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Pe119 Course Syllabus

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Outcomes-Based (OBE) Course Syllabus in PED 119-Sports and Exercise Psychology

Date Enhanced: January 6, 2025

I. Capiz State University

Vision: Center of Academic Excellence Delivering Quality Service to All

Mission: Capiz State University is committed to provide advanced knowledge and innovation; develop skills, talents and values; undertake relevant research,
development and extension services; promote entrepreneurship and environmental consciousness; and enhance industry collaboration and linkages with
partner agencies.

Goals: Globally competitive graduates

Institutionalized research culture
Responsive and sustainable extension services
Maximized profit of viable agro-industrial business ventures
Effective and efficient administration

Core Values: God- Centered

Transparency and Accountability and;
Dedication to quality Service
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Guiding Principles:
Academic Freedom
Academic Standard

Institutional Learning Outcomes:

A CapSU Graduate is a knowledgeable, innovator, researcher, master of change, a leader entrepreneur, environmentalist, and effective collaborator in their
respective fields of discipline.

College of Education Program Outcomes:

To produce teachers who are REIGNS:

R - Relevant researchers
E - Exemplary “extensionists” and entrepreneurs
I - Innovative instructors, ICT literates
G - God-fearing, goal-oriented, globally competitive
N - Nature-lovers, networkers, and team players
S - Service-oriented

II. Campus: Burias Campus

III. Program/Degree: Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd)

IV. Program/Degree Outcomes: Based on CMO No. 80, Series of 2017

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A. Common to all programs in all types of schools:

The graduates have the ability to:
1. articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice
2. effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
3. work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
4. act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
5. preserve and promote “filipino historical and cultural heritage”.

B. Common to the Discipline (Teacher Education)

1. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts.
2. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
3. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments.
4. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners.
5. Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, instructional delivery and educational assessment.
6. Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing and reporting.
7. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the changing local, national, and global realities.
8. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities

C. Program Outcomes Specific to the Bachelor of Physical Education

a. PO1 - Disciplinal Knowledge: Apply scientific and evidence-based practices critical to the educational and learning processes.
b. PO2 - Movement Competency and Proficiency:
1. Demonstrate skillful performance in a variety of physical activities.
2. Adapt performance to variety of physical activity settings: (e.g. formal classes, recreational and competitive)
c. PO3 - Curriculum and Program Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation:
1. Critically examine the curriculum (e.g. content, pedagogy and assessments) and program, and enhance (e.g. innovative) the necessarily.
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2. Plan and implement safe and effective physical activity programs to address the needs of the individual in school and/or industry settings.
3. Monitor and evaluate physical activity programs in school and/or non-school settings.
4. Use appropriate assessments in, as and for student or client learning.
5. Use information, media and technology in pedagogy and for lifelong learning.
d. PO4 - Professional Accountability and Responsibility:
1. Demonstrate firm work/professional ethics
2. Cultivate solidarity by working and dealing with/relating to others harmoniously.
3. Promote the advancement of the profession by making sense of and getting involved in current discourse that impact on the profession
4. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional development.
e. PO5 - Communication:
1. Communicate effectively with PE practitioners, other professionals and stakeholders.
2. Use oral, written, and technology formats deftly.

V. Course No. and Title: PED 119-Sports and Exercise Psychology

VI. Pre-requisite: None

VII. School Year/Semester Offered: Second Semester, School Year 2024-2025

VIII. Course Description: This course provides an understanding of the social, psychological and environmental factors that influence exercise behavior, sports participation and
performance through observations and analysis of sports and exercise settings.

IX. Course Credit/Unit: 3 Units (3 hours lecture per week)

X. Course/Subject Outcome:
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. overviewed the past, present and future of sport psychology,
2. familiarized with rudiments of positive approach to effective coaching and performance enhancement
3. discussed motivational processes and the facilitation of quality engagement in sport,
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4. oriented with psychological characteristics of peak performance

5. understood the nature of goal setting for peak performance,
6. discussed the use of imagery in sport,
7. familiarized with concept of exercise psychology,
8. enjoyed the need for understanding as future movement practitioners.

