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Utility scale Battery Energy Storage

System (BESS)
BESS design IEC - 4.0 MWh system design

BESS design IEC - 4.0 MWh system design

Utility scale Battery Energy
Storage System (BESS)

Support system designers by
showing the example of fully
designed low voltage power
distribution and conversion supply
of a Battery Energy Storage
System (BESS)


004  Introduction

006 – 008 Utility scale BESS system


009 – 024 BESS system design

025 2MW BESS architecture of a

single module

026– 033 Remote monitoring system

4 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Reference architecture for Utility scale
Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

This documentation provides the reference Reference design is realised in the way that it can
architecture for power distribution and be changed and adjusted according to the
conversion, and energy and assets monitoring of specific choice of the battery racks, system
a utility scale batteries energy storage system layout, MV connection point etc.
(BESS). It is intended to be used together with It is up to the user of this documentation to
additional relevant documents provided in this perform the necessary actions to adapt this
package. reference design for the project requirements.
ABB can provide support during all project
The main goal is to support BESS system stages, but ABB cannot be considered
designers by showing the example of fully accountable or responsible for the final design
designed low voltage power distribution and and/or project outcome.
conversion supply of a BESS system and its main
W H I T E PA P E R 5

In the following paragraphs, the chosen design is

elaborated, and the main power distribution &
conversion devices and their features are
Details about the specific products and solutions
used to realise this reference design can be found
in separate documents.

Figure 1.
BESS directly connected
to MV Utility without any
User's plant in parallel"

The reference design for Batteries Energy Storage Systems (Reference Design) will be available free of charge. The Reference Design is provided 'As Is'
without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness of a
particular purpose.
The intended use is only to facilitate the customer or any consulting third party addressing our standard possible solutions. ABB will not be in any way
responsible for any malfunctions or damages that could arise from the use of the Reference Design itself. The Reference Design itself is generic tool
and may require customization and if needed tests for the specific application / customization.
It will therefore be the responsibility of the customer/end user who uses it to take appropriate precautions and make the appropriate specific design
and relevant tests.
ABB expressly disclaims any warranty or defect liability whatsoever for the Reference Design.
ABB does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links or other items contained
within the Reference Design or its documentation. ABB further expressly disclaims any warranty or representation to any third party.
ABB will not grant to correct any mistake in a timely manner. No oral or written information or advice given by ABB or ABB AFFILIATES shall create any
warranty of ABB or ABB AFFILIATES. The application and use of the Reference Design shall be governed by Swiss law.
For any dispute concerning the same, the Court of Zurich will have exclusive jurisdiction.
6 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Utility scale BESS system description

Battery storage systems are emerging as one of BTM batteries are interconnected behind the
the potential solutions to increase system utility meter, typically in commercial, industrial or
flexibility in case of presence of variable energy residential segments, and they provide
resources such as solar and wind, due to their applications aiming at electricity bill savings
unique capability to quickly absorb, hold and then through self-consumption, peak shaving, time
reinject electricity. shifting, demand-side management.

Market applications of batteries are commonly This reference design focuses on a FTM utility-
differentiated as in-front of the meter (FTM) or scale battery storage system which have a typical
behind-the-meter (BTM). storage capacity ranging from around a few
megawatt-hours (MWh) to hundreds of MWh.
FTM batteries are connected to distribution or
transmission networks and provide applications Different battery storage technologies, such as
required by system operators, such as ancillary lithium-ion (Li-ion), sodium sulphur and lead acid
services or arbitrage. batteries, can be used for grid applications.
However, in recent years, most of the market
growth has been seen in Li-ion batteries.

Figure 2.
Main circuit of a BESS
Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack
transformer Utility
Battery rack
Power Conversion
DC Combiner
System (PCS)
Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack
W H I T E PA P E R 7

The diagram in Figure 3 shows the chosen storage system; higher power installations are
configuration of utility-scale BESS. The system is based on a modular architecture which might
rated at 4MWh storage energy which represents a replicate our 4MWh system design as per the
possible size of a front-of-the meter energy below example.

Figure 3. Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack
Battery rack
Power Conversion
DC Combiner
System (PCS)
Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack
Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack MV/LV

Battery rack
Power Conversion
DC Combiner
System (PCS)
Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack
8 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Utility scale BESS system description

The 4MWh BESS includes 16 Lithium Iron Rated power 2MW

Phosphate (LFP) type battery storage racks Rated stored 2MWh
arranged in a 2-modules containerized No. of PCS 2 x 1 MW in parallel
architecture; racks are coupled inside a DC No. of racks 8
combiner panel.
Battery types Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)
Power is converted from Direct Current (DC) to
Alternate Current (AC) by two Power Conversion —
Table 1. 2MW battery system data
System (PCS) and finally connected to MV Utility
through a LV-MV transformer.

