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A R R A N G E D By: Group Name: Black Widow Members

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16 Tenses Of English

Group Name : Black Widow
-Eliene Simatupang
-Joan Angel Sirait
-Amsal Y Pangaribuan
-Saputra Gultom
-Irvan Silaen

Class: Eleven Natural Science Three

1.Simple Present Tense (Waktu sekarang sederhana)
• The Formula of Verbal
(+) S + V1 s/es + O
(-) S + do/does not + V1 + O…
(?) Do/Does + S + V…?
• The Formula of Nominal
(+) S + be(am, is, are) Complement
(-) S + be + not + Complement
(?) Be + S + Complement ?
1. To express the habit.
2. To state the general truth.
3. To declare something that has been scheduled.
4. For the writing of headlines in newspapers / newspapers
5. To declare a sequential event or a completed event and followed
by another event at the time of speaking.
6. To declare one's ability.
7. For the command line.
The example sentences:
*Everyday =Setiap hari
* I go to school everyday. (Saya
*Every Morning=Setiap pagi
pergi ke sekolah setiap hari)
*Every night=Setiap malam
* Ice melts at 100 Celcius. ( Es
*Every Sunday=SetiaphariMinggu
meleleh pada suhu 100 Celcius)
*Every week=Setiap pekan
*Our class begins at 7 (Kelas kita
*Everymonth=Setiap bulan
mulai jam 7)
*Every year=Setiap tahun
* She speaks English fluently
*On Mondays=Pada hari Senin
(Dia berbicara bahasa Inggris
*Sometimes = Kadang-kadang
dengan lancar)
* Be careful ! (Berhati-hatilah ! )
* I am happy. (Saya bahagia)
kalimat nominal.
* She is a rich woman (Dia
*Rarely=Jarang sekali
wanita kaya) kalimat nominal.
2.Present Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung sekarang
 The Formula of Verbal
(+) S + be + V-ing + O
(-) S + be + not + V-ing + O
(?) Be + S + V-ing + O…
 The formula of Nominal
(+) S + be (am, is, are) + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + be + not + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(?) Be + S + Adj / Noun / Adverb
1. To state an ongoing event at the time of speech.
2. To declare an ongoing event within the processframework.
3. To express annoyance.
4. To declare the time to come when it is already planned.
5. To declare events gradually changed
Adverbs :
*Now = Sekarang
*Rightnow = Saat ini
*At present = Saat ini
*At the moment = Saat ini
*At the time = Saat ini
*Today = Hari ini
*This week = Minggu ini ↱
*This month = Bulan ini sedang berlangsung
*This year = Tahun ini dalam kerangka proses.
*This summer = Musim panas ini ↳
*Look ! = Lihatlah !
*Listen ! = Dengar!
The example sentences:
* Look ! She is smilling at you (Lihat ! dia sedang tersenyum padamu)
* My father is working now ( Ayahku sedang bekerja sekarang)
* Henry : What is your activity now ? (Apa kegiatanmu sekarang ?)
   Diana : I am studying English in Mahesa this year. 
( Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris di Mahesa tahun ini)
*The baby is crying because he is thirsty.
(Bayi itu sedang menangis karena dia haus)
*They are playing football in the field . (Mereka sedang bermain
sepak bola di lapangan )

3. Present Perfect Tense (Waktu sempurna sekarang)

• The Formula of Verbal
(+) S + Have/Has + V3 + O
(-) S + Have/Has + not + V3 + O
(?) have/has + S + V3 + O
• The formula of Nominal:
(+) S + have/has + to be 3 (been) + non verb + O
(-) S + have/has + not + to be 3 + non verb + O
(?) have/has + S + to be 3 + non verb + O?
1. Used to describe a perfectly completed activity.
2. Explain about events that are still ongoing.
Adverbs :
*Lately : akhir-akhir ini
*Recently : baru-baru ini
*Never : tidak pernah
*Ever : pernah
*Just : baru saja

The example sentences:

