CSC 103 PF Ver1.0 RizwanRashid
CSC 103 PF Ver1.0 RizwanRashid
CSC 103 PF Ver1.0 RizwanRashid
Catalog Description:
This course emphasis the basic concepts used in programming. The topics are: Overview of Computer
Programming; Principles of Structured, Modular and Functional Programming; Overview of
Structured Programming Languages; Algorithms and Problem Solving; Program Development:
Analyzing Problem, Designing Algorithm/Solution, Testing Designed Solution, Translating
Algorithms into Programs; Basic Syntax and Semantics of a Higher-Level Language; Variables and
Primitive Data Types; Expressions and Assignments; Simple I/O including File I/O; Conditional and
Iterative Control Structures; Functions and Parameter Passing; Arrays; Strings and String Processing;
The Concept of Recursion; The Concept of Type System: Compound Types Built from other Types
(e.g. Array, Functions), Association of Types, Type Safety, Static Typing; Program Comprehension;
Program Correctness: Types of Errors (Syntax, Logic, Run-Time), The Concept of a Specification,
Code Reviews, Testing Fundamentals and Test-Case Generation, Unit Testing; Simple Refactoring;
Modern Programming Environments: Code Search, Programming using Library Components and
their APIs; Debugging Strategies; Documentation and Program Style.
Text Book:
1. Introduction to JAVA Programming, Liang, Y.D., 9th Edition (2012), Prentice Hall.
Reference Book:
1. Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, Savitch, W., 6th Edition (2012),
Assessment Plan for the Course:
Evaluation methods Theory Weight (%)[T] Lab Weight(%)[L]
Quizzes (4) 15 -
Assignments (4) 10 25
Sessional exam(I and II) 10 and 15 10 and 15
Terminal Exam 50 50
Total 100 100
Total =T+L T=(T/100)*75 L=(L/100)*25
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
C1 Explain different programming language paradigms and phases in the program development.
Explain the concepts of programming constructs, such as type system, using a high level
C3 Apply programming concepts based on simple scenarios with and without Files.
Apply various software development methods, such as program comprehension, code search,
refactoring, in programming.