DC rated voltage 1000V DC ± 12%

DC rack rated current 330 A
DC bus rated current 8 x 330 = 2640A
Isc_rack (prospective short circuit current provided by 12 kA
each rack)
Isc_bus (prospective short circuit current provided by 8 x 12kA = 96kA
all rack in each container)
AC rated voltage 480V AC ± 10%
Isc_AC (prospective short circuit current provide by
the AC Utility)
Earthing system MV/LV transformer neutral point grounded
DC active parts ungrounded,
DC exposed conductive parts connected to transformer
neutral point

Table 2. BESS electrical parameters

W H I T E PA P E R 9

BESS system design

The developed detailed design is represented in

figure 3. and it is available in this package (PDF,
DOC, CAD files) where the full topology and the
choice of all equipment can be seen.
For more detail scan the QR code.

Figure 4.
Single Line
Diagram design

Figure 5. MVAC Utility
4 MW BESS Single
Line Diagram (SLD)

MV/LV Transformer MV/LV Transformer


DC combiners

Battery racks
10 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Battery racks

Figure 6.
Battery rack
4 MW BESS reference
architecture - Racks

Battery rack

Battery rack
transformer Utility
Battery rack
Power Conversion
DC Combiner
System (PCS)
Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack

Figure 7.
Typical architecture of
a Lithium-ion battery

Battery rack1

Batteries Fuses Molded case

If the battery rack is already equipped with
switch-disconnector and fuse, it's not needed
to add further switching and protection devices
inside it. The fuse sizing must be done based on
the battery manufacturer recommendations.
W H I T E PA P E R 11

Battery racks are storing the energy from the grid In case of short circuit at different BESS
or power generator. They provide rack level locations, the LFP provides a short circuit
protection and connecting/disconnecting contribution whose peak is equal to the ratio
individual racks from the system. A typical Li-on between the full-charge voltage at battery
rack cabinet configuration comprises several terminals and the internal battery resistance. The
battery modules with a dedicated battery energy value of the internal resistance depends on the
management system. cell’s geometry and construction and on the
Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used for operating conditions; common resistances range
energy storage; main topologies are NMC (Nickel, is 0.5-10 mΩ/cell.
Manganese, Cobalt), LFP (Lithium Iron
Phosphate). From a safety perspective, appropriate
protection devices must be adopted to prevent
The battery type considered within this reference electrical short circuit at rack level.
arhitecture is LFP, which provide optimal trade A Tmax T5D/PV-E molded case switch-
off between performance2 below: disconnector in fixed execution, combined with a
fuse is installed inside the rack enclosures
• Safety: LFP is considered as one of ensuring an adequate protection level3.
the safest Lithium-Ion chemistries The T5D/PV-E is equipped with an undervoltage
• Power density: LFP batteries can release (YU) in order to be remotely opened in
reach 240 W/kg case of any alarm such as fire fighting or battery
• Energy density: LFP batteries can overheating.
reach 120Wh/kg
• Lifetime: LFP batteries can reach
6000 charge/discharge cycles
• Cost: price is very competitive also
because of its cheaper raw materials
and associated low fluctuations


Battery rack
Cost Power

Safety Life

— —
Figure 8. Figure 9.
Lithium Iron Phospate Tmax T5D/PV-E
batteries performance combined with a Fuse

Performance strongly depend on chemistries, composition mix, mechanical form, sizes of modules and installation conditions
so they might vary according to different products.
The fuse must have a breaking capacity not lower than the prospective short circuit current value provided by the rack and an adequate
limitation capability to protect the Tmax T5D/PV-E switch-disconnector.
MV/LV Transformer MV/LV Transformer
12 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N


3.1 PCS

Battery racks
DC combiners

DC combiners DC combiners

Battery racks

Battery racks Battery racks

Figure 10. The SACE Tmax PV range of molded case circuit-
Single line diagram breakers and switch-disconnectors for
of Battery Rack
photovoltaic applications offers an increasingly
comprehensive, leading-edge solution that
anticipates the market trends. In accordance with
IEC 60947-3 and IEC 60947-2 specifications, the
SACE Tmax PV range proposes molded case
circuit-breakers and switch-disconnectors for
standard 1100V DC applications as well as a
versatile choice of extended ratings up to 1500V
DC for today's increasingly demanding solar —
applications. Connection jumpers are available Figure 11.
Molded case

for the SACE Tmax PV IEC range for enhanced switch-disconnectors
SACE Tmax PV catalog safety and ease of installation. up to 1500V DC

