Bac Revision Mme Lazghab Zarat
Bac Revision Mme Lazghab Zarat
Bac Revision Mme Lazghab Zarat
General Revision
2010 * 2011
e.g. In the past, people used to spend their Holidays at home with the family and relatives. They would
Work on the farm and help their parents.
However, nowadays people spend their Holidays with friends practising various activities such as
water skiing, canoeing, camping, and sunbathing
Exorbitant (adj.) = very costly = very expensive.
To afford something = Find the money to do it = financially able to achieve it.
Worth = Deserve.
Rivalry (N) = Competition / The rival (personal noun).
Face off (N) = Fight, argument.
Foothold (N) = Strong position in business.
Well-to-do (adj.) = Rich.
A deal (N) = Agreement.
Emerging = Becoming known or seen = Appearing.
To Please (V) → Pleasant / pleased (adjs) → Pleasure (N).
* Negative prefixes : Used at the beginning of a word to give its antonym.( in- / dis- / ab- / un- / im-
WRITING: We can speak about the advantages and the disadvantages of Space Tourism.
Lesson 3: Art Shows
Super star state = state of being a famous singer or actor.
Stardom = level of importance.
Prowess = Great skill at doing something.
Convene (v) = to come together.
Celebrity = fame = popularity.
Memory = something we remember.
Eternity = immortality / Eternal (adj) = Timeless = life long.
Fate = Destiny.
Faith = Trust = Belief.
Determination = Willingness.
Come true = Achieve = Fulfill. (a dream )
Sorrow = Sadness.
Frontier = border
A part of = constituent
Containing people of different races = cosmopolitan
In all seasons = year round
Places where shows take place = venues
Former = last = previous
Marvelous = wonderful = amazing = spectacular
To impress = to fascinate
Plan a guided walking tour for English tourists who came to visit your town / village
Focus on places of interest and highlight the features of such places
Package tour = a tour organized by a travel agency in which you travel with a group
Exhibition (n) = collection of art works shown to the public
To exhibit (v) = to show for the public
Accommodation = the place where we stay while we are in a journey or trip (hotel – bungalow – tent)
To accommodate (v)
Advantages Disadvantages
- Making new friends - Differences between the group members
- Having fun within the group may be embarrassing
- A great sense of community - You feel limited and have less freedom
- Safe and well-organized - There may be no sense of adventure since
everything is predictable
Lesson 7: At the Travel Agency
Possible topics
* Write the biography of William Shakespeare, the great Stratford bard, the greatest dramatist and poet
in the English language
* You attended a play by Shakespeare Describe the show, the characters’ performance, the audience’s
reactions and your own impressions
A narrative text is composed of the setting, the theme, the plot and the characters
- The setting: place or situation where the narrative takes place, the setting can have a powerful effect
on the theme and on the reader’s emotions
- The theme: topic, subject or message
- The plot: action, sequence of actions – plots include introduction, problem, climax or crisis,
resolution and conclusion
- The characters: people, animals or imaginary characters in a narrative
- To rule = to govern
- To send for someone = ask someone to come to you
- To beg = ask for something in an anxious way
- Unfaithfulness = having a relationship with someone who is not your spouse
- Shamefully = in an embarrassing way
- To try someone = to judge
- Trial (n) = judgment
- Suspect (v) = doubt / suspicion (n) / -Suspicious (adj) = doubtful
Grammar focus: compound adjectives
Offering, giving = providing. / provision (n)
A very important thing = a priority.
Refused = denied.
Make better, ameliorates = to boost.
Word antonym
Practical Theoretical
Examiner Candidate
Work Holiday
Fail Pass
Witten Oral
Attend leave
Possible topics:
The importance of education:
1. Ameliorate the economy of the country.
2. To provide a greener future to our children.
3. Decrease the dependence on foreign workers.
4. Liberate the country from the problem of illiteracy.
5. To have better, literate generations …
Eg (pupil’s writing)
As you know, Africa is one of the poorest areas allover the world specially the west. Those
countries are too poor to provide a good education to their young generations. But we are all brothers
in humanity so, you can’t be proud of your education and even of yourself while you know that there
are hundreds and hundreds of poor children who want to be educated, help their families and their
country but they can’t : Either because there are no schools or they can’t afford getting to schools and
so they are prevented from the basic right of education. My brothers please support us to provide this
right to those innocent children and remember always that only one pound can enlighten a mind!
