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PEOPLE V. CHAVEZ proceeded to go inside his house and sleep.

The next day he was awakened

September 22, 2014| Leonen, J. | Waiver of Rights (Voluntary Surrender) by his landlord who informed him that Barbie was found dead around
9:00am. He then told the landlady what he saw earlier.
PETITIONER: People of the Philippines 4. Dr. Salen conducted the autopsy at around 1:00pm that day and the cause
RESPONDENTS: Mark Jason Chavez of death was identified as 21 stab wounds and the approximate time of
death was 12 hours from the autopsy. The day after, the police invited
Peñamante for questioning.
SUMMARY: Chavez was convicted by the RTC and CA guilty for the special
5. On November 5, 2006, Chavez, accompanied by his mother, surrendered to
complex crime of robbery with homicide of Barbie in his parlor. The
the police. Chavez is 22 years old. According to his mother, she wants to
prosecution presented Peñamante who saw Chavez leaving the salon of Barbie
help his son who might be involved in the killing of Barbie.
and the autopsy report. The facts also revealed that Chavez with his mother
6. The police has informed the mother the consequences of her statement
voluntary surrendered to the police station. His mother narrated that Chavez
without the assistance of a lawyer. However, the latter still gave her
confessed to her what he did. This was made without the presence a lawyer. On
statement. According to her:
appeal, Chavez argued that his mother’s statement could not be used against
him because his mother was never presented before the court. Hence, the a. Chavez confessed to him that he did the crime.
statement was hearsay. The Court modified the ruling and convicted Chavez b. Chavez gave the two mobile phones to her mother. According to him,
with homicide only. The circumstantial evidence failed to prove that Chavez he took it after he killed Barbie (the mother surrendered these to the
actually had the criminal design to rob Barbie. Moreover the Court ruled that police)
since the law expanded the definition of custodial investigation where Miranda c. The knife used was their kitchen knife which he dropped in the
manhole in front of their house (this was retrieved later on)
rights may be invoked by adding investigation conducted via police invitation,
d. Chavez loaned the missing necklace in a pawnshop in Quezon City
those who voluntarily surrender to the police can likewise enjoy Miranda rights.
e. Chavez left footprints in the crime scene. He also obtained wounds
from the incident.
f. Chavez did not have the intention to kill Barbie but only to rob him.
Republic Act 7438 “expanded the definition of custodial investigation to
7. The next day, the police asked Peñamante to come to the station and to
“include the practice of issuing an ‘invitation’ to a person who is investigated in
identify among the line up of men if he recognizes the killer of Barbie. To
connection with an offense he is suspected to have committed, w/o prejudice to
the liability of the ‘inviting officer of any violation of law.” This means even which he was able to do.
those who voluntary surrendered before a police officer must be apprised 8. Chavez’ defense: He went to the parlor of Barbie at 1am after the latter
of their Miranda rights. failed to reply. According to him, they were having misunderstanding
regarding Barbie’s boyfriend named Maki. He said that they only talked
about it then he went home.
FACTS: 9. The RTC convicted him and so did CA.
10. On appeal, Chavez argued: a) circumstantial evidence of the prosecution
1. Chavez was convicted guilty of the special complex crime of robbery does not overcome his presumption of innocence; b) his mother’s statement
with homicide for robbing and killing “Barbie” Duque in the latter’s was never presented in Court and hence it is hearsay; c) the autopsy shows
parlor. the possibility of having two assailants.
2. The stolen items were: a) 1 nokia cellphone; b) 1 motorolla cellphone; c) 6 11. People argued that the circumstantial evidence showed unbroken chain of
pcs Ladies ring; d) 2 pcs necklace and; e) 1 pc bracelet events leading to the crime. As for the mother’s statement, the RTC did not
3. The prosecution presented Peñamante who is a janitor in Eastwood City. rely on this and did not even mention it. Dr. Salen also mentioned that
According to him, on October 28, 2006, he arrived home in Sampaloc possibility that there was only one assailant.
Manila from work at around 2:45 am. Their house is just 6 meters across
the house/parlor of Barbie. He noticed that Chavez went out from the parlor ISSUE:
and had hard time closing the door. Peñamante was able to see Chavez’ face 1.WoN Chavez is guilty of special complex crime of robbery with homicide (NO,
and clothes as the light at the left side of the parlor was on. Moreover, he only homicide)