Molded case switch-disconnectors up to 1500V DC in compliance with IEC 60947-3

Electrical charachteristics
Tmax PV switch-disconnectors in compliance with the IEC60947-3 T4D/PV-E T5D/PV-E T7D/PV-E 1)
Rated service current in category DC22 A, Ie (A) 250 500 1250-1600
Number of poles (No.) 4 4 4
Rated service voltage, Ue 1500V DC 1500V DC 1500V DC
Rated impulse withstand voltage, Uimp (kV) 8 8 8
Rated insulation voltage, Ui (V) 1500V DC 1500V DC 1500V DC
Test voltage at industrial frequency for 1 minute (V) 3500 3500 3500
Rated short-circuit making capacity,
(kA) 3 6 19.2
switch-disconnector only, Icm
Rated short-time withstand current for 1s, Icw (kA) 3 6 19.2
Versions F F F
Standard terminals F F F
Mechanical life (No. Operations) 7500 7500 20000
Electrical life (operations @ 1500V DC) (No. Operations) 1000* 1000* 500*
Basic dimensions W (mm/in) 140/5.52 186/7.33 280/11.02
D (mm/in) 103.5/4.07 103.5/4.07 178/7.01
H (mm/in) 205/8,07 205/8.07 268/10.55
Weight (with standard terminals only) (kg/lbs) 3.05/6.72 3,15/9.15 14/30.86
1) installation in vertical position only. Motorized version; * openings with SOR or UVR
W H I T E PA P E R 13

DC combiner panel

Battery rack Figure 12.
4 MW BESS reference
architecture – DC
combiner panel
Battery rack

Battery rack
transformer Utility
Battery rack
Power Conversion
DC Combiner
System (PCS)
Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack

DC combiner

Molded case

Air switch-

MVAC Utility
14 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

MVAC Utility MVAC Utility

MV/LV Transformer

Transformer MV/LV Transformer

DC combiner PCS
panel PCS


DC combiners

DC combiners DC combiners

— Battery racks are coupled at rack level by DC Emax E4.2 MS/DC-E is able to withstand 100kA
Figure 13.
Single line diagram
combiner panels which enable isolation andracks (Icw) for one second at 1500V DC which is higher
of DC combiner protection of the batteries from the rest of the than the contribution (Isc_bus) coming from all
system and provides easy parallel connection of the racks coupled by the DC combiner.
battery racks The contribution Battery racks
from different racks can raise
On each feeder inside the DC Combiner Tmax the breaking capacity up to 100KA. Emax E4.2
T5D/PV-E Molded case switch-disconnectors in MS/DC-E can reach 100kA in short-time with-
fixed execution, combined with a fuse is installed stand current (Icw) for one second at 1500V DC.
for switching and protective purposes4. Ensuring performances at 1500V DC under IEC
An Emax 2 E4.2V MS/DC-E 3200A is installed as and UL standards, SACE Emax 2 MS/DC-E range
main DC Combiner switch disconnector for provide a unique solution for any projects around
combiner switching function. The switch the world.
disconnector is installed in fixed execution and In accordance with IEC60947-3 Annex D
equipped with an undervoltage release YU in specifications SACE Emax 2 MS/DC-E IEC range
order to be remotely opened is used to couple the has been developed for installations up to 1500V
feeders. DC and 4000 A, with short-time withstand
current up to 100 kA. With SACE Emax 2 MS/DC-E
it is possible to insulate one polarity or both and
IEC range manage current flow in both directions.
Common data
Rated service voltage Ue [V] 1500
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1500
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 12
Number of poles 4
Version Fixed - Withdrawable
Suitable for isolation according to IEC 60947-3 —
SACE Emax 2 MS/
Utilization category DC22A, DC-PV2 (Annex D)
DC-E catalog

SACE Emax2 MS/DC-E for IEC E4.2

Performance levels S H V
Rated uninterrupted current Iu @ 40°C [A] 1600 1600 1600
[A] 2000 2000 2000
[A] 2500 2500 2500
[A] 3200 3200 3200
[A] 4000 4000 4000
Rated short-time withstand current Icw (1s) [kA] 65 85 100
Rated short-circuit making capacity (peak value) Icm 1500 V [kA] 65 85 100
Dimensions H - Fixed [mm] 371
D - Fixed 270
W - Fixed 4p 510
H – Draw out [mm] 425
D – Draw out [mm] 393
W – Draw out 4p [mm] 551

The fuse must have a breaking capacity not lower than the prospective short circuit current value provided by the N-1 racks coupled inside the DC Combiner and an adequate
limitation capability to protect the Tmax T5D/PV-E switch-disconnector.
W H I T E PA P E R 15

Power Conversion System (PCS)

Figure 14.
Battery rack
4 MW BESS reference ar-
chitecture – PCS Power
Conversion System
Battery rack

Battery rack
transformer Utility
Battery rack
Power Conversion
DC Combiner
System (PCS)
Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack

Battery rack


Figure 15.
Air Switch Fuses Air Circuit PCS100 ESS

Disconnector Breaker

if the PCS is already equipped with
air switch-disconnector and air
circuit breaker it's not needed to
add further protection devices.
16 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Power Conversion System (PCS)

Power is converted by an AC&DC Power ABB's PCS100 ESS converter is a grid connect
Conversion System. This is a bi-directional interface for energy storage systems that allows
inverter that enables charging/discharging the energy to be stored or accessed exactly when it is
batteries with precision control. Distributes required. Able to connect to any battery type or
power to auxiliary circuits and contains all the energy storage medium, the PCS100 ESS brings
system control devices. together decades of grid inter-connection
PCS requires appropriate protection and experience and leadership in power conversion to
switching on the AC and DC side. Furthermore, provide seamless system integration and battery
the protective devices must provide control.
communication connectivity with the BESS The PCS100 ESS modular design and advanced
control system. control maximize the availability, value and
performance of both large and small energy
storage systems in a variety of applications. With
this optimized use of the energy storage system,
the PCS100 ESS helps to deliver exceptional
returns on investment.
The PCS100 ESS allows control of both real power
(P) and reactive power (Q), enabling it to cover a
wide range of system requirements. Moreover,
advanced control features in the Virtual
Generator mode of operation allow this storage
system to emulate generator behaviour and thus
act as a true power system component. With
these advanced features the PCS100 ESS is the
perfect solution for applications requiring power
system load levelling, grid stabilization, grid loss
detection, grid compliance for renewable and
generation systems and power quality

Features and benefits

• Modular design providing high reliability and
short mean time to repair (MTTR)
• Grid fault detection
• Islanding and anti-islanding options
• Ratings from 100 kVA to 4000 kVA and voltages
from 150 Vac to 480 Vac
• Allows a range of energy storage devices to be

Figure 16.
coupled to the grid
Single line diagram of PCS • Dynamic real power control (P)
• Dynamic reactive power control (Q)
• Generator emulating control mode
• Grid stabilization features including synthetic
inertia and active damping
• Low voltage ride through (LVRT)
• Voltage and frequency dynamic envelope/
regulation functions

PCS100 ESS catalog
W H I T E PA P E R 17

Figure 17.
Functional diagram
of PCS100ESS




PSC100 ESS Scope

External Controller VT
for Grid Power
Flow Controll CT

P/Q Set Points modules
Start/Stop FB Master
DC Bus Voltage CAN


Storage Feedback

Scope of Battery Supplier

Grid Forming Inverter – Proven Grid forming Flexible Energy Source – Configurable for
inverter with flexible operating mode allowing Lithium, VRLA, Kinetic or Fuel Cell as energy
micro-grid application in remote or islanded source allowing a range of applications.

Flexible On-Grid/Off-Grid Operation – flexible Hi Overload Capability- 200%/2sec &

functional state with no hard state change for 150%/30sec overload capability from 75%
seamless on- grid/off-grid transfer, including preloaded operation. Allows support of dynamic
built in anti-islanding loads during off-grid application.

Built in Black Start – Micro-Grid priming Scalable Modularity - 125kVA inverter module
application capable enabling control and size scalable up to 4000kVA single system and
protection system start-up without a secondary more than 30MVA proven at a system level with
source parallel blocks.

Synthetic Inertia – Synchronous machine

emulation providing system voltage stability with
dynamic system response.
18 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Power Conversion System (PCS)

Figure 18.
Power Conversion System BESS Control

Emax 2 E4.2V MS/DC-E 3200A Emax 2 E4.2N 3200A

air switch-disconnector Transformer
air circuit-breaker
secondary winding

internal CTs

On the DC side of the PCS an Emax 2 E4.2V MS/ (with also a toroid installed on the transformer
DC-E 1500V DC 3200A switch disconnector is neutral point ground connection) in order to
provided combined with the PCS fuses; on the AC guarantee the “Source ground return” protection
side an Emax 2 E4.2N 3200A Ekip Hi-touch rated (see figure 19A and 19B).
at 690VAC is installed with the double G function Ground

Transformer Transformer
secondary winding secondary winding

Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
internal CTs internal CTs

External External
toroid toroid

Ground Ground
fault fault

— —
Figure 19A.
Transformer Figure 19B.
“Source winding
ground return” “Source ground return”
protection – unresctricted protection – resctricted
ground fault ground fault
internal CTs

W H I T E PA P E R 19

With the best performance up to 690V of any Emax 2 all-in-one is the first smart circuit-breaker
device on the market, Emax 2 is ready to control that enables direct communication with the new
and protect all applications with voltages up to energy management cloud-computing platform
690V. ABB Ability™ Energy and Asset Manager.