X. Course Design
Topics Most Essential Learning Learner’s Activities Assessment Task References Time Allotment
Unit 0: Vision, Mission, Core At the end of the unit, the  Lecture/  Quiz Williams, J. (2010). Week 1
Values, and Outcomes students must have:  Discussion  Oral Applied Sport
1. The university’s Vision, 1. internalized and  Reporting Recitation Psychology:
Mission, Core Values, and Type:
Document demonstrated the vision, Personal Growth to Document Code INS-SYL-03
Outcomes mission, core values ofDOCUMENTED
the INFORMATION Peak Performance Revision No. 01
2. The BPED outcomes university and the institutional ISO 9001:2015
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3. The Course/Subject college/campus, degree and
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Outcome course outcomes.
4. Sport Psychology: Past, 2. overviewed past, present and
Present, Future future of sport psychology XI. Criteria
for Grading
Unit I: A Positive Approach to At the end of the unit, the  Lecture  Quiz Williams, J. (2010). Week 2-4
Coaching Effectiveness and students must have:  Discussion  Oral Applied Sport
Performance Enhancement 1. delineated the ABCs of  Reporting Recitation Psychology: Personal
1. ABCs of Behavior Control behavior control Growth to Peak
2. Positive and Aversive 2. discussed the positive and Performance
Approaches to Influencing aversive approaches to influence
Behavior behavior
3. Positive Reinforcement: 3. explained positive
Getting Good Things to Happen reinforcement
4. Performance Feedback 4. understood performance
Unit II: Motivational Processes At the end of the unit, the  Lecture  Quiz Williams, J. (2010). Week 5-6
and the Facilitation of Quality students must have:  Presentation  Oral Applied Sport
Engagement in Sport 1. explained the construct of  Demonstration Recitation Psychology: Personal
1. Believing that One Can: The self-efficacy  Reporting Growth to Peak
Construct of Self-Efficacy 2. discussed the concept of Performance
2. Achievement Goals: The achievement goal
importance of How We Judge 3. delineated the determinants
Our Competence of intrinsic motivation and
3.Doing It for the Joy: The selfdetermination
Determinants of Intrinsic
Motivation and
Unit III-Psychological At the end of the unit, the  Lecture  Quiz Williams, J. (2010). Week 7-8
Characteristics of Peak students must have:  Discussion  Oral Applied Sport
Performance 1. familiarized with the overview  Demonstration Recitation Psychology: Personal
1. Overview of Peak of peak performance  Reporting Growth to Peak
Performance 2. identified psychological Performance
2. Psychological Characteristics characteristics during peak
During Peak Experiences in experiences in sport
Sport 3. differentiated flow and peak
3. Flow and Peak Performance performance
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Oral Recitation - 10%
Reporting - 10% Reporting - 10%
Quizzes and other written works - 20% Quizzes and other written works - 10%
Practical Test - 40% Practical Test - 40%
Midterm Examination - 20% Portfolio - 20%
100% Final Examination - 20%
Midterm - 30%
Final - 70%

XII. Other Requirements:

1. Independent reading/study of the lesson.
2. Submission of satisfactory outputs.
3. Midterm/Final Examination
4. P.E. Uniform
5. Practical Test
6. Attendance

XIII. Course Policies

Students are expected to:
• come to school prepared at all times;
• respect the dignity and rights of fellow learners;
• follow University rules and policies as stipulated in the student’s handbook;
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• students must follow classroom policies, rules and regulations;

• students must show respect to his/her classmates and professors and;
• students are required to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom.

XIV. Rubric: See attached rubrics.

XV. Consultation: The students are encouraged to regularly seek advice to the course facilitator based on the consultation time of the faculty. The students can set appointment every TTH
1:00 PM- 2:30 PM and Friday 7:30 AM- 8:30 AM
XVI. Remarks: This syllabus is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the faculty.

Prepared by:


Course Facilitator

Noted: Recommending Approval:


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Quality Assurance Chair BPED Program Coordinator




Rubrics Dance Movement

10 20 30 40 MARK


Student is not clear about the Student requires some Student gets into position for the Student demonstrates clearly the correct
FORMATION dance formation assistance from teacher while dance with little assistance from dance formation and helps others with
getting into position the teacher only an occasional hint from the teacher.

Student seems lost or demonstrates Student can follow portions of Student can follow most of the Student is in a leading role and clearly
incorrect dance steps the dance with frequent cues dance sequence with some guided demonstrates the correct dance sequence
STEPS provided by the teachers help from others

Movements and the beat of the Student beat is inconsistent and Demonstrates the beat most times Student clearly maintains the beat in their
BEAT music are out of step or not it fluctuates at times. and is able to maintain it in the dance and consistently maintains it
synchronized. dance. throughout the dance

Student demonstrates a mix of Student is progressing towards Student at times will demonstrate Student consistently demonstrates
styles which do not show the demonstration of “stylistic” “stylistic” moves in keeping with “stylistic” moves in keeping with the
progression or theme specific to moves that are characteristic of the dance. dance.
the dance the dance
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Show little or no enthusiasm for Student will participate in Approaches dance with a positive Student is totally motivated to participate
dance. Does not focus and follow dance. Frequent reminders are attitude. May need to be brought in dance. Is always focused and on task. In
WORK ETHNIC instruction is easily distracted. needed to maintain their focus back to task at times. Can stay fact, encourages others to remain on tasks.
on the dance. focused and follows instructions
fairly well.




5 4 3 2 1

Show mastery of the different

dance position
Demonstrate properly the
position of the arms and feet
in performing dance position

Demonstrate correctly the

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direction of the body in

performing the different dance

TOTAL: _________________________ RATED BY: ____________________

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