What Can Machines Learn and What Does It Mean For Occupations and The Economy?
What Can Machines Learn and What Does It Mean For Occupations and The Economy?
What Can Machines Learn and What Does It Mean For Occupations and The Economy?
Our research suggests that ML technologies will indeed grow 2. J obs are bundles of work tasks. The suitability for
more pervasive, but within job categories, what we define as the machine learning (SML) for work tasks varies greatly.
“suitability for machine learning” (SML) of work tasks varies greatly.
We further propose that our SML rubric, illustrating the variability 3. ML will rarely automate entire jobs. More often, it
in task-level SML, can serve as an indicator for the potential will lead to the reengineering of processes and the
reorganization of a job or an occupation because the set of tasks reorganization of tasks.
that form a job can be separated and re-bundled to redefine the
job. Evaluating worker activities using our rubric, in fact, has the 4. Analysis suggests that ML will affect very different parts
benefit of focusing on what ML can do instead of grouping all of the workforce, including many professional jobs,
forms of automation together. compared with earlier waves of automation.
Debates about the effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on work 5. A shift is needed in the debate about the impact of
should shift away from the common focus on full automation of artificial intelligence on work: Away from the focus on
many jobs and pervasive occupational replacement, and toward full automation of many jobs, and toward the redesign
the redesign of jobs and reengineering of business processes. of jobs and processes.
MACHINE LEARNING AND THE WORKFORCE Adoption of robots, in particular, has been connected to reduced
employment and wages in local labor markets (Acemoglu and
Machine learning, a sub-field of AI, studies the question, “How Restrepo 2017). A recent study by the McKinsey Global Institute
can we build computer programs that automatically improve even suggested that about half of the work activities people
their performance at some task through experience?” Recent perform could be automated with current technology (Manyika et
rapid progress in ML has made it possible for machines to al. 2017). While automation is already having significant effects on
match or surpass humans in certain types of tasks, especially many parts of the workforce and advances in ML are impressive,
those involving image and speech recognition, natural language we remain far from a world of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
processing, and predictive analytics. So far, the realized economic that replaces human work across entire occupations.
effects of ML are small relative to its potential. As is common,
there is a time lag of years, or even decades, before technological To delve deeper, we focused on which work tasks within
advances generate substantial economic value: Entrepreneurs occupations will be most affected by ML, and which will be
and innovators take time to adopt new technologies, co-invent relatively unaffected. When considering this question, a key insight
complementary technologies, discover new business processes, must be maintained: An occupation can be viewed as a bundle of
and reconfigure existing work. This is especially true of General- tasks, some of which offer better applications for technology than
Purpose Technologies (GPTs) like AI. GPTs become pervasive, others (Autor, Levy, and Murnane 2003). As with other studies of
improve over time, and generate complementary innovation task automation, the impact of ML on employment is a function
(Bresnahan and Trajtenberg 1995). of SML for specific work activities. We find that ML’s potential will
affect a different set of tasks than earlier technologies for task
By contrast, most of the recent progress
in ML performance has been made Our research examines the channels by which ML can affect the
by a specific class of algorithms workforce. We apply Brynjolfsson and Mitchell’s (2017) rubric for
evaluating the potential for applying ML to 2,069 work activities,
called deep neural networks, or more 18,156 tasks, and 964 occupations in the O*NET database. From
generally, deep learning systems. this, we build measures of SML for labor inputs in the U.S. economy.
We then discuss measures of the potential for reorganization.
1The AI Index Report at http://cdn.aiindex.org/2017-report.pdf contains Table 1-Suitability for Machine Learning: Summary Statistics
a series of benchmarks.
Table1 summarizes the SML measures for occupations, tasks, from earlier types of automation and it affects a very different set
and activities from our analysis. Table 2 presents the occupations of tasks.
with the five highest and five lowest values for SML on a scale
Furthermore, we find indicators that the next wave of automation
ranging from 1 to 5. Massage therapists seem fairly immune to
and reengineering may affect a different part of the labor force
machine learning technology, for instance, while concierges may
than the last one: The correlation coefficients with wage and total
be concerned. (Interestingly, the occupation “economist” scores
wage bill percentiles and within-occupation standard deviation of
close to average, with SML of 3.46) The variance of occupation-
SML are 0.17 and 0.002. However, it’s important to note that the ex
level SML is considerably lower than task-level SML.
ante potential of ML may differ from its ultimate implementation,
as other factors come to bear. We might see, for example, large-
scale ML platform companies contracted to automate aspects of
various jobs. The wage and employment effects of these contracts
are ambiguous given possible channels of demand elasticity,
complementary task efforts, and substitutes.
Manyika, James, Michael Chui, Mehdi Miremadi, Jacques Bughin, Katy Daniel Rock is a PhD Candidate at MIT Sloan and a Researcher at the MIT
George, Paul Willmott, and Martin Dewhurst. 2017. A Future That Works: Initiative on the Digital Economy. He studies how firms make and earn
Automation, Employment and Productivity. Chicago: McKinsey Global
returns to investments in technology, and is particularly interested in the
economics of Artificial Intelligence.
Polanyi, Michael. 1966. “The Logic of Tacit Inference.” Philosophy 41(155):
The full paper can be found here: http://ide.mit.edu/sites/default/