SACE Emax 2 catalog

Figure 20.
Emax 2 range
20 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Power Conversion System (PCS)
SACE Emax 2 automatic air circuit-breakers
Common data
Rated service voltage Ue [V] 690
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1000
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 12
Frequency [Hz] 50 - 60
Number of poles 3- 4
Version Fixed - Withdrawable
Suitable for isolation according to IEC 60947-2

SACE Emax 2 E1.2

Performance levels B C N
Rated uninterrupted current Iu @ 40°C [A] 630 630 250
[A] 800 800 630
[A] 1000 1000 800
[A] 1250 1250 1000
[A] 1600 1600 1250
[A] 1600
Neutral pole current-carrying capacity for 4-pole CBs [%Iu] 100 100 100
Rated ultimate short-circuit 400-415 V 400-415 V [kA] 42 50 66
breaking capacity Icu 440 V [kA] 42 50 66
500-525 V [kA] 42 42 50
690 V [kA] 42 42 50
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics [%Icu] 100 100 100 1)
Rated short-time withstand current Icw (1s) [kA] 42 42 50
(3s) [kA] 24 24 30
Rated short-circuit making capacity (peak 400-415 V [kA] 88 105 145
value) Icm 440 V [kA] 88 105 145
500-525 V [kA] 88 88 105
690 V [kA] 88 88 105
Utilization category (according to IEC 60947-2) B B B
Breaking 4) Breaking time for I<Icw [ms] 40 40 40
Breaking time for I>Icw [ms] 25 25 25
Dimensions H - Fixed/Withdrawable [mm] 296/363.5 296/363.5 296/363.5
D - Fixed/Withdrawable [mm] 183/271 183/271 183/271
W - Fixed 3p/4p/4p FS [mm] 210/280
W - Withdrawable 3p/4p/4p FS [mm] 278/348
Weights (CB with trip unit and current Fixed 3p/4p/4p FS kg 14/16
sensor) Withdrawable 3p/4p/4p FS including fixed part kg 38/43

Trip unit / Set-up Ekip Dip Ekip Touch Ekip Hi-Touch

Trip unit type

Protection Set-up LSI LSIG LSI LSIG LSIG

For the complete protection functions diagrams, availability description for each version, as well as for more information, please refer to the Emax 2
standard version's technical catalogue 1SDC200023D0209
W H I T E PA P E R 21

E2.2 E4.2 E6.2

1600 800 250 800 3200 3200 3200 2000 4000 4000 4000
2000 1000 800 1000 4000 4000 4000 2500 5000 5000 5000
1250 1000 1250 3200 6300 6300 6300
1600 1250 1600 4000
2000 1600 2000
2500 2000 2500
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50-100 50-100 50-100
42 66 85 100 66 85 100 150 100 150 150
42 66 85 100 66 85 100 150 100 150 150
42 66 66 85 66 66 85 100 100 130 130
42 66 66 85 66 66 85 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2) 100 100 100
42 66 66 85 66 66 85 100 100 100 120
42 50 50 66 50 66 75 3) 75 100 100 100
88 145 187 220 145 187 220 330 220 330 440
88 145 187 220 145 187 220 330 220 330 440
88 145 145 187 145 145 187 220 220 286 286
88 145 145 187 145 145 187 220 220 220 264
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
371/425 371/425 371/425 371/425 371/425 371/425 371/425 371/425 371/425 371/425 371/425
270/383 270/383 270/383 270/383 270/383 270/383 270/383 270/383 270/383 270/383 270/383
276/366 384/510 762/888/1014
317/407 425/551 803/929/1069
41/53 56/70 109/125/140
84/99 110/136 207/234/260

1) Ics : 50kA for 400V...440V voltage; 2) Ics: 125kA for 400V...440V voltage; 3) E4.2H 3200A: 66 Icw (3s); 4) Total clearing time is the sum of breaking time and trip time
22 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Power collection and Grid connection



Medium voltage (MV) compact SF6-insulated Relion 615 series

switchgear for secondary distribution up to The Relion 615 series protection relays can be
40.5 kV, 630A defined as a compact and versatile solution for
SafePlus is a metal enclosed compact switchgear power distribution in utility and industrial
system for distribution applications up to 40.5kV. applications. The 615 series provides standard
The switchgear has a unique flexibility due to its configurations, which allows you to easily adapt
extendibility and the possible combination of and set-up your applications, still allowing you to
fully modular and semi-modular configurations. adapt the configuration according to application
SafePlus is from the same product family as specific needs. The 615 series combines
SafeRing and has identical user interface. compactness and powerful features in one smart
SafePlus is a completely sealed system with a package.
stainless steel tank containing all live parts and
switching functions. A sealed steel tank with
constant atmospheric conditions ensures a high
level of reliability as well as personnel safety and
a virtually maintenance-free system.

