Logo and Slogan: 1malaysia Is An On-Going Political Programme Designed by Malaysian Prime Minister
Logo and Slogan: 1malaysia Is An On-Going Political Programme Designed by Malaysian Prime Minister
Logo and Slogan: 1malaysia Is An On-Going Political Programme Designed by Malaysian Prime Minister
September 16, 2010, calling for the cabinet, government agencies, and civil servants to more strongly
emphasize ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance
1Malaysia stresses national unity and ethnic tolerance. The 2010 values of 1Malaysia as
articulated by Najib Razak are perseverance, a culture of excellence, acceptance, loyalty,
education, humility, integrity, and meritocracy.[1]
Public policy
Improving government efficiency is an important aspect of 1Malaysia. The use of Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs), metrics and targets more typically used in private business, and
National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) is thus naturally an important part of the 1Malaysia
effort.Najib says, "The government is committed to carrying out a transformation programme as
its main agenda based on approaches and philosophy of 1Malaysia -- people first, performance
Immediately after assuming the office of Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak
introduced a series of KPIs in order to measure and improve the efficiency and quality of
government services as well as realizing the 1Malaysia concept. Najib said that KPIs were
implemented to ensure “the people’s satisfaction...whether they are satisfied with our service,
whether we have solved their problems.” [3]
Najib's announcement of the KPI effort was generally well-received. Deputy Prime Minister Tan
Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the KPI formula was a yardstick against which the people could
measure the performance of Najib and the government. He said the KPIs would provide
motivation for every minister to perform well.[4]
The KPIs provide a mechanism for the evaluation of ministries and other government agencies
including performance reviews carried out every six months. Each ministry has been required to
establish specific KPIs including that focus on policy outcomes over the traditional emphasis on
inputs typically found in government performance assessments and planning. KPIs include
detailed job descriptions and goals for ministers, deputy ministers, and some other senior
government officials.[3]
Najib has identified six major policy areas in which KPIs will play an especially important role
in improving the effectiveness of the Malaysian government. These are known as National Key
Result Areas (NKRAs). The NKRAs include crime prevention, reducing government corruption,
increased access to quality education, improvements in the standard of living for low income
groups, upgrades to rural infrastructure, and improvements in public transportation.[5]
Najib also introduced a new cabinet position to support the Unity and Performance Minister in
implementing the KPI system. Idris Jala, the former CEO of Malaysia Airlines, was appointed
Minister Without a Portfolio and CEO of Performance Management and Delivery Unit
(Pemandu), to work with Dr. Koh Tsu Koon in training over 500 government officers to
implement the KPI system. As CEO of Pemandu Idris will support the work of Koh, who is the
minister in charge of National Unity and Performance Management.[6]
National campaign
The 1Malaysia concept is being promoted through a wide range of activities.
Prime Minister Najib has instructed the National Civics Bureau or Biro Tata Negara (BTN) to
use its courses and seminars to educate present and future civil servants, politicians, and
community leaders about 1Malaysia and promote national unity. Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad
stated, “We will ensure that the BTN courses also inculcate the 1Malaysia concept and its eight
values, namely high performance culture, accuracy, knowledge, innovation, integrity, strong
will, loyalty and wisdom.” [7]
Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) and private television channels have incorporated ideas from
1Malaysia into numerous TV programs. The use of multi-lingual hosts and actors from different
ethnicities is one of the methods uses to promote national unity.[8]
1Malaysia clinics
Prime Minister Najib's Budget 2010 includes funding for 50 medical clinics to provide basic
medical services for illnesses and injuries such as fever, cough, colds, wounds and cuts, diabetes,
and hypertension. Malaysia citizens are charged RM1 for treatment and medication. Non-citizens
are charged RM15.[9]
1Malaysia Foundation
The 1Malaysia Foundation (Y1M) Foundation was established in 2009 to promote and develop
the idea of 1Malaysia. Y1M works to coordinate and supplement government and private-sector
activities related to 1Malaysia. Chairman of the Y1M Board of Trustees, Dr Chandra Muzaffar
said, "Y1M is planning to expand and strengthen the commitment from all Malaysians towards
national unity through various activities to increase public awareness and community
The 1Malaysia Youth Fund was launched in order to provide financial support for young people
to undertake creative projects that nurture national unity. RM20 million was allocated for the
fund under Malaysia's budget passed in 2010. The fund was proposed by the Barisan Nasional
Youth Lab.[11]
Prime Minister Najib said that 1Malaysia Youth Fund reflected the government's commitment to
empowering young people. "The scope and the projects should address three criteria – focus on
nurturing unity in Malaysia, have a multiplier effect on the general community, and be led by
young people. The objective is to encourage youths to use their imagination to the fullest. We
want them to be creative and innovative. Maybe their ability may exceed our expectations and
maybe they can do something which has not been thought of by us,” said Najib