notices that Chavez dropped something and fell. Chavez then picked the 2. WoN people who voluntary surrender still enjoy Miranda rights (YES)
object and left. However, Peñamante didn’t see what the object was and
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3. The book report which was recorded two days after Chavez’ surrender
RULING: WHEREFORE, the Court DENIED the petition. states, “when the accused was appraised of his constitutional rights and
nature of charges imputed against him, accused opted to remain silent.”
RATIO: 4. Miranda rights are enshrined in our constitution. What was modified was
Special Complex Crime of Robbery with Homicide the inclusion of “the statement that any waiver of the right to counsel
1. The Court ruled that the prosecution failed to prove elements for robbery in must be made “in writing and in the presence of counsel.”
this case and thus the crime committed is simply homicide. 5. This right applies during custodial investigation. This is when the police
2. The Court held that the circumstantial evidence (Chavez going to the parlor investigation is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime but has
at 1 am; the victim’s two mobiles phones were surrendered without sim begun to focus on a particular suspect taken into custody by the police who
cards and batteries; Peñamante’s testimony and the approximate time of starts the interrogation and propounds questions to the person to elicit
death based on the autopsy corroborates the testiominy of Peñamante)by the incriminating statements.
prosecution failed to establish that Chavez had the intention to rob Barbie. 6. Republic Act 7438 “expanded the definition of custodial investigation to
The Court pointed out that the Chavez’ admission to his mother cannot be “include the practice of issuing an ‘invitation’ to a person who is
used against him since the mother was never presented as a witness in court. investigated in connection with an offense he is suspected to have
Thus, the confession is hearsay. Aside from this, nothing from the evidence committed, w/o prejudice to the liability of the ‘inviting officer of any
establishes Chavez’ intent to take personal property. violation of law.”
3. An original criminal design of taking property is inconsistent to the 21 stab 7. This means even those who voluntary surrendered before a police
wounds in various parts of Barbie’s body. Clearly, the intent was only to officer must be apprised of their Miranda rights. In the case at bar, the
kill. The number of stab wounds and their locations were indicator of the pressures of custodial investigation exist (Chavez being questioned by a
crime committed. In the case at bar, the stab wounds inflicted manifest the police officer in a police station) Additional pressure is he may have only
intent to kill and not merely to defend one’s self that would likely be the been compelled by his mother to surrender.
case if the original design was to rob. 8. Lastly the Court laments how the prosecution handled the case. Reiterated
4. The Court acknowledged that there is a presumption that one is guilty of that life is at stake here and no amount of unprofessionalism should be
theft when he was found to be in possession of something he does not own. tolerated. The prosecution failed to conduct DNA testing on the strands of
However, that presumption does not hold in the case at bar absence of more hair and blood found with the knife and those in the clutches of Barbie.
conclusive evidence. The Court held that since Barbie and Chavez are Likewise, no finger print testing was done. These failures could have given
friends there might be a possibility that Barbie actually lent the mobile the conviction more credible. Life—whether accused’s or victim’s—is
phones to Chavez. As for the other missing items, they were no longer valuable and held in high esteem by our Constitution and laws.
found. No evidence was presented to conclude that Chavez stole them.
Again, the testimony of Chavez’ mother can’t be used because it is hearsay.
5. In any case, the penalty of theft is dependent on the value of the stolen
items, the value of the stolen items was not alleged in the RTC.

Voluntary Surrender (relevant in our topic)

1. The Court first emphasized that it is contrary to human nature that a mother
would voluntary surrender his son for a heinous crime. Equally doubtful is
the fact that the police interrogated Chavez’ mother but not him. The record
is also silent whether Chavez objected to the testimony of his mother.
2. On the witness stand, the police said that the mother was made aware of the
consequences of her confession absence of a lawyer and that the mother is
only with their neighbors when they went to the station.

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