Product scope
• 12-24 kV, 630A

• 36-40.5 kV, 630A Relion® 615 series

Key benefits
• Completely sealed system
• Safe and reliable operation
• Smart grid enabled
• High flexibility, selection of compact, semi-
modular or fully modular switchgear
• Compact design with small footprint and low
physical weight

Key features
• Minimal maintenance
• No live parts exposed
• One full range up to 40.5 kV

SafeRing / SafePlus 36
• Module width: 325mm for 12-24kV, 420mm 36kV
Gas-insulated ring • Optional arc suppressor: No gases released
main unit SafeRing
and Compact
even in arc fault cases
switchgear SafePlus • Optional fully modular switchgear
W H I T E PA P E R 23


The arc flash is one of the most dangerous incidents OVR SPDs are installed on both DC and AC side to
that could occur in Batteries Energy Storage protect against overvoltages. In particular, on the DC
installations, in particular inside each container side, OVR PV T1-T2 5-1500 P (TS) QS, which include
where batteries are installed and inside the container also the signaling contact, are recommended inside
where PCS, transformer and substation are installed. the PCS and the containers.
When an arc flash occur, time until arc interruption is Instead on the AC side of the PCS, OVR T2 3L 40-600
one of the most critical factors since it is directly P TS QS is recommended.
proportional to the amount of energy released. The
arc flash incident energy will in turn determine how
much damage an arc flash will cause.
ABB TVOC-2 Arc Guard System™ provides an
unrivaled optical arc flash mitigation device with the
fastest reaction time on the market. The TVOC-2
detects the light from an occurring arc flash and
sends the signal to the breaker within 1 ms. —
OVR PV T1-T2 QS and
OVR PV T2 QS catalog
In the 4MWh BESS reference design, TVOC-2 is
installed inside each Battery container, and in the
Power Container where PCS, transformer and
substation are installed.

Arc Guard System™
– TVOC-2 catalog
24 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Power collection and Grid connection


DESIGN ELECTRICAL HOUSES (EHOUSE) ABB eHouse solutions are ideally suited for any
project where there is a benefit to reduce on-site
Reduce site complexity, improve lead time. work, especially for more challenging project
ABB eHouses are prefabricated transportable situations, where minimized installation time is
substations, designed to house medium voltage desired, when qualified personnel and materials
and low voltage switchgear, critical power are not always readily available, or at locations
equipment and automation cabinets. facing challenging environmental conditions.
An eHouse solution is a cost effective, risk Such flexibility makes an ABB eHouse ideal for
reduced alternative to conventional concrete applications in segments including data centers,
block and brick construction. Each eHouse rail, energy storage, renewable, power generation, oil
module is custom engineered to meet application and gas, mining and processing industries.
requirements with respect to equipment layout,
site footprint limitations and logistics Solution features
Installation of eHouse fabrication and equipment Fully integrated system
occurs in an ABB controlled facility and is • Reduced site work required, for a higher level of
delivered as a functional, fully tested module. The safety and security
delivery model of a prefabricated pre-tested • Fully optimized, engineered, assembled and
solution provides a reduction in site installation tested for rapid deployment
and commissioning works while introducing • Mitigated client risk with ABB taking
schedule predictability and an overall reduced responsibility for equipment selections
energization period.
The broad eHouse portfolio includes modularized Reduced complexity
multi-building solutions; productized eHouse • Single point of contact to execute the project
designs such as our EcoFlex portfolio; and larger package
single piece designs for specific project • Simplified commercial agreement
applications. • Shorter startup and commissioning time
Typically site-mounted on elevated piers or • Harmonized payment terms and warranty
directly above subsurface cable pits, eHouses can period
also be designed as trailer-mounted solutions.

EcoFlex eHouse catalog
W H I T E PA P E R 25

2MW BESS architecture of a single module6
MV Utility


System Air
(PCS) circuit-breaker



Molded case


Molded case



to provide the complete 4MW BESS architecture, two of these modules in parallel are needed as shown in Fig. 3 at page 7
26 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Remote monitoring system

Thanks to ABB products connectivity, it is ABB products to be used to monitor the most
possible to set up configuration and relevant data and signals in a BESS system in
communication architectures ready to be order to create a remote energy monitoring
interfaced with ABB or 3rd party monitoring system, highlighting benefits and functionalities
platforms or SCADA. available from the web based platform ABB
In the following pages we present a selection of Ability™ Energy and Asset Manager.