*Dino has eaten two plates of rice ( Dino sudah makan dua piring
nasi ) verbal
*But he hasn't been full ( Tapi dia belum kenyang) nominal
*Has Dino eaten ? ( Sudahkah dino makan ? ) verbal
*Has Dino been full ? ( Sudahkah Dino kenyang ? ) nominal
4. Present Perfect Continuous (Waktu Berlangsung
Sempurna Sekarang)
• The Formula of Verbal
(+)  S + have/has + been + V-ing + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + have/ has + not + been + V-ing + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(?) Have/has + S + been + V-ing + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
• The formula of Nominal:
(+) S + has/have + been + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + has/have + not + been + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(?) Has/have + S + been + Adj / Noun / Adverb
1. State the activity that began in the past and still lasts until
2. To declare events that have just been done but the effects
can still be felt today.
*For : selama
*Since : sejak
*All day : sepanjang hari
*All week : sepanjang minggu
The example sentences:
*I have been waiting for you for an hour (Aku sudah menunggumu
selama satu jam)
*She hasn’t been studying for one week (Dia sudah tidak belajar
selama satu minggu)
*Look ! Dona's eyes are red because she has been crying. ( Lihat
mata Dona merah sebab dia baru saja menangis )
5. Simple Past Tense (Waktu lampau sederhana)
The formula of Verbal:
(+) S + V2 + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + did + not + V1 + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(?) Did + S + V1 + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb ?
The formula of Nominal:
(+) S + (was/were) + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + (was/were) + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(?) (was/were) + S + Adj / Noun / Adverb?
1. To express habits in the past.
2. To declare general truths in the past.
3. To state an event that happened in the past
Averbs :
*Yesterday= kemarin
*Yesterday morning=Kemarin pagi
*Last day= Sehari yang lalu
*Last night= Tadi malam
*Last week= Pekan lalu
*Last month=Bulan lalu
*Last year= Tahun lalu
*On Sunday morning=Pada hari minggu
*On hour ago= Sejam yang lalu
*One day ago= Satu hari yang lalu
*Two days ago= Dua hari yang lalu
*Three weeks ago = Tiga hari yang lalu
*Four year ago= Empat tahun yang lalu
*The day before yesterday= Kemarin lusa
*2 days before yesterday= 2 hari sebelum kemarin
*In 1990 = Pada tahun 1990
The example sentences:
*Budi played football yesterday. (Budi bermain sepak bola kemarin)
*I met Novi last night. ( Saya bertemu Novi tadi malam).
*She Sould her car two days ago. ( Dia menjual mobilnya dua hari
yang lalu)
*Columbus discovered America Continent. ( Columbus menemukan
benua Amerika)
*Netherlands colonized Indonesia. (Belanda dulu menjajah
6. Past Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung lampau)
The formula of Verbal:
(+) S + to be 2 (was/were) + V-ing + O
(-) S + to be 2 (was/were) + not + V-ing + O
(?) to be 2 (was/were) + S + V-ing + O
The formula of Nominal:
(+) S + to be 2 + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + to be 2 + not + ANA
(?) to be 2 + S + ANA ?
1. To state an event that is going on in the past.
2. To declare events gradually changed in the past.
Adeverb :
*At 7 o’clock yesterday= Pada jam 7 tadi
*At this time yesterday = Saat ini kemarin
*At the same time yesyerday = Pada waktu yang sama kemarin
The example sentences:
1. I went to Farhan's house last night. When I came, he was
watching TV. ( Saya pergi ke rumahnaya Farhan tadimalam. Ketika
saya datang, dia sedang menonton TV)
2. The wind was blowing harder last night.(Anginnya bertiup
semakin kencang semalam)
7. Past Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Lampau)
The formula of Verbal:
(+) S + had + V3
(-) S + had + not + V3
(?) Had + S + V3
The formula of Nominal:
(+) S + had + been + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + had + not + been + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(?) Had + S + been + Adj / Noun / Adverb ?
Used to express an activity that has occurred when other
activities happened last time
Adverbs :
The example sentences:
*I had bought a book before you came (Saya sudah membeli sebuah
buku sebelum kamu datang)
*When I was child , my mother had helped me (Ketika aku masih
kecil, ibuku membantuku)
*She visited me after you had called me ( Dia mengunjungiku setelah
kamu menelponku)
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung
sempurna lampau)
The formula of Verbal
(+) S + had + been + V-ing
(-) S + had + not + been + V-ing
(?) Had + S + been + V-ing
The formula of Nominal
(+) S + Had + Been + Being + O+ Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + Had + Not + Been + Being + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(?) Had + S + Been + Being + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb?
1.Used to declare events or events that occur at the time tense with
emphasis on the duration of the time.
2. State the events that are still going on in the past.
Adverbs :
The example sentences:
*Last night , when you called me, I had been studying for an hour.
( Tadi malam, ketika kamu menelponku, aku sudah belajar selama
satu jam )
*Last nigt, I met Ridwan. I surprised because Ridwan’s hair was wet.
In fact he had been washing hair. (Tadi malam, aku bertemu Ridwan.
Aku terkejut sebab rambut Ridwan basah. Ternyata dia baru saja
9. Simple Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Sederhana)
The formula of Verbal :
(+) S + Will/Shall + V1 + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + Will/Shall + not + V1 + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(?) Will/Shall + S + V1 + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
The formula of Nominal :
(+) S + Will/Shall + Be + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + Will/Shall + not + be + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb

(?) Will/Shall + S + be + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb

1. For forecast.
2. For the plan use be going to + V1.
3. To declare general truth in the future.
Adverbs :
*Tomorrow= Besok
*Next night= Malam selanjutnya
*Next day= Hari selanjutnya
*Next week= Pekan depan
*Next month = Bulan depan
*Next year = Tahun depan
*This morning = Pagi ini
*This evening = Malam ini
*Tonight = Malam nanti
*The day after tomorrow = Lusa
*Two days after tomorrow = 2 hari sesudah besok
*Soon =Segera10. Future Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung
akan datang)
The example sentences:
*We will follow the exam next week. (Kita akan mengikuti ujian
minggu depan)
*Next month I will visit you. (Bulan depan saya akan mengunjungi
*He will be at the office at 9. (Dia nanti ada di kantor jam 9 )
*Maybe, they are going to help you. (Mungkin mereka akan
*I will study English tomorrow.(Saya akan belajar bahasa Inggris
10. Future Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung akan
The formula of Verbal :
(+) S + will/shall + be + V-ing + O
(-) S + will/shall + not + be + V-ing + O
(?) Will/Shall + S + be + V-ing + O?
The formula of Nominal :
(+) S + will/shall + be + being + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(-) S + will/shall + not + be + being + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb
(?) Will/Shall + S + be + being + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb?
*Used to indicate an event that will be in progress on
*a certain time in the future.
Adverb :
*At the same tomorrow
*Tomorrow morning = Kemarin pagi
*At 7 o’clock tomorrow = Pada jam 7 besok
*At this time tomorrow = Saat ini besok
*At this the sama time tomorrow = Pada waktu yang sama besok
The example sentences:
*Don’t call me at 7 tonight ! I will be having dinner at that time
(Jangan menghubungiku pada jam 7 nanti malam, Aku akan makan
malam pada waktu itu )
*At this time tomorrow , We will be studying English in the class
(Saat ini besok, kami akan belajar bahasa Inggris di dalam kelas)
11. Future Perfect Tense (Waktu sempurna yang akan
The formula of Verbal :
(+) S + Will/Shall + Have + V3 + O + ANA
(-) S + will/shall + not + have + V3 + O + ANA
(?) Will/Shall + S + have + V3 + O + ANA
The formula of Nominal :
(+) S + Will/Shall + Have + Been + O + ANA
(-) S + will/shall + not + have + been + O + ANA
(?) Will/shall + S + have + been + O + ANA
1. To declare a perfect event completed in the future.
2. To declare events that are still going on in the future.
Adverbs :
*By next month (menjelang bulan depan)
*By ... o’clock tomorrow
*By the end of
The example sentences:
*By the end of next week, We will have finished our program.
(Menjelang akhir minggu depan kita akan sudah menyelesaikan
program kita )
*By the end of this year, my uncle will have lived in Kediri for 5 years.
(Menjelang akhir tahun ini , pamanku sudah tinggal di Kediri selama5
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung
sempurna akan datang)
The formula of Verbal :
(+) S + Will/Shall + Have + Been + V-ing + O + ANA
(-) S + will/shall + not + have + been + V-ing + O + ANA
(?) Will/Shall + S + have + been + V-ing + O + ANA ?
The formula of Nominal :
(+) S + Will/Shall + Have + Been + O + ANA
(-) S + Will/Shall + not + Have + Been + O + ANA
(?) Will/Shall + S + Have + Been + O + ANA
Used to indicate an activity that is still going on at a time which will
Adverbs :
*For ... by next week
*For a week
*By +...for
*By the end of ...for...
*At the end of ...for...
The example sentences:
*By the end of this month, I will have been staying in Surabaya for 3
weeks. (Menjelang akhir bulan ini, saya sudah tinggal di Surabaya
selama 3 minggu )
*I will have been standing here for 5 hours by tomorrow morning.
( Aku sudah berdiri disini selama 5 jam pada besok pagi )
13. Simple Past Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Di Waktu
The formula of Verbal :
(+) S + Would/Should + V1 + O + ANA
(-) S + Would/Should + Not + V1 + O + ANA
(?) Would/Should + S + V1 + O + ANA
The formula of Nominal :
(+) S + Would/Should + Be + O + ANA
(-) S + Would/Should + Not + Be + O + ANA
(?) Would/Should + S + Be + O + ANA
1. Used to state events that will or should occur at past but canceled
for some reason.
2. Explain about type 2 conditional phrases
3. Should to disclose the suggestion used by all subjects.
*Last week
*A go
The example sentences:
*I would meet you but it was raining that night. ( Aku akan
menemuimu tapi hujan malam itu )
*He would marry Jane  last year (Dia akan menikahi Jane tahun lalu )
*She would buy new car last week, but her money wasn’t enough.
(Dia akan membeli mobil baru minggu lalu tapi uangnya tidak cukup)
14. Past Future Continuous Tense (Waktu Akan Sedang
Terjadi Diwaktu Lampau)
The formula of Verbal :
(+) S + Would/Should + Be + V-ing + O + ANA
(-) S + Would/Should + Not + Be + V-ing + O + ANA
(?) Would/Should + S + Be + V-ing + O + ANA
The formula of Nominal :
(+) S + Would/Should + Be + Being + O + ANA
(-) S + Would/Should + Not + Be + Being + O + ANA
(?) Would/Should + S + Be + Being + O + ANA
Used to express an activity that would or should be took place in the

