Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 1984
Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 1984
Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 1984
Regulations 1984
Statutory Rules 1984 No. 188 as amended
1 Name of Regulations [see Note 1] 4
2 Interpretation 4
3 Application 6
4 Delegation 6
5 Applications by owner or operator of an aircraft 6
6 Issue of noise certificate for aircraft to which the
Annex applies 7
6A Issue of noise certificate for aircraft described in the
Schedule 7
7 Contents of noise certificate 8
8 Noise certificate deemed to be issued in certain
circumstances 9
9 Circumstances in which an aircraft may engage in air
navigation in Australia 9
9A Permission for a subsonic aircraft to which standards
apply to engage in air navigation 12
9AA Permission for a supersonic aircraft to engage in air
navigation 13
9AB Permission for other aircraft to engage in air
navigation 14
10 Revocation of noise certificate 15
10A Permission to engage in air navigation for a subsonic
jet aircraft that does not comply with the Chapter 3
standards 17
10B Termination of permission for a subsonic jet aircraft
that does not comply with the Chapter 3 standards
to engage in air navigation 18
10BA Permission to engage in air navigation for the
purpose of maintenance 19
10C Extension of permission to engage in air navigation
because of financial hardship 20
10D Provision of information 21
11 Inspectors 21
13 Review of decisions 23
Notes 30
2 Interpretation
In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears:
aircraft does not include:
(a) a state aircraft; or
(b) a hot air balloon; or
(c) a propeller-driven aircraft that is specifically designed, and
used exclusively, for:
(i) aerobatic purposes; or
(ii) fire fighting purposes; or
(iii) agricultural purposes.
certificate of airworthiness means:
(a) a certificate of airworthiness issued under regulation 24 of
the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988; or
(b) a certificate of the airworthiness of an aircraft issued by, or
on behalf of, a Contracting State.
Chapter 2 standards, in relation to an aircraft, means the
standards in respect of aircraft noise set out in paragraphs 2.2,
2.4 and 2.5 of Chapter 2 of the Annex when the level of noise
emitted by the aircraft is determined by reference to the test
procedures set out in paragraphs 2.2, 2.3 and 2.6 of Chapter 2
of the Annex and Appendix 1 to the Annex.
Chapter 3 standards, in relation to an aircraft, means the
standards in respect of aircraft noise set out in paragraphs 3.2,
3.4 and 3.5 of Chapter 3 of the Annex when the level of noise
emitted by the aircraft is determined by reference to the test
procedures set out in paragraphs 3.2, 3.3, 3.6 and 3.7 of
Chapter 3 of the Annex and Appendix 2 to the Annex.
Commonwealth aircraft has the same meaning as in the Air
Navigation Regulations.
3 Application
(1) These Regulations apply to and in relation to:
(a) international air navigation;
(b) air navigation in relation to trade and commerce with other
countries and among the States;
(ba) air navigation conducted by a foreign corporation or a
trading or financial corporation formed within the limits of
the Commonwealth;
(c) air navigation within the Territories;
(d) air navigation to or from the Territories;
(e) air navigation, other than air navigation referred to in
paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d), that consists of landing at, or
taking off from, any place acquired by the Commonwealth
for public purposes; and
(f) air navigation in which a Commonwealth aircraft is
4 Delegation
The Secretary may, by signed instrument, delegate his or her
powers under these Regulations to:
(a) an employee of the Department; or
(b) an officer of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority; or
(c) an employee of Airservices Australia.
(5) Where:
(a) under subregulation (1) or (2), a notice is given by the
Secretary or an authorised officer to the operator of an
aircraft; and
(b) the operator was, at the time that the aircraft was obtained,
unable to replace the destroyed aircraft with an aircraft of a
type that complies with the Chapter 3 standards; and
(c) it was registered within 1 year after the day on which the
previous aircraft was destroyed.
11 Inspectors
(1) The Secretary may, in writing, appoint:
(a) an officer of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority or an
employee of Airservices Australia; or
(b) a person who is able to measure the level of noise emitted
by an aircraft;
as an inspector.
(2) The Secretary must issue to an inspector an identity card,
bearing a recent photograph of the person, stating that the
person is an inspector appointed under these Regulations.
(2A) A person who ceases to be an inspector must not fail to return
his or her identity card to the Secretary as soon as practicable,
but in any case within 14 days after receiving notice of the
cessation or termination of his or her appointment under these
Penalty: 1 penalty unit.
