2019 - An Mhealth Intervention For The Treatment of Patients With An Eating Disorder - A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
2019 - An Mhealth Intervention For The Treatment of Patients With An Eating Disorder - A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
2019 - An Mhealth Intervention For The Treatment of Patients With An Eating Disorder - A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
DOI: 10.1002/eat.23286
Dimitra Anastasiadou, Department of Abstract
Information and Communication Sciences, Objective: The current multicentre randomized controlled trial assessed the clinical
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona,
Spain. efficacy of a combined mHealth intervention for eating disorders (EDs) based on cog-
Email: danastasiadou@uoc.edu nitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
Action Editor: Tracey Wade Method: A total of 106 ED patients from eight different public and private mental
health services in Spain were randomly assigned to two parallel groups. Patients of
Funding information
RecerCaixa of "La Caixa" Foundation the experimental group (N = 53) received standard face-to-face CBT plus a mobile
intervention through an application called “TCApp,” which provides self-monitoring
and an online chat with the therapist. The control group (N = 53) received standard
1120 © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/eat Int J Eat Disord. 2020;53:1120–1131.
and emotions, and bidirectional messages via chat between patients Committee of the University leading the study (Open University of
and their therapists. Due to the principle 24 hr a day availability to Catalonia, UOC). The study was registered in ClinicalTrials.gov
chat with their therapist and possibility of continuous self-monitoring, (Identifier NCT03197519), and its protocol was previously published
patients may feel more accompanied in their treatment process and elsewhere (Anastasiadou, Folkvord, & Lupiañez-Villanueva, 2018).
may experience more support and self-confidence in dealing with Therefore, we will only describe the most important aspects of the
treatment challenges. Equally, by use of the app, therapists can track study's procedure here.
patients online and have the opportunity to visualize their patients' Informed consent was obtained from all potential candidates for
progress using graphs and reports, as well as to contact them via chat the study. Clinical interviews and assessment for eligibility were then
when the need arises. The TCApp has been developed as a result of carried out using the KSADS-PL or SCID-I interviews (First, Spitzer,
fruitful partnership between technology experts from a company Gibbon, & Williams, 2002; Kaufman et al., 1997). Patients who were
called HealthApp, patients with EDs and ED specialists from different identified as eligible, as well as their families, completed the baseline
mental health institutions in the area around Barcelona (Spain). It is questionnaires (T0). Patients who did not return the documents within
considered to be a patient-centered tool which, through gamification 2 weeks received a reminder call.
elements (i.e., badges, points, scoreboards, alerts) increases patients' After completion of the baseline questionnaires (T0), patients
engagement and adherence with CBT treatment. were randomized across experimental group and control group.
The current study aims to assess the clinical efficacy of a com- Patients were allocated their condition using a computer-generated
bined intervention for EDs that includes a mobile intervention randomization list (allocation ratio 1:1; block size of 10; stratified per
through the TCApp plus standard face-to-face CBT, in comparison to hospital). Patients were notified regarding the outcome of the ran-
standard face-to-face CBT alone. Based on results from previous ran- domization in their next visit to the ED unit. Participants and ED spe-
domized controlled trials (RCT) showing more positive effects of cialists were since that moment aware of the allocated group, while
mHealth interventions for patients with ED as compared to traditional data manager/analyst (DA) remained blinded.
treatment (Bauer, Percevic, Okon, Meermann, & Kordy, 2003; Instructions on how to use the TCApp were given to patients
Hildebrandt et al., 2017), we hypothesized that patients with the from the experimental group by the ED specialist responsible for
TCApp plus standard face-to-face CBT would show more improve- online monitoring. Then, each group of patients received the treat-
ment on primary (ED pathology) and secondary outcomes (depression, ment that corresponded to their condition for a period of 12 weeks.
anxiety, quality of life, total number of visits) than patients receiving At the end of the 12-week treatment, evaluation T1 was carried out.
standard face-to-face CBT alone. Due to high dropout rate from T0 to T1, no T2 evaluation was carried
out (although it had been planned previously). For a detailed descrip-
tion of the study procedure, the definition of the study variables and
2 | METHOD assessment tools, the reader is referred to Figure 1 and Table 1 of the
published protocol study (Anastasiadou, Lupiañez-Villanueva, Faulí,
2.1 | Design and participants Arcal Cunillera, & Serrano-Troncoso, 2018).
Randomized (n = 106)
Allocated to experimental group (TAU + Allocated to control group (TAU; n = 53)
TCApp; n = 53) ♦ Received allocated intervention (n = 53)
♦ Received allocated intervention (app use ♦ Completed T0 assessment (n = 52)
≥1 time) (n = 48)
♦ Completed T0 assessment (n = 51)
♦ Not completed T1 assessment (n = 14) ♦ Not completed T1 assessment (n = 22)
♦ Discontinued intervention (app use ≤4
FIGURE 1 Flow of participants through each stage of the study [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
control group were given access to the TCApp 6 months after the (EuroQol Group, 1990). The variable called “total number of regular
start of the study. visits” was also used as secondary outcome. It was assessed at T0 and
A related point to consider is that all ED units that have been chosen T1 by way of telephone interviews with the clinician responsible for
to take part in the trial employed CBT as a standard treatment for EDs the online monitoring of each patient, and included the number of
and that ED specialists from the seven ED units (five psychologists, one visits to ED specialists (i.e., individual therapy psychologist, group
psychiatrist, and one nursing staff) had previously received a CBT-specific therapy psychologist, psychiatrist, nursing staff, other medical staff of
training during their specialization internship. In addition, ED specialists various departments/specialities, nutritionist, or social worker). An
responsible for the online monitoring (experimental group) were trained additional variable that reflected the total number of emergency visits
on the basic principles of the application and the online platform. was also used as a secondary outcome. Finally, internal consistencies
for all measures at pretreatment were good (see Table 2 for
Cronbach's αs).
2.4 | Measures
Clinical interviews (First et al., 2002; Kaufman et al., 1997) were used 2.5 | Data analysis
to assess ED diagnosis and comorbidities among participants. An addi-
tional interview was employed to assess socio-demographic and Prior to the study, we estimated that a sample size of 200 participants
illness-related characteristics in the sample. (100 patients per study arm) would be recommended, increasing this
The primary outcome of the study concerned ED symptomatol- number to 250 to allow for a 25% loss to follow-up, and assuming an
ogy and was assessed with the Eating Disorder Examination Ques- α of .05 and a power of 0.80 (β − 1).
tionnaire (EDE-Q) (Peláez-Fernández, Javier Labrador, & Raich, 2012), We tested the hypothesis of a higher improvement in primary
and the Short Evaluation of Eating Disorders (SEED) (Bauer, Winn, and secondary outcomes from pre- to posttreatment in participants
Schmidt, & Kordy, 2005). Secondary outcomes were general psycho- with the TCApp plus standard face-to-face CBT compared to patients
pathology and quality of life, measured using the Beck Depression receiving standard face-to-face CBT alone, using two-level hierarchi-
Inventory (BDI-II) (Wiebe & Penley, 2005), the State-Trait Anxiety cal linear models (HLMs). HLMs are considered one the best statistical
Inventory (STAI) (Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lushene, 1982), the techniques to examine longitudinal changes in nested data (such as in
EuroQoL-EQ-5L (EQ-5D-5L), and the child-friendly EQ-5D version the case of individual participant data hierarchically nested within
TABLE 1 Baseline characteristics of all study participants, and separately for each group
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Abbreviations: ABB, ABB Center; BAL, Balearic Island Health Service; NJ, Niño Jesús University Children's Hospital; PT, Parc Taulí Hospital; SC, San Carlos
Clinic Hospital; SJD, Sant Joan de Déu Hospital.
treatment groups; Gallop & Tasca, 2009; Singer & Willett, 2003). Their analyses run with and without transformed variables led to similar
main advantage is the flexibility in handling missing data (Gallop & results. Thus, we reported results with untransformed values for ease
Tasca, 2009), a common occurrence in longitudinal studies. We ran of interpretation (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). Because the variable
intent-to-treat (ITT) analyses, examining the longitudinal changes of “total number of visits to emergency departments” was strongly asym-
all participants according to their assigned treatment group and metrical (i.e., less than 15% participants accessed emergency depart-
regardless of actual adherence to the treatment protocol. ments, and among those only 1–2 participants per group had two
We first tested if data were missing at random and if having any visits during the 3 months before), this variable was dichotomized and
missing data were significantly related to outcomes through a pattern data were analyzed through hierarchical generalized linear models
mixture model (Gallop & Tasca, 2009). Because all outcomes were (HGLMs; see Data S1 for the multilevel model).
measured across two time-points (pre- and posttreatment), we were Finally, we tested if the data was missing at random using a pat-
only able to test a linear “time” slope (see Data S1 for the multilevel tern mixture model (Gallop & Tasca, 2009): the nonsignificant effects
model). Analyses were controlled for several individual-level of the missing data pattern (dropouts vs. completers) suggested that
covariates, namely age, the number of times the App was used, dura- all data were missing at random and that the estimates of effects were
tion in months of the eating disorder, diagnosis (dummy coded), the unbiased by the presence of dropouts.
presence of an Axis I diagnosis, and current pharmacotherapy. All
covariates were grand-mean centered.
Effect sizes indicating the proportion of within-person variance 3.2 | Patient characteristics
accounted for by adding the linear parameter and were assessed and
reported using pseudo-R2 (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002). Their magnitude Of the 250 patients approached for the current study a total of
was interpreted according to guidelines (0.01 = small, 0.06 = medium, 140 were enrolled, 34 of which were excluded or refused to partici-
>0.14 = large; Cohen, 1988). We additionally reported Cohen's d for pate. Patients not interested in participating most often reported
the between-groups differences at posttreatment on all the main and lack of motivation or lack of time (n = 25). In some cases, parents
secondary outcomes. Their magnitude was interpreted according to declined to sign the informed consent (n = 4). Thus, the final study
guidelines (small ≥ 0.20; medium ≥ 0.50; large ≥ 0.80; Cohen, 1988). sample was of 106 patients, 53 of which were randomized to the
Analyses were conducted using SPSS version 26.0 (IBM intervention and 53 to the control group. Figure 1 displays the
Corp., 2013) and HLMs version 7.0.3 (Raudenbush, Bryk, Cheong, & CONSORT diagram.
Congdon, 2011). All statistical tests were two-tailed and maintained a Regarding the frequency of the TCApp use by participants from
5% significance threshold. the experimental group, the mean app use was M = 7.11 (SD = 4.56;
range = 0–12). In specific, five users did not use the application at all,
12 users discontinued intervention (used the app for less than
3 | RESULTS 4 weeks) and 35.8% of users used the app during 12 out of 12 weeks.
We compared the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics
3.1 | Preliminary analyses of (1) patients in the intervention and in the control group and of
(2) dropouts and study completers through chi-square and Fisher
We found few outliers at the two time points (T0 and T1) for frequen- exact test (for frequencies), and Mann–Whitney U test (for continuous
cies of primary and secondary outcomes, so extreme scores were variables). In both cases, no between-group differences were
brought into range (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). According to their observed for any of the baseline variables, besides a significantly
skewness and kurtosis values, few variables (SEED BN severity index higher frequency of Axis I comorbidities among dropouts compared to
and BMI) were also non-normally distributed. A square-root or log10 study completers (p = .040). Of note, once the intervention began
transformation corrected the violation of this assumption, however dropout rate was lower in the intervention group (30.2%) compared
TABLE 2 Means, SD, total N, effect sizes (Cohen's d between groups at T1) and Cronbach's αs (computed at pretreatment) for all
psychological variables across the two time points, and separately for the intervention and control groups
Abbreviations: α, Cronbach's α at pretreatment; AN, anorexia nervosa; BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory II; BMI, body mass index; BN, bulimia nervosa;
EDE-Q, Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire; EQ-5D-5L, 5 level EQ-5D version; SEED, Short Evaluation of Eating Disorders Questionnaire; STAI
State, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.
Cohen's d (between groups, at T1).
Due to the extremely low occurrence, participants with more than one emergency visit during the past 3 months were considered as cases, and only one
frequency was counted.
TABLE 3 Results from the hierarchical linear models indicating the growth parameter (β10) for each variable, and the effects of the
interaction between study condition (i.e., intervention and control groups) and the growth parameter (β11) for each variable
Note: β10 indicates the person-level effect of the time parameter. β11 indicates the interaction between condition (i.e., intervention and control groups) and
the time parameter. Pseudo R2 refers to the amount of within-person variance accounted for by adding the time parameter to level 1 of the completely
unconditional multilevel model. R2 cannot be computed for dichotomous outcomes (i.e., frequency of emergency visits during the past 3 months).