In your opinion, what can humanitarian organizations do for children who are prevented from
Registration = enrolment .
Consequently = therefore.
Percentage = rate.
Lesson 3: virtual Schools
He is an online / distance / e- / cyber learner = he is studying in a virtual school via / through the
Bullying = frightening or hurting a weak person.
Log on = connect on a computer system.
Appeal = what makes something attractive.
Texting = writing on the computer.
Bustle = crowd of people moving in a busy way.
Subject + did / do / does + bare infinitive =====to emphasize the meaning.
E.g.: *did you forget to do the exercise?
-No I did do it.
* Does she speak any foreign language?
- She does speak English and Italian.
Useful expressions
I think =========giving an opinion.
I’m afraid I don’t agree ================disagreeing.
I see what you mean but…============== disagreeing
You are making a good point, however…===== disagreeing
What you say is ….but I still strongly…. ===== disagreeing.
Cyber learning = virtual learning = e- learning = distance learning = online learning
Time commitment = When students are willing to devote much time to their courses
Punctuation :Using commas:
Traditional learning
Advantages. Disadvantages
- Children will be more concentrated. - Students undergo many kinds of
- Kids will not miss the unique opportunity to mix pressure from frightening teachers
with others - Teachers are using many ways of
- Students will be more self-reliant punishment
- Make friends. - School uniform.
- The pupil becomes responsible and self - - Bustling.
confident. - Being bullied by others.
- Verbal and physical communication. - Schoolbags.
- Time and place constraints.
Virtual learning
Advantages. Disadvantages
- Students study whenever they want. - No teacher to control the students
- Don’t have to study for long hours. - Children aren’t old enough to manage time
- Flexibility: you can learn whenever and commitment.
wherever you like. - Learners lack verbal and physical
- Being home educated. communication.
- Taking private lessons. -Setting in front of the PC for a long time can
- Students are willing t o devote much time to be harmful to your eyes.
their courses. -No physical action –no eyes contact.
- no uniform /no school journeys - Little verbal or physical communication –-
- No bustling /not bullied by other pupils - no chance to overcome psychological
- More confidence / more commitment problems (bullying – fright...)
Both America and Tunisia divide schooling into 3 cycles ( similarities)
The third cycle in Tunisia includes 4 years while in USA it includes 3 years
Compulsory = obligatory
Cycles = steps
Schooling =duration of study
Core = the most important
Remote = distant / far away
Self-reliant = self -autonomous (adj) / self - reliance = self – autonomy (n)
To focus = to concentrate
To rely on = depend on
Write a letter to your English friend to give him/ her an idea about the Tunisian system of
(Pupil’s writing)
In this letter I want to give you an idea about our educational system in Tunisia in which we
have 3 cycles: the primary school, the preparatory school and the secondary school but the
third cycle’s not compulsory.
The primary school lasts 6 years, the preparatory school lasts 3 years and the secondary
school lasts 4 years. Then, we have the university.
Both the primary and the preparatory cycles are compulsory because all pupils must be
educated and at the age of 6 they have the right and the duty to enroll at school.
Evaluated = assessed = tested
Poor = deprived
Potential = ability
Rate = percentage
Grammar The prepositions below are used after the following verbs
Prevent / suffer / exclude / to depart / to take / differ + From
Succeed / believe / result / integrate / live / put / locate + In
Focus / depend / base + On
Approve / deprive / consist / compose + Of
Are you for or against mixed - age classes to boost pupils' achievement?
Write an interview with Mrs. Herndon to ask about the new system of education
Continuous = permanent.
To continue (verb) = to pursue.
Simply (adv) = merely.
Consequently = therefore.
Limited to: confined to = restricted to
Full growth and development = maturity.
Traditional (adj) = conventional.
To adapt (v) = to adjust.
Authentic (adj) = genuine.
Grammar :
- child + “hood“ à the period of time.
à childhood.
Noun + “hood” ànoun e.g.: - Adult à adulthood
- Mother à motherhood
- Sister à sisterhood
- Lifelong learning prepares the learners for the whole life because it is an opportunity for them
to update their knowledge.
- Ongoing learning enables us to renew our human knowledge and cope with new technologies.
- Lifelong learning is a tool to gain self-autonomy and be socially privileged.
- It makes the learner’s experience highly valued.
- This new venture helps fight against illiteracy and facilitates social integration.
- Enabling all the members of society to have a share in the development of their country.
Lifelong learning is a programme of education aiming at educating the adult people. It is very
important because it pursues knowledge from cradle to grave.
- The older we get the harder we learn and the less enthusiastic we become.
- It may be at the expense of other interests.
- Some people hold discouraging attitudes towards adult learners.
- It may become useless if it is not well - organized.
- Unfamiliar: strange.
- Exact: accurate; precise.
- Sharp: acute; piercing.
- Described: depicted.
- Memorable: unforgettable.
- Persons in novel: characters.
- Six: half-dozen.
- Scenery: landscape.
- To be familiar with something = to be no stranger to something.
- People who are unable to speak or hear = the deaf and dumb.
- Handicaps = impediments.
- Lack of luck = misfortune.
Lexical focus:
- Impediment: barrier; block; difficulty; hindrance; obstacle.
- Timeless: changeless; endless; eternal; everlasting; permanent.
What a teacher he was!
How nice it is!
à Expressing admiration.
- Write the biography of Alexander Graham Bell.
For Arts; Session 3 p 134: “LATER” by Michael Foster
- Queer = strange
- To crumble = to be destroyed
- Rationally = logically
- Manslaughter = killing someone
- Anguish = deep suffering
- Jail = Prison
* Grammar:
* Vocabulary:
* Writing
Nowadays robots are becoming more and more widespread, which makes lots of people say
that those robots are a real bless for humanity. So, according to you in which fields can robots help the
human beings?
* Writing lesson2
Technology is considered as a controversial issue. Write an article to a Newspaper in which you give
both negative and positive effects of this phenomenon on our life.
- Technology as a blessing
- Makes us live more comfortably thanks to different types of inventions
- Facilitates communication with other people (using the internet to chat)
- Facilitates research of information with those inventions such as the internet
- Helps in progress and development
- Helps to gain time
-Helps to treat diseases
- Technology as a curse
- Technology used by some people for immoral goals such as cloning
- Addiction of many children to different technological gadgets and as a result they neglect their
- May destroy the relationship between our family members
- Using technology to invent weapons, bombs, chemical weapons
- Mechanization of our society
- Side effects of some inventions on our eyes, ears.
* Vocabulary
To envision (v) = to imagine a future situation
Initial= first ≠ ultimate
Release / to launch = to set up
Dedicated = devoted
* Grammar
Dedicate / devote + object + to + V+ ing
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased today to meet Mr ken kutaragi the inventor of play
Welcome Mr. KEN KUTARAGI, thank you for coming; I’d like to ask you some questions about
your invention “the play station”
- First can you explain to us what did encourage you to invent the play station?
+ I thought of my children and all the pupils who are tired of education, stressed about exams
and who become more and more fed up. So I felt like to create something to make them have
fun and entertain themselves.
- Thank you for your feelings Mr. KUTARAGI but do you think that play station is really a good
thing for children? Let’s say a blessing?
+ Absolutely! Play station develops children’s cognitive skills, they will become better
concentrated and it can reinforce their patience.
- But, Mr. kutaragi it has also some drawbacks like teaching children different forms of
+ Yes, like all things, it has benefits and drawbacks but children should not be influenced by
this invention.
- Finally, Mr. Kutaragi, can you advise young people who are addicted to Play Station
+ I advise them to give their attention and time to their studies first and then the Play Station,
only when they have free time.
- Thanks a lot for these valuable tips.
+ Not at all and thank you for your invitation.
* Vocabulary:
To reward = to praise, to award
Award = prize, tribute
Paying no attention = regardless
Features = characteristics
Gift = award, prize, talent
* Grammar: * Adjectives’ suffixes
-Ing coming
-Ic scientific
-Cant significant
- Ive effective
-Ful respectful
-Ous prestigious
-Ed presented
* Vocabulary
Paths = ways of achieving something
At the expense of = with damage to
Recognition = public praise and reward
Cite (v) = to mention something as a reason
Hold someone accountable for something = to consider a person responsible for something
Valued = Considered important
* Grammar
The subjunctive is used in formal, impersonal English
It is essential that
It is advisable that + subject + verb in the subjunctive (bare infinitive)
We insist that
* Writing
Nowadays, women have a big role in society, nevertheless, some women choose to opt out and start
their own business. Give your opinion about this issue.
- Introduction
Speak in General about women nowadays and their role in society
- Body
Why do women choose to opt out?
