Volunteerism I. Scope
Volunteerism I. Scope
Volunteerism I. Scope
A. Introduction to Volunteerism
B. Filipino Culture
C. Concepts and Principles of Volunteerism
D. Volunteerism in the Present Philippine Context
E. Volunteer Mobilization and Management for DRRM
At the end of the module, the students are able to:
A. To instill among the NSTP students the importance of volunteerism
and develop their motivation toward sustained volunteer
engagement in the community and at the workplace.
A. Introduction to Volunteerism
1. Filipino Culture
1.2 The preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution states that the role of
the government is to promote the common good. The current Philippine
Development Plan 2017-2022 also espouses the inculcation of values
for the common good, cultivating creativity, and strengthening culture
sensitive governance and development. Promoting Philippine Culture
and values is seen at the first step to regain the Filipino spirit of
nationalism and pride and enhance the social fabric or “malasakit” in
every Filipino, and collectively as a nation. One the strategies identified
in the PDP to implement this goal is to mainstream cultural education in
the basic, technical, vocational, and higher education systems. Hence,
the academe plays a pivotal role in this important national undertaking.
The “common good” or “public good” refers to the “just and/ or fair
distribution of material goods. Of freedom and rights” in society. It
consists primarily of having the social systems, institutions, and
environments on which we all depend work in a manner the benefits all
people. (www.filipinomind.com).
To achieve the common good, the government, the private sector, the
community and the citizens must work together.
1.3 “Bayanihan” is one of the values for common good that translates
volunteerism and which has become a symbol of the Filipino national
character. The term itself describes its significance. “Bayanihan” is
rooted in the word “bayani” or hero. It can also come from “bayan”
which also means town or a community of persons. Thus, “Bayanihan”
exemplifies a heroic act, or people working together for mutual benefit.
No material reward
Volunteers do not expect financial or material remuneration for
the services rendered, but institutions mobilizing volunteers,
receiving volunteer assistance, and government are encouraged
to provide incentive package and recognition.
Mutual/reciprocal benefits
Both the recipient of assistance and the volunteer benefit from
volunteering in terms of knowledge, skills values, and networks.
Volunteerism also promotes respect and trust, inclusivity and
2.2 Why do people volunteer? There are many reasons why people
volunteer, which can be categorized into the following:
To help others – people want to give back to society while others
want to make difference in other people’s lives.