Abbreviations: β, unstandardized regression weight; AN, anorexia nervosa; BDI-II, Beck Depression Questionnaire II; BMI, body mass index; BN, bulimia
nervosa; df, degrees of freedom (df are less than expected due to few missing values at level 2); EDE-Q, Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire;
EQ-5D-5L, 5 level EQ-5D version; SEED, Evaluation of Eating Disorders Questionnaire; STAI State, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.
to the control group (43.4%). However, this difference was not statis- 4 | DI SCU SSION
tically significant (p = .227).
Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics for the total sample The current multicenter RCT assessed the clinical efficacy of a com-
and separately for the two study groups are provided in Table 1, while bined intervention for EDs that included standard face-to-face CBT
means and standard deviations for psychological dimensions at the plus the TCApp application when compared to standard face-to-face
two time points (pre and posttreatment) are reported in Table 2. CBT treatment. It was expected that patients in the experimental
group would show more positive effects of treatment compared to
those in the active control group. In contrast to our hypotheses,
3.3 | Effect of the intervention on primary results showed significant reductions in primary outcomes (eating dis-
outcomes order symptomatology) as well as secondary outcomes (anxiety,
depression, and quality of life) for participants in both groups, with
To test our first study hypothesis, we compared the effectiveness moderate effects and no differences between experimental and con-
of the two interventions designed to reduce patients' ED-related trol group. Results also suggested that the frequency with which
symptoms using two-levels HLMs, controlling results for several patients attended their referral mental health institution after the
covariates. intervention was lower for patients in the experimental group than for
Results showed that there was no significant difference between those in the control group. This finding might prove promising in the
the two groups on the longitudinal changes in the EDE-Q total and light of reducing future direct and indirect costs associated with ED
subscale scores, and in the AN and BN total severity index of the treatment (Kordy, 2005).
SEED (Table 3). Of note, the slope parameter β10 was always signifi- These findings are in line with previous research which indicates
cant, suggesting that CBT led to medium-to-large reductions in all that mHealth interventions for patients with EDs focusing on self-
ED-related symptoms (R2 range: 0.21–0.40), regardless the group. At monitoring show limited additional effectiveness compared to active
posttreatment, the between-groups difference in all outcomes was control groups (Mazzeo et al., 2016). In a different study that used a
trivial (Cohen's d range: −0.09–0.18; see Table 2). mobile application based on CBT principles for binge eating, however,
the effectiveness of the intervention in reducing ED symptoms was
indeed underscored (Hildebrandt et al., 2017). Similarly, Ruwaard
3.4 | Effect of the intervention on secondary et al. (2013) found encouraging effects of online CBT for
outcomes BN. Comparing our findings with those in other studies should be
done with caution, however, given the differences between study
To test our secondary hypotheses, we evaluated between-group samples and implemented treatments. In addition, methodological
treatment effects on the secondary outcomes using HLMs, controlling issues surrounding studies examining the efficacy and effectiveness of
results for several covariates. mHealth interventions do not make it any easier to compare such
Results showed that there was no statistically significant difference studies and draw firm conclusions (Lui et al., 2017).
between the two groups on the longitudinal changes in the BDI-II, It should also be noted that, while there were no significant dif-
STAIState, and EQ-5D-5L total scores, in the frequency of “total num- ferences between the two treatment conditions with regard to ED
ber of emergency visits” during the past 3 months as well as in the symptomatology and general wellbeing, we found significant differ-
BMI values. Interestingly, we found a significant effect of the Inter- ences, although with a small effect size, in the total number of times
vention on the longitudinal changes in the variable “total number of patients attended their referral mental health institution to ask for
regular visits”, suggesting that the total number of visits of the experi- help from different health professionals. This included individual or
mental group was significantly lower after treatment compared to the group therapy psychologists, psychiatrists, nursing staff, other medical
control group (Table 3). staff of various medical specialities, nutritionists, and social workers.
The slope parameter β10 of the variables BDI-II and STAI State Findings suggest that the new component offered by the TCApp as
was significant, suggesting that CBT led to large reductions in depres- complementary to the face-to-face CBT intervention does not appear
sive and anxious symptoms (R range: 0.22–0.41), regardless the to be promising from a purely therapeutic perspective but perhaps as
group. At posttreatment, the between-groups difference in all out- a cost-effective tool, an important outcome of the treatment condi-
comes was trivial to large (Cohen's d range: −0.02, 0.88; see Table 2). tion that should also be taken into account and judged on its own
The effect size of 0.88 was attributable to EQ-5D-5L total score, merit. An explanation of this finding may be that the group of patients
suggesting that patients in the intervention group reported a higher who were using the TCApp may have perceived increased autonomy
Quality of Life at posttreatment than those in the control group. and self-confidence during their treatment process, which can be con-
All regression coefficients, SEs, t and p values for β10 (i.e., the sidered as an indicator of better adherence to their treatment (Crow
unstandardized regression coefficient for the average rate of growth et al., 2013). In addition, integrating self-management through the app
from pre- to posttreatment) and β11 (i.e., the interaction between in patients' daily life may be associated with reduced stigma and/or
treatment condition and the time parameter) slope parameters are shame associated with seeking in-person treatment and sharing ED-
reported in Table 3, while all Cohen's d are reported in Table 2. related behaviors with the referral professional (Juarascio, Goldstein,
et al., 2015; Juarascio, Manasse, et al., 2015) as well as with barriers TCApp or paper-and-pen records may both be considered valuable
related to transportation and its costs and time barriers (Ali interventions for the treatment of patients with EDs. In addition,
et al., 2016; Juarascio, Goldstein, et al., 2015; Juarascio, Manasse, patients' self-monitoring through the TCApp may be capable of
et al., 2015). Another possibility is that the different outcome vari- increasing patients' sense of autonomy, thus reducing the number of
ables that we have used for clinical assessment were less sensitive to weekly visits to a health institution. This comes on top of the fact that
detect adherence to the CBT treatment. Such an alternative explana- it requires only a minimal online involvement for health professionals.
tion might also take into account the short period of post-assessment Nevertheless, a more detailed evaluation of treatment adherence
compared to a more direct and changing variable such as the patients' should be carried out (Loeb et al., 2005). In addition, the examination
total number of visits to a health professional. of relevant clinical (ED diagnosis, symptom severity, psychiatric
Remarkably, overall adherence of the experimental group with comorbidity, treatment type or duration, referral health institution),
the TCApp presented some problems, taking into account that only demographic (sex, age, economic status), and technical covariables
one third of the users (35.8%) of users used the app during the whole (a.o. smartphone literacy) at different follow-up periods and with a
duration of the intervention. At this point, it is worth mentioning larger sample should be taken into account. Finally, direct and indirect
results from a previous qualitative study by Anastasiadou et al. (2019), costs relating to the use of the TCApp treatment should be examined
which examined TCApp's adoption levels by users. Results showed to provide evidence for its cost-effectiveness.
that the app was deemed easy to use and acceptable by both patients
and clinicians as a complementary tool to regular treatment, although AC KNOW LEDG EME NT S
concerns were expressed about the degree of personalization and the The current study is part of a broader project titled “mHealth: Chal-
overwhelming quantification of symptoms through the app, which lenges and opportunities for health systems” which receives funding
may have led some users to discontinue the online intervention. from RecerCaixa of “La Caixa” Foundation.
The current study has several strengths and limitations. First, one
of its strengths is the inclusion of an active control group and a rigor- CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
ous assessment of our sample: through face-to-face diagnostic semi- The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
structured interviews, self-report questionnaires, as well as telephone
interviews. In addition, we recruited a heterogeneous sample with dif- DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
ferent ED diagnoses and illness durations, from a variety of private The data that support the findings of this study are available on
and public health care institutions, and with the aim to reflect the situ- request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly
ation of daily clinical practice in Spain as much as possible. available due to privacy or ethical restrictions.
One of the limitations of the current study is the small sample
size, and the fact that some of our analyses are underpowered. For OR CID
example, the large effect sizes for EQ-5D-5L scores at posttreatment Dimitra Anastasiadou https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7544-523X
suggest that the longitudinal between-group differences in this vari- Eduardo SerranoTroncoso https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4935-7348
able could have been significant with a larger sample size. We should
mention here the difficulty we experienced in recruiting patients and RE FE RE NCE S
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