* Reasons (E.g. Corporation fails to satisfy their professional needs)
* Goals (to gain more freedom, having their own business)
* Solution for the Corporation (provides them with more flexibility, identify women with high
potential and give them big positions)
- Conclusion
Do the maximum with business women in order to keep them in their positions by offering more
Definition: The Brain Drain is the movement of highly – skilled and qualified people from developing
nations to developed countries to earn more money.
* Vocabulary
* Grammar
- E.g. 1) He worked so hard that [he got an excellent grade in the test]
- Function: Expressing a cause / consequence relationship
- Structure: Subject + v + so + adjective + that +clause
- [He was so sad] that he stopped eating
(Cause) (Consequence)
* Idiomatic expressions
* Writing:
The brain drain is a controversial issue: Is it a loss or a gain? Give your opinion about this issue.
Reverse brain drain: immigrate to developed countries then come back to one’s home country
* Reasons
Because their country needs their skills so, they bring their expertise, talents and hopes so that their
country profit from them.
* Consequences
Economic recovery.
Key positions for them
1. Vocabulary :
2. Grammar :
* Possible topics
‗ Make an interview with “Ahmed Zewail”, so prepare a set of questions related to his Invention.
‗ write a paragraph about an invention you choose (TV, MP3, mobile phone).Decide whether it is a
blessing or a curse
Example: advantages and disadvantages of the MP4:
Lifeless = not living, inanimate, dull
Lifelong = lasting, constant, permanent
Lifelike = realistic, authentic, real
Life time = long, lasting, continuing, unending
Life work = career, existence, period
Life and death = essential, critical, crucial
Lifestyle = conduct, way of life, habits
For life = long, lasting, continuing, unending
Life = biography, being, existence
Give up = stop doing something
A stroke = sudden serious illness
Mistaken = wrong in one’s opinion or judgement
* E.g. of life issues
1) Job = success – efficiency - career….
2) Attitudes and values = tolerance – love – job – charity - dignity…
3) Success in life = family life – love – job – education - relations…
4) Health issue = illnesses - famine…
5) Environment = pollution – recycling – protecting animals - energy…
* Collocations
Respiratory illness / Make a difference / Tough job / Set an example / Feel tense
Solve a problem / Negative effects / Keep in mind / save money / Lung cancer
* The topic
-you are a dietician and you are giving a presentation at school to sensitize pupils to get their “five a
day” in order to have a good health
Hello kids! Today we’ll try to talk about having your “five a day “. Five is the number of fruits and
vegetables that a person should consume every day. They can be tinned, dried or juiced, because they
can help you to have the chance to maintain a balanced body, a healthy lifestyle and weight level. For
example eat few dates and chopped tomatoes every morning. You should consume natural and fresh
vegetables to preserve their nutrients, and the best way to cook vegetables is steaming. In addition,
don’t peel the apples because vitamins are under the skin of the fruit “an apple a day keeps the doctor
So these are the tips that can help every one to have a good health.
*Negative effects : Lung cancer / Heart disease / Respiratory illnesses / Stroke / Waste of money
* How to quit
- Must have the desire to give up smoking, the confidence and the determination to quit this bad habit
- Remind yourself of the negative effects of smoking
- When you feel tense or like to smoke, get your self busy
*Benefits of quitting
- Have a better health for the smoker and his family
- Save money
- Cut the risk of health problems
- To smell and taste better
- The cough goes a way
- The breath smells better
* Examples of attitudes:
* Vocabulary
- Profound (adj) = deep
- Coward (adj) = someone who is not courageous
- Valiant (adj) = brave
- Envy = to be jealous
- Sag (v) = bend down
- Shake = tremble = shiver
* Vocabulary
- Triumph = victory
Give way to = Stop resisting -
Make allowance for = to consider something -
Virtue = Good behavior and attitude ≠ vice -
Foes = enemy-
Impostor = a person who pretends to be someone else to deceive people-
Do you think that morals are essential to succeed in life? Write a paragraph to express your -
?How can you deal with life's problems -
Being patient
Accepting loss and gain
Avoid violence by tolerance
.Peace is better than war so try to be a peaceful man
.The most important values people should respect
.Solidarity is a noble reaction which strengthens relationships between people in different countries
Lesson 5: Ecodriving
How to save energy. Give tips / pieces of advice on how to save energy. What )1(
?should we do
A dripping hot water tap wastes energy and in one week wastes enough hot water to fill half a bath -
.so fix leaking taps and make sure they're fully turned off
.Only boil as much water as you need -
.Always turn off the lights when you leave a room -
.Don’t leave appliances on standby and remember not to leave appliances on charge unnecessarily -
Advise people on ecodriving: How to drive while economizing energy, saving )2(
?money and protecting the environment……..what should we do
Environme The government Industry Public Green peace
Legislate laws to fine - To filter toxic - Use non polluting - Writing ads in -
people when they .fumes .transport which they sensitize
throw rubbish in the Reuse and - Reuse bottles and - people to the
.street recycle the don’t throw away negative effects of
Pollution Sensitize people on - .rubbish things which can be pollution on people's
.the media Building - .used again .health
industries far Speech or TV -
away from the .programs
.populated areas
.Banning hunting - To filter toxic - Give a good way - Protecting some -
Animal Push people to plant - fumes which .to nourish animals types of animals
and .more trees cause animals’ water plants - which become
plants and even plants’ .endangered
extinctio death
Protect the resources - Decrease - Economizing water Ads.and TV
Scarcity .like water and petrol consuming and energy programs to convene
of natural energy in .consumption people to economize
resourc .industry water
Lesson 6 p 218 : Urban Exodus.
* Vocabulary:
* Gammar:
Advantages drawbacks
Advantages drawbacks
*interesting life with more means *traffic jam.
of entertainment. *polluted air and water.
*easy transport *noisy.
*better job and study *crowded
opportunities. *dangerous with higher rates of crime.
*more accidents.
* Possible topics:
o Which do you prefer, country life or city life? Why?
o Are you for or against urban exodus? Why? Write a paragraph to state your viewpoint and
support it with convincing arguments.
* Vocab:
- Crippled = damaged.
- Hampered = made more difficult.
- To shiver = to tremble, to shake.
- Endangered = threatened.
- Plummeting = dropping rapidly.
- A drizzle= a light rain
- To pour = to rain heavily “it’s raining cats and dogs”
- A thick mist = fog.
*Use: we use the passive form when we don’t know the doer of the action or when the action is more
important than the doer.
E.g.: - Drivers are asked to take care.
- A state of emergency was declared.
Structure :object + to be (in the tense of the active verb) + past participle
-Units of measurement:
- To be keen = to be interested.
- Going green = concerned with the protection of the environment.
- Utterly = completely.
- Strike = refuse to work as a protest.
- Culprit = person or thing causing a problem or crime.
- Asset = valuable, useful person or thing.
- To reckon = to think.
*Grammar: parallelism:
E.g.: I like not only reading novels but also watching films.
The structure: “v + ing + noun” is repeated
- Such reforms help reduce poverty and improve people’s life.
The structure “bare infinitive + noun” is repeated.
- Shakespeare wrote comedies, tragedies, romances and historical plays.
The structure» Plural noun” is repeated..
* Possible topics.
1) Write an article about bad / poor staff management, problems which may exist between managers
and employees, and its implications on the company.
Looking for a job, young graduates read job ads which contain the position offered, the requirements
(needed qualities) and the advantages of the advertised job.
Suggested writing:
*you have just completed your university studies. Choose an advertised job and write a letter to
apply for it. Talk about the reasons for your writing, mention your qualifications, personal and
physical qualities, experience and special achievements in that domain.
Formal layout:
A. The sender’s address.
B. Date.
C. Name and address of the receiver.
D. The opening (Dear sir/madam’/ receiver’s name).
E. The lettre / the body.
F. The closing (yours faithfully / sincerely / truly)
G. Signature.
H. The sender’s name in block letters.
E.g.: Pupil’s writing
Dear Sir,
In replay to your advertisement in the “Time” newspaper for an English teacher, I would like to be
considered for the position.
The qualifications you ask for are closely related to those I have. I have a doctorate in English
with a certificate in translation from English to French. I have also replaced a teacher for 6 months,
and have worked in a translation office for 2 years. For the social qualifications, I am a man with great
abilities to communicate specially with kids who were the main thesis in my doctorate.
For using the computer, I have a diploma in using all the windows and of course I am excellent at
using the net..
I hope that you will consider my application favorably and I am waiting for your answer as soon as
Yours faithful.
Word synonyms
To race
Word To move fast
To save Sadness
To waste
To employ
Sorrow To
Feel happy Valuable
To grieve(v) grief(n)
Criticize Frugally.
To deny To confess.