13 Review of decisions
Application may be made to the Administrative Appeals
Tribunal for review of a decision of the Secretary:
(a) refusing to issue a noise certificate under subregulation
6 (1) or 6A (1); or
(b) refusing to give a permission under subregulation 9A (2),
9AA (2), 9AB (2) or 10BA (3); or
(c) specifying a period under paragraph 9A (3) (a), 9AA (3)
(a), 9AB (3) (a) or 10BA (4) (a); or
(d) imposing, or varying, a condition under paragraph
9A (3) (b), 9AA (3) (b), 9AB (3) (b) or 10BA (4) (b); or
(e) revoking a permission under subregulation 9A (6), 9AA
(4), 9AB (5) or 10BA (6); or
(f) revoking a noise certificate under subregulation 10 (2); or
(g) refusing under subregulation 10C (4) to approve the
inclusion of a country in a notice; or
(h) setting, or refusing to set, a day under subregulation
10C (6); or
(i) suspending a permission under paragraph 10D (2) (b).
1 Subsonic jet aircraft requiring a 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 2.2, 2.3, 2.6,
runway length (with no stopway or Appendix 1
clearway) of 610 metres or less at
maximum certificated mass for
airworthiness for which:
(a) the application for a certificate
of airworthiness for the
prototype was accepted by the
certificating authority; or
(b) another equivalent prescribed
procedure was carried out by
the certificating authority;
before 6 October 1977
2 Subsonic jet aircraft powered by 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 2.2, 2.3, 2.6
engines with a by-pass ratio of 2 or Appendix 1
more and for which a certificate of
airworthiness for the individual
aircraft was first issued before
1 March 1972
3 Subsonic jet aircraft powered by 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 2.2, 2.3, 2.6,
engines with a by-pass ratio of less Appendix 1
than 2:
(a) for which:
(i) the application for a
certificate of airworthiness
for the prototype was
accepted by the
certificating authority; or
(ii) another equivalent
prescribed procedure was
carried out by the
certificating authority;
before 1 January 1969; and
(b) for which a certificate of
airworthiness for that aircraft
was first issued before 1
January 1976
4 Subsonic jet aircraft, including 3.2, 3.4, 3.5 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7
derived versions, requiring a runway Appendix 2
length (with no stopway or clearway)
of 610 metres or less at maximum
certificated mass for airworthiness,
for which:
(a) the application for a certificate
of airworthiness for the
prototype was accepted by the
certificating authority; or
(b) another equivalent prescribed
procedure was carried out by
the certificating authority;
on or after 6 October 1977
5 Derived version of a subsonic jet 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 2.2, 2.3, 2.6,
aircraft for which: Appendix 1
(a) the application for a certificate
of airworthiness for the
prototype was carried out by the
certificating authority before 6
October 1977, or
(b) another equivalent prescribed
procedure was carried out by
the certificating authority
before 26 November 1981
6 Propeller-driven aircraft, including 5.2, 5.4, 5.5 5.2, 5.3, 5.6,
derived versions, of a maximum 5.7, Appendix 2
certified take-off mass exceeding
5,700 kg, for which:
(a) the application for a certificate
of airworthiness for the
prototype was accepted by the
certificating authority; or
(b) another equivalent prescribed
procedure was carried out by
the certificating authority;
before 6 October 1977
7 Propeller-driven aircraft, including 5.2, 5.4, 5.5 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.7
derived versions, of a maximum Appendix 2
certificated take-off mass exceeding
5,700 kg, requiring a runway length
(with no stopway or clearway) of 610
metres or less at maximum
certificated mass for airworthiness,
and for which:
(a) the application for a certificate
of airworthiness for the
prototype was accepted by the
certificating authority; or
(b) another equivalent prescribed
procedure was carried out by
the certificating authority;
on or after 6 October 1977 and
before 1 January 1985
8 Propeller-driven aircraft of a 6.2, 6.3 6.2, 6.4, 6.5,
maximum certificated take-off mass Appendix 3
not exceeding 9,000 kg for which:
(a) the application for a certificate
of airworthiness for the
prototype was accepted by the
certificating authority; or
(b) another equivalent prescribed
procedure was carried out by
the certificating authority;
before 1 January 1975
Table of Amendments
Table of Amendments
ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted