Cloud Based Anti Vehicle Theft by Using Number Plate Recognition
Cloud Based Anti Vehicle Theft by Using Number Plate Recognition
Cloud Based Anti Vehicle Theft by Using Number Plate Recognition
ISSN 2091-2730
ABSTRACT –The growth of technology is increasing day by day to fulfill needs of the humans. The proposed system is
implemented to make human work easier. Anti-Vehicle Theft Using Number Plate Recognition in Cloud is an image processing
technology with cloud computing environment which uses number plate to identify the theft vehicle. The objective is to design an
efficient automatic theft vehicle identification system by using the vehicle number plate. The system is implemented on the public
places like check post, toll gate and police checking. The proposed algorithm consists of four major parts: Vehicle
identification,Extraction of number plate region, Recognition of plate characters and compare with cloud database.Moving object
detecting algorithm is used for vehicle identification. For extracting the number plate Smearing algorithm and segmentation are used.
The characters and numbers are recognized by using OCR technique. The extraction result is then used to compare with the database
so as to come up with the specific information like the Vehicle‟s owner name and address, place of registration, vehicle‟s number and
RC book details. The developed project is going to be implemented and simulated in Mat lab, and its performance is testing on a real
I. Introduction
Anti-vehicle theft using number plate recognition in cloud plays an important role in numerous real-life applications. This
system is implemented in tollgate, check post and police checking to identify the vehicle theft. The main motto of Anti-vehicle theft
using number plate recognition in cloud is reducing the vehicle theft throughout the entire country. The main reason for implementing
this system in cloud environment is the police department will easily identify the theft vehicle in other state also because cloud is a
pooled resource i.e. Cloud computing provides a network, including data storage space, shared pool of resources, specialized corporate
and user applications and computer processing power. All the vehicle details are stored in cloud database so it willmake easier to
identify thestolen vehicle which was under consideration.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition or as frequently called 'number plate recognition' is a special form of optical character
recognition (OCR). License plate recognition (LPR) is a type of technology, mainly software, which enables computer systems to read
automatically the registration number (license number) of vehicles from digital pictures. Transformation of pixels of the digital image
into the ASCII character is the automatic reading of the number plate. The license plate recognition has special type of OCR
technology, today optical character recognition (OCR) technology is considered strictly a type of technology - mainly software - that
scan the paper documents and convert them into editable files. Special camerais needed to avoid motion blur which can decrease the
recognition accuracy dramatically to capture the fast moving vehicle. IR is the best illumination retro-reflective plates, because it
reflect this kind of light very well and it is not visible for the human eye. This will work well during day and night and provides
constant good image quality. ANPR cameras are needed to meet these requirements, like AHRs ANPR cameras, which provide
flexible shutter control with built-in IR flash and able to catch the vehicles up to 250km/h which is suitable for all kind of license plate
reading applications.
Anti-Vehicle Theft Using Number Plate Recognition in Cloud is to identify the theft vehicle in an efficient way. The theft of
vehicle becomes major problem in this competitive world. Based on number plate recognition technique theft vehicle can be easily
bounded. In this technique the details of each and every vehicle is predefined in the cloud server. Storing the data in cloud become
easy and secure one, if RTO offices use cloud server for storing purpose at the time of vehicle registration. In this system new and
secure number plate called High Security Registration Plate (HSRP) is used uniformly all over the country which was partially
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 2, Issue 2, Feb-Mar 2014
ISSN 2091-2730
A High Security Registration Plate is a highly secure number plate aimed to bring about a uniform pattern of displaying
registration marks across the country. It helps to easily identify the vehicle using camera in the public places and also helps to reduce
the vehicle theft. HSRP plates are made of aluminum featuring unique details apart from the registration number. The number plate
have a unique seven-digit laser code, a self-destructive sticker with the engine and chassis numbers of the vehicle, chromium-based
chakra hologram to prevent counterfeiting, „IND‟ inscribed in blue color, with India inscribed at a 45 degree angle in hot stamping foil
across all letters and numbers on the plate and it has a non-removable and non-reusable snap lock.
B. Snap lock
The snap lock will attach the number plate in place on the vehicle. Any attempt to replace or remove the snap lock will cause
the lock to break which makes it impossible to install any other number plate on the vehicle. The replacement of HSPR due to any
damage can be provided only by the RTO.
C. Laser code
The unique seven-digit laser code is the biggest safety advantage. It is meant to be scanned by laser detector cameras to
determine if the number plate details match the laser code and whether or not the registration plate belongs to the vehicle. So the laser
detector camera will have to be installed on roads. Thesetype of cameras are not present in India so far and will have to be imported.
The cameras are installed on fixed positions or used as hand-held devices. The cameras also do the recording details of speeding
This system is implementing to identify the theft vehicle all over the country. The laser detection camera is used to identify
the number plate. It captures the whole image of the vehicle and then locates the location of the number plate. The located number
plate is now extracted and divides the number plate into number of segments. By using OCR concept the segmented character image is
converted into ASCII value. After converting the image into character, the character value along with the laser code is sent to the
cloud provider. For this purpose the system used to calculate the vehicle‟s number should configure with the cloud provider i.e. the
API used to access the cloud provider is installed in the computer. In cloud server it compares the registration number and laser code
with the database which is already stored and return the result to the respective system from which the request is sent. If the
registration number is fake or registration number and the laser code is not matching then the alert message is sent to respective else
the alert message is sent to the system as well as the mail is sent to the person who registered a complaint if complaint is in process.
The process can be started by activating the camera. The camera used here is the laser code detection camera. It is useful to
detect both the number from number plate and laser code in it. It will search for camera until the camera is active. Once the camera is
activated then it searches for vehicle images. After the capturing of image the number plate recognition method is finding for the
location of the number plate. After finding the location of the number plate the located region is extracted using extraction method.
The extracted plate is in image format, and then the number from that image is extracted using optical character recognition method.
At the end of this technique the number and the laser code from the number plate is in digital string format.
Now the character is sent to the cloud environment through internet. In cloud environment the database about each and every
vehicle is stored and also the complaints registered about any vehicle are stored. First compare a number with the vehicle‟s owner
detail database. Here it checks the registration plate is valid or not. If the registration plate is not valid then it sends the alert message
to the computer where the validation process is requested. Otherwise it checks for any complaints under police station from all over
India is registered. If any complaints under the respective vehicle are found then it sends the alert message to the system from which
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 2, Issue 2, Feb-Mar 2014
ISSN 2091-2730
the request is sent and also mail to the person who registered the complaint. Otherwise the message with vehicle details is sent to the
respective system that the vehicle is genuine. The overall process and the transaction are done through the internet.
Is camera active?
Input image
Input image
Compare Is Valid? No
Compare No
Is Valid?
Complaint registered
Fig 1.1 System Design For Anti Vehicle Theft Using Number Plate Recognition in Cloud
V. Implementation
A. Extraction of image
The captured number plates are cropped using edge detection algorithm.Filtration of the images improve the image
resolution and the final image is segmented to extract each number. The standard format of each alpha numeric image is
predefined in the database. The extracted image is matched with the database by comparing the matrix value. If the captured
image is matched in the database then respected string value is returned.
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 2, Issue 2, Feb-Mar 2014
ISSN 2091-2730
VI. Conclusion
Anti-vehicle theft using number plate recognition in cloud is implemented in tollgate to identify the vehicle.
Nowadays, vehicle license plate recognition system has become a key to lots of traffic related applications. Extracting the
number from the number plate is one of the most important stages. Anti-vehicle theft using number plate recognition in cloud
consists of two modules, one for extract number from number plates and one for verifying extracted number and user details
in cloud database. In additions, it can be applied to all kind of license plate and it is not sensitive to complex background,
non-uniform illumination condition and inclined license plate. Anti-vehicle theft using number plate recognition in cloud
implements the system to find the stolen vehicle in an efficient way and to recovery the vehicle. The proposed system is
implemented in tollgate to identify the vehicle. After the successive of this, it can be upgrade and implement in the public
places like traffic signal, petrol bunk, and check post and so on. It is very useful to find the vehicle where it is. If the theft
vehicle is caught by the camera then the current information about the vehicle is send to the database it can be seen by police
department. By using this method will reduce the vehicle theft and also culprit will not escape. The proposed system will
reduce the cost of infrastructure.
The number plate recognition technique is tested under MAT lab and the virtual environment is created under the
private cloud for testing purpose in Windows Azure. After the completion of testing it can be tested on the public cloud. It is
very useful to find the vehicle where it is. If the theft vehicle is caught by the camera then the current information about the
vehicle is send to the database it can be seen by police department.
VII. Biography
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