Adverbs :
*On Monday
*Last Sunday
*At ... o’clock yesterday

The example sentences:* I would be going with Mrs. Rona yesterday

morning for swimming. ( Aku akan pergi bersama bu Rona kemarin
pagi untuk berenang)
*They wouldn’t be sleeping here. They would be studying on
Monday. (Mereka tidak akan tidur disini. Mereka akan belajar pada
hari Senin)
*When it was raining last night , they wouldn’t be going there like
now. ( Ketika hujan tadi malam , mereka tidak akanpergi kesana
seperti sekarang)
15. Past Future Perfect Tense (Waktu akan sudah selesai di
masa lampau)
The formal of Verbal :
(+) S + Would/Should + Have + V3 + O + ANA
(-) S + Would/Should+ Not + Have + V3 + O + ANA
(?) Would/Should + S + Have + V3 + O + ANA
The formal of Nominal :
(+) S + Would/Should + Have + Been + O + ANA
(-) S + Would/Should + Not + Have + Been + O + ANA
(?) Would/Should + S + Have + Been + O + ANA
1. Used to express an activity that will have lasted at a certain time in
the past.
2. Used to explain the sentence of type 3 (regret)
Adverbs :
*By last week
*By the end of by
*At yesterday
*On last week
*On last month
*In last year
The example sentences:
*She would have passed in last year  ( Dia seharusnya sudah lulus
pada tahun lalu)
*He would have proposed his girl friend on last month (Dia
seharusnya sudah melamar pacarnya bulan lalu)
*My father would have bought a car on last week (Ayahku
seharusnya sudah membeli mobil minggu lalu)
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu yang
sudah sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau)
The formula of Verbal :
(+) S + Would/Should + Have + Been + V-ing + O + ANA
(-) S + Would/Should + Not + Have + Been + V-ing + O + ANA
(?) Would/Should + S + Have + Been + V-ing + O + Adj / Noun /
The formula of Nominal :
(+) S + Would/Should + Have + Been + Being + O + Adj / Noun /
(-) S + Would/Should + Not + Have + Been + Being + O + Adj /
Noun / Adverb
(?) Would/Should + S + Have + Been + Being + O + Adj / Noun /
*Used to declare an activity that will have been in progress
*in the past
*By last
*By the end of
The example sentences:
*By the end of last year , Mr. Budi would have been living at Pare for
more than 5 years ( Pada akhir tahun lalu, pak Budi sudah akan
tinggal di Pare selama lebih dari 5 tahun)
*If I had a lot of money, I would have been treating you that night
( Jika aku memiliki banyak uang , aku akan sudah mentraktirmu
malam itu)

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