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Model Question Paper 2019 Part A 1. Answer All 12 Questions

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1. Answer all 12 questions

a) Define leadership tradeoff performance framework.
Ans. Leadership – the leadership describes how personnel actions of the organizations senior leaders
guide and sustain the organizations.

b) What is meant by bespoke it applications?

Ans. An enterprise may choose to develop and implement an it application. Such enterprises will invest in
hardware, software, development tools and testing tools and own the entire software lifecycle
responsibility, this is known as bespoke it application.

c) What is unstructured data?

Ans. This is the data which does not confirm to a data model or not in a form which can be easily used by
program (80%). Example : videos, images, letters, body of email, etc.

d) Define OLTP.
Ans. This are tools used in BI operational databases. Oltp system refer to a class of systems that manage
transaction-oriented applications. These applications are mainly concerned with the entry, storage and
retrieval of data.

e) Mention the advantages of OLAP.

Ans. * multidimensional data representation.
* consistency of information.
* what if? Analysis
* fast and attractive transactions.

f) List different types of BI users.

Ans. 1. Casual users. 2. Power users.

g) How BI users are classified?

Ans. Casual uses: there users are the customer’s report they are usually executives manages, operation
work’s, customers or supplies. They do not create reports but they use reports or dashboards to need
there needs.
Power users : there users are producers of information
Ex: develops administrators, business analyst.
Spss developers it professionals the power users take decisions on i sales & provide the solution
developers can develop reports. Simple queries complex queries slice or dice the tools are developed by
developers will be used by the casual users.

h) Define data warehouse according to w.h.inmon.

Ans. According to w.h.inmon, “a data warehouse is a subject oriented, integrated, time radiant and non-
volatile collection of data in support of management decision making process”.

i) What are data marts?

Ans. A data mart is to provide single domain data aggregation that can be used for analysis, reporting and
decision support. Data marts can be sourced from the enterprise wide data warehouse. The data marts
can also perform transaction and calculations on the data housed within.
j) What are fact tables?
Ans. A fact tables consists of an various measurements. It stores the measures of business process and all
the dimensions tables. The measures are factual or quantative in representation and are generally
numeric in nature.
k) Mention different types of dimension tables.
Ans. 1. Degenerate dimension
2. Slowly changing dimensions
3. Rapidly changing dimension.
4. Role-playing dimension.
5. Junk dimension.

l) What are dashboards?

Ans. A dashboard is graphical user interface that organizes and represents information in a way that is
easy to read. Dashboard is a control panel in an automobile that provides the driver with all information
regarding operations and control of the vehicle.

Answer any 4 of the following

2. Explain core business process of an enterprise.

Ans. The idea behind this is to create standard processes to ensure repeatable, scalable and customer
Example1: dining experiences mc Donald’s outlet anywhere in the world.
Example2: to the business hires graduates from campuses is managed by hr.
The below list gives you come on business functions:
1. Sales and marketing.
2. Service delivery.
3. Quality.
4. Product development.
5. Accounting.
6. Technology.
7. HRM(human resource management ).
8. Supplier management.
9. Legal and compliance.
10. Corporate planning.
11. Purchase.

Picture this
1. Sales and marketing : an it company has the number of employees roughly say 550. The company
has done good marketing. It has 32 clients across the globe to manage it’s customers. Sales and
marketing functions means you should be able to determine more customers and grow the
2. Product service and delivery : the company makes revenue by selling their products.
3. Quality : to sustain the business and want to be head of competitors then you have to maintain
4. Product development :your company must develop innovative products innovative must reduce the
5. Accounting : accounting realize on latest technology managed by accurately and fastly using software,
these force technology recommended function of core business.
6. Hr : a company has 550 employees which is responsible for hiring training etc.
7. Supplier management : it takes place between partners to grow the size of the company and manage
the relationship in turn it helps for a corporate planning more manpower, BIg company, many
functions and units.
8. Purchases : it is also called as procurement process element co-operating company .
3. What is rolap? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Ans. Rolap ( relational online analytical processing)
It uses sql statements by adding where clause.
• It can handle large amount of data
• Inherit the database
• Difficult to perform complex calculations using dbms.
Performance is slow because rolap report is depending upon sql query relational data base. In the
relational database therefore the data size is large and query time is more taken.

