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Surveying I Course Material: Addis Ababa University Department of Civil Engineering

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The document outlines a surveying course that covers topics such as basic measurements, error theory, traversing, curves, and triangulation.

The main topics covered in the course include introduction to surveying, error theory, basic measurements, traversing, curves, triangulation, and adjustments.

In stadia surveying, horizontal distance is measured using the stadia interval factor and apparent stadia interval on the rod, while vertical distance is calculated using the horizontal and inclined distances and angles. Trigonometric functions are used to calculate the horizontal and vertical components.


ABABA UNIVERSITY                                                                 


Surveying I               
Course Material 

Faculty of Technology Engineering

2008/2008 A.Y- Semester II

Surveying I
Week Date Chapter Content
1 13/04 – 17/04 Introduction to the course
2 20/04 – 24/04 1 Introduction
3 27/04 – 01/05 2 Theory of error…
4 04/05 – 08/05 3 Basic survey measurements
5 11/05 – 15/05 3 Basic survey measurements
6 18/05 – 22/05 3 Basic survey measurements
7 25/05 – 29/05 3 Basic survey measurements
8 01/06 – 05/06 4 Traverse survey
9 08/06 – 12/06 Mid Exam
10 15/06 – 19/06 4 Traverse survey
11 22/06 – 26/06 4 Traverse survey
12 29/06 – 03/07 5 Curves
13 06/07 – 10/07 5 Curves
14 13/07 – 17/07 6 Triangulation
15 20/07 – 24/07 6 Triangulation
16 27/07 – 31/07 Final Exam
Course Outline
Lecture: 2 hours, Field Practice and Tutorial: 3 hours
1. Introduction
6. Triangulation
Definition, Evolution, and Application,
Triangulation station, Triangulation
Type of Surveys, Reference Systems, Basic
figure, Triangulation System,
Measurements and instruments, Units of
Triangulation Adjustment
Measurement, Scales, Maps and plans,
Surveying activities Assessment
2. Theory of error and Basic principle of Mid semester exam- 40 %
adjustment Final semester exam- 60%
Types of error, Accuracy and precision, Reference material
Random Errors, Adjustments 9 Surveying, H. Bouchard and F.H.
3. Basic Survey Measurements 9 Surveying, Bannister, S. Raymond
& R. Baker
Horizontal Distance Measurement, Vertical 9 Engineering Surveying by W.
Distance Measurements: Leveling, Angle Schofield
and Direction Measurement, Combined 9 Surveying Principles and
Distance and Angular Measurement Applications by Barry F.Kavanag
Systems (Total Station survey)
4. Traverse survey
Computations, Adjustments
5. Curves
Circular Curves, Vertical Curves

Surveying I Introduction

Chapter 1
1.1. Definition

Surveying is the art of measuring distances, angles, and positions above, on or below the earth’s
surface. The relative positions of points are located by means of measuring distances, directions
and angles accurately with the help of various surveying instruments. Surveying also includes
the art of locating or setting out points on the ground from a plan or a map.
Surveying involves the measurement of distances and angles for one or more of the following
¾ To determine the relative positions of points on the earth’s surface – to locate arbitrary
points, configuration of the ground, direction and length of lines, boundary lines, etc,
¾ To set out the lines and grades needed for the construction of buildings, roads, dams, and
other structures,
¾ To calculate areas, volumes and other related quantities,
¾ As well as to prepare necessary maps and diagrams of an area.
1.2. Evolution
The art of surveying is as old as recorded civilization. As long as property ownership was there
in the history of mankind, there had been a means of distributing and distinguishing one’s
property line from the other. Division of land and other constructions can be cited as examples
of early surveying works:
¾ Babylonian maps on tablets (2500 B.C)
¾ Irrigation ditches constructed in Babylon (1800 B. C)
¾ Division of land in Egypt by surveyors known by harpedonapata (rope stretchers) using
ropes with knots to reestablish boundary marks removed by flooding of Nile river and
for the purpose of taxation (1400 B.C)
¾ The construction of the great Egyptian pyramids using the 3:4:5 method of right angle
setting and a level made of isosceles triangle and plum bob
¾ Calculation of earth’s circumference (250 B.C)
¾ The Development of the science of geometry by Greeks and its usage for precise land
¾ Contribution of Romans through their practical surveying techniques in their
construction of roads and Military camps in their empire (adoption of system of
rectangular coordinate, invention of odometer)
Since beginning of the industrial revolution the importance of “exact boundaries” and the
demand for public improvements (railroads, canals, roads) brought surveying in to a prominent
position. More accurate instruments and science of Geodetic and plane surveying were

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Surveying I Introduction

Recently the equipment available and the methods applicable for measurements, storage,
calculation and compilation of the data have changed tremendously; mainly due to the growth
of the electronic industry and development the microprocessor. The global positioning system
(GPS) - a positioning method based on measurements to an orbiting satellites, total station
survey in which the distance and direction can be observed and stored with a single compact
instrument, Geographic and land information systems (GIS and LIS), digital photogrammetry,
etc are among the recent developments.
1.3. Application
Today surveying affects almost everything in our daily lives. For example it is being used:
¾ In developing databases for natural resource management.
¾ In establishing boundaries of public and private lands.
¾ In preparing navigational maps (land, air, water).
¾ To map the earth above and below the sea.
¾ In geological and geophysical studies
¾ In planning design construction erection renovation and maintenance of engineering
1.4. Types of Surveying

On the basis of whether the curvature of the earth is taken into account or not,surveying can be
divided into two main categories:

ƒ Plane surveying: is the type of surveying where the mean surface of the earth is
considered as a plane. All angles are considered to be plane angles. For small areas less
than 250 km2 plane surveying can safely be used. For most engineering projects such as
canal, railway, highway, building, pipeline, etc constructions, this type of surveying is
used. It is worth noting that the difference between an arc distance of 18.5 km and the
subtended chord lying in the earth’s surface is 7mm. Also the sum of the angles of a
plane triangle and the sum of the angles in a spherical triangle differ by 1 second for a
triangle on the earth’s surface having an area of 196 km2.
ƒ Geodetic surveying: is that branch of surveying, which takes into account the true shape
of the earth (spheroid). Surveys employing the principle of geodesy are of high
precision and generally extend over a large area.

Based on the purpose of the survey, it is classified as:

ƒ Preliminary survey (Data gathering) -here distances and angles are measured to locate
existing physical features on maps plans etc so that the data can be used for further
ƒ Layout survey- involves marking on the ground (using wood stakes, iron bars,
aluminum and concrete monuments, nails, spikes, etc.) the features shown on a design
plan. Example property line, engineering works (roads, pipelines, bridges . . .)
ƒ Control survey- used to reference both preliminary and layout surveys. Horizontal
control can be arbitrarily placed, but it is usually tied directly to property lines, roadway

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Surveying I Introduction

center lines, or coordinated control stations. Vertical control is a series of benchmarks

permanent points whose elevation above mean sea level have been carefully determined.
Surveying can also be categorized according to the type of work done. Examples are:
ƒ Land surveys – are plane surveys used for locating property lines, subdividing land into
smaller parts, determining land areas, and any other information involving the transfer
of land from one owner to another.
ƒ Topographic surveys – preliminary surveys used to tie in the natural and man-made
surface features of an area. The features are located relative to one another by tying
them all into the same control lines or control grid.
ƒ Route surveys – preliminary, layout, and control surveys that range over a narrow, but
long strip of land. Typical projects that require route surveys are highways, railroads,
transmission lines, and channels.
ƒ Construction surveys – are run for locating structures and providing required elevation
ƒ Hydrographic surveys – preliminary surveys that are used to tie in underwater features
to a surface control line. Usually shorelines, marine features, and water depths are
shown on the hydrographic map.
ƒ Photogrammetric surveys – are run to acquire aerial photographs for measurement and
ƒ Geological surveys – are run to produce information on formation characteristics of
rocks etc.
1.5. Basic Measurements and Instruments
Surveying consists of four basic measurements:
¾ Horizontal distance – measured by tapes, chains, tacheometers, EDM, pacing,
odometer, etc.
¾ Vertical distance – measured by levels, tacheometers.
¾ Horizontal angles – measured by theodolites, compasses.
¾ Vertical angles – measured by theodolites, clinometers.
Units of Measurement
There are two principal measurements in surveying works:
ƒ Linear measurements: the basic unit used is the meter. Decimal fractions of the meter
are also used when accuracy is required. Other units include the foot, the inch, the yard,
the mile, etc.
ƒ Angular measurements: even though the basic unit is the radian, the degree is used in
surveying field works. For accuracy subdivisions of the degree are available, viz. the
minute and the second.
1 degree (1o) = 60 minutes 1 gon = 100 centecimal unit
1 minute (1’) = 60 seconds (“) 2π rad = 360 degrees
360 degrees = 400 gons
Conversions between the British/American and metric systems

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Surveying I Introduction

1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 foot = 0.3048 m
1 yard = 0.9144 m
1 mile = 1.609344 Km
1 acre = 4046.8564224 m2


The scale of a map or a plan is the ratio of a distance measured on the plan or map to its
corresponding distance on the ground. Example 1:100, 1:10,000. Scale primarily depends on
the type of the work done (the accuracy with which a distance is to be transferred from the map
or the plan). In general, scales may be categorized as follows:
For maps
a) Large scales < 1:200
b) Intermediate scales 1:2000 to 1:10,000
c) Small scales 1:10,000 to 1:100,000,000
For plans
d) Site plans 1:50 to 1:500
e) Detail plans 1:1 to 1:20
A scale bar or a graphical scale is another form of indicating the scale of a drawing. It usually
appears with numerical scales on the drawing sheet.

Plan and Map

The difference between a map and a plan is that on a map the scale is too small to allow every
feature to be properly represented to scale. Thus, conventional symbols are used to represent
features that would otherwise be too small to be recognized. A plan, on the other hand, shows
all features on the ground correctly to scale.

1.6. Surveying Activities

A complete Surveying activity involves the following steps:

ƒ Reconnaissance of the area to be surveyed,

ƒ Planning of the survey Management and decision-making. Appropriate methods and
instruments required are chosen,
ƒ Field measurement,
ƒ Office work, and
ƒ Generally the above activities are grouped under Field work and office work.

Field Work: - involves:

1. Reconnaissance of the area to be surveyed

2. Care, handling and adjustment of instrument
3. Performing measurements
4. Setting out in the field

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Surveying I Introduction

5. Recording of measured data

The Surveyor Field Note Book

The best and most accurate survey is of no value unless properly recorded. The recording is
performed in the field. Standard field notebooks should be prepared to record surveying
fieldwork data so that other persons can readily retrieve them for use at any time. Each party
before the commencement of the fieldwork should prepare these books. As field recorded are
used for subsequent evaluation and presentation, it is essential that all field note:
• be neat, clear, accurate and complete
• include when, where, for what purpose and by whom the survey is don and the
instrument number
• all the entries be clearly labeled
• indicate the weather and any other conditions seen is the field
• should indicate all field computations so that possible mistake can be detected later.
Some Tips on recording
¾ use a hard pencil 4H or hard to prevent smearing
¾ no eraser be used because it cause suspicion of alteration
¾ if error is made during recording, cross out (X) and write the correct on top of it
¾ don’t try to record on scrap paper and copy later, survey data should be recorded on site
on the notebook for mistakes can occur during copying and scrap paper may be lost .if
for some reason data copied then the word Copy should be clearly marked .
¾ When sketches are used, an arrow pointing north should be indicated.
¾ Show measured quantities the left hand of pages and sketches and miscellaneous notes
on the right hand page.
¾ Use standard forms for each of different types of survey
¾ check all arithmetic computations and sign
¾ do not use free hand sketches the sketches need be straight edged
¾ avoid crowding the information on to the page

Methods of Keeping Note

1. Written description of what has been done. E.g. property survey. But for usual survey,
it is likely to be long and involved and difficult to pick out numerical value for office
2. Using sketch. All numerical values are shown on the sketch. Used for relatively simple
3. By tabulation of numerical data. Used where many angles and distances are measured
form the same point. E.g. topographic survey.
4. Combination of the above. On extensive survey combination of tabulation and sketch is
used. E.g. route surveys.

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Surveying I Introduction

Office Work: - involves:

1. Planning and design of the survey specification coordinate system and datum,
selection of equipment and procedure.
2. Calculations and adjustment of data
3. Preparation of plans, maps, etc.

1.7. Reference System

To provide a suitable framework to which all surveys are referenced it is necessary to establish
horizontal datum and Vertical datum (references). A horizontal datum is the surface to which
horizontal distances are referred and consists of an ellipsoid of revolution approximating the
figure of the earth. For the purpose of horizontal reference the earth is approximated by an
ellipsoid with semi major axis (radius) of 6,378,137m and a semi minor axis (radius) of

• Survey Geographic reference system: This is composed of surface (ellipsoid) divisions

denoted by Geographic lines of latitude and longitude .The latitudes run east west and
are parallel to the equator .the latitude lines are formed by projecting the latitude angles
out of the surface of the earth and is measured 90 0 max N and S from the equatorial
plane .The longitude lines all run N/S converging at the poles the lines of longitude
(meridians) are formed by projecting the longitude angle out to the surface of the earth
at the equator and measure a max of 180 0 E/W from the plane of 0 0 longitude Which is
arbitrarily placed through Greenwich .

Although this system of Geographic coordinate is much used in navigation and

Geodesy, it is not used in plane surveying. Plane surveying uses the grid coordinate

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Surveying I Introduction

• Survey Grid reference: In this system the earth’s surface is divided in to rectangular
grid for horizontal reverence. This system is limited in size so that no serious errors will
accumulate when the curvature of the earth is ignored. Advantages of this system are the
ease of calculation (plane Geometry and trigonometry) and the availability of one
common datum for the X and Y dimensions in large area. The coordinates of most grid
systems can be referenced to the central meridian and to the equator so that translation
to Geographic coordinates is always easily accomplished.

• Survey Vertical references: A vertical datum is a surface which all elevations and
depths are referred. Although Vertical dimensions can be referenced to any datum, the
referenced datum most widely used is that of mean sea level (msl) which is assigned an
elevation of 0.000m.

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Surveying I Theory of Errors and Basic Adjustment Principles

Chapter 2
Theory of Errors and Basic Adjustment Principles
2.1. Introduction

Measurement is an observation carried out to determine the values of quantities (distances,

angles, directions, temperature …) the process of taking measurements involves physical
operations like setting up, caliberating, pointing matching comparing etc of the instrument.

The fundamental principle of measurement of surveying is that no measurement is exact and

the true value of quantity being measured is never known. No matter how a sophisticated
instrument used and all necessary cares are taken the result of a survey measurement will
contain some error. This is due to:

ƒ Lack of perfection by the surveyor in his senses of seeing touching, hearing.

ƒ Imperfection by the instruments and methods (in construction and adjustments and
environmental factors in their operation and approximations etc)

Therefore, it is theoretically impossible to get the ”exact” value or ”true” value of any measured
quantity as all of our measurements will contain some error and as the “ exact” value should
contain infinite significant digits (Which is practically impossible). Hence one may ask why so
measuring, as we cannot get the “exact “value of a measured quantity? In surveying and
generally in any scientific measurements what is important is not the “exact’’ value rather the
possibility of carrying out the measurement to the degree of accuracy sufficient to the desired
purpose. Hence, as long as the desired accuracy is achieved our measurements can be used as
an equivalent to the “true “value.

2.2 Measures of quality

Accuracy: is a parameter indicating the closeness of measured value to the “true’’ or ‘’exact”
value of a quantity. It indicates the degree of perfection obtained in measurements. The further
a measured value from the its “true” value the less accurate it is.
Precision or apparent accuracy: is the degree of refinement with which a given quantity is
measured. In other words, it is the closeness of the measured values to one another regardless of
their closeness to the true value.

It is possible for surveyors to obtain both accuracy and precision by exercising care, patiency
and using good instruments and procedures.

In measuring distance, precision is defined as the ration of the error of the measurement to the
distance measured.

Note a measurement can be accurate but not precise; precise but not accurate; precise and
accurate; and neither precise nor accurate as shown in figure 2.1.

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Surveying I Theory of Errors and Basic Adjustment Principles

Figure 2.1: example on the concept of accuracy and precision

Weight: is a parameter indicating the relative reliability of recorded values .The assignment of
weight to a measurement is a matter of judgment. For measurements carried under similar
conditions the weight is assigned proportional to the number of observations. Also if variance
of the measurement is known it is assigned proportional to 1/variance (the inverse of variance).

2.3 Error

Error is generally defined, as the deviation of the measured value from the “exact” value of a
quantity. The study of errors is important in surveying as it helps the surveyor understand the
sources and exercise the necessary care and apply correction to minimize their effect so that
an acceptable accuracy is achieved.

2.3.1 Error sources

Generally the errors in surveying measurements are classified as:

a) Personal: the error that occurs due to lack of perfection in the surveyor’s sense of sight,
touch, hearing etc during survey activity. Also mistakes due to carelessness or fatigue of
the surveyor are classed under this category. This type of error can be minimized with
care and vigilance by the part of the surveyor.

b) Instrumental: it is the error type that occurs due to imperfection of the instruments in
manufacture and during adjustments and due to wear and tear by usage. Also included
are mistakes due to failure or damage of the instrument. This type of error can be
minimized with

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Surveying I Theory of Errors and Basic Adjustment Principles

c) careful handling, maintenance and adjustment and calibration of instruments and by

applying corrections.

d) Natural: included under this are errors due to effect of temp, pressure, humidity,
magnetic variation etc. this type of error can be minimized by applying correction and
by carrying out the survey when their effect is minimal.

There are also other errors that result due to choice of geometric or mathematical models used
to treat the measurements.

2.3.2 Error Types

Classically errors are classified in to three; these are Mistakes, Systematic errors and Random

a) Mistakes

These actually are not error because they usually are so gross in magnitude compared to the
other two types. These are rather blunder made by surveyor or his equipment and can occur at
any stage of the survey (during reading, recording computing and plotting).

Source: May be due to one of the following

ƒ Carelessness or fatigue by surveyor
ƒ Failure of equipment
Examples are:

- Reading wrong scale

o Transposing figure in recording ex 56 instead of 65 or reading 6 instead of 9.
o Omitting digits during recording ex 200 instead of 2000
- Sighting towards wrong target etc.

Generally, these class of errors can be easily detected and eliminated if strict and well designed
procedures and methodologies are followed in measuring recording etc. Some of these are:
ƒ Taking multiple independent readings and checking for reasonable consistency
ƒ Careful checking of both sighting on targets and recording
ƒ Using simple and quick techniques for verification, applying logic and common
ƒ Checking and verifying performance of equipment particularly that with an
electronic read out
ƒ Repeating the measurement with slightly different techniques or adopting
different datum/ index
ƒ In relatively complex models, applying geometric or algebraic checks to detect
ƒ Simply noting that mistakes have large magnitude so can easily be detected.

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Surveying I Theory of Errors and Basic Adjustment Principles

Note: an observation with a mistake is not useful unless the mistake is removed, otherwise, that
observation must be discarded.

b) Systematic errors

These are error types with relatively small magnitude compared to mistakes, and are result of
some systems whose effect can be expressed in mathematical relations; hence their magnitude
and sign can be estimated (determined). In most cases, the system causing the systematic error
can be personal, instrumental or physical and environmental conditions or may be result of
choice of geometric or mathematical model used.

Systematic / cumulative errors are those which for constant conditions remain the same as to
sign and magnitude: hence mare repetition will not help in detection and elimination. As their
values can be determined correction can be applied to improve the data. In addition, proper
calibration and adjustment of instruments also contribute to minimizing their effect.

c) Random Error

These are types of errors that remain after elimination of mistakes and systematic errors. They
occur because neither the surveyor nor his instruments are perfect. The magnitude of this type
can be estimated (standard deviation) but unlike that of systematic errors their sign cannot be
determined. Hence correction cannot be applied.

These types of errors are random in their nature and are thought to have normal probability
distribution. Their effect can be greatly decreased by exercising care and vigilance by the part
of surveyors and by using high precision instruments.

2.4 Significant figures

The expression significant figures are used to designate those digits in a number that have
meaning. A significant figure can be any one of the digits 1, 2, 3… 9; and 0 is a significant
figure except when used to fix a decimal point. Thus, the number 0.00456 has three significant
figures and the number 45.601 has five significant figures.

Rules of significant numbers applied to arithmetic operations:

ƒ Round all the numbers to one more decimal than the least significant number and add.

ƒ To subtract one approximate number from another, first round each number to the same
decimal place before subtracting.

ƒ During multiplication, round the more accurate numbers to one more significant figure
than the least accurate number and the answer should be given to the same number of
significant figures as found in the least accurate factor.

ƒ In division, the same rules apply as for multiplication.

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Surveying I Theory of Errors and Basic Adjustment Principles

2.6 Adjustments

The term adjustment is used to imply that the given values of the observations must be altered
or adjusted, to make them consistent with the model, leading to the uniqueness of the estimated

Several techniques can be used to adjust redundant measurements. The most rigorous and
commonly used is the method of least squares.

Other approximate adjustment techniques can also be employed. If it is assumed that

measurements are of equal quality, or weight, the residual could be divided equally among the
observations. If these were not true and the different weights of the observations could be
estimated, then each observation would be assigned a residual that is somewhat different from
the others.

Example: Three angles α, β, γ are measured in a plane triangle. The respective weights
estimated for the angles are w1, w2, and w3, respectively. Form the mathematical model for
this problem and adjust the three angles.

What would be the adjusted angles, if:

(a) α = 90, β = 43, γ=44, and w1 = w2 = w3 = 1

(b) α = 90, β = 43, γ=44, and w1 = 1, w2 = w3 = 2

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

Chapter 3
Basic Survey Measurements
3.1 Horizontal Distance Measurement

One of the basic measurements in surveying is the determination of the distance between two
points on the earth’s surface for use in fixing position, setout and in scaling. Usually spatial
distance is measured. In plane surveying, the distances measured are reduced to their
equivalent horizontal distance either by the procedures used to make the measurement or by
applying numerical corrections for the slope distance (spatial distance).

The method to be employed in measuring distance depends up on the required accuracy of the
measurement, and this in turn depends on purpose for which the measurement is intended.

ƒ Pacing: – where approximate results are satisfactory, distance can be obtained by

pacing (the number of paces can be counted by tally or pedometer registry attached to
one leg). Average pace length has to be known by pacing a known distance several
times and taking the average. It is used in reconnaissance surveys& in small scale

ƒ Odometer of a vehicle: - based on diameter of tires (no of revolutions X wheel

diameter); this method gives a fairly reliable result provided a check is done periodically
on a known length. During each measurement a constant tire pressure has to be

ƒ Tachometry: -distance can be can be measured indirectly by optical surveying

instruments like transit or theodolite. The method is quite rapid and sufficiently accurate
for many types of surveying operations (Details are given in this chapter).

ƒ Taping (chaining): - this method involves direct measurement of distances with a tape
or chain. Steel tapes are most commonly used .It is available in lengths varying from
15m to 100m. Formerly on surveys of ordinary precision, lengths of lines were
measured with chains. (Details are given in this chapter).

ƒ Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM): - are indirect distance measuring instruments

that work using the invariant velocity of light or electromagnetic waves in vacuum.
They have high degree of accuracy and are effectively used for long distances for
modern surveying operations. (Details are given in this chapter)

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

The following table summarizes the degree of accuracy obtained by different distance
measurement methods& when it can be applied.

Method Precision Uses

Pacing - Odometer 1/50 to 1/200 Reconnaissance, small-scale mapping, rough planning

checking tape measurements, quantity surveys,
- Pedometer

Stadia tachometry 1/250 to 1/1000 Location of details for topographic mapping, rough
traverses, checking more accurate measurements.

Ordinary taping 1/1000 to 1/5000 Ordinary land surveys, control of route and topographic
surveys, construction surveys

Precise taping 1/10,000 to 1/30,000 Traverses for city surveys, baselines for triangulation of low
accuracy, precise construction works

Baseline taping 1/100,000 to Firsts, second and third order triangulation for large areas,
1/10,000,000 city surveys, long bridges, and tunnels.

EDM ± 0.04’, ± 1/300,000 Traverse, triangulation & trilateration, for control surveys of
all types and construction surveys

Photgrammetry Up to 1/50,000 Location of details for topo-mapping, second & third order
ground control surveys

- Degree of accuracy depends on the purpose and extent of the survey and cost of operation.

- Choice of a particular method is governed by the accuracy required for the work, cost, time
and other constraints.

ÆSome surveying works require high accuracy hence high precision equipments should
be used (e.g. Hydrologic and control surveying).

Examples: Æ EDM instruments can perform Surveys involving long lines most accurately and

Æ Where short distances are encountered or specific construction layout

requirements are present, taping can be more practical.

Æ Reconnaissance, checks on tape measurements- using approximate methods

Æ In small topographic surveys, preliminary surveys for projects of limited extent –

use stadia method.

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

Æ A combination of methods can also be applied for some surveying works example route

Chain Surveying

Chain surveying is a method of land surveying in which only linear quantities are measured.
9 Formerly ropes, lines and chords for linear measurements
9 Then chains were invented in the 17th century.
9 Nowadays steel tapes most commonly graduated in ft or m with decimal fractions
9 Linen or cloth tapes, fiberglass tapes can be used for low precision
9 Invar tapes- extreme precision, alloy of steel and nickel; too expensive to afford for ordinary
work; low coefficient of thermal expansion cf. steel tapes (1/30 of steel)
Accessories: – Ranging poles-most of the time painted in red & white, 2-3m long used to align
a straight line between two points.
- Taping pins –for marking ends of tapes or intermediate points when required
- Plumb bobs – to indicate vertical direction
- Hand levels- for establishing horizontal line of sight on sloping ground.
Systematic Errors in Taping and Corrections

Systematic errors in taping are due to (1) incorrect tape length, (2) tape not horizontal, (3)
fluctuation in temperature of the tape, (4) in correct tension or pull, (5) sag in tape, (6) incorrect
alignment and (7) tape not straight.

1. Tape is not of standard length - a tape may be too short or too long when compared to a
standard tape under specific conditions of tension, temperature and method of support.
When the tape is too short the surveyor will actually measure a distance less than that
shown on the graduations. Hence, a negative correction is needed. Similarly, when the tape
is too long, a distance greater than that shown on the graduations is measured, hence a
positive correction is applied.

If C is the absolute correction per tape length, Lm is the total distance measured and ln is the
nominal tape length, the absolute correction Ca is given by

Ca = (C* Lm)/ ln and Lt = (Lm + Ca) where Lt is the actual distance measured.

Alternatively, the total true distance can be calculated as (Lt = lt/ln)*Lm, where lt = ln + c

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

2. Tape is not horizontal: - If the tape is inclined, an error, which is cumulative in nature, is
introduced. Errors from this source may be considerable when measuring slope distances
over hilly ground.

. Where considerable slopes exist, this error will be large and slope correction is required.

If the slope distance is S, and the slope angle (vertical angle) is α, the corrected horizontal
distance H is H= S cos α and the correction DC= Cslope = S cos α- S = S (cos α - 1)

If the elevation difference between A and B is known and is h, thenH= (S2- h2) ½

By binomial expansion:
H= S- h2 + h4 -…
2S 8S3
C slope = H - S = - h2 + h4
2S 8S3
For relatively short lines involved in taping the first term will generally suffice.

3. Variations in temperature- this causes expansion or contraction of the material of which the
tape is made. If

The standard temperature (Ts) and field temperature (T) are different the amount of
correction for temperature, Ct is

Ct = L α (T - Ts)

Where α = the coefficient of thermal expansion of the material of the tape, 1/Co

L = the total measured distance or the nominal tape length, m

Determination of temperature: On cloudy days- overage air temperature with a thermometer

can give the temperature of tape. But on sunny days the temperature of the tape can be obtained
by attaching thermometer or the ends of the tape.

4. Variations in tension / pull - if the pull used in the field is different from that used during
calibration, the tape changes its length slightly according to the relationship between stress
and strain. If L is the measured length, P is the pull applied in the field (kg or N), Ps is the
pull used for standardization, A is the cross sectional area of the tape (cm2 or mm2) and E is
the modulus of elasticity of the material of the tape (kg/cm2 or N/mm2), then the correction
for pull Cp is given by

( P − Po ) L
Cp =

On Careful works, a spring balance is used to maintain a constant pull.

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5. Sag. The tape may be standardized in two ways (1) on the flat, and (2) in catenary. If the
tape is used in a manner contrary to the standard conditions, some correction is necessary.

(i) If standardized on the flat and used in catenary, the general equation for correction is

Cs = - nw2 l3 OR Cs = - W2 L

24P2 24P2
Where, Cs is the correction (m),
n is the number of unsupported lengths,
w is the weight per unit length of the tape (kg/m, N/m),
l is the unsupported length (m),
L is the total measured length (m),
W is the total weight of tape (kg) and
P is the tension applied at the time of measurement (kg, N).
The effect of this sag may be eliminated by increasing the pull on the end of the tape in the case
of light tapes. The required tension, Pn, called the normal tension for the tape can be found

Pn = 0.204( AE )
Pn − Ps
(ii) If standardized in catenary
a) If the tape is used on the flat, a positive correction is applied.
b) If the tape is used in catenary at a tension P, the correction will be the difference between
the two relative corrections
W 2L 1 1
Cs = − ( 2 − 2)
24 P Ps
If P > Ps, the correction will be positive.
If the heads of the tape are at considerably different levels, the sag correction should be
W 2L
Cs = − cos 2 α

6. Misalignment and deformation of tape- if the end of the tape is out of line by a distance d in
a length L, error will be:

e= , the correction will be negative

If the tape is not pulled straight & the center of the tape is out of line by a length d, then

d 2 d 2 2d 2
e= + = , the correction will be negative.

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1. A standardized steel tape of 30-m length weighing 0.7kg measures 29.9935m supported at
the two ends only, with 2.5kg of tension and at 200c.

(a) A horizontal distance of 3248.835m is measured with the tape fully supported, with 7.5kg
of tension and at a temperature of 380C. Determine the correct horizontal distance.

(b) A horizontal distance of 200.843m is to be measured from a monument to set an adjacent

property corner. What horizontal distance must be measured under standardization
conditions of tension and support to set this property corner where the temperature is 110C?

Answer: (a) 3249.9899m (b) 200m

2. A steel tape, 50 m long on the flat at 200C under a pull of 89 N has a cross sectional area of 6
mm2 and a mass of 2.32 kg. It is to be used to measure lengths to an accuracy of + 1/10,000
when supported at mid-span. Assuming that (i) the ends of the tape and the mid-span support
are at the same level, and (ii) the field temperature is 200C, determine the tension to be applied
to ensure that an error greater than +5 mm will not occur when measuring a length of 50 m.
Take young’s modulus to be 207 KN/mm2 and acceleration due to gravity to be 9.81 m/s2.

Answer: 177.5 KN

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

3.2 Measurement of Vertical Distance: Leveling

Leveling is the operation performed in surveying to determine and establish elevations of
points, to determine differences in elevation between points and for control in construction

Applications – longitudinal sections, cross-sections of highways, railways, canals, sewer lines,

pipelines, catchment area, volume of reservoir, area of impoundment in dams, earth work
quantities for various projects, contouring, setting out, etc.

Definition of terms

(1) A mean sea level at a location is obtained by averaging the height of the surface of the sea
for all stages of tides for a long period (usually 19yrs). It is used as a reference datum.

(2) The elevation of a particular point is the vertical distance above or below a reference datum.

(3) A level surface is a surface of constant elevation that is perpendicular to the plumb line
(vertical line) at every point. It is best represented by the surface of a still body of a sea or
an ocean if it were unaffected by tides.

(4) A level line is a curved line in a level surface all points of which are at equal elevation.
Every element of the level line is perpendicular to the plumb line.

(5) A horizontal line is tangential to the level line at one point. For short distances the level
line and the horizontal line are assumed to be the same.

(6) Difference in elevation between two points is the vertical distance between the level
surfaces in which the points lie.

(7) Benchmark (BM) is a fixed point of known elevation above the datum. It is set as a survey
marker in order to provide a starting point for the determination of the elevation of other
points. A permanent object is used as a marker.

(8) Reduced level (RL) of a point is its height with respect to a datum. The term elevation or
altitude is synonymously used depending on the datum use.

(9) Tempering benchmark (TBM) is any mark fixed by the observer for reference purposes.

Leveling Instruments

A level and leveling rod (staff) are required in leveling operation. A level consists of a high-
powered telescope with a spirit level attached to it such a manner that when its bubble is
centered, the line of sight is horizontal. The line of sight or line of collimation is an imaginary
line drawn from the intersection point of the crosshairs through the center of the objective. The
purposes of the telescope are to fix the direction of the line of sight and to magnify the apparent
sizes of objects observed. The telescope has three parts the objective, the eyepiece and the
crosshairs (reticules).

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

Types of levels- Dumpy level, tilting level, automatic level, etc

Leveling rods are graduated rods, which can be in one piece, telescopic or hinged.

Reading Assignment - Types of levels (Refer any surveying book)

Spirit Leveling

In spirit leveling, the difference is elevation between points is determined by direct

measurement of vertical distances.



Condisder the figure above. The elevation of point A is known and that of B is desired . The
surveyor sets up the level at O and sights to a rod held at B( the BM). This first sight is called
backsight(BS). If he adds the BS reading to elevation of the BM, he gets the Height of
Instrument (HI) which is the elevation of the line of sight above datum. If the HI is known, the
telexcope may be used to determine the elevation of other points in the vicinity by placing the
level rod at the point whose elevation is desired, such as points C and D. If it is impossible to
take readings beyond B from O, the instrument has to be shifted. The last reading taken from
an instrument set up (on B) is the foresight (FS). Readings taken between the BS abd FS are
called Intermediate Sights (IS) (at C and D). B is called the change point (CP) or turning point
(TP). On the turning point, a BS is taken from the next instrument station at exactly the same
point as the FS from the previous set up. Then HI is determined for the second set up after
determining the elevation of B from the previous observations.

Do not move the staff at the TP before taking a BS. Do not move the level (or disturb it) between BS
and FS.

Differentail Leveling

Differential leveling is a type of spirit leveling which requires a series of instrument set ups to
determine the elevations of points some distance apart. The operation is useful in profiles, cross
sectioning, contouring and other types of leveling operation.

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

In the figure below, it is required to determine the elevations of B, C, D, E using the BM (A).



Methods of booking and reduction of Levels

(1) Height of Instrument (HI) method - consider the readings taken in the operation shown above.

RL of a point = HI - FS = ( RLBM +BS) - FS

Standard leveling field book format (HI method)

Location_________ Date_________ Observer_________ Booker__________Temp._______

Weather__________ Inst. No_______

Station BS IS FS HI RL Remark

A 0.628 100.000+0.628 100.000 BM (top of a spike)

B 1.564 99.064

C 1.000 99.628

D 2.259 1.210 99.418+2.259 99.418 HI= 101.677

E 0.991 100.686

Σ 2.887 2.564 2.201 100.686

- 2.201 -100.000

0.686 0.686 Ok!

Arithmetic check: ΣBS - ΣFS= Last RL - first RL (short but not complete)

The complete check for HI method is ∑ RL less the first + ∑IS + ∑FS = ∑(HI * no of

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The no of application is the number of points whose elevations are established using the given

In this example ele of A is already known, ele of B, C&D is determined using the 1st HI
(100.625) hence for this no of appl=3,and ele of E is established from the 2 nd HI (101.677)
hence for this no of appl=1


(2) Rise and fall (RF) method – the rise or fall of the ground between successive rod stations
is considered. For the same instrument set up,

If 2nd red reading > first rod reading ⇒ fall

If 2nd rod reading < first rod reading ⇒ rise

Then RL of 2nd station = RL of first station - fall or

RL of first station + rise

Standard level field book (RF method)

Location_________ Date_________ Observer_________ Booker__________Temp. _______

Weather__________ Inst. No_______

Station BS IS FS Rise Fall RL Remark

A 0.628 100.000 BM (top of a spire)

B 1.564 0.936 99.064 RL = 100-0.936

C 1.000 0.564 99.628 RL= 99.0.64+0.564

D 2.259 1.210 0.210 99.418 RL= 99.628-0.210

E 0.991 1.268 100.686 RL= 99.418+1.268

Σ 2.887 2.201 1.832 1.146 100.686 OK!

- 2.201 -1.146 -100.000

0.686 0.686 0.686

Arithmetic check: Σ BS - ΣFS = ΣRise - Σ fall = Last RL - First RL

Inverted sights

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Occasionally successive FS and BS readings are taken on an overhead point such as a point in
the roof of a tunnel or the girder of bridge or a crossway road. The FS taken at such point is
added to the HI to obtain the elevation of the overhead point. The BS taken on that point is
subtracted from the elevation of the overhead point to obtain the HI for the next instrument set

To follow the conventional reduction methods, these data are recorded as negative values in the
field book.

At B the rode id held inverted

upside down.
BS HI2 El. B = HI1 + FS
HI2 = El. B - BS


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Example: The following readings were taken with a level on a 4.25m staff: 0.683, 1.109, 1.838,
(3.877 and 0.451) CP, 1.405, 1.896, 2.676 BM (102.120m AD), 3.478, (4.039 and 1.835) CP,
0.649, 1.707, -1.722(taken to the soffit of a sunshade), 1.200(taken vertically below the soffit).

Draw up a level book and reduce the levels by a suitable method. Apply the necessary checks.
What is the headroom of the sunshade?


Station BS IS FS Rise Fall RL Remark

1 0.683 107.539

2 1.109 0.426 107.113

3 1.838 2.039 106.384

4 0.451 3.877 2.039 104.345

5 1.405 0.954 103.391

6 1.896 0.491 102.900

7 2.676 0.780 102.120m BM 102.120m AD


8 3.478 0.802 101.318

9 1.835 4.039 0.561 100.757

10 0.649 1.186 101.943

11 1.707 1.058 100.885

12 -1.722 3.429 104.314 Inverted sight to a


13 2.100 3.822 100.492 Imm. Under the soffit

2.969 10.016 4.615 11.662 100.492 Ok.

-10.016 -11.662 -107.539

-7.047 -7.047 -7.047

Headroom of the soffit = soffit RL - Ground RL

= 104.314 -100.492 = 3.822m

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

The Effects of Earth’s Curvature and Atmospheric Refraction

When the distance between the level and rod stations is large, the difference between the level
line and the horizontal line of sight becomes large. Hence the effect of earth’s curvature and
atmospheric refraction should be considered in this case.

Consider a level line and horizontal line passing through the telescope A. In a horizontal
distance K, the level line departs by the distance CD from the horizontal line.

From fig (b) R2 + K2 = (R+ CD)2 Let CD be C

C2 + 2CR + R2 = R2 + K2

2CR+ K2 – C2 ⇒ K 2 C 2 Thus, K2 where

C = − C = = 0 . 0875 K 2

2R 2R 2R
C is in m, k is in km and R= 6370 km.

Owing to refraction, rays of light are refracted or bent downward slightly. This bending tends
to diminish the effect of curvature by approximately 14 %. In the figure (a) above AD’ is the
refracted ray (line of sight) and the distance CD’ represents the combined effect of curvature
and refection (c&r).

c&r = 0.0785 K2 – 0.14*0.0785K2 m = 0.0675K2m where K is in km. The correction is


Intervisiblity- the earth’s curvature and the effect of atmospheric refraction affect the
maximum length of sight. Consider the following figure.

Consider a level line ABC; the maximum length of sight from a height h1 at A to a height h2 at
C can be computed from the effects of curvature and refraction.

h1= (c&r) at A and h2 = ( c&r) at C

(c&r)a = 0.0675 K12 ( c&r)c = 0.0675 K22

h1 h2
K1 = K2 = and D= K1 + K2 in Km.
0.0675 0.0675

Example: A sailor whose eye is 8m above the surface of a sea just sees the top of a lighthouse
some distance away. Determine the distance between the sailor and the lighthouse if the top of
the lighthouse is 40m above the sea.


Reciprocal Leveling
In transferring a level from one side of a canyon to the other side or from one back of a river to the other
bank, long sights are required for which the effects of earth’s curvature and atmospheric refraction are

Department of Civil Engineering, 2009 27

Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

large. Rod reading and adjustment errors may also be appreciable. These errors can be reduced by
reciprocal leveling.

Consider the figure shown below .

The elevation of B is required. First, set up the

level near point A and take rod readings to

both A and B. Then shift the level to near B

A and take readings to both A and B again.
B The FS to B and BS to A in both set ups contain

applicable errors due to curvature and refraction.

The true difference in elevation b/n A & B is

the average of the differences in elevation
obtained from the separate observations.

Δh1 = x1 - x2
Δh2 = y1- y2

Δh1 + Δh2 ( x1 + y1 ) − ( x 2 + y 2)
Δh AB = =
2 2
Δh =

Two levels can be used simultaneously to avoid variation in errors due to changes in refraction and
settlement of instrument.

Field Testing of Levels

In the adjustment of a level over a station, it is assumed that when the level bubble tube is centered, the
line of sight is truly horizontal. But sometimes this condition may be satisfied and the instrument will
have collimation error. There are two methods to check the existence of this error.

(1) The two – peg test. This is based on the fact that if the BS and FS distances are equal, the true
difference in level between the two stations is obtained.

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line of sight

e1 e2
Horizontal line

A d d

Assuming the line of sight is elevated by α ; e1 = d sin α and e2 = d sin α

⇒ e1=e2= e

ΔhAB = BS - FS

= (a + e1)- (b +e2) = a + e – b - e = a - b

= BS - FS

Now move the instrument to x at a distance l from B and set it up.


A 2d B l

Let XA = kXB where k is a multiplying factor depending on the ratio of AX/BX. Since the collimation
error is cumulative with respect to distance, therefore,

error at A =k* error at B

True difference in level b/n A&B = (a1 – ke) - (b1 - e) = a - b

⇒ a1 - b1 – ( K- 1)e = a - b

(a1 − b1 ) − (a − b )
Error per length BX = e =
k −1

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Example: A level was set up midway between A and B 60 m apart, giving the following readings. BS
on A = 4.00m; FS on B = 3.00m. Then the level was moved to station D, 15m from B and 75m from A
giving the following readings: BS on A = 4.00m, FS on B = 3.50m. Is the instrument in adjustment? If
not, find the collimation error.

Soln ΔhAB = 4 - 3 = 1.00m from first set up (true).

From the second set up ΔhAB = 4-3.50m = 0.50m (false).

Î The instrument is not in adjustment.

Error per 15m e =

(4.0 − 3.5) − (4 − 3) = 0.5 − 1
per 15m (down)
5 −1 4

True reading on B from D = 3.5 + 0.125 = 3.625m

True reading on A from D= 4+ 0.125 * 5 = 4.625m

Difference is level ( true) = 4.625- 3.625 = 1.00m

(2) Reciprocal Leveling method

In ( a) , Δh AB = a- (b-e)------------(i)

In (b) , Δh AB = (a1 –l) – b1------------- (ii)

( a − b + e ) + ( a 1 − b1 − e )
Δ h AB =
( a − b ) + ( a 1 − b1 )
∴ Δ h AB =

Subtraction of (i) from (ii) gives

a1 − e − b1 − a + b − e = 0
(a1 − b1 ) − (a − b)

Example: Reciprocal leveling between two points Y and Z 730m apart gave the following results:

Instrument station Height of instrumentm m staff at staff reading, m

Y 1.435 Z 1.688

Z 1.436 Y 0.991

Determine the difference is level between Y and Z, and the amount of collimation error in the

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Adjustment of Level Circuits

(a) Adjustment of intermediate BMs on a level line

If care is exercised in leveling, most of the errors tend to be random. The error in any one line can be
expected to be proportional to the number of set ups or to the distance.

When a line of levels makes a complete circuit, almost invariably there is a difference between the
established elevation of the initial BM and its elevation as computed from the level notes. The
difference is the error in running the circuit and is called error of closure. The elevations of intermediate
points established during running the circuit are also in error in proportion to their distance or number of
set ups from the initial BM.

If Ec is the error of closure of a level circuit of length L and if Ca, Cb, …Cn are the respective corrections
to be applied to observed elevation of BMs A, B, ...N, while respective distances from the initial BM are
a, b,….. n, then

a b n
Ca = − E c ; C b = − E c ;..............., C n = − E c

Where Ec = measured elevation – BM (initial) or fixed elevation

Example: A line of levels was run between BM26 and BM 32 the fixed elevations of which are 717.14m
and 522.87m. Five intermediate BMs, BM27, B28, B M29, BM30 and BM31 were set prior to running the
levels. The results of the fieldwork are shown below. Adjust the elevations of the intermediate BMS.

BM Observed No of set ups b/n BMs Correction, m Adjusted elevation,

deviation m

26 717.14 (fixed) -

27 654.60 5

28 680.10 12

29 596.82 6

30 588.80 4

31 561.18 15

32 532.08 8

The permissible error in running the circuit is ±20√K mm, where K is in Km for ordinary works, and
±5√K mm for precise works.

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(b) Adjustment of Levels over different routes

When differential levels are run over several different routes from a fixed BM to establish a BM, there
will be as many observed elevations as there are lines terminating on that point. In comparing different
lines of levels to the same point, the shorter a particular route, the greater will be the importance of the
weight given to its results. The shorter the line, the more accurate its results should be. Thus the weight
of an observed elevation is inversely proportional to its length or the number of instrument set-ups.

Example: The elevation of junction point X has been determined by differential leveling from BMs A,
B and C, which have elevations 101.823m, 95.342m and 93.243m, respectively. The data are as follows:

Line No of set up Diff. In elevation, m

AX 4 -1.810

BX 6 4.660

CX 8 6.755

Determine the most probable elevation of junction point X.

Profile Leveling: Grades For the location, design and construction of route projects such as canals
highways, railways, pipelines, etc, the determination of elevations along the proposed routes at certain
intervals in absolutely necessary. The process of determining elevations at short measured intervals
along a fixed line is called profile leveling. Profile level readings are taken at 100m intervals (called full
stations) or 50-m, 20m and 10-m intervals (called plus stations) from the origin, as well as at all
additional points where there is marked change in the ground slope. The elevations computed from these
readings are used to plot the ground profile.

A profile is the graphical intersection of a vertical plane, along the route in question, with the earth’s
surface. Usually a plan of the proposed route is plotted on the same graph. Common scales used for
profile graphs are 1:600 or 1:500 for horizontal distance, and 1:120 or 1:100 for vertical distance.

Uses: (1) To decide the most suitable and economic levels and gradients to which the ground should
be worked.

(2) To supply details along the section of the amount of cut/fill.

(3) To record places where the formation level intersects the ground level.

The figure below shows a typical ground profile along a route for a sewer line construction project.

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

Ground Elevation, m P R O FILE G R AP H
98 103

102 1+60

0+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1+00 1+20 1+40 1+60 101 1+20

100 0+80 D ista n ce in
Distance, stations 99 0+40 sta tio n s
98 0+00

Scale Horizontal --------------

Vertical --------------

Example: The following profile level note was taken during the laying out of a sewer line. Reduce the
levels by the HI method. If the sewer is to have a downward gradient of 1:200 from A to B, and is to be
1.277m below A, compute the depth of excavation at each point.

Distance, m BS IS FS Remark No of set ups

3.417 BM 98.002m AD

0 1.390 1.774

20 1.152

40 3.551 1.116

60 0.732 1.088

80 2.384 3.295

100 1.801

120 1.991

140 1.936 2.637


Example 2: Determine the amount of earthwork volume between points A and B assuming that the
sections between successive points are trapezoidal. Take the trench width to be 1m.

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The use of sight rails and boning (travelling) rods for excavation control

These are used for excavation purposes associated with the grading of drains and sewers. The sight rails
are established at fixed points along the excavation line, at a height above the formation level equal to
the length of the boning (travelling) rod. The formation level compared with the ground level gives the
depth of excavation. When the boning rod is in line with the line of sight of the sight rails the excavation
is at its correct depth.

Example: The following levels were taken with a metric staff on a series of pegs at 100-m intervals
along the line of a proposed trench:

BS IS FS HI RL Remarks Distance

2.10 TBM 28.75m AD 0+00

2.85 1+00

1.80 3.51 2+00

1.58 3+00

2.24 4+00

1.68 2.94 5+00

2.27 6+00

3.06 7+00

3.81 8+00

If the trench is to be excavated from peg A commencing at formation level of 26.5m and falling to peg E
at a grade of 1 in 200, calculate the height of the sight rails at A, B, C, D and E if a 3-m boning rod is to
be used.

Barometric Leveling

This involves the determination of elevations by measuring changes in air pressure. There is an inverse
relationship between the earth’s atmospheric pressure and elevation. It is employed principally on
exploratory or reconnaissance surveys where differences in elevation are large, as in hilly mountainous
country. Elevations determined by this method may be in errors of large magnitude due to variation of
atmospheric pressure over a period of time during the day.

Usually, barometric observations are taken at fixed station during the same period that observations are
made on a second barometer, which is carried from point to point in the field. This procedure makes it
possible to correct the readings of the portable barometer for atmospheric disturbances.

Instruments used: Mercuric barometer – at fixed stations- big

Aneroid barometer
Altimeter- sensitive

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Altimeters: three altimeters are used; two at lower and upper stations and one is moved between them.

B Elevation of A& B are given

Elevation of C is required

A= lower base

B= upper base
C= roving (fixed) point

Observations of pressure are made at the same time at all three stations.

Example: Assume that the altimeters are calibrated (indexed) on the lower base giving the following
readings: low- base altimeter=1180 ft; high-base altimeter = 1189ft; roving altimeter = 1188ft. Then the
following observations were made in the field.

Time Low base Low base High base High base Roving astigmatic
reading elevation reading elevation reading

1:55 1180 225 1673 658 1360

2:15 1186 225 1650 658 1425

2:20 1184 225 1646 658 1452

Estimate the elevations of the three field points.

Trigonometric leveling

This involves observing the vertical angle and either the horizontal or slope distance between the two
points. The difference is elevation can then be computed. Consider the figure below in which the
difference in elevation between A and B is desired.

Within the limits of ordinary practice ΔEDC and ΔHKJ can be assumed right angles and the distances
ED=EF and HL=HK in fig (a) & (b) respectively.

If the horizontal distances ED&HK are known or S1 & S2 are known, then

CD = ED tan α KJ = HK tanβ

= S1 sin α and = S2 sinβ

DF = (C&r) of DE KL = (c&r) of HK------ can be computed. The difference in elevation

between A and B is

From (a) ΔhAB= AE + DF + ED tan α - BC in which AE= height of telescope above ground;
BC= rod reading.

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From (b) ΔHAB = AJ+ HK tanβ-KL- HB in which HB= height of telescope above ground; AJ=
rod reading.

The average difference in elevation b/n the two stations is

ΔhAB = AE+DF+ED tanα - BC + AJ+HK tanβ- KL - HB ; DF=KL


= ED tanα+ HK tanβ + (AE-BC) + (AJ-HB)

2 2
If α and β are observed simultaneously, they are called reciprocal vertical angles.

Example: The slope distance between two points R and S is 14, 752.25m, A vertical angle of –3053’40”
is measured from R to S. The instrument is 1.65m above ground at R; the rod reading at S is 1.65m.
Compute the difference in elevation between R and S.

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3.3 Angle and Direction Measurement

Location of points

As the earth is three-dimensional, the most logical reference framework with which to locate
points is a three-dimensional rectangular coordinate system. The figure below shows an earth
centered, 3D rectangular coordinate system X’ Y’ Z’ called geocentric coordinate system. It is a
right-handed system, with X’ passing through Greenwich in England and Z’ passing through
the North Pole.

Figure: Local coordinate system

Figure: angle between lines

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A reference more suitable for plane surveying is a local XYZ right handed rectangular
coordinate system shown on the above figure. The origin of such a system is usually chosen
near the center of the area to be surveyed .Its XY plane is tangent to the ellipsoid at the point of
origin, and the Y-axis generally directed towards the North Pole. Any point P may be located
either by XYZ or by the two angles α (in the XY plane) β in the vertical plane, and the distance
r from O to P.
Note that the direction of spatial line such as OP is specified by angles α in the XY plane and β
in the vertical plane .the direction of a horizontal OP’ is specified only by horizontal angle α.
Therefore, in general the angular measurement of surveying is in either horizontal or vertical
planes. The angle between two points is understood to mean the horizontal angle or angle
between projections in the horizontal plane of the two lines passing through the two points and
converging at third point.
Angles in the vertical plane are measured (1) from the Zenith (OZ axis) called Zenith angles, or
(2) from the horizontal, called vertical angles.

Where A= Zenith angle

B= vertical angle(Up)
C= vertical angle(down).
D=. Nadir angle

Methods of measuring (determining) angles

Angles normally are measured with a theodolite or total station system, but also can be
determined by means of a tape or a compass.

Theodolite: are used for measuring both vertical and horizontal angles with an accuracy of
10’’for horizontal and 1’ for vertical angles.

Total station: incorporate both angle and distance measurement .the accuracy of measuring
angles is 20’’to 1’’.
Tapes: Here the angle is not directly measured rather calculated from the measurement of
distance. The accuracy depends on the accuracy of measurement of the distance. For acute
angles on level ground the error needs not exceed 05’to 10’.for obtuse angle the corresponding

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

acute angle should be determined. This method is generally slow and is used in absence of
direct measuring instruments and as check.

The measurement of an angle may involve both measuring of vertical as well as horizontal
angles .the vertical angle is used in obtaining the elevation of points (trigonometric leveling) in
the reduction of slant distances to the horizontal and primarily to establish the location of
spatial points. The horizontal angle is used primarily to obtain relative direction to a survey
control point, or to topographic detail points, or to points to be set out .As the majority of
surveying works involves measurement of many horizontal angles than vertical angles, the
precision of instruments used and the care taken exceed that of measuring vertical angles.
Compass: basically used in measuring direction of lines (bearing and azimuth) also used in
making rough surveys retracing early land surveys and used in checking measurement by

Angles and directions

In order to fix the direction of one line with respect to another one of the following angles
(directions) can be used.

1. Direct angles: is the angle that is measured directly from one line to another at the point of
intersection of the lines.

2. Deflection angles: the angle measured from the prolongation of one line (preceding) to
another. Here the direction (to the right or left) must also be specified.

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

3. Azimuth angles: is the direction of a line as given by an angle measured CW from the north
end of a meridian.

4. Angle to the right: is measured in CW direction from the preceding to the following line as
shown below.

5. Interior angles: in a closed polygon angles inside the figure between adjacent lines are called
interior angles.

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

6. Bearing: is the direction of a line as given by the acute angle between the line and a
meridian. The bearing angle, which can be measured CW or CCW from the north or south end
of the meridian is always accompanied by letters that locate the quadrant in which the line falls

ÆRelationship between bearing and azimuth

In NE quadrant Azimuth= Bearing
In NW ‘’ Azimuth= 360-Bearing
In SE ‘’ Azimuth= 180-Bearing
In SW ‘’ Azimuth=180+ Bearing

Note that every line has two directions. In surveying a direction is called forward if it is
oriented in the direction of the fieldwork or computation staging. if the direction is in the
reverse of that it is called a back direction.

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements
Direction of AB N60°E
Direction of BA S60°W


A meridian is generally a reference line chosen to indicate the direction of another line.

ƒ True (Astronomic) meridian: is the reference line that passes through the N and S
geographic poles of the earth. For a given point on the earth’s surface its direction is
always the same. Usually lines of most extensive survey and the lines making the
boundaries of landed properties are referred to this meridian.

ƒ Grid meridian: is a reference line parallel to a central true meridian.

ƒ Magnetic meridian: is a reference line, which lies parallel to the magnetic line of force
of the earth as indicated by the direction of a magnetic needle.

ƒ Assumed meridian: is a line, which is arbitrarily chosen to be a reference to indicate the

direction of another line.

Magnetic Vs True meridian

Magnetic north pole is located at some distance from the geographic North Pole. Hence a
magnetized needle does not for the most part direct to the geographic north. The deflection of
the magnetic north from the geographic north is known as magnetic declination. The magnetic
declination varies with place and with time as magnetic north varies with time and place. Due
to the uncertainty of determining magnetic declination and the effect of local attraction on the
compass needle (by attractions of iron and steel objects around even those in our cloths and
near by instruments) magnetic directions are not employed nowadays for any but the lowest
order of surveying. To retrace original maps and data collected using magnetic direction it
necessary to determine the magnetic declination for that area at the time of the survey and at the
time of retracement, and for this Isogonics charts are prepared.

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

3.4 Combined Distance and Angular Measurement

Rapid determination of distance and direction from a single instrument set up without the need
for a tape has always been a top priority in surveying operations. Tacheometry was the
traditional procedure distances and differences in elevation were determined indirectly. The
distances and elevations obtained were of a lower order of accuracy than is possible by tapping,
EDM or differential leveling. However the results were very adequate for many purposes.
Horizontal distances can be determined with a relative accuracy of 1:300 to 1:400,and
differences in elevation can be determined to with ±0.03.Appilication of tacheometry includes
traverse and leveling for topographic surveys, location of details for topographic surveys,
leveling and field completion surveys for photogrammetric mapping and hydrographic

The development of microelectronics and microprocessors and their incorporation in to EDM

equipment and electronic theodolites, have lend to the total station system, which yields
distance, direction, and elevation from a single set upon one compact instrument. Accuracies of
1 to 5mm to 2to 5ppm in distance, 5’’ in directions and a few cm in elevation are possible with
such systems. These devices also include on board computational capacity and are adaptable to
data collector (electronic field book). Therefore total station system is extremely powerful tool
for all types of surveys from precise traverse operations to data collection for topographic

Stadia Tacheometry

Though tacheometry has a low order of accuracy compared modern instruments it is still a use
full procedure for many surveying applications such as in contouring and topographic detailing
at small scale.

The equipments used in this method consists of a telescope with horizontal cross hairs (stadia
hairs) and a graduated rod (stadia rod) The process of taking measurement consists of observing
through the telescope and determining the stadia interval or stadia reading.

Figure (a)

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements

Principle of the measurement

The stadia hairs are indicated by points a and b (=I) .The apparent locations of the stadia hairs
on the rod are points A&B and the stadia interval is s. From similarity of triangle a’b’F and

⇒ f/d=i/s ⇒ f/I=d/s ⇒ d=(f/i)s=ks

Where k=f/i is a coefficient called the stadia interval factor .Which for a particular instrument is
a constant as long as conditions remain unchanged.

For horizontal sight

Where: C is the distance from center of the instrument to principal focus. Usually the value of
C is determined by the manufacturer& stated on the inside of the instrument box.

Usually, for
• internal focusing telescope C=0
• external focusing telescope C=1ft
The nominal value of k is usually100.
Note that both the values of C& k can be determined by carrying out a series of measurement
by varying the distance and calculate k & C by
• Simultaneously in pairs and the mean taken
• As a whole by the method of least squares

Inclined Sights
In stadia surveying, most sights are taken inclined and usually it is desired to find both the
horizontal& the vertical distance from the instrument to rod.

Figure (b)

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Surveying I Basic Survey Measurements
From Figure (b)
D=f/I(A’B’) +C angles A’&B’ are assumed to be 90°
AB=s ⇒ A’B’=s sinz=s cosα
⇒ D=ks sin(z)+C =ks cosα +C and
⇒ H=kssin2 (z)+Csin(z)=kscos2α+Ccos α
⇒ V=kssin(z)cos(z)+Ccos(z)=1/2kssin(2z)+Ccos(z)=1/2kssin2α+Csinα

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