Input/Output status Status of all switch disconnectors and fuses in

collection the plant can be remotely checked by connecting
them to Ekip Signalling Modbus TCP/IP.
1. Open/Closed status of all switch
The Ekip Signalling Modbus TCP is a DIN rail
disconnectors in the plant
mounted remote I/O whose function is to share,
2. SY (tripped) contact status; opening via YU –
via an Ethernet network with Modbus TCP
undervoltage release - of each Tmax PV
communication protocol, information about state
switch disconnectors or circuit breakers
and position of devices by means of:
3. Fuses intervention

• Eleven digital inputs (I T01...I T11)
4. Run, warning, fault status of PCS100ESS
Figure 21. • Ten output contacts (O T01...O T10)
Ekip Signalling Mod- 5. Batteries major event (i.e. under-voltage,
bus TCP/IP over-voltage, over-temperature, over-
6. Batteries minor event (i.e. voltage imbalance,
temperature imbalance, under-temperature)
• metering of Low Voltage AC side

• metering of MV side
Ekip Signalling Modbus TCP Installation
• Arc Flash protection device and operation instructions

Container Section / E-house Devices / section Contacts N° Ekip Signalling

per E-house Modbus TCP

n° 8 Tmax T5D/PV-E switch- Tot, 8 O/C contacts

disconnectors Tot, 8 SY contacts
n° 8 battery racks Tot, 16 batteries contacts
n° 8 fuses Tot, 1 Fuse intervention contact

ESS 4 MW E-houses 6 modules

(2 x 2 MW E-houses) per E-house
n° 8 Tmax T5D/PV-E switch-
Tot, 11 O/C contacts
n° 8 fuses
DC COMBINER PANEL, Tot, 8 SY contacts
n° 1 Emax E4.2V MS/DC-E
PCS, AC panel and Tot, 1 Fuse intervention contact
n° 1 PCS100ESS
transformer Tot, 3 PCS run, warning, fault contacts
n° 1 Emax E4.2V MS/DC-E
Tot, 1 main Fuse intervention contact
n° 1 main fuse
n° 1 Emax 2 E4.2N 3200A

Table 3.
Ekip Signalling Modbus TCP modules used in 4 MW BESS reference architecture
W H I T E PA P E R 27

AC side metering and module can be mounted on the panel door for
protection easier overview. The HMI is connected to the main
unit by a 3 m cable with RJ45 connector that
Thanks to embedded metering, Emax2/E9 air
comes with the HMI unit. The COM module uses
circuit-breaker equipped with Ekip Hi-Touch trip
communication protocol Modbus RTU which can
unit provides all measurements required:
be connected to ABB Ability™ Electrical
Distribution Control System or other control
Ekip Hi-Touch

ABB AbilityTM Edge Industrial Gateway

Embedded Ekip Com Modbus TCP/IP

communication protocol enables then all devices
information tobe exchanged.
ABB Ability™ Edge Industrial Gateway runs ABB
Ability™ Energy and Asset Manager solution
Full metering of MV side
onpremise with local data collection and viewing
possibilities via local web server. Local View
version ensures:
• data security keeping the full database on the
gateway server
• ease of use with pre-configured device
integration and quick commissioning
• energy efficiency thanks to the immediate use
of ABB Ability™ Energy and Asset Manager
The Relion 615 series protection relays can be de-
solution with Current, Voltage, Power and
fined as a compact and versatile solution for
Energy widgets for the devices/device groups
power distribution in utility and industrial applica-
and connected asset list with connection
tions. The Relion 615 series provides standard con-
figurations, which allows you to easily adapt and
set-up your applications, still allowing you to adapt
By default local web view is accessible from the
the configuration according to application specific
Ethernet port ETH1 which is connected to the
needs. The Relion 615 series combines compact-
same network where devices are present.
ness and powerful features in one smart package
Following a dedicated cybersecurity procedure*,
it can be enabled also for the second Ethernet
Arc Flash protection device
port ETH0 which can be connected to another
local network.
Otherwise ETH0 is ready for upgrading the
connectivity to the cloud. Commissioning is done
by ABB Provisioning Tool and, during that phase,
it requires internet connectivity. Firmware update
can be done by ABB Provisioning Tool cabled to
ETH0 and laptop.
ABB Edge Gateway provides WiFi 3G and 4G
The TVOC-2-COM is a communication HMI to be
communication option; in case of long distances
added to the TVOC-2 Arc Guard System Main unit
among containers it allows integrating the
if more than one HMI is needed or if
network without wiring long LAN cables.
communication is required. The added COM
28 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

BESS communication architecture for remote

Figure 22.
Wiring diagram for
ABB AbilityTM
BESS communication MV Utility Energy and
and cloud monitoring
Asset Manager

Relion 615





W H I T E PA P E R 29

Combining ABB devices makes it easy to set up a ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset Manager allow the
modular modbus network open to any platform monitoring of electrical parameters, shows
and scalable all along the lifetime of the system, devices status and functionalities like alerts,
following customers' changes and evolving predictive maintenance and much more can be
needs. easily done through it.
Among the several platforms and SCADAs ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset Manager, is easy
systems available in ABB portfolio, here you find to configure and doesn't need any additional
deeper information about our cloud-based ABB programming.
AbilityTM Energy and Asset Manager platform. It is Developed in partnership with Microsoft and IT
the perfect complement to a battery energy security experts, ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset
storage management system, completing the Manager ensure a state-of-the-art cyber security.
monitoring of the plant when a full SCADA Furthermore, remote operations are not allowed
solution is not required. from the cloud, making impossible to control or
change any parameter for any of the electrical
distribution devices.
30 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Web based platform ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset

In addition to remote monitoring and energy management, ABB can help you to
meet and demonstrate your environmental performances through a continuous
improvement process in accordance to ISO 50001.