4. Explain BIll inmon’s approach to build datawarehouse?

Ans. BIll inmon’s : he says a datawarehouse is subject oriented, integrated, non-volotile and time variant
collection of data. The following diagram represents inmon’s theory.

• It is top-down approach.
• It is suitable for large organizations.
• Inmon’s approach is more expensive and time consuming, slower process involved with
several complexieties.
• It supports single version of truth.
• It is worth investment of time and efforts.
• Therefore inmon’s architecture is preffered for large organizations.

5. Discuss different types of decision support system in BI.

Ans. Business intelligence provides clear inside into business performance. Ex: dash board make use of
visual forms such as images, charts, tables, indicators, etc.
1. Strategic level:
Business helps to support decision making for the long term. Ex: good food restaurant strategic decisions
may include “where food be the next 5 restaurant ?”
2. Tactical level:
These decisions are made more frequently. Ex: good food restaurant may include how much discount we
can offer for booking cursor in summer holidays?
3. Operational level:
Operational decisions are made even more frequently it is restricted single unit or department this helps
to conduct day to day operations of business.
Ex: a good food restaurant weekly food makes decisions with today’s special which includes what food
has to be dropped

6. Explain the different terminologies used in the measurement system.

Ans. The different terminologies used in measurement system are
• Data - it is collection of facts which have similar attributes/characters “ph.no” is a named
collection “email id’s” is a collection of email id’s. Phone numbers are of nuemeric type(10digit
long) email id’s will have the format of @xyz.com
• Measure - data with associated unit of measure (uom) is typically term as measure.
• Indicator - it is a business metric used to track business result or success. Example : ”call drop
frequency” for moBIle phone users is an indicator of user dissatisfaction.
• Index – it consists composite set of indicators used to address the overall health of business
operations. Example: “customer satisfaction index” measured on a scale of 1 to 5.

7. Write a note on balanced scorecards.

Ans. The balanced scoreboard is designed to identify the financial and non-financial measures and attach
some targets to them so that at a later point in time during review it is possible to deicide whether the
organizations performance has met the set expectations or not. The 4 perspectives are
• Financial perspective : it addresses the question of how the shareholders view the firm and which
financial goals are desired from the shareholders perspective
• Customer perspective : it addresses the question of how the firm is viewed by its customers and
whether the firm will be able to fulfill customer expectations.
• Internal business process perspective : it identifies the process in which the organization must
excel to satisfy its shareholders expectations of good financial returns and also keep its customers
happy and loyal.
• Learning and growth perspective : it identifies the competencies that the employees of the
organization must acquire for long-term improvement, sustainaBIlity and growth.

8. A. Which are the different sources of unstructured data?

Ans. Unstructured data:
Characteristics of unstructured data:
i. Cannot be stored in the form of rows & columns.
ii. Not in any particular format.
iii. Not easily usable by the program.
iv. Does not follow and rules & semantics.
v. Has not easily identifiable structure.
vi. Does not confirm to any model.

B. What are the challenges faced while storing unstructured data?

i. Storage space: It is difficult to store & manage unstructured data. A lot of space is required to
store such data. It is difficult to store images,videos, audios, etc.
ii. Scalability: As the data grows scalability becomes an issue. The cost of storing data also
iii. Retrieve information: It is difficult to retrieve & recover because data is unstructured.
iv. Update & delete: as unstructured data is not in any format so update & delete becomes difficult.
v. Security: Security becomes difficult because data is not in any format as various sources of data
we have ex: images, audios ,etc.
vi. Indexing & searching: It is difficult to index unstructured data because search results are not
accurate, if data grows again it becomes more difficult for index.
9. A. explain the advantages of and challenges of an OLTP system.
Ans. the advantages of OLTP system?
1. Simplicity - It is basically designed for Clerk cashier and clients.
2. Efficiency - It allows user to read write and delete data quickly.
3. Fast query processing- Based on the demands of users transaction are processed immediately.

Challenges of OLTP system

Security – An OLTP system requires concurrency control and recovery mechanism.
O LTP system manages the current data but not suitable for longer or to detailed decision making.

