Lesson 6 - Urban Exodus
Lesson 6 - Urban Exodus
Lesson 6 - Urban Exodus
Ramzi Smida
Unit IV : Life Issues / Lesson 6: Urban Exodus
Terminal Objective:
The students will be able to discuss the issue of lifestyle and express their opinions and preferences
about living in the city or in the countryside.
Enabling Objectives:
• Watch a video to guess what the lesson is about.
• Watch a set of videos to elicit ideas about life in the city and life in the countryside.
• Students write a letter to express their opinions about life in the city and life in the countryside.
to prefer, would prefer to, would rather, urban exodus, urbanization, rural, in favor of, a big metropolis, a
homestead, to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, sustainable, life expectancy, air quality,
vibrant, outlive, booming, the peak, the surge, amenities, etc...
- Urban exodus means the mass movement of people from metropolitan cities (big cities) to the
countryside in order to have a better quality of life.
Answer to activity 1 p. 218:
- “Countryside dwellers enjoy better health, longer life and lower crime.”
better, longer, lower : We notice that the same form is used. We have a parallel structure.
- The 25-44 age group is leading the mass migration to the countryside suggesting that the urban exodus
is being led by young parents and their children.
- There, the atmosphere is vibrant and they enjoy better health, longer life expectancy and lower crime.
- Rural areas are losing easy access to post offices, banks and schools (essential amenities).
- There is also a growing housing crisis, rising fear of crime and a dramatic deterioration in country
roads as they are pounded by ever-increasing volumes of traffic.
III- Writing:
1- For half a century, World Wildlife Fund “WWF” has worked to protect the future of nature. Develop the
following hints into a coherent 5-line paragraph about “WWF”:
Description: Canada's / large / international conservation organization /active support /
World Wildlife
2- One of your friends is thinking of moving from the city to settle in the countryside, where you
live, assuming that he would enjoy a better life. He wants to know what you think of his intention.
Write a 10-line letter telling him what you think of his plans.
Oakham,Rutland, UK.
LE15 8TH