Manage energy usage and operation cost.

An ISO 50001 Energy Management System allows organizations to manage their
energy consumptions. Therefore you will be reducing energy bills and increasing
company savings.

Evaluate your organization goals,

incorporating energy-efficient

Reduce greenhouse gases emission when using energy

more efficiently.
Greenhouse gases cause global warming, a sudden rise in
temperature which has a negative effect on the

ABB Ability ™ Energy usage reporting is deemed

Energy & Asset more reliable because is made
through 3rd party auditors.

Continuous improvement of the energy-related processes.

Be at the forefront of energy technologies development.
Continuous improvement keeps your organization on
schedule and allows you to monitor and ensure that minor
non-conformities are mitigated before they become major

Creating structured methods to identify energy indicators to reduce overall

Energy usage reporting is more reliable as it is based on real data.
W H I T E PA P E R 31

Optimize energy, operating and maintenance costs at any time and

from anywhere.

ABB AbilityTM Edge
Industrial Gateway

ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset Manager is an system in a customizable and ultra-intuitive web
innovative solution that integrates energy and environment.
asset management into a single multi-site digital ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset Manager gives you
platform. ABB's new solution enables you to useful information based on data and helps you
create the digital twin of your assets and monitor minimize costs, reduce risk, and maximize
the performance of the power distribution performance and the safety of your operations. —
ABB AbilityTM Energy
and Asset Manager

In BESS applications, the main benefit downtimes of the plant.

implementing a remote monitoring platform is to Furthermore, ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset
guarantee a simple real-time monitoring of the Manager increase your business performance

plant condition, anticipating faults and allowing reducing up to: ABB AbilityTM
fast reaction when they occur, minimizing the Cyber Security

100% 40% 30%

unscheduled costs maintenance costs operating costs
32 U T I L I T Y S C A L E B AT T E R Y E N E R G Y S T O R A G E S Y S T E M ( B E S S ) B E S S D E S I G N I E C - 4 . 0 M W H S Y S T E M D E S I G N

Web based platform ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset

ABB Ability™ Energy Manager Monitor

Comprehensive real-time energy use
Energy efficiency is essential to run your operations competitively. ABB data that allows you to quickly and
AbilityTM Energy Manager allows you to understand energy in real time agilely compare, report and identify
and identify opportunities for continuous improvement. Its scalability costs.
allows to exploit its benefits from its use in a single installation to in all
its buildings with multiple users. Analyze
Analysis of relevant metrics to make
better decisions and optimize the
energy consumption of your facilities,
reducing demand and reaching
sustainability objectives.

Implement your effective energy
management strategy and generate
savings by complying with emission
requirements and standards.

View the information you need using
Pre-configured and customizable
dashboards and share them with your

Receive automatic periodic reports in
Excel or PDF with the most relevant
information for each plant.

Discover all the hidden consumptions
and inefficiencies and control your
energy KPIs.

Automate immediate alerts on the
status of your installations via email or
SMS to anticipate failures.

Cost management
Check your consumption and assign
rates for identify the real costs of your

Multiple energy services

Integrate the consumption of water,
gas or other sources of power on the
same platform in a unified way.
W H I T E PA P E R 33

ABB Ability™ Asset Manager Condition monitoring –

ABB AbilityTM Asset Manager gives you
ABB AbilityTM Asset Manager is the new benchmark for simplicity and granular visibility into the behavior of
flexibility in asset management. ABB's new solution gives you the your assets in real time for LV and MV
power to view and optimize the behavior of your facility devices installations.
anytime, anywhere through an intuitive web interface, resulting in
increased reliability and availability of your assets and improved Predictive analytics
drastic reduction of unplanned maintenance. Easily detect potential asset failures
through health assessment,
performance trends, and proactive

Maintenance plan
The analysis of the causes of failure of
the assets allows predictive
maintenance that significantly reduces
service downtime and operating costs

Asset health
Monitor the health of your assets and
discover the diagnosis of each one of

Events (edit)
Notify events and alarms to the
collaborating personnel of the
facilities to anticipate any risk.

Asset Management
Access total visibility of your installed
base, to your real status continuously,
your documentation technical and
historical activities of maintenance.

Predictive Maintenance
Optimize the cost of maintaining your
assets thanks to the predictive
analytics algorithms of the platform.

Maintenance activities
Schedule and track maintenance
activities for each asset to increase
performance of your human team.

Set up automatic reports to track the
health and performance of your assets.

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