactly on the date of the exam. A lingering illness or a scheduled
medical exam is not an emergency.)
7. Five (5) percent from a perfect score of 100 will be deducted everyday after the deadline of the submission of a major project. The lowest grade that may
be given to a project is 50 percent.
8. Since we are operating on a pandemic, classes will be given online. You are expected to enroll in the online attendance at any time of the day
corresponding to the schedule of the class.
9. All lectures will be uploaded although synchronous lectures may be given when deemed necessary. Attendance to synchronous lectures will be
equivalent quiz points which may be added to the total quiz points earned.
10. A poor internet signal shall never be considered as an excuse since all activities are scheduled and conducted with ample time for compliance.

XV. Consultation: MWF – 4:00 – 5:00 PM

XVI. Remarks: This syllabus is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the course facilitator.

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