Calculation of Flow Field of Diffused Pneumatic Silencer
Calculation of Flow Field of Diffused Pneumatic Silencer
Calculation of Flow Field of Diffused Pneumatic Silencer
Diffused pneumatic silencer has been widely used in pneumatic fields because of its small dimensions and high
performance on noise reduction. Numerical simulation of its interior and exterior flow field is important to studying the
gas flow in the silencer and the flow structure outside the silencer, understanding the mechanism of its noise reduction.
Porous media model and Darcy-Forchheimer principle are used as the basic theoretical frame in this paper. The unified
governing equations are used to describe the compressible flow in and out of the silencer. Robust numerical scheme is
used to discritize the equations and the TDBC(Time-dependent boundary conditions) is used to treat the non-reflect
boundaries. The detailed structures of the inner and outer flow field of the diffused pneumatic silencer are gotten. The
results of the simulation display the characteristics of the flow in the silencer. And the structure of the flow outside the
silencer that can be compared with the experimental data is gotten.
Pneumatic technology is widely applied in many fields Porous anechoic material is the main component in a
of industrial production, but its application brings diffused pneumatic silencer, and the gas flow through the
exhaust noise, which contaminates circumstance, porous media is compressible gas flow in which pressure,
disserves health, and reduces efficiency of production. density and velocity change conspicuously. As a result,
Diffused pneumatic silencer is widely used in pneumatic the flow field in diffused pneumatic silencer is so
fields because of its small dimensions and high difficult that few numerical investigations have been
performance on noise reduction. Numerical simulation of made so far.
its interior and exterior flow field is significant for the There are two kinds of conventional numerical
study of the gas flow in the silencer and the flow methods which simulate the flow in the district where
structure outside the silencer, understanding the porous materials and pure fluid couple: one uses Darcy
mechanism of its noise reduction, optimum design of the or Forchheimer equations and slip boundary conditions,
structure of the silencer. and the other uses Brinkman or Brinkman-Forcheimer
equations[1]. However, the governing equations in these
DIFFUSED PNEUMATIC SILENCER Experiment about the gas flowing in a silencer was
performed, the purpose was to provide necessary
A diffused pneumatic silencer is composed of three parameters for numerical simulation and validate the
parts: a silencer shell, porous materials and a end-cover. result of numerical simulation. The velocity of the gas
Its structure can be seen in figure 1. flowing into a silencer is 65.1m/s, and the pressure is
1.6602×105 Pa, the gas pressure turns to 1.013×105 Pa
PHYSICAL MODEL after effusing the silencer, the temperature is 298K,
porosity of porous materials is 0.86, permeability K is
In figure 1, high pressure gas which has the 1.21×10-11m2, and the inertia coefficient CF is
temperature of T1 , density of ρ1 , pressure of p1 goes 0.91×105m-1.
through a silencer at the axial velocity of u1 , because of
the resistance of the end cover, the gas will effuse in the GOVERNING EQUATIONS
radial direction, and the velocity turns to u0 , pressure
turns to p 0 , density turns to ρ 0 , temperature turns to N-S equation for integral unsteady axis-symmetrical
T0 . This is the compressible axis-symmetrical flow compressible fluid is shown below [7]
which goes through a zone coupling porous media and
∂ v v S
∂t ∫∫∫ ∫∫S ⋅ AdS + ∫∫∫
pure fluid. QdV + n dV = 0 (1)
Boundary 2 Boundary 4
Porous media
Boundary 1 shell Grille wall 40
Boundary 5
0 50 100
15 D
V (m/s)
silencer are shown in figure 4 and figure 5, respectively. 6
shown in figure 10. There are a pressure drop and a
5 minus radial velocity of large magnitude in figure 9 due
to the contractibility of inflow area section. If presume
1.00x10 that porosity and permeability of the porous materials are
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 constant, there should be high outflow velocity at the
x (mm) position where pressure in anechoic materials is high,
shown in figure 10.
Figure 4. Pressure distribution on the axis
Computational result
180 Experimental data
V (m/s)
160 4
u (m/s)
60 0
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
x (mm)
Figure 7. Radial velocity distribution
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
(3mm from the surface of porous media)
x (mm)
Inner pressure distribution and outflow velocity
distribution can be improved by improving the structure
of the silencer, such as modifying inner area section,
0 reducing the area of shell and end-cover which cover
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 anechoic porous materials. Velocity distribution’s
x (mm) change can observably affect the noise elimination of a
Figure 8. Radial velocity distribution
(5mm from the surface of porous media)
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V ( m/s )