B. write the differences between OLTP and OLAP.


Feature OLTP[ON-Line Transaction OLAP[On-Line Analytical

Processing] Processing]
Focus Data in Data out.
Sources of data Operational/Transactional Data extracted from various
Data. operational and data source
and transformed and loaded
into the data warehouse .
Purpose of data Manages basic business task. Assists in planning,
budgeting and decision
Data Contents Current data, not suitable for Historical data, it support for
decision making. decision making and data
Inserts and updates Very frequent updates and Periodic updates to refresh
inserts. the data warehouse.
Queries Simple queries, often Often complex queries
returning fewer records. involving aggregation.
Processing speed Usually returns fast. Takes more time for
Space requirements Relatively small. Comparatively large space.
Database design Usually consisting of Usually de-normalized tables.
normalized tables(1NF). Ex-Star or Snowflake
Access Field level access. Based upon data of business
Operations Read/Write. Mostly read.
Backup & recovery Regular backups of data is Instead of regular backups
mandatory. Automatic data warehouse is
recovering mechanism and periodically refresh.
Indexes Few Many.
Joins Many Few.
Data Structure Complex Multidimensional.

10. A. briefly explain dimensions modeling life cycle.

• Requirements gathering : it is a process of selecting the business processes for which the
dimension model will be design. The requirements for the business process are gather and
document requirement gathering focusing on the study of the business process and
• Identify the grains : the grain refers to the level of details/fineness to which data can be
analysis granularity. It is defined as detail level of information stored in the table more the
detail, lower is the level of granularity. Lesser the detail, higher is level of granularity.
• Identify the dimensions : once the grains has to be identified we shall proceed to words
determines the dimensions model key feature of dimensions model table of dimension table
contents attributes that describe the facts. Each dimension table has only one lowest level of
• Identify the facts : next step is identify the fact table and the relevant fact in that table.
Features are
1. The fact table will mostly contain numeric values.
2. It contains atleast two foreign keys.
3. It usually comprised vast number of records.
• Designing the dimensional model : draw star, snowflake fact constellation model.
B. mention the goals of data warehouse.
1. Information accessibility: data warehouse is usefull for both business users and developers. It
should be properly labeled to access the information business users are allowed to slice and dice
in possible way.
2. Information credibility: the data warehouse should be credible, complete and quality. Example
“All finances”, the person Alfred presents business metrics ‘x’. Richard also presents same
business then information for both should be consistent.
3. Flexible to change: business situations change, technology change and tools also change. The
data warehouse should adopt the change.
4. Support for more fact based decision making: manage on fact. The data warehouse should have
enough patience to support more precise decision making.
5. Support for data security : the data warehouse maintain the companies data confidential. The
information falling into wrong hands will do more damage than not having a data warehouse.
6. Information consistency: it is about single version of truth.
11. Write in brief on the following data models
a) Conceptual b) logical c) physical.
Ans. a) conceptual data model : it is designed by identifying the various entities the hieghsed level
relationships between them. Features:
o It is identifies the most important entities.
o It identifies relationships between different entities.
o It does not support the specification of attributes.
o It does not specify primary key.
b) Logical data model: it is used to describe data in as most detailed as possible while describing the
data practically no consideration is given to the physical implementation. Features:
o It identifies all entities and relationships among them.
o It identifies all attributes belongs to the entity.
o It specifies the primary key for each entity.
o It specifies the foreign key.
o Normalization of entities are performed.
c) Physical data model: it is representation of how the model will be built in the database. Physical
data model will exhibit all the tables structured column, names, column data types. Features:
o Specification of all the tables and columns.
o Foreign keys are used to identify relationship between tables.
o Physical data models will be different for different RDBMS.
o Physical data model may support demoralization.
Steps for designing physical data model:
 Convert entities into tables.
 Convert relationship into foreign keys
 Convert attributes into columns.
12. Mention the importance of dash boards for enterprises. Explain different types of dashboards.
Ans. importance of dashboards enterprise:

Types of dashboards:
o Enterprise performance: these dashboards provide overall view of entire enterprise rather than
of specific business functions, enterprise perform dashboards includes:
-corporate financial -supply chain information -sales revenue
-balance scorecard information
o Customer support : organization provides this type of dashboards to its customer support
dashboards provides customers their personnel account, information pertaining to the business
relationship such as – online trading - B2B SLA -utilities services
- entertainment.
o Divisional: these are one of the most popular dashboards used to provide at a glance actionable
information to the divisional heads operation manages and department manages divisional
-purchasing dashboards
-supply chain dashboards
-operation dashboards
